Removing the bridle between the teeth to children. "Bridle", a short bridle of the upper lip in a child at what age is cut

Many parents came across a short bridle from their children. As a rule, the presence of vice oral cavity Warning doctor in the hospital. But not always a short bridle of a child in a child can be diagnosed in infant age. Do you need an operation for older children? Or you can do traditional methods treatment? It all depends on possible consequences for a child.

The bridle is a small mucosa in the mouth, capable of influencing the state of bite, quality breastfeeding, diction and teeth health. If the bridle is short, the baby may have problems with sucking, and subsequently - with the aesthetics of the oral cavity and speech.

Bridles in the mouth three, although the most famous bridle of the language is the bunch that connects it with the bottom of the oral cavity. Anomalous development of this mucous strip is called ankilosses. The vices of the formation of the two other bridles are less common, but no less significant for full development Child.

Bridle of the upper lip.

Location: enters the upper lip and gum mucosa over the front cutters.


  • diasthem (gap between front teeth);
  • sensitivity of teeth;
  • exposure of the roots;
  • caries tooth cervix;
  • bite disruption;
  • development of periodontitis;
  • lubricated pronunciation of lip sounds, vowels "O", "U".

: in the maternity hospital or in 7-8 years (after the appearance of central cutters).

Bridle of Lower Lip.

Location: It is woven into the lower lip and the gum mucosa above the level of the front incisors.


  • impaired sucking function;
  • malocclusion;
  • caries front teeth;
  • the diasthem of the lower front cutters.

Time for the operation: at any age, but more often after the appearance of indigenous incisors.

Language bridle

Location: connects language and low part The oral cavity at a distance of 0.5-0.8 mm from the neck of the front teeth.


  • dictional disorders ( incorrect pronunciation hissing, "d", "t", "r", "l" and other letters);
  • problems with applying to the chest;
  • difficulty chewing hard food at high age;
  • malocclusion;
  • development of parodintitis, gingivitis and other diseases of the oral cavity;
  • salivation;
  • problems with sleep, apnea;
  • belching, diarrhea, indentation of the stomach;
  • a quiet inexpressive voice with a bellache;
  • breathing disorder oil breathingas a result, frequent colds;
  • spinal curvature.

Time for the operation:

  • 0-9 months;
  • 2-2.5 years (a milk bite was formed, the wrong pronunciation was not yet fixed);
  • after 5 years (a permanent bite is formed).

Left - correct location Language. Right - bridle of the language.

Language bridle

The most common anomaly is a short bridle of a child in a child. According to World Organization Health care, this pathology is suffering every three children out of ten, and the boys are three times more often than girls. In 50% of cases, ankilosion is inherited, but sometimes it can be a manifestation congenital vice development. The formation of intrauterine anomaly can affect stress, drug intake, impact chemical substances The mother's body during pregnancy. The risk of ankilosses is likely to mothers older than 35 years old.

Signs of short bridle

The normal length of the bridle of the tongue in newborns should be at least 8 mm. By five years, this indicator may increase to 17 mm. By 18 months, the length of the free tip of the tongue is 16 mm. To diagnose an anomaly at home, you do not need to resort to measurements. It will help make pronounced symptoms.

In children breast-age:

  • frequent I. long feeding with breaks for rest;
  • whims during applying to breasts, bending, heading of the head;
  • slack in weight;
  • biting breasts during sucking;
  • "Casting" sounds during feeding;
  • refusal of the chest.

Older children and adults:

  • wrong bite;
  • periodontitis;
  • problems with fixation of implants and prostheses;
  • difficulties in the pronunciation of hissing sounds, "p", "l", "d", "t" and other letters.

Some changes in the structure of the oral cavity may indicate a short bridle:

  • unfolded bottom cutters;
  • split tip of the tongue and recess on its surface when stretching;
  • the inability to get tongue to the sky, lick the lips or drop it outside the mouth;
  • language seems humpback, rear end it is raised, and the bottom presses to the bottom;
  • problems with solid food: to swallow, it must be put on the back of the language.

The average and hard degree will cause orthodontic problems in the future. Important early correction!

Test to determine the functionality of the language

American Professor Alison Haselbeaker in his book "Tongue-Tie" ("Language Language") suggested a test to determine the length of the bridle in which she took into account her appearance and functionality. Each parameter is estimated at the three levels of development. In general, there are three degrees of anomaly:

  • lightweight - the length of the jumper is more than 15 mm in violations in the pronunciation of sounds;
  • average - length less than 15 mm in the presence of all signs;
  • heavy - length from 0 to 10 mm with all signs.

The test estimates the bridle in such parameters.

  • Put your finger in the middle lower Luba Child and spend them from one side of the mouth to another. The language should freely follow the finger.
  • Ask the kid to raise the language to the upper sky. The tip must be free to get to the top.
  • Spend your finger from the middle of the lower lip to the chin of the child. Language is free to the bottom of the lips.
  • Touch the top of the top of the top sky. During sucking, the language must be fully smoothed and shrink from the end to the sky.
  • Touch the top of the top of the top sky. Language should not be declined.
  • In the raised state, the language of the round or square shape.
  • The language is attached to the bottom of the oral cavity.
  • Length of the bridle with a raised language more than 1 cm.

Any inconsistencies with these requirements can be considered deviations from the norm.

