Entertainment in the middle group “Family evening. Leisure and entertainment in kindergarten in the middle group. An evening of entertainment in the middle special group for children with tnr

Scenario evening entertainment "In the grandmother's hut" (middle group)

Author: Shutochkina Marina Mikhailovna, senior educator, MBDOU kindergarten No. 1 of combined type in Orel
Material description: I bring to your attention the scenario of the entertainment evening "In Babushkina's Hut". The script will be interesting music directors, teachers.
In the group there is a panel-hut, decorated with embroidered towels, Khokhloma boards, trays, a model of a Russian stove, a Khokhloma samovar with a tray, a lamp on the table. In the hut there are tables at which grandmothers sit in smart posadi shawls with their grandchildren.
Leading: good evening, dear guests! Make yourself comfortable!
We invited you to the hut where grandmothers and their grandchildren gathered today.
If little man walked through his childhood without communicating with the kindest, most affectionate, wise, ardently loving people - with grandmothers, which means that he has lost a thousand wise instructions, a thousand lovely fairy tales.

We have a full hut of guys.
All are sitting on the benches.
Grandma's Tales
Everyone wants to listen.
Good for you kids
On a quiet evening
In a cozy hut
You sat down side by side.
The flame of the Russian stove
Illuminates you.
Listening is important
Grandma's story.
/ The door opens, Baba Yaga appears. Runs around the circle saying: /
Baba Yaga: Oh, this is where the Russian spirit smells! How many people are here!
I'll send my swan geese, let them fly to my hut
Yes, they put boilers on the stove.
Leading:/ to the guests / Well, here I come! Now the whole holiday will ruin us.
/ to Baba Yaga / Wait, Baba Yaga, look first at our
Baba Yaga: Oops! how many grandmothers are there! They are all so kind. And these boys
What are the daredevils doing here?
Leading: Like what? Listening to fairy tales.
Baba Yaga: Look, how attentive and obedient. How quiet they sit! Well,
quiet for now, listen to my advice:
Scatter all over the hut
Rattles, beaters,
And coils and turntables,
Drums, hammers,
Slippers, hats and handkerchiefs!
And do not try to clean up!
Grandma will be so happy
But you don’t believe and don’t need to!
on the contrary, they help their grandmothers.
/ addressing children / Children, you will do as Baba Yaga does to you
Children: No!
Leading: You better listen, Baba Yaga, how many fairy tales and riddles our children know about them. Let's now divide them into two teams: a team of grandmothers with grandchildren and we will play a competition. The game is called: "Who knows more fairy tales"?
And you, Baba Yaga, hand out the chips to the children, if they have everything
naming correctly. And then we'll see who wins.
We start to play
To name all the tales.
Guess without a clue,
Who are the heroes of these tales?
So, attention is the first task!
In which fairy tales is there a round in shape, yellow in color and pleasant
the taste?
Take turns calling
Don't interrupt each other!
Children: Sun, / "Stolen Sun", / "Turnip" /, "Gingerbread Man" /, / "Two Greedy Bears" / ...

