Haircut calendar April auspicious days. April. Wednesday. Growing Moon in Libra. Favorable haircut days according to the lunar calendar

The middle of spring is the time to take off your hats. Hair weakened by vitamin deficiency receives additional stress in the form of UV radiation. Correct hairstyle can improve general form hair and condition of curls. will help you choose a day for a successful visit to the hairdresser. hairline on the head of people is intended not only to protect against heat or cold. There is an authoritative opinion that the hair on the head is a natural antenna, a means of communication with space, a channel for "recharging" energy, a source life force. You can rationally use this gift by choosing the right day for hairdressing procedures.

What dates in April 2016 are favorable for a haircut?

For long-term preservation hairstyles, it is worth getting a haircut on April 1, 2 (at this time the waning moon is in). Successful for haircuts are also the 27th and 28th (the night light at). In addition, these dates coincide with the 21st and 22nd lunar days, when cutting has positive influence on the respiratory system, helps to increase authority in society, success in financial affairs.

Favorable for growing hair - 8, 9, 11 (growing moon in and), 16, 18, 19, 20, 21 ("queen of the night" in the constellations,). And a haircut on April 13, in addition to accelerating the growth of curls, will lead to an aggravation of intuition and an improvement in relationships with others, but the hair will be naughty.

When should you not visit the hairdresser in April?

Moments that are not suitable for meeting with the hairdresser's scissors are the days of the transition of the earth's satellite from one phase to another. The full moon in April falls on the 22nd (the night luminary in). A haircut will slow hair growth and attract trouble. bad days- 7 (new moon), 14 (moon without a course in the constellation "").

It is also worth giving up cutting on the 5th and 6th (the waning moon at, 28 lunar knocks), because manipulations with curls during this period are bad for the health of the scalp and life expectancy.

Special attention deserves the 24th (waning moon in Scorpio, Sunday). On this day, it is worth getting a haircut exclusively for owners of thin hair. weak hair who want not only to make their hair thicker, but also to make drastic changes in their life as a whole.

Unfavorable day 3 (Sunday, intersection of 25 and 26 lunar day, waning celestial disk) the totality of all the factors of the lunar calendar indicates that a haircut at this moment will destroy the connection with the guardian angel, plunge into depression.

Haircut lunar calendar for April 2016

What days of April should you dye and curl your hair?

After dyeing, the hair becomes softer and softer, absorbs less dust, not to mention the increase in the attractiveness of the hairstyle, shining with rich color. But the paint on the curls shows different durability, if applied in different periods lunar cycle. The time when the celestial crescent grows is suitable for stable staining, you should not experiment with color. The paint applied to the curls during the days of the waning crescent is quickly washed off, so you can afford the experience of changing the image. If the result is unsatisfactory, the error can be quickly corrected.

The constellation "Taurus" occupies a place in the sky that is successful for dyeing hair on April 12 and 13. Coloring is good when the night luminary is in Gemini (14 and 15) or Virgo (21, 22) and Leo (19, 20) occupy a central place in the sky. You can get rid of gray hair on 27, 28 - the time of the moon in Capricorn.

Perm cannot be frequent procedure(It is bad for the health of the hair). Therefore, with special care, one should select not only the master, the preparation, but also the day of the procedure.

If overly twisted curls are needed, then you need to do a perm on 19 or 20 when the moon is in Leo, or 23, 24, 25 (moon in Libra). At thin hair the perm will turn out well on April 10, 11, 12, 13 and 1, 2, 3. And the most beautiful curls get 21 and 22 - when the night luminary "falls into the power" of the Virgin.

The calendar is calculated according to Moscow time. For other cities it is necessary to make an appropriate amendment.

A haircut can attract depression.

Auspicious day for cutting and coloring hair. You will find warmth. A radical change in the shade of your hair will bring you health and profit.

Auspicious day for haircut. People around you will like you. You don't have to dye your hair.

Unfavorable day for cutting and dyeing hair, you can lose positive energy face financial problems.