Classification of species short bridle

There are 5 types of abnormal development of jumpers:

  1. transparent, thin, slightly restrains the functionality of the language;
  2. translucent, thin, when lifting the language, its ending is splitted in the form of a "heart";
  3. opaque, thick, when extending the tip forward, the tip will be turned it out, the rear part is raised;
  4. a short, splits with the muscles of the language (observed at the crevices of the sky and lips);
  5. the bridle is almost absent, closely intertwined with the muscles of the language.

If there are suspicion of ankyloglosses, you should contact the dentist or orthopedic. Doctor will advise optimal method Treatment. Many parents are afraid of surgery and long doubt if it is necessary to cut the bridle.

For infants, the main indication of the operation is problems with feeding. If the bridle was not cut immediately after birth, adjust the wrong pronunciation of sounds in 90% of cases using speech therapy exercise And massage for stretching the jumper. Take a decision on the operation if the problems are really present, and it is impossible to solve them in other ways.

Surgical intervention


Surgical intervention is shown in such cases:

  • problems with breastfeeding;
  • malocclusion;
  • displacement of the teeth;
  • incorrect sound pronunciation, which cannot be corrected by classical methods.

The decision to carry out the operation must take together several doctors: surgeon, orthopedist and speech therapist.

Types of operation

Depending on how the bridle is cut, there are three types of operations.

  1. Franulotomy. The easiest type of operation. The cut on the bridle is made by scissors at a distance of 1/3 from the length of the jumper closer to the lower teeth. First dissect the mucous membrane, then the heavy. After the approach of the sides of the mucous membrane after 3-4 mm, seam is superimposed.
  2. Phrenolectomy, or glycman method. The bridle is fixed by clamping, then cuts are made between the clamp, lip and mucosa from the teeth. The edges of the wound are sewn.
  3. Franuloplasty, or grape method. Cut and peeling triangular flap, the edges of the wound come closer to the seams. Cuts are made from transitional fold and interdental nipple. Then the triangle is sewn to the remaining wound surface. There are also similar methods for carrying out methods of phrenuloplastics of Limberg, Popovich, and plastic is carried out with a short bridle of the lips. Indications for operation - orthopedic and orthodontic diseases.

How is the operation going

Before surgery, it is necessary to pass on the analysis of blood and urine. The bridle in newborns is usually suited in the maternity hospital if the doctor diagnosed an anomaly. Franulotomy is possible up to 9 months and is carried out under local anesthesia. Since at this time the bridle has not yet covered the nerve endings and vessels, the operation is painless and bloodless. After her, the child immediately applied to the chest. The rehabilitation process takes several hours.

Older children operation is done in the clinic at local anesthesia. It takes 5-10 minutes. To prevent bleeding, use an electrocoagulator or electronics. The wound heals within 24 hours. After the operation, it is recommended for several days not to use too hot and solid food, carefully monitor the hygiene of the mouth. IN some cases Franuloplasty may be required.

After cutting the bridle in children, the appetite is dramatically improved. The problems with speech will be absent if the operation was made in the first 9 months. At older, it will take classes with a speech therapist and exercises for stretching jumpers, otherwise it will grow again. Also, the child will have to retrained to pronounce some sounds.


Cutting the bridles is not performed if at least one of the cases is diagnosed:

  • oncology;
  • blood diseases;
  • infectious processes in the body and oral cavity;
  • stomatitis.

Classical methods of treatment

Exercises for stretching

For stretching the bridle, including after the operation, uncomplicated exercises are used.

  1. Pull the tongue forward and spend them from side to side.
  2. Try reaching the tongue of the tongue to the bottom and upper Lip..
  3. "Horce". Click the tongue, squeezing it to the sky and sharply dropping down.
  4. Drick the baby to the top lip of the jam and ask to lick.
  5. Open your mouth wide and stroke the sky away from the teeth.
  6. Smile by opening your mouth. Touch the tongue of the tongue alternately, then the lower teeth.
  7. Close the mouth and descend the tongue tongue into one cheek, then to another.
  8. Pigeons more often let's lick the spoon.
  9. Close the mouth, and pull the lips with the tube.
  10. Stretch closed lips in a smile.
  11. Pull your lips and try smack.

Classes should be made 5 times a day for 5 minutes. Do the exercises often, but not long. Long-term classes tire the child.

Reception of tension of the bridle in E. V. Novikova.

Speech therapy massage

The speech therapist may recommend a massage to stretch the bridle. It is carried out with absolutely clean fingers. Sometimes the doctor can wrap them into sterile handkerchiefs. This procedure is not pleasant, but can bring tangible results.

  1. Clean the bridle between the index and thumbs and spend them along the jumper from the bottom up.
  2. Place the middle and index fingers under the tongue so that the bridle is between them. Big finger Click on the front area of \u200b\u200bthe language and gradually pull it out. The middle and index fingers remain fixed.
  3. Grasp the tip of the tip and pull it down with big and index fingers. Then with help indicative finger Tighten the jumper up with power.
  4. On the tip of the tongue, put the cut edge of the pipette in the form of a ring. Open your mouth and press the ring to the sky. Shut your mouth. Repeat the exercise ten times three times a day.

Short bridle should not be caused for panic parents. Before making the decision to cut the jumpers, consult with several specialists. If acute orthopedic or dental diseases are diagnosed, it is worth thinking about the operation. In other cases, rely on the recommendation of the doctor and their own capabilities. Classic views Treatment will require a lot of patience and forces. However, if you are ready to spend them, dare. Toddler's health in your hands!


