History of the holiday on June 12 for children. Relation to the holiday. How Russia Day is celebrated in other parts of the world

Before 2002, the Day of Russia was called the Day of Independence of Russia. Day of Russia is a public holiday and is one of the “youngest” holidays in the country.

In 1994, Boris Yeltsin, as the first president Russian Federation by its decree on June 12, it attaches state significance - the Day of the adoption of the declaration of state sovereignty of Russia. The document itself was signed four years earlier at the first congress of people's deputies of the RSFSR in conditions when the former republics Soviet Union one after another they became independent. Later this day was simply called the Independence Day. It is worth noting that it was on June 12, in addition to "independence", that Russia acquired the first popularly elected president.

In 1994, this day was declared a public holiday. Formally, this is the most important of modern public holidays in the country. From this date, one can count the beginning of the formation of a new Russian statehood based on the principles of constitutional federalism, equality and partnership. Russia is building a democratic, civil society in which every ethnic group, every citizen sees himself as an integral part of it.

Today, many consider this holiday a newfound one, forgetting about the centuries-old historical path of Russia to asserting its statehood, to gaining positions and becoming a strong state stretching from the Pacific Ocean to the shores of the Baltic. The independence of Russia is the result of hard work and the great losses of our ancestors, the result of the feats of arms of those who, sparing their lives, defended the inviolability of the country's cordons. The Declaration, adopted on June 12, 1990, became a symbol of the revival of a renewed, different Russia, which provided the conditions for building a democratic society. The sovereignty of the Russian Federation was proclaimed in the name of the highest goals - ensuring each person an inalienable right to a decent life, free development and the use of the language, and for each people - the right to self-determination in the national-state and national-cultural forms they choose.

In any case, the Independence Day, and now the Day of Russia, was perceived ambiguously by the people. First attempt to create a major public holiday to mark the beginning new history Russia looked somewhat awkward. Polls of the population of those years clearly demonstrated complete absence understanding among Russians of the essence of this holiday. For most, June 12 was just another weekend, when you can go somewhere on vacation or dig deeper into the beds to the country house. At first, many even tried to get to work. In the cities of Russia, of course, mass celebrations were held, but there was no particular scope.

In his 1998 speech, Boris Yeltsin tried once and for all to stop the wandering opinions around June 12 by proposing to celebrate it as Russia Day. Officially, the holiday received a new name only on February 1, 2002, when the provisions of the new Labor Code came into force.
Day of Russia today
Now the Day of Russia is a holiday of freedom, civil peace and good consent of all people on the basis of law and justice. This holiday is a symbol national unity and shared responsibility for the present and future of our Motherland.

The attitude of Russians towards this holiday changed in the better side... People on this day like to go out into nature, have picnics. In all cities of our country, various festive events: concerts, sports, exhibitions, etc., and in the evening festive fireworks soar into the sky.
More than 180 ethnic groups are now represented on the territory of Russia. Russians make up about 80% of the population.
Russia is a powerful power with a long and rich history. It has gone through a lot of upheavals during its existence: destructive wars, change of power and regime, etc. However, our country, in spite of everything, still managed to withstand and continues to develop. Russia is respected all over the world. It has a great cultural and historical heritage. We should be proud of our country and love it. It is necessary to educate the younger generation in the spirit of patriotism.

It must be said that patriotism in Russia remains the basic value of educating a citizen, despite the changed socio-economic conditions. And you need to revive it with love for your city and your native land.
However, we must not forget that patriotism necessarily presupposes respect and tolerance for the culture of other peoples. Formally, Russia Day should be one of the most important modern public holidays in the country. But, in fact, so far this is not entirely true. It must be said that many still mistakenly call this holiday the Independence Day. Until now, there is a rather ambiguous attitude towards this holiday in our society. After all, a large number of residents of our country are extremely negative about the collapse of the USSR. This is especially true for elderly Russians. Therefore, they see this day not as a holiday, but as negative event, which has accelerated this process.

Modern Russians can learn a lot from the history of our country. We must not abandon our traditions, origins and roots. Russia went through very long way to the conquest of the positions of a strong state. Its independence is the result of hard work, courage and heroic dedication of our ancestors.

