The head is closed with extreme flesh. No sex? Fimosis in adults, photos, symptoms, stages, types, degrees of the disease. How do modern doctors do

Is an male diseaseWhen it is not possible to bargain a member head due to the narrowed hole of the extreme flesh.

Such are the symptoms of phimosis. The disease may have a physiological or pathological component.

In contact with

For newborn children and boys to 13-14 years old, this disease is physiological. Since 96% of children are already born with phimosis, which passes independently during the midst of the boy's ripening.

How to determine the pato etching phimosis? The disease is pathological in case if it is diagnosed in an adult man.

Clitoris and Heads - internal organsintended for special occasions. All animals, men and women, human and inhuman, are born from the foreskin due to the protection that it offers our most sensitive and close parts of the body.

How long does the operation last?

Reconstruction of the extreme flesh, includes pulling or pulling the skin, where there was an extreme flesh before. The tension causes the skin to stretch and grow, it can spread to the heads and, ultimately, cover it. The achievement of covered glasses requires consistent, regular twigs and this is a multi-year process.

If after transitional age No changes occurred, then the man is carried out, which most often consists in circumcision of the flesh.

Pathological phimosis may also appear due to inflammatory processes. gOOD SYSTEM, post down or. Most often in adult men, he proceeds in chronic form, leading to the appearance of scars and adhesions.

Many people in the United States continue to believe that parents rarely hold their sons in immunity and that this will lead to a set of complications. Your full baby It has a privilege to interact with many families who have intact sons, adults who have intact partners, and intact it is normalized for us, and we are very lucky that it is intact is amazing. We want to share the positive of this extreme flesh with someone who is nervous in their decision to preserve the Son full. normal.


Fimosis in adult men in the photo material:


All kinds of phimosis:

  1. Physiological, or congenital.


This type of disease occurs in 96% of cases in newborn boys. This is a special structure of the sexual organ, in which extreme flesh due to a small hole can not be shifted back to bargaining the head. Now you are known signs of phimosis.

Cutting reduces penis sensitivity? The answer is not clear. Lesson number. Extreme flesh is part of the penis. It consists of a sensitive tissue, so if you delete it, the penis loses sensitivity by definition. In particular, he loses all the sensitivity experienced by extreme flesh in itself, along with everyone subjective sensationswho are unique to extreme flesh.

Who would not want a deeply painted, flexible, rich penis, especially compared to dried cropped heads with a scar on the shaft, where they used to live with nerves, erogenous fabrics? Sexy function The extreme flesh is extremely innervated human extreme flesh, and vascularized sensitive erogenous fabric. She plays important role In the normal sexual response of a person and necessary for normal copulative behavior. In this scientific literature an understanding of this role appears. Extreme flesh prevents the normal sexual function.

Self-leading flesh can cause negative consequenceswhich will require immediate surgery.

Incomplete phimoz

This pathology is diagnosed in many men. It is expressed by the fact that the patient has such a narrowing of the extreme flesh at which it cannot completely free the head.

Limit pressure thresholds in the upper penis "The eyes of the cropped penis are less sensitive to a thin touch than the head of the uncircumcised penis." So, you heard that the extreme flesh is very sensitive and "feels differently" than a normal touch. But how exactly is it different?

Try "Touch Test" and see for yourself! The extreme flesh "the extreme flesh allows the penis to slide inside and from the vagina without abrasively inside the self-like membrane, moving skin." What is lost from circumcision Many believe that circumcision eliminates nothing more than a little excess skin. The truth is that circumcision eliminates several critical components male anatomy. This list lists everything that is currently considered lost when cropped.

The hole in the flesh has a sufficient size, but the latter of the head occurs in part, not to the end. This is most noticeable during the erection, since with a calm condition to bargain a man can easily.

This problem worries a man, as it is quite difficult for him to lead sex life Due to discomfort and painful sensations during sex.

