How to hold the guy near yourself. Soft and sensual. Communication and psychological problems

Relationship is a very complex system consisting of joyful and sad eventsMixed with household difficulties and romantic moments. When women begin to meet with the opposite sex, they predetermine how their future begins, how many children will be born, and where everyone will live. Unfortunately, male look Some different - they need to feel free, while they are ready to give themselves to the family. How to keep your beloved man nearby, staying with a happy woman?

Choosing a partner

Before wondering how to attract and keep a man, "a suitable representative of a strong sex should be chosen. After all, I first arise in love - in this state it seems that you will turn the mountains together. Later, when the tick period comes, it turns out that the prince was not at all!

Some girls converge with loving, hoping that they will be able to change them. But be sure of such guys in the relationship attracts temporary pleasure, they do not hold them anything - neither child nor other methods. They simply are not configured to serious family lifeThey constantly need variety and new sensations. The choice of a reliable man who does not look at each skirt is not lying, it is responsible for solving issues - this is the first condition for its retention.

Men's interest should also be taken into account - it can be the best and proven, but your temperatures do not converge. He dreams of calm, a homely focus, she seeks to drag him in night cluband dinner offers in a cafe. In such cases, to keep the relationship is unlikely to succeed - if you want to keep it forever, it means you should give him what he needs. No female tricks, sexual apparels and other ways of diversity life together Do not help if the guy feels uncomfortable. Otherwise, it is better to immediately let him go.

We provide him with a personal space

How to keep a guy? If he is dear to you, then for the whole life I remember - he is a person, and therefore has the right to the hobby, even if it is expensive, large-scale or unpleasant to you, and on the opportunity to have friends, communicate with relatives. Men attract wise womencapable of understanding it. Self-confident dachas that are set by ultimatum "or I, or they", usually achieve the opposite effect. They have to part with a guy.

Men should feel a little free, this is a natural desire that is difficult to discourage. Even if it turns out to make it a podcast, other problems will begin - he simply will not be able to take independent solutions, And the question "how to keep a man" will disappear, because to be with a bright person hardly wants.

Create image

Self-sufficient, calm, spectacular and slightly borough woman never thinks how to keep a man near himself. Those girls who dissolved in the chosen guy, forgot about their own principles, hobbies or desires, will never be able to keep the guy next to them, even a child. It is necessary to remain slightly independent, to discover new borders to be individual - such a person cause admiration from the opposite sex.

In order not to part with a guy, become a little bitch. It is known that men like unpredictable, hot and capricious in the measure of the person. However, it is not necessary to confuse sterrectivity with a carefulness, hysterical and constant desire to quarrel. Real bitch are unpredictable, it is interesting with them, because they can be different and invent unusual situations, including role-playing intimate games.

How to keep the attention of men? Be always feminine, and externally internally. Next of male support, but not weak girls-whitewings will never remain without a partner. Fragile, sexy, gentle women Fullly loved by men, so we hold it with a gift given by nature.

Psychologist tips on the topic "How to keep a married man" include sexual diversity - this factor concerns and free guys. After all, men are important to receive regular sexual satisfaction. For the sake of attracting a partner, the girls first give them a hurricane of passions, and over time, sex turns into a fresh pastime. The effect of surprises disappears, so men begin to change. You must be different, often buy new underwear, change poses, intrigue, excite and make your man the best.

home furnishings

Men's interest lies not only in providing sexual pleasure and beautiful girl near, but also in the house. How to keep the guy near? Give him the perfect hearth so that he wanted to return home, play with children, decide everyday problems, not to say "let me go." If a woman forgot, when last time he spent general cleaning, stopped ironing things, cook new interesting dishes, but at the same time began to swear that her partner does not want to take part in their homework, a man early or later will begin to look around. At this point, it will easily be able to interest the other with which it will be much easier.

No psychologist will advise to drag the farm and the house - you just need to be able to ask, give yourself. With the right approach, a man will not be able to refuse his beloved, if only he is not complete, spoiled by the egoist. At first opposing semi Interesting hobbies, sex, but the future guys always count on, and it should be reliable, cozy and calm.