Give up haircuts and chemical hair coloring, you can bring trouble, quarrels. On this day, it is better to dye your hair with natural natural dyes, it will attract profit to you.

An unfavorable day for cutting and coloring hair, you can lose positive energy, face financial problems. Fix financial problems hair coloring tint balm or foam.

An unfavorable day for cutting and bleaching hair. Haircut will lead to waste. Coloring with natural dyes will help in career growth.

An unfavorable day for cutting and coloring hair. You can be influenced by bad thoughts

Auspicious day for cutting and coloring hair. Haircut promotes acquisitions and wealth. Good day for lightening hair.

A haircut on this day helps to improve the body, get rid of negativity. It is better to refuse coloring, you can bring conflicts in the team.

An extremely unfavorable day for cutting and coloring hair. There may be health problems at work.

A very auspicious day for cutting and coloring hair. Gain health and longevity.

An unfavorable day for cutting, coloring and other hair manipulations. You can attract illness.

Unfavorable day for cutting hair. Health may deteriorate. It will be useful to dye your hair with henna, this will increase your credibility at work and strengthen your immune system.

Auspicious day for cutting and coloring hair. A haircut will enhance the sharpness of the mind and intuition. Coloring in gold or copper color can bring you profit.

Unfavorable day for cutting and coloring hair. Misfortune is attracted. Only dyeing with natural dyes is allowed, this will increase your status.

Auspicious day for haircut. A haircut will attract happiness, improve appearance. But it is better to refuse staining.

Auspicious day for cutting and coloring hair. Your financial condition will improve. Coloring with soft dyes is recommended.

Unfavorable day for cutting and coloring hair. Health problems may arise. This day is lucky only for those who dye their hair in dark shades natural dyes.

April 20, Sat. (16 lunar day, ris.20:57 - ch.6:10), moon in Scorpio

Unfavorable day for cutting hair. Get mental discomfort. Dye your hair only in dark colors.

April 21, Sun. (17 lunar day, ris.22:19 - ch.6:32), moon in Scorpio

Unfavorable day for cutting hair. There may be obstacles in business. Hair coloring in light or red shades will be successful.

April 22, Mon. (18 lunar day, sun.23:35 - zach.6:58), moon in Sagittarius

It is better to refuse a haircut. There will be trouble. Dye your hair in the color that brings you luck and confidence.

April 24, Wed. (19 lunar day, ris.0:43 - ch.8:11), moon in Capricorn

Auspicious day for cutting and coloring hair. Haircut will prolong life. Coloring with natural dyes will enhance business success.

April 25, Thu. (20 lunar day, ris.1:39 - zach.9:01), moon in Capricorn

Not exactly a good day for cutting and coloring hair. You may not like the result.

April 26, Fri. (21 lunar days, sunrise 2:24 - sunset 10:00), moon in Capricorn

Auspicious day for cutting and coloring hair. A haircut will give beauty and well-being. Good shades for coloring will be light and red.

Neutral day for cutting and coloring hair. Haircut promotes acquisitions. However, there is a possibility of getting excess weight. For coloring, choose natural shades.

It is better to refuse haircuts and coloring.

A very bad day for cutting and coloring. Health problems may arise. For coloring, you can choose natural dark shades, this will attract success at work.

A very bad day for a haircut. Health problems may arise. Coloring can provoke conflicts.

Although already passed whole month spring, warmer only now. And, it means that we can finally take off our boring scarves and hats, and show the world our beautiful, healthy and shiny hair!

But in order for them to really look the way we want, we need to cherish them, take care of them. And the lunar calendar will be of great help here. If you plan and perform the procedures in accordance with his recommendations, then the effect of a wonderful spring transformation will not keep you waiting!

Today is unfavorable for a haircut, but it is not forbidden to dye your hair, but if it is light colors. By the way, today is one of the best this month for depilation.

And today it is not recommended to cut hair or dye it. It is better to devote this time to manicure and depilation - the effect will be simply amazing.

And today, too, do a manicure or pedicure - this is how you will attract money into your life. Haircut again should be postponed for more auspicious time, and highlighting or dyeing hair in light colors today is not forbidden.