In the dictionary V. Daly, we read: "Website - leash, a link, a trailer, a coat or a bunch. Podle-free collar - a screametous membrane ... "Our language, like having, is needed, a device that helps move in the desired direction with one or another speed. Then we are pouring smoothly and clean. Each of three bridles in a child The oral cavity is responsible for the purity of sounds, and for the beauty of the face.

Before proceeding with the search for all three bridles in the mouth of the child, put in order own hands: Cut your nails, wash it carefully and wipe each finger with alcohol. In addition, the survey must be carried out correctly, so as not to scare the crumb! Start your "searches" from such words: "I wonder what is hiding in this beautiful little mouth?" Carefully pull out and lift the upper sponge of the child to the nose. Your eye will appear Bridle of the upper lip..

In shape it resembles a triangle. The two sides ("Kartets") are attached. One - to the inner surface of the lip from the oral cavity. The second to the gums over the cutters. From how this, the latter, connects with the gum, largely depends the charm of the smile. Normally, the lower edge of the compound must be a few millimeters above the base of the gum dutch. If the mount is low, almost at the junction of the cutters, problems arise. They are aggravated if the bridle is dense, massive. In this case, its comb is woven, it grows in the gum papilla, located between the upper cutters.

Such a feature significantly limits the mobility of the upper lip. She looks like a welcoming and exposes the top. Often the mouth is ajar: the lips can not bother. The child's face acquires the "Belich" expression. In addition, short and dense bridle in a child of the upper lip Does not suit the growing upper cutters. There is a slit (diasthem). As milk teeth teething, it is sometimes not only not reduced, but, on the contrary, increases, "spread". Permanent teeth Often adopt this defect. In antiquity about the young owner of such a "gone" in the teeth, the grandmother-neighbor said: "It will be brighter!", And the adult was called Shcherbat.

Bridle of the upper lip in the child

Modern parents worries not so much the possible sufficiency of their own offspring, how much cosmetic defect dentition of a child. In a light panic, they rush to the dentist and ask for a bridle, believing that then the gap closes. I would not like to upset some too metering parents, but in the stage of dairy teeth, such an operation is not carried out. We'll have to wait until constant upper incisors say. However, even at first it would be advisable to take a picture upper jaw (With the recentness of permanent teeth), and then, together with an orthodontist, decide whether it makes sense in a surgical operation.

The persistence of individual parents does not know the boundaries ... And here under the pressure of their requests and tears, dentists sometimes solve trim the bridle of the upper lip in the child and for milk bite. This leads to the fact that permanent incisors, appearing on the light, begin to put together on each other, and after them and all the other teeth of the top rows grow louds and so. How not to remember the saying: "Consistency is needed only when fishing"! In addition, if the operation on the upper bridle was carried out prematurely, the upper jaw arc may form a narrow, and this threatens the proxy (bite defect when lower jaw It put forward forward, the upper jaw is small or underdeveloped, and when the jaws are closed, the lower teeth overlap the top). Do you need to say, what problems may occur in a child with such a bite? This is the defective pronunciation of all whistling, hissing sounds and, of course, the sounds [l '], [l], [p'], [p].

Little injury, big problems. Children are very often injured by the bridle of the upper lip, resulting in a gap. In this case, you need to immediately turn to the dentist. He will treat the wound (and if necessary - the seams will impose), and will give a forecast for further formation of teeth. It may take both X-rays (with severe injury, the primitives of constant teeth are injured). The doctor's help is necessary and because with the "spontaneous" healing of the wound (without surgical treatment) the edges of the bridle can grow asymmetrically with respect to the central cutters or there will be a rough scar, which limits the mobility of the upper lip. What can it lead to? As you yourself have already guessed, to the defective pronunion of sounds.

Break of the lower lip in the child

Having in love with the bridle of the upper lip, moving to the bottom. Carefully pull the bottom sponge of the crumbs. Did it work easily? So everything is in order! Norma if the child is bridle Lower lips is a barely noticeable film.

It is located deep in the emblem between the gums and the lip (on the inside), approximately - at the level of the gauge papillary of the central lower teeth. But on the gantry papilla itself, this bridle should not be attached! If you have something massive and tight to your gaze, attached on the one side almost a red border of the lips, and on the other - to the gantry nipple of the central lower teeth, it is worth it. Of course, there is nothing dangerous! Just such a bridle "holds in the ultrasound" the bottom sponge of the crumbs. That is why he says reluctantly, and the sounds are not quite correct ...

Language bridle

The third bridle is a sublard, everyone knows, but the baby is not so easy to see her in the mouth. Do not even try to grab the language and raise it! The child is unlikely to suffer. In addition, it is possible to seriously injure the mucous membrane of the language. To demonstrate the attitude of the toddler himself, and voluntarily. And you use small tricks.

Widely open your mouth and pull the tip of the tongue to the nubble. Then tell me: "My tongue rises highly high! And you have?" Catch the moment to consider the attachment bridle of the crumbs.

  • Sorry, who will call the tongue. We widely reveal the mouth, the tongue is firmly suited to the nebu. On a short MiG subwit bridle in the child It will appear to your eyes in all its glory. But it quickly ends, and the language with a ring-clicking breaks away from the nose.
  • Ask a child with a cunning look: "Does the mushroom grow in your mouth? And it grows! " Demonstrate the kid wonders of articulation, squinting the tongue to the nubber and holding it so for some time. Then, without losing time, offer: "Let's grow a fungus in your mouth." Sit together in front of the mirror and "leupping" the fungus from the language. The child does not immediately succeed. But when the fungus finally grows up, slowly consider his leg - the very believed bridle.

