Features of the development of children in a different age group. Models of interaction of children in a different age group. Joint role-playing game is of particular importance. Didactic and outdoor games are also essential. In these games for children

Communication is considered complex structure social interactionthat helps children satisfy the desire for self-knowledge and self-esteem. According to many psychological studies, a child from the very early age shows a desire to communicate with other children. At the same time, the development of communication skills develops in stages and largely depends on the organizational ability of adults.
To understand the specifics of children's interactions, it is worth determining how the child's skills develop and what needs he or she experiences in each age group.

From birth to 1 year

Up to a certain point, the child's social circle consists mainly of adults, with whom interaction occurs through communication at the simplest level: the exchange of emotions and gestures. By about 10 months, babies show attention to other children, begin to observe their activities, and can become participants in the game.

1 to 3 years old

The child is actively developing speech, there is a bright interest in communicating with other children. The kid actively enters into joint games, learns to change toys and find friends, distinguishing some children from the rest of the group. At the same time, even the most good-natured children go through a period of restraint in communication, they can show aggression and egocentrism, in relation to things and parents, get into a fight defending their own.

preparation for communication with other children

3-5 years old

The child develops confidence, but still needs guidance and attention. At this age, children learn to observe and interact with each other, each of them can act as an initiator of communication. They are willing to take turns doing things with others and are increasingly addicted to games with clear rules.
At the same time, a desire to empathize and correspond to the opinions of others develops. Children talk a lot and share their feelings, thoughts, stories.

6-10 years old

The child seeks to control his own world and begins to defend his opinion, is able to participate in long games and even stay overnight at a party. A best friend appears, but this status can be passed on to different children. The child imitates his friends, seeks their approval and adopts habits.
To a greater extent, it is at this time that children are divided into groups according to gender, the companies of boys and girls oppose each other. The child learns himself as a person, spends more time alone, tries to become a good citizen and comrade.

11-14 years old

Difficult period puberty and determination of social importance. There is a opposition to adults, the establishment of new positions. Here, there is a peak in the importance of communication in the company of like-minded peers. Appears sex drive, corresponding thoughts of feelings, interest in the opposite sex. The child seeks empathy and learns to empathize himself. It is at this age that adolescents begin to reject their belonging to children and wait for the acceptance of their adulthood by others.

teenage problems
It can be seen that the desire to communicate with other children appears in a child as early as one year old, and by the age of fourteen it reaches its peak when a group of friends takes the first place. This is determined by the fact that a person is originally a social being who cannot live outside of society, this is the main task in mastering interaction skills. In this context, communication between children takes on special significance.

The importance of communication among children of different ages

communication is very important
Communicating with each other, children strive to realize their position of “senior”, “adult”. A small age difference allows the child to appear older in his own eyes, it is easier for him to imagine himself big.
Children in different age groupsah are more likely to take into account the preferences of younger ones when choosing joint activities and demonstrate a wide variety of ways of interaction. The younger ones see a clearer example for action. For elders, explaining to another child helps to better master knowledge, control over the little ones develops self-control, responsibility and a sense of belonging to the activities in a team.

interaction of children of different ages
The advantage of multi-age communication is that in such companies it is much easier for "single" children to learn. Moreover, they are much more likely to decide to communicate in the absence of adults.
Typically, the nature of such a relationship is determined by the older child's readiness to communicate. At the same time, an important role is played by how adults organize classes and how much they themselves are introduced into this process, because in any case, they remain the primary example with whom children copy their behavior.

Thus, a game that promotes receiving a reward provokes the older child to use more “cruel” ways to achieve the goal. Therefore, it is necessary to help children build relationships, taking into account the peculiarities of development at each age, and stimulate children's cooperation in a variety of activities. When organizing, it is important to offer forms of interaction that are understandable to any children, to use objects suitable for all age groups without restrictions.
Communication of different ages contributes to the individualization of the child's personality, stimulates verbal development, the development of morality in children. Regardless of the variety of qualities, the relationship between children of different ages gives them experience that is important for further socialization in society.


  • Diploma work - Social rehabilitation of children from alcoholic families (Diploma work)
  • Thesis - The influence of hippotherapy on the work of internal organs and systems of children 6-16 years old (Thesis)
  • Thesis - Developing hearing in children using the methods of Maria Montessori (Thesis)
  • Lyubina G.A. The use of elements of Montessori pedagogy in the development of speech in children of different age groups in kindergarten (Document)
  • Practical classes - class notes for preschoolers (Laboratory work)
  • Diploma work - Development of creative abilities of a child (Diploma work)
  • Integrated lesson in 1 ml. group d / s (Document)
  • Coursework - Building a Sense of Collaboration in Preschool Children (Coursework)
  • Thesis - Correction of posture in children with mental retardation 7-8 years old (Thesis)
  • Course work - Psychological and pedagogical support of shy children of older preschool age in the group of preschool educational institutions (Coursework)
  • Thesis - Water supply and sanitation (Thesis)
  • n1.doc

    Introduction 3


    1.1 The concept of a different age group and its features 6

    1.2 Problems of the organization of the educational process in age group 9

    1.3 Psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the age group 13


    2.1 Analysis of best practices on the problem of interaction between children of different ages 20

    2.2 Pedagogical experiment 25

    2.2.1 Organizational Stage 25

    2.2.1 Practical Phase of Experiment 27

    Conclusion 48

    List of sources used 51

    Child Psychological Study Card 57

    Analysis of play activity 59

    Methodology "Studying the motives of interaction with adults and older children" 61


    Numerous Soviet and modern teachers are devoted to the organization and planning of classes with young children (G.M. Lyamina, E.G. Pilyugina, T.G. Kazakova, G.G. Grigorieva, S.I. Yakimenko, L.P. Golyan).

