Innovative pedagogical experience “Sensory development of young children with the use of didactic games. Didactic play as a means of developing the sensory abilities of young children


1.1. Sensory education in the didactic system of a preschool educational institution.

1.2. Features of the sensory development of children up to school age with squint and amblyopia.

1.3. Correctional possibilities of arts and crafts in the sensory development of preschoolers with strabismus and amblyopia.

Conclusions for Chapter 1.




2.1. Purpose, tasks and organization of the ascertaining experiment.

2.2. Purpose, objectives and organization of the training experiment.

2.3. An experimental program for the sensory development of preschool children with strabismus and amblyopia.

2.4. Experimental learning results.

Conclusions on chapter 2

Dissertation introduction (part of the abstract) on the topic "Pedagogical correction of the sensory development of preschoolers with strabismus and amblyopia by means of arts and crafts"

Relevance of the problem and research topic

In domestic pedagogy and psychology, the attitude towards preschool education of a child is recognized as a stage that determines his further development.

The period of preschool age of children is characterized by the intensive development of their perception processes. It is no coincidence that in the history of psychology and pedagogy, the problem of the genesis of perception and sensory abilities attracted the attention of many researchers.

The issues of sensory development and upbringing of children were studied by V.N. Avanesova, JI.A. Wenger, A.B. Zaporozhets, H.H. Poddyakov, N.P. Sakulina, A.P. Usova, and others, who noted that the development of perception is a complex process, which includes, as the main elements, the assimilation of sensory standards by children and the mastery of methods for examining objects.

One of the central places in the general system of upbringing and educational work in a special (correctional) preschool educational institution is sensory development.

The importance of sensory education and development was highly appreciated by such outstanding representatives of preschool pedagogy as M. Montessori, E.I. Tikheeva, F. Frebel.

Sensory education is aimed at ensuring that children can accurately, fully perceive objects of the surrounding reality, their various properties and relationships between them (shape, color, size).

Sensory development is the foundation of the general development of the child, but at the same time it has an independent meaning, since full-fledged perception is necessary for the successful education of the child in kindergarten, at school and for subsequent active fruitful work. The need for sensory development of a child determines in the theory and practice of preschool education the task of developing and using the most effective means and methods of organizing sensory education in a preschool educational institution.

The data of psychological and pedagogical studies of the authors (A.G. Litvak, L.I. Solntseva, EH Podkolzin, L.I. Plaksina, V.A. vision is an important link in the system of correctional and educational work of preschool educational institutions for children with visual impairments.

The analysis of special literature shows that in preschool typhlopsychology and typhlopedagogy, programs for the sensory development of preschoolers with visual impairments have been developed, however, we have not found methodological developments and programs for the pedagogical correction of sensory development by means of arts and crafts for preschoolers with strabismus and amblyopia.

The need to include the sensory development of preschoolers in all types of children's activities has been scientifically substantiated (TN Doronova, TS Komarova, LI Plaksina, and others). Sensory education is included in the activities of preschoolers, taking into account the degree and nature of visual impairment, the age of children and their level of development, the type of activity, the main patterns and characteristics of the development of sensory abilities in children with visual impairments.

The practice of teaching and upbringing of children with visual impairments has shown that the presence of disorders in their sensory sphere requires a special organization of corrective work, taking into account general structure defect, features of the development of cognitive processes and the development of personality in general.

In law Russian Federation"On Education" (Article 5, Clause 6, Article 18, Clause 3), it is noted that correctional work is an obligatory component of the educational process in order to strengthen the mental health of the child.

At present, the contingent of children with visual impairments in specialized preschool educational institutions has changed quantitatively and qualitatively. Due to the change in the etiology of visual pathology, the percentage of children with total visual impairment (blindness) has noticeably decreased and the population of children with various visual impairments, including strabismus and amblyopia, has increased.

It is necessary and expedient to consider the problem of pedagogical correction of the sensory development of children with strabismus and amblyopia by means of arts and crafts at preschool age. it promotes the development of fine motor skills and coordination of movements, concentration of attention, the development of tactile sensitivity, the development of microorientation, stimulation creativity, is a powerful tool for the all-round development of the child's personality as a whole.

Summarizing all of the above, we can conclude that the correction of the sensory development of preschoolers with strabismus and amblyopia by means of arts and crafts is currently an urgent problem.

The urgency of this problem: at the socio-pedagogical level, it follows from the discrepancy between the need of modern society in the formation of the personality of a preschooler with visual impairments, who owns sensory standards and a low level of sensory development of children in this category; at the scientific and theoretical level, it is due to the discrepancy between the need for pedagogical theory to substantiate the advisability of using arts and crafts for the sensory development of preschoolers with visual impairments and insufficient development of this problem in preschool pedagogy; at the scientific, methodological and practical levels, it is determined by the demand in the educational process of a preschool educational institution for teaching methods of arts and crafts as a means of sensory development of preschoolers with visual impairments and the absence of such a technique.

To resolve the indicated inconsistencies, new approaches are needed to find effective means of pedagogical correction of sensory development in specialized preschool educational institutions for children with visual impairments. One of such teaching aids is the inclusion of arts and crafts classes in the educational work programs of preschool educational institutions for children with visual impairments.

Educational researchers G.N. Panteleev, N.P. Sakulina, A.P. Usova repeatedly noted that the meeting of children with works decorative creativity introduces them to the world of beauty, awakens the first vivid imaginative ideas about the culture of the country.

Taking into account the identified inconsistencies and the identified problem, the research topic was formulated: "Pedagogical correction of the sensory development of preschoolers with strabismus and amblyopia by means of arts and crafts."

Research object: sensory development of preschoolers with strabismus and amblyopia.

Subject of research: the process of correcting the sensory development of preschoolers with strabismus and amblyopia by means of arts and crafts. Purpose of the study: to theoretically and practically substantiate the advisability of using arts and crafts as a means of correction, contributing to the sensory development of preschoolers with strabismus and amblyopia.

Based on the analysis of the relevance, purpose, object and subject of research, we put forward the following hypothesis:

1. The inclusion of arts and crafts classes in the system of correctional work of a preschool educational institution for children with strabismus and amblyopia can increase the effectiveness of the sensory development of preschoolers, providing:

Improving polysensory perception skills subject environment based on preserved analyzers;

Formation of spatial representations and increasing the strength of the preservation of visual images;

Development of visual-spatial analysis and synthesis;

2. Usage natural material in arts and crafts classes with preschoolers with visual impairments, it can contribute to:

Development of design thinking and creative imagination;

Strengthening the development of sensory standards of color, shape, size;

Formation of artistic taste and aesthetic perception of the surrounding world;

Development of the eye and fine motor skills of the hands.

Taking into account the purpose of the research and the working hypothesis, the following research objectives were formulated:

Study the literature on general, special and age-related pedagogy and psychology on the research problem;

To analyze the features of the sensory development of preschoolers with strabismus and amblyopia;

Develop content pilot program and methodological recommendations for the pedagogical correction of the sensory development of preschoolers with strabismus and amblyopia by means of arts and crafts using natural materials;

To test an experimental program of pedagogical correction of the sensory development of preschool children with strabismus and amblyopia by means of arts and crafts using natural materials.

The theoretical and methodological basis of the study was made up of:

Research in the field of sensory development of preschool children (JI.A. Venger, ID Venev, A.B. Zaporozhets, H.H. Poddyakov, and others);

The main provisions of a systematic approach to correctional work (O.JI. Alekseev, V.V. Korkunov);

Theories of education and training of children with visual impairments (MI Zemtsova, AG Litvak, LI Plaksina, LI Solntseva, etc.);

Theoretical provisions on the leading role of arts and crafts classes in preschool educational institutions for the all-round development of preschoolers (N.S. Karpinskaya, T. S. Komarova, G. N. Panteleev, N. P. Sakulina A. P. Usova, and etc.).

Research methods:

Theoretical: an analytical review of scientific, methodological, psychological, pedagogical and special literature on the research problem; analysis of programs, teaching aids and teaching materials, methods of mathematical statistics;

Empirical: conversation, observation, study of medical and pedagogical documentation of educational institutions, included observation of the activities of children;

Experimental: ascertaining, forming, control stages of the pedagogical experiment.

The research was carried out in three stages:

The first stage is organizational and preparatory (2007 - 2008). At this stage, the conceptual apparatus of the study was comprehended, an analysis of literary sources was carried out.

The second stage is substantive and technological (2008 - 2009). During the ascertaining stage of the pedagogical experiment, difficulties in the sensory development of preschoolers with strabismus and amblyopia were identified. The content of the experimental program of pedagogical correction of sensory development by means of arts and crafts, as well as the content of didactic games and exercises focused on the sensory development of preschoolers with strabismus and amblyopia were determined. Their approbation was carried out in the course of the forming experiment.

The third stage - generalizing (2009 - 2011) includes the processing of the material obtained during the experimental study and verification of the effectiveness of the proposed experimental program for the pedagogical correction of the sensory development of preschoolers with strabismus and amblyopia by means of arts and crafts, the design of the materials of the dissertation research.

Research base: Municipal preschool educational institution Child Development Center - kindergarten No. 205 "Mayachok" and the Municipal educational institution " Primary School- kindergarten № 105 "(compensating type) in Nizhny Tagil.

The reliability of the research results is ensured by:

Initial theoretical and methodological approaches based on classical and modern achievements of pedagogical and psychological sciences;

Using a set of methods adequate to the object, subject, purpose and objectives of the research;

Interdependence and consistency of results at the qualitative and quantitative levels;

Processing of research results by methods of mathematical statistics;

The scientific novelty of the research is as follows:

The possibility and expediency of using arts and crafts as a means of pedagogical correction of the sensory development of preschoolers with strabismus and amblyopia in preschool educational institutions for children with visual impairments has been scientifically substantiated;

The content, methods and techniques of sensory development of preschoolers with strabismus and amblyopia have been determined and scientifically substantiated by means of arts and crafts using natural materials.

The theoretical significance of the study is as follows:

The available theoretical information about the features of the pedagogical correction of the sensory development of preschoolers with strabismus and amblyopia has been clarified and supplemented;

Methods and techniques of correction of sensory development, ensuring its effectiveness by means of arts and crafts using natural materials, have been identified.

The practical significance of the research lies in the practical use of the developed experimental program of pedagogical correction of sensory development, didactic games and exercises that provide pedagogical correction of the sensory development of preschoolers with strabismus and amblyopia. The theoretical provisions of the research were used in the preparation of lecture material for students of the Nizhny Tagil State Social and Pedagogical Academy for the courses "Basics of Typhlopedagogy", "Typhlopsychology". Theoretical provisions and practical material can be used in the system of training and advanced training of teaching staff.

The approbation and implementation of the research results was carried out in the form of discussions at meetings of the Department of Special Pedagogy of the Ural State Pedagogical University, as well as the Department of Age Pedagogy and Psychology of the Nizhny Tagil State Social and Pedagogical Academy. The materials of the dissertation research were presented at international, all-Russian, regional scientific and practical conferences.

The following provisions are submitted to the defense:

1. Decorative and applied art is a rational means of pedagogical correction of the sensory development of preschool children with visual impairments and its inclusion in educational preschool process for children with visual impairments provides an increase in the level of sensory development of preschoolers with strabismus and amblyopia.

2. Classes in arts and crafts using natural material for preschoolers with strabismus and amblyopia contribute to: the development of fine motor skills of the hands and eyes in children with visual impairments; optimization of the development of the personal sphere of a child with visual impairments in the course of active artistic activity; rationalization of correctional work, providing polysensory development of preschoolers with visual impairments based on the use of intact analyzers; integration of processes of formation of intellectual and creative abilities, culture of perception of the surrounding world, aesthetic attitude to reality.

3. Individualization of arts and crafts classes improves correctional work on polysensory education and development of preschoolers with visual impairments.

The structure and scope of the thesis. The thesis consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a bibliography including 196 sources, eight appendices. The thesis contains 4 tables, 10 figures.