The film appeared to your eye, absolutely not interfering with the rise of the tongue? Excellent! However, various deviations from the norm are also possible.

  1. The bridle is thin, almost transparent, but the lifting language prevents.
  2. The bridle is thin. Its front edge is attached close to the tongue of the tongue (when the language is raised, the tip splits "heart").
  3. The bridle resembles a dense short litigation. When trying to narrow the tongue from the mouth, its tip is wrapped, and the back of the language "bulges".
  4. Tight short litter bridle tightly agrees with the muscles of the language. All language movements are dramatically limited.
  5. Language seemingly processed with the bottom of the oral cavity. With this language, it is not something to say, it is impossible ...

In this case Circuit bridles in children Maybe output.

Does the bridle of the language of the child?

Oh, how do not like parents listen to the arguments in favor of the operation on the sub-band bridle in a child! Believe me, and the speech therapists are pulled to the latter with its dissection. But there are cases when the operation is necessary. In the first, second and third options, only dissection of the bridle is to be. In the fourth and fifth - interference is more complex, sometimes under general anesthesia. I know my parents will talk about mental injury, stress, etc. I will not argue, but only list the basic consequences of our inactivity with you.

  • Formation of incorrect bite: Informations, oblique bite, front open bite, side open bite.
  • Improper formation of a baby-pharyngeal ring: the voice of the child will acquire a vigilant shade.
  • Violation of physiological and speech breathing; Formation of persistent oral respiration: endless colds.
  • Quiet "drying" voice, inexpressive speech.
  • Disorders of posture: stuff and spinal curvature.
  • Complex discharge (numerous violations of sound-proof or violation of sound suspension in all phonetic groups). If you still decide on the operation, do not forget to visit the speech therapist, pediatrician and surgeon dentist. The latter gives directions to clinical analysis blood with hemosinder and clinical urine analysis.

After the operation, the child must undergo a rehabilitation course from the speech therapist (exercises on the stretching of the muscles of the language and the sublingual bridle). All this is B. equal measure Refers to operations on the bridle of the upper and lower lips: the same visits to doctors, tests and stretching exercises.

Such anatomical formations are the thinnest folds of the mucous membrane, which connect the moving lips and the language with fixed parts of the oral cavity: gums and subwage space.

In total, the kids have three bridles:

  1. Language - Located under the language.
  2. The upper lip is localized between the upper lip and the gum mucosa above the level of central incisors.
  3. Bottom lips - connects interior surface The lower lips with the gums at the level of the middle of the alveolar process on the lower jaw.

Despite their minor sizes, such mucous folds have great importance In human life. The newborn is responsible for proper attachment To the nipple of the mother. Todders older bridle participate in the correct pronunciation of sounds and in forming a normal bite.

In the photo: short bridle of a child in a child

Short bridle and what it is dangerous

During the shortening of the bridle, it is understood to reduce its absolute length or its improper location, which makes it relatively short (i.e. the length remains normal, but its incorrect localization causes all the symptoms peculiar to shortening).

The short bridle of the upper or lower lip in the infants can adversely affect the process of sucking the chest. At the same time, the child cannot properly arrange the nipple in the oral cavity and create a sufficient vacuum required for sucking and swallowing. Therefore, to be saturated, crumb has to make significant efforts. The baby quickly gets tired and throws the chest, not satisfying as it should. Such children behave restlessly demand frequent applied To the chest, but the weight is badly gaining.

Children over 3 years shortened upper bridle It may cause an increase in the interdental gaps between the upper cutters and the extension of them sharply the kaper. A short lower lip bridle sometimes causes the formation of an incorrect bite.

Also reduced dimensions or improper location Any of them can extremely negatively affect the speech function. Children 2 years of life who have not been diagnosed or in time such pathology is adjusted, often do not pronounce individual sounds. Such speech defects can be corrected with great difficulty.

How to check the bridle in a child?

The shortened bridle between the lip and the gum is diagnosed simply enough even in babies. To do this, it is necessary to gently pull the lips of the child and see how expressed the fold of the mucous membrane and where it is attached. If it is short, then it will have a fat look and the place of attachment will be at the very base of the cutters.

Podium bridle normally has a length of at least 8 mm and is attached to about the middle between the root and the tongue. The little bridle usually looks like a fold on the mucous membrane, which has grown throughout its entire length to the language or subwage space.

In the photo: short bridle of the upper lip in the newborn

How to stretch

It is necessary to immediately make a reservation, that by virtue anatomical features Without an operation, it is possible to stretch only the bridle under the tongue. Such technique usually trains a speech therapist and it is effective only with painstaking fulfillment of all recommendations over several months.

Before holding any exercises, it is recommended to make a special massage for stretching soft tissues. To do this, it is necessary to gently take a tongue for the tip and soft movements to take it up, then to the side and pull a little forward. A good effect has a neat stroking from the bottom up the bridle with the help of a large and indicative fingers hands.