Russia today is the largest state in the world. The capital is the hero city Moscow. The second most important city in terms of importance and size is St. Petersburg.
Politically, Russia is a democratic federal presidential-parliamentary republic. The head of state is the president, who is elected by popular vote for a term of 6 years. Currently, the Russian Federation includes 83 constituent entities of the federation, which are equal. Each region of our country has its own authorities. The history of Russia is rich in events. The year 862 is considered to be the beginning of Russian statehood. It was at this time, according to historians, that a tribal union was formed under the rule of the Rurikovich.

The Palace of Facets, the legendary Rurik family tree. The first Rurik. List of the eastern wall.
In 882 the Old Russian state was created by the Novgorod prince Oleg. Its center was then located in Kiev. From the beginning of the XIV century, the Moscow principality became the new center of this state.

Ivan IV the Terrible first took the title of tsar in 1547. During his reign, serfdom was formed in Russia.

Tsar Peter I became famous for conducting a large number radical changes. St. Petersburg was built at the mouth of the Neva River in 1703. In 1712 the capital of the country was moved to it. The boyars became the nobility. Under the same ruler in Russia began active development navy and army, education and enlightenment.

In 1812 began Patriotic War, which ended with the victory of the Russian troops and the defeat of Napoleon. Under Alexander II, serfdom was abolished. This important event for the country took place in 1861.

In 1917, the February Revolution took place, which led to the fall of the Russian monarchy. The Russian Republic was formed. Then happened October Revolution 1917, headed by V.I. Lenin.

During 1918-1922, the Civil War continued in the country. The USSR was created on December 30, 1922.
The Great Patriotic War began on June 22, 1941. It ended in May 1945 with the defeat of the Nazis. April 12, 1961 Yu. A. Gagarin became the world's first cosmonaut.

On December 8, 1991, the heads of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus signed a document establishing the CIS.

Day of Russia - what is this holiday? How did it come about? How much do we know about its history? What events are held on this day and why is it celebrated on June 12th? We have collected facts about Russia Day.

Day of Russia: history of the holiday

Until 2002, Russia Day was called the Day of the adoption of the Declaration on State Sovereignty of Russia. On June 12, 1990, the first congress of deputies of the RSFSR adopted the Declaration on State Sovereignty of Russia, in which the supremacy of the Constitution of Russia was proclaimed. The country became known as the Russian Federation. On the same day in 1992, the first open nationwide elections of the President of Russia took place. Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin won them then. June 12 is considered holiday date - Day of Russia since 1992 by the decision of the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation, as the Day of the adoption of the Declaration on the State Sovereignty of Russia. Sometimes, by analogy with a holiday in the United States, Russia Day is called “Independence Day”. In fact, Russia Day cannot be called Independence Day. The independence of Russia has no definite date. Due to historical circumstances, Russia has long been independent state and was so even before the adoption of the declaration.

Holiday traditions

On Russia Day, holiday concerts and events in Russian cities and in the capital. In Moscow, you can see the poster of events in the Tsaritsyno and Kolomenskoye museums-reserves. All streets will be decorated with national flags and Russian symbols. On this day, the President of the Russian Federation presents State prizes and speaks to the people.

Official and festive events are also held on Red Square, which culminate in festive fireworks.

Many people go out of town on this day and cannot take part in social events. But you can always read about.

June 12 is also celebrated as City Day in Ufa, Veliky Novgorod, Izhevsk, Kemerovo, Perm, Dimitrovgrad, Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Nizhny Novgorod, Penza, Saransk, Surgut, Syktyvkar, Tambov, Ulyanovsk.

Congratulations on the Day of Russia

In the days of June golden -
The sun and flowers are full,
New holiday - Day of Russia -
Celebrated by the whole country.

Over forests and fields
Towns and villages
The holiday will spread with song
And it will penetrate into every home.

Ah, Russia, dear land,
Blue-eyed power
You live and prosper
For everyone's joy and glory.

Russia is a glorious country
She is so beautiful alone:
Wide fields, green forests,
And her beauty cannot be described!

May the sky be peaceful, clear
Let our thoughts be bright
Be happy, every citizen
And remember: we have one native land!

Russia, sweet father's house,
Hills, fields and woods ...
And everything to tears is close to us in it -
And the first snow, and rain, and songs.

There is endless expanse
Everything here is clear and without words,
In Russia - everything is own, dear,
Like our first love.

national anthem of the Russian Federation

On the Day of Russia the Anthem of the Russian Federation is performed.