Leading:"What fairy tales do these characters live in" / shows a finger bear and a bunny and asks children to help them find their fairy tales /.
Children: "Masha and the Bear", "Zayushkina Hut", "Kolobok", "Three Bears"
/ Baba Yaga encourages children to be active. /
Baba Yaga: How many fairy tales do your children know? I can barely keep up with their chips
Leading: You know, Baba Yaga, our children know not only fairy tales, but also riddles for them. Let's see who knows more riddles and answers to fairy tales. Now the grandmothers of the granddaughters will ask riddles to the grandchildren, and the grandmothers of the grandchildren - to the granddaughters.
1. Who good fairy tale enters the house?
Who is familiar to everyone in childhood?
He left his grandfather, he left his grandmother.
He did not tremble in front of the wolf; he ran away from the bear.
And the ruddy side hit the fox's teeth.
Who do they know everywhere?
Tell me what is his name?
/ Kolobok /
2. The fox carried him away behind the dense forests,
Over a high mountain, into a dark hole.
Who helped him out more than once?
Who saved him from the fox?
/ The cat, the rooster and the fox /
3. There is a vegetable garden near the house, a grandmother with her granddaughter at the gate.
Grandfather comes out onto the porch, he is dressed in a large sheepskin coat.
They see a turnip in the garden and do not believe themselves, it seems,
What a miracle the turnip was born strong!
Who came to their aid?
/ Turnip /
4. Near the forest at the edge of the forest, three of them live in a hut.
There are three chairs and three mugs, three beds, three pillows.
Who are the heroes, guess?
Name the fairy tale amicably.
/Three Bears/
5. The mouse found a home for herself, the mouse was kind.
In the house in Eventually there were many tenants.
The mouse invites everyone to visit.
Who lives in that house?
/ Teremok /
6. Boots with spurs, tail with patterns.
He goes to the hut, sings a song loudly:
“I am walking in red boots, carrying a braid on my shoulders.
I want to cut the forest, she went cunning from the stove! "
What a brave daredevil
Did you help the bunny at last?
/ Zayushkina hut /
7. The buckets went up the hill by themselves, without a horse a sled is going.
And to the king not on foot, but on the stove on horseback.
Who expressed the desire?
Whose command was fulfilled?
/By pike command/
8. The apple tree helped us,
The stove helped us
A good blue river helped.
Everyone helped us
They all covered us.
To father and mother
We got home.
Who took the brother away?
Name the book?
/Swan geese/
Baba Yaga: Yes, your kids know fairy tales and riddles. But about me and not
know. I was about to get a little kinder. No, I still will enchant
your kids. / says: "Chufrr, chufrr" /.
Where in my book of villainy was there a spell
to enchant children. There are still so many of them here, but with their own
good grandmothers.
Host: Wait, Baba Yaga, let's ask the guys what they say about you
They know.
Children: Chastushki!
Leading: Listen to the ditties, how they will sing about you, maybe you then
you will grow kinder.
/ Children perform ditties with their grandmothers and about Baba Yaga
1. He lived in a dense forest,
He loved Mashenka very much.
I sat in a box with pies
She managed to deceive Mishka.

2. As old and as fanged,
Evil flows over the edge in her.
It's scary in her hut-
Don't get in there!

3.The cat lived amicably with the cockerel,
I went to the forest for firewood.
Cockerel saved more than once,
Returned at the right time.

4. Skinny Koschey, evil Koschey-
Grandma Yozhka is a great friend.
It's so hard to beat them
If you don't be kind
Baba Yaga: What good fellows! Yes, only with you is it really kinder. Your kids will immediately start teasing: “Grandma Hedgehog-Bone Leg”.
Leading: Well, what are you, Baba Yaga. Do not forget that our children are kind and well-mannered. Children! What will you call our guest?
Children: Granny-Yagulechka!
Baba Yaga: How affectionately they call me. Even Koschey never called me that. I just want to be kind. But you can even pretend to bewitch the children. I'll just play with them.
Game: "Freeze, Otomri".
Leading: You started playing Baba Yaga with our children, but we haven't finished our competition yet. We still have one more difficult task, which is called: "Flower / eight-flower".
Our children not only know fairy tales and riddles and sing ditties, but they can also draw from fairy tales. Now grandmothers will read excerpts from fairy tales to their grandchildren, and children will finish painting what is missing in the fairy tale.
/ Grandmothers tear off the petals of an eight-color flower and quietly read excerpts from fairy tales to children, and children draw on the gaps according to the meaning /. Distributing the petals, the presenter reads:
Fly, fly the petal across west to east.
Fly around the earth, to be our way.
Take, children, paints,
Finish these tales.
On a leaf like a chamomile.
Grandma will read them to you.
/ While the children are drawing Baba Yaga and the presenter collects chips from both teams and counts their number. If the score is equal, it is announced that friendship has won. As the last task is completed, children's works are shown and this competition is evaluated /.
Baba Yaga: I liked it so much with you. The kids are so kind and friendly.
Well done! Even small and remote!
Leading: It's true. It's good when kindness and friendship win. AND
In vain I was afraid that Baba Yaga would ruin the whole evening for us.
Child: There will, there will be a cake for us,
Damn with grease
It will be, it will be evening
With a kind fairy tale!
Leading: Burn the stove with heat
Children together with their grandmothers perform a song: "Oh pancakes, pancakes, pancakes."
The host invites Baba Yaga and all guests to a tea party, during which
all children are awarded sweet prizes for Active participation in Game.