What should not be done?

How to keep a man at a distance, who every day nearby, or a married, "coming" partner. For all categories of men, there are a few anti-government, which will only aggravate the situation. If you want to keep a man, you should not do this by manipulating the child. If he offered to part, do not need on the same day or the next declare that you are pregnant, hoping for a miracle. Let him go, because the deception will still be revealed, and he will find you crazy or thoughtless. Of course, in some cases the story with the child is triggered, but more often such pairs remain unhappy.

If a man wants to part, do not threaten suicide. It is better to let him go, because he must love you, and not be with you from pity or fear that you will lose your roof. In addition, an attempt to commit to oneself can turn around desired result Or bring serious injuries by making you a disabled. It is unlikely that that's what you want to achieve.

How to keep a guy if he wants to part? It is not necessary to bribe it, offering to buy an expensive car for him or go on a journey that he dreamed of long. Bribery in all life situations It is the most frozen and dishonest way to solve problems.

Inevitable parting

A man decided to part - is it worth stopping him? It is always difficult to let go, but maybe there is nothing to restrain these relationships? If you are good in every sense, I tried to do everything to attract it, and he still proposes to part - let him go. After all, if he already changes you, look for answers to the question "how to keep the guy" does not make sense. It is not necessary to spend your heart to spend time on meaningless occupation.

The situation is similar if you changed - not every person will be able to forgive such a betrayal. In this case, you will have to part with a guy - as they say, it was necessary to think before.

How not to part with a guy? Just love him to truly apply every act, inspire him and stay the one in which he fell in love. Live in harmony, respect your personal preferences, in this case he will never say "all, break."

Thousands of benefits are written about the ways to conquer a man's dreams of their dreams, but few people are interested in that the satellite storm has yet to be held.

Do not hurry

Especially immediately after dating. Do not hurry to quickly develop your relationship, go to intimate intimacy, tell him about the wedding, children, do not hurry to build general plans For the future, etc. Almost always, it is very frightened by the chosen one, if you do it right away, at the beginning of your relationship.


You can suddenly arrange him romantic dinner, gather his long-time friends, take him into some beautiful place, without reason to make a gift, etc. An element of surprise in such cases plays a big role.

Do not argue

Men always think that they are right, so you can argue with them - useless chasing. The chance that you will convince him, of course, there is, but what price you get all this! If you still categorically do not want to agree with him, try to talk to calmly, without translating the conversation to screams.

Listen to him, understand why he thinks so. Maybe he is really right. If not, give your arguments, logically arguing them.

"I think so, and I don't care about everything!", "I know that I am right!" - Similar phrases for men are similar to a red rag for a bull.

Perhaps in solving the issue will help you common friend, Internet, etc.


Men also love their ears, so they are so cute awaken in a smile when they tell nice things. BUT! Do it need it appropriate. You can compare it with Dog Training: Made - Keep Sleeper! Also in relation to men: you need to praise deserigually, otherwise he will disappear that the same incentive.

If you do everything competently and cunning, your chosen one will make all the work with great enthusiasm!

Give freedom

No need to keep it constantly near myself. Do not follow your chosen one, do not read his correspondence, do not overheard his conversations ... however, you can sometimes retreat from these rules: if you want to know everything about it, do it imperceptibly and infrequently.

Also do not prevent his meetings with friends, because often the truly soul they rest with them ( interesting conversations, relevant for their community of humor, etc.).

BUT! Do not make a reason to think that he is indifferent to you, otherwise he will begin to make nonsense to you.


If you are versatile developed personalityHe will always be interested with you. Men are very flattered when they are trying to develop at the expense of them: you can ask him to teach you to drive a car, paint the walls, and may even save ...

BUT! Do not show defiantly that you have something better. It can humiliate it.