The exercises themselves are performed sequentially twice a day:

  1. To relax the tongue as much as possible and put it on the bottom lip. Keep 10 seconds in 3 approaches.
  2. Language as much as possible forward from the mouth. Fix in that position for 10 seconds. Repeat 3 times.
  3. Pull out the language and circle your lips in a circle.
  4. Slip the tongue for 10 seconds, imitating the Cocan of horsepie hoofs.
  5. Wide open mouth. Slowly spend the tongue in the sky, moving from the teeth to the throat.
  6. Fix the tongue in the sky immediately for the teeth. Holding it in this position to open the mouth as wide as possible.

Such enough simple exercises Help how to stretch the bridle in the language, and correct some speech defects.

Operational correction

If a short bridle is revealed back in the maternity hospital, then its trimming is carried out immediately. This is done so that the baby could take the nipple and eat fully and fully eat. If shortening is diagnosed in older age and is not adjusted by speech therapy techniques, then three options for surgical treatment are possible:

  • Franotomy - cutting with the purpose of increasing it is long.
  • Freshectomy - circumcision when it is almost completely excised.
  • Franuloplasty - plastic, during which it changes the place of its attachment in the mouth.

In the photo: Language of the child after the operation with a laser

Despite the fact that the operation on the bridles is quite common, most parents have a large number of questions about this procedure. The main of them we will look at the following.

Why bless?

Too small size Such a fold of the mucous membrane can cause baby Difficulties with breast sucking, and older children have problems with the pronunciation of some sounds and with the location of the teeth in a constant bite. To avoid such problems and requires trimming.

Do I need to cut?

Most doctors, including the famous Komarovsky Dr. Komarovsky, are united that a short bridle should be cut if it does not affect the child's ability to suck milk or pronounce separate sounds.

When a short bridle does not affect negatively on sound formation processes and formation of bitethen in such cases operational intervention not required.

What doctor cuts into?

Usually, the operations for the correction of the bridle are within the competence of the doctor - the dentist.

How old is it better to carry out an operation?

When you should cut the bridle, it is solved individually for each child. If we are talking about the fold on the upper lip, then the correction is done no earlier than 6 years. Typically, the operation is carried out only after the cutting of constant upper incisors. If the bottom lip correction is required, then they do it more often after 4 years of life.

Podium bridle in most cases dissect up to 1 year (most often it is made in the maternity hospital). But correction is possible at any age.

How to cut?

The cutting operation of the bridle is carried out outpatient in the surgical office of the dental clinic. The doctor neatly pulls the fold of the mucous membrane and a sharp scalpel makes a small incision. After that, small sinks of threads are superimposed on the edges, which after a while they are solved independently and do not need to withdraw.

A more modern method is a dissection with a laser, thanks to which there is no need to impose seams, which speeds up the process of restoring the child.

Will it hurt?

The dissection procedure is carried out under local anesthesia, which eliminates the possibility of any pain.

What to do if the baby broke the bridle

Children at any age are quite active and movable. Therefore, injuries are inevitable. Quite often, parents turn to a dentist with such a problem: the kid fell unsuccessfully and broke the bridle over the upper lip or under the tongue. At the same time, damage to the lower lip is extremely rare due to the fact that it is almost not expressed.

If the child is a bridle, then for such injury the following signs will be characteristic:

  • The swelling of soft tissues in the oral cavity and above the lip (if the child has broken on the upper lip).
  • Rude bleeding.
  • Pain in the mouth when conversing or reception.

In any case, if the kid broke the mucous fold under the upper lip or under the tongue, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor. It is he who decides whether it is necessary to sew such a gap and hold required procedures. Independent treatment may cause negative consequences: Fabrics will incorrectly grow up with the formation of coarse scars, which will later lead to an incorrect bite and fuzzy sound pronunciation.

Normally, each person has a special jumper on the mucous membrane, which helps to attach lips to the jaw bone. This bridle should not interfere with normal fiercing food and speech, but sometimes there are deviations, especially in young children. In this article, we will look at when and whether it is necessary to trim the bridle of the upper lip, at what age it can be done, what the differences between the plastics from surgical intervention, etc.

Small children are often formed by a gap between the front teeth. As a rule, the cause of pathology is too short bridle on the upper lip. In order to bring the teeth to bring together and give the oral oral cavity, the appropriate orthopedic system (plates, braces, etc.) should be installed. However, this becomes possible only after correction of the bridle of the upper lip.

Bridle of the upper lip in the child

What problems can todge in the case of compacted or too short mucosa folds:

  • an interdental diasthem (gap, gap) is formed;
  • the baby can not normally and widely push the lips, because of which the smile becomes a peaned, weakly sprinkled and non-psychic;
  • there are violations of speech, distortion of the pronunciation of various letters;
  • the mucosa is pulling the interdental papilla, which leads to a bite disruption (the front teeth are strongly fed).

The most common pathology can be considered a low mounting of the folds of the upper or lower lip. The lack of correction of the bridle of the upper or lower lip in this case leads to complications:

  • violation of the sucking process in infants;
  • defect speech, pathology of development of speech bodies;
  • problems during chewing products;
  • the appearance of characteristic pockets in the gums, where the remains of food, bacterial bloom and a stone fall, and this in turn leads to inflammatory processes and suppuration;
  • dental roots are exposed;
  • enhanced enamel sensitivity;
  • development of periodontal diseases (periodontal disease, periodontitis, gingivitis and others);
  • violation of the sustainability of the teeth, the appearance of the gaps between them.

