Consequences after nail extension. The negative effects of nail extension. Carcinogenic building techniques

Has anyone experienced any negative effects after nail extension? The grown nails, of course, are beautiful and spectacular, but it is still foreign material, after which the "native" nails can become brittle and begin to exfoliate. Can the negative effects of nail extension be prevented and how to deal with them? with

The beauty of extended nails is of course flawless. But along with this beauty there is a problem and it lies in adverse consequences nail extension. After all, the fact is that under the extended nails, their own become lifeless and need to be restored. I know that lemon strengthens nails. You can cut it in two and immerse the nail plates in the pulp for 15 minutes. The procedure is carried out every other day. Also, it will help you recover damaged nails bath with sea ​​salt... In order to prepare such a bath, it is necessary to a small amount of water, add 2 tablespoons of sea salt and hold your nails until the water cools.

It seems to me that the consequences of nail extension depend not only on the master, but also on individual characteristics... Some of my friends, after removing the extended nails, did not experience any special problems, and for some, the nails exfoliate and turn yellow very much.

If the nails exfoliate, then preparations with such trace elements as silicon, calcium and iron help well. And you can get them not only from drugs, but also from food. Iron in a large number found in apples, liver, veal, buckwheat, herbs. Silicon is found in parsley, lettuce, beans, bananas, and currants. Well, calcium is found in fish, meat, nuts, cheese and dairy products.

But I won't dare to build up my nails in any way. :(

One girl who works in my department constantly has beautiful manicure with extended nails, but somehow she got into a conversation and complained that the consequences of nail extension were very depressing for her. She can no longer do without it, since her own nails look terrible and they are practically gone.

I was going to take them off on vacation and undergo a course of procedures to strengthen and restore nail plate... Moreover, you will not only have to do external procedures, but also undergo a course of special vitamin therapy ...

The trouble is that under a false nail, your own does not breathe and therefore gradually becomes thinner and loses its firmness.

Extending nails is certainly beautiful, but for native nails it is very harmful.

Once I extended my nails, the consequences were disastrous, further recovery took a lot long time since the nail plate was very damaged. Nails peeled and broke for a long time. I did paraffin baths for hands and smeared with a special oil, the nails recovered.

To build up, or not to build up is a personal matter for everyone, but I was convinced by my own example that my own healthy nails- it is much more pleasant, so decide for yourself what is best for you: artificial or natural beauty nails.


I have extended my nails twice and have always regretted it. The first time I did it at home unknown woman on the advice of friends. In principle, I liked the quality of her work. A year later I wanted to take them off, and that's when I was horrified at the sight of what my nails had become. Restored more than a year... But then (maybe out of my stupidity) I thought that it was only for me, so I decided a second time. As a result, everything is the same. Five years have passed since my last extension, but the nails have not yet been fully restored: grooves have formed on them, they also exfoliate and grow poorly, although before that the condition of the nails was good. So a little advice to those ladies who still want to do nail extension - stock up on various healing and restorative varnishes, and find out in advance the recovery recipes.


For almost 2 years I have been doing gel nail extensions. I was very happy, my hands were always in order. But if at first I almost never broke my nails, then after a while the breakdowns became more and more frequent. As a result, I took them off, and at first I could not even wash my hands normally under a strong stream of water, the nail plates were so sensitive. Appearance Of course, it was already not the same, but I bravely endured until the nail recovered. Now I have short nails, almost always with beige varnish. I really like gel extended nails, but I will not go to such an experiment again. It was hard for me to put my nails in order after I stopped doing it.

I have never built up my nails, since I have my own by nature hard and I can fix them without any problems.

But friends often increased and therefore I have a lot real examples I saw what is done to the nails after removing the extensions from them ... It's just horror!)

Then the nails not only become thin and brittle, but it will be impossible to grow their own naturally even a couple of millimeters in the near future. Either increase it constantly, or wait two years for their own to recover.

Extended nails look well-groomed and require less effort. Correction should be done periodically, and the manicure is always perfect.

To natural nails looked beautiful and well-groomed, you have to work hard.

Another problem is that many girls dream of long nails, but their nails do not grow. In such a situation, nail extension is relevant.