Figures 5-9, in which it is specified that such an extreme flesh and how it works. Figures 5 and 6 shows the difference between the cropped and uncircumcised penis in a relaxed or sluggish state. Please note that the extreme flesh serves to cover the brain or penis head. On this website, many images of untouched and cropped penises with explanations about the effect of circumcision.

Restoration of the extreme flesh without precise comparison means a typical circumcised person does not know what he is missing. A person, far-sighted from birth and thinking that his look is normal, also cannot question his condition. However, as a person agitates, it loses the sensitivity of the penis.

IMPORTANT: It is impossible to independently release the head, as this may lead to negative consequences.

With this form of the patient's lifestyle, nothing threatens. Only the intimate side of life suffers.

And this is already dangerous, since the head can quit, which will lead to tissue necrosis. In this case, a man should appeal for medical assistance immediately.

Naturally encountered Schegma in males and women, both sexes can produce SMEGMU. Smegma's males are produced and can be assembled under extreme flesh, and in women she is going around the clitoris and in the folds of the sex of the Minor. At some point in time, most men wonder: "Is my penis normal?" Or "Cum should look like that?" Most likely, the answer is yes! Penises are different shapes, colors and sizes that are normal and healthy.

Most penises are about the same color as the rest of the human skin. Nevertheless, many men have penises that are darker, they have a brown or reddish view. It is also possible that the penis is easier than the skin on the rest of the body. Some men have dark spots on his penis. For many men, this is a normal part of their skin. However, your primary care doctor or dermatologist must check any new spots or stains that appear and do not leave quickly.

Full Fimow

Full phimosis in the photo:

With this form of the disease, a man can not even expose the head at all during the erection, but also with a calm state. This can lead to a different kind of complications.

The extreme flesh does not move at all, which does not allow a man to hold genital hygiene. As a result, there is a cluster of Smegma, which is favorable environment For many pathogenic organisms.

Although it is not too common to embed your penis, it will certainly happen. Bruises that go relatively quickly are not dangerous at all. Nevertheless, dark purple or blue Sinyakwhich applies, especially after severe injury, requires medical careSince there may be long-term damage to erection.

Why does phimosis occur in adults?

Generally speaking, if your penis was a definite color "until you remember, then it probably perfectly. Keep in mind that awakening can also cause the appearance of a penis over a shorter period of time. However, if there is a new change in color, accompanied by pain - especially with redness and swelling - you should see your doctor.

This can lead to infection and various inflammatory processes. A man can not have sex at all, since even with a slight attempt to move the flesh, he feels pain and discomfort.

As the disease trends, urination is disturbed and appears acute pain. The patient can also disturb burning and itching.

Most penises are not quite smooth. Typically, the veins on the sexual member are visible and even appear a little, especially when exciting. Many penises also have hair follicles on the shaft, which feel tiny cones. They usually appear in young age and very common; About 25% of the male population have them.

And what does the doctor do?

They are completely harmless and cannot be sexually transmitted. These strikes are found at least 50% of the male population. They are completely natural and are not the cause for concern. They are harmless and cannot be sexually transmitted by sex.

IMPORTANT: This form Requires only operational intervention.

Stages of development of phimosis and their symptoms

Given the pronounced manifestations of the disease, the disease qualifies at 4 stages, for each of which there are features and manifestations. So, the degree of phimosis:

- In the reaches stage, a man can easily bargain a member head. But, if an erection occurred, it is already quite problematic. First of all, for this stage, pain is characterized while driving flesh. The young men have a penis head very sensitive, so it can open independently because of swelling. This is a dangerous manifestation that can lead to paraphomy.

However, large and irritable cones can signal about sexually transmitted diseases, such as penile warts, so refer to your doctor if you are concerned. Harsh soaps, fragrant washing agents For washing and even too strong friction from sex or masturbation can cause skin irritation.

How do modern doctors do?

If irritation does not disappear in a few days, you must consult a doctor, especially if you are sexually active. Yes, the size of the penis varies - as well as the size of the scrotum. In the United States, the average size of the penis ranges from 5 to 7 inches in length, with a circle of about 4 inches and a diameter of up to 2 inches.

