Sore nipples are always a sign of pregnancy. External factors of influence. The most reliable signs of pregnancy - after a delay

Changes in the breast during pregnancy are not only the norm, but I have the opportunity to learn about the processes in the body, according to the deadline. For example, by the condition, color and size of the nipple during pregnancy, you can find out the amount of the hormone, whether the pregnancy is normal, and how the baby develops. Nipples during pregnancy are a conditional indicator of the norm and anomaly of all ongoing processes.

An increase in nipple sensitivity is observed long before a woman learns about her position. In part, this change is due to the fact that the amount of progesterone and prolactin in the blood increases. Estrogen, which is now in a slightly lower amount, does not block the effect on the mammary glands of pregnancy hormones, which are now in a slightly lower amount in the blood.

The manifestation of nipple sensitivity is expressed in the form of swelling, however characteristic manifestations are on other sides as well. So, one of the first manifestations of a normal pregnancy is an increase in the sensitivity of the nipple zone, the nipple itself. This feeling literally irritates the pregnant woman: the most gentle touch on the snowy swollen skin of the nipple causes discomfort, provokes a surge of aggression, irritability.

For most women, the nipples get hypersensitive sensations that are characteristic of PMS, so on this stage many girls do not know anything, designating it as a sign of premenstrual syndrome. Visible changes are observed much later, when a pregnancy test shows two strips.

But when a woman is aware of the situation, then the sensations become more colorful: the nipples hurt at the slightest pressure, touch. It is recommended to change the old bra to a more spacious and comfortable one. The cup of the bra should be even, smooth, natural fabric and without seams that will irritate the nipples with existing decorative elements. Doctors recommend wearing underwear, regardless of the size of the bust, at the same time putting in lower part cups are pieces of fabric that will lift the chest up a little.


Air baths have a beneficial effect on the nipples, reducing soreness. Can be used daily before or after bathing air baths for 15 minutes. This will help harden the mammary gland, preparing it for breastfeeding.

Nipple swelling

The swelling of the nipple zone occurs in parallel with the increase in size of the entire breast. The edema, which initially causes pain, stabilizes after three months, the woman notes a decrease in discomfort, but the mammary gland is still enlarged.

Doctors recommend monitoring how the breast swells: if during the first trimester it began to deflate, and the sensitivity disappeared, this is a reason to seek help from a gynecologist. Perhaps such a change is the first alarming sign of a reduced pregnancy hormone, which threatens miscarriage or fetal fading.

Swelling of the nipples is most often observed during the first trimester, when the body is the most intense production of progesterone. Due to the fact that hormones increase every minute, the mammary gland becomes large, edematous. The woman notes the swelling and the nipple itself, which literally becomes stretched and very thin to the touch. The skin, stretching, does not have time to adapt to new sizes, and therefore, against the background of such a change, the manifestation of itching of the skin is also noted.


The greatest sensations of discomfort are noted in the first trimester and before the birth itself. The rest of the time pregnant breasts future mother remains swollen, but pain symptoms are not observed.

Darkening of the nipples

Change in nipple color possible manifestation, which a woman has already noted for more than later dates gestation. Progesterone, which now provides the child with the necessary life support, the right amount of elements necessary for growth, provokes changes in the nipple, which becomes darker under the influence of the hormone.

However, if changes in color have not occurred, you should not think that this is a pathology. Perhaps this feature is due to the individual genotype of a woman who naturally has blond hair and skin. As a rule, if before pregnancy the nipples are very light, barely distinguishable from the main color of the entire skin of the breast, then during pregnancy a woman will not notice any special differences, as, for example, in girls with dark skin.

This feature is partly due to melanin, which is present depending on the genotype and skin type, and partly the absence of a change in nipple color is explained by the fact that the action of prolactin does not change the concentration of melanin substances in the juice itself. But, in any case, it is not necessary to talk about pathology.