But you have to pay for everything and the consequences of nail extension, most often discourage repeating the procedure.

Nails do not breathe under the artificial layer and if the technique is violated preliminary preparation nail, fungus may develop.

In addition, the nail is exposed to chemicals. With constant corrections and extensions, the natural nail plate is mercilessly cut down. As a result, little remains of the nail.


When services for artificial lengthening of nails became widely available, women began vying to tell each other horror stories about the consequences of this hitherto unknown procedure. Most of the examples given do not find their confirmation in reality. This is evidenced by the photos of the nails before and after the extension, and the admiring reviews of the girls who use this service on permanent terms.

Women are very worried about the condition of the plates after removing the artificial covering and are looking for ways to restore them. Some change in the nails, of course, is not excluded. Our article will talk about what happens to natural plates during and after the modeling procedure, as well as what techniques can be used to heal them after removing the gel and acrylic.

Popular myths about nail extension

Photos of nails captured before and after extension are abundant on the Internet. Until the coating is removed, the plates look flawless, and after removing all the artificial materials, their appearance is terrifying. It is this circumstance that gives rise to the emergence of numerous misconceptions about the procedure for manicure modeling.

People who are far from the art of nail lengthening do not understand whether nails deteriorate after acrylic or gel extension... They are especially inclined to believe these common myths about this service:

  • Artificial materials do not allow air to pass through, which is why natural plates do not receive the required amount oxygen. To a certain extent, this statement is true. But it is extremely wrong in that nails covered with good harmless gel deteriorate due to lack of air. If you use high-quality materials that have a structure similar to natural plates, there will be no harm from modeling.
  • During and after the extension, the nails hurt. If the master is inept or unscrupulous, then he can carry out the procedure so that the client will never again use the artificial modeling service. Unfortunately, there are a lot of such "professionals", so women constantly ask if it hurts to build nails. If the technician cuts the plates too hard, the client will feel a slight stinging that gets worse. But while wearing artificial turf, no painful sensations arise. The only exception is an allergic reaction to the material.
  • After extension, nail treatment is required, which is expensive and time-consuming, the results of which are not always satisfactory. Even if the procedure was carried out by a person who had never previously done or studied the modeling technique, did not process tools and used the lowest-grade materials, such fatal consequences are excluded.

Look at the pictures of nails after extension. But not at the moment when they were only modeled, but after the removal of all artificial materials. V in this case the procedure was carried out correctly, the negative consequences did not appear, so there is no need to treat the plates. In the photo you can see healthy and strong plates.

The photo below shows the negative consequences of building up, which arise due to a number of factors. They can be: independent removal of the coating, unprofessional processing, the use of low-grade materials and mistakes of the master during modeling.

Ways to restore the health of the nail plates

If you are unlucky and require restoration of the nail plate after the extension procedure, you first need to establish the type and nature of the damage. Consider the most common types of deterioration in the health of marigolds:

Now you know how quickly and whether it is possible to restore nails after extension. This procedure is not absolutely harmless, therefore, situations often arise in which a full-fledged rehabilitation of the plates may be required.

Nail care after removing gel and acrylic

So that you do not have to worry about the health of your nails and often look for information on how to cure nails after building up, let's get acquainted with the methods of caring for them after removing artificial coatings and preventing brittleness and discoloration of the plates.

Modern women can use both domestic and salon methods recovery of plates. Most of them help quickly, some have a slow, but long-lasting effect. Let's take a look at some homemade ways first:

Adherents professional care it will be interesting how to restore nails after building with gel or acrylic using salon methods. In the modern beauty industry, the following methods are most often used:

After assessing the condition of your hands, the expert will advise on the appropriate procedure.

There are many ways to restore wafers after plastics have been removed. Some people prefer home care methods, others prefer a professional approach. But everyone, without exception, will be interested in what methods manifest their effect in the utmost short term... Share in the comments about what types of nail care after building turned out to be the most suitable for you both in speed and quality.