Do not compare with others

Many people think that the comparison should cause motivation to self-improvement, but it is not. A man can just be offended. Although ... it is possible to compare, but in a positive perspective: "You are stronger ...", "You are more beautiful ...", "You get better ..." and pr.


You are his chosen, and he first wants to find the consolation of you. If you can reassure it from time to once, to encourage and look for ways out of difficult provisions together, do not doubt - you will mean a lot for him.

Is it possible to stop married

Almost every girl, who began relations with a married man, understands what is incorrectly, but in secret himself the idea that it will be possible to become "his only one." Most likely, its chosen one has already told her how they had everything in the family, that there were neither love, no passion, and he holds him only a child, business, the idea that the sick mother would be very upset and imp.

Before thinking about whether it is possible to keep a married man, it is worthwhile asking: Do you need it?

To spend time in oppressive waiting, be together, but not to be a couple, to live life in squeezing unknown, risk forever to stay in the hopeless status of the mistress, to be constantly "on the background", care about your future.

The fact remains a fact, but only a small amount of Men throw families and children for their new love.

The output here is one: from the very beginning you should not start any love relationship with married men if you do not want to stay with broken heart Or all your life to torment yourself with thoughts that you contributed to the destruction of the family (some).

Perfect all his attempts to "drill" (flirting, ambiguous compliments, etc.). If the relationship still rinsed, it is necessary to refuse them as early as possible. Remember the "Boomeranga effect". And remember: how quickly the passion flashes, just as quickly she can fade, so you should not rush into the outer with your head.

Joke in the topic:
Difficult, it is very difficult to prove former mistresswho became your wife that married men Never change your wives.

How to keep guy

Forever and ever

If you want to stay with this person for all your life, work on relationships immediately.

After sex

What was, it was. We live in the world where sexual relations Lose the most erased morality inherent. It can be said differently: more and less partners make love, and more and more often - just sexual intercourse. However, this does not mean that you need to immediately "jump into bed" to your new chosen one.

In most cases, men immediately lose interest in the "easy victim." But at the same time, you should not make it wait for too long, if you do not want to in parallel, he was looking for sexual satisfaction elsewhere.

After a joint night, the girls often make mistakes that are able to scare away the guy.In most cases (depends on the nature of a man) it is impossible:

  • talk about marriage and serious relationships;
  • ask how many partners it has before you;
  • to talk about your sexual experience (in the sense: "But I'm with the Petka ...!");
  • compare it with others ("You're better and rushing than that same" - Agree, dubious compliment);
  • insist on the fact that he said whether he liked (if yes, do not doubt - he will show it with all the sight).

After everything happened, do not impose on the guy, but do not look like you are indifferent to the outcome of his decision about your subsequent meetings.

If he wants to part

First you need to remind him how good you were all the time that you were together. Do not accompany the words with hysteria, stormy emotions, sobbing, etc. All this can cause irritation and your conversation will turn quickly.

Sincere smile generated by memories, light strokes in hand and selection in the story important moments "It's all that the guy thinks if he should lose you."

Be sure to find out in a conversation that it is not satisfied with you and your relationship, convince him that you are ready to change. After that, most likely, he will give your future chance.


Remember several rules:

Older yourself

Not depending on which difference at your age, if you do not discharge yourself, it is most likely to be bored with you sooner or later. Recognize latest news, interest his work, parents' health, ask to teach you something that he owns well, etc.

BUT! Never try to make such a man to show that you are smarter, you do not need to teach his life, "cut", argue.

If you disagree with him in some question - sit down and calmly talk, but you need to do it carefully ("Cute, do not be angry with me, but I do not understand why you think so ...").

During the conversation, you can bring your arguments, and at the end, maybe you will be able to convince him if you still did not agree with him.

Do not be egoist

Take his lifestyle too. Do not think only about your desires, dreams and habits, because you are two. Look for compromises, go for concessions, but do not forget to fully about yourself.

Create home comfort

To its arrival from work Move the apartment in the apartment, prepare delicious dinner, Put in order yourself and children. If he came not in the mood, support and encourage it.

