Same features Honey devices DDT and electrophoresis. Diadinamic currents and diadinemmistherapy (diadinamics)

Dyadynamic currents were offered in the 30s. XX century French dentist Pierre Bernarr. There are two currents with a semi-sinusoidal form of pulses: one current with a frequency of 50 Hz, the second is 100 Hz pulses per second.

I. It is the one-dimensional continuous (single-phase fixed) current of the semi-sinusoidal form with a frequency of 50 Hz. Causes light tinglingmoving into vibration, and muscle contractions. It has an annoying, exciting effect. Used for muscle electrostimulation; It is source for other modulations.

II. DN is a two-stroke continuous (two-phase fixed) Current semi-sinusoidal shape with a frequency of 100 Hz. Expands the vessels, improves the electrical conductivity of the skin, increases the sensitivity threshold, the analgesic effect is noted. Apply as an initial, preparatory procedure, after which other types of diadynamic currents use to provide antispastic effects into smooth muscles. These two types of currents are basic in devices of dyadymaticherapy, on their basis all modulation are built.

III. Op is a one-dimensional intermittent rhythmic current, has a frequency of 50 Hz for 1.5 s, alternating with pauses of 1.5 s. Well stimulates blood supply, traffic; Used for electrostimulation.

IV. KP - modulated by short periods Current: the current pulses alternate it (one-dimensional continuous) and DN (two-stroke continuous) every 1.5 s (1.5 s, it is 1.5 s). CP reduces addictive currents. It massages the fabrics, the DN improves the electrical conductivity. KP is used for diseases accompanied by pain syndrome.

V. DP - modulated long periods current: an alternation of it (one-dimensional) and DN (two-stroke), and it passes 4 C, and DN - 8 C, the duration of the one modulation period is 12 s. Bobrone long action Both currents reduces the process of excitation in the muscles and enhances the analgesic effect. It is used for neuralgia.

Vi. OH is a single wave current with a frequency of 50 Hz. Its amplitude smoothly increases from zero to the maximum value for 2 s, persists at this level 4 s and decreases to zero for 2 s. Then pause 4 s. Total period of 12 s. Provides stimulating effect due to muscle contraction. Pause eliminates addiction to the current.

VII. DV is a two-stroke wave current with a frequency of 100 Hz, the same as the OH (one-stroke), only with a higher frequency. The duration of the period is 12 s. It has a braking and soft stimulating effect.

VIII. One-stroke wave primary OB 'is the frequency of 50 Hz. The amplitude of the pulses increases for 1 second from the non-zero value to the maximum, is held at this level 2 C, then for 1 s decreases to zero. The total period of the period is 6 s.

IX. Two-stroke wave primary dv '- frequency of 100 Hz. The change in the amplitude of the pulses occurs similarly to the current of the unit, only total duration The period is 6 s.

Diadamic currents are provided Analgesic effect, since short-term rhythmic and monotonous effects are caused in nerve receptors to reduce the excitability and the offensive of the fatigue phase, which leads to the nervous blockade. Currents "short period" and "long period" cause irritation of a neuromuscular apparatus than create a new rhythmic dominant in a pathological focus, which overlaps painful dominant in the cerebral cortex. Also these currents enhance blood circulation, trophic, contribute to the release of biologically active substances (histamine). Due to this, the concentration of ions changes, the permeability of cell membranes, and this leads to a decrease in exudation; It shifts into the alkaline side of the pH of the medium, thereby removing inflammation.

Indications:hypertonic diseaseSuppose of diseases peripheral vessels, bronchial asthma, aggravation of chronic pneumonia, ulcerative disease Stomach and duodenum, urolithiasis disease, cholecystitis, rheumatoid arthritis, Bekhterev's disease, deforming osteoarthritis, sharp and subacute diseases of the peripheral nervous system: radiculitis, neuritis, lumbago, migraine, epilepsy, injuries spinal cord, paresa, some gynecological diseases.

Contraindications:individual current intolerance, infectious feverish diseases, malignant neoplasms, active tuberculosis, blood circulation deficiency II-III degree, bleeding and tendency to them, thrombophlebitis, bone and joint fractures, a complete break of ligaments, hematoma, burglary and renal disease, pregnancy.

Diapadherapy doses:by time - up to 10 minutes, according to the strength of the current - to a sense of pronounced vibration, by the number of procedures - up to 6-10 per course, daily or every other day.