Yulia Chikina
Leisure "An evening of riddles" in middle group


1. Develop imagination, speech and motor activity.

2. Learn to guess the descriptive riddle by enumeration of the attributes of an object without naming it.

3. To activate the children's vocabulary by naming objects and designating their signs.

4. To form interest in the environment, joint games, overcome difficulties in communication.

5. Help your child feel more confident in group.

Educator: - Guys, today I invite you to go on a fun journey through our group, but it will not be a simple journey, but with riddles!

I ask you riddles, you give me clues.

Listen carefully, think carefully.

Roundabouts, roundabouts with you we got into the car and drove off!

(We simulate driving a car and move to the first stop)

Attention! Stop "Kitchen"

Guys, what's in the kitchen? (Answers of children)

That's puzzles we must guess about those objects that can be seen in the kitchen.

Water and compote are poured into it.

And he gives us juice and milk to drink. (Jug)

I puff, puff, puff, I don't want to bask anymore.

The lid rang loudly: "Drink tea, the water is boiling!" (Kettle)

And he is sharp and good. Have you guessed? This (Knife).

We fry on it, we steam on it,

We get the second dishes. (Pan).

She is not afraid of the heat, boldly sits on the fire.

A delicious soup is cooked in it - a soup made from vegetables and cereals. (Pan).

Guys, you know the names of the dishes well. Well done!

What other utensils do you know? (children's answers)

But for you and food riddles, about vegetables and fruits.

I grow in the ground in the garden, red, long, sweet. (Carrot)

What's that creak? What a crunch? what is that bush?

How can I be without crunch if I am. (Cabbage)

He will make everyone around him cry, even though he is not a fighter, but. (Onion)

Lies between the beds, green and sweet. (Cucumber)

You can't cook a vinaigrette for lunch,

If you don't have such a vegetable in your kitchen. (Beet)

This vegetable was once a golden carriage in a fairy tale.

Guess without a clue what his name is, guys? (Pumpkin)

It dried up in the hot sun and breaks out of the pods. (Peas)

Green striped ball filled with scarlet like heat

Lies in the garden like a load, tell me what it is. (Watermelon)

There is a side in a golden skin, and sweet juice under the skin.

Each slice has a sip for both son and daughter. (Orange)

The golden crescent, As if poured with honey.

It is fragrant, soft, sweet, and very smooth to the touch. (Banana)

Well done! And with these you solved the riddles, now we can go further!

Roundabouts, roundabouts, we got into the boat and drove off!

(We perform movements with our hands "rowing oars)"

And here is our second stop "Seasons"

Guys, what time of year is it? (children's answers)

Look closely at nature's calendar and listen puzzles

I came without paints and without a brush and repainted all the leaves. (Autumn)

Colds set in. The water turned into ice.

Long-eared gray hare, turned into a white hare.

The bear stopped roaring: a bear fell into hibernation.

Who's to say, who knows when it happens? (In winter)

I open the buds into green leaves. I dress the trees, water the crops,

The movement is full, they call me. (Spring)

I am woven from heat, I carry warmth with me, I warm rivers, "bathe!" - I invite you. And for this you all love me, me. (Summer)

Educator: Well done boys! Everything riddles have been guessed, you know the names of the seasons well. We can go further!

Roundabouts, roundabouts, we boarded the train and drove off!

(Children stand in a column one by one behind the teacher and "Locomotive" move to the next stop)

Educator: Stop "Musical"

You take it in your hands, then stretch it, then squeeze it.

Voiced, smart, Russian, double-row. (Harmonic)

Everyone knows in Russia, at least ask someone about it!

She only has three strings, but she is the love of the country.

Vanya will go beyond the fence and will play: "crap" yes "crap" (Balalaika)

Educator: We coped with the task remarkably! There is a stop ahead of us "Game"!

Carousels, merry-go-rounds, you and I got into the rocket and drove off!

(Arms "House" overhead)

Stop "Game"

Educator: In our a lot of toys in the group. Among there are your favorites too.

AND riddles will be about toys.