Show your love. Do not skit on pleasant words, affection, tenderness, and then your man will wait with the impression of that moment when he returns home to his beloved woman.

Try to match his ideal of a woman

But while staying a mystery. This also applies to behavior, and your relationship, and a family position, and, of course, external view. Do not consider the changes you need to do for the sake of your favorite guy, humiliating, because it's all just for your happiness.

BUT! Do not forget about the very highlight that should remain in every woman - do not be completely ahead, otherwise you will become too predictable for him, and he will lose interest.

Experiment in sex

Intimate life for a man is far from life. So surprise, please, intriguate, worry, Breed it.

If he is interested in with you in bed, the likelihood that he will look at the "left" minimize.

The most sly women can even manipulate their partner thanks to sex. Not in the sense: "You will give to give", and in the fact of this plan: I did pleasantly - you can hint at something. During the periods of the bliss of a man well, a very pier.

Speat quarrel

Try to keep yourself in your hands: Do not speak offensive things, do not try to insult or humiliate your partner, do not talk and do not provoke it to it. If you feel that you are on the edge of a breakdown, it is better to go to the room and ask you to calm down a little.

Communicate, but do not bother

If suddenly he needs to go somewhere on comparatively for a long timeNo need to call him very often. However, it is necessary to periodically remind itself about yourself, because it is quite difficult to keep the guy at a distance. It is very important to do this competently: to be unobtrusive, playful, intriguing.

So, within half of the day you can periodically send it gentle SMS, Then suddenly the abyss: your boyfriend is worried and will definitely call back to find out whether everything is fine with you.

As an option - you can send it your photos (perhaps an erotic nature). In conversations on the phone, be an interesting interlocutor. No need to talk about how you missed and like you love him for 10 minutes.

Video: how can one be able to keep a man

Women are excellent creatures capable of everything. Tender, beautiful, divine and delightful. Mysterious, fragile, so cute in their weakness and so strong in difficult times. Woman - Muse, woman - wanted prize. And this is actually so.

Remember the story in which there are many examples of how a woman forced men to fight for her, shed blood, sacrificing her own life. How many women are idle, how many were the poems and poems?

Yes, yes, many of us would like to be like them, I would like to catch the views of men and take compliments from them. Would you like to hold your man all my life, make him fall in love every day every day? And every woman capable for it!

The main problem of each woman is that in love, we forget about yourselfabout your problems and needs.

We dive into the pool of relationships, forgetting about their friends, about their development. Most often people break up or change, because they cease to be interesting for each other, they cease to develop.

But how to behave to always be an interesting, mysterious, madly beautiful? How is it for sure to keep the guy? Just need perform several simple Soviets which are available for each woman.

  • Firstly, the most important component of the success of the entire enterprise is the realization that you are unique, the most beautiful, most related woman in the world. Love yourself, indulge yourself, give yourself moments of pleasure. You must understand that everything you do in your life is all just to achieve your personal happiness. Favoring yourself, you will give a chance to others to love you.

First of all, decide on your preferences, dreams and plans. Take a notepad in which you write 10 of your positive and negative sides.

Think how to fix negative and how to improve positive.

for exampleyou don't like your excess weight. What is the problem? You love yourself, you do it all just for yourself! Get out sports, eat right. Gladly watch how extra centimeters On the waist rapidly melting.

But just do it. Everything is just for yourself, not for the sake of someone. Not for the sake of your beloved, brother, matchmaker, career, boss. Just for yourself! Notepad will serve you very good service. Write in it 20 desires that you certainly want to fulfill for yourself. Then proceed to their execution! Want to learn English - sign up for courses, you want to learn how to cook - forward to the culinary book.

Believe in yourself, Only after you do this, proceed to the following items.

  • Secondlyremember that you are this is a desired prize. Any man in nature is a hunter. Men love to conquer, they do not need a trophy, which himself goes into hand. In his eyes you should be a princess on the high tower, which you need to wake up from eternal sleep. Be mysterious beauty. You are the Queen, you are a perfect being.