    In preschool pedagogy, a significant number of teaching aids (Avanesova, Mishchenko, Shiyanova, Podlasiy) on the problems of organizing small kindergartens. However, the problem is that this pedagogical literature the period of the 70s-80s, focused on the implementation of the "standard program" of education in kindergarten. The modern teacher found himself in a difficult situation, with a lack of manuals and educational and methodological recommendations for organizing work with groups of children of different ages in preschool institutions, the specifics of work in such conditions, its "seasonality". The solution of educational and educational tasks, the formation of the foundations for the development of a full-fledged personality, the achievement of the state standard in the conditions of a multi-age group of kindergarten causes significant difficulties for the educator. This is due to relevance of this study.

    Analysis of interpersonal communication of children of different ages in conditions joint activities can provide opportunities for the formation of new approaches to the education of such important personal qualities as tolerance, morality, the ability to reckon with others and cooperate with dissimilar people, etc.

    The purpose of the present study is to determine the specific features of emotional and personal interaction of children in the age group.

    To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve a number of tasks:

    1. define the concept and essential characteristics of a different age group in a preschool institution;

    2. analyze possible difficultiesarising from the organization of the educational process in a group of different ages;

    3. describe the psychological and pedagogical features of the uneven age group;

    4. during the experiment to analyze the features of the interaction of preschoolers of different ages.
    Object research is the process of organizing the educational activities of preschool children in different age groups.

    As subject research advocate features interpersonal interaction preschoolers, specific features of their behavior in the framework of educational and cognitive activities.

    Theoretical significance the research consists in systematizing the features of emotional and personal interaction of preschoolers of different ages and the specific organization of the educational process.

    Practical significance work consists in the possibility of using the research results in practice, in the organization of educational activities of preschoolers, compiling teaching aids, as well as in the further writing of scientific papers.

    The set goal and objectives determined structure work, which consists of an introduction, theoretical and two theoretical and practical chapters, conclusion, bibliography and application.

    In the introduction, the relevance of the study is determined, the purpose and objectives of the study of the work are given.

    Chapter 1 examines the theoretical foundations of the interaction of children in a multi-age group of kindergarten, defines the concept of such groups, the reasons for their formation, and the difficulties of organizing the educational process in such conditions.

    Chapter 2 is devoted to the description of the set experiment. Here is an analysis of best practices for the selected issue, step by step tasks of the experiment.

    In conclusion, the results of the study are presented.

    The bibliographic list consists of 40 sources.

    The appendix contains tables and diagrams illustrating the results of the research.


    1.1 The concept of a multi-age group and its features

    One of the most significant areas of modernization modern education is the formation of educational institutions of various age levels, designed in accordance with the ideas about the age-related development of the child and the leading types of activity (D.B. Elkonin, V.V. Davydov, V.V. Rubtsov, Yu.V. Gromyko, V.I. Slobodchikov).

    Awareness that the middle and senior preschool (V.T. Kudryavtsev, L.A. Paramonova), age stages must correspond to their unique didactic and methodological systems, curricula, principles of psychological diagnostics, leads to the need to find ways to build adequate and effective forms education.

    IN modern world preschool education is the first stage general education, on which the foundations are laid for the further formation of a full-fledged personality.

    Given the specificity of the educational process with children of different ages, when organizing groups in preschool institutions, there are certain age and quantitative criteria. In the Republic of Belarus, the population of groups of children of the same age in preschool institutions should be:

    For children under one year old - up to 10 people;

    For children from one to three years old - up to 15 people;

    For children aged three to six (seven) years - up to 10 people;

    Groups of different ages up to 15 people;

    With short-term and round-the-clock stay of children - up to 10 people;

    IN wellness period up to 15 people.

    However, in accordance with the Model Regulation on Preschool Education, kindergarten groups can include both children of the same age and children of different ages. In the practice of upbringing preschoolers, there have been groups of different ages for many years.

    In the very general sense words uneven age group - a combined group of children with different levels of physical and mental abilities, formed due to the prevailing circumstances or purposefully, in order to implement a specific correctional work... As the main reasons for this phenomenon, you can name the following:

    1) difficulties in completing groups (due to the missing or exceeding the norm of the number of children of the same age);

    2) the presence of family ties between pupils of different ages (as a result, the desire of parents to define them in one group);

    3) inadequacy of the material and technical base for the creation of full-fledged groups of the same age;

    4) features of the work of a preschool institution in the summer;

    5) the need to solve certain correctional and pedagogical tasks.

    In different age groups of general developmental orientation, the maximum occupancy is, if there are children in the group:

    Two ages (from 2 months to 3 years) - 8 children;

    Any three ages (from 3 to 7 years old) - 10 children;

    Any two ages (from 3 to 7 years old) - 15 children.

    Numerous studies devoted to the study of the peculiarities of the development of a child's communication with adults and peers have shown that during the first seven years of a child's life, his communication with people around him goes through a number of qualitative stages in its development. During a child's stay in kindergarten, two basic needs are realized:

    Need for respect from an adult –3 years - 5 years;

    Need for mutual understanding and empathy - 5 years - 7 years.

    Communication with a peer from the moment of its occurrence in the third year of a child's life and until the end of preschool childhood goes through 3 stages:

    1) practically - emotional communication- 2-4 years;

    2) situational business communication - 4 - 6 years;

    3) extra-situational business communication - 6 years.

    Of course, the content of the needs for joint fun, for business cooperation and for peer recognition of the merits of another child also changes. In groups of children of the same age, all these moments are under the constant control of the educator, however, relations between children in groups of different ages have their own specific specifics and differ significantly from interpersonal relations in a homogeneous group.

    Accordingly, the organization of the educational process in a group of different ages becomes much more complicated, it requires the teacher, first of all:

    Knowledge of programs of all age groups;

    Ability to match software requirements with age and individual characteristics children;

    Understand and see each child and the whole group as a whole;

    Ensure the development of children in accordance with their capabilities and age characteristics.