Changes in the nipples and x color are observed at the same time when the strip from the navel to pubic bone women. the most visible changes occur in recent months gestation.

Bubble formations in the form of pimples near the nipple are the so-called Montgomery tubercles, which develop during lactation and pregnancy. This development is due to the same hormone for pregnancy, as well as oxytocin, which is produced in large quantities before the birth itself.

It is with the onset of fertilization that a large number of women in the position note an increase in the size of such formations, which causes fear and concern. It is believed that such tubercles are of particular importance at the time of pregnancy and lactation. The purpose of such formations:

  1. Isolation of a special secret that provides antibacterial protection of the nipple and breast during pregnancy or during menstruation.
  2. Moisturizing the areola of the nipple, which feels like "waxed" to the touch. This normal phenomenon Moreover, this property is extremely necessary when preparing the nipple for lactation.
  3. They help the baby get used to the breast. It is these tubercles that form a special secret, which the baby distinguishes by smell in a priority order, rather than the smell of milk.

Such tubercles begin to swell and increase in size in some women in the first week of pregnancy. This sign is the main one for most gynecologists, who determine both the timing of pregnancy and its normal course. However, if no change occurs long time, you should also not worry, perhaps such changes will appear during lactation.


In 10% of women during pregnancy and lactation, Montgomery tubercles do not stand out and do not develop. This is explained by the individual characteristics of the organism. At the same time, this factor does not affect lactation. .

Montgomery's bumps, which enlarge and swell along with the nipples and the entire breast, are not a cause for concern. However, if they become reddish, pink, hurt when touched and there is itching, burning, then this is a cause for concern and additional consultation with a gynecologist.

Treatment of pathological formations on the chest, including inflamed tubercles of Montgomery in a pregnant woman, is carried out exclusively by a doctor who leads the pregnancy in antenatal clinic. Since the range of drugs during pregnancy and lactation is limited, of all options the most acceptable and safe is selected. Preparations are usually used for homeopathic effects, with herbs (phytopreparations).


Anxiety in the nipples during pregnancy should cause redness, swelling, pain and tingling. Also alert should be the selection of a non-specific greenish or pink hue.

Since the main task of the mammary glands in a woman's life is to feed the child, providing him with proper natural nutrition, the nailing of colostrum and milk is one of the most important issues that concern most women in an interesting position.

The release of colostrum occurs from the moment of concentration of prolactin in the mammary gland. Throughout pregnancy, its concentration gradually increases, while prolactin levels also increase, which ensures the necessary supply of milk in the future after childbirth.

The first signs of existing colostrum can be noted by a woman at the 5th, 6th or 7th month of pregnancy. However, if this did not happen, you should not worry: the amount of colostrum is limited, for feeding the baby in the first three days - these are a few drops of colostrum that envelop the walls of the stomach. Colostrum is not milk that comes in large quantities, it is a kind of concentrate that helps the baby go through a period of adaptation.

Interesting fact!

After birth, the baby is attached to the breast not only for the purpose of feeding, but also for hormonal exchange between mother and child. The first drops of milk help the baby to understand that his mother is nearby, and mothers to feel the first minutes of motherhood in full. At this point, oxytocin is produced, which helps contract the uterus and stimulates further milk production.

Nipple stimulation

Many gynecologists recommend nipple stimulation throughout pregnancy so that lactation continues without complications. However, nipple stimulation must be done carefully, as this procedure can cause uterine contractions. Normally, if there is no threat of miscarriage, then even constant stimulation is not capable of provoking premature birth, but if a woman has a risk of premature birth, then stimulation can be carried out after consulting a doctor.

What is nipple stimulation and why is it needed? First of all, stimulation is carried out so that the nipple is ready for lactation. A woman should remember that the capture of the nipple is made completely, most of it is under lower jaw child, upper lip half captures the nipple from above. If the child takes the breast incorrectly, then cracks appear, which bleed and hurt for a long period of time.