If you have noticed that the man cool down to you, make it bored, keep the guy will help the distance. Disappear on the weekend, go to walk with friends, do not answer calls. If you see daily, boldly disappear for a week, if once a week, then disappear for a month. Just do it dosed and individually, so that your man does not think that you broke up.

  • Thirdly, be different, cold and hot, simple and challenging, obedient girl and capricious bitch. for example, hit him, prepare for him dinner, agree with him, take it ideas, praise it. A few days later, shook, let go of the knuckle, tease it. Only you need to do everything with the mind, adjusting to his mood and character. I do not think that a man will withstand your knife, staying and so in a bad mood.

Be busy and in demand. A man should feel that you are - independent, secured, self-confident womanwhich is able to respond for yourself. Do something interesting, it can be your job or a hobby that will bring you pleasure and develop you.

Write poems, read books, lead the blog, Sport, walk through the career ladder - everything will help to show that your hobbies are not limited to men. It will help you become more interesting, support any conversation.

Hold the guy can easily educated and knowing the price of a woman.

But sometimes you shy, showing its superiority. Let it feel his advantage over other men that he can teach such something beautiful woman, how are you. You can make money over the Internet, be successful in any form of activity. Everything comes down only to faith in yourself and in your strength.

How to keep a guy next to me?

The most difficult in the relationship is their fragility, depending on both partners. This is actually so. For a long time to keep the guy next to me, you can only If he wants it himself. Or think that this wanted himself.

The recipe remains the same: Become so desirable and ideal for him that he just won't want to leave.

But this has already mentioned many times. A man is not a puppy who should be holly and cherished. Arrange your man extreme situations, Keep it in tone and tension. Let him believe that he is not the only one of your option, but only the one with whom you are incomprehensible reasons Decided to stay.

You are the desired muse, which he himself must hold. Let some efforts should be attached to your holding from His Party. Make the opposite. Modern men So accustomed that women go for them on the heels, are capable of making crazy actions for them. Make your man remember that he is a conqueror, and you are a trophy. Become an unpredictable ...

Offer a new sex pose, dress elegant, be always well-groomed and tender. Reply on other people's compliments, restrained, but still answer. Let him see that other men pay attention to you and that you like it.

Never disclose yourself completely! Talking to the souls "Ah, you are so unusual", "I can't understand you!" They only lead to that. That the woman relaxes and lays out all the information on a saucer with a blue wheelchair. Make yourself above the answers to questions about your relationships that he asks. Let him think about it and as often as possible. Make it look for answers, suffer, look at you as an inaccessible and welcome trophy.

Intrigue is the main weapon of any woman!

Remember one very much an important rule: Never, under no circumstances tell your young man about former men. Many ladies love to boast of men who chose them in the past. Leave this stupid habit! Now he is next to you, and it is unlikely that he wants to listen to someone. Praise his psyche and hold your past with you. Let it be another element of the riddles.

How to keep a guy next to all life?

If you want to keep a guy near the one forever, then best Councilthan do not hurry Do not find. Become a friend for him. A friend to which he comes with any circumstances. You must be such a girl to which he will not complain to someone on the side, and will be able to boldly express your own complaints. Do not be offended. Friendship for a man is very important.

Tell him about my preferences, thoughts, about what I never told anyone. Believe normal man This will evaluate the highest category. Samoa big mistake Many couples are the lack of a dialogue between partners. People sometimes do not know the one who loves, oddly enough it sounds.

Learn to listen Not only yourself, but also it. Talk, find common topics For conversation, go somewhere together, copy memories. Do not be afraid to seem like funny, shaking, stupid. Be yourself! Let them love you, not your illusion. Expect from him the same. This is the person with whom you want to spend your life! Therefore, he is simply obliged to become the best friend for you.

If you plan to stay with this man forever, then show him this and find out his opinion on this. Build plans. Plans joint travel, plans for co-investment capital, large purchase.