2 degree - If in a calm position you can omit the head, but with difficulty, then during the erection it is impossible. Sometimes there are cases that only the tip of the head is exposed, which is still spontaneously closed by flesh. Apply effort to open the head is prohibited.

3 degree - Even in a calm state, it is almost impossible to open the head. During the erection, it does not open at all. With such a degree of the disease, urination is disturbed. A man is problematic to preoccupy. In addition, it is accompanied by unpleasant painful sensations. It is possible to bleed when lowering the flesh in the excited state.

Most of the sluggish penises range from 1 to 4 inches. This means that some men get a big length when they receive an erection, while others get inch or two. When cold or swimming in cold water, Penis can actually pull out inside the body, but will lengthen when heated. All this is normal!

Stages of development of phimosis and their symptoms

Some penises naturally hang in one direction or another. Some penises also have a small bend for them, even when they are strict. This is completely normal and nothing to worry about, especially if the bend is present from infancy. However, if your penis changes with direct to bent, perhaps you have Peyroni disease, which is a source of harmless memorial plaque.

Fimosis 3 degrees in the photo:

4 degree - The sexual body is absolutely not exposed to neither alone or during the erection. The man is very difficult to overcome. Urine is highlighted by drip or very thin jets. It feels sharp pain. For this stage is characteristic inflammatory processes, temperature rise, education in the groin of lymph nodes, reducing potency. Because of the stagnant Smerage, solid formations are formed - solemolitis. During phymsove 4 degrees, surgical intervention is required.

An interesting fact: studies have shown that 85% of women are satisfied with the size of their partners, and only 45% of men are satisfied with their size. It shows that most men who are shy about their penis size should not be! The main conclusion from all this is that there is a huge range of normal and healthy penis sizes, so do not make judgments about the size of the other or your own!

Some men cut the penises, while others have untouched extreme flesh. A person with intact extreme flesh simply has a thin layer of the skin, which covers his head of his penis. When excited, the extreme flesh is usually removed, exposing the head of the penis. Important thingthat should be remembered about the extreme flesh is to preserve it clean, because sweat, oil and oil can be formed under it dead cells Skin. This accumulation can form a white or yellowish pasty substance called Spegma.

Fimosis 4 degrees, photo:

Phimosis is either degree dangerous to health. Every man must follow the condition of his reproductive system. With the slightest violations or symptoms of the disease, you need to visit a specialist.

According to sexologists, Spring is the most popular time for farewell to virginity. For most residents of the Earth, this event falls for 18 years.

Previously, others begin to engage in "this" Americans - at the age of 16. Next, the Germans, French, British follow. Russians on this list at the 17th place - the inhabitants of our country are on average have the first sexual experience in 18 years. These are the data of global international research. So the opinion about the magnitude of the morals is not confirmed.

Smegma is completely normal and nothing to worry about. Just rinse it when you take a shower to avoid yeast contamination. When a person awakens and comes, he produces ejaculate or sperm. The amount of human sperm usually ejaculates less than a teaspoon, but it can vary.

Ejaculate usually whitish color, although some men have yellowish cums. If, when ejaculation, pain occurs or you can not ejaculate, consult a doctor. Eyaculat, which has blood or greenish tintAlso must be checked. Semyon also comes in various consistencies and textures. From time to time it may be thicker and merciful than usual. As a rule, it is nothing to worry about. On these variations affect the last time, when a man ejaculated, as he called, and even what he eating before the same day.

Moreover, with the beginning of sexual life, many young men, and now men face the problem of narrowing the extreme flesh, or phimosis. "Thanks" to such a narrowing, the head of the penis does not open at all or opens with difficulty and painfully. Extreme flesh is a folds of the skin, covering the head of the penis.

The causes of the narrowing of the extreme flesh are really unclear. The disease is associated with the insufficiency of the connective tissue in the body, which has a hereditary predisposition.

It is important to remember the penis and ejaculation that all different. Healthy penises not everyone looks equally, so try not to worry or compare yourself with others. Remember, you can always talk to your doctor if you are concerned that there may be a problem.