Conclusion of the thesis on the topic "Correctional pedagogy (surdopedagogy and typhlopedagogy, oligophrenopedagogy and speech therapy)", Germanovich, Olga Evgenievna

The conclusions of our dissertation research do not claim to be an exhaustive solution to this problem. Further development and study can be associated with the search for new psychological and pedagogical conditions, techniques and means of sensory development of preschoolers with visual impairments, the development of diagnostic techniques to study the level of sensory development of preschool children with strabismus and amblyopia.


The problem of pedagogical correction of the sensory development of preschoolers is very urgent. However, as the analysis of literary sources has shown, some aspects of this problem have not yet been covered by the attention of researchers. Thus, the problem of pedagogical correction of the sensory development of preschoolers with strabismus and amblyopia by means of arts and crafts using natural materials was not specially considered. Meanwhile, the relevance of this problem is determined by the needs of the practice of teaching and upbringing of preschool children, which requires scientific substantiation and development of a system of correctional and pedagogical work with children of this category.

The results of the ascertaining experiment indicate significant difficulties in preschoolers with strabismus and amblyopia in mastering sensory standards, which is explained by visual impairments. The monocular nature of vision in children of this category limits the completeness and worsens the quality of perception of visual information, as a result, many properties of the surrounding reality are perceived as distorted or not perceived at all.

The presence and interaction of all of the above factors significantly reduce the ability of preschoolers with strabismus and amblyopia to accumulate sensory and practical experience, which is the basis for sensory development.

As the analysis of the data of the ascertaining experiment has shown, preschoolers with strabismus and amblyopia do not have a complete picture of ideas about the various properties of objects in the surrounding reality; only ideas about the form of the simplest planar objects and geometric shapes, as well as basic colors, differ the most. In situations involving the analysis of the shape of more complex objects and shades of color, as well as their sign of size, preschoolers encountered significant difficulties.

The peculiarity of the sensory development of preschoolers with strabismus and amblyopia and the difficulties that arise in them in the perception of sensory standards, determined the content and means of the experimental program of pedagogical correction to eliminate these shortcomings.

The experimental program for the pedagogical correction of sensory development was based on DPI classes using natural material.

An important condition for correctional and pedagogical work was the organization of systematic exercise of preschoolers in the perception of sensory standards. This was facilitated by special didactic games and exercises using natural materials.

The control experiment, organized at the end of the training, confirmed high efficiency our proposed experimental program of sensory development by means of DPI. As a result of the carried out correctional and pedagogical work, the level of sensory development in preschool children with strabismus and amblyopia increased significantly, which was confirmed by the results of experimental data processing.

Children's ideas about sensory standards of color, shape and size have become more meaningful, filled with specific content, acquired a mobile and dynamic character. The knowledge of sensory standards mastered by children was adequately reflected and applied in visual and constructive activity; preschoolers with strabismus and amblyopia were also capable of transferring the acquired knowledge and methods of action to new conditions (for example, into play, object-oriented activity, etc.).

All of the above indicates significant potential opportunities preschoolers with visual impairments in mastering ideas about sensory standards, and also convinces of the need to organize correctional and pedagogical work with children of this category with the inclusion of arts and crafts classes in the educational process of the preschool educational institution.

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Tatiana Pleshakova
Innovative teaching experience"Sensory development of young children with the use of didactic games"

Innovative teaching experience teacher Pleshakova T.M.

theme teaching experience

« Sensory development of young children using didactic games».

The purpose of the study is to identify, theoretically substantiate and experimentally test the effect of didactic games for the development of sensory standards... V experience contradictions are recognized, comprehended, an urgent problem is formed.

Justification of the relevance and prospects experience... Its significance for the improvement of the educational process.

Relevance of my experience is that in recent years

preschoolers have cognitive impairments,

deficiencies and peculiarities of perception, sensations and

representations that make up the area sensory education... Children are much

later they begin to pay attention to the color and shape of objects in

environment, have difficulty remembering names, poor

differentiate objects. All this suggests that with children it is necessary

carry out special work on development of sensory processes... it

a long and complex process that lasts not only in preschool, but also in school age... As a result, accumulate impressions: color,

sound, tactile, which represent the foundation on

which further builds interest in the harmony of color, sound, plastic


The relevance of my work is to broaden the horizons of each child based on the immediate environment, to create conditions for development independent cognitive activity.

Playful form of education - leading activity at the stage early childhood. Didactic game , occupies the most important, leading place in teaching small children. Didactic games and activities are very important for the mental education of young children... During classes, the child develops important qualities necessary for a successful mental development... Relying on the ability and inclination of the little ones children to imitate, I encourage you to reproduce the actions shown, the spoken words. Development concentration and the ability to imitate - a necessary condition for the assimilation of information and skills by children. This is one of the important tasks that is solved during classes using didactic games.

One of the effective means sensory development in young children is creative activity, labor activity, observation of nature, use didactic games - game tasks aimed directly at development of sensory abilities(distinguishing between shape, color, volume, etc.). Didactic games are nothing more than playful learning. Learning in the form of a game is based on one of the laws play activities the child - on his desire to enter an imaginary situation, to act according to the motives dictated by the game situation.


Analysis of theoretical data showed that insufficiently identified

pedagogical conditions ensuring the efficiency of use didactic sensory

color standards children junior preschool age... The contradiction lies between the task of forming ideas about

sensory standards of color in preschool children and not enough

identified pedagogical conditions ensuring the success of its solution. Hence the problem arises - what conditions need to be created for effective use didactic games as a means of forming ideas about touch color references.

Conditions for the formation of a leading idea experience, conditions for the emergence, formation experience.

Leading pedagogical idea of ​​experience is to create conditions for sensory development of preschool children.

In each age before sensory education has its own tasks, a certain link is formed sensory culture... Thus, it is possible to distinguish in the period early childhood the following tasks in sensory education for children 2-3 years old:

Learn to highlight a color

Size as special features of objects,

Accumulate ideas about the main varieties of color and shape and about the relationship between two objects in size

In work on sensory development of preschool children all types of educational and play activities are included, as well as regime moments. However, in classes based on the direct teaching influence of an adult, in work, in Everyday life all tasks cannot be completed sensory education; must play an important role didactic games... Specially organized didactic Games are a good complement to generalized concepts in class and help build ideas about color, shape, and size. This is their developmental role.

The novelty of my pedagogical idea is that the formation sensory culture should not be carried out periodically, but systematically and in stages.

Theoretical basis experience.

Problem sensory education originated in the 17th century. Then this problem was dealt with by Jan Amos Kamensky. He wrote a book "Great didactics» , in which he first formulated didactic principles that have not lost their meaning to the present time:

Visibility in teaching;

Gradual and sequential learning;

The principle of imitation and the principle of exercise.

In the 19th century, the problem sensory Friedrich Fröbel, the creator of the first kindergartens, was involved in upbringing. F. Frebel created the famous "gifts"- a guide for development building skills in the unity of spatial relationships, closely related development a child with a variety of activities.

Huge contribution to theory sensory parenting contributed by Maria Montessori (1870-1952) ... She has developed a series of exercises to help development tactile and thermal feeling.

In the 20th century, a problem sensory preschool education were engaged:

N. Poddyakov, T. S. Komarova, L. Zhurova, V. Avanesova.

However, today there is a need for research sensory upbringing of a preschooler.

In my work, I use:

Buyanova R. Sensory development of children // Social work... - No. 12. - 2006, S. 34-39.

Vazhova S. A. Sensory education in younger group// Educator

DOU 2008 No. 11 S. 51-59.

Vartan V.P. Sensory development of preschoolers... - Minsk: BrGU, 2007, 322s.

Wenger L.A. Didactic games and exercises for sensory education of preschoolers. - M., 2009, 178s.

Kovaleva L.A. developing Wednesday in the nursery // Educator

DOU 2008 No. 1 P. 24-28.

Technology experience... The system of specific pedagogical action, content, methods, methods of education and training.

Acquisition of the circle by children sensory ideas about color standards does not mean that they will use knowledge independently in practice. Role didactic games in this case consists in expanding the practice of using standards, in expanding practical orientations. Here the function didactic games are not educational, but aimed at using existing knowledge.

Didactic games can perform another function - monitoring the state sensory development of children.

Games can be incorporated into almost any activity. It is advisable to accompany them with riddles, nursery rhymes, poems - this helps to emotionally perceive and understand game images, to understand their aesthetic nature, contributes development of imaginative thinking, imagination. Management didactic games depending on age of children carried out in different ways.

Methodology didactic games in the younger group.

1. Have young children excitement prevails over inhibition, clarity acts more strongly than a word, therefore it is more expedient to combine the explanation of the rules with the demonstration of the game action. If there are several rules in the game, then you should not communicate them at once.

2. Games must be conducted in such a way that they create a cheerful, joyful mood at children.

3. Teach children play without interfering with each other, gradually lead to the ability to play in small groups and realize that it is more interesting to play together.

4.With the younger children age the teacher needs to get involved in the game himself. First you need to attract children play didactic material(turrets, eggs)... Disassemble and assemble them with the children. Arouse interest in didactic material, teach them to play with it.

5. For children of this age the prevalence of sensory knowledge of the surrounding world is characteristic. Taking this into account, the teacher selects such material (toys that can be examined and actively act with him.

6. Games known to children become more interesting if something new and more complex is introduced into their content, requiring active mental work. Therefore, it is recommended to repeat the games in different options with their gradual complication.

7. When explaining the rules of the game, the educator must turn his gaze to one or the other playing, so that everyone thinks that they are being told about the game.

8. To make the game more successful, the teacher prepares children for the game: be sure to introduce them to the objects that will be used, their properties, images in the pictures before the game.

9. Summing up the game with children of primary preschool age, the teacher notes only positive parties: played together, learned how to do (indicates specifically what, removed the toys in place.

10. Interest in the game increases if the teacher invites children to play with the toys that were used during the game (if it is dishes, then play kindergarten, cook, etc.) .

To solve problems sensory education using a variety of methods.

1. Inspection of objects. For example: apple red, round, large,

sweet, aromatic.

2. Method sensory development motivation survey. For example: "Why

do you need to check the soil of the plants with your finger before watering? " If the earth

dry it must be watered; if the ground is solid, it must be loosened to breathe

earth and water passed better.

3. The method of verbal designation of all the qualities of an object. Educator

together with the children, pronounces all the properties of an object or object when

examination. For example, Apple: shape - round, color - yellow, taste -

sweet, fragrant to the smell, smooth to the touch.

4. Comparison method. For example: compare the square and the circle using the method

overlay. Circle - round, roll, no corners. Square - there are corners, everything

the sides are equal, the angles are the same.

5. Exercise method, ie multiple repetition. For example, find all

round, red items and place them on the red rug.

For sensory parenting the necessary conditions:

1. Various meaningful children's activities.

2. Rich in subject matter - developing environment(corner equipment).

3. Systematic guidance sensory development of children, as a result

which children must know all the standards of the system, be able to examine.

4. Special role in Sensory parenting belongs to nature.

For example, in the forest, in the park, children learn to distinguish the color of the autumn foliage: at

birch it is lemon-colored, oak - brown, aspen - red or

lilac. The picture of the autumn forest, the flogging is perceived brighter if

leaves; teaches to identify the smell of mushrooms, rotten greenery.

Thus, the more sense organs are involved in cognition, the more

more signs and properties are distinguished by a child in an object, phenomenon, and

therefore, the richer his ideas, knowledge, skills and

skills. This contributes to the full child development.

Performance analysis.

Our kids are in kindergarten all day, they grow up, develop, actively communicate with each other and with the things around them, learn the world through physical interaction with objects and people. Therefore, we try to organize life children in the group so so that they feel the comfort, love of adults and they have a need for knowledge. For this, the group created developing environment which promotes early brain development... With its brightness, novelty, uniqueness, our "habitat" encourages children explore it, act in it, develops initiative and creativity. It took a lot of effort, unusual finds to create subject-specific developing environment, which would ensure the accumulation of children of sensory experience.