    Olesya Grigorieva
    Report "Working conditions in a multi-age group in accordance with GEF"

    Among diverse problems of modern preschool education there is a problem different age groups... Everything diverse preschool educational technologies are focused on a specific age and the logic of age development, and attempts to describe the specifics of their application in age group, in fact, attempts to adapt without any significant changes what developed for a specific age. Returning to the practice of co-parenting different age causes an increase in the interest of psychological and pedagogical science in varied problems of different age groups.

    It is obvious that in front of the teacher age group there is a difficult task - to choose such forms workto be able to organize them simultaneously for all children. Ideas for holding events in age groupcited in the literature a lot of:

    Younger children are later included in work and(or) they finish it earlier;

    Older preschoolers are motivated differently to workthan younger ones;

    At the same time, the independent activity of one groups and joint with the teacher - another;

    Younger children get simpler tasks than older ones.

    Basic Education Program for Child Development age group from 3 to 7 years provides versatile development of children aged 3-5 years; 5-7 years old, taking into account their age and individual characteristics for the main directions: physical; social and communicative; cognitive; speech and artistic and aesthetic.

    This program designed in accordance with the following normative documents:

    Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On education in the Russian Federation";

    Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of August 30, 2013 No. 1014 "On approval of the Procedure for organizing and carrying out educational activities for basic general education programs - educational programs of preschool education";

    Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of October 17, 2013 No. 1155 "On approval of the federal state educational standard for preschool education";

    Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated May 15, 2013 No. 26 "On approval of SanPiN" Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the regime work preschool educational organizations ";

    Charter of the institution.

    The program aims to create conditions for the development of the child, opening up opportunities for his positive socialization, his personal development, development of the initiative and creativity through collaboration with adults and peers and appropriate age of activities; to create a spatial, developing educational environment, which is a system conditions socialization and individualization of children. Thanks to this, the program becomes the key to preparing children for life in a modern society, which requires the ability to learn all their lives and at the same time to reasonably and creatively relate to reality. All situations of daily life in which a child finds himself in kindergarten have an educational value: during a walk and during regime moments, the child builds an attitude towards himself and others, learns to be proactive and make decisions, to use his thinking and imagination. (FSES)

    Organization of the educational process in different age groups were concerned in their works by both practicing teachers and methodologists. Organization of training and education in such groups has a certain complexity, since teachers are required to know the specifics work with different age groups and the ability to correlate program requirements with individual characteristics of pupils. When organizing educational process in age group, the teacher must determine in advance the composition groups, highlight 2-3 subgroups and according with them to differentiate educational work... In addition, preschoolers often stay in the same room as needed. Thus, the teacher needs to create conditions forso that the children could occupy themselves for 10-15 minutes on their own, without distracting those who are engaged. If possible, children should be taken to another room, where they will be under the supervision of an assistant educator.

    In this case, it is better to implement the principle of maximum consideration of the age capabilities of children. IN group a general regime is established that meets the capabilities and needs of children groupscreate favorable conditions both for independent activities and for conducting classes.

    Organization of the educational process in age group has a positive influence: although the combination in one a group of children of different ages complicates the work of a teacher, however, at the same time, it opens up wide opportunities for him to organize communication between children different ages.

    Observations show that younger children age group They willingly listen to the advice, comments, and assessments of older children, made in a benevolent manner, well perceive their fair leadership of joint activities, and react negatively to a harsh and authoritarian attitude. Constant communication between younger children and older children forms friendly relations, independence. The example of the elders for the younger is of particular importance. Older preschoolers serve as an example in everything, they form responsibility, conscientiousness, improve the skills of collective relationships. Big and small do not compete with each other, since it became by law: you are the elder, I am the younger - this is an objective reality, therefore the elders are caring and generous, and the younger ones are respectful and obedient.

    The teacher needs to make sure that the kids are not passive observers, but active participants in the process.

    The personal example of the teacher has a great influence on children. Working in such a group meticulous and responsible, requires great tact and skill, vast knowledge of the age and individual characteristics of preschoolers. The teacher must understand each child, know his interests and needs.

    When planning and organizing classes, it is necessary to comply with the list, the composition of classes per week, established in the program for children of each year of life. It is necessary to strive for the implementation of other important requirements of preschool pedagogy: on the observance of the time of the classes, their sequence, on the combination of classes. The teacher organizes educational activities in conformity with the requirements of the Basic Education Program for each age category.

    Important condition effective training different kind in the uneven age group is the teacher's ability to plan work, define didactic tasks, program content, teaching methods in conformity with the requirements of consistency, systematic, gradual complication of material.

    In organizing children's education age group there are two main shape: game and activities, the main purpose of which is the comprehensive education and development of each child, the formation of educational skills.

    Playing in age group allows you to achieve significant results, since it creates favorable conditions for the interaction of the teacher with children and children among themselves. Didactic, mind games as a form of organization of training acquire special importance, since they use self-training and peer learning. In a didactic game, the educational and play sides interact. IN conformity with this, the educator simultaneously teaches the children and participates in their game, and the children, while playing, learn.

    In a didactic game of age group knowledge and skills are consolidated, new educational material is acquired.

    For a successful organization work in different age groups great importance It has common game children. Rallying age group are promoted by toys that children bring from home, because new facets of communication appear. Communication during joint activities provides tremendous opportunities for mutual influence of children different ages, for the organization of mutual assistance, teaching the younger by the elders.

    However, it should be said that although the game significantly increases the efficiency pedagogical process in conditions of uneven age group, however, the main form of organizing education in preschool institutions remains occupation.

    IN different age groups use frontal, group and individual forms organization of the educational process that allow different to form the relationship of the teacher with children and children among themselves.

    The most effective, in our opinion, is the combination different forms of work(collective work, work with a subgroup and individual lessons). More general educational tasks are best solved in frontal classes, and specific (communication of new material, consolidation, expansion and refinement of knowledge) - in the classroom with one subgroup.

    The organization of the pedagogical process should be focused not only on the general tasks of education (programs, guidelines, but mainly on the child, his needs, interests, level of development.

    Therefore, when organizing work in a multi-age group the following moments:

    1. Educator organizing studying proccess in age group, must clearly define the goal, objectives, content, have a good command of the methodology for conducting classes with children in age group.