Also wide bridle under the upper lip can cause clusters in the teeth and between them pathological microflora, plaque, stone, food residues. In this case, professional hygiene of the oral cavity will be necessary every 2-3 months.

Indications to Procedure

In the case of the pathology of the development of mucosa, there are several treatment options, the most popular of which laser and ordinary plastic are considered, as well as surgical excision. Only operational intervention allows you to correct this defect - it is not treated with diets, physiotherapy, acupuncture and drug influence.

Laser plastic bridle

If you have noticed the child a short fold of the upper lip, you should contact the following specialists: neonatologist, orthodontist, orthopedist, speech therapist, periodontist. Dentist or surgeon do not establish objective readings for the operation.

Neonatologist is entitled to assign the procedure if the mucosa defect prevents the normal breastfeeding of the baby. As a rule, we are talking about the pathology of the structure of the upper lip, as it is most actively involved in the process of sucking. In some cases, this specialist is able to conduct an excision of jumpers independently or prescribes the direction to the children's surgeon.

The speech therapist can detect a short bridle of the upper lip in the child, when speech dysfunction was revealed, the underdevelopment of speech organs. Especially often this diagnosis is placed when the kid is vigorously or incorrectly pronounces the vowel sounds "Oh, U" and others, in whose pronunciation of lips are involved. Speech therapist, unfortunately, determines the violation on more late time (children of preschool and school age). In this case, the usual cutting will not correct the situation and will need a full-fledged surgical intervention.

Often, the need to cut the bridle of the upper lip in children determine orthopedists, orthopedics and periodontologists.

The pathology of the attachment of the lip to the jaw bone leads to a violation of the bite and the change in the position of the teeth in a number, the appearance of their mobility. If you do not conduct a procedure in childhood Treatment in the future may be long, unpleasant and expensive.

When the operation should be carried out

Optimal age for the operation is considered to be 5-6 years. Despite the difficulties arising during breastfeeding, the kids under 4 years old are not corrected. If the doctor suggested performing a full-fledged surgical procedure breast infantYou should contact another clinic, as early interference in this area may threaten a number of consequences.

Cutting the bridles of the upper lip in children before and after

It follows to start cutting the mucosa when constant central teeth have already completely cut through, and the second cutters just at the rubber stage. That is why most doctors try to prescribe an operation at school age.

What complications can give correction or removal of bridle of the upper lip under the age of 5 years:

  • the formation of the jaw after the operation continues, which may cause it to re-conduct it in the future;
  • the upper lip of the baby performs only a third of the laid functions (the kid does not speak, does not break solid food etc.), and the change in the structure of the mucous can cause the scarring of the tissue, which subsequently can pull the lip and cause discomfort at all as an ordinary bridle;
  • the operation in the mouth without constant teeth is carried out almost "blindly", so the doctor can hurt the root of indigenous teeth, disrupt their nutrition, provoke inflammatory and pathological processes oral cavity.

Types of procedure

The most common types of changes in the bridle kid are surgical intervention (cutting, removal, position changes, etc.), as well as plastic (including with a laser).

After this modern methodology There is no edema of the region, soreness and even scar, and the event itself lasts up to 5 minutes. In addition, laser rays under the influence high temperatures Disinfect wound, which contributes to its speedy healing. The lack of scars beat off the need for seams.

Using laser therapy Allows you to split a goal to a doctor for several sessions, which reduces the stress for the baby and makes the procedure more comfortable and fast.

Rehabilitation after the procedure

Recovery after plastic or surgery takes several days.

The first hours of the child is possible to disorientation, as anesthesia moves away, and appear easy sensations, discomfort. The purpose of the parents to help the rank faster to heal, and this should be performed by a few simple rules:

Restoration after plastics or surgery takes several days

  • monitor regular and high-quality oral hygiene kid;
  • several days to prepare special dishes (liquid, mucous, cookie, souffle, mince), as well as serve food and drinks only room temperature;
  • a few days later will appear to the doctor for inspection;
  • perform a gogimnascula with a baby, which allows you to develop chewable, mimic muscles.

The first days after the procedure, the child will feel disorientation in connection with the advent of the new amplitude and the power of the language. Also change its diction, so the correct pronunciation of sounds should be accessed with the baby.

On average, rehabilitation lasts until the week. For 4-5 days he is healing the wounds and passes discomfort during chewing.

Contraindications for plastic

We learned in the article, how to cut the bridle of the upper lip. The event implies surgical intervention, which is stressing for the body.

It is not surprising that there are a number of contraindications for plastics:

The procedure for cutting the bridle is the usual for young children and allows them to save them in the future from a number of problems of physical and aesthetic nature.
Compliance with the rules of hygiene and the instructions of the doctor will allow you to quickly and with the smallest discomfort through this event and ensure a full-fledged future to the baby.

The plastic of the top lip bridle is a surgical intervention in cutting a bridle, conducted by the patient if there is appropriate indications towards the direction from orthodontist or speech therapist. The bridle of the lip is called a special fold of the oral mucosa, which is responsible for the additional fastening of the upper lip to the maxillary bones.

Top Lip Bridle Scheme

In the normal position, the bridle is woven into the gum at a distance of 0.5-0.8 cm from the shek of the front incisors. With a lower mount or when the bridles of the lips enters the front cutters and the attachment points are not visible at all, it is considered short. In such cases, it begins in the middle part of the upper lip and is attached approximately 0.4-0.6 cm above the gums, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe slot between the front cutters (diasthemia).