Special attention for development visual perception turns to the aesthetic side didactic material... During the games and in the selection of the subject environment, not only visual representations were formed, but also tactile ones. In order to know any subject, we prompted children carry out a series of targeted actions to survey: children squeezed, stroked, ran a finger along the contour, that is, used sensory motor movements. Evolved hand and when carrying out actions for inserting, taking out, sticking objects. It is finger games and games on development of fine motor skills of hands, work with mosaics, painting with paints were planned by us every week.

In everyday life, for independent activity, children are offered reinforcement games colors: "Help the fish", "Collect the droplets", "Collect the beads", "Multi-colored rings", "Color Lotto".

V didactic game"Help the fish" I ask you to help mother fish find their own kids: "Whose kids are these entangled in the seaweed?"- the child did this work on the flannelgraph. I show you how to take red fish kids and lay out a red fish next to their mother. "Baby fish are the same color as the mother fish".

Our children also love outdoor game "Collect the rings"... At first, rings of two colors were scattered (red and yellow, the children ran up, caught them and laid them in boxes in accordance with the color. The game was always held with good activity and emotional uplift. The complication was due to the increase in the number of rings of different colors. If someone from children were wrong, the rest tried to immediately correct, prompt.

Cleaning up the building material was also becoming a wonderful game. Children like to lay out bricks and bricks in their box houses, sort building materials by color.

Our children played games very actively "Big and small toy", "Dress up the dolls"(dolls different sizes and appropriate clothing for them, "Let's collect mushrooms"(large, medium and small, "Feed the bears"(bears and dishes of different sizes, "Collect the pyramid", "Build a turret".

Also, games were selected, the purpose of which is to open a special world of sounds for kids, to make them attractive and meaningful, talking about something important. In these games, toddlers learn to distinguish "Sounding" familiar objects, voices of animals and people.

The game "Who will hear what?"... She put a screen in front of the children and rang a bell, beat the drum, tambourine, played the pipe, etc. The children enjoyed playing these games.

The game "Quietly loudly" developed ability to change strength vote: speak now softly, now loudly. For this, toys of different sizes were selected (large and small dogs, cats and other toys, the sound of which can be imitated).

The sensory performance in the center of water and sand, where children were offered the following games: "Find the ball", "Find the cube"... Children hid objects on their own and happily looked for them. They also played in the center of the water and sand with large and small toys, and sometimes even played games with the children with basins of different colors. Water was poured into basins of different colors. The children let big fish into the green bowl, and small ones into the red bowl. Children compared sand, millet, rice, beans, peas by touch. They noticed that everything (pebbles) children of different sizes, playing with sand, poured it over, made buildings out of it.

I believe that if sensory parenting invest organizing and conducting didactic games then at children the necessary sensory abilities... Problem development of sensory abilities in children junior preschool age is of great interest since sensory development preschooler is the basis for development of thinking, perception.

Thus, the role didactic games and activities in mental education children is undoubted. Didactic games and activities have a certain value in moral education children... They gradually develop the ability to act in the environment of their peers. The first interest in the actions of another child, the joy of common experiences, arises. Advanced teaching experience provides better results with less effort and time. This work gives the completeness, strength of knowledge, the presence of appropriate skills and abilities among the pupils. Positive results last for a long time.

Difficulties and problems when using this experience.

The solution to this pedagogical problems require a certain skill, experience in... Consideration should be given to being young enough children's age, often not all toddler children can speak and pronounce words.

A lot of work and patience when using a differentiated and individual approach in working with children.

Improving and honing techniques, forms and methods pedagogical art.

Reflection of their actions when preparing younger preschoolers to work with sensory standards.

The work I do to shape sensory education in children of the 1st group:

Assisting children in getting to know the basic geometric shapes, remember their names;

Taught children distinguish colors;

Taught children compare objects in size;

Contributed to development tactile and visual perception.

The teaching experience can be useful for preschool teachers, educators additional education, interested parents, for joint homework with children.

Sensory development of early preschool children through didactic play

“The most far-reaching successes

science and technology calculated

not only for the thinking one,

but also a sensing person. "

B.G. Ananiev.

Annotation: This topic was not chosen by chance. It is sensory development that forms the foundation of a child's mental development, is the key to his further successful learning. Cognition begins with the perception of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world. On how the child's perception is developed and how the formation of ideas about the external properties of objects occurs, his cognitive capabilities depend, as well as the further development of activity, speech and higher, logical forms of thinking. In preschool age, cognition of the surrounding world occurs in the game. The main means of sensory education of preschoolers are didactic games, the main task of which is the accumulation of a variety of sensory experience.

Sensory education- this is the development of a child's abilities for sensory cognition of the world: touch, hearing, sight, smell, sense of taste.

The initial stage of cognition of the world is sensory experience, which accumulates most intensively in early childhood. Separate sensations received from the object are summed up in its integral perception. On the basis of sensations and perception, ideas about the properties of objects are formed, it becomes possible to differentiate them, to single out one of the many others, to find similarities and differences between them.

Professor N.M. Schelovanov called early age the "golden time" of sensory education.

The meaning of sensory education is that it:

Is the basis for intellectual development;

Arranges the chaotic ideas of the child, obtained during interaction with the outside world;

Develops observation, imagination, attention;

Prepares for real life;

Influences the development of visual, auditory, motor, figurative and other types of memory.

One of the means of sensory education of preschoolers is didactic play. Such teachers as Z.I. Tikheeva, A.P. Usova, D.V. Mendzheritskaya, A.K. Bondarenko, A.I. Sorokin and others,

Through didactic play, children acquire new knowledge, skills, sensory standards with less stress are formed in them. Children memorize material more easily, master new ways of activity, compare, distinguish, contrast, generalize.

The opportunity to educate children through active, interesting activities for them - that's distinctive feature didactic game.

The child is attracted to the game not by the educational nature, but by the opportunity to be active, to perform game actions, to achieve a result, to win.

Therefore, in direct educational activities with preschool children, on sensory development, the following tasks are posed and solved:

To form the children's ability to navigate in various properties of objects: color (red, yellow, blue, green), size (circle, triangle, square), shape (cube, ball, cone-roof, brick), quantity (many, one), distinguish size: large - small, narrow - wide, high - low, long - short;

Create conditions for the enrichment and accumulation of children's sensory experience during subject-play activity through games with didactic material;

To educate in children the ability not to be distracted from the task at hand, to bring it to completion, to strive to obtain positive result.

These tasks are also addressed in creating a gaming environment.

Kids are in kindergarten all day, they grow, develop, actively communicate with each other and with the things around them, learn the world through physical interaction with objects and people.

Therefore, it is necessary to organize the life of children in a group so that they feel comfort, love of adults and they have a need for knowledge.

It will take a lot of effort, unusual findings to create a subject-developing environment in the group that would ensure the accumulation of sensory experience in children.

The developing subject-spatial environment provides an opportunity for children and adults to work together, is rich in content, transformable, multifunctional, variable, accessible and safe and serves the interests and needs of the child.

When creating a subject-spatial environment in your group, you need to take into account the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, displaying it in all centers of the group, try to make it diverse, bright, informatively rich, in order to speed up and facilitate the period of children's stay in kindergarten, create an emotionally positive atmosphere in group, to facilitate the individual harmonious development of the child.

The Center for Sensory Development is one of the favorite centers for children. It should contain didactic games aimed at developing sensory perception, fine motor skills, and imagination.

In the process of creating a sensory zone, it is necessary to give preference not to the purchase of ready-made materials, but to games made by hand. In didactic games, strive to interest children through vivid image subjects, surprise moments, emotional speech of educators.

All work should be done in conjunction with the parents. Parents are the first assistants in the work of an educator. For you, you can organize consultations, seminars - workshops, where parents can be introduced to the methods of familiarizing children with sensory standards.

All work should be aimed at parenting interest. A lot of manuals, games, simulators can be made only with the help of parents.

Organization of games

Work with children is carried out mainly individually or in a subgroup of 2-3 children.

The selection of games is varied depending on:

Purpose of the game

Game name

Games for the development of visual perception (color, shape, size)

"Big and small"

"Find the same ..."

"Let's decorate a handkerchief"

"Colored mittens"

"Let's hide in the house"

"Find the same ..."

Auditory comprehension games

"Knock - we'll rattle"

"Who is shouting how?"

"Where is the ringing?"

Games for developing tactile and tactile perception

"Wonderful bag"

"Identify by touch"

"Know the figure"


Games for the development of fine motor skills

"Feed the Chicken"

"Beads for a doll"

"Colored mosaic"


"Get the ring out"

"Business board" - a development board that includes various types of fasteners (buttons, buttons, Velcro, hooks, zippers).

Games for the development of olfactory perception

"Guess what it is?"

"What smells?"

"Vegetables and fruits"

"Scented boxes"

The group should collect a lot of material for the development of tactile sensations. nessesary to use a large number of natural material: cones, acorns, beans, peas and more.

Playing with cereals of different sizes, touching and pouring it, children develop tactile perception, they get good massage... To do this, you need to pour millet, beans into the basin, place objects of various shapes and sizes in it, offer to find the object by touch.

The sense of taste and smell develops during eating, when children smell smells directly, and also with the help of jars with different smells.

For the development of hearing - sounding objects, noisy jars with various fillers, bells.

For the development of vision - colored plates, sorting beads by color, balls, and so on.

The most important thing is for every child to have a feeling of their importance and necessity.

By drawing the attention of children to sensory didactic play, children develop such qualities as interest and curiosity. They develop activity, restraint, purposefulness, and the achievement of a result causes a feeling of joy and good mood. This joy is the key to the successful development of children and has great importance for further education.


1. Novoselova, L.S. Didactic games and activities with young children / A guide for a kindergarten teacher. - 4s.

2. Yanushko, E.A. Sensory development in young children. - 3s.

3. Babaeva T.I., Krulekht M.V., Mikhailova Z.A. Younger preschooler in kindergarten. - SPb: CHILDHOOD-PRESS, 2007.

4. Zvorygina E.V., Karpinskaya N.S. Didactic games and activities for young children. - M .: Education, 1985.

5. Vartan V.P. Sensory development of preschoolers. - Minsk: BrGU, 2007, 322 p.


Chapter 1. Theoretical views on the content and methods of sensory education in preschool age

1.1 Psychophysiological foundations of sensory education

1.2 Age features of sensory development

1.3 The essence and principles of sensory education

1.4 Objectives and content of sensory education in preschool age

1.4 Sensory education methodology

CHAPTER 2. Study of the level of sensory development of preschool children in groups of different directions

2.1 Characteristics of the base, sample and research methods

2.2 Research results

Bibliographic list



Preschool age is the age when sensory processes take shape and develop. Direct sensory perception of the environment is the basis of ideas. The nature of these representations, their accuracy, distinctness, completeness depend on the degree of development of those sensory processes that provide a reflection of reality, that is, on the development of sensations and perceptions. Special meaning sensory cognition has in preschool childhood. 9/10 of the accumulated mental baggage of children of preschool and primary school age are sensory impressions.

Logical knowledge, in which the leading role belongs to thinking and speech, grows out of sensory experience, reflects it and is formed on its basis. Even the mastery of speech also has sensory foundations: the isolation of speech as a special stimulus, the differentiation of the intonation of words, sounds are provided by auditory and kinesthetic perceptions.

A child's readiness for schooling depends to a large extent on his sensory development. Studies carried out by Soviet psychologists have shown that a significant part of the difficulties faced by children during primary education(especially in the first grade), is associated with insufficient accuracy and flexibility of perception. As a result, there are distortions in the writing of letters, in the construction of the drawing, inaccuracies in the manufacture of crafts in the classroom manual labor... It happens that a child cannot reproduce movement patterns in physical education classes.