    2. Software requirements are differentiated for each age subgroup through different ways to complete a specific task.

    3. In frontal classes, it is better to solve more general educational problems, and more specific (various) - in the classroom with one a subgroup of children.

    4. Basic form work in a group of different ages remains classes(complex, combined, general)... When conducting complex classes in the age group needs to monitorso that the activities of children one subgroups did not distract other children subgroups... General activities it is advisable to carry out on condition the same or related topic for children of all ages subgroupstaking into account the capabilities of children and their level of independence.

    5. The material prepared for the lesson should contain common elements for children of all subgroups, which makes it possible to unite pupils for playing games, performing certain tasks.

    6. Completing tasks in age group carried out by two ways: under the direct supervision of a teacher; with the help of didactic games and didactic materials (independent work of children) .

    7. When organizing the educational process, it is necessary to take into account the individual, age and gender characteristics of children preschool age.

    The organization of the developmental environment in group... Creating a developing environment groups, educators take into account the characteristics of children, age, level of their development, interests, inclinations, abilities, gender, personal characteristics. IN group children are happy to play corners: "Kitchen", "Polyclinic", "Score", "Beauty saloon", "Library"; "Musical Corner", for the development of creativity "Center of Creativity".

    The placement of furniture is also important. Tables and beds are arranged by age subgroups... The beds of younger children are located in the quiet part of the bedroom, older children, getting up first, do not disturb the sleep of younger preschoolers. The correct arrangement of furniture makes it possible to differentiate the duration of regime processes, to present the same requirements to children of the same age, and vice versa, diversify the activities of children of different ages.

    Implementing the interaction of children, we applied the following regulations:

    1. Seniors provide assistance to younger ones at their request.

    2.In group It is strictly forbidden to take away toys from another child, beat and insult anyone in any situation. Break down other people's buildings, spoil the products of labor of other children and take his personal belongings, toys brought from home without the owner's permission. Compliance with this rule is strictly followed by all adults, working in a group.

    3. Younger children can always be present and, to the best of their ability, participate in any activity - when conditionthat they do not interfere with older children.

    Organizing the lives of children, their varied active work, educators take care of the protection and strengthening of the health of each child, his full physical development, about creating a cheerful, cheerful mood.


    1. Avanesova V.N. "Education and training in age group» ... - M., 1979.

    2. Doronova T.N. "Education of children in ungraded preschool institutions"... g. - l. "Д / в" - 1984 - №2.

    3. Dubrova V.P., Milashevich E.P. "Pedagogical practice in kindergarten" (tutorial)... - M, "Academy", 1998

    4. Akperova, L. Ch., Zdybel E. N. Moral education children in different age groups // Kindergarten from A to Z. - №1 - 2012.

    IN recent times researchers observe an increase in the number of different age groups. Such groups appear for various reasons: because of the difficulties in completing kindergarten groups, for solving certain correctional-pedagogical or methodological problems, as groups with special organizational conditions, etc. This “demand” for groups of different ages stipulates an increase in the interest of psychological and pedagogical science in the diverse problems of the group of different ages. Many researchers assess groups and groups of different ages as the optimal model of the child's developmental environment.

    Emphasizing that modern family, as a rule, are not able to provide the child with a meaningful completeness of communication, they see a peasant patriarchal multi-generational family as a prototype of an ideal educational environment (G.G. Kravtsov)

    In his research V.N. Butenko identifies two types of relations between the statements of parents and teachers about the age group: positive and negative. Positive attitude can be attributed to the statements: "the elders learn to be more attentive to the younger, to help them", "the younger, imitating the elders, develop faster." Negative: “the elders offend the kids”, “the kids interfere with the activities of the elders”. These completely different opinions of parents reflect the interpersonal relationships that develop in the age group between older and younger children.

    Groups of different ages were studied at one time by L.V. Bayborodova, A.G. Arushanova, V.V. Gerbova, A.N. Davidchuk, T.N. Doronova, T.A. Makeeoi, V.G. Schur, S.G. Jacobson et al.

    Communication and interaction of children in a group can be characterized by the following psychological mechanisms:

    Mechanisms that activate personality behavior change. Role participation of the child, as an older or younger, in group activities is constantly changing in space and time. If a preschooler interacts with classmates as a junior, then most often the mechanism of imitation is triggered, while the child seems to be guided by the “zone of proximal development.”

    Using the example of older classmates, the child sees what he will learn in the near future, what his older partner has mastered. The older child can show junior sample actions. He explains and makes sure that the youngest child, for example, plays by the rules, does the task correctly. In this case, the older child takes on the role of an adult. By showing and explaining to the junior partners the ways of completing the task, the elders are better aware of them themselves.

    But there are also disadvantages:

    the younger ones tend to be interested in the older ones and want to play with them. Elders, especially boys, on the contrary, often perceive interaction with a younger one indifferently and even negatively, because they do not need it;

    many of the older preschool age children are poorly oriented in the needs and opportunities of the younger ones, therefore they are reluctant to make contact with them;

    a significant number of older preschoolers, in contact with younger ones, seek to realize their advantage, not taking into account the capabilities of the younger partner, who does not yet have such a level of development.

    The educational process in a kindergarten group is a system of interactions and interactions of the main structural components (subject-spatial, teaching and social), which form a zone of realization of developmental opportunities for its subjects. This zone includes a pedagogically organized component and a spontaneous one.

    All structural components of the educational process of a group of different ages have an expanded content, which is achieved by the coexistence of fragments adequate for each age.

    Features of the educational process in a group of different ages:

    A powerful zone of developing opportunities for its subjects is being formed;

    The specificity is determined by the presence of additional spheres of social interactions of the child - with children older and younger than himself.

    The educational space of a group of different ages makes it possible to:

    Freedom of choice of activity;

    Building dialogue relationships with children of different ages;

    Freedom to choose your "niche" in communication.

    There are many positive things in the joint upbringing of children of different ages.

