Show how to cover up blue makeup under the eyes. Bruises under the eyes: how to mask them with makeup? Choosing a concealer

Or massage. But what if you need to put yourself in order right now? A correctly selected concealer for bruises under the eyes will quickly solve a sore issue.

Concealer allows you to quickly hide bruises under the eyes

What is concealer?

Translated from of English language the word “to conceal” or in Russian transcription “concealer” means “to conceal”, which fully corresponds to its purpose.

There are several types of concealers or concealers that differ in price, color, properties and texture:

  • The pencil has a dense structure, it is used to spot problems on the skin, so it is not quite suitable for correcting the areas around the eyes.
  • Stick concealer is used to hide pronounced shortcomings: age spots, freckles, irregularities, scars.
  • A liquid product in a tube is a great opportunity to mask blemishes on the skin around the eyes.
  • Concealer cream is designed to mask significant flaws: brightly grown blue, age spots, expression wrinkles.

The concealer does not eliminate dark circles and bruises, but only hides, conceals, conceals and corrects them.

How to choose the color of concealer for bruising under the eyes?

Produce concealers for bruising around the eyes various shades... You need to be able to choose a color correctly, otherwise you risk not only not hiding the flaws, but even more exposing them to the public. Agree, no one wants to get such an effect.

The main rule when choosing a means to neutralize a certain color is to choose the opposite color:

  • Blue-green bruises and translucent wreaths will be relieved by an orange corrector. Orange color great for mixed type skin and for skin of cold tones, giving it a shade of warmth and freshness.
  • The purple hue of bruises caused by constant lack of sleep and fatigue is perfectly masked yellowish... It will brighten up any skin and make it smoother. Greatest effect visible on dark-skinned skin.
  • Concealer for severe dark circles around the eyes blue... By the way, he will subtly hide age spots and obsessive freckles.

To find the color of the concealer, refer to the palette: find the problematic color and opposite it will be the desired color.

From the palette, you can see that blue-purple bruises are perfectly neutralized by peach shades.

When choosing neutral colors the corrective agent does not have to be flesh-colored... To create the effect of shining eyes, you should opt for a product that is lighter than the tonal base by 1-2 tones and lighter than skin by half a tone. Reflective particles in the concealer will give the skin freshness and radiance.

How to apply concealer for bruising under the eyes?

After selection correct color The next step is to learn how to properly mask the bruises under the eyes with concealer:

  1. Thoroughly cleanse the skin in the problem area.
  2. Apply gel or. Wait at least 5 minutes for the cream to be absorbed.
  3. Apply concealer with movements from outer corner eyes to the inner. Apply concealer as close to the eyelid area as possible without going beyond the dark border.

Never completely apply concealer to the entire eye area. Do not stand close to the mirror, it is so difficult to assess the effect of the procedure, take one step back.

  1. Use a brush, then gently blend the product with your fingertips without applying pressure. With warm fingers, the shading works better, so keep your fingers warm.
  2. If after the procedure there is an unnatural shine of the skin, lightly cover it with a foundation or powder, this will give natural look skin and hide the shine.

Universal concealers should be in every cosmetic bag, they effectively hide many imperfections on the skin: dark circles, rashes, wrinkles.

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Regardless of, " drove in"with a fist in your face or you yourself hit your forehead against the jamb, the very next day after the blow, a luxurious fingal will flaunt on the skin around the eyes. The reason for this is that the tissues around the eyes are very delicate and loose, so it is easier for blood to get into this area of ​​the face To narrow blood vessels and slow down the spread of blood, it is recommended that immediately after receiving a blow, apply to the site of injury cold compress- ice, compress with cold water or a metal object.

However, if the blow was strong It is not so easy to prevent the appearance of a black eye under the eye. After all, the skin and soft tissue after the impact, they are already damaged, small blood vessels have burst. On the first day, only a bump forms at the site of the impact, and the next day it will appear under the eye. After a few days, the bruise becomes yellow, then turns green and gradually turns brown. Without the use of ointments and masks that accelerate the healing of hematomas, before 2 weeks the fingal under the eye will not disappear, which is very frustrating for those who cannot sit at home and wait for the bruise to resolve on its own.