Russia is our sacred state,
Russia is our beloved country.
Mighty will, great glory -
Your property for all time!

From the southern seas to the polar edge
Our forests and fields are spread out.
You are the only one in the world! You are the only one -
Native land protected by God!

Hail, our free Fatherland,
The age-old union of fraternal peoples,
Ancestors given the wisdom of the people!
Hail, country! We proud of you!

Wide space for dreams and for life
The years to come open to us.
We are given strength by our loyalty to the Fatherland.
So it was, so it is and it will always be so!

Hail, our free Fatherland,
The age-old union of fraternal peoples,
Ancestors given the wisdom of the people!
Hail, country! We proud of you!

Music by A. Alexandrov
Words by S. Mikhalkov

You have read the material The Day of Russia: History, Traditions. Read also:

June 12 - Day of Russia. Why did this date become the main holiday of the country? What historical events took place on this day? And why exactly these events became the basis for declaring June 12 a holiday? We will try to answer these questions in this article.

An excursion into the recent past

Yes, not far off. Because June 12 has become historically important date precisely in the recent past. In 1990 (on the eve of the collapse of the USSR) the Declaration of State Sovereignty was adopted. This meant that russian laws more important than the allies. The RSFSR no longer wants to obey the all-union authorities.

The main principles of the new (for that time) Declaration:

  • RSFSR is a sovereign state with stable territorial boundaries; only by the will of the people (through a referendum) can the territory of the country be changed;
  • every citizen has the right to a dignified life (international human rights have been recognized);
  • the norms of democracy were approved (everyone had the right to participate in governing the state; the national wealth of Russia belongs only to the people of Russia);
  • the rights of the country's regions have been expanded (the principle of federalism);
  • the spheres of influence are divided between the legislative, executive and judicial branches.

The Constitution and Laws of the RSFSR have become a priority. The declaration seemed to assert: “This is our country. Now we will be in charge here, we will defend our territory and our citizens ”.

On June 12, the First Congress of People's Deputies of the RSFSR took place. And in 1991, the first national elections were held, as a result of which Boris Yeltsin took the post of President of the country.

As part of the USSR, Russia occupied a vast territory, represented the greatest economic and military potential. The authorities of the USSR were located in Moscow. In the same place as the ruling elite of the RSFSR. But the latter was perceived as secondary. Until June 12, 1990. The countdown for the Union began from this date.

history of the holiday

From the ninety-first year, June 12 is a non-working day. In the ninety-second it was declared festive. The officially fixed name is “The Day of Adoption of the Declaration of the Sovereignty of the Russian Federation”. In the same year, the holiday is fixed in Labor Code (then it was the Labor Code). And since 2002, the Day of Russia has been celebrated on June 12.

The attitude to this holiday is different. Someone sees June 12 as a bright moment of liberation. Finally! Have gained independence! And someone considers this date black in the history of the USSR. The adoption of the Declaration hastened the disintegration of the great country. Very sorry! In principle, such an ambivalent attitude towards the collapse of the USSR is observed in all countries of the post-Soviet space.

An interesting fact is that more than half of Russians call June 12 "Russia's Independence Day." These are the results of a sociological survey.

The main celebrations on the Day of Russia take place, of course, on the main square of the country. In Moscow. In the Kremlin, the President of the Russian Federation presents State Prizes to distinguished figures from various spheres of political and public life... The celebration ends with a magnificent fireworks display on Red Square.

In several Russian cities, June 12 is a double cause of celebration. Veliky Novgorod, Izhevsk, Kemerovo, Krasnoyarsk, Ulyanovsk, Ufa, Tambov and other settlements celebrate the City Day.

How is Russia Day celebrated in other parts of the world?

No way. But June 12 is celebrated in many countries. It's just that people are walking about for a different reason. So, in Brazil on June 12, lovers are honored; in Paraguay - Day of Peace; in the Philippine Islands - Independence Day; in Ukraine congratulate workers of the stock exchange. Orthodox world honors the holy prophet Isaac. IN catholic tradition June 12 - name day of Ivan (John).

In the history of medicine, this day marked the first successful blood transfusion. America remembers this date because the first Declaration of Rights was adopted (in Virginia, 1776). For the military, June 12 also turned out to be historically significant date: A gas mask was patented in 1849 and the famous Swiss army knife in 1897.