    1) Constant communication between younger children and older children creates favorable conditions for the formation of friendly relations, caring, and independence. Here, the elders help the kid get dressed, tell him stories, protect him from the offender, that is, take care of him.

    2) The example of elders for kids is of particular importance. By virtue of their inclination to imitate, the younger ones gradually adopt all positive traits elders.

    3) Long-term observations (studies by E.O.Smirnova, V.M.Kholmogorova) prove that in different age groups the younger children learn skills much faster, and the older ones grow up more sensitive, benevolent and responsive.

    4) When they first come to kindergarten, kids find themselves in an already organized team, it is easier to obey its rules, imitating in everything older children, who in this case serve as the support of the teacher.

    5) In constant inter-age interactions, the older child has a need for self-determination in relation to the younger one as “another”, not similar in the object component of relations. If the relationship to the peer is constantly balancing between the two poles as “to oneself” and as “to the other,” then the younger child is the “other” - dissimilar in his emotional, behavioral reactions, abilities for cooperation, skills, etc. From a certain moment, the child begins to realize himself as “different”, “older”, after which he has a need to fill the gap in ideas about how to relate to the differences between the “younger” and his age advantages. Relationships "younger - older" arise due to age differences, in this they are similar to the relationship "adult - child". For an older child, the position of an adult is actualized, his attitude as an “adult”. In his desire to be "older", the child seeks to imitate the behavior of an adult.

    Thus, the multi-age children's community has a greater potential for the age, personal development of preschoolers, in contrast to the one of the same age. Age groups are additional opportunity for moral development, obtaining a more diverse experience of gaming, social interaction, natural speech, intellectual development... The age difference is just one of the conditions potential opportunity, which can be realized, and can have negative opposite consequences. Therefore, further work on the study of the relationship of children in groups of different ages is of great importance, and the influence of this type of group on preschoolers.






    Course work

    by discipline " "

    group students ________________________


    Kupriyanova Lyudmila Leonidovna


    ph.D. Chervinskaya O.Yu.

    The work is protected "" 2009

    Rated _____________________

    Head Department of Pedagogy,

    Preschool and primary education,

    Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor

    E. L. Trusova


    Chapter 1. Theoretical foundations of the organization of the life of children in a multi-age group

    Chapter 2. The specifics of the educational process in the different age groups of child care institutions


    List of used literature


    Every child has the right to a happy life during the period of preschool childhood, and high-quality preschool education is a guarantee that the state and society will create the necessary conditions for full development child, his success in adulthood.

    The workers of preschool educational institutions (DUU) face a difficult, difficult task - to organize their work so that it not only meets the needs of society, but also ensures the preservation of the value and uniqueness of the preschool period of childhood. On the present stage the development of the school education system, new types of preschool institutions are successfully functioning:

    Nursery garden family type for children who are in a family relationship;

    Nursery-garden of combined type with groups of family and walking type;

    Family-type children's home.

    In 2005, a letter from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine “About the organization short stay children in preschool educational institutions ", which reveals the features of the organization of short-term stay of children aged 2 years 6 months to 6 years in preschool educational institutions.

    All of the above determines the relevance of the problem of organizing the upbringing and education of children in the conditions of different age groups.

    In preschool pedagogy, a significant number of teaching aids (Avanesova, Mishchenko, Shiyanova, Podlasy) have been developed on the problems of organizing small-scale kindergartens and seasonal preschool institutions. At the same time, this pedagogical literature of the period of the 70s-80s, focused on the implementation of the "standard program" and teaching in kindergarten.

    However, it is known that the solution of upbringing and educational tasks, the formation of a sufficient level of knowledge and skills of children, the achievement of the state standard in the conditions of the multi-age group of the kindergarten causes significant difficulties for the educator. Moreover, a significant part methodological literature for preschool education is designed for institutions with the same age group of children.

    It seems relevant to search for means that provide the construction of such variants of the educational process that will effectively implement pedagogical goals.

    The object of the research is the process of teaching preschool children.

    The subject of the research is the pedagogical and organizational conditions for teaching children of different age groups in the classroom.

    The purpose of the research is to study the problems of teaching children in the classroom in different age groups.

    In the course of the study, a hypothesis was put forward that a special social environment and the specifics of organizing classes for children in different age groups have a greater effect in the assimilation of knowledge.

    Based on the set goal during term paper the following tasks have to be solved:

    To study the organization of the pedagogical process in different age groups

    Consider the requirements for creating a subject-development environment in different age groups

    To reveal the specifics of the organization of classes in a different age group of young children

    In connection with the tasks set, we used the following research methods: analysis, synthesis and generalization when considering theoretical material, as well as a comparison method when studying various sources.


    1.1 Organization of the pedagogical process in different age groups

    The organization of the pedagogical process in different age groups has its own characteristics and difficulties, it requires the teacher to know the programs of all age groups, the ability to compare the program requirements with the age and individual characteristics of children, the ability to correctly distribute attention, understand and see each child and the whole group as a whole, and ensure development children according to their capabilities.

    In order to rationalize the construction of the pedagogical process, it is necessary to determine the composition of the group in each specific case, to single out two or three subgroups and, in accordance with them, to differentiate educational and educational work.

    The least favorable conditions for the development of children in those institutions that are staffed with children of sharply contrasting age:

    First, it is difficult to create a proper air-thermal regime;

    Secondly, the difference in age also determines the different degree of susceptibility to infectious diseases and the level of development of self-care and hygiene skills, the need for sleep and activity, etc.

    Thirdly, significant difficulties arise when equipping a room with furniture, toys, equipping the pedagogical process.

    In the case of the recruitment of groups by children of close, adjacent ages, the principle of maximum consideration of the age capabilities of children is better implemented, on the basis of which age groups are distinguished by the years of a child's life (third, fourth, fifth ...). In each such group, it is necessary to work on two age groups. Differentiated work with two subgroups is feasible for each educator and, at the same time, can significantly improve the quality of education and training, especially for older children.