But it's not just that a low level of sensory development dramatically reduces a child's ability to learn successfully. It is equally important to keep in mind the importance of a high level of such development for human activity in general, especially for creative activity. The most important place in the series of abilities that ensure the success of a musician, artist, architect, writer, designer, is occupied by sensory abilities, which allow with special depth, clarity and accuracy to capture and convey the subtlest nuances of form, color, sound and other external properties of objects and phenomena. And the origins of sensory abilities lie in the general level of sensory development achieved during early childhood.

Therefore, sensory development is a prerequisite for the successful mastery of any practical activity. In modern pedagogy, sensory education is considered as the basis for the mental, aesthetic, physical, labor education of a child. The importance of the child's sensory development for his future life puts forward before the theory and practice of preschool education the task of developing and using the most effective means and methods of sensory education in kindergarten. The main thrust of sensory education should be to equip the child with sensory culture.

In the history of preschool pedagogy, at all stages of its development, the problem of sensory education occupied one of the central places. There are various systems of sensory education developed by teachers of the past: F. Frebel, M. Montessori, O. Decroli, E. I. Tikheeva and others. Numerous studies of the features and patterns of perceptual development of children, carried out by Z.M. To god Slavskoy, L.S. Venger, A.V. Zaporozhets, V.P. Zinchenko, A.A. Kataeva, N.N. Poddyakov, A.P. Usova put forward the problem of sensory-perceptual development of children to a priority place.

Purpose of the work: studying the content and methods of sensory education of preschoolers.

The object of the research is the sensory education of the preschooler.

The subject of the research is the content and methodology of sensory education.

Achieving this goal involves solving the following tasks:

To study theoretical views on the essence and psychological foundations of sensory processes;

To generalize and systematize the ideas of modern pedagogy about the features of sensory development in preschool age

Study the theoretical and methodological literature on the implementation of the principles of sensory education in a preschool institution;

To investigate and conduct a comparative analysis of the level of sensory development of preschoolers attending the groups of traditional and sensory education;

Research hypothesis: the level of sensory development of a preschooler affects the level of intelligence, thinking, memory.

The Svetlogorsk preschool institution No. 10 "Petushok" became the empirical base of research, where education is based on the national system of preschool education (the Praleska program), and in which there are groups engaged in the method of alternative preschool pedagogy by Maria Montessori.

Research methods: analysis of theoretical literature, analysis and synthesis of theoretical and methodological materials, systematization and classification, observation, experiment (diagnostic examination), the method of qualitative and quantitative analysis of the data obtained.

The work consists of an introduction (in which the relevance of the research is considered, the goal and objectives are formulated, the object and subject of research are determined), two chapters (the first chapter is devoted to theoretical approaches to understanding sensory processes, principles of sensory pedagogy, principles of content selection and methodology for the development of sensory processes; the second chapter is devoted to an empirical study of the level of sensory development of preschoolers in various conditions of education and training), recommendations, conclusions and applications. The list of sources used includes 31 items.

Chapter 1. Theoretical views on the content and methods of sensory education in preschool age

1 Psychophysiological foundations of sensory education

Cognition begins with the perception of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world. All other forms of cognition - memorization, thinking, imagination - are built on the basis of images of perception, are the result of their processing. Therefore, normal mental development is impossible without relying on full-fledged perception. Sensory development, on the one hand, constitutes the foundation of the general mental development of the child, on the other hand, it has an independent meaning, since full-fledged perception is also necessary for the successful education of a child in kindergarten, at school, and for many types of work.

Sensory education in pedagogy is understood as a system of pedagogical influences aimed at the formation of methods of sensory cognition and the improvement of sensations and perceptions. Sensory development of a child is the development of his perception and the formation of ideas about the external properties of objects: their shape, color, size, position in space, as well as smell, taste, etc.

The importance of sensory development in early and preschool childhood can hardly be overestimated. It is this age that is most favorable for improving the activity of the sense organs, accumulating ideas about the world around us. Outstanding foreign scientists in the field of preschool pedagogy (F. Frebel, M. Montessori, O. Decroli), as well as famous representatives of domestic preschool pedagogy and psychology (E.I. Tikheeva, A.V. Zaporozhets, A.P. Usova, N. Sakulina et al.) Rightly believed that sensory education aimed at ensuring full-fledged sensory development is one of the main aspects of preschool education.

First position. Perception development is a long-term path for a child to master sensory actions. During the primary differentiation of objects, the child of the first half of his life still does not distinguish the features of objects. And only with the development and improvement of various survey actions, the formation of complex adequate images is carried out, that is, subject perception is carried out.

Second position. The development of perception in a child is the process of assimilating social sensory experience, the formation, under the influence of adults, of new, previously non-existent sensory abilities.

First of all, the child masters the system of perceptual actions, enshrined by humanity as methods that ensure adequate cognition of the environment. The child's perception expands, improves as he masters new perceptual actions. Each new perceptual action mastered by the child makes it possible to discover new properties and qualities in objects. At first, the perceptual action has an expanded character, pronounced and observable. And then, as sensory experience accumulates, perceptual actions are curtailed, some of them gradually pass into the visual plane, although with difficulties in perception, they can again acquire an expanded character.

Third position. The development of perception occurs in the process of meaningful activities: in the first year of life, it is associated with the child's objective activity, and later - with more complex activities: visual, constructive, labor, play, educational. The development of various types of activity, their improvement also ensures sensory development: the formation of various systems of survey actions, the development of a variety of standards.

Each person in the process of his development masters the systems of standards and learns to use them as measures of quality for the analysis of the perceived surrounding reality and for the systematization of his sensory experience. Of great importance in sensory education is the formation of ideas about sensory standards in children. The assimilation of sensory standards is a long and complex process that is not limited to the framework of preschool childhood. To master the sensory standard, it is necessary to have clear ideas about the varieties of each property and, most importantly, to be able to use such representations to analyze and highlight the properties of a wide variety of objects in the most different situations.

The process of mastering sensory standards begins in early childhood and continues throughout preschool childhood, going beyond it. The mastering of the reference values ​​of qualities goes through three periods, which reflect the child's ability to systematize the ideas he receives about the properties of objects.

The first period lasts until the beginning of the third year of life. This is the period of sensorimotor pre-standards, when the child displays only individual features of objects that are essential for direct motor adaptation - some features of the shape, size of objects, distance, etc.

The second period lasts on average up to five years. The child uses object pre-standards, the images of the properties of objects are related to certain objects.

The third period - from five years and older - on the basis of the accumulation of diverse experience, its generalization under the guidance of an adult, the properties of objects themselves, in isolation from a specific object, begin to acquire a reference value for the child. During this period, the child already correlates the qualities of objects, objects with the mastered generally accepted standards: green grass, an apple like a ball, the roof of the house is triangular, a wooden stick and pencil, and so on.

The mastery of systems of perceptual (survey) actions occurs in close relationship with the formation of systems of standards. On the one hand, perceptual actions provide the selection of various properties, which are then generalized and acquire a reference value. On the other hand, mastering standards restructures perceptual actions, makes them more generalized, reduced and purposeful. This assimilation of socially developed standards and the mastery of perceptual actions changes the nature of perception: the child gets the opportunity to see the known in the unfamiliar, gets the opportunity to independently generalized knowledge of the environment, the formation of dismembered and complete ideas. Thus, the principle of consistency in the development of the child is realized.

The psychological and psychophysiological foundations of sensory education determine the tasks, content, conditions, methods, techniques of sensory education for preschool children, however, it is also of great importance to take into account the stages of development of a preschooler in the organization, determine the content, forms and methods of sensory education. The next block of our work is devoted to the problem of stages in the sensory development of a child.

2 Age features of sensory development

A necessary condition for the mental development of a child is the maturation of the child's body, his nervous system (L.A. Vatazhina, I.I. Zelinger, etc.).

For the development of perception, the maturation of analyzers (primarily visual, auditory) is of particular importance. However, these organic conditions create only opportunities, prerequisites for the development of perception.

Studies of domestic and foreign scientists have shown the presence of a number of reflex reactions in newborn children, indicating the readiness of the analyzers to receive external influences. In a number of works by domestic and foreign psychologists and physiologists (M.P.Denisova and K.L. Figurin, A.I. Bronstein and E.P. Petrov, N.I. Kasatkin and A.I. Levikov, etc.) the important role of increasing tactile sensitivity, auditory analysis in the development of perception.

The development of the adaptive mechanisms of the child's sensory-perceptual sphere in the first year of life is divided by 4 age period , :

First period (from birth to the end of the first month). The most important acquisitions: the appearance of a tracking movement of the gaze (a few hours after birth); the appearance of convergence (on the 2nd - 3rd week); visual focus (in the 3rd - 4th week); increasing the distance from which the child can follow a moving object; auditory concentration (in the 2nd - 3rd week).

Second period (from one to three months). The visual reaction begins to play a leading role. Irritants attributed to other receptor systems - hearing and touch - in three month old baby cause a visual reaction (turning the head at the sound of a voice and looking speaking person; moving your gaze to a toy accidentally touched by your hand).

Third period (three to six months). This is the period of active development of the hand as an organ of action and an organ of cognition (G.L. Rosengart-Pupko and others). Initially, the palpating movements of their hands appear, and then - the movement of the hand on the object. By the end of the sixth month, there is an important change in the relationship between visual perception and hand movement. Visual perception triggers hand movements and regulates their flow in terms of direction and shape. In the same period, it becomes possible to obtain stable differentiations of light and sound stimuli.

Fourth period (from six to twelve months). The main neoplasm is the binding of movements in a certain sequence under the control of the perceiving organ and the formation of motor systems. Reproduction of the presented sample appears, simulation of external influence.

Thus, the general significance of the first months of life for the sensory development of a child lies mainly in preparing analyzers for the objective perception of the external world, in adapting their work to the peculiarities of external influences.

Studies of the development of children in the second or third year of life show that the development of the sensory functions of a child of this age is determined by objective activity (Sh.A. Abdullaeva, S.L. Novoselova, N.M. Shchelovanov, etc.). At the same time, the external properties of the object cease to determine the action; on the one hand, they make it possible to recognize the object, and on the other, they must be taken into account when performing the objective action. The main line of sensory development of children in the second or third year of life is the formation of the perception of relationships between objects according to their external properties in the course of mastering practical activities.

Understanding the mechanisms underlying sensory development will make it possible to formulate the basic principles of organizing sensory education in a preschool institution.

3 The essence and principles of sensory education

One of the tasks of preschool education is the sensory development of children, who at this particular age are most susceptible to the world around them, “tuned in” to cognition of the phenomena of reality, objects, and their external properties.

In the psychological and pedagogical dictionary, sensory education (from Latin sensus - feeling) is interpreted as purposeful development and improvement of sensory processes (sensations, perceptions, representations). Sensory processes represent the first stage of cognition, form the area of ​​sensory cognition, therefore sensory education is often the initial link in mental education. In the process of sensory education, the transition from sensory to rational cognition, from perception to thinking is prepared, the basis for subsequent intellectual activity is formed. At the same time, the development of sensory processes plays an essential role in improving the child's practical activity.

The period of preschool childhood is a period of intensive sensory development of the child - the improvement of his orientation in the external properties and relationships of objects and phenomena, in space and time. Perceiving objects and acting with them, the child begins to more and more accurately assess their color, shape, size, weight, temperature, surface properties, etc. When perceiving music, he learns to follow the melody, to distinguish the proportions of sounds in pitch, to catch the rhythmic pattern, when perceiving speech - to hear the subtlest differences in the pronunciation of similar sounds.

The ability of children to determine the direction in space, the mutual arrangement of objects, the sequence of events and the intervals of time separating them are significantly improved.

The importance of sensory education was well understood by prominent representatives of preschool pedagogy: F. Frebel, M. Montessori, O. Decroli, E.I. Tikheeva, L.A. Wenger, N.N. Poddyakov and others,,,,,.