Diapidherapy machines:Snim-1, "Tonus-1", "DT50-3".

Types of rehabilitation: physiotherapy, healing physcutter, massage: studies. Manual / T.Y. Bykovsky [et al.]; under total. ed. B.V. Kabaruhina. - Rostov N / D: Phoenix, 2010. - 557, C.: IL. - (Medicine). P. 48-50.

IN last years Successfully apply straightened sinusoidal currents of low, periodically changing frequency. These currents are called Bernard (Bernard) currents, or diadinamic. These currents are characterized by a rapid painful effect.

Used devices

For therapeutic purposes, the device is used by Sin-1 (sinusoidal, low-frequency, pulsed, modulated current) (Fig. 19), which allows you to use the following current varieties: 1) one-dimensional continuous; 2) two-stroke continuous; 3) the rhythm syncope is an intermittent rhythmic current; 4) current modulated short periods; 5) current, the modulated current with a constant frequency of 100 Hz has a slowing effect at first to sensitive and then on the motor sphere.

Fig. 19. Diadinamic current treatment with diadinamic currents.

One-stage continuous current with a constant frequency of 50 Hz is used only after a two-stroke current; It has an exciting effect and only much later depressing. Analgesia, obtained by this current form, is more durable than after using a two-stroke current.

Intermittent rhythmic current with a monthly change of impulse and pauses are used for muscle hectares. The current modulated by short periods, obtained by the monthly change of single and two-stroke currents, has an exciting effect, stimulating trophy and tissue exchange. Current modulated by long periods when the one-stroke unit is replaced by two-stroke, usually used after current with short periods; It has a hoping effect.

Fig. twenty. Graphic image Current types obtained from the machine are simping-1. 1 - one-time continuous current; 2 - two-stroke continuous current; 4 - short period; 5 - long period; 6 - one-stroke wave current; 7 - two-stroke wave current.

Procedure methodology

As a rule, the treatment of diadinamic currents conducts a doctor, nurse Helps him when conducting the procedure.

After checking the compliance of the fuse of the unit, the voltage of the urban network includes a device (this lights the white light bulb). The device is allowed to warm until the image form appears on the oscilloscope screen, which is required for 1-2 minutes. Then, on the body specified by the doctor, the electrodes are applied. As with galvanization, lamellar are applied round shape with spongy gasket electrodes; The latter are fixed on manual holders. Gaskets should be well moistened with warm tap water and pressed. Plastic electrodes fixed with rubber bandages.

Checking that the potentiometer is in a zero position, the wires from the electrodes attach to the terminals of the device. When operating in the "Poster Forms - Permanent" mode, the Patient current knob is set to position 0, the "parcel form" switch is to "constant". The patient's wire connector is inserted into the appropriate outlet on back wall The device, polarity indicator and current forms are transferred to the lower position. The patient's current handle is installed in the required current strength and conduct the procedure of the appointed duration. If you need to switch polarity, change the current type or place the electrodes to other sections, first translate the Patient current knob to position 0. At the end of the procedure, the Patient current knob is transferred to position 0, the "Network" knob is turned off and remove the electrodes from the patient. .

With the "Sending Shapes - Variables" mode, the "Sending Forms" switch is transferred to the "Variables" position, set the position of polarity switches and need species The current, and then smoothly rotating the potentiometer handle from left to right, slowly increase the strength of the current to the appearance of pronounced vibration sensations.
Set the duration of the entire period using the "Period" knob, the duration of the front edge (the time during which the current in the parcels increases from 0 to the maximum) using the front front handle, the rear edge duration (time during which the current in the maximum parcels up to 0) with the "Rear Front" knob. Subsequently, the procedure is carried out, as at a constant mode.

During the procedure, the patient lies or "sits. The electrodes are well fixed with bandages or sandbags. The patient should be informed about those sensations that he will have during the reception of the procedure. At the end of the laying procedure (and spongy fabric) is washed and boiled. The current is adjusted by the sensations of the patient during the reception of the procedure and the testimony of the milliammeter.

Initially, the patient appears a feeling of tingling, burning on the skin, and then vibration. Current strength increase gradually; The sensations of vibration should always be pronounced, but inaccessible. If instead of a pleasant vibration, a painful feeling of tightening, twitching or tingling is appear, the current strength is reduced. In places of localization of the electrodes, hyperemia appears.