Fingal under the eye of beauty does not add. Wear sunglasses in this situation, too, not an option, but only extra reason for gossip and doubts about the adequacy of the sexual partner. In order for the fingal under the eye to become invisible, and you could go to work or meet with friends without fear of becoming the object of ridicule, you will have to mask the bruise with the help of makeup, with the subtleties of which we want to familiarize you.

At makeup bright hematomas need "heavy artillery", it will not work to disguise the fingal using only foundation or powder. In order to hide the defect even a little, they will have to be applied several layers, and something like that is immediately evident. The situation is aggravated by the fact that tonal means dry out the skin of the eyelids, which makes all the wrinkles around the eyes more visible.

It is naive to believe that a bruise can mask with a special pencil... It is not designed to work on the delicate skin of the eyelids, therefore for quick solution problems will have to buy a concealer, which is excellent remedy cosmetic disguise. There are several types of concealers available, in order to hide a large-scale and pronounced fingal, it is best to opt for a high-quality concealer. For example, use a concealer with a thicker texture.

Concealer contains ingredients that improve blood circulation and lymph circulation in capillaries that are damaged. The color of the concealer is chosen individually in each case. If the bruise is fresh, it is better to use a light green or yellowish concealer, in tandem with the blue of the black eye they will give the best result.

If bruise has already begun to fade and has yellow edges, it is best to cover it with a bluish or light purple concealer. These colors mask yellowness well even after applying a small amount foundation, the bruise will be invisible. Apply the concealer to the bruised area in stages: first, moisturize the skin around the eyes with nourishing cream then cover the bruise with concealer with smooth movements thin layer, going beyond the boundaries of the dark spot by a few millimeters. You can fix the result with a small amount of transparent powder.

For makeup a bruise under the eye that is almost disappearing, a corrector is also suitable, which is usually used to mask any skin imperfections, including small scars, age spots and freckles. For example, Full Cover Extreme Camouflage Cream by Makeup Forever. So that the blackening is not visible, after application, the corrector must be carefully shaded with a wide and soft brush, despite the fact that this procedure at the site of the injury can be painful.

The corrector is insanely convenient to use, but its scope is dark circles under the eyes rather than luxurious bruises. Therefore, making the bruise completely invisible without the use of funds that are designed to speed up the resorption of bruises may not work. To improve the effect of bruise makeup with a concealer or corrector, buy one of the following ointments at the pharmacy: "Bruise off", " Ambulance from bruises "," Rescuer "," Lyoton "," Troxevasin "," Arnika "," Indovazin "," Bodyaga Forte "or" Heparin ".

Pharmacy remedies for treatment bruises have become very popular today. After all, some of them (for example, Bruise off) not only accelerate the healing of hematomas, but also mask it. It is enough to apply a pea-sized product to the bruised area and lightly shade it to make the bruise less noticeable. You cannot use foundation or powder over ointments and gels to treat bruises. They clog pores and slow down the healing process.

And of course, any hematomas on the body, whether it be a fingal or just a lump, it is necessary to treat, and not just mask. If you have days of unused vacation or time off, take them and just wait it out, helping the bruise heal faster with medicated ointments. After all, a black eye is a signal that your body is under stress and needs rest.

It's no secret that with makeup you can disguise various disadvantages on the face. This also includes dark circles under the eyes. However, improper makeup can make the bruises under the eyes even more noticeable or completely ruin the look. What are the most common mistakes in makeup for dark circles under the eyes and how to mask them correctly, read the article.

Many women find it easy to hide dark circles under their eyes. But careless makeup can sometimes have dire consequences. Stylist Roman Medny told how to avoid mistakes.

Bruises under the eyes appear during and after an illness or due to fatigue. Removing them does not amount hard work, because for this they came up with a set various means... But often it doesn't end with masking the circles. Bad makeup will ruin your image anyway, so it is very important that everything is harmonious.