A short bridle easily detected with visual inspection. To do this, you just need to remove the upper lip and consider the mysterious place of the mucous burda.

For normally location Bridles it does not have negative influence The state of health and does not interfere with speech. A shortened bridle can cause a number of violations. For its correction, there is an operation on the plastic of the bridle of the upper lip.


The simplest procedures for the correction of shortcomings of bridle of the upper lip were carried out in the middle of the last century. Today, several techniques are used, including the use of a laser.

The need for an operation

The need for the operation of the bridel

Most parents have a rather vague idea of \u200b\u200bthe functions of bridle of the upper lip, its role in the normal operation of the dental system. Therefore, when a specialist talks about the need for plastics, many do not understand the importance of its holding. In fact, the problem must be solved in a timely manner in order to avoid unpleasant medical and aesthetic consequences. It is the presence of a bridle that allows you to correctly articulate, move lips, open and close your mouth. With its defects (too short bridle, its irregularly attachment) significantly reduces the mobility of the lips, their functioning is disturbed, various aesthetic flaws are developed.

The presence of such an anomaly leads to a number of consequences:

  • The limitations of sucking function in newborns. Because in children of infants the upper lip with the language takes active participation In sucking, the violation of its mobility becomes an interference process breastfeeding. In some cases, the neonatologist can independently cut the bridle of the upper lip.
  • Violation of speech formation, correct sound; With a shortened bridle of the upper lip, as a rule, there are difficulties in the pronunciation of luminous sounds, vowels ("O", "U", etc.). At the same time, the speech therapist recommends the conduct of plastic, after which the diccia is automatically corrected.
  • At an older age, due to defects of the bridle, a breakdown of bite and chewing functions is possible, the result of which is the problems with digestion.
  • The shortened bridle of the lips, as well as its close mounting to the edge of the alveolar process, the reason for pulling the gums of intersubolic paratples in the space between the cutters. As a result, a slot is formed in bone tissue between the wells of the teeth - diasthem. In addition, the distance between the crowns increases.
  • A short bridle pulls out the gum and leads to the formation of a gum pocket, the deposition of the tartar and the development of the inflammatory process in the gums.
  • The consequences of the defects of the upper lip bridle can become the teeth instability, the exposure of their roots, the increase in sensitivity. Plastic allows you to avoid the development of a number of dental diseases.
  • Too wide bridle leads to a regular accumulation of food residues and the formation of a dental plaque.
  • Operation for the correction of bridle of the upper lip is necessary for the prevention of periodontal diseases and inflammatory processes In the oral cavity.


The medical intervention of any type must certainly be justified. A simple statement of the fact about the presence of a shortened bridle is not an indication of an emergency operation. The plastic for the correction of the bridle is carried out in the following cases:

Diasthemium between central cutters
  1. In the presence of diasthem (gaps) between central cutters. Woven into intersubolic nipples and the formative thick chopping bridle of the upper lip does not allow the cutters to converge towards the center. In addition, the effect of a small constant load leads to a gradual increase in the diasthem and the displacement of teeth ahead and to the parties from the center, as well as the development of periodontitis due to the constant injury to the intersubolic pacifier.
  2. In preparation for orthodontic therapy. Located in the oral cavity, soft trenches, including the bridle of the upper lip, have a certain load on the dental range and affect the formation of bite. If procedures for the correction of bite (installation of plates or braces) are assigned, it is also necessary to pay attention to the correctness of fastening the upper lip of the bridle.
  3. In the presence of periodontal diseases and increased risks their occurrence. In these cases, the short bridle seems to be "tighteners" from the base of the teeth of the mucous membrane, which leads to the recession of the gums - to raise its edge and the dental root of the roots of the teeth.
  4. When preparing for removable prosthetics. If the setting of prostheses is scheduled, then it is preliminarily necessary to carry out the plastic of the top lip bridle, since the shortened bridle will provoke the reset of the prostheses.
  5. When impaired sound formation and other speech therapy problems (as a rule, this test is less common).

Optimal time for the procedure

The operation of the child is better to spend after 5 years

Although the plastic of the bridle of the upper lip relates to easy operations and does not lead to any consequences, it is extremely rarely carried out - only with a substantial violation of the process of breastfeeding

Optimal is the age of over 5 years old. This is the period of active shift of bite, falling out of dairy teeth and rubbering constant, when the central teeth cut through at least 1/3, and the side did not appear yet. Plastics on this stage It will help to avoid the formation of the gap and will help that the central cutters move to the center (the teething side cutters will help).

Some experts recommend the correction of the upper lip of the upper lip at 7-8 years, when the four top cutters have already completely cut through. In the presence of testimony, the operation is carried out and also in adolescent and older age.


The bridle correction operation is not carried out in the presence of the following states and diseases:

Of common contraindications it should be noted:

  • cerebral lesions;
  • dysmorphophobia;
  • abuse of alcoholic beverages;
  • mental illness;
  • blood disease (leukemia, hemophilia);
  • infectious diseases in the aggravation stage;
  • chronic diseases;
  • oncological diseases;
  • collagenoses, tendency to the formation of keloid scars.

Preparation for the operation

No special preparation for the procedure is not required. The oral cavity should be carried out, since the presence of an infection can lead to the development of complications. Some experts appoint analyzes and fluorography, but there is no particular need for them: the plastic of the top lip of the upper lip refers to small-acting operations.