It whirled on the floor and hums - Oooh ...

The faster I turn it, the more fun it spins. (Yula)

With his brother Misha, there are a lot of different things from him.

We collected it in a day, but we were not tired at all! (Constructor)

And our Kolya plays and plays until the night -

He collects pictures from different small pieces. (Puzzles)

I will build a house from them, a pyramid, a cosmodrome.

What kind of bricks are matchboxes? (Cubes)

If there is a fire somewhere, the car rushes there quickly,

An alarming signal gives - and the people make way!

Not freight, not commodity, what is it? ("Fire Department")

What kind of ambulance with a siren rushes through the city,

In a hurry to help the sick, both old and young? ("Ambulance")

Educator: Attention! We leave for the next stop.

Merry-go-round, merry-go-round, you and I got on the horse and drove off!

(Hands are bent at the elbows in front of you, "Let's download" on horseback

Stop "Zoo"

Educator: Our stop "Zoo"... Guys, who can we see at the zoo? (Answers of children)

That's right, of course animals. And what animals we will meet in the zoo, we will find out by guessing puzzles.

How to open his mouth - a nightmare! audible only: car - car - car (Crow)

Forest kingdom doctor - heals all trees without medicine. (Woodpecker)

They walk by the river - horns and rings. (Lamb)

Proudly rings with spurs - famous for loud singing. (Rooster)

Who dreams in the den until spring day and night? (Bear)

This predator is striped from head to toe.

It hides and is silent, but if it gets angry, it growls. (Tiger)

I walk in a red fur coat, I live in a dense forest,

In a hollow on an old oak tree I gnaw nuts. (Squirrel)

Small, gray, long ear,

A lump of fluff, jumps dexterously, loves carrots. (Hare)

She is more cunning of all animals, a red fur coat on her.

A fluffy tail is her beauty, but her name is? (Fox)

Under the pines, under the trees, there is a bag of needles. (Hedgehog)

Educator: A wonderful walk around the zoo! And it's time for us to move on.

Carousels, merry-go-rounds on the plane, you and I sat down and drove off!

(Hands to the side, "We fly" by plane)

We arrived at the final stop "Knizhkin House"

Do you guys like fairy tales? (Answers of children)

Educator: So how do we learn about miracles and magic, adventures and how good triumphs over evil? Listen riddle.

Everyone needs me very much - both adults and children.

I teach everyone to the mind, but I myself am always silent. (Book)

Educator: Well done! Of course it's a book. Now let's guess riddles about fairytale heroes.

Guy rides on the stove, devouring the rolls.

Goes straight to the palace, who is this fellow? (Emelya)

Wooden toy carries hair from shavings

And has a long nose... Who is this? Here's the question. (Pinocchio)

Who sits on a throne wearing a golden crown? (Tsar)

A little girl in a red cap, curls from under the cap.

And in the basket there is a pie. what is her name, friend? (Little Red Riding Hood)

So our journey through group with riddles... All of you guys are very good at guessing puzzles.

Did you enjoy traveling?

What did you like the most? (Answers of children)

Goals and objectives of leisure: to continue teaching children how to guess riddles, to clarify children's ideas about riddles, to teach how to guess descriptive riddles, to foster love, respect for the world around them and for animals, to foster perseverance, the ability to listen carefully to the teacher, to activate vocabulary.



Leisure summary in the middle group "An evening of riddles"

Target: continue to teach children to guess riddles.
Tasks: clarify children's ideas about riddles, teach how to guess descriptive riddles, foster love, respect for the world around them and for animals, foster perseverance, the ability to listen carefully to the teacher, and activate vocabulary.
Equipment: toys: hedgehog, fox, bunny, wolf, squirrel, bear, pig, snowflakes.
- Guys, now I'll tell you an interesting one, but sad story... When I went to work in the morning, I met small forest animals on the porch of our kindergarten. They all cried bitterly. I asked why they were crying and they replied that they had forgotten their names. I had to calm them down, saying that we will definitely find out their names. Well, guys, can we help the little animals remember their names? And in order to find out the names of our forest friends, we will need to guess riddles about them. Ready? Then let's get started!

Sly cheat
Red head,
Fluffy tail - beauty!
What is her name?