The sensory education system was developed on the basis of the following principles of modern didactics:

Enrichment and deepening of the content of sensory education, which implies the formation of a broad orientation in the subject environment in children from an early age.

The combination of teaching sensory actions with various types of meaningful activities of children, which provides deepening and concretization of pedagogical work, avoids formal didactic exercises. Thus, the improvement of sensory education should be aimed at clarifying the meaning of the properties of objects and phenomena or clarifying their "signal value".

Communication to children of generalized knowledge and skills related to orientation in the surrounding reality.

Formation of systematized ideas about the properties and qualities, which are the basis - the standards of examination of any subject, i.e. the child should correlate the information received with the knowledge and experience he already has.

Sensory development of a preschooler includes two interrelated aspects, which in turn act as the tasks of sensory education:

to ensure the accumulation and assimilation of ideas about the various properties and relationships of objects and phenomena;

create conditions for mastering new actions of perception, allowing you to more fully and voluminously perceive the world.

The main task of sensory education, therefore, is to form in children such skills to perceive and represent objects and phenomena that would contribute to the improvement of the processes of drawing, construction, sound analysis of words, labor in nature, artistic and musical creativity, etc. ...

The role of the educator mainly consists in revealing to children those aspects of phenomena that may go unnoticed, in developing children's attitudes towards these phenomena. Thus, sensory education must be carried out in close connection with a variety of activities.

The principles of organizing sensory education in a preschool institution, formulated on the basis of theoretical and methodological developments of modern didactics, determine the content of sensory education, which will be discussed in the next block of our work.

4 Objectives and content of sensory education in preschool age

The content of sensory education is a range of properties and qualities, relationships between objects and phenomena that must be mastered by a preschool child. This volume is determined, on the one hand, by the variety of features of the world around the child, and on the other hand, by the variety of activities that begin to take shape in preschool age and have different sensory bases. The content of sensory education includes a wide range of signs and properties of objects that a child must comprehend during preschool childhood.

In sensory education, a traditional content has developed,,. This is an acquaintance with color, size, shape, taste, smell, texture, weight, sound of objects of the surrounding world, with orientation in space. At the same time, the task is to increase the sensitivity of the corresponding analyzers (the development of tactile, visual, olfactory, auditory and other sensitivity), which manifests itself in distinguishing the signs and properties of objects. In the domestic system of sensory education, the traditional content is expanded and supplemented by the inclusion of orientation in time, the development of speech and musical ear.

Orientation in time assumes that the child learns about the parts of the day, days of the week, months, year, and the fluidity of time.

Speech (phonemic) hearing is the ability to perceive the sounds of speech, to differentiate and generalize them in words as meaning-distinguishing units. With the development of phonemic hearing, the mastery of the norms of sound pronunciation is associated. The level of development of phonemic hearing is manifested when teaching a child to read and write, when he is faced with the task of sound analysis of a word. This means that he must move away from the meaning of the word, its meaning and work with the word as a sound complex, that is, a formal unit.

Sensory education includes the formation of perception of form, size, spatial relationships between objects, color, as well as musical hearing, improving the sound analysis of speech, etc.

At each age, sensory education has its own tasks, a certain link of sensory culture is formed.

In the first year of life, the main task is to provide the child with sufficient wealth and variety of external impressions, to develop attention to the properties of objects. When grasping movements begin to form in the baby, another task is added to this task - it is necessary to help the child adapt the grasping movements to the shape of the object, its size and position in space. Gradually, such an adaptation will lead to the fact that these properties begin to acquire a certain value for the baby.

Sensory education during this period is the main type of education in general. Providing an influx of more and more impressions, it becomes necessary not only for the development of the activity of the sense organs, but also for the normal general physical and mental development of the child.

In the second or third year of life, the tasks of sensory education become significantly more complicated. Although a young child is not yet ready to assimilate sensory standards, ideas about color, shape, size and other properties of objects begin to accumulate in him. It is important that these ideas are sufficiently varied. This means that the child should be introduced to all the basic types of properties.

In the practice of preschool education, there is still an outdated tendency to acquaint young children with two or three colors and shapes and to demand that children remember and correctly use their names. Modern research suggests that such learning contributes little to the child's sensory development, sharply limiting the range of ideas he receives about the properties of objects. Moreover, memorizing certain types of properties leads to the fact that children stop paying attention to other types of them.

Introducing children to the various properties of objects, one should not strive to memorize and use their names. The main thing is that the child knows how to take into account the properties of objects while acting with them. An adult, dealing with children, uses the names of shapes and colors, but does not require this from the pupils. It is enough for children to learn to correctly understand the words: "shape", "color", "the same."

Children of the third year of life can already perform elementary productive actions (laying out a mosaic, applying color spots, folding the simplest objects from building material). But at the same time, they take little into account the properties of the displayed things and the material used, since they do not understand their meaning and do not fix attention on them. Therefore, teaching kids to perform the simplest productive tasks, it is necessary to ensure that each child learns that the shape, size, color are constant signs of objects that must be taken into account when performing a variety of actions. By the age of three, the preparatory stage of the child's sensory education is completed, and then the organization of the systematic assimilation of sensory culture by him begins.

Starting from the age of 3, the main place in the sensory education of children is occupied by familiarizing them with generally accepted sensory standards and ways of using them.

Spectrum colors and achromatic colors serve as sensory standards in the field of color perception. Initially, children are taught about chromatic colors, white and black, and conditions are created to facilitate the assimilation of the names of colors. At first, it is advisable, as in early childhood, to introduce not seven, but six color tones, excluding blue, which is difficult to assimilate.

Geometric shapes serve as standards of form. Acquaintance with them in the framework of sensory education differs from the study of these figures in the process of forming elementary mathematical concepts. The assimilation of the standards of form presupposes acquaintance with the square, rectangle, circle, oval, triangle. Later, a trapezoid shape can also be introduced. However, in all cases, this means the ability to recognize the corresponding form, name it and act with it, and not analyze it (indicate the number and size of angles, sides, etc.). The rectangle and the square, the oval and the circle are given to children as separate figures outside their relationship established by geometry.

Of great importance is the question of the advisability of using planar and volumetric geometric figures as standards for teaching children. Plane figures are more generalized than three-dimensional ones. They reflect the most important side of the object's form for perception - its contour and can be used as samples in the perception of the shape and volumetric and planar objects. This gives reason to use in the process of sensory education as standards of form, it is plane figures. The introduction along with them volumetric figures may cause additional difficulties.

Measurement standards are of a special nature. Since magnitude is a relative property, its precise definition is produced using conditional measures. The difference between these measures and geometric shapes consists precisely in their convention. The assimilation of the system of measures and the methods of their use is a special task that requires a certain mathematical preparation and is not included in the preschool curriculum.

Let's move on to the issue of familiarizing children with sensory reference systems. First, preschoolers are introduced to the main samples, and later - to their varieties. It is important that the educator, showing and naming them, offers children tasks aimed at comparing different standards with each other, selecting the same ones, fixing each standard in memory. At the moment of actions with standards, preschoolers need to remember and use their names. This reinforces the ideas about each standard and makes it possible to perform actions according to verbal instructions.

Preschoolers are taught to group objects that differ in shape, size, purpose, but have the same color. Next, they develop the ability to group objects that have the same color, represented by different shades. After that, the transition to the selection and recognition of shades is carried out.

More difficult is teaching children to examine the shape of objects. When examining an object, children are taught to observe a strict sequence of examination according to a certain scheme. The verbal description of the form must also correspond to this order. At all stages of teaching the actions of examining the form, the method of drawing children around the contour of an object and its parts can be used. It helps in comparing the outlined shape with the learned standards.

When comparing objects in size, the development of the eye occurs. To improve the eye, it is necessary to teach children how to solve more and more complex eye problems. A simple visual task available to children of three years old is choosing by eye a larger (or smaller) object out of two, then choosing an object according to a model (when out of two objects you need to choose by eye the one that is equal to the third). It is even more difficult to make a visual "addition" - to pick up by eye two objects, which in their total size are equal to the third. Finally, during preschool age, children can learn to measure by eye not only the sizes of individual objects, but also the relationship between them, that is, to master the visual assessment of proportions.

In the process of teaching children how to examine the size of objects, it is useful to teach them to use the simplest measure, which acts as an intermediate means in the transition from the application of comparable objects to each other to eye action. Mastering actions with a yardstick leads children to the subsequent application of the generally accepted system of measures.

Thus, we can highlight the main tasks in the sensory education of children from birth to 6 years old.

In the first year of life, this is the enrichment of the child with impressions. Conditions should be created for the baby so that he can follow moving bright toys, grab objects of different shapes and sizes.

In the second or third year of life, children must learn to highlight color, shape and size as special features of objects, to accumulate ideas about the main varieties of color and shape and about the relationship between two objects in size.

Beginning with fourth year life in children is formed by sensory standards: stable, speech-based ideas about colors, geometric shapes and relationships in size between several objects. Later, you should acquaint them with shades of color, with options for geometric shapes and with the magnitude relationships that arise between the elements of a series consisting of a larger number of objects.

Simultaneously with the formation of standards, it is necessary to teach children the methods of examining objects: their grouping by color and shape around the standard samples, sequential examination and description of the shape, and the implementation of more and more complex eye-measuring actions.

Finally, as a special task is the need to develop children's analytical perception: the ability to understand the combinations of colors, dismember the shape of objects, highlight individual measurements of the size.

practical way (overlay, application, fitting);

visual ratio ( practical ways are the perspective of the development of actions).

A.V. Zaporozhets identifies the stages of sensory development:

Transition to externally oriented action.

Expanded perspective of action.

The stage of combining promising actions.

In accordance with the stages, the levels of sensory development are considered by the years of a child's life:

the main task is to provide the child with the maximum opportunity for sensory sensations;

practical assimilation of sensory sensations through trials, the ratio of objects;

manipulation function: color ratio, subject-productive, verbal activity;

transition from substantive to normative activity;

the concept of the color spectrum, systematization and consolidation of the concept of geometric shapes, size parameters;

the formation of ideas about the main and additional colors, geometric shapes, size parameters, analysis of complex shapes of the object.

The specifics of the implementation of the specific content of sensory education in each of certain stages the development of the personality of a preschooler is allowed by the method of sensory education, to which the next block of our work is devoted.

4 Sensory education methodology

Throughout preschool childhood, the character of sensory cognition changes: from manipulating objects, the child gradually moves on to acquaintance with them on the basis of sight, touch, and also “visual touch”. In order for sensory cognition to be successful in this flow, planning, consistency, systematicity and a variety of methods and techniques of conducting classes are necessary. At the same time, sensory education is organically associated with other types of education.

The sensory education methodology for preschoolers provides for,,:

Formation of systems of survey perceptual actions in children.

Formation of systems of sensory standards in children - generalized ideas about the properties, qualities and relationships of objects.

Formation in children of the ability to independently apply systems of perceptual actions and systems of standards in practical and cognitive activities.

Learning to survey is carried out as a specially organized perception of an object in order to identify those properties of which it is important to know in order to successfully cope with the upcoming activity. The same subject is examined in different ways, depending on the objectives of the survey and the qualities being examined themselves.

There are rules common to many types of surveys:

perception of the integral appearance of an object;

mental division into main parts and identification of their signs (shape, size, color, material, etc.);

spatial correlation of parts with each other (left, right, above, above, etc.);

isolation of small details, the establishment of their spatial location in relation to the main parts;

repeated holistic perception of the object.

An examination according to this scheme will help children master generalized methods of sensory cognition, which they can use in independent activity.

The regularity of teaching children is one of the most important principles for solving the complex of upbringing and educational work in preschool institutions. Only with the correct planning of the learning process can the program for the comprehensive development of the child's personality be successfully implemented. When planning classes to familiarize themselves with the size, shape, color of objects, the age of children and their level of development are taken into account.