Discuss your views on family, marriage, children. Do not be afraid of these conversations.

With the most worst situation, you will break out, never starting serious relationships. And with the best - you will have an ally and assistant on the way to the perfect family.

Come up with peculiar rituals. for example, Sundays dine in one place or go to the movies on Fridays. Check the birthdays and dates of your dating. Play together in games. Here you can boldly fantasize. Let each of you guessed favorite dish And prepare it. Or your favorite color - and make a gift for this color. Or per week, read together on the book, and then discuss it. It all depends on your joint desire.

All these simple rules can perform any modern and clever woman. But remember that the main thing in the relationship is a dialogue and mutual understanding. You must be a team, you should be stronger together, you should feel more confident with him. Otherwise, any of your attempts is just a whim.

Many women do large mistake, trying to keep what they never belonged to them.

It is not right…

You must listen to yourself And be where you are most comfortable. If you feel bad, then in the end you will be tired, stop trying and discover that everything did in vain. Just think. Love yourself, love it. Trust each other, maintain any of his insane ideas. Inspire it. Learn each other. Talk more. The fire of your relationship must support both partners, and not just fragile female hands. A man should feel his responsibility. Divide the duties.

And love each other!

New feelings and relationships make our lives more beautiful. Love, dreams, maiden dreams ... all this components romantic relationship With the opposite sex. They fill our life with meaning and make it saturated. In such respects for representatives of the beautiful sex, it becomes often becoming actual question: "How to keep a guy or a man?". Indeed how to do it? After all, feelings over time lose their novelty, and this is the first step to the fact that young man Can pull new impressions. And how not to wonder here: "How to keep your beloved?".

To keep expensive man, you will need our woman wisdom. To start, it would be nice to always remember that you are attractive and charming. Long relationship - Do not reason forget about your appearance. Little women's tricks Assist to always remain irresistible in the eyes of your beloved person. The main thing - there would be a desire. However, this is not all.

To keep a man, little to be attractive outwardly. It should be interesting for him. And always and in everything. Interesting in communication, in the ability to show and present yourself, in love and, etc. Do not forget about your feeling of dignity in pursuit of happiness. Try to show your boyfriend or a man that you love it, but it does not mean that you do not have your opinion or desires. Your desires should always remain meaningful. Do not get robbing in front of a man, catch every word and try to please in all of him. This style of behavior will quickly bother with a young man. On the contrary, a girl or a young woman belonging to respect not only to a young man, but also to himself will attract him much more. Confident and successful. That is what attracts them.

Nevertheless, do not forget that one of the "recipes" of solving the problem "How to keep a guy (man)" is the following: strong semi In relations, the role of championship should always be given. Intebate your man's opinion in solving any affairs, ask his advice sometimes even on trifles. Believe me, they really like it. In such cases, they seem to be more significant. In the company with friends, treat the young person respectfully, do not interrupt, listen carefully, contact him if you wish to ask something or clarify. And in no case, do not find out the relationship in the presence of others.

And sometimes you remember that the male is a conqueror, and the more he will have to seek your attention, the more interesting it will be.

Still think, then here are some more important tips. A man must be confident in his abilities. And you can give him this confidence. Try to praise your young man if, really, there is something for. It does not interfere sometimes emphasize that without him you would never have coped with one thing. At moments of proximity, you should also not forget what you say "How I feel good with you, dear!" Fill the heart of your favorite satisfaction and, but the reproaches on this or that reason it is better not to express once again. Even if something your favorite person did not do this, try to prevent this, as if advised and reflecting that, perhaps, this option would be more interesting and better ...

Among other things, sincerely interest the affairs of your loved one. Show care of him and try to make each meeting or together a day comfortable for him. Periodically, but do not obsessively remind a dear person for you about your love, show it in your affairs and actions. The sincerity of the relationship will not leave him indifferent. And your ability to remain a mystery to him will make them long and unique. And over time, the question will cease to be tormented: "How to keep a guy (man) and save your relationship?".