Well done! We have already helped the fox, we learned her name. And who of you wants to be a fox today? Alice will be a fox. Show me how the chanterelle walks, and what kind of fox? Alice, where does the fox live in our group? Alice take the chanterelle with you, let her also guess riddles. And now the next riddle.

A lump of fluff, a long ear,
He jumps dexterously, loves carrots.


Well done! It's a hare! Alice, today will be a bunny. How does a bunny jump, and how does he gnaw a carrot? Let the bunny sit next to you.

I have a question for you -
Who got your mouth and nose dirty?
Who sits in a puddle all day?
Grunting and swimming with fat,
Tell me friends -
What is her name - (pig)
- And Semyon will be a pig. What hedgehog? Show me how he grunts. Find the pig, Semyon. Take it with you.

Every night, it's so easy
She gives us milk.
She says two words
What is her name - (cow)

Well done! Who will be the cow? Sonya. Sonya, how does a cow moo? Find a cow, Sonya, plant it next to you.
- Guys, we worked a lot with you, let's play. The game of low mobility "Snowflakes"
- And now, we must help other animals to find out their names.

Who sucks paw in winter?
He also loves honey.
May roar loudly
What is his name ?.

Who will be the bear? Andrey will be a bear. Show how the bear walks, and how does it roar? We now have a bear and we can play. The game "At the Bear in the Forest" is being held

He leads friendship with a fox,
For others, terribly evil.
All the teeth click and click,
A very scary gray.

And we will have a wolf, Ilyusha. Ilya, how is the wolf roaring with us? What wolf? Find the wolf, take it with you.

Redhead, fluffy
He lives on a Christmas tree.
Strong teeth
Gnaws nuts.

Who will we have a squirrel? Milan will be a squirrel! Darling, how does a squirrel jump, but how does she gnaw nuts? Now find a squirrel, plant it next to it.
- Guys, we remembered the names of all our animals, invited them all to visit us. I think they are very happy and grateful to us for our help. Look, the squirrel brought you treats (to distribute nuts to the children) We will not say goodbye to our guests, they will stay, the group, and it's time for us to get ready for a walk


  • Creation of a favorable environment for communication and cooperation between children and adults.
  • Familiarizing parents with play methods, etc.
  • Improve the speech skills of the pupils.
  • Develop the ability to work in a team.

Participants: children, parents, educator, teacher-defectologist.

Equipment: flower; team emblems "Circle", "Square"; schemes for drawing up proposals on the topic "Shoes", "Clothes"; big and small dolls; baskets of red and Green colour; certificates for rewarding.

1. Greetings in a circle.

Educator (V.). Good evening, dear children and dear parents! We are very glad to be together again. Today we will devote our evening to the game, which helps us and teaches us a lot. I propose to start our meeting with the game " Kind flower". Passing which in a circle, mothers will speak Nice words about your child, and children about their beloved mother.

Game "Kind Flower".

2. Division into teams.

V. First, we need to split into two teams. Let's call the first command "Circle", and the second - "Square".

Parents, together with the child, choose a circle or a square. Moms have big figures different color, children have the same figure, the same color, but small. After choosing the figures, the participants take places at the gaming tables with the image of a circle or square.

V. Today the two teams are meeting. In the course of it, we will find out which of them will become the most friendly, dexterous, attentive, fast. The teams' performances will be evaluated by our independent expert.

3. Warm up.

B. Let's check the combat readiness!

Eyes, are you ready?

Yes Yes Yes! (Blink your eyes.)

Ears, are you ready?

Yes Yes Yes! (Pat.)

Pens, are you ready?

Yes Yes Yes! (Clap.)

Legs, are you ready?

Yes Yes Yes! (To stomp.)

Are you ready, kids?

Yes Yes Yes!

Parents, are you ready?

Yes Yes Yes!

Circle team, are you ready?

Yes Yes Yes!

Team "Square", are you ready?

Yes Yes Yes!

4. The first competition "Who will name more?"

For the "Circle" team: what is round?

For the "Square" team: what is square?

5. The second competition "We are the inventors".

V. Flip your figurines. On their back side see pictures. The parent has one picture and the child has one. It is necessary to come up with a sentence in which words would be used to name these pictures.