It is not surprising to see the demonstrations when you go through Washington. These people were adamant against circumcision, and they wanted the world to know. Traditionally, some cultures believe in the removal of this skin, and some are not, - he explains. Some parents also prefer to crop their boys for aesthetic purposes, and although the procedure usually happens when someone baby, adult men sometimes get circumcised by different reasons. Regardless of your opinion about whether the circumcision is correct, one thing is clear: from popular memes to a decent joke joke in the Bad Mam Trailer - one character advises to another "run out of the room, shouting," if she meets the undisputed penis, because " It looks like to find a gun on the street, "there are many assumptions about uncircumcised penis.

Fimosis in adults

In adolescents, young men and adult men, phimosis does not stand still, the disease is steadily progressing. This is due to the advent of erections, masturbation and sexual life.

In adult men, phoza can be maintained from childhood, and may develop during puberty. During this period, the rapid growth and development of genital organs occurs. In this case, the discrepancy between the development of the penis and the extreme flesh may appear. At the same time, the extreme flesh is less than the head, its hole is already, and open the head is hard or impossible. Most often, this happens not sharply pronounced phimosis, while the narrowing of the extreme flesh, preserved from childhood more significantly.

Almost always phimosis is combined with a short bridle of the penis. Punching bridle - this is a folds of the skin from the bottom of the head that goes from the outer hole ureyeing Canal To the cornerwood. Normal sexual bonde is not stretched too much during the erection when the head is discovered. If its tension is too large at the same time, and the head when the erection is forced to bend, such a bridle is considered short.

Fimosis and short bridle of the penis do not have a direct connection with each other, but they are caused by the same causes, so almost always accompany each other.

Complications short bridle penis:

The pain in the field of bridle violates sexual act.

Repeating pain when excitement causes a patient a fear of sexual act, which can lead to a chronic disruption of potency.

Often, at the first sexual act, the bridle is torn, a wound appears and bloody compartments, which also scares a man. Supersens, and, consequently, scars may be several.

A short bridle can cause accelerated ejaculation.

Complications of Fimosis:

1. The increment of extreme flesh to the head.

With a strongly pronounced phimosis, when the head of the penis does not open at all, it may eventually lead to the increment of areas of the extreme flesh to the mucous membrane of the head. First, a small plot will grow, after a while it expands and eventually grow up to the head of the penis on all its length.

This state does not cause any special discomfort, only attempts to open the head are accompanied by a sharp pain and bleeding. Treatment of extreme flesh increments is only surgical, and with a large part of the battle, the operation may be difficult.

2. Paraphim.

Parafimosis is the infringement of the head of the penis by the narrowed upper flesh. Most often to paraphomy, attempts to open the extreme flesh during phimosis. Infringement can occur during sexual intercourse or masturbation.

Under paraphomy, the edema of the head of the penis is developing rapidly, it increases significantly in size, which makes it impossible after some time. All this is accompanied by a sharp pain, scoring the head.

Aski in the field of urology works in a multidisciprary Medical Center "Alternative". So-called small urological operations helped to return male power And self-confidence thousands of our patients.

So, for example, with a paraphomy, the doctor's task is to try to correct the head of the penis. If the patient appealed too late, an emergency operation is necessary - longitudinal disquality of extreme flesh.

Same effective treatmentlike phimosis and short bridle of the penis, is also operational. Performed special operation - plastic bridle penis. When combined with phimosis, it is performed simultaneously with circumcision. All of the above operations, in urology are considered small operations and are performed on outpatient conditions. The patient does not need a hospital mode and absolutely does not fall out of its working graph.

Our patients have the opportunity to solve any urological problems, even requiring outpatient operational intervention, which is called without separation from production. And the most modern anesthesia that has nothing to do with heavy anesthesia of the old days, will only leave you nice memories.

And remember spring - most suitable timeTo finally pay attention to your male health. And then you can say like the valiant steelmakers: "Our power is in melts."

With the wishes of health and male strength!