    The upbringing and educational work in the preschool educational institution is carried out by the teacher in the process of everyday life and independent activities of children (play, work, etc.), as well as in the process of classes specially organized and systematically conducted with all children. In the first case, the educator first of all creates conditions for varied and interesting activities and wellness each child, fosters the behavior and correct relationships of children with each other and with adults, specifies childhood experience and ideas, consolidates existing knowledge, broadens the horizons of the child. In the course of classes, the teacher organizes learning activities of all children, forms the ability to act in accordance with the instructions received from an adult, systematically and consistently teaches children new knowledge and skills, develops cognitive activity.

    Preschool education is a mandatory primary component of the lifelong education system in Ukraine, and preschool age is the basic stage of the physical, psychological and social formation of a child's personality. This is defined in the Law of Ukraine on June 11, 2001, No. 2628 "About preschool education" (with latest changes December 26, 2008).

    17 years have passed since its adoption, during this time dozens, if not hundreds, of various resolutions, decrees, programs have been adopted, but the problems are even greater than before the adoption of the law. In the system of preschool education in Ukraine, various programs of education and upbringing of children were used, built on the basis of the Basic Component of preschool education. Thus, the basic program "Malyatko" was introduced in preschool institutions, in particular, Sevastopol was one of the first cities in Ukraine, where a practical experiment was carried out to introduce this program. After the methodology of upbringing and teaching under the Malyatko program did not receive positive feedback, a new Ditina training program was introduced in the DUU, this program is currently used in most preschool educational institutions in Ukraine and has positive feedback from teachers and parents ...

    1.2 Requirements for the creation of a subject-developing environment in different age groups

    According to the "Basic Component", the correct organization of life and various activities of children in preschool institutions, the creation of favorable conditions contributes to the diversified development of children of different ages.

    In connection with this, in the "Base Component" turns special attention to create a developing environment in the child restraint and in the group. The child's developmental environment is the child's life activity space. These are the conditions in which his life takes place in the recreational institution, including the subject-spatial environment and the social environment.

    The environment is the space surrounding a person, the zone of the individual's immediate activity, his immediate development and action. It is known that it is this factor that can either inhibit the development of a child (hostile in the emotional and physical planes), or stimulate his development (a favorable, developing environment). A neutral variant of the influence of the environment is also possible, when it does not inhibit, but does not stimulate the development of the child. All this must be taken into account when creating an environment in a preschool institution.

    Educational researchers believe that a specially organized environment can have a positive impact on the development of a child's ability to self-learn. Such an environment contributes to the establishment, confirmation of a sense of self-confidence, and this is what determines the characteristics of personal development at the stage of preschool childhood. The developing environment gives the preschooler the opportunity to test and use his abilities, allows him to show independence, to assert himself as an active figure. The child's activity in an enriched developmental environment is stimulated by the freedom of choice of activity. The child plays based on his interests and capabilities, the desire for self-affirmation, is engaged not at the will of an adult, but according to on their own, under the influence of attracted his attention game materials... In this approach to the organization of children's activities, there is already a mechanism for developing responsibility for what has been done, for the result. The forces awaken in the child, contributing to the best possible implementation of the plan. The developing environment acts as a stimulant, a driving force in the integral process of the formation of a child's personality, it enriches personal development, contributes to the early manifestation of versatile abilities.

    The enriched development of the child's personality is characterized by the manifestation of direct childish inquisitiveness, curiosity, individual capabilities (without coercion and coaching); the child's ability to cognize what he saw, heard (material and social world) and emotionally respond to various phenomena, events in life; the desire of the individual to creatively display the accumulated experience of perception, knowledge in games, communication, drawings, crafts, etc. ...

    In general, enriched development is the development of all the potential individual capabilities of each child. Of course, the highest level of cognitive and personal development is possessed by an individual who is under the influence of a developing environment. Thus, the subject-spatial environment of development is the organization of space and the use of equipment and other equipment in accordance with the goals of the safety of the child's mental well-being, his development.

    Each child has his own pace and style of development, no less individual than his appearance. Some children learn better through observation. In teaching others, manipulation and action by trial and error is relatively more common. All this only confirms the point of view about the importance of creating a special learning environment in which each child could individually test their abilities and walk own way in the process of knowing the world around.

    Modern researchers have determined that direct learning does not always lead to awareness of the studied content and the possibility of its use. The child stops demonstrating understanding of this content as soon as the learning situation disappears. For example, a 5-year-old child quite easily copes with the task of arranging the stripes in height from lowest to highest, names those stripes that are below blue but above red, demonstrating an understanding of the relativity of magnitude. But the same child cannot on a piece of paper small size draw a bear so that this bear is the largest of all drawn bears (although the decision is based on the same understanding of the relativity of magnitude).

    Childhood experimentation is one of critical aspects personality development. This activity is not assigned to a child by an adult in advance in the form of a particular scheme, but is constructed by the preschooler himself as he receives more and more information about the object. Therefore, it is appropriate to talk about self-development in the activity of experimentation. To deploy this activity, materials are needed: measuring cups, molds, non-standard measurements, teaching aids and instruments (scales, clocks, calendars, etc.), water, clay, river sand.

    Thus, the subject-developing environment should be understood as a natural, comfortable, cozy environment, rationally organized, saturated with a variety of sensory stimuli and play materials.

    At the same time, the defining moment in creating a subject-developing environment is pedagogical idea; the goal of the educational institution. This goal is achieved through the implementation of the educational program.

    When creating a developing environment for a group, it is very important to take into account the characteristics of children attending this group: the age of preschoolers, their level of development, interests, inclinations, abilities, gender composition, personality traits, and so on.

    The characteristics of the group environment are also largely determined personal characteristics and the pedagogical attitudes of the educator. If the teacher is an expert in his city, likes to study it with children, of course, this should be vividly reflected in the setting. Another prefers to pay more attention to visual activity - and this will also be noticeable in the created environment. Some of the teachers are close to the ideas of Maria Montessori, for someone the approach of Walfdorf pedagogy is decisive - all this will somehow be reflected in the group environment.