The electrode connected to the negative pole should be placed on the painful point, the second electrode is placed next to the first at the distance of its diameter. With the electrodes of different areas, the smaller is placed on a painful point, greater - at a considerable distance from the first to the proximal department of the nervous barrel.

To improve the electrical conductivity of the skin, the treatment starts with a two-stroke continuous current with a duration of 15-30 C, then for 15-20 ° C, a one-inclusive continuous current is used (with a decrease in current voltage) and go to the current "short period" current within 30 seconds to 2 minutes ; In conclusion, the current "long period" for 1-2 minutes.

The total duration of the procedure, depending on the course of the disease, the number of areas to be influenced, and the features of the action of one or another current form of 6-10 minutes. The first three procedures are usually carried out daily, follow-up - every other day, the course of treatment is prescribed from 3 to 7-10 procedures.

Basic testimony for diadinamic treatment : muscle bruises, tensile ligaments, peripritis, diseases of the peripheral nervous system with the presence of pain syndrome (radiculitis, neuritis), especially in acute period, endarteritis.

Dyadynamic currents.

Dyadynamic currents (Bernard currents) - exposure to the low voltage electrical current (60 - 80 V) and low power (up to 50 mA) in the pulse rhythm. The pulses of the semi-cynical form with a frequency of 50 or 100 Hz.

Two types of diadinamic currents (50 Hz and 100 Hz) are used for the following fixed modulation types (Fig. 4):

1) single-alternating continuous current (it);

2) two-wire continuous current (DN);

3) current modulated by short periods (KP);

4) current modulated by long periods (DP);

5) single-alterogeneous rhythmic current (OR).

6) single-alpine wave current (s).

7) Two-wire wave current (DV).


Sinusoidal low-frequency pulse modulated);

- "Diadinamic" (Poland, France).

Basic biophysical processes: the same as when galvanized. The movement of ions in one direction occurs at that time when there is an electric current.

Maintenance physiological reactions and therapeutic action: The same as the galvanization. The pulse electric current with a frequency of 50 Hz causes burning, tingling, a sense of large vibration, painful and annoying. Electric current with a frequency of 100 Hz causes a feeling of small vibration that is moved much easier.

The main in the action of diadynamic currents is anesthesia. The mechanism of this action is viewed from the position of the teachings of N.E.Vestrensky on the peculiarities of the tissue reaction to the monotonous stimulus. In the first phase of exposure, an excitement is observed, when you get acquainted to excitation, the braking phase occurs, then the parase parase. The braking phase caused by the action of diadynamic currents continues within 2 - 4 hours after the end of the procedure, and the parabiotic phase is very short-lived. Reducing the excitability and functional mobility of nerve receptors leads both anesthesia.

With alternation of exposure to currents with a frequency of 50 and 100 Hz, getting used to the stimulus does not occur. Irritation with the receptors of the neuromuscular apparatus enters the central nervous system. In accordance with the teachings of A.A. Thomsky in the cortex of the brain, the dominant of a rhythmic stimulus is formed, which suppresses painful dominant.

In the exposure zone, hyperemia of the skin appears, the blood and lymphorage, troof tissue, improves. Impact occurs mainly to surface receptors. Before carrying out the procedure, pain points, pain distribution zones and apply electrodes to these areas. The above reactions are expressed to a greater extent under the cathode, therefore the negative pole should be affected by the diseases of the disease.

Diadinamic currents can be used for electrostimulation of muscles, including for impact on smooth muscles. internal organs With their hypoomotor dyskinesia, one-alpapid rhythmic current (the former name is the rhythm of syncope).

Basic indications for use.

1. pain syndrome with damage to peripheral nerves.

2. Pain syndrome in injuries: bruises, stretching ligaments and tendons.

3. Pain syndrome with degenerative-dystrophic lesions of the joints and spine.

Inflammatory vegetative-vascular disorders: migraine, Reino syndrome, paresthesia, etc.

4. Dyskinesia internal hypomotor type organs.

Basic contraindications to use.

1. Acute Stages inflammatory process, especially purulent.

2. Fixed bone fractures, dislocations of the joints (until right), full bundles of bundles and muscles.

2. thrombophlebitis (in the zone of intended impact).

3. The presence of stones in bile bubble and urinary trait (If the impact on the corresponding zones is assumed).

4. Vibration disease.

5. Disturbance of the rhythm of the heart.


1) by force electric current (up to 50 mA);

2) for the sensations of the patient (light tingling, burning, vibration or rhythmic muscle contraction);

3) by the duration of the procedure (the impact on one field is not more than 7 minutes; for one procedure, the impact of no more than three fields);

4) by multiplicity of procedures (twice a day with a break for at least 4 hours, daily, every other day);

5) by the number of procedures for the course of treatment (no more than 10).

Diapidherapy is an application with therapeutic goal Pulse constants, in the direction of the semi-sinusoidal form of short force, low frequency and low voltage.

Frequency; 50 Hz, 100 Hz

Current strength: up to 50 mA

Voltage: up to 80 volts

These currents are developed by the French dentist Pierre Bernarr in 1928-1930 and is called Bernard currents. In addition, these currents are called ambulance currents, and the method is the "chase of ill science points."

Distinguish seven varieties of these currents:

1) He is a one-way continuous

frequency - 50 Hz

The current coarse, well stimulates the nervous muscular machine, therefore it is often used for electrical stimulation.

2) DN - two-stroke continuous

frequency - 100 Hz

The current is soft, gentle, has an anesthetic effect, improves tissue electrical conductivity, therefore it is used before other currents at the beginning of the procedure. To this current, the fabrics are adapted and, and due to this, its therapeutic effect is reduced.

3) KP - current modulated by a short period. It is an alternation of frequencies of 50 Hz and 100 Hz to 1.5 seconds. The period is 3 seconds.

The current has an painful, spasmodic, anti-inflammatory, trophic effect, improves blood and lymphrodium.

4) DP - current modulated long period. This is an alternation of frequencies of 50 Hz and 100 Hz (4 and 8 seconds) with a period of 12 seconds.

The current has the same effect as "KP", but also improves the regeneration of tissues, therefore it is used at the end of the procedure as a final impact.

5) PC - syncope rhythm or one-acting rhythm (OR)

frequency - 50 Hz. The pulse alternates with a pause of 1.5 seconds. The period is 3 seconds. So very rough, fabrics are not adapted to it. It is used for electrostimulation of the neuromuscular machine.

6) OB - one-dimensional wave current

frequency - 50 Hz. This current is modulated not only in frequency, but also by amplitude. Amplitude varies in the wave; Gradually increases and gradually decreases. The current has a stimulating effect on the body fabric.

7) DV - two-stroke wave current

frequency - 100 Hz. This current also varies in amplitude and frequency. It has a pronounced painful, spasmodic, trophic effect.

Diapidherapy action mechanism:

Diadamic currents are provided irritant The receptor apparatus of the skin, the pulses from the receptors enter the central nervous system, where the dominant focus of irritation of these currents is created, which must be more dominants associated with the disease. In this regard, the flow of pathological pulses from pain zone in the bark of the brain is interrupted. There is an anesthetic effect.

Apparatuses: Snim-1

The devices are made in class II.

Methods: gaskets can be placed transversely, longitudinally, paravertebral. Processing of gaskets and electrodes as galvanized.

Dosing: dosage dyadynamic currents according to the strength of the current, by the duration of the procedure and the sensation of the patient.

According to the strength, the current is dosed individually, to the sensation of a sick good vibration. Duration of the diademotherapy procedure - up to 20 minutes as much as possible; 6-8 minutes per pain point. Using diadinamic currents, you can enter medicinal substances, then the method will be called DDT-Forez. 5-7 diademotherapy procedures are prescribed to the course.

Main readings: All pain syndromescaused by diseases and injuries of peripheral nerves, supporting devices; Diseases of internal organs, gynecological diseases, diseases of the ENT organs, dental diseases, for stimulation of transverse and smooth muscles.

Basic contraindications: acute purulent processes, bone fractures, dislocations of joints, decompensated diseases of cardio-vascular system, cancer, bleeding, blood disease, pregnancy (at the bottom of the abdomen and lower limbs).

Combinations: diadynamic currents are combined with galvanization, medicinal electrophoresis, electric, high-frequency electrotherapy, freezing, ultrasound, magnetotherapy, baths, gas production in one day and in different days. Do not combine DDT with ultraviolet rays (erythemny doses) at the same place.

Diadinamic currents are prescribed children from 3 years old. Repeated courses can be carried out if necessary after 2-3 weeks.