Nipple stimulation during pregnancy:

  • contrast shower every morning, with the most cold water should not be below a degree of room temperature;
  • wiping the nipples with a harsh cloth, preferably from unpeeled linen;
  • stretching and easy scrolling of the nipple forward, clockwise and against it.

Pregnancy leaves its mark on the entire body of a woman. First on similar changes the chest usually responds.

Literally since early weeks pregnancy, it can begin to swell and pour. In the future, the breast changes its shape, in most cases greatly increasing in size.

The nipples do not lag behind the mammary glands, becoming larger and more sensitive, and also changing in color. The space around the nipple - the areola - also increases in size (from the usual 5 cm in diameter to 8 or more).

Darkening of the nipples during pregnancy

Normally, nipples have soft pink color. During pregnancy, you may notice that these areas of the body have become much darker than usual. This process affects not only the nipple, but also the areola.

In swarthy women, pigmentation appears in a rich brown, almost black color. Pregnant women blonde hair and skin during the period of bearing a baby become the owners of reddish nipples.

When do the areolas darken during pregnancy and what is the reason for this process?

When does darkening of the nipples occur?

Noticeable changes in the color of the nipples begin to appear as early as 5-6 weeks after conception.

By the way! Such pigmentation can directly indicate the presence of pregnancy, if you have not identified it before.

Why is this happening?

In preparation courses for childbirth, we often discuss with mothers the question of why do nipples darken during pregnancy?

There are several reasons for these changes:

  • Influence of hormones;

The process of pigmentation of the nipples is directly related to the active restructuring of the body during pregnancy.

During the period of bearing a child, your production of melanin, the hormone responsible for the color of your hair, eyes and skin, increases. During pregnancy, in the first place, it begins to accumulate in the nipples.

Lack of essential micronutrients folic acid) or vitamins (group B), also often provoke darkening of the nipples and areola during pregnancy.

  • hereditary factor.

A change in the color of the nipples in expectant mothers in the genus of a woman will most often affect her during gestation.

In most cases, excessive pigmentation is the result of a combination of all of these factors.

Do areolas always darken during pregnancy?

No, some women in position do not notice any color changes in this area of ​​the body. In addition, some pregnant women do not experience any changes in the breast area at all - neither in size nor in shape.

However, most expectant mothers still notice full and enlarged breasts, as well as very darkened nipples and areolas.

Do you need to do something about it?

Darkening of the nipples during pregnancy is not at all cosmetic defect. If increased pigmentation is not accompanied by any warning sign, there is no need to worry about this.

The situation is different if the darkening is accompanied by additional signs:

  1. different color and size of nipples;
  2. the appearance of black dots or tubercles on the areola;
  3. bloody or purulent discharge from the ducts;
  4. bluish or purple hue nipples and areola;
  5. the presence of cones, nodules or other neoplasms;
  6. darkening of the nipple is accompanied by high fever or chest pain (read the article

Signs and symptoms early pregnancy not so easy to recognize. The problem is that all symptoms are usually very individual and depend on many factors. During pregnancy, one woman may experience severe chest pain, nausea, and vomiting, while another may have a pregnancy without any symptoms. But still there are certain patterns, based on which you can give a preliminary answer - are you pregnant. So: early dates are the topic of discussion for today.

Elastic painful chest

Often this is the first physical sign pregnancy. In fact, some women realize they are pregnant based on this symptom alone. The reason for the swelling of the breasts and increased sensitivity of the nipples during early pregnancy is that they undergo changes associated with the preparation of the body for the upcoming lactation. As a result of pregnancy female body produces large amounts of the hormones estrogen and progesterone. This is why the breasts and nipples are very sensitive and even hypersensitive in the early stages of pregnancy. Often women confuse this symptom with a symptom of approaching menstruation. But during pregnancy, the breasts are still more responsive to touch. In addition, the extreme sensitivity of the nipples - exact sign not menstruation, but pregnancy.

