What diseases does the male genital organ have? Inflammatory diseases of the male genital organs. The causes of male diseases

Each disease of the body has its own characteristic signs, certain manifestations, or symptoms of the disease. Definition of these symptoms, main step in the diagnosis of the disorder as a whole.

Symptoms and signs of a disease of the male genital organs are strictly individual, and applies only to this kind diseases, and has certain external manifestations.

The classic skin lesion is a necrotic pustule on an erythematous basis. Cutaneous lesions, however, can manifest as macula, papules, pustules, petechiae, bullae, or bruising. They are usually found at the distal ends and are scarce. Diagnosis is made by demonstrating the presence of an organism in clinical specimens. The likelihood of recovery is best on the mucosal surface when this syndrome is suspected. Other systemic complications are rare and include endocarditis and meningitis.

Culture and gram staining of urethral, ​​rectal, or pharyngeal swabs have been the methods traditionally used for diagnosis. However, gram staining is not sensitive to screening asymptomatic patients. It has been recommended that patients who acquired gonorrhea in Asia, the Pacific Islands, Hawaii, or California should not receive quinolone treatment due to the high prevalence of resistance in these areas.

The very first signs of diseases of the male genital organs are phimosis. It is most often found in children. This is a fusion foreskin, in which it is impossible to bare the head. It is characterized by difficulty urinating and swelling of the edge of the penis. It is treated by surgical circumcision of part of the foreskin.

Signs of illness, with acute pain in the genitals. Sharp pain in the penis can occur with trauma to the penis, inflammation of the head, with strong tension of the penis. Inflammatory process in the testicle, it is also manifested by very severe pain, which increases with movement and is given to the groin. These are symptoms of trauma to the male genital organs, or torsion of the spermatic cord and testicle.

This has led to the recommendation that patients with gonococcal infection are regularly treated with a regimen effective for chlamydia. Conventional dual therapy without testing for chlamydia is cost-effective for patients who coinfection more than 10% to 30% of the time. The recommended treatment regimens for uncomplicated gonococcal infections of the cervix, urethra, and rectum are as follows.

Alternative schemes include the following. Uncomplicated gonococcal pharyngeal infections are more difficult to eradicate. Individuals who have persistent symptoms should be assessed for culture and antimicrobial susceptibility. Persistent symptoms can be caused by untreated coinfection with chlamydia or other infections such as trichomoniasis.

The next symptom to be considered is painful urination. This means that there is a burning sensation at the time of urination. This is most often a sign of infection. urinary tract, which intensify with increased frequency and false urge to urinate. These are symptoms of prostatitis, or inflammation of the urethra, or Bladder.

Skin diseases of the male genital organs

The patient should refrain from sexual activity within 7 days after starting therapy. All sexual partners must be treated within 60 days of symptoms or diagnosis. If the last sexual intercourse was more than 60 days before the onset of symptoms or diagnoses, the patient's last sexual partner should be treated. Pregnant women should be treated with cephalosporin or spectinomycin, and quinolone should be avoided.

For complicated infections, higher doses of antibiotics are recommended. Treatment can then be completed with oral cefixime 400 mg twice daily, ciprofloxacin 500 mg twice daily, levofloxacin 500 mg daily, or ofloxacin 400 mg twice daily to complete at least 1 week of antibiotic therapy.

Discharge from the penis, one of the signs of the disease. Purulent discharge accompanied by burning and occur most often when urinating, or with strong tension in the press, or difficult bowel movements. Discharge at the end of urination without sperm is also possible. These symptoms are characteristic of gonorrhea, urethritis, and chlamydosis.

Therapy continues for 10-14 days for meningitis and at least 4 weeks for endocarditis. Underestimation is a serious problem as most patients are asymptomatic. However, symptoms are generally less severe at the onset and tend to be milder or asymptomatic. The incubation period for chlamydial infection is 1 to 3 weeks, longer than for gonococcus. Some of the syndromes are discussed here.

Symptoms of urethritis include dysuria and a mild to moderate whitish to clear urethra. Because coinfection with gonococcus is common, patients may be present after treatment for gonococcal urethritis with constant allocation, albeit softer. Urethritis may be asymptomatic, although even these patients show signs of ongoing inflammation, manifested in the presence of urethral leukocytes.

The appearance on the head of the penis of a small red spot, which becomes denser and turns into an ulcer with a dense base, is a symptom of syphilis. From the moment of infection, until the first symptoms appear, it can take three or four weeks. Similar symptoms have a disease common in subtropical countries - chancre. Depending on the site of infection, a spot appears, then in its place is a bubble with pus, a soft ulcer. After the second period of syphilis begins, which can last three or four years. It manifests itself as rashes, which then disappear and the disease turns into a latent form.