Today women who by nature do not possess beautiful nails have many opportunities to rectify the situation. Several hours of labor good master- and the nails shine with perfection. Moreover, the drawing on them can be made absolutely exclusive. But this temptation is always fraught with risks and possible negative consequences. Let's find out more about them.

Is the build-up safe?

This popular procedure for women becomes more affordable every year. Its advantages are obvious: even, smooth, original nails... But before starting the procedure, ladies need to study information about possible consequences nail extension.

By extending artificial nails, you are depriving your own nails of the oxygen they need to maintain their health.

If you get to a good master, then he is simply obliged to tell you about the advantages and disadvantages of the procedure. He will assess the condition of your nails. If he diagnoses a disease, he will warn you and, of course, will not carry out the procedure. And if the master only makes money, then such a warning will not follow. Such a specialist will not ask you about the availability chronic diseases and possible admission hormonal drugs.

Every woman is interested in the question, what kind of material better nails ramp up. Both acrylic and gel are synthetic preparations. Israeli doctors came to the conclusion that among cancer patients there are many people who have been building their nails for many years. Of course, a direct link between these phenomena has not been established. But a systematic buildup as a provoking factor is not ruled out.

Acrylic nails have a more natural look compared to gel nails. After their removal, the native nails usually look sore and not aesthetically pleasing. They need treatment and quality recovery.

Contraindication to building up in one and the other way is individual intolerance. But the trouble is that it’s very difficult to understand it the first time. After all, this may not manifest itself in any way, and then, perhaps, in a year, it will make itself felt. Allergic reactions during buildup are accompanied by itching, the nail bed becomes dry and thinner. Perhaps, on the contrary, and its thickening.

Types of nail damage after extension

Build-up can cause two types of damage: mechanical and allergic. Allergies appear immediately or over time. It requires long-term treatment.

As for mechanical damage, the most common of them is fungal infection... If after building on the nail plate formed yellow spot, then just it can be a sign of a fungus. It is necessary to remove nails, treat them with antibacterial drugs and carry out a course of treatment. The fungus develops quickly, and the nail can be completely lost. By the way, local treatment does not guarantee a lasting result. Complex antifungal therapy will be needed.

The mistakes of the masters, their inexperience or negligence can lead to the violation of the structure of the nails. They become wavy, break, or simply stop growing.

Extension precautions

No matter how they dissuade a woman from building up and warn about the risks, she always wants to try it herself, wants beauty and novelty. In this case, you need, first of all, to find a good master and at the same time use the following tips:

  1. You can only build up healthy nails.
  2. After building up, strengthen the nails with the vitamin complexes with trace elements for nails.
  3. Do wellness treatments after removing nails. These are baths with sea salt, cuticle lubrication special means, massages with olive oil.
  4. Breaks between extensions are mandatory. They must be at least two weeks long with the above activities.
  5. If you notice on new nails unpleasant symptoms you are experiencing painful sensations you see spots, shoot artificial nails and treat as needed.
  6. You can not build up nails when diabetes mellitus and taking hormonal drugs, antibiotics, liver and kidney diseases, allergies and cancer. Extension is not recommended for pregnant women.

So, the consequences of nail extension are, at a minimum, a deterioration in the condition of native nails, at a maximum, fungal diseases... Maybe it's still better to strengthen and

Today nail extension is very fashionable procedure... Many women, dreaming of having beautiful, strong, long nails, seek help from a manicure specialist. However, unfortunately, not everyone is satisfied, often the extension procedure has undesirable consequences. So before you accept final decision- to build up nails or not - you should find out what the consequences may be.

The main undesirable consequences of nail extension include the following problems:

  • 1. Artificial nails do not adhere well and begin to flake off.
  • 2. After the procedure for removing the artificial nail, your nails are unevenly thickened or thinned, become brittle and damaged. This is due to the fact that the imposition of foreign material on the native nail disrupts its nutrition, metabolism and makes it difficult for air to reach the nail plate.
  • 3. Occurrence allergic reactions on the components that are part of the building materials.
  • 4. The appearance of skin infections, for example, nail fungus.