Unusual tiredness or exhaustion

Early pregnancy is a period in which a woman's body is working to keep up with the pace of change that is taking place within her. This means increased production of hormones and increased heart rate - the heart pumps faster and more blood in order to supply the embryo enough nutrients in as soon as possible. The increase in progesterone production is the main cause of the fatigue that many women experience during early pregnancy. Progesterone is known to cause drowsiness and natural central nervous system suppression. nervous system leads to excessive fatigue. Another cause of fatigue during early pregnancy is the emotional extremes that pregnant women experience without knowing it. Often pregnant women burst into tears without apparent reason. Emotional instability is associated with hormonal fluctuations during this period of pregnancy. This symptom indicates the need to rest more, avoid stress and conflict. So the body prepares itself mentally for the appearance of a newborn, when a woman needs more energy in order to be able to care for a child.


The most common reason for absence monthly cycle is pregnancy. In addition, the absence of menstruation is. Only a pregnancy test and an examination by a gynecologist can confirm or refute suspicions of pregnancy. If the tests show pregnancy, the doctor will usually do other tests to confirm or refute other possible explanations for missing periods or amenorrhea. Often, ordinary home tests give an erroneous result. So, if the delay is a week or more, it is better to consult a doctor. Pregnancy is not the only one possible reason delays. It is always better to exclude possible unpleasant and dangerous options for health.

Minor bleeding and pain in the lower abdomen

The most common lung cause bleeding on early dates pregnancy is implantation. Implantation occurs when a fertilized egg grows into the uterus 10-14 days after conception. Bleeding caused by implantation is usually minor. Often the only sign of implantation are individual blood stains on the underwear. Cramps, which are similar to menstrual cramps, occur in early pregnancy due to the expansion of the uterus. It stretches to give a place where the embryo will develop during the 40 weeks before birth. Pain in the lower abdomen can continue for several weeks and even months after the onset of pregnancy. Usually they are not strong, "pulling", you can get used to them. If the pain becomes severe, cramps are felt and bleeding increases, you should immediately consult a doctor.

morning sickness

Nausea during pregnancy is not always accompanied by vomiting. Although it is most common in the morning, nausea can strike at any time of the day. Between the fourth and eighth week of pregnancy, many women experience this symptom. This usually happens two weeks after the date of conception. Cause morning sickness is an rapid increase estrogen levels and placental production. Another cause of nausea can be hypersensitivity to smells. During pregnancy, the sense of smell is exacerbated several times, and each smell can cause nausea and vomiting. Foods that cause nausea in the morning early stage pregnancy is coffee, meat, dairy products and spicy food. It is important to know that literally anything can cause nausea and vomiting during pregnancy, even working near a pregnant woman with a microwave. For each woman, these symptoms are different, their causes are also ambiguous. But an increased tendency to nausea is common.

Frequent urination

During the first three months of pregnancy, many women feel like they are starting to "live" in the closet. The growing uterus causes frequent urination. The first and third trimester of pregnancy is a period of intense trips to the toilet. But in the early stages, the uterus practically does not grow. What is the reason? The reason is the hormones that stimulate the production of urine. They are the ones who provoke frequent trips to the toilet. Nothing can be done about it. The only consolation is that by the second month of pregnancy, this symptom weakens or disappears altogether.

Less frequent signs and early pregnancy symptoms

Although the above signs of early pregnancy are the most common, there are others that are characteristic of this condition. These include:


Headache during pregnancy may be more intense due to increased levels of hormones in the blood. The very fact of an increase in blood volume can also cause a headache.

mood swings

This condition is also explained high level hormones. Is this normal for pregnancy emotional condition. Moreover, it can get worse as time goes on. A woman in a state of pregnancy can change her mood several times during the day from complete apathy to fun.