In sensory education classes, each task provides for the solution of sensory problems if children have different skills and abilities. In turn, in the same classes, children acquire new knowledge and skills that they use in other types of activities.

Sensory education is planned in close connection with all other sections of the work. So, the successful organization of classes to familiarize themselves with the size, shape, color of objects is possible if there is a certain level of physical development of the child. First of all, this refers to the development of hand movements when carrying out actions for inserting, taking out, sticking objects, when working with mosaics, drawing with paints. The combination of sensory and motor tasks, as EI Radina pointed out, is one of the main conditions for mental education, which is carried out in the process of objective activity.

Some activities involve uniting children in twos, the ability to leave class quietly, so as not to interfere with friends, and this, in turn, requires a certain level of relationship, which is achieved in the process moral education.

At each lesson, children also learn to carry out elementary work assignments. They should take the individual material to the caregiver's table and fold it.

The aesthetic side of sensory education classes is largely determined by the quality of the preparation of didactic material. Clean color tones(rainbow colors), pleasant texture, clear form of teaching aids bring joy to children, contribute to the accumulation of sensory ideas at the level of their pre-standard value.

Thematic planning of the material is consistent with the season, with seasonal phenomena, with the program of familiarization with the environment.
An important factor in planning classes to familiarize children with the color, shape, size of objects is the principle of sequence, which provides for the gradual complication of tasks. This complication goes from elementary tasks for grouping similar objects according to various sensory qualities, to correlating dissimilar objects in size, shape, color, and further to taking these signs and properties into account in visual and elementary productive activity. The principle of consistency also determines the familiarization of children with completely tangible sensory properties - the size and shape of objects that can be examined by touching, and only then with such a sensory property as color, the orientation to which is possible only in terms of visual perception.

An important principle the organization of the learning process is systematic. At the stage of early childhood, the assimilation of knowledge, as well as the formation of skills, should be systematic.

The issue of repetition of classes requires special attention: the period of early childhood is characterized by unusually rapid rates of development, and each age micro-period must be approached differentially. A revision session should not be completely identical to the main session. A simple repetition of the same tasks can lead to mechanical, situational memorization, and not to the progressive development of mental activity in the classroom.

A significant factor in the planning and methodology of conducting sensory education classes is the relationship of learning in the classroom with the consolidation of knowledge and skills in everyday life: during a walk, during independent activities, etc.

So, the main means of sensory development in the learning process are classes in which children carry out one or another productive activity. But to highlight properties, naming and defining them, comparing objects according to certain properties, to enrich sensory experience, didactic games and manuals are used.

The tasks that are solved with the help of such games and aids should be closely related to those sensory-cognitive processes that are carried out in the classroom, in work, in children's games, in everyday life. The task of the didactic game is in ordering, generalizing, grouping impressions, clarifying ideas, in distinguishing and assimilating the names of forms, colors, sizes, spatial relationships, sounds.

Didactic games and manuals could be good additional material for different kinds classes, labor actions, observations and independent games of children. Games may require activation of sensory processes - peering, listening, comparing, finding the same, etc.

L.A. Wenger summarizes a large number of varieties of didactic games as a means of sensory education in a table (see Appendix A).

The sensory development room also acts as a means of sensory education. The sensory room is an environment that consists of various kinds of stimulants.

Special equipment (projectors, light tubes, fiber-optic fibers, dry pools, soft covers, unloading seats, odor generators, special music, etc.) installed in the sensory room affects all human senses. The brain is activated through stimulation of basic senses: sight, hearing, smell, touch, and develops self-regulation of the processes of excitation and inhibition.

The sensory room makes it possible to present stimuli of various modalities - visual, auditory, tactile - and use this stimulation long time... In conditions sensory room a massive flow of information is used for each analyzer. Thus, the perception becomes more active. Such active stimulation of all analytic systems leads not only to an increase in the activity of perception, but also to the acceleration of the formation of inter-analytic connections. Unlike traditional methods of pedagogical correction, which are characterized by a small amount and monotony of material, a variety of stimuli is embedded in the very equipment of the sensory room.

Chapter 2. Research of the level of sensory development of preschool children in groups of different directions

1 Characteristics of the base, sample and research methods

The research was carried out on the basis of the Svetlogorsk preschool educational institution No. 10 "Petushok". In this kindergarten there are groups that study according to the all-Belarusian program "Praleska", which is focused on the development of verbal and logical thinking, expansion of vocabulary, the formation of basic knowledge in various subject areas, the organization of conditions for optimal preparation for school. It pays attention to the sensory development of the preschooler, but this direction is not the leading one.

At the same time, there are groups in this institution that study according to the method of Maria Montessori. In groups, a special environment is organized, specialized toys are used, classes are held to develop various aspects of the preschooler's sensory culture. The increased attention of educators is directed to the development of sensory processes in preschoolers.

Thus, using preschool institution No. 10 as a base for the study, we were able to compare the results of the experimental group (the group, which was engaged in the Maria Montessori method) and the control group (the group with the traditional program).

For participation in the study, according to the characteristics of educators, children were selected who did not differ in either pronounced talents or noticeable developmental lag - this approach allowed us to average the indicators and further generalize the results obtained to the “middle preschooler”.

Since the hypothesis requires a comparison of the level of sensory development and sensory culture of preschoolers depending on the level of their sensory development, we have chosen the following methods (methods proposed by the Svetlogorsk Regional Methodological Office as standard methods for determining the level of readiness for schooling - speech therapy examination methods):

To determine the level of sensory development of a preschooler, we have chosen four methods focused on the study of various aspects of sensory culture:

A methodology that determines the level of development of phonetic and phonemic perception;

Methodology for examining the development of tactile perception;

Methodology for examining the development of visual perception;

Methodology for examining the level of development of integral visual perception.

Let's consider each of the techniques in more detail.

The methodology for examining the level of phonetic and phonemic perception includes two tasks (the examination can be carried out by both a speech therapist of a preschool institution and a group educator).

). Distinguishing syllables with similar sounds

The researcher pronounces pairs of syllables and asks the child with a certain signal (claps, flag, bell, etc.) to react when he hears different syllables:

pa - ba you - tisu-shu sensory education preschooler

pa - pa ti - tisu - su

ba - pa ti-tyshu-shu

ba - ba you - you shu - su

) Distinguishing isolated sounds

The researcher pronounces sounds in pairs, suggesting that they respond to the same or different sounds with conditioned signals.

s-itz - zh-zh

The results of the two tasks are processed together, the level of phonetic and phonemic perception is assessed by the number of errors:

High level - 0 - 2 errors;

Above average level - 2 - 4;

Average level - 5 - 10;

Below average level - 11 - 15;

Low level - 16 - 24.

The technique for examining the development of tactile perception involved examining the stimulus material (see Appendix B) (by touching the object with an open palm and by feeling the object). The level of development of tactile perception was assessed as follows:

High level - defines most of the figures when touched, defines all figures when feeling;

Above average level - determines part of the figures by touch and part - by feeling;

The middle level - defines all the figures by touch;

Below average level - defines part of the figures by touch;

Low level - cannot determine most of the figures without visual analysis.

The technique for determining the level of development of integral visual perception consists in collecting a puzzle picture (see Appendix B). The level of development of visual perception is determined by the following parameters:

High level - the picture is folded;

Intermediate level - the picture is folded with tips from an adult;

Low level - cannot collect the picture.

The methodology for examining the development of visual perception is performed in the form of a didactic game "Sorting by two parameters".

The game board looks like a large table with color swatches in the left column vertically, and shape swatches in the top row horizontally. Must be positioned 20 game pieces in accordance with two parameters - color and shape (materials are given in Appendix B). The level of development of tactile perception was assessed as follows:

High level - all figures are classified correctly;

Above average level - most of the figures are classified correctly, some figures are classified according to only one criterion;

Average level - the ratio of figures classified by two and one attribute is practically the same;

Below average level - the figures are classified according to one criterion;

Low level - most of the shapes are misclassified.

Thus, after the examination, we will obtain indicators of the development of various aspects of perception (sensory development) of preschoolers who study according to the traditional program and preschoolers who study according to M. Montessori's sensory education program.

2 Research results

The raw data from the study for the two groups are given in Appendix D. The analysis of the raw data only allows us to conclude that the task for tactile perception was more difficult for the control group than for the experimental group. For quantitative and subsequent qualitative analysis, we will translate the indicators into standard points, and the high indicator is equal to 5 points, and the low one - to one. Intermediate indicators are assigned values ​​from 2 to 4, respectively (see Appendix E).

Let us first consider the average indicators for each of the methods in comparison (see Table 1).

Table 1 - Average indicators for each method

Visual perception (integrity) Visual perception (standards) Phonetic and phonemic perception Tactile perception Experimental group 4,74,44,54,1 Control group 4,23,43,63,1

Already from the table, we see that the indicators of the first technique for the two groups practically do not differ, gradually the differences become more pronounced as the technique becomes more complex and more specialized. The histogram allows you to more clearly represent the obtained data (see Figure 1).

On the histogram, we see that the indicators of sensory development of preschoolers who are engaged in the sensory education group are an order of magnitude higher than those of preschoolers from the group that are engaged in the traditional program. It also pays attention to the sensory development of preschoolers, since the importance of sensing is undeniable in modern pedagogy. And yet on purpose organized environment, developmental activities make the level of sensory culture of preschoolers from the experimental group much more pronounced. If in the first technique, focused on completing the familiar tasks of folding the mosaic, the indicators of the group traditional learning do not differ much from the experimental group, the differences become more pronounced on such complex tasks as the differentiation of phonetic and phonemic sounds, identification of objects by touch and touch.

Consequently, sensory-oriented developmental techniques such as those of the Maria Montessori school and others remain recognized technologies for sensory education and development.


Thus, according to the statements prominent representatives Russian preschool pedagogy and psychology E.I. Tikheeva, A.P. Usova and others, sensory education aimed at ensuring full sensory development is one of the main aspects of preschool education of children. Sensory development is the development of perception and the formation of ideas about the external properties of objects, the development of the ability to see, discover properties, relationships, dependencies in the surrounding world, the ability to "construct" them with objects, signs, words.

It is the early and preschool age that is most favorable for improving the activity of the sense organs, accumulating ideas about the world around them. Cognition begins with the perception of objects and phenomena of the surrounding world. Normal mental development of children is impossible without relying on full-fledged perception of objects.

It should be noted that, while developing children's ideas about the various properties of objects, it is necessary to acquaint children with generally accepted patterns, the so-called sensory standards.

In the beginning, children are only engaged with sensory standards. Then, when clearer ideas about the variety of each property appear, a more subtle differentiation of standards occurs; finally, children begin to use these concepts to analyze and highlight the properties of different objects in a variety of situations.

So, sensory education and development of a child, on the one hand, has an independent meaning, since it provides a clear understanding of the environment, on the other hand, it forms the foundation of general mental development, has its own content and methodology, the disclosure of which is impossible without turning to other aspects of activity and development.

Our research has shown that a specially organized environment provides effective and meaningful sensory development. There is no doubt that pedagogical technologies, focused exclusively on sensory development, provide a more complete and complete sensory development of a preschooler. This has an undeniable advantage - already at preschool age, children learn perception and related skills: analysis, synthesis, classification. Thus, effective intellectual, physical and psychological development is ensured. However, schools of sensory development require a special organization of the developing environment in the future, which is difficult to implement in modern institutions education. Therefore, along with a huge advantage in development, technologies completely focused on sensory development have not found their mass implementation in the national pedagogy of the Republic of Belarus.

However, it should be noted that the program of preschool education and training "Praleska" and the accompanying teaching materials, pays sufficient attention to the sensory education of preschoolers.

Bibliographic list

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Didactic games and activities in the sensory education system.