Today everything is possible, but only in a sparing mode.

This means that if we cut, then after we apply various masks and wraps; if we paint, then with natural dyes; face creams are the most neutral.

And only on a manicure you can “come off in full” - paint, build up, cut, experiment - everything will turn out well!

But today we are experimenting with hair in every possible way - cutting, dyeing, building up, radically changing the color and shape, testing new care masks, and so on! The moon will favorably react to everything, and everything will turn out extremely well!

The day is quite favorable for both cutting and coloring. All sorts of moisturizing procedures are still very much shown today - body wraps, baths for hands, feet and elbows, moisturizing masks and creams.

Astrologically, today is similar to yesterday, therefore, all recommendations remain valid.

Today (and tomorrow) is unfavorable for a haircut, but it is not forbidden to dye your hair, but only in light colors.

Astrologically, today is a very difficult day. Any procedures and manipulations - be it a haircut with coloring, pedicure-manicure, body care, etc. - take a lot vital energy and you will feel sick and weak.

So, plans for today - rest and relaxation!

We continue to rest today!

Of all possible procedures only allowed today fruit masks for the face and hair coloring in a dark color.

Haircut is a must! She will not only drive away bad thoughts, but also evens out well-being, gives energy and inner confidence. If it seems that there is nothing to cut, then cut at least the ends - and the effect will still be!

And even today massage is very useful, at least the collar zone.

It’s a pity if you didn’t visit the hairdresser yesterday - today and tomorrow are unfavorable days.

Everything else - in a sparing mode. That is - massage - relaxing, face creams - the most neutral, manicure - hygienic.

From today, stagnant processes in the body are intensifying, and, therefore, biologically active masks and creams. Doing pedicures and manicures is very good - they will breathe new energy and liveliness into you. Well, a haircut, as mentioned above, is better to postpone.

With a haircut, we endure until tomorrow, but dyeing your hair is not only possible, but also necessary!

And the more radical the new chosen color, the better. It will not only give you charm and charm, but also strengthen your self-confidence. All sorts of moisturizing procedures are still very much shown today - body wraps, baths for hands, feet and elbows, moisturizing masks and creams.

Today we are experimenting with hair in every possible way - cutting, dyeing, building up, radically changing the color and shape, testing new care masks, and so on! The moon will favorably react to everything, and everything will turn out extremely well!

We continue our experiments with hair, but you should not do a manicure-pedicure - today you can peel, and healing will take a long time.

And yet - today is a wonderful opportunity to go on a diet - it will flow easily and calmly and will bring benefits.

Absolutely not a good day for any deeds. Let's take advantage of this and enjoy!

Today (and tomorrow) is unfavorable for a haircut, but you can still dye your hair, but only if it is light colors.

Also, you should not do a manicure-pedicure - today you can peel, and healing will take a long time.

Therefore, it is better to do facial care - masks, massage, cleaning and so on.

Today is unfavorable for a haircut, but you can still dye your hair, but only if it is light colors. By the way, today is one of the best this month for removing any papillomas or warts.

Everything is possible, but only in a sparing mode.

This means that if we cut our hair, then after we apply various masks and wraps; if we paint, then with natural dyes; face creams are the most neutral.

Astrologically, today is a very difficult day. Any procedures and manipulations - be it a haircut with coloring, pedicure-manicure, body care, etc. - they will take a lot of vital energy, and you will feel unwell and weak.

So, plans for today - rest and relaxation!

Today is quite favorable for a haircut, the hair will grow intensively and lie beautifully. You can also dye your hair, but only dyes must be natural. By the way, today is one of the best this month for depilation.

Astrologically, today is similar to yesterday, therefore, all recommendations remain valid.

With a haircut, we endure until tomorrow, but you can and should dye your hair!

Moreover, the more radical the new chosen color, the better. It will not only give you charm and charm, but also strengthen your self-confidence.

And yet - today is a wonderful opportunity to go on a diet - it will flow easily and calmly and will bring benefits.