Feeling weak or dizzy

Due to changes in circulatory system, namely an increase in the number of blood cells of a pregnant woman, she may experience a feeling of weakness. Often there are fainting spells. Especially in a stuffy room, in transport, with a long stay on your feet. Low level blood sugar during pregnancy can also cause these symptoms. Therefore, it is necessary to pass all the required tests.

Increase in overall body temperature

Basal body temperature is the temperature you take when you wake up in the morning. Typically, body temperature rises during ovulation and decreases with the onset of menstruation. With the onset of pregnancy, however, heat persists even after the day on which, in principle, menstruation should begin. Body temperature is a good indicator of pregnancy in women.

During pregnancy, food is digested more slowly than usual. This is due to the higher performance of progesterone. Slow absorption of food causes constipation. When this problem occurs, you need to reconsider your diet. You need to start eating more vegetables that are high in fiber. Also, changing the diet itself helps to avoid this problem. It is better to eat more often, but in small portions. And no fast food!

If you experience any of these symptoms, it still does not necessarily mean that you are pregnant. Sometimes these signs suggest that you are sick or that it is time for your monthly cycle to begin. It is important to remember that although these symptoms are common during pregnancy, they are not mandatory. If you have signs and symptoms that are eloquent about the state of pregnancy, go to the doctor's office to confirm or reject this diagnosis.

changing hormonal background and the increasing concentration of sex hormones during pregnancy leads to a change in breast size. And if the actual increasing volume and correction of the shape of the mammary glands during pregnancy do not bother a woman, then changes in the nipples are alarming, and sometimes even scare expectant mothers. Depending on the individual features nipples during pregnancy can not only change shape, but also color, size, and often even cause discomfort and pain to a woman.

The positive thing is the fact that it's only for 9 months. Immediately after childbirth, the nipples, as, alas, the size of the breasts will return to their previous state with small nuance- the size and shape of the nipples will no longer be the same as before pregnancy. The fact is that it is more convenient for a child to grab slightly enlarged and elongated nipples. That is why their shape will remain the same. Fortunately, all other changes, such as color and soreness, will disappear completely. Unfortunately, the increasing size and pain, as well as correction of the shape and color of the nipples - these are far from all the changes that the expectant mother may have to face during the period of bearing a baby. Consider what they are and can everything be considered the norm during pregnancy?

Nipples in early pregnancy

The very first tangible sign of pregnancy for a woman is a change in the size of her breasts and nipples. Already from the first week of conception, the body begins to prepare with might and main for the bearing and birth of a child, including breastfeeding after childbirth.

  1. Within 9 months, the breast tissue gradually grows, which leads to thickening of the breast walls, their weight and increase in diameter. Such changes lead to corresponding changes in the size and shape of the nipples. They become rounder, increasing in diameter, and also gradually stretch forward.
  2. All these changes occur due to the influx additional volumes blood to the mammary glands.
  3. For future breastfeeding thoracic tributaries milk expand, and in the nipples the threshold of sensitivity gradually increases - the skin coarsens for the upcoming sucking by the baby.
  4. Actually, with the same calculation, the volume of the mammary glands also increases - all in order to make it convenient for the baby to hold the mother's breast with handles.
  5. Naturally, all changes lead to painful sensations in the breast during pregnancy. However, not all expectant mothers feel the same pain, and some do not face such a problem at all. Some fight with unpleasant sensations already in the first trimester, while others begin to feel something only in the third.
  6. Every pregnant woman has an increase in breasts and nipples during pregnancy, but not everyone is the same, which can be assessed by numerous photos. In medical practice, there have been cases of breast enlargement compared to the period before pregnancy by almost three sizes, but examples of minor changes are also not uncommon.
  7. In addition, pathological retraction of the nipples in the first stages of pregnancy also occurs. If such mammary glands do not return to normal by childbirth, their medical methods prepare for lactation.