Major mistakes

When you mask the bruises under the eyes, you have a very dense and matte texture - in contrast to mother of pearl, it becomes obvious. It is for this reason that you need to be extremely careful with such shadows. If you have any flaws on the eyelids: wrinkles, moles, enlarged pores under the eyebrow - all this will be obvious and noticeable. Some women often confuse glitter with mother-of-pearl and apply the first with a fairly thick layer. Glitter contains a lot bright sparkles different sizes(up to half a millimeter in diameter), so it must be applied very carefully. It is completely unacceptable when trying to hide bruises under the eyes with pearlescent eyeshadow... Thus, you can only achieve the effect of a drooping lower eyelid, and it will simply lose its shape.

Another mistake is combining a light under eye concealer with bright blush and eye makeup. In this case, a black and white pattern is obtained: white spots under the eyes, highlighted eyes and red cheeks. Too much contrast between light concealer and blush accentuates the bruising under the eyes.

Also, don't try to hide bruises under your eyes with blush. Often women apply the product to upper part cheeks and whiskey. Such makeup is considered traditional in Japan, but it will not cope with the problem. In this case, the effect of a tired, beaten face is created.

A typical lapse is an attempt to simultaneously lighten the skin and mask the bruise. Remember that bruising can only be removed with a concealer that matches the color of your foundation, matched to your skin tone. When both the face and the concealer are light, it adds age, the effect of tired eyes appears.

If you decide to do smoky makeup, then again your bruises will only stand out from this. It is especially dangerous to apply shadows with an arched method, because then they become more noticeable symmetrically. camouflaged spots under the eyes. If the smoky makeup is unsaturated and applied closer to the corners of the eyes, then the bruises can be hidden.

Application rules

Use a highlighter to get started to make the skin look smoother and neater. The main thing is to carefully shade the highlighter around the perimeter so that it smoothly turns into blush and foundation. It will not hide stains, but it will lighten the skin. On the upper lid, apply an eyeshadow base, this will even out the color of the eyelid and the skin will be suitable for the next layer of eyeshadow. As a base, you can use powder or foundation. Then apply beige matte eyeshadow all over the lid. If you have blue eyes, then choose warm shades, if brown or gray, then use cold colors. At first glance, such subtleties will really emphasize your eyes. It is better to apply shadows with a natural bristle brush with thick and dense bristles.

The tighter you have covered the bruise, the lighter the makeup on top should be. To open the eyes and acquire a healthy facial expression, apply a small amount of gray shadows by the bone. Pearlescent beige eyeshadow can be applied under the brow to highlight it and make it more effective. Apply the helium liner with a thin beveled brush. To divert attention away from bruises under your eyes, do thin arrow up to 4 millimeters from the inner corner of the eye along the line of growth of the eyelashes, without going beyond the border of the eye. You don't need to shade anything on lower eyelid because the feather border will emphasize the disguised bruise... You can apply mascara to your eyelashes and walk the shadows along the lash line. This combination of colors and textures of shadows really makes the look look fresher.

Unfortunately, there are such imperfections in appearance that it is almost impossible to get rid of quickly.

One such example is dark circles and bruises under the eyes due to fatigue or lack of sleep, heredity, special structure face, location of capillaries.

No matter how many wonderful creams you use against them, they will not disappear instantly. Therefore, if you need to quickly tidy up your face, it is enough to properly disguise them with makeup.

Using foundation

As a rule, it hides small darkening of the skin, at the same time, this tool does not cope with multi-colored bright bruises. Besides, dark tone foundation can make your face look unnatural.


Many women use powder to mask bruises, but this is not entirely correct.

  • First, the texture of the powder will dry delicate skin around eyes.
  • Secondly, the powder will age the face, as the skin under the eyes will begin to gather in folds when smiling, talking, and make the grooves more noticeable.

Masking pencil

This hard corrector designed to hide small defects on the face, but use it to mask bruises and dark spots under the eyes is ineffective. Using solid cosmetic pencil on this area, the woman will only stretch the delicate skin under the eyes, cause the premature appearance of wrinkles.


This product is designed to remove various imperfections in the skin around the eyes, including bruises. A concealer can be:

  • liquid- such a product is well shaded, absorbed quickly, does not clog into the skin, does not spread. But if there are visible wrinkles under the eyes, then it is better not to use it, otherwise the folds will be more noticeable;
  • creamy- it is soft, medium density a remedy that masks bruises under the eyes well. In addition, the creamy concealer moisturizes the skin;
  • fluid- contains reflective particles. It hides both bruises and wrinkles well.

