Fat cat. Obesity in cats and dogs. Fat cat Merlin

Today lives in the world a large number of a wide variety of creatures. But for a person, cats and cats are considered the dearer and nicer of all. They are affectionate, kind, obedient and always greet their master with a joyful rumbling.

For some reason, a person most of all delight and affection is caused by well-fed representatives of this species. There is even a special rating of the fattest cats in the world.:

  1. The fattest cat in the world, Himmi. She lived in Australia, and her owner announced the weight of his pet, which was 21.3 kg. This fat cat, unfortunately, has already died. She was 10 years old. The death of this fat animal occurred as a result of respiratory arrest. But the record was still recorded in the famous Guinness Book of Records.
  2. Otto the cat from New Jersey inherited the title of the fattest cat in the world. Its weight was at that time 16kg. He became famous not at the best moment in his life. The owners brought it to veterinary clinic to put the fat cat to sleep. They were worried that their pet was gaining too much weight. But the doctors were extremely surprised at such a cruel and inhuman act. They found a simple way out of the situation. The cat simply had to be put on a diet, as a result of which he lost 3 kg and began to feel much lighter.
  3. Meow from New Mexico, which should definitely be included in the top fat cats and cats. It was a very fat cat. It weighs about 18 kg. But it was this that led to the death of the pet, which occurred in 2012. The staff of the cattery, where the fat cat lived, tried to make him lose weight, but in vain. At the time of his death, Meow weighed as much as a 272-kilogram person.
  4. Today's leader in overweight became SpongeBob. He hit the Guinness Book of Records in 2012 when he began to weigh 5 kg at the age of 9 and a half years. At that time, the fat cat lived in one of the catteries in the city of New York. The people who work there still remember how the cat got to them. They all unanimously claim that they have never seen such a big and fat cat in their life. At the same time, he did not suffer from any other diseases, apart from problems with overweight... Today veterinarians take care of his health and make every effort to keep SpongeBob safe for a long time. For example, he is on a special diet and must do special complex exercise.
  5. Another record holder among fat cats and cats is Tulle, who is 6 years old. His weight is more than 19 kg and he lives in Denmark. Tulle lies in bed all day, as he simply does not have the strength to lead an active lifestyle and hunt some small rodents. In addition, he is generally not interested in other things that are always amusing to other cats and cats. Fat Tulle just lays near the TV all day and looks more like a red ottoman than Living being... Moreover, besides laziness and gluttony, the cat has no other pathologies.
  6. Elvis. His weight is 17.5 kilograms and he lives in Germany. But this cat, at the age of 7, suffers from diseases such as diabetes. At the same time, he developed muscle atrophy. Therefore, it is difficult for the cat to move around, and he can take only a couple of steps, after which he needs a little rest.

Cats and cats have always been some kind of magical and totemic animals. Even ancient people believed that both a cat and a cat would be able to protect their homes from various spirits and other anomalous phenomena. These pets lived in the house and directed all their efforts to create comfort and harmony in the house. In addition, everyone knows about the healing skills of cats and cats. That is, when discomfort and pain arise, it is enough for this pet to come and lie down on this place, like everyone else discomfort as a hand will remove.

But many modern people want to become famous even for a moment, even by causing deliberate harm to the health of their cat or cat. That is, in order to get into the Guinness Book of Records, they begin to feed their pets. So many various videos surf the internet with fat cats or cats. For most users, this seems like something unusual and funny. Others believe that these animals cannot live in real life, but are the tricks of the famous Photoshop.

People do not understand that a cat or a cat is having a global disruption in the work of everyone internal organs... As a result, the organism of a four-footed friend may simply not be able to withstand it. And a cat or a cat will simply die because of the vanity of its owner.

Therefore, representatives of the Guinness Book of Records to date have stopped registering the fattest cats and cats. This somehow guarantees their well-being and health in general. In many countries, even law enforcement agencies monitor how good-natured creatures are being cared for by their owners.

A person must remember that love for a cat or a cat does not lie in the grams of food fed to him, but in taking care of him and maintaining his health.

Well-fed cats seem funny and very cute to him. At the same time, we do not think about the fact that excess weight can cause a number of diseases. What can you do to keep your cat always slender and healthy?

The basic formula for being overweight is simple: if a cat consumes more calories than it burns, it will gain weight.

It may seem to you that you shouldn't worry about a couple of extra pounds, but they can soon lead to real problems. Obese cats are most at risk of developing diseases such as diabetes, arthritis and shortness of breath. It even becomes difficult for them to care for their own wool, which causes tangles to appear.

note: An average adult cat weighs about 4-5 kg. The weight large cats can reach 5.5 kg. To determine ideal weight your pet, see your veterinarian.


When a cat begins to gain weight, it is primarily noticeable in the area of ​​the ribs, back and tummy. Although, perhaps, you will not realize this until it becomes difficult for a heavier purr to jump on a favorite chair or to crawl through a cat's door, Sterilized animals are at risk of getting fat more than others. Also, older cats can suffer from excess weight, the current as they move less.

The best way to prevent the problem is to monitor your cat's weight regularly. Work with your veterinarian to determine your pet's ideal weight and weigh it monthly.

The easiest method is to weigh the empty carrier, then the carrier with the cat and subtract the first result from the second.