Nipples during pregnancy: pain

  1. The rapid growth and changes in the breast are accompanied by discomfort and even pain in the glands themselves and the nipples, respectively. This happens because active processes begin from the first days of pregnancy and continue until childbirth, and skin adapt to such changes not as quickly as we would like.
  2. First of all, this is reflected in the most sensitive part of the chest - the nipples. It is the skin on the nipples during pregnancy that first begins to stretch, and in individual cases the epidermis even cracks and itches, which leads to severe discomfort. Often, pregnant expectant mothers complain of pain not only when moving and during touching, but also feel burning, itching, tingling and severe discomfort while at rest.
  3. To alleviate the condition, doctors recommend special cotton underwear. A bra without decorative cups with wide straps will fix the mammary glands more tightly and minimize vibrations and friction when moving. It is important to buy seamless underwear, preferably without a pattern and any dyed fabric elements, as well as ruffles and other decorative ornaments.
  4. But do not despair, for every 3rd woman during pregnancy, chest pain and itching of the nipples practically disappear by the 2nd trimester. Well, if this did not happen, do not despair, because the slightest irritation of the nipples causes uterine contraction, which is extremely contraindicated during pregnancy, therefore, a decrease in their sensitivity and a slight coarsening will only benefit the process of bearing a baby.

nipple color during pregnancy

  1. If symptoms such as breast filling, as well as pain in the mammary glands and nipples, can still be perceived by a woman as starting premenstrual syndrome, then the darkening of the nipples and areola around them is an indisputable sign of pregnancy.
  2. The color of the nipples changes all for the same reason of hormonal changes in the body of a pregnant woman. The fact is that after conception, melanin, a dark pigment, begins to be actively produced, which leads to a significant darkening in those places of the skin where it accumulates in a sufficiently large amount.
  3. It is the amount of production of this pigment during pregnancy that determines what color the nipples will be.
  4. It is melanin that brings future mothers considerable inconvenience during the period of bearing a child. Its active production contributes to the widespread appearance age spots on the body, especially in the face area. Also not uncommon is the formation of a distinct dark brown stripe in the abdomen and a significant darkening of the epidermis of the labia. But, of course, it is the nipples and the area around them that change color first. This is due to the active reaction of sensitive nipple receptors to this pigment.
  5. Depending on individual characteristics, the intensity of staining of the skin of the nipples can vary from red to almost black. For example, naturally dark-skinned women will naturally have a darker color, and expectant mothers with pale skin will have a lighter, closer to red color.
  6. A special cause for concern during pregnancy in expectant mothers is caused by areolas near the nipples. The rapid growth of the mammary glands leads to the growth of this area. Areoles rapidly swell, increase in diameter, thickness and, as it were, stretch forward. In women with their first pregnancy, such changes often cause fear for their health. But no need to worry, all the changes with the breasts and nipples will come to naught after the end of the feeding period.

Causes of cracked nipples during pregnancy

From the first days of pregnancy with the usual body of a woman, completely, at first glance, wild changes begin to occur. Although after the first trimester you get used to everything and begin to take all the changes for granted and correct. No matter how unusual metamorphoses with breasts and nipples may seem to us, not all of them are the absolute norm.

  1. At normal flow Pregnancy cracked nipples should not occur.
  2. One obvious reason for this reaction is excessive dryness of the nipples themselves and the skin around them. In this case, it is necessary to eliminate this inconvenience by an external method. This can happen due to a banal lack of vitamins E and A, or simply insufficient care for the delicate skin of the nipples. Talk to your doctor about prescribing additional vitamin complex and care with moisturizing oils or creams.
  3. In addition, such consequences arise with a certain mechanical action, for example, during too diligent preparation of the breast for the upcoming lactation and high intensity manipulations. In this case, it is necessary to temporarily stop the procedures recommended by the doctor. In addition, if the nipples do not clearly sink inward, then by the end of pregnancy, the breast will take the size and shape necessary for feeding.

Discharge from the nipples during pregnancy

Literally a few days after the implantation of the fetus, a woman, among other changes, may notice discharge from the nipples.