In male patients, chlamydial infection has also been implicated in a common pathogen in epididymitis in sexually active young adults. This organism is also associated with non-bacterial prostatitis and Reiter's syndrome: urethritis, conjunctivitis, arthritis and skin lesions.

In female patients, chlamydia is often shed from the cervix. The infection is often inactive and symptoms such as discharge, if present, are nonspecific. Study results indicative of chlamydial infection include easily induced endocervical bleeding, endocervical mucosa, and edema in the area of ​​ectopia.

Diseases such as inflammation of the bladder, inflammation of the urethra, manifest themselves as symptoms such as discoloration of urine. It becomes cloudy, a sediment is visible in it, which settles over time. This is due to pus in the urine. Pus in the first portions is typical for inflammation of the urethra, in the last portions, for cystitis, gonorrhea.

Molecular are the preferred diagnostic testing methods. The use of these assays can be inhibited in clinical samples, sometimes resulting in false negative result... Ligation chain reaction, another amplification assay that was once widely used, is no longer available. Other diagnostic methods include culture, antigen tests, enzyme immunoassays and serologic tests. Culture needs special precautions in harvesting and cell culture systems may not be available in many centers.

Sperm is red or brown in color, occurs with a disease such as hemospermia, when blood enters the semen and stains it. It can get into the sperm in the testicle, in the prostate gland, in urethra... It occurs with severe inflammation, or with prostate cancer. Blood can also be found in urine. These are symptoms of trauma to the urinary tract or the presence of kidney stones, kidney tuberculosis, and possibly a tumor.

Antigen tests are not very sensitive and serologic tests are difficult to interpret due to the high prevalence of infection in the population and in to a large extent asymptomatic infection in women. Empiric therapy begins in symptomatic patients and often in contacts. However, if possible, a confirmatory test should be performed as it helps to track contacts and control the epidemic.

Fungal diseases of the male genital organs

Recommended regimens include the following. It is recommended to perform a treatment test after 3 weeks for pregnant women when amplification tests are used. This is not recommended in other cases unless there is a suspicion of non-compliance. Patients should refrain from sexual activity for 7 days after starting therapy. If the latter sexual intercourse was more than 60 days before the onset of symptoms or diagnoses, the patient's last sexual partner should be consulted. Doxycycline and quinolones are contraindicated during pregnancy.

With an average bladder capacity of 250-350 ml, urination should be four or five times a day. More frequent, unrelated to abundant drink, is a symptom of frequent urination. Intensive, repeatedly during an hour occurs when acute cystitis... With an increase in the prostate gland, urination is frequent, in small portions. With a stone in the bladder, when moving, false desires arise, due to the movement of the stone and, accordingly, irritation of the mucous membrane. Reverse violation, acute delay urine occurs when a stone or tumor completely blocks the passage of the urinary tract. The symptoms of this disease are a sudden loss of the ability to urinate. This disease is expressed severe pain in the lower abdomen, with a full bladder.

Thus, the recommended schemes are as follows. Alternative regimens during pregnancy are erythromycin or erythromycin ethyl succinate for 7 days or 14 days, depending on the dose. Chlamydial infections and gonococcal infections are common in women but are often asymptomatic. Even asymptomatic infections can have serious long-term consequences, mainly infertility and ectopic pregnancy... Hence, it is recommended that all sexually active adolescent women and women between the ages of 20 and 25 are tested annually for chlamydial infection, even if they are asymptomatic.

Enuresis, or urinary incontinence, which can be seen visually. This disease is subdivided into false incontinence and true incontinence. False incontinence, characterized by defects and trauma to the genitals, bladder, or urinary tract. As a result of trauma, these organs are disrupted, and fistulas are formed, from which urine is excreted into the rectum or onto the skin. True enuresis is when an unintentional loss of urine occurs, for no apparent reason, but as a result of stress, exertion, at night, or at any right moment... Incontinence occurs with trauma, cystitis, stress and is treated surgically and suggestively.

Older women with risk factors should also be screened annually. Urethritis is a syndrome characterized by urethral discharge of mucopurulent or purulent material and sometimes dysuria or urethral itching. Infected patients may also be asymptomatic. It is a syndrome that mostly occurs in men. Gonococcal urethritis is diagnosed if intracellular gram-negative diplococci with characteristic morphology are identified on urethral smears. A diagnosis of urethritis is made if one of the following symptoms is present.