Extension of nails does not mean that you no longer need to take care of them, on the contrary, after the procedure you will have to pay a lot of attention to them. So get ready for the following:

  • - you will need time to get used to your new long nails if you are doing extension for the first time;
  • - Do not expose extended nails to loads, despite the fact that they are stronger and thicker than natural ones: when doing household chores, use gloves to protect nails from getting into detergents;
  • - you will have to do nail correction at least once a month, otherwise the nails will look sloppy and you can easily break them;
  • - extended nails cannot be cut with scissors and processed with large metal files;
  • - after the artificial nails are removed, you will have to undergo an intensive restoration course for your own nails.

Before the extension procedure, you should carefully think about what material you will make new nails for yourself, because a lot will depend on your choice.

You can make yourself gel or acrylic nails... Gel nails look more natural, they shine beautifully, and this shine will not wash off, even if you remove the varnish with acetone. This material is more elastic, however, in the process of drying it must be used ultraviolet lamps which can lead to skin diseases. Moreover, if gel nail breaks, it will have to be completely removed, they do it by cutting, which can severely injure the native nail.

Acrylic nails are more durable. They are removed very simply using special solution... However, acrylic gives off a very Strong smell when dry.

You can avoid many problems after nail extension if you take into account existing contraindications to this procedure.

You should not do nail extensions:

  • - if you have diseases of the digestive, endocrine or excretory system;
  • - if you are allergic to methacrylates that are part of the building material;
  • - if you have a fungal, bacterial or viral infection of the nails and skin of the hands;
  • - immediately after the procedure classic manicure;
  • - while taking antibiotics or during chemotherapy;
  • - during pregnancy.

If one of these points is directly related to you, be sure to consult not only with a beautician, but also with your doctor.

Modeling nail plates has gained immense popularity in our time. Really, this procedure has a lot of advantages. Despite the fact that on the Internet and real life you can find many conflicting reviews about nail extension, the technique does not lose its relevance among women of all ages.

There are many discussions about the dangers of artificial turf. In this article we will consider all the nuances and possible dangers modeling with gel and acrylic.

How is the procedure for the extension of nail plates carried out?

Almost every newbie girl asks the question whether it is possible to build nails, is it harmful, and what effect does the procedure have on the nails? Before giving up or deciding on artificial modeling, you should find out all the features of its implementation. Contrary to the fears of some girls, there is nothing extra-complicated in the procedure for lengthening the nail plates. Currently, it is produced mainly by gel. The modeling process consists of the following stages:

  1. First, the master removes the old coating. If it was a gel, it is cut off with cutters or manually using files. Acrylic and shellac are dissolved in special liquids, and the remnants are cleaned off. With the usual varnished even easier - it can be removed at home.
  2. Then the marigolds are filed and removed from their surface upper layer... This is for a good grip. artificial material... For the same purpose, a primer is also used - a product that includes fruit acids and some natural strengthening ingredients.
  3. Tips are matched to each plate a certain size... If you prefer gel modeling, then shapes are put on the fingers.
  4. Tips are glued to the nails and then given the desired length and shape. On the forms, a transparent gel should be applied and dried in a lamp, and only then filed.
  5. The next step is to apply the base. This remedy also needs to be dried under ultraviolet light.
  6. You should also apply camouflage and color gels and cure them in a lamp. Without removing the sticky layer, such a coating must be decorated. It can be stickers, painting, rhinestones and other types of nail designs.
  7. In the last turn, the plates are processed with a top coating. The nails are dried in a lamp and removed. sticky layer with a napkin soaked in a special preparation.

It is difficult to judge whether it is harmful to build up nails with gel, knowing only the stages of this procedure. At first glance, the process seems completely harmless. Therefore, let's take a closer look at the procedure.