Parents should help their child say the sentence out loud. The more suggestions the team has, the better.

6. Finger gymnastics "To the garden for the plums". (Parents perform with their children.)

The finger is thick and big

(Bend your fingers one by one.)

I went to the garden for plums.

Indicative, from the threshold,

Showed him the way.

The middle finger is the most accurate:

He knocks the plums off the branch.

The nameless eats

And the little finger is the lord,

Planting bones in the ground.

(We unbend our fingers.)

One, two, three, four, five

Fingers went out for a walk.

(We bend our fingers.)

This finger went to the forest,

I found this finger a mushroom

I began to clean this finger,

This finger began to fry.

Well, and this one only ate,

That's why he got fat!

7. The third competition "We are songwriters".

C. The "Circle" team needs to compose a pure rhyme for

the end is ok-ok-ok.

For example, ok-ok-ok - a snowball fell at night.

The "Square" team needs to compose a pure rhyme on

the end of the ik-ik-ik.

For example, ik-ik-ik - a snowman has come to us.

8. Poetic moment.

Children together with their parents read dialogue verses that they learned at home.

1) Irina Tokmakova "Conversation of Buttercup and Bug."

Buttercup, buttercup, what do you want?

Why, you tickle me.

So you tickle the leaves

What you do not want, you want to laugh.

2) Lydia Orlova "Hedgehog".

Very, hedgehog,

You're good!

It is a pity that in the hands

You will not take ...

You will not take

So what of it!

Without needles

3) Vladimir Lunin "Cat".

What are you, cat, guarding?

I watch the mink with a mouse!

The mouse will come out by chance,

I’ll invite her to tea!

4) Sasha Black "Skrut".

Who lives under the ceiling?

Does he have a beard?

And the shirt front and the vest?

How does he get up in the morning?

Who drinks coffee with him in the morning?

How long has he been living there?

Who runs along the rooftops with him?

Well, what's his name?

He's naughty, right?


9. The fourth competition-game "At the doll - at the doll". (Conducted by a teacher-defectologist.)

For the "Circle" team: affectionately name the parts of the doll's face.

For the "Square" command: name the parts of the doll's body.

10. Musical pause. (Conducted by a teacher-defectologist.) Children sing songs that they learned at the vocal circle.

11. Fifth competition "We know the pretexts". (Conducted by a teacher-defectologist.)

The "Circle" team needs to make a proposal using the scheme on the topic "Shoes", using the preposition from.

The Kvadratik team needs to make a proposal using the scheme on the topic "Shoes" with the preposition c.

12. An independent expert sums up the results of the competitions.

Participants are awarded with diplomas “For participation in an entertainment evening“ Learning by playing! ”.

13. Reflection.

V. Well, our meeting has come to an end. We really want to know your opinion about her. If you liked the evening, you have good mood, if you were able to take something new for yourself, then please put your circle or square in a green basket.

And if you didn’t like it and you regret that you came to the meeting, think that you wasted your time, please put your figure in a red basket.

Everyday planning according to Ushakova O.S.

Theme "My Hometown"

Wednesday 5/11/2014

Looking out the window: offensive daylight hours... Tasks. To reinforce in children the idea of ​​the parts of the day, their sequence, that in the cold season the daylight hours are shorter.
Articulatory gymnastics.

1.Cognitive development:
Formation of elementary mathematical concepts.
Number 4.
Tasks. Introduce the formation of number 4. Teach ordinal count (up to 4).
2. Physical education(gym)
Didactic game"Let's plant ate"
Tasks. Improve the skills of determining the size of objects by eye.
Outdoor game "Owl"
Tasks. Learn to stand still for a while, listen carefully.

Observing the weather. Reading a poem by O. Driz "Own Weather"
Tasks. Teach children with the help of an adult to identify and reflect in speech the state and changes of the weather.

Didactic game "Does it happen or not?"

Outdoor game "Homeless hare"
Task. Run fast; navigate in space.

Didactic game "Guess what has changed?"
Tasks. Development of attention, visual perception, speech, the formation in children of the ability to talk about the changes that have occurred, indicating various characteristics toys and their relationship.
Didactic game "What is it made of?"
Tasks. Teach children to group objects according to the material from which they are made, to explain their actions.
Bird watching.
Tasks. Teach children to distinguish between birds, celebrate characteristics external structure, behavior, habits.