Today is quite favorable for a haircut, it will bring you financial well-being, money will love you and will come. If it seems that there is nothing to cut, then cut at least the ends - and the effect will still be!

But if you signed up for today on plastic surgery, it is better to wait - there is no guarantee that it will be successful.

15:35 29.03.2016

In order for bold experiments to benefit, it is necessary to choose suitable dates for this. This will help the lunar haircut calendar for April 2016.

I decided to change the image and make the most fashionable hairstyle spring 2016? Excellent! Just before going to the beauty salon, take a look at the haircut lunar calendar for April 2016 and choose the best day to visit the hairdresser. The right day will help ensure that your hair becomes healthy and strong, and the hairstyle retains its shape for a long time.

Lunar calendar of haircuts and hair coloring for April 2016

April 1st. Friday. Waning Moon in Capricorn.

auspicious day for short haircut hair, as hair growth slows down. It is not recommended to lighten hair. Better dye your hair brown tones. Highlighting, dyeing and perm will last a long time. It is recommended to use products for moisturizing hair and giving it shine. Anti-dandruff agents will be effective.

2 April. Saturday. Waning Moon in Aquarius

Hair cut on this day grows more slowly. Refrain from coloring your hair, as it will be difficult to get the desired shade today. Alternatively, you can apply tinted shampoos for hair toning. Chemical perm is not recommended. On this day, it is better to straighten your hair. It is recommended to use hair products that give volume.

April 3rd. Sunday. Waning Moon in Aquarius

The day is unfavorable for a haircut: this will not affect the condition of the hair, but an unsuccessfully chosen hairstyle can ruin your mood for a long time. Hair on this day is very sensitive to the effects of chemicals, so it is not recommended to dye it, but careful care will benefit them.

April, 4. Monday. Waning Moon in Pisces

Changes in the hairstyle on this day can be unsuccessful, so if there is an urgent need to tidy up the hair, it is better to limit yourself to cutting the ends or trimming the bangs. Auspicious day for coloring in golden and copper shades if these are the usual colors.

April 5. Tuesday. Waning Moon in Pisces

A haircut on this day can be bad for the condition of the hair and health in general. Coloring is possible, but it is better to refuse coloring and multi-color design - the result will not meet expectations.

April 6th. Wednesday. Waning Moon in Aries

Auspicious day for cutting wavy and curly hair. Hair cut on this day grows more slowly. Recommended to be dyed bright colors especially blonde. Should refrain from perm as it increases the risk of hair damage. The use of hair care products against dandruff, dry and damaged hair will be successful.

April 7th. Thursday. New moon.

Unfavorable day for cutting hair. It is advisable to refrain from highlighting, dyeing and perm. Recommended hair care: apply medical masks. Take a look at the lunar calendar of haircuts and hair coloring for April 2016 and choose another day for a haircut.

April 8th. Friday. Waxing Moon in Taurus

Favorable day for short haircuts. It is recommended to dye your hair in brown and natural tones. For a perm, you will need to use more lotion than usual, since the lotion is slower on the hair on this day. Use moisturizing treatment hair masks.

  • Hair loss mask with cinnamon powder and essential oil

Ingredients: 1 teaspoon cinnamon powder, 5 drops essential oil cinnamon, 1 tbsp. honey spoon, 1 teaspoon coconut oil, 1 tsp macadamia oil

Preparation: melt honey and coconut oil in a water bath, add the rest of the ingredients. Apply to clean wet hair. Wrap your hair with plastic wrap, wrap it with a towel on top. Hold the hair loss mask for 40-45 minutes, rinse with shampoo. Do this procedure once a week for two months so that the hair grows more intensively and stops falling out.

April 9th. Saturday. Waxing Moon in Taurus

A haircut on this day is recommended for those who plan to radically change their hairstyle and need a complete change of image. If you just need to cut the ends, it is better to postpone the trip to the hairdresser for a more favorable day. You can dye your hair, but only if the shade is close to natural and does not require prior clarification.