Benefits of artificial lengthening

It is important for girls to know all the pros and cons of the nail extension procedure. This will help them minimize risks and find optimal solution for your image. Let's start by describing the benefits of modeling:

  • Persistence. All women know from childhood that varnish adorns marigolds only for the first 24 hours, and then the irreversible process of its destruction begins. Of this disadvantage the extended plates are deprived. After the modeling procedure, your manicure will look perfect for at least 3 weeks. They don't even write about it in reviews - so much this advantage obviously.
  • Aesthetics. Thanks to the abundance decorative materials, gel or acrylic plates can be decorated as you like. There are no restrictions in this creative business. A talented craftsman can make amazing designs that will not go unnoticed by others.
  • Naturalness. A correctly performed modeling procedure will save you from the need for adaptation - the plates will look like natural. There should be no discomfort while wearing them. But even if the manicure is not done flawlessly, you can get used to new nails in 1-2 days.
  • Strengthening. Why is everyone looking for information about whether extended nails are harmful, but no one asks about their benefits? Artificial turf protects the plates from impact household chemicals, ultraviolet radiation, mechanical damage and other adverse factors. As a result, natural marigolds are restored and strengthened in a natural way.
  • Disguise. In some cases, there is absolutely no time to think about whether it is harmful to build up nails with gel and acrylic. Bundle, yellowness, strong mechanical damage there is no way to hide ordinary varnish, and without a manicure you will not be at an important event. In this case, there is only one way out - to go to the master for modeling with acrylic or gel. Under such a coating, not a single flaw will be visible.

However, such an extensive list of advantages does not at all exclude the fact that nail extension can be harmful.

List of contraindications

Before proceeding to a description of the negative consequences of building up, we will consider situations in which you will have to abandon the procedure. Those who have contraindications to artificial modeling are forced to choose an alternative:

  • Pregnancy and lactation. The fact is that many modeling preparations contain chemical substances, quickly penetrating into the blood. In order not to harm the child, it is better to refuse to use them.
  • Fungal infections of the fingers and nail bed... In the presence of this disease you will have to abandon the procedure until complete recovery. Otherwise, the condition will only get worse.
  • Open wounds on the fingers and severe damage to the plates. In this case, the harm from nail extension will be obvious. Wait for the wounds to heal completely, and only then go to the salon.
  • Serious diseases of the endocrine, excretory and digestive systems are absolute contraindications to the simulation procedure. Also, it cannot be performed while taking antibiotics, analgesics and after a course of chemotherapy.

If you have no contraindications, this does not mean that modeling is harmless.

Disadvantages of building

Consider the negative effects of nail extension:

  • After removing the artificial turf, your own plates will have to be restored. They will look unsightly, but after careful maintenance, everything will go away.
  • If you have a weakened immune system, then the likelihood of delamination of natural marigolds after removing the gel or acrylic plates increases.
  • With improper filing and other mistakes of the master, deformation of the plate may begin.
  • If artificial turf peels off from the base, it can be accidentally touched and then the nail is injured. In this case, correction is the best outcome. Often it is necessary to treat the injured skin near the plate.

Determine reliably that nail extension is harmful and dangerous procedure, it is forbidden. It all depends on the individual characteristics and the state of your health. Therefore, it is so important to contact bona fide craftsmen.

Impact of artificial modeling materials on health

In this section, you will find basic information about the two main types of extensions - gel and acrylic. She will help you weigh the pros and cons of nail extension.

Parameter / Material Gel Acrylic
the beauty The gel plates shine brightly, look glamorous and spectacular. They do not change their shade throughout the entire period of wearing. Acrylic tends to turn yellow over time. Initially, the coating turns out to be matte, it does not have a natural shine.
Convenience It is very easy to apply the material. It aligns automatically as soon as it hits the surface. But after polymerization, the gel sometimes cracks. After the coating has hardened, it has to be sanded for a long time. The advantages include no need for a UV lamp and high durability.
Girls wear acrylic plates much longer than gel plates.
Security The gel coating provides free oxygen access. The natural plate underneath continues to grow normally.
Among the minuses, it is worth noting the need to cut off the gel after 2-3 weeks. Sometimes it leads to nail injury.
Acrylic contains minimal amount harmful to nails substances, therefore, after removing the coating, restoration is carried out as soon as possible. The disadvantages for this parameter include strong smell monomer, which at first is difficult and unsafe for the respiratory tract.

This table reflects the harm and benefits of nails extended with acrylic and gel. These techniques have their supporters and opponents. Therefore, so far there is no reliable information about which of the coatings is more dangerous, but this is what the girls write on the network.