    Developmental education is aimed, first of all, at the development of the student's personality and is carried out through the solution of educational tasks based on the transformation of information, which allows the student to show maximum independence and activity. The source of the child's holistic development is his cognitive and creative activity, which is aimed at mastering the historically emerging forms of human culture, the creative experience of people. Cultural means, which are actively appropriated by the child, give him the opportunity to independently analyze any new situation, be free to choose their own actions, independently organize their activities.

    Developmental learning presupposes the prospect of a child's self-development and expansion of his consciousness on the basis of cognitive and creative activity. Such training is impossible without reflection, without knowing oneself, one's capabilities. The implementation of the ideas of developing education is possible only on the basis of a personality-oriented model of interaction between the educator and the child. Its main features are as follows. When communicating with children, an adult adheres to the rule: "not next to, not" over ", but together!" Its purpose is to contribute to the development of the child as a person. Methods of communication - understanding, recognition and acceptance of the child's personality, based on the ability of adults to take the child's position, take into account his point of view and not ignore his feelings and emotions. Communication tactics are cooperation. Looking at the child as a full partner.

    The implementation of modern approaches to the education of preschoolers (the implementation of the ideas of developmental education and a personality-oriented model of interaction between the teacher and the child) is possible only if following principles building a developmental environment in a child restraint group.

    1. The principle of respect for the needs, needs of the child. A preschool child has three basic needs: the need for movement, the need for communication, the need for cognition. The environment of the group (and kindergarten in general) must satisfy these needs. It is organized so that the child has an independent choice: with whom, how, where, what to play with. The selection of equipment and materials for the group is determined by the developmental characteristics of children of a particular age and the sensitive periods characteristic of this age.

    In addition, children should be clear on how to move around the group room so as not to interfere with the activities of other children. It is important for the educator that group room clearly visible so that he can see all the children without having to move around the room. Such a space will help create low screens or shelves with open shelves, which at the same time delimit the space and leave it free for observation.

    When planning the interior, it is advisable to adhere to non-rigid centering (zoning). So, the following approach to organizing the environment is possible:

    Role-playing game center;

    A literacy center, which includes a book corner and all the games and equipment for developing speech and preparing the child for mastering reading and writing, there can also be theatrical games;

    Science Center, which includes a corner of nature and a place for child experimentation and experiments with appropriate equipment and materials;

    Center for Building Constructive Games;

    Center for Mathematics (game library);

    An art center that hosts art awareness materials, art objects, materials and equipment for children's visual arts.

    In addition, in the group it is desirable to have sports complex: it does not take up much space and at the same time is multifunctional.

    Perhaps another construction of the environment - "cabinet". In any case, when solving his goals and objectives, the educator can choose his own version of building the environment - he, together with the children, determines what, where and how to have it.

    2. The principle of respect for the opinion of the child. An educator builds a developing environment for children. At the same time, he tries to surrounding the child the environment was comfortable, aesthetic, meaningful, so that the equipment was arranged conveniently. However, we must not forget that an adult's ideas about convenience, coziness, comfort do not always coincide with the child's ideas about this.

    3. The principle of functionality means that only those materials are in the room environment that are required by children and perform a developmental function. So, if in the near future the game, allowance, equipment will not be used, they should be taken out of the group to another place (locker room, storeroom, etc.). The group should not be a warehouse for storing materials and aids!

    Games and manuals that are included in the group should be multifunctional, combinatorial, variable. For instance, didactic manual "Colored Kuisener sticks" can be used to develop children's ideas about natural numbers, to develop computational skills, to develop spatial orientations, to develop the ability to identify properties, dependencies, patterns. Lego "Farm" is interesting for children as a toy, but at the same time they get to know the pets, consider them; preschoolers develop constructive thinking, creative imagination.

    4. The principle of the advanced nature of the content of education. It is legal that the teacher selects the materials for the group that are intended for children a certain age, but in addition to them, it is necessary to include in the setting about 15% of the materials aimed at older children (about a year).

    5. The principle of dynamism - static environment. The child, while remaining himself, at the same time constantly changes and develops. Naturally, his environment cannot be frozen, and also requires changes. The environment is a shell, “clothes” from which the child quickly grows, therefore, it must, while remaining essentially familiar and comfortable, “grow”, change with the child; moreover, the child himself must change the situation, adjusting it to himself. The developing environment cannot be built completely, tomorrow it will no longer stimulate development, and the day after tomorrow it will slow down it.

    1.3 Social environment of child development

    The social environment of development is the conditions for the child's interaction with other people, the community that develops in the child restraint. Its participants are children of the educational institution, teachers, service personnel, parents, and other family members of the students.

    The upbringing of preschoolers in groups of different ages of child care institutions has a number of difficulties. Some of them concern how an adult should organize communication with a child and what kind of contacts should be between children. The fact is that communication with people around them plays a huge role in the general mental development of a child. In Russian psychology, it is generally recognized that mental development children occurs in the process of mastering universal human experience. The bearer of this experience is an adult. He stands between the world into which the child comes and the child himself, representing this world to him.

    The study of the development of the child's communication with adults and peers showed that during the first seven years of a child's life, his communication with people around him goes through a number of qualitative stages in its development.

    In communication between children and adults, there are 4 types of content of the need for communication:

    The need for benevolent attention –2 months. - 6 months

    The need for cooperation - 6 months. - 3 years

    The need for respect from an adult -3 years - 5 years

    The need for mutual understanding and empathy - 5 years - 7 years

    Communication with a peer from the moment of its occurrence in the third year of a child's life and until the end of preschool childhood goes through 3 stages:

    1st - practically - emotional - 2-4 years;

    2nd - situational business - 4-6 years;

    3rd - non-situational business - 6 years.

    The content of the need for participation in joint amusements also changes to the need for business cooperation and recognition by peers of the merits of another child.