April 10th. Sunday. Waxing Moon in Gemini

Auspicious day for an airy and soft hairstyle. However, if you want to radically change your hairstyle, then it is better to postpone the haircut. When dyeing hair, you should pay attention to the strict adherence to the instructions, as the shade may not match the desired one. If possible, avoid perms on this day as the hair is soft and the perm will not last long on the hair. Use hair care products that add volume and shine.

April 11. Monday. Waxing Moon in Gemini

A favorable day for experimenting with cutting and styling - the result will last a long time and give self-confidence. It’s not worth drastically changing the color of your hair, but minor changes will help update the image.

April 12th. Tuesday. Waxing Moon in Cancer

An unfavorable day for cutting and washing hair. During highlighting and dyeing, the hair structure is damaged on this day, the hair becomes dull and brittle. Alternatively, you can use tinted shampoos to tone your hair. On this day, the hair becomes thin, greasy. Perm is not recommended because it promotes premature hair loss.

April 13th. Wednesday. Waxing Moon in Cancer

The perfect day for a short haircut - the hair will grow more slowly, so the result will last a long time. You can dye your hair in dark natural shades.

14th of April. Thursday. Waxing Moon in Leo

The day is favorable for simple habitual haircuts and simple styling. Light and red shades today should not give unwanted shades, but it is better to refuse a sharp change in the image.

15 April. Friday. Waxing Moon in Leo

Auspicious day for cutting hair, especially if you have thin and damaged hair. Hair cut on this day becomes thick, strong and healthy. It is recommended to dye your hair red. Be careful not to damage the scalp while painting. Hair can lose shine and become dull. On this day, it is recommended to abandon the perm, because the hair becomes frizzy and dry. It is recommended to use products for the care of brittle and dull hair(especially dyed and after perm). It is not recommended to use mousses and lotions to fix hair, as well as to do styling with a hairdryer.

16 April. Saturday. Waxing Moon in Leo

The day is favorable for a haircut - the hair is well modeled and retains its shape for a long time. It is undesirable to dye your hair - the body is very sensitive to the effects of chemicals.

April 17th. Sunday. Waxing Moon in Virgo

Hair cut with the Moon in Virgo retains its shape perfectly. It is good to cut thick and long hair. It is advisable to dye your hair in dark colors, they give the hair a very beautiful and saturated color. On this day, you need to use moisturizing masks for hair care.

April 18th. Monday. Waxing Moon in Virgo

On this day, the hair is quite resistant to harmful effects, so you can safely experiment with styling. For a haircut, the day is neutral, but it is better to postpone the coloring until more auspicious date.

19 April. Tuesday. Waxing Moon in Libra

You should not drastically change your hairstyle on this day, but a simple usual haircut and easy styling will benefit your hair. Today, the scalp is very receptive to massage and nourishing masks. Not a good day for coloring hair.

20 April. Wednesday. Waxing Moon in Libra

Auspicious day for haircut. Hair will become softer and silkier. It is recommended to carry out painting and highlighting. Hair dyed on this day retains rich shades for a long time.

The 21st of April. Thursday. Waxing Moon in Libra

Today it is not recommended to do a haircut - this may adversely affect your internal state and even make you depressed. You should not change your hair color drastically today, but minor changes in color can, on the contrary, attract success. Hairstyle is recommended to be kept simple. Take a look at the lunar calendar of haircuts and hair coloring for April 2016 and choose another day for a haircut.

22 April. Friday. Full moon

An extremely unfavorable day for cutting and coloring hair. It is undesirable to use metal hairpins, means for fixing and hot styling. It is best to give your hair a rest and minimize damage. Manipulations with hair can affect not only their condition, but also health in general.

  • Mask for hair loss from white clay

Take 1 teaspoon of white clay, mustard, lemon juice, butter, honey and 1 yolk. Mix everything to get a smooth homogeneous mixture. Rub into the roots of the hair, put on a shower cap. Wash your hair after 30-40 minutes.