Age General tasks of perceptual learning Tasks of didactic games and activitiesTypes of tasksMaterialCharacter of pedagogical guidance Dictionary0-1Exercise analyzers. Formation of sensorimotor pre-standards. Formation of object perception. The same Fixation and tracking. Differentiated grasping. Search for a disappeared object. Large, bright objects with a simple shape. Objects of different shapes, sizes from different grasping materials. Change of objects. Organization of tracking. Learning the differentiated grasping of the object. Pattern selection. Pairs of geometric bodies and shapes. Objects in all primary colors. Toys such as turrets, nesting dolls, tabs. Cut pictures. Paired pictures. Teaching external orienting actions. Creation of conditions for their interiorization “Form, size, color; the same, similar; more, less. ” Samples of basic geometric shapes, colors; dimensions of the scheme of spatial relations. Sets of objects for grouping. Teaching external orienting actions and motor modeling, creating conditions for interiorization. Names of all geometric shapes, color tones, verbal definition of the properties of objects and basic spatial relationships. 5-7 Formation of perceptual systems using reference systems. Ensuring the assimilation of connections and relationships. between the standards. Learning to solve complex cognitive tasks using a number of perceptual actions. Searching for a given element and determining its place in the system. Building systems. Property transformation. Building models of complex properties and relationships. Reconstruction of complex properties and relationships. Games using serial series and classification matrices. Sets of objects for classification and serialization. Geometric mosaic. Color converters. Samples and materials for building models and reproducing samples. Teaching rational ways of moving through systems, using sample systems when building them. Training in the construction and use of models. The name of all geometric shapes and color tones with an indication of the attribute (long rectangle, - light red color), - the verbal formulation of the results of the examination of objects.

Appendix B

Appendix B

Appendix D

Raw data from research

EXPERIMENTAL GRUPPAImya, initsialRezultaty survey (level) Visual perception (integrity) Visual perception (etalons) Phonetic and phonemic vospriyatieTaktilnoe vospriyatieVeronika S.VysokiyVysokiyVysokiyVysokiyTanya O.VysokiyVysokiyVysokiyVysokiyViktor B.Vyshe srednegoVysokiyVyshe srednegoVyshe srednegoMaksim Z.VysokiyVyshe srednegoVysokiySredniyElena Z.VysokiyVysokiyVyshe srednegoVysokiySveta K.Vyshe srednegoSredniyVyshe srednegoSredniyMaksim K. above srednegoVyshe srednegoVysokiyVyshe srednegoTanya D.VysokiyVyshe srednegoVyshe srednegoSredniyDaniil S.VysokiyVysokiyVysokiyVysokiyKostya R.VysokiyVyshe srednegoVyshe srednegoVyshe srednegoKONTROLNAYa GRUPPAInna L.VysokiyVyshe srednegoSredniyVyshe srednegoRoman Sh.Vyshe srednegoSredniyVyshe srednegoSredniyAlla P.Vyshe srednegoVyshe srednegoVysokiyVysokiyAnya V.SredniySredniyNizhe srednegoNizhe srednegoKatya V.VysokiyVyshe srednegoVyshe srednegoSredniyVika L.Vyshe srednegoSredniySredniyVyshe srednegoOleg P .High Above Average High Medium Sonya B.V High Average Above average Average Lesha Sh. Average Below average Below average Below average Sergei R. Above average Above average Above average Below average

Appendix D

Standardized data

EXPERIMENTAL GROUP Name, initials Examination results (level) Visual perception (integrity) Visual perception (standards) Phonetic and phonemic perception Tactile perception Veronica S.5555 Tanya O.5555Viktor B.4544Maxim Z.5453Elena K.5453Maximil R.5444 CONTROL GROUP Inna L. 5434 Roman Sh. 4543 Alla P.4455 Anya V. 3322 Katya V. 5543 Vika L. 4434 Oleg P. 5553 Sonya B. 5543 Lesha Sh. 3222 Sergei R. 4442


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The ascertaining stage

In order to study the upbringing of the sensory culture of young children on the basis of MDOU No. 4, a study was carried out in the period from September 2012. to February 2013. The study involved children of early preschool age from 2 to 3 years in the amount of 10 people.

The methodology of T.V. Nikolaeva was taken as the basis for the work to identify and assess the sensory development of young children. (Annex 1)

The diagnostic results are listed in Table 1.

Table 1.

- intermediate level - 2 - 3 completed tasks;

Diagram 1. Sensory development outcomes in children

So, based on the results of diagnostics, which showed a small number of children with a high level of development, and a large number of children with a low level of development, it was concluded that further work is needed to develop the sensory culture of young children with the help of didactic games aimed at improving the assimilation of knowledge.

Formative stage

The purpose of the second stage (formative) was purposeful work on the formation of sensory culture in young children.
Familiarization of young children with the properties of objects begins with their direct examination, in the process of which children learn to distinguish such properties of objects and phenomena as size, shape, color. Getting acquainted with the basic properties and their verbal designations, the child is easier to navigate in the world around him.
The accumulation of sensory experience takes place in systematic exercises, which are based on the use of didactic games and exercises.
It should be noted that, mastering the reference system, the child receives, as it were, a set of measures, standards with which he can compare any newly perceived quality and give it a proper definition. The assimilation of ideas about these varieties allows the child to optimally perceive the surrounding reality.
We had to find out when, how and in what sequence do children begin to distinguish the properties of objects? Does the practical orientation in the qualities of objects depend on their verbal designation, primarily on the word names of size, shape, color; on the nature of the child's activity with these objects?
Based on the results of diagnostics, which showed a small number of children with a high level of development of children, and a large number of children with a low level of development, in the experimental group of children, it was concluded that further work is necessary to develop the sensory culture of young children with the help of didactic games aimed to improve the assimilation of knowledge about the properties of objects. The value of didactic play also lies in the fact that, thanks to the element of self-control inherent in it, it allows you to organize more or less independent activities of young children, to develop the ability to play alongside others without interfering with them.
In the course of this work, it turned out that the memorization of the names of colors proceeds extremely slowly and with significant difficulties in most children. Individual differences in the speed of assimilation of color names, as well as the shape of objects, depend on to a large extent on the age of children and associative connections from personal experience child.
If we talk about the peculiarities of form perception, it should be noted that the choice of homogeneous objects of a given shape for children is more difficult than the correlation of dissimilar objects, carried out mainly by trial and error. Of particular importance in the practical orientation of young children is mastering the methods of examining the form. In this case, the main role is assigned to such methods as cooperation with an adult, tracing the contour of an object with a child's hand guided by an adult, followed by a transition to independent tracing of the contour of an object and then a purely visual analysis of properties.
So, for the development of sensory culture in young children, we carried out systematic work using the following didactic games in an experimental group of children from 2 to 3 years old (see Appendix 2):

1)Game "Find a flower for a butterfly"
Target: learn to distinguish colors; enrich speech with phrases:

"The same color", "the same color".
2) Game "Hide the mouse"
Target: continue to teach children to distinguish colors, match the same

colors by eye with subsequent verification (application, overlay);

exercise in highlighting a given color and naming correctly

these colors.
3) Game "Miracle - steam locomotive"
Target: teach children to design with color in mind; highlight and name

locomotive parts: wheels, carriages; develop fine motor skills.
4)Fold the picture game
Target: train children in composing a whole object from its parts with

reliance on color; teach to analyze an elementary control scheme:

develop spatial thinking, will, perseverance.
5) Game "Pyramid"
Target: learn to correlate the size of the rings in a given sequence:

teach to analyze the result; develop perseverance, perseverance.
6) Game "Find a friend"
Target: continue to teach children to choose a color from a sample, actions to

sound signal, develop attention.
7) Exercise game "Narrow and wide track"
Target: To consolidate the ability to apply bricks with the long side to each

friend, spreading the building over the surface.
Also, the planned work of practical training was carried out with the children.

character: classes were carried out on productive activities - such as modeling, construction, drawing, as well as games and exercises in their free time.

At the parent meeting, parents were asked to fill out a questionnaire:

"Revealing the interests and knowledge of the parents of pupils on issues

sensory development and upbringing of preschoolers. "After analyzing the personal data, the parents at the meeting were given advice on the development of the sensory abilities of young children.
In the process of practical research, we made sure that didactic

it was noticed that many kids have learned to recognize the colors of objects, to highlight their characteristic features.
It was also noted that as a result of the work with young children, the sensory culture of children increased: the kids became more focused on completing tasks and try to analyze their practical actions.
The use of didactic games also stimulated the development of mental processes: many children became more observant and attentive.

Control stage

On the final stage the study was repeated diagnostics in order to study the dynamics of formative work on the development of sensory culture in young children in the experimental group of children.
The purpose of this (third) stage is to summarize the results of the formative work.

Table 2.

The "+" sign marks the tasks that the child completed independently (or after the show).
The “-” sign marks the tasks not completed by the child (or performed with inaccurate correspondence).

In connection with the study, the levels of sensory development of each of the children were identified:
- high level - 4-5 completed tasks independently or after being shown to adults;
- intermediate level - 2-3 completed tasks;
- low level - 1 completed task.

Diagram # 2. Re-diagnosis

So, as a result of control diagnostics of the level of knowledge formation about the properties of objects in young children of the experimental group, the following indicators were identified, which are presented in diagram No. 3

Diagram # 3. Comparison chart.

Thus, we can conclude that the process of upbringing sensory culture in young children is successful when using the system of didactic games and exercises.

As a result of the research, the features of the process of education and the formation of sensory culture in young children were studied.

In the course of the ascertaining stage, the level of development of the sensory culture of young children was diagnosed. Diagnostic data revealed the need for special work on the formation in children of ideas about the properties of objects: size, color, shape. Formation of representations of the reference system in babies experimental group was carried out using didactic games.

The study noted a high cognitive activity children, interest in studying the properties of objects.
At the third stage, control diagnostics were carried out and the results of the work performed were summed up.
In the course of control diagnostics, a positive dynamics was noted in the development of ideas in children of the experimental group of young age about color, shape, size due to the use of specially selected didactic games.

As a result of the study, it was noted that sensory development can be carried out in different types activities - in actions with objects in the game, drawing, modeling, classes with building materials, etc. Perception will be more complete if several analyzers are involved in it at the same time, ie. the child not only sees and hears, but feels and acts with these objects.
It is important to note that the impression gained from observing the actions of adults will be better retained in the memory of the child if he reproduces these actions in his play. Therefore, it is necessary to use aids, toys, by acting which, the child practically gets to know the properties of objects - size, shape, weight, color and, acting, reproduces the impressions received from environment... However, no matter how varied the manuals presented to the child are, they do not in themselves provide for his sensory development, but are only necessary conditions conducive to this development. An adult organizes and directs the child's sensory activity. No special educational techniques sensory development will not be successful, it will be superficial, incomplete, and often even incorrect. Already in the earliest childhood, toys shown by adults cause a longer and therefore better perception than a toy just hanging in front of a child's eyes.
It is necessary to promote the development of sensory abilities and better perception by various techniques during games, special activities and observing the environment. Without sufficient development of perception, it is impossible to know the qualities of objects; without the ability to observe, the child will not learn about many phenomena in the environment.
In early childhood greatest value has not the amount of knowledge that a child acquires at a given age, but the level of development of sensory and mental abilities and the level of development of such mental processes as attention, memory, thinking. Therefore, it is more important not so much to give children as much different knowledge as possible, but to develop their orienting-cognitive activity and the ability to perceive.
At this age, there is still no opportunity and need to acquaint children with generally accepted sensory standards, to inform them of systematic knowledge about the properties of objects. However, the work carried out should prepare the ground for the subsequent assimilation of standards, that is, it should be built in such a way that children can later, already beyond the threshold of early childhood, easily assimilate generally accepted concepts and grouping of properties.
In early childhood, perception remains very imperfect. The child cannot consistently examine the object and highlight its different sides. He snatches out some of the most striking signs and, reacting to it, recognizes the object. That is why in the second year of life, the baby is happy to look at pictures, photographs, not paying attention to the spatial arrangement of the objects depicted, for example, when the book is upside down. It recognizes painted and contoured objects as well as objects painted in unusual colors equally well. That is, color has not yet become an important feature for a child that characterizes an object.
The development of objective activity at an early age puts the child in front of the need to identify and take into account in actions precisely those sensory features of objects that are of practical importance for performing actions. The successful implementation of practical actions by the baby depends on the preliminary perception and analysis of what needs to be done. Therefore, the sensory processes of each child should be improved, taking into account the content of his activity.