An outdoor game "Fox in a chicken coop"
Task. Learn to jump softly, bending your knees; run without touching each other, dodge the catch.

Walking game "Run quietly"
Tasks. Learn to move silently.

Thursday 6.11. 2014

Canteen duty.
Tasks. Teach children to set the table correctly. Stimulate the desire of children to responsibly fulfill the duties of a duty officer.
Articulatory gymnastics.
Exercise "The house opens"
Tasks. Learn to calmly open your mouth by relaxing the muscles of the tongue. Keep lips and tongue in position.
1. Speech development:
Speech development "Composing plot story on a set of toys Tanya, Zhuchka and Kitten ".
Tasks. Learn to compose a story based on sets of toys.
Didactic game. "What lies where?"
Tasks. To form in children the ability to navigate in space, to convey the location of objects in speech. To shape grammatical structure speech.

Plot -role-playing game"Hospital".
Tasks. Enrich children's understanding of the work of a doctor and nurse... Walk
Observing the sun.
Tasks. To form in children ideas about the role of the sun for life on earth.

Tasks. Teach children to consciously follow the rules of the game, to play the role of the organizer of the game.
Labor assignments: raking fallen leaves to the roots of trees and shrubs.
Tasks. To acquaint children with a new labor operation, its purpose.
Complex exercises after a nap.
Didactic game "Horses".
Tasks. Exercise in walking with high knees; the ability to perform role movements in pairs, move synchronously; develop spatial orientation; ability to maintain friendly relations in a collective.
Work in the book corner: drawing up a story based on illustrations for the nursery rhyme "Magpie-white-sided", thin. Yu. Vasnetsov.
Observation "Age of passers-by."
Tasks. Teach children to correctly distinguish the age of people. Name people each age group; child (girl, boy), etc.
Didactic game "Does it happen or not?"
Tasks. Develop logical thinking, to learn to notice inconsistencies in judgments, to convey in speech the essence of mistakes and inconsistencies.
Didactic game
Outdoor game "Bees and a swallow"
Tasks. To teach on a signal to change the direction and pace of movement, to develop dexterity, endurance.

Friday 7/11/2014

Didactic game "The fourth extra"
Tasks. Develop attention, intelligence, evidence speech
Articulatory gymnastics.
Exercise "The house opens"
Tasks. Learn to calmly open your mouth by relaxing the muscles of the tongue. Keep lips and tongue in position.
1. Artistic and aesthetic development:
Drawing by design.
Tasks. Teach children to independently choose the theme of their drawing.
2.Artistic and aesthetic development:
Music (music hall)
Didactic game "Secret"
Tasks. Teach children to listen carefully, pronounce words in accordance with the assignment.
Role-playing game "Sailors"
Tasks. Enrich and deepen the gaming and personal experience children.
3. Physical culture (with rec.)
Observation of the properties of air.
Tasks. To help children during observation to confirm their knowledge that air has no taste, smell or color. It can be of different temperatures.
Didactic game "Call in one word"
Tasks. To learn to enrich subjects in one word, to enrich vocabulary.
Action game "Find and be silent"
Tasks. To teach children to follow the posture while walking, to maintain cross-coordination of the movements of the arms and legs.
Labor assignments: collecting leaves for decorating a group, making crafts.
Tasks. To actualize the knowledge of children about various trees, to activate in speech the concepts related to the structure of trees.
Complex exercises after a nap.
An outdoor game "Kittens and puppies".
Tasks. To contribute to the improvement of the performance of basic movements by children, to exercise children in running, walking.
Outdoor game "Swallow Bees"
Tasks. To develop quickness of reaction, to form the ability to coordinate their actions with those of a partner.
Observing pruning garden trees and shrubs.
Tasks. Expand children's understanding of the diversity of work in the garden.
Didactic game "Crows".
Tasks. Exercise in two-legged jumping with forward movement; develop endurance, the ability to perform movements in accordance with the text; memory.
Game exercise "Snake"
Tasks... Teach children to walk like a snake between objects, perform smooth turns.