23 April. Saturday. Moon in Scorpio

Favorable day for a haircut, however, it should be borne in mind that the hair will grow back very slowly. From chemical influences today it is better to refuse.

April 24th. Sunday. Waning Moon in Sagittarius

If a trip to a beauty salon is planned on this day, it is better to have time to finish all the procedures in the morning. Afternoon - bad period for any manipulation.

25th of April. Monday. Waning Moon in Sagittarius

The day is suitable for cutting the ends of the hair in recreational purposes. Hair coloring will be effective in fiery tones. Well, gray hair is painted over on this day. When dyeing and curling, it is advisable to use natural dyes and lotions.

26 April. Tuesday. Waning Moon in Sagittarius

It is better to refuse a haircut on this day - the result can be very disappointing. The same applies to coloring - the color will quickly fade and require re-staining.

April 27th. Wednesday. Waning Moon in Capricorn

Auspicious day for a short haircut, as hair growth slows down. It is not recommended to lighten hair. It is better to dye your hair brown.

April 28th. Thursday. Waning Moon in Capricorn

A bad day for a haircut - the result is likely to disappoint and ruin your mood. You can tint the regrown roots, but you should not change the hair color radically - new look may disappoint.

29 April. Friday. Waning Moon in Aquarius

Today, a haircut will have a positive effect on your influence on the people around you, as well as on your health. But since hair does not grow well after a haircut in the waning moon, you should not cut your hair too short.

April 30. Saturday. Waning Moon in Aquarius

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April 1 - This is a great date for dyeing and cutting hair in your usual manner. Experimenting on this day is not worth it.

April 2 and 3 - It is better to refuse any manipulations with your hair these days, but they are great for thinking about what you would like to change in your hairstyle.

April 4 and 5 - It's time to go to your favorite hairdresser and tell him about your ideas. But you should not take the result to heart: you need to get used to everything, even to your stunning new look.

April 6 and 7 - It is not worth getting a haircut these days, but you can make a strong-willed decision. For example, about growing hair, a cardinal change in their color, etc. The installation that you give yourself one of these days, you can easily fulfill.

April 8 and 9 - Hair cut these days will grow healthy and strong. In addition, the growth process will go extremely quickly, as always after a haircut during the waxing moon.

April 10 - Coloring and cutting should be postponed. Instead, spend time with family or friends, share with them a piece of your spiritual warmth - and the beauty of the outer will become brighter from the beauty of the inner.

April 11 - If you've been waiting perfect day for hair coloring - then this is it. On this date, the procedure will be especially successful for those who want to give their hair a warm shade.

April 12 and 13 - It is strictly forbidden to have a haircut these days. If you really can't stand it, then you can go to the hairdresser in order to make an exquisite hairstyle with your hair in the form in which it is now.

April 14 - The best day for a haircut in April 2016. If you put it off until the last moment, felt sorry for your split ends, were afraid to change the shape of the haircut - feel free to go to the hairdresser and implement everything that you thought about with doubts.

April 15 and 16 - It is no longer worth painting or cutting your hair these days, it is better to wait until a more favorable date. In the meantime, you can shine in society and deserve to be in the spotlight.

April 17 and 18 - So the next favorable days for dyeing and cutting hair have come. Arriving at the salon, give the hairdresser a clear instruction and do not agree to his other proposals: this is how the result will be the best.

April 19, 20 and 21 - beautiful days not only to visit the hairdresser, but also for a full range of beauty salon services. Pamper yourself with feminine joys - and find harmony and tranquility.

April 22 and 23 - The full moon and the day following it are never favorable for any action with the hair. Instead, you can plunge headlong into a storm of romantic passions.

April 24 and 25 - The moon continues to decrease and finds itself under the sign of Scorpio. And this means that going to the hairdresser should be preferred to having a great time with friends.

April 26, 27 and 28 - It's time to cut your hair and touch up if you haven't already done so. The last days of April, favoring experiments with their own hair.

April 29 and 30 - Days when the services of a hairdresser should not be used in any case. But they are great for spending time alone, for thinking, for which you always do not have enough time, and for making important decisions.

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