In the course of this research, the process of using didactic games in sensory education young children.
The theoretical part was given general characteristics problems of upbringing sensory culture, the importance of didactic play in the development of an early age child is studied, the possibility of solving problems of sensory upbringing when using didactic games is determined.
Didactic games are necessary for the development of cognitive processes (imagination, memory, observation, perception, intelligence, speed of thinking, etc.). A child is attracted to a didactic game not by the educational nature, but by the opportunity to be active, to perform a game action, to achieve a result, to win. The ability to educate young children through active, interesting activities for them is a distinctive feature of didactic games. The organization and conduct of such games is carried out under the guidance of a teacher.
In the practical part of this study, we were convinced that didactic play contributes to the development of ideas in children about the properties of objects.
Modern theory sensory education includes all the variety of sensory characteristics of the surrounding world, as well as generalized methods of examining objects, their qualities, properties, relationships, i.e. perceptual actions, a system of survey actions, a system of standards that children master.
Therefore, the task of sensory education - to teach the child these actions in a timely manner - is relevant and effective. And generalized methods of examining objects are important for the formation of comparison operations, generalization, for the deployment of thought processes.

Thus, the goal has been achieved, the tasks have been solved, the hypothesis has been confirmed.

List of used literature

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Tasks to identify and assess the sensory development of young children.

1.wood (or plastic) board with three (four) slots -
round, square, triangular, semicircular shapes and three (four) flat geometric shapes, the base of each of which corresponds in shape to one of the slots;
2. a wooden or plastic box with six slots - round, square, rectangular, semicircular, triangular and hexagonal shapes and twelve volumetric geometric shapes, the base of each of which corresponds in shape to one of the slots;
3. one pyramid with three rings of the same size; pyramids of three rings, decreasing in size (two red, two yellow, one blue);
4. five large yellow cubes; two large red cubes; two large cubes of blue color;
5. five large yellow balls; two large red balls; two large blue balls;
6. colored cubes - five yellow; three red; three green; three orange; three white;
7. one three-piece and one four-piece nesting dolls;
8. three pairs of subject pictures: in each pair one picture is cut into two (three, four) parts.
Basic tasks for children 2.5-3 years old.
1. Insert geometries into the slots of the corresponding plane.
2. Group items by color when choosing from 4, for example, red, yellow, blue and green cubes.
3.Fold a three-piece nesting doll.
4. Add three pyramids of different colors (red, blue, yellow) from 3 rings decreasing in size.
5. Fold the object picture, cut vertically into 3 parts.
The tasks were presented to the child immediately for self-fulfillment... The teacher offered the child to insert the figures into the corresponding slots; disassemble and assemble the pyramid; open the matryoshka and assemble it; put together a whole picture from parts. Moreover, all tasks were to be accompanied by natural gestures.
If it was difficult for the child to complete the tasks on his own, the adult demonstrated the appropriate action, and then asked the child to reproduce it. If the child did not cope in this case, then taking into account the size of the rings; folded a cut picture. Following this, the child was asked to act independently.
Assessment of the child's actions.
For each task, the following was recorded:
the method of joint action was used. For example, a teacher with the hands of a child inserted figures into the corresponding slots; collected a pyramid - Desire to cooperate with an adult; acceptance of the assignment; the ability to detect the fallacy of their actions; interest in the result of the activity;
- Method of completing the assignment (independently, after showing, after joint actions, failure to complete);
- Result: exact match to adult sample, imprecise match

The results of observations of the way children orientate in the task.
Low level - the child acted through trials, for example: in order to insert a geometric shape into the cut of the board, he went through all the holes in search of one into which the shape could be lowered. In this way, he found the desired slot and put the figure in. The kid acts purposefully and achieves a positive result.
Intermediate level - the child's actions at the level of trying on, for example: putting geometric shapes into the slots of the board, the child did not go through all the holes in search of the one into which to lower triangular shape, but brought it to a similar one, for example, to a semicircle; when approaching, trying on, he began to see the differences and transferred the figure to the triangular slot.
High level - the child acted at the level of visual orientation. The kid singled out the signs of objects that were essential for a certain action by eye and performed the actions immediately correctly without preliminary trying on. For example, a child unmistakably lowered geometric shapes into the corresponding slots on the board; immediately unmistakably folded a three-piece matryoshka.
Assessment of the level of sensory development of the child.
In the process of observing the nature of the fulfillment of the above tasks, the level of sensory development of young children was assessed. Accordingly, four levels of assessment were identified:
1. Ahead of the age norm - 1 child.
2. Compliance with the age norm - 4 children.
3. Lagging behind the age norm - 3 children.
4. Significant lag from the age norm - 2 children.



Learning content Funds learning Material Children's activities
  1. Familiarization of children
with six spectrum colors and their names. Color identification training.
Standards of the six colors of the spectrum Sheets of paper of six colors with a white square in the middle, on which a mouse is drawn, a "house". Squares of the same colors - "doors. The same material in a smaller size for each child Didactic game "Hide the mouse!" Children hide mice from the cat, picking up windows of exactly the same color as the house to the multi-colored houses, and closing the windows so that the mouse is not visible. First, they do it together with the teacher, then on their own. Children learn the names of the six colors of the spectrum
  1. Consolidation of knowledge of primary colors. Learning to highlight color with distraction from other signs of objects
Large sheets of paper in six colors - "rooms". Sets of small toys in six colors for each child. Dolls - Ivan Tsarevich and Marya Tsarevna "Colorful rooms". Children look at multi-colored rooms (large sheets of paper of 6 colors), name what color they are; examine toys, noting that there are the same toys in different colors. Then a game is carried out: children arrange toys and objects in the "rooms" suitable color
  1. ----------------
6 lotto cards with images of 6 items of primary colors arranged in different order. Small cards with the same images Lotto "Color". Children carefully examine the pictures that the presenter (educator) takes out of the box, and cover the same pictures on their card. The winner is the one who was the first to correctly cover all the pictures on his card


Learning content Funds learning Material Children's activities
  1. . Acquaintance of children with the circle, square, triangle and their names. Teaching the method of examining the shape - drawing the contour of the figure with a finger
Standards of 3 geometric shapes: Large circle, square, triangle with painted faces "-" little figures-men " 2-3 circles, squares, triangles of different colors for each child The didactic game "In the colony of" little figures-men. "Children, together with the teacher, alternately examine a circle, a square, a triangle, tracing their contours with a finger and" drawing "them in the air; learn the name of each of these little men. Then the children play: Figures- little men take turns bypassing all the children and collect cookies (baked for them) in the baskets of the same shape as the figures themselves (for a circle - round cookies, etc.) In the game, children repeat the names of geometric shapes
Large "little figures", "square sheets of paper, one circle, square, triangle of different colors for each child. Glue, brushes, napkins, oilcloths Application "Handkerchiefs for figures-men". Children remember the names of the little figures (circle, square, triangle), consider them, as in the previous lesson. Then, under the guidance of the teacher, handkerchiefs are applied:. give each of the figures their own handkerchief (for a circle - a handkerchief with a circle, for a square - with a square, etc.).
  1. Introducing children to the circle, square, triangle and their names. Learning how to survey the shape - tracing the contour of the figure with your finger
Standards of 3 geometric shapes: Large triangles, an oval, a rectangle with painted "faces" - "little figures". Square sheets of paper, one triangle, one oval, and a rectangle of a different color for each child. Glue, brushes, napkins, oilcloths Application "Napkins for little figures". Children perform applique napkins for little figures, "sticking a triangle, oval or rectangle on each sheet of paper. Then they give these napkins to the figure for whom it was made. The lesson is similar to lesson 2.
  1. Acquaintance of children with 5 geometric skimforms and their names. Formation of a pattern matching action
Standards of five geometric shapes: Large circle, square, triangle, oval, rectangle ("little figures"); the same smaller figures with "faces", one set for each child; cards with outline images of the same figures of the same size (their beds ") for each child:

Material Children's activities
  1. Learning to correlate the size of three subjects
Standards of three gradations - values: large, medium, small Balls in three sizes Ball game. Children consider "balls, placing them in size: large, medium (smaller), smallest; learn to designate the size of the balls with the appropriate words. Then they play with the balls: first with a large one (to catch it, hands must be placed with a chalice), then - with an average (hands are not so wide apart), then - with a small one (hands must be kept close to each other)
2. Dolls, bears in three sizes "Dolls and Bears". Children look at three dolls of various sizes, placing them in order from the largest to the smallest (they are seated on chairs arranged in a row). Children and three bears of different sizes have the same position. Then the children play, doing instructions: "Lay great doll to sleep "," Bring the little bear a barrel of honey ", etc.
  1. Learning how to relate objects by size (overlay and application)
Flanelegraf, three squares of different sizes to it. The same smaller material for each child "Three squares". Children look at squares: large, smaller, smallest; learn to choose the largest, then the largest of the remaining by imposition; Together with the tutor, they build a tower of squares. Then the children independently build the same towers on their flannelegraphs, observing the sequence of selecting squares by superimposing them on each other when comparing
  1. Teaching to understand the relationship in magnitude between volumetric and flat objects Teaching to correlate two or three series of quantities among themselves
Serial row of three objects Pictures depicting animals: bear, fox, mouse. 3 cubes and 3 squares of different sizes; flannelegraphs and 3 squares of different sizes for each child Children examine the depicted animals (bear, fox, mouse), placing them in order: the largest, the smallest (middle), the smallest. ”Next, the children, together with the teacher, build a tower of cubes for the animals, correlating the size of the animals with the size of their" apartments " (cubes). Then the children build their own towers for animals on flannelegraphs from cardboard squares using the overlay method
Serial row of five objects Pictures depicting animals: bear, wolf, fox, hare, mouse. 5 cubes and 5 squares of different sizes; flannelegraphs and 5 squares of different sizes for each child "Let's build a tower." The lesson is carried out in the same way as the previous one, but with a large number of pictures, cubes and squares.



Lesson # 1 (Hide the mouse)

Software content. Introducing children to the six colors of the spectrum and their names. Color identification training.

Material. Demonstration: sheets of paper of six colors (20x15 cm), in the middle is a white square (8x8 cm), on which a mouse is drawn (a mouse's house), squares of the same six colors are doors (10x10 cm), a toy is a cat. Handout: the same smaller material - colored sheets (10x8 cm), white squares on them (5x5 cm), colored squares (6x6 cm); three houses and six doors for each child.

The course of the lesson. The teacher conducts the game "Hide the mouse!" With the children. First, he introduces children to the rules of the game, children play together with the teacher. Then the children play on their own. They hide the mice from the cat, matching the windows of the same color as the house to the multi-colored houses, and closing the windows so that the mouse cannot be seen.

Children learn the names of the six colors of the spectrum.

Lesson plan # 2 (In the realm of human figurines)

Software content. Introducing children to the circle, square, triangle and their names. Learning techniques for examining a shape - tracing the contour of a figure with your finger.

Material. Demonstration: a large cardboard circle, - a square, a triangle with painted "faces" - little figures. Distribution exact: 2-3 circles, squares, smaller triangles of different colors for each child,

The course of the lesson. The teacher, together with the children, alternately examines a circle, a square, a triangle, tracing their contours with a finger, and gives the names of these figures. Then a game is carried out: figures - little men in turn bypass everyone: children and collect cookies in a basket (multi-colored circles, squares, triangles. Each figure takes a cookie of the same shape as herself.

Note. In the "stronger" subgroup, children have 3 figures of each shape, in the "weaker" subgroup - 2 figures of each shape.