Types of operations and their essence

One of the main conditions successful holding Operations: The kid must sit in the chair in calm state At least 15 minutes. Plastic is carried out using various methods. The choice of a specific method depends on the characteristics of the structure and fastening of the bridle of the upper lip.

Essence of Franuloplasty
  1. Franotomy, or dissection of the bridle. Its holding is shown in cases where the top lip bridle is too narrow, has the form of a transparent film and does not have attachment points to the edge of the alveolar process. The dissection is carried out in the transverse direction, and the imposition of seams is in the longitudinal one.
  2. Frateectomy, or excision of the bridle. Appointed with a wide bridle of the upper lip. The incision is carried out according to the ridge of the tensioned bridle, while the interdental papillas and tissues are excised, located in the bone gap between the root parts of the expanded central incisors.
  3. Franuloplasty - its essence is to move the plot of attachment of the bridle of the upper lip. Currently spend two types of phrenhoplastics.

Y-shaped phrenhoplasty

After the fixed bridle is excised by a scalpel or special gums of scissors. As a result of excision on the mucosa, a defect remains diamond-shaped. In order to mobilize the edge adjacent to the incision, the mucosa is trimmed, with the help of a thin sawing, move along the periosteum, in the apical direction (deep into the formed antifreeze). Intends on the eve of the mobilized mucous membrane is fixed by the nodal seam to the periosteum. The wound is tightly invented.

Z-shaped Franuloplasty (Limberry)

Franuloplasty in Limbergu

Infiltration anesthesia is performed, after which the vertical cut is carried out in the middle of the bridle. IN opposite sides From it at an angle from 60 to 85 degrees make two oblique cuts. The formed triangular flap flaps mobilize, after which they are fixed with such a calculation so that the central incision is located horizontally. It is very important to properly prepare a host bed: if the edges of the cuts simply sehe with each other within the mucous membrane, it is possible to achieve only the tension that can be completely eliminated. Ignoring this moment leads to a significant decrease in the effectiveness of the procedure carried out and as a result is not very popular in this technique. The host box is prepared in the same way as with Y-shaped phrenchoplastics of the top lip. It is made to peel off the sublifted tissues along the periosteum using a sprayer, after which for the embossing horizontal cut The nodal seams from the Ketgut are superimposed, while the flaps are fixed to the periosteum.

All listed plastic operations of the top lip bridle are held in outpatient conditionsunder. Ultrakan is used for anesthesia Dr. Fortecontaining epinephrine (1: 100000 in 1.7 ml).

For the enhancement of the Russian Academy of Sciences is used absorbing suture material, so that they do not need to be removed. The whole procedure takes about 15 minutes. According to the reviews, it is completely painless and does not hurt even discomfort.

Laser plastic

As soon as the time was very popular with plastic of bridle of the upper lip with the use of laser. The whole procedure takes only a few minutes.

Laser cut of bridle

It is pre-conducted using a special gel, after which the light guide is sent to the bridle laser apparatusForming a focused ray of light. Under his action, the bridle "dissolves". The laser also sterilizes and seals the edges of the wound.

The advantages of the method:

  • lack of vibrations and unnecessary sounds that scare kids;
  • bloodless;
  • lack of necessity in the imposition of seams;
  • eliminating the possibility of infection with surgical instruments due to seating the edges of the wound with a laser;
  • reducing the time of the operation on the plastic of the bridle of the upper lip;
  • lack of pain and postoperative scars;
  • short rehabilitation period.

Postoperative care

As a rule, the period after plastic bridle of the upper lip passes quite calmly. Possible minor painfulness After completing the anesthetic. Rules that must be followed at this time:

Franuloplasty result
  1. Period to spend thorough oral cavity hygiene.
  2. For 2 days to refuse hot and hard food.
  3. Pass a postoperative inspection (on the second or third day).

For a certain time after plastic, the bridle is addictive to the more free movements of the language. Diccia varies almost immediately after the correction. To eliminate the gap between the teeth (if it has already managed to form), it takes a little longer time, in some cases it is necessary to carry out additional dental treatment.

The rehabilitation period lasts no more than 4-5 days. During this time, all unpleasant sensations disappear, complete wound healing occurs.

Cost of procedure

In the capital clinics, the average price for the plastic procedure of the top lip bridle ranges from 3,000 to 5,000 rubles.

What patients say

Give an objective assessment of the effectiveness of plastic bridle of the upper lip on the basis of patient feedback.

My child spent plastic last year. Before that, together with the kid suffered because of his bad diction. Divided Sasha to the speech therapist. It is good that the specialist turned out to be competent and responsible: immediately found the cause and recommended an operation on the correction of the bridle of the upper lip. 10 minutes in the chair - and all: excellent diction, nor pain, no scars - Alevtina, Moscow.

I was advised by the plastic of the bridle, which was treated from Perdontosis. He said that the cause of the disease is exactly a short bridle. The procedure was performed using a laser. A couple of minutes, and the operation is over. The only "inconvenience" - two days did not eat their favorite chips - Stanislav, Yekaterinburg.

I decided to surpass, because the doctor said that due to the defect of the bridle, my daughter may incorrect the teeth. True, she worried about a long time (as it turned out, in vain). The daughter did not even understand that she was cut there. Thanks to our doctor - Maria, Bryansk.