With a deficiency of testosterone in childhood, a violation such as underdevelopment of the genitals may develop. It is characterized by symptoms such as the small size of the erect penis, no more than 8 cm. Against the background of these infectious diseases, impotence may occur. It is the inability to achieve and maintain an erection. The symptoms are very obvious, and there are many reasons for it. This is a lack of blood flow, inflammation, alcoholism, fatigue, diabetes, psychological problems.

Who said that it is impossible to cure prostatitis?

It is the preferred method for rapid diagnostic testing because it is very sensitive and specific for documenting urethritis and the presence or absence of gonococcal infection. Empiric treatment of symptoms without documentation is recommended only for patients with high risk infection and which are unlikely to return for follow-up. Such patients should be treated for both gonorrhea and chlamydia.

Their partners must also be evaluated and handled. Treatment for gonococcal urethritis has been discussed previously. Patients should be instructed to refrain from intercourse for 7 days after starting therapy. They should be retested if symptoms persist or recur after completion of therapy. All sexual partners within the last 60 days must be assessed.

Neuropsychiatric problems also cause unpleasant and painful disorders. These are insufficient erection, premature ejaculation and decreased sex drive. Insufficient erection is the inability to start or continue sexual intercourse due to a soft penis. Premature ejaculation is ejaculation before a man wants it, with minimal stimulation. As a result, persistent, enduring stress, depression and, as a result, a decrease in sex drive and psychological need for sexual intercourse arise. The lack of conception during sexual activity during the year is called infertility in men. Called because of genetic disorders, as well as as a result of the above diseases. All diseases of the male genital organs, written by me, are mainly diagnosed and treated by a urologist, and in individual cases a venereologist.

For patients with objective evidence of recurrent or persistent urethritis, patients should be evaluated for noncompliance or repeated exposure to untreated sexual partner... Mucopurulent cervicitis is characterized by purulent or mucopurulent endocervical exudate visible in the endocervical canal or in an endocervical smear specimen. It is often asymptomatic, but some patients may have abnormal vaginal discharge or vaginal bleeding after intercourse.

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This may be the result of non-microbiological reasons. Empiric therapy may be given to patients who are highly likely to become infected and who are unlikely to return for follow-up. Human papillomavirus infections in the genital tract may be asymptomatic or may manifest as genital warts or as intraepithelial neoplasia or carcinoma of the vulva, cervix, penis, or anus. About 1% of the sexually active population in the United States has genital warts.

Fibroplastic induration of the male penis is the formation of seals of fibrous origin in its cavity. Translated from Latin "induration" is hardening, compaction. Peyronie's disease is named after the physician who first described it in the medical literature. Men over 30 sometimes notice that their genitals have changed shape and shape, and during an erection they feel pain and ...

Human papillomavirus

Types 6 and 11 are the most common types associated with genital warts. Types 6 and 11 also cause respiratory papillomatosis in infants and children, and transmission is thought to be perinatal. They usually appear as bodily, painless, similar to cauliflower lesions, but may also manifest as smooth domed papules, flat crusted papules resembling seborrheic keratosis, or macular or slightly raised flat papules. They occur on the penis, scrotum, perianal region, vulva, or perineum.

There are two ways to treat prostate adenoma: conservative and operational methods... The conservative method is usually used to treat the disease on early stage development, especially at first. Drug treatment adenoma of the prostate gland helps to improve blood flow and trophism in the small pelvis, the disappearance of inflammatory changes and a decrease in the size of the prostate. Recommendations for patients with adenoma during ...

Less commonly, they may appear in the folds, thighs, or pubic area. They can also appear on the vaginal wall, cervix, or anus. Occasionally, patients report itching, burning, pain, or bleeding. Perianal warts can appear even in the absence of anal intercourse. Application 5% acetic acid on genital warts renders the lesion whitish, a property sometimes used to differentiate the warts from other lesions.

Genital warts may resolve spontaneously, grow in size or number, or remain unchanged. Warts that have been present for less than 1 year respond better to therapy. The response to therapy is variable, and relapses can usually occur in the first 3 months after therapy. Usually, therapy is performed to correct aesthetically unpleasant lesions.

Colpitis is a disease that affects male, but more often female, genital organs. This disease disrupts the genital mucosa. It is widespread among women and men. Another name for the disease is "nonspecific vaginitis". This disease endangers the genitals of a person. Signs of colpitis in men Signs of colpitis in men differ somewhat depending on the sex of the person. Female ...