Wild or stray cats rarely get fat. Usually they eat 10-20 tiny portions of food a day looking for which they spend a lot of time and effort. By the way, by recreating such conditions for domestic cats, you can prevent its obesity.

Instead of just feeding your pet, hide food in boxes or specially designed puzzle feeders for her to work hard, or throw dry food for her to chase. If your cat is elderly and not very active, try laying out a food path for her to eat gradually throughout the day. Make her explore the garden and play with her a little bit every day.

Finally, if you feel that you are not spending enough time with your beloved pet (for example, because you work hard), try not to compensate for this lack of attention with food. Instead, set aside at least half an hour each day to play with your cat, stimulating it to active image life.

Cats very skillfully beg for food - and many owners indulge them, unable to listen to the crying of a cat. However, eating on a strictly scheduled basis will benefit your murka far more than random feeding on demand.

10 tips for losing weight cats

1 Stop rewarding your cat with food, replace it with praise, attention, and toys. If your pet still wants a treat as a reward, make it part of her daily requirement.

4 Feed your cat three to four times a day in small portions (not twice as large!), Without increasing the total amount of food.

5 When the murka starts begging for food, distract her attention with your favorite toys or games.

6 If you put your cat on a diet, tell all your family members. Then they will not give her extra treats and will not nullify your efforts.

7 Do not leave food in the bowl all day. Add it only when it's time to feed, and remove the bowl when the cat has finished eating.

Dedicate some of your time to games that will make the purr move. Draw her attention with a variety of moving toys.

9 If there are other cats in the house who are not on a diet, feed them in a separate room and always remove the bowls after they finish eating so that your losing weight pet does not eat more than it should.

10 Does your cat have a habit of wandering around in search of food in neighbors' houses? Then be sure to warn them that he is on a diet. You can even buy him a medallion that says "Don't feed me, I'm on a diet" and attach it to the collar.

Cats are magical creatures. Since ancient times, people believe that these animals protect their home from various otherworldly influences, prevent the penetration of spirits, provide harmony and peace in the family, and have a healing effect. Many of our contemporaries believe that there is never too much happiness, so they feed their fluffy pets to an immense size. Agents of the Guinness Book of Records were interested in which purr is the fattest cat in the world. We present to your attention the rating of such pets.

1. The list is headed by the fattest cat in named Himmi... Its owner Thomas Wise, who lives in Australia (Queensland), announced the staggering weight of his pet - 21.3 kg. Some sources mention a cat named Snowball from Scotland (Aberdeenshire County), which allegedly weighed 44 kg. In fact, his weight was determined in pounds, so in kilograms (20 kg) he fell short of the 1.3 kg record holder. Himmi, despite his considerable weight, lived for 10 years and died of respiratory arrest.

2. The fat cat title passed to Otto from New Jersey. The owners took him to the clinic to put him to sleep, because the purr was so fat that he could not even fit into his tray. Veterinarians sounded the alarm: the euthanasia of a young cat weighing 16 kg was clearly an inhuman act. They offered to put him on a diet. As a result, Otto lost 3 kg of live weight and his championship in the Guinness Book of Records.

3. His place was taken by a white and red cat named Meow (Santa Fe, New Mexico). Meow's weight was 18 kg. It was he who caused the death of the animal in May 2012.

4. SpongeBob from New York ascended to the podium of heavyweight cats in the same year. This fat cat weighs 15.5 kg. Despite his hefty weight, SpongeBob does not have significant health problems according to the results of the examination by veterinarians. Nevertheless, his mistress was advised to reduce the diet and change the animal's nutritional system.

Feeding your pets is a pleasure. By buying expensive food and various delicacies, the owners strive to express their love and care for cats and cats. Animals, in turn, gratefully eat everything that is provided to them, and this inevitably affects their weight.

Animals that resemble a swollen ball do not always remain dexterous and flexible, but their clumsiness looks very funny and amusing. It makes people into again look at photos and videos of such cats, which makes such pictures one of the most popular.

There are many fat cats in the world, but not all of them were able to win titles and titles. The owners of some of them made sure that their pets became famous all over the world due to their excellent appetite and excess weight.

Australian fat man

The largest officially recorded weight for a cat was recorded in Australia. The owner of a record 21.3 kg is a plump cat named Snowball, which looks more like a huge white snowdrift. The fat animal, despite being overweight, showed miracles of longevity for such parameters: Snowball lived for 10 years, after which he died due to respiratory failure, which is not surprising. If an adult had the same degree of obesity, his weight would exceed the 270 kg mark.


In second place is the cat living in America. The owner brought his fat pet Otto to the veterinary clinic in order to euthanize the animal, as the cat had grown so fat that he could hardly move around the house and could not go to the toilet on the tray, since his ass no longer fit there. Veterinarians persuaded the man not to euthanize the pet, but to try to gradually limit its food in order to stabilize its body weight. After six months of compliance special diet the fat man was able to significantly lose weight, which greatly facilitated his life, but pushed him out of the rating.

Meow record holder

The third place in the Guinness Book of Records was taken by a cat with funny name Meow that was the size of a dog average size... He was only one and a half years old when the former owner, who lives in Santa Fe, turned to a cat shelter in order to transfer the problem animal to specialists for permanent residence.

The fat pet reached a weight of 18 kg, which made it difficult to care for him, especially when you take into account the venerable age of the woman (at that time she was 87 years old). