Mix of German Shepherd Dog breeds. Metis - a unique dog or a mongrel? Features of behavior and character of Malhover

The German Shepherd is one of the most popular dog breedswhich is in high demand among dog breeders around the world. This is due to the many advantages of such dogs - these include the following factors:

  • Great exterior.
  • High intellectual abilities.
  • Big physical strength and endurance.
  • Good learning ability and high performance.

We all know well what brave defenders and true friends there may be German shepherds - many films have been shot about them and many books have been written.

The German Shepherd is one of the most popular dog breeds.

Purebred dogs or mestizo?

No one doubts the many advantages of purebred thoroughbred dogs - their breeding is managed by special clubs that can be found almost anywhere the globe... The purity of the breed is the preservation of the gene pool, all bright and important features, appearance and character.

On the other hand, mixed breeds are also gaining popularity today - more and more often you can hear statements that mestizo german shepherd sometimes much sturdier, more beautiful and smarter than purebred representatives of this species. They say about mestizos that they have a much less pronounced tendency to genetic diseases, a stronger immune system and more pronounced intellectual abilities.

On the Internet, you can find many photos that depict mestizo husky and shepherd dogs, as well as crossbreeds with a Rottweiler, collie and even. Puppies from such marriages sometimes look a little unexpected, which is obvious, since mestizo huskies and shepherds or collies and shepherds are always a lottery, the results of which are quite difficult to guess, and sometimes impossible.

Metis likes

Some vehement defenders of blood purity condemn such breeding experiments, calling them profanity. However, one should not be too strict - perhaps there is some sense in mixed breeds if mating is done wisely. Husky and Shepherd mixed breeds, as well as Rottweiler crosses, give reason for hope. In addition, it should not be forgotten that dogs are living beings with a devoted heart and a need for love. They need care no matter how pure their blood is - let's keep that in mind.

Metis huskies and german breed are born quite large - even puppies are impressive in size. Laika with a high degree of probability will give the offspring a thick thick coat, as well as all best features character - loyalty, courage and ingenuity. We recall that the Germans also have these character traits - therefore, when crossed with a husky, they do not disappear anywhere, but become stronger.

Mestizo huskies grow up smart, loyal, well trained - they make excellent service dogs, which are not a hindrance to the lack of pure blood. Laika and shepherd puppies got their own name - they are called Siberian shepherd dogs.

Husky and German Shepherd puppy


A cross between a pug and a shepherd dog is called a nops - just like mestizo huskies, they inherited the best features from their parents. It is a strong medium-sized dog that possesses loving heart and loves to fondle the owner. This is a faithful understanding friend who is ready to support at any moment.

Metis Labrador and German

Dog breeders say a lot about Labrador and German puppies - this species turns out to be perfectly balanced. Let's remember that Labradors have a much calmer temperament than the Germans - in common puppies, this balances out perfectly.

The result is a dog with a calm temperament, which is perfect for quality - he is ready to play, he is cheerful, but not too much. And if necessary, he can defend himself and is ready to defend the child to the end.

In addition, mestizo Labradors, as a rule, have an extremely attractive exterior - the aesthetic component should not be discounted. Therefore, such dogs are quite in demand among supporters of new trends, welcoming “ mixed marriages»Between representatives different breeds.

Metis Labrador and German

A cross between a Rottweiler and a German

If you need a strong and loyal service dog, you are unlikely to be able to find more suitable optionthan a Rottweiler / Shepherd hybrid. From both breeds, such a dog inherits tremendous physical strength, powerful constitution, loyalty and courage, good learning ability and strong intellect.

It should be noted that such a dog needs a strong owner who will personify for her the leader of the pack. A person with insufficiently strong and strong-willed character will not be able to cope with such a dog - it will seize the leadership and will dominate. Therefore, before you get yourself such a dog, carefully analyze your volitional and leadership skillsto make sure there are enough of them for raising a Rottweiler and Shepherd Dog.

A cross between a Rottweiler and a German

Metis Chow

Chow Chows are famous for their restless disposition, curiosity and wit. It can be said without exaggeration that such a dog is the real Ostap Bender in dog's skin. He is interested in everything, he is ready to poke his interested nose everywhere, in addition, the Chow-Chow is always ready for games and fun.

All these traits are preserved in the mestizo chow with a shepherd dog - the suspicion and wariness of the Germans is added to their curiosity. The result is an ideal watchman - get yourself a Chow Shepherd and your house will always be under reliable protection. In terms of the exterior, mestizos are usually closer to the chow - muzzle, bones and thick long hair.

Union of the German and the Scotsman

Metis Collie and German breed look extremely attractive - they inherit the nobility of traits from both species. Long wool and the slim build of the collie is combined with the strength and power of the German Shepherd Dogs - it looks very beautiful.

In terms of the breed, there is an increase in temperament - both breeds were bred as shepherds, this trait is aggravated by the descendants of mixed unions. Therefore, the owner of such a dog should be prepared for the fact that he will need to constantly take care of keeping his pupil busy. Immediately count on long walks, active occupations sports and training, outdoor games and education aimed at directing the pet's energy in the right direction.


University: Moscow state academy veterinary medicine.
Year of issue: 2010.
Specialty: Veterinary medicine, Veterinary medicine.


I have experience in veterinary clinic more than 7 years.


FSBI "All-Russian State Center for Quality and Standardization medicines for animals and feed "

Sheepdog(Eastern European for example) A dog of excellent, unquestioning obedience. Many years of selection have reached this line. Of course, it means how many knees of your dog's ancestors were stupid owners. In my life there were 3 Eastern Europeans. All are absolutely manageable, loyal, winners of many exhibitions. She did not like the "Germans" for hidden meanness (but not towards the owner) and did not keep them.
Rottweiler - the most balanced and thinking dog. Of course, this is with a balanced and thinking owner.
I had a female and a male alternately. The girl was the winner of all city exhibitions for several years in a row, I did not take her further. she independently went to the bazaar for food and milk, which was poured into the can, the sellers took the money themselves from the purse on the collar. As I was told, she always looked at what they took and distinguished the money from other pieces of paper. She was known by the whole region, and by exhibitions - by the whole region. lived to die naturally.
And I took a two-year-old boy from a family that was in a state of divorce and a change of housing. There were also shortcomings and defects of upbringing. We won everything and he lived in the family as a very decent guy. She could go anywhere with him - he was very reliable and very smart. I understood the look and did what was necessary. He died early, at the age of 9, from dropsy. Rather, we put him to sleep and buried him - this disease often affects them. Here's a sad story.

I had and caucasian, or rather a cross between a Caucasian and a Moscow watchdog. We took it to guard the house. At 1 year old he weighed 120 kg, at the withers 80 cm was never put on a chain. At night, he guarded the site, walked around the garden - he did not step on a single bed. And in the afternoon I slept on my site. I often took him with me on walks and to the store. I was flattered by the way those around me looked at this mountain of furs. The dog knew what and where to do
and how to behave.

If the parents were well controlled, your dog should have a good, fixed inheritance. Look for parenting mistakes
only in their illiterate actions. If parents are goonies - goofs and children will be - and in whom should they be different?

Any animal can be taught a lot. Big dog requires a lot of upbringing and daily close contact. Until the age of 5, she will strive to become a leader in the family. This is normal, inherent in genetics. And if this is not the case, this is a mental defect that would not make me happy. The dog should be an equal partner in the family, should feel your trust in her. Up to 2 years old, you need to engage in upbringing and training every day. And throughout her short life, you will have to be able to control her every step! Be strict, but never humiliate the dog because it will not forget it and the hour will come or run away or take cruel revenge.

The dog will choose its owner itself and it is not at all necessary that it will be your family members or you. I had to give the dog at the age of 1.5 years to the nephew whom she chose as the owner when she saw him for the first time.

And everything started from scratch - if you don't take a dog, you won't learn to communicate with it. No books will help.
It would be nice to be like the courses, if they are in your city, take them.
Good luck!

A purebred dog has a clear character traitscharacteristic of the breed. In this case, there is no need to expect surprises. Mestizos are another matter. An interesting example can serve as a cross between a German shepherd with dogs of other breeds.

Metis German Shepherd

general characteristics

Husky has blue eyes, "German" - dark, mestizos have any of these options. From husky puppies inherit incredible energy, and from his second parent - caution.

Interesting! Dogs meet with eyes different color: one is blue, the other is dark.

German shepherd mestizo (with husky):


The protective qualities of a Rottweiler, multiplied by the shepherd's guarding and detective abilities, give excellent result.

Malhover's appearance is very memorable.

Large animals inherited the color of the Rottweiler. The ears and the structure of the muzzle were inherited from the shepherd dog.

These features give the dog an even more formidable appearance than the parents.

Wolf and german shepherd

This is a large, stately animal. Hybrids inherit features of the shepherd dog's color: darker than that of a wolf, saddle cloth, reddish-brown wool.

Mestizos are strong, hardy and trainable.

Important! For a person with a gentle disposition, this is not a suitable pet.

The gregarious lifestyle of the wolf has left its mark - the mestizo must know exactly who is in charge, otherwise he will begin to claim leadership, showing aggression towards the owner.

Golden shepherd

View descendant of a German shepherd and a golden retriever is very unusual.
Most often he resembles a medium-sized "German", covered with golden-red long hair.

To characteristic qualities service dog - intelligence, ability to navigate well even in difficult situation - the friendliness of the second parent is added: golden retrievers - very quiet and balanced dogs, which are difficult to piss off.

Chow shepherd

The offspring of the "German" and the chow-chow goodwill... The strict temper of the German Shepherd is usually weaker than the calm and phlegmatic character of the exotic Chinese dog.

Black-backed color among mestizo puppies occurs more often than plain red or black. The proportions of the animal's body are similar to the Chow Chow. Wool middle length, very dense, with abundant soft underfur. The sizes are average.

German Shepherd / Labrador Mix

From this mestizo puppy a big dog will grow up. The color in most cases is black-and-back, but sometimes there is also a black suit. Added to strength and endurance is the poise and absolute tolerance of the Labrador.

At the same time, guarding and sentry qualities do not disappear. The dog is an excellent learner. Tolerant of children. She can be safely kept in the house.

Collie and german shepherd

Puppy these breeds inherit traits from both parents randomly. Tall on his feet - from a collie. Body proportions and color features - from the "German". The length of the coat is from a collie. Dogs are smart, obedient, not aggressive. Excellent guards and shepherds, poorly trained, often moody and disobedient.

A cross between her and the "German" looks not very attractive - a small shepherd dog with short legs, devoid of service inclinations and reluctantly obeying the owner. This is just a strange dog with a difficult character, which passed on to her from the Welsh Corgi.


Incredibly, the pug and the German shepherd viable puppies. Metis of these very dissimilar breeds is quite pretty... Animals are small in size, but still significantly more sizes pug dog, and a dense body.

Wide muzzle a bit like sheepdog. This is an intelligent, friendly, playful dog, which at the same time is able to fend for itself - of course, as far as the miniature size allows.

When choosing a pet mixed blood need to pay attention not only in appearance, but also in the character traits of the parents. Only then will it be possible to make the right choice in all respects.

I got a puppy - mestizo. Mom is a Moscow watchdog, dad is a German shepherd. What character to expect from a puppy, what breed will manifest itself, how best to educate?


Hello! It is difficult to talk about the nature of the mestizo, the manifestation of any parental disposition is possible. As a rule, raising a mestizo is much more difficult than raising a pure breed. Mixing groups gives unexpected results. A puppy can develop a psychological disorder from childhood.

You will need to train your pet regularly and professionally! It is important, if possible, to exclude aggression in the dog, to direct energy into a peaceful channel - hunting, guarding. Your pet with young age is obliged to understand and assimilate the headship of a person, to demonstrate obedience. Ideally, you should contact the dog service for professional help.

When the requirements are met, the character of the pet will appear. Moscow watchdog balanced and contact. The dog was created to protect the territory and the owner either whole family... The same is said about the German Shepherd Dog - balanced, agile, capable of training and easily adapting to a change of owner. IN best case get a smart, calm and family pet, protecting you from trouble.

However, with an unsuccessful "experiment" of mixing breeds and the absence of training lessons, a monster will be born. The reason is in the behavior of groups of animals. For example, the Moscow Watchdog knows no fear and rarely deviates from its goal. Imagine what happens if you pour in explosive mixture the mind and mobility of a German ?!

It's not worth the risk. Make friends with the puppy, start training. Gradually, the pet will begin to listen to the commands of the owner and family members, which is extremely important! Show love to the new family member, but do not show weakness, otherwise the dog will feel his own superiority.

Many people love animals, especially dogs. but modern man does not want to be content with what he has, and, accordingly, strives to get something new. This explains the cross-breed of many dogs. In this article we will try to figure out what the mestizo will be from the mixture of husky and shepherd dog.

Who are mestizo dogs?

By mixing different breeds, breeders often get mestizos. These are dogs that do not have a breed, but are not mongrels either. Depending on which breeds were crossed, the resulting mestizos can cost fabulous money.

The attitude towards such dogs is ambiguous. Someone likes them unusual appearancecombining the characteristics of your favorite breeds. Someone is not so friendly, not understanding why to spoil purebred breeds. By the way, mestizos are often called half-breeds. In addition, they can combine the characteristics of not only two breeds, but also three, and sometimes four.

Puppies from a mixture of a shepherd and a husky will also be called mestizo. Each breed has its own advantages and disadvantages. Which of the characteristics will appear in the resulting mestizo puppy will become known only as he grows up. Therefore, before you breed dogs from a mixture of a shepherd dog with a husky, you must be prepared for very unexpected consequences.

Metis is not a mongrel!

As we said, mestizo are not mongrels. These are, of course, dogs without a specific breed, however, they are not considered mongrels. Judge for yourself, how can a dog bred from such noble breeds as a husky and a shepherd dog be considered a mongrel ?!

However, the question still arises: what is the difference between a mestizo and an ordinary mongrel. The answer is simple enough. In the appearance of the mestizo, one can clearly see outward signs mixed rocks. That is, a puppy from a mixture of a husky and a German shepherd, for example, will look like a husky and a shepherd. If not two breeds are crossed, but more, then they will all be guessed in the appearance of a mestizo.

At the same time, the external characteristics of the mongrel will be somewhat different. In their appearance mixed breeds cannot be traced.

The character of the mestizo

It is quite difficult to predict what character a mestizo puppy will have, in particular, from a mixture of a husky and a shepherd dog. Each dog, like a person, is individual. She will take some features from her dad, some from her mother. Here are just which ones from whom - it will be a surprise in the future. For example, mixing dwarf breeds, mestizos turn out to be cowardly, nervous, can even be aggressive and cocky. While guard and guard dog crosses can be stubborn and difficult to train.

Before crossing breeds, you need to carefully study the characteristics of mom and dad, and, if possible, the entire pedigree. This will help to highlight the dominant characteristics of the breed. After breeding the puppies, you need to observe them for some time to determine what kind of character he has.

Puppy health

The health and immunity characteristics of mestizos are often higher than those of purebred breeds. This is due to the fact that there is a mixing of genes and from each of the breeds the puppy takes only best qualities... As a rule, hereditary diseases are not transmitted from parents in this case.

However, even though more good health puppies from a mixture of a husky and a shepherd dog, or any other cross, this does not mean that mestizos will not get sick. For them, as well as for all animals, appropriate care and timely treatment.

Husky habits

Before breeding puppies from a mixture of husky and shepherd dogs, you need to study the characteristics of each of the breeds. It is necessary to find out which characteristics will be leading, that is, dominant. Exactly dominant characteristics often passed on to offspring. Therefore, it is better to know what habits a mestizo can take from a husky, and which from a shepherd.

It is known that the husky breed is distinguished by its friendliness. They are wary of strangers, but do not show aggression. The animals are quite companionable, they are able to live peacefully in the same territory with other breeds of dogs. In addition, huskies get along well with children, so this a good option for a family with small children.

This breed has no protective instincts, so they are not suitable as a watchdog. Huskies are also stubborn and independent. They often strive to do as they see fit, even if this is contrary to the aspirations of the owner. In such a situation, the owners need to become a leader for the dog, as it would be in natural conditions the habitat of the animal (huskies live in packs and there is a leader in each team).

You also need to keep in mind that huskies love to hunt. Of course, they do not attack their neighbors in the place of residence. However, they will gladly hunt for other people's cats, chickens, rabbits and other small animals.

Characteristics of a shepherd

As for the shepherd dogs, this is also a very friendly breed. She is devoted to one master. She, of course, also loves others, especially children, but the owner is always the main one for her. In this they differ from independent huskies, shepherds are a devoted breed. Moreover, they are fearless and brave. Therefore, they are good guards and watchdogs, if, of course, they are properly brought up and trained.

Shepherd dogs, like huskies, companionable dogs, are not loving loneliness... Therefore, it is not recommended to leave them alone for a long time. These animals are also good workers. They can be trained in many activities. By the way, they adapt very well to changing conditions.

Dogs are very cheerful and active. Therefore, when breeding puppies, for example, from a mixture of a husky and a Caucasian shepherd dog, it is worth remembering that they will need constant activity and movement.


because of good characteristicsare often used as a basis for mixing species. The most common mixing occurs with a shepherd dog. Among breeders, the mixture of husky and shepherd is called shepski. This breed is bred for protection. Shepski are excellent watchdogs. However, problems in training these mestizos cannot be avoided.

These dogs may lack a sense of proportion. Moreover, they terrible owners... Therefore, it is not recommended to leave children or guests alone with Shepski. After all, they may simply not know what belongs to the dog, and he, in turn, will not like it and a very unpleasant and often dangerous situation may develop. In addition, dogs of this crossbreed at the slightest danger immediately attack.

There is also some harshness and aggressiveness in the behavior of dogs. Cruelty is manifested in the fact that they can offend someone who is weaker than them. While aggression, along with irritability, is observed when eating. Animals are impatient when it comes to food.

Since the main breed of these mestizos is the husky, it is better that they live on the street. A cool climate is more suitable for them. Below is a photo of a mixture of a husky and a shepherd dog.


In another way, Utonagana, in the circle of breeders, is called the Northern Inuit. The purpose of breeding these mestizos was to create strong, hardy, trainable dogs. To receive desired result were crossed breeds and German shepherd dogs. Outwardly, these dogs resemble wolves.

Sometimes malamutes are mixed with a mixture of a husky and a German shepherd (pictured below). The resulting mestizos have good health and good heredity. This is due to the fact that they lack genetic diseasesdue to the mixing of genes. These dogs take only the best genes from their parents, thus creating a selective gene pool. Mestizos have been living for over 15 years.

It is interesting that "utonagan" means "spirit of the wolf" in translation. Therefore, in the character of the animal, there may be notes of rebelliousness and love of freedom.