If you delve into history, you will certainly find information that someone famous was born, and someone discovered or learned something (for example, why silver turns black); somewhere a cathedral was lit up or another invention was patented; discovered a deposit of something or went on the first flight on something.

Even those who regret the collapse of the USSR can find a reason for the holiday. By the way, in 2014 there will be four! weekend. There has never been such a long idleness in connection with the celebration of the Day of Russia.

Russian Independence Day

Russia Day (Independence Day of Russia)

Russia Day before, until 2002, it had the name Russian Independence Day. Day of Russia is a public holiday, and is one of the "youngest" holidays in the country.

In 1994, Boris Yeltsin, being the first president of the Russian Federation, by his decree on June 12, attaches state significance - the Day of the adoption of the declaration of state sovereignty of Russia.

The document itself was signed four years earlier at the first congress of people's deputies of the RSFSR in conditions when the former republics of the Soviet Union, one after another, became independent. Later this day was simply called Independence Day. It is worth noting that it was on June 12, in addition to "independence", that Russia acquired the first popularly elected president.

In 1994, this day was declared a public holiday. Formally, this is the most important of the modern public holidays in the country. From this date, one can count the beginning of the formation of a new Russian statehood based on the principles of constitutional federalism, equality and partnership. Russia is building a democratic, civil society in which every ethnic group, every citizen sees himself as an integral part of it.

Today, many consider this holiday a newfound one, forgetting about the centuries-old historical path of Russia to asserting its statehood, to gaining positions and becoming a strong state stretching from the Pacific Ocean to the shores of the Baltic. The independence of Russia is the result of hard work and the great losses of our ancestors, the result of the feats of arms of those who, sparing their lives, defended the inviolability of the country's cordons. The Declaration, adopted on June 12, 1990, became a symbol of the revival of a renewed, different Russia, which provided the conditions for building a democratic society. The sovereignty of the Russian Federation was proclaimed in the name of the highest goals - to ensure each person the inalienable right to a dignified life, free development and use of the language, and to each people - the right to self-determination in the national-state and national-cultural forms they choose.

Anyway Independence Day, and now Russia Day, was perceived ambiguously among the people. The first attempt to create a major public holiday, which would mark the beginning of the new history of Russia, looked somewhat awkward. Polls of the population of those years clearly demonstrated the complete lack of understanding among Russians of the essence of this holiday. For most, June 12 was just another weekend, when you can go somewhere on vacation or dig deeper into the beds to the country house. At first, many even tried to get to work. In the cities of Russia, of course, mass celebrations were held, but there was no particular scope.

In his 1998 speech, Boris Yeltsin tried once and for all to stop the wandering opinions around June 12 by proposing to celebrate it as Russia Day. Officially, the holiday received a new name only on February 1, 2002, when the provisions of the new Labor Code came into force.

Day of Russia today

Now Russia Day - a holiday of freedom, civil peace and good consent of all people on the basis of law and justice. This holiday is a symbol of national unity and common responsibility for the present and future of our Motherland.

The attitude of Russians towards this holiday has changed for the better. People on this day like to go out into nature, have picnics. In all cities of our country, various festive events are held: concerts, sports competitions, exhibitions, etc., and in the evening festive fireworks soar into the sky.

More than 180 ethnic groups are now represented on the territory of Russia. Russians make up about 80% of the population.

Russia is a powerful power with a long and rich history. It has gone through a lot of upheavals during its existence: destructive wars, change of power and regime, etc. However, our country, in spite of everything, still managed to withstand and continues to develop. Russia is respected all over the world. It has a great cultural and historical heritage. We should be proud of our country and love it. It is necessary to educate the younger generation in the spirit of patriotism.

It must be said that patriotism in Russia remains the basic value of educating a citizen, despite the changed socio-economic conditions. And you need to revive it with love for your city and your native land.

However, we must not forget that patriotism necessarily presupposes respect and tolerance for the culture of other peoples. Formally, holiday Russia Day should be one of the most important modern public holidays in the country. But, in fact, so far this is not entirely true. It must be said that many still mistakenly call this holiday the Independence Day. Until now, there is a rather ambiguous attitude towards this holiday in our society. After all, a large number of residents of our country are extremely negative about the collapse of the USSR. This is especially true for elderly Russians. Therefore, they see this day not as a holiday, but as a negative event that hastened this process.