Steps for Using Concealer Correctly

So that no defects are noticeable, you need to know how to use the concealer correctly. There are 3 easy steps:

  1. Skin nutrition. Apply a moisturizer to the skin, wait until it is absorbed. Remove the remains of the cream with a napkin with blotting movements.
  2. Application. Apply a thin layer of creamy concealer using a brush or fingertips. If using a liquid concealer, a soft sponge should be used.
  3. The final stage. To apply tonal basis or powder. Then you can apply decorative cosmetics.

Advice! When doing makeup, do not line the lower eyelids with a pencil, do not paint lower eyelashes so as not to focus on the area under the eyes.

Before buying this cosmetic product, you need to consider the following points:

  • The tone of the masking agent should be selected 1-2 steps lighter. natural color skin;
  • Be sure to check the product for allergic reaction so that there is no eye irritation;
  • To disguise a purple bruise, you need to buy a yellowish dense concealer;
  • To hide a bluish greenish bruise, use an orange concealer;
  • Only bluish bruises that have appeared can be easily masked with a blue concealer;
  • To make sure of the effectiveness of the concealer, it is enough to apply it in a thin layer to the vein located in the bend of the arm from the inside;
  • Choose a concealer in natural light. Under artificial lighting, this cosmetic product may not be selected correctly.

If bruises under the eyes appear due to lack of sleep, chronic diseases, then even expensive cosmetical tools will not be able to constantly hide this flaw. They will only improve briefly appearance, so the solution to the problem can be healthy sleep and treatment of chronic diseases.

Concealers and anti-dark circles can hide the traces of a sleepless night in seconds. site presents 5 simple steps Recommended by Olga Kormakova, lead makeup artist at Clarins, to get rid of under-eye fatigue marks with a concealer, and 7 of the most effective beauty products that really work.

Step 1

First, you need to thoroughly prepare the skin around your eyes for makeup and apply a care product that matches your skin condition. It is better to choose under makeup light cream or cream gel.

Step 2

Choose the texture of the corrector depending on the desired result. If you are not particularly worried about dark circles and just want to refresh your face and hide signs of fatigue, apply a translucent and reflective concealer.

Step 3

If you want to hide serious imperfections, use a concealer with a higher coverage. It not only perfectly masks dark circles, but also moisturizes and smoothes the delicate skin around the eyes.

Step 4

Beige shades of concealers will suit you if you are masking a reddish undertone, and pink shades in order to hide blues.

Step 5

Apply concealer with your fingers or a brush. To do this, spread a small amount of the product with gentle patting movements from the inner corners of the eyes towards the outer corners.

Site selection:

PHOTO Elena Abramova
  • Light Fantastic Cellular Concealing by La prairie combines decorative and caring properties: after application, the skin looks fresh and toned. Extra bonus- replaceable cartridge in the package.
  • Concealer Sheer Luminous Concealer, Burberry, has a delicate creamy texture, does not dry the skin and has impressive durability.
  • Modeling Concealer "Shine" Touche Eclat, YSL, - not only the bestseller of the brand, but also favorite remedy models and celebrities due to its masking and leveling action.
  • Camera Ready BB Eye Cream, Smashbox, solves 5 problems at once: hides bruises and fights wrinkles, reduces puffiness, makes the skin smoother and more elastic.
  • Shining Concealer Mister Light, Givenchy, in addition to providing high-quality masking and highlighting, contains a sunscreen SPF filter 10, vegetable oils and a vitamin complex.
  • Remedy for circles under Eyed Eye Tonic, Chanel, due to the "smart" composition, including tangerine bioflavonoids and horse chestnut extract, reduces blue under the eyes and improves blood microcirculation. The result will be visible after 4 weeks.
  • Concealer youth and radiance Radiant Younth Corrector Pen, Yves rocher , due to the rich texture instantly evens out the tone, and the reflective pigments brighten the shadow areas of the skin.