  1. The normal process is the release of colostrum - the secret of the mammary glands of the mammary, yellowish or transparent color during pregnancy and some time after childbirth. There is no need to worry about this, because discharge from the nipples is a normal consequence of the hormonal changes in the body for the bearing and birth of a child.
  2. Most often, of course, such discharges begin around the 20th week of pregnancy, when the process of preparing the mammary glands for lactation is almost over. Colostrum indicates the readiness of the mother to feed the child.
  3. Of course, such secretions create a certain discomfort for a woman, but in no case should colostrum be squeezed out of the nipples in the hope of getting rid of annoying discomfort. Doctors recommend not to worry and clean the nipples warm water morning and evening, and don't forget to use moisturizing oil or baby cream. It is also useful to use the secreted colostrum as a lubrication of the nipples - this perfect way moisturize and protect vulnerable skin from dryness and cracks, as well as prepare the breast for subsequent feeding.

Congenital and acquired formations on the nipples during pregnancy

In medical practice, there are often cases when a woman has birthmarks, moles, and even papillomas on her nipples.


flat birthmarks and moles do not pose any danger to a woman during pregnancy, as well as to the subsequent feeding of the baby. The child easily swallows the nipple, nothing interferes with him, and the mother does not have any discomfort.


Absolutely radically situation with possible appearance on the skin of the nipples neoplasms in the form of papillomas.

  1. While the baby is still in the womb, the mother does not experience the discomfort associated with this, but as soon as he is born and the feeding period begins, she will begin.
  2. The fact is that the baby will swallow the entire nipple, respectively irritating him and everything that is on it.
  3. Most likely, such a papilloma will need to be disposed of immediately after childbirth.
  4. If the appearance of papillomas began already during pregnancy, you must immediately notify your doctor. Often, such a reaction is caused by activation under the action of hormones of the virus, which was previously in the incubation stage.
  5. This problem is often solved with increased doses of vitamins and active treatment already after childbirth.

White pimples

It happens that on the skin around the nipple during pregnancy begin to appear small pimples white color. In addition to their actual presence, they do not cause any inconvenience to a woman: they do not hurt or itch, but their presence still causes concern.

  1. In fact, this often happens and is quite normal. Small glands - Montgomery tubercles on the areola around the nipples, according to physiology, are always located. Only during preparation for feeding, they protrude slightly on the surface of the skin.
  2. It happens that the tubercles do not hide back after childbirth, but in the vast majority of cases they fall back under the skin.
  3. Montgomery tubercles in any condition do not pose a threat to a woman's health. Even, on the contrary, a large number of visible tubercles on both nipples is considered a sign of good lactation. According to statistics, about 10 - 12 pieces on each breast are normal.

Nipples do not change during pregnancy: reasons

I would like to note that the complex of all the symptoms that manifest during pregnancy is not necessarily expressed in full in every woman. Also, in expectant mothers, this or that symptom is expressed with varying degrees intensity. It will be quite normal if your symptoms do not appear in the same way and not at the same time as everyone else. IN obstetric practice there are also cases when the breast does not change in any way for all 9 months, but only after the resolution of the pregnancy begins to fill with milk.

  1. No change in mammary glands does not mean at all that hormonal changes goes in the wrong direction. And certainly not the cause of panic about possible problems with feeding after childbirth.
  2. It's just that each individual woman individually endures hormonal fluctuations. In this case future mom just less sensitive to their abrupt changes.
  3. Nevertheless, any woman in a position should be vigilant, carefully monitor her health, reactions and changes that occur with the body. Whatever the reaction to pregnancy, the expectant mother should definitely know the cases when you need to see a doctor with 100% accuracy. Namely:
  • when there is a sharp pain in one breast;
  • if the white tubercles of Montgomery begin to turn red and hurt;
  • if the discharge from the nipples changes color from white and transparent to green or bloody, and also acquires a specific purulent smell;
  • when the temperature rises.