Modern Russians can learn a lot from the history of our country. We must not abandon our traditions, origins and roots. Russia has come a very long way to gaining the position of a strong state. Its independence is the result of hard work, courage and heroic dedication of our ancestors.

Russia today is the largest state in the world. The capital is the hero city Moscow. The second most important city in terms of importance and size is St. Petersburg.

Politically, Russia is a democratic federal presidential-parliamentary republic. The head of state is the president, who is elected by popular vote for a term of 6 years. Currently, the Russian Federation includes 83 constituent entities of the federation, which are equal. Each region of our country has its own authorities. The history of Russia is rich in events. The year 862 is considered to be the beginning of Russian statehood. It was at this time, according to historians, that a tribal union was formed under the rule of the Rurikovich.

In 882 the Old Russian state was created by the Novgorod prince Oleg. Its center was then located in Kiev. From the beginning of the XIV century, the Moscow principality became the new center of this state.

Ivan IV the Terrible first took the title of tsar in 1547. During his reign, serfdom was formed in Russia.

Tsar Peter I became famous for carrying out a large number of radical changes. St. Petersburg was built at the mouth of the Neva River in 1703. In 1712 the capital of the country was moved to it. The boyars became the nobility. Under the same ruler, the active development of the fleet and army, education and enlightenment began in Russia.

In 1812, the Patriotic War began, which ended with the victory of the Russian troops and the defeat of Napoleon. Under Alexander II, serfdom was abolished. This important event for the country took place in 1861.

In 1917, the February Revolution took place, which led to the fall of the Russian monarchy. The Russian Republic was formed. Then the October Revolution of 1917 occurred, led by V.I. Lenin.

During 1918-1922, the Civil War continued in the country. The USSR was created on December 30, 1922.

The Great Patriotic War began on June 22, 1941. It ended in May 1945 with the defeat of the Nazis. April 12, 1961 Yu. A. Gagarin became the world's first cosmonaut.

Day of Russia is one of the "youngest" public holidays in the country. It has been celebrated since 1994. But for more than 15 years of its existence, a whole generation of Russians has grown up in the country who do not remember the times when June 12 was an ordinary working day of the calendar.

The Swedes celebrate Sweden's Day, the French have July 14, and the United States celebrates Independence Day on July 4. In our country, Russia Day is celebrated on June 12. This is a holiday of freedom, civil peace and harmony of all people on the basis of law and justice.

And even though not everything is turning out as planned (there are still poor and homeless people), however, every Russian wants to improve life and turn Russia into a rich and prosperous and democratic state again.

Our country managed to overcome many difficulties and entered the new, third millennium as an equal partner with the same large and powerful states of the world. Russia is becoming more democratic and civilized. All over the world listen to the opinion of the inhabitants of the renewed country and its leaders.

The Russian leadership, now headed by a president elected by all of our people, is trying to preserve and improve friendly relations with neighbors. These are residents of the new countries that emerged after the collapse of the Soviet Union, and our former rivals - the rich countries of the West and the East. All are united by the desire for peace and the desire to resist the forces that may threaten it.

You, little reader, have to build this new life... Soon you will become an adult and as a citizen of our Motherland you will be able to help your parents, all Russians to make it richer and stronger. Only through common efforts, including your exemplary study and conscientious work, we will all be able to make it happen. Centuries-old history Russia proves that our people have always found the strength to overcome difficulties, hardships and correct mistakes. Your contribution to these great achievements awaits new Russia... Be worthy of its glorious history, the history that was created by all our people, performing great deeds in the name of protection and prosperity of the Motherland.

President elected for the first time

Was in Russia that day.

Smiled as if they were alive

The stars in the sky are blue.

A warm evening is coming

And the results are clear.

Democracy people

Met on the doorstep.

People from polling stations

They walked rejoicing and laughing.

There was a feeling of happiness -

Finally, the power changed!

Remember the glorious deeds

Our reader is young!

Democracy has come

To our country in June

Do you know ... What is democracy:

Let's see what we mean by democracy. The word "democracy" is of Greek origin and means "rule of the people." When we use this word now, we mean the participation of people in the work of the government, the influence on its activities. Political democracy emerged in two main forms. A government where people gather to discuss politics and choose officialsto embody it. This is direct democracy. When people elect their representatives to express their desires, intentions in government, this is representative democracy. Direct democracy is impossible in large sizeswhen many people are involved and democracy is used mainly in its representative form.