    Communication with peers, equal partners to the child, contributes to the development of children's initiative, the manifestation of their creativity, mastering the norms of relationships. But, organizing the joint activities of children of different ages, the educator must remember the various reasons that make them look for each other's society, and accordingly correct and guide them.

    The above allows us to conclude that there cannot be too strict, detailed requirements for the construction of a developing environment in different educational institutions, since educational programs, the composition of children, teaching staff can differ significantly from each other. At the same time, the most general provisions can be identified when creating a developing environment in a preschool group. educational institutionwhich are based on modern approaches to the education of preschoolers.

    The indispensable conditions for building a developing environment in preschool institutions of any type are the implementation of the ideas of developing education and reliance on a personality-oriented model of interaction between the teacher and the child.

    But all this does not happen by itself, but is the result of the daily and painstaking work of the teacher, correct organization life and independent activities of children.

    2.1 The concept of the educational process

    According to article 22 of the Ukarina law on June 11, 2001, No. 2628 "About preschool education", the basic component of preschool education is the state standard, which contains norms and provisions that determine state requirements for the level of development of preschool age, as well as the conditions under which they can be achieved ...

    According to the “Ditina” curriculum, the educational process is interpreted as a set of educational and self-educational processes aimed at solving the problems of education, upbringing and personal development in accordance with the State educational standard.

    The concept of "educational process" is considered by researchers from different points vision. In the studies of V.A. Slastonina, I.F. Isaeva, A.I. Mishchenko, E.N. Shiyanov's educational process is "specially organized, purposeful interaction of teachers and pupils, aimed at solving developmental and educational problems." B.T. Likhachev understands the educational process as “purposeful, meaningful and organizationally formed interaction teaching activities adults and self-change of the child as a result of active life with the leading and guiding role of the educator. " I.P. Podlasiy defines the educational process as "a developing interaction between educators and students, aimed at achieving a given goal and leading to a pre-planned change in state, transformation of the properties and qualities of the educated." The educational process of V.A. Yasvin is also considered as "a system of influences and conditions for the formation of a personality, as well as opportunities for self-development contained in her environment."

    The analysis of various definitions of the educational process made it possible to establish that in a broad interpretation it is a set of all conditions, means, methods used in the educational process aimed at solving a global problem - education. When the concept of "educational process" is used in a narrow sense, it means the concentration of content, means, methods, forms of organization of training on some separate subject (subjects) to obtain a specific result. The subjects of the educational process are two interrelated parties - the one who educates (educator, teacher), and the one who is educated (educated, student, child). At the same time, the educational process is effective only under the condition of interaction of both the one who influences and the one at whom it is directed.

    To build the educational process, it is important to have a clear understanding of its structure. The structure is understood as the arrangement of elements in a system that form an integral structural unity. A number of studies of modern Ukrainian scientists-educators indicate that the educational process has a structure consisting of several interrelated components. G.A. Kovalev singles out the physical environment, the human factor and the training program as components of the educational process. O. Duncan, L. Shnore define the following components: population, spatial-object environment, technology, social organization.

    Attention should be paid to the research of V. Shavrovskaya, who also singles out as a separate component of the educational process pedagogical diagnostics... She points out that “the educational process has always been built as an expedient, controlled system of relationships, interactions between adults and children, transfer and assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities. This system is able to function effectively if information is exchanged regularly. Direct information comes from the teacher to the children, and the reverse information - about the degree of assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities - from children to the teacher. This feedback can be obtained through pedagogical diagnostics. Using pedagogical diagnostics and receiving data on the level of development of children, the teacher can make adjustments, change, supplement the pedagogical process with the missing element. "

    2.2 Organization of classes in a group of young children of different ages

    The organization and planning of classes with young children are devoted to the works of both Soviet G.M. Lyamina, E.G. Pilyugina, T.G. Kazakov, and modern teachers (G.G. Grigorieva, T. Doronova, S.I. Yakimenko, L.P. Golyan).

    According to the previously considered educational program "Ditina" Lesson is interpreted as a special form of the pedagogical process, the most efficient view training aimed at acquiring knowledge, skills and abilities by children. Classes promote the activation of higher mental processes and awaken the very ability to learn, that is, to perceive, understand, remember and reproduce material. In the classroom, the necessary behavioral skills are developed. All of the above are prerequisites for educational activities.

    In each of the young age groups, the organization of classes has its own specifics. So, for example, according to Article 14 of the Law of Ukraine dated June 11, 2001, No. 2628 "About preschool education" (with the latest amendments on December 26, 2008), the occupancy of groups in the DUU is no more than:

    In the course of writing this term paper, the goal of the work is achieved. Within the framework of this work, the problems of teaching children in the classroom in different age groups have been studied. The tasks were completed, namely: the organization of the pedagogical process in different age groups was studied, the requirements for creating a subject-developing environment in different age groups were considered, the requirements for the social environment of different age groups were studied, the concept of the educational process was studied, the specifics of organizing classes in a different age group of young children were considered. ... So, in the course of studying theoretical material, it was established that it is necessary to organize the life of children in the conditions of an age group of a children's educational institution in such a way as to make it calm and bright, meaningful and interesting, closely linking everyday life with learning, play, work - the most important task of the educator. Skillful use of all positive sides joint upbringing of children of different ages will contribute to the formation of the right relationship in the team, the interest of children in joint games, common occupation, collective labor activity... All this does not happen through the daily and painstaking work of the teacher, the correct organization of life and the independent activity of children.

    As part of the course work, the regulatory and legal and methodological framework in the field of preschool education in Ukraine was studied. So the work is based on the Law of Ukraine dated June 11, 2001, Rock No. 1060 "About preschool education" (with the latest changes on December 26, 2008) and the program preschool education "Ditina".

    A theoretical analysis of research in the field of preschool education confirms the hypothesis of this course work; indeed, it can be argued that a special social environment and the specifics of organizing classes for children in different age groups gives a greater effect in the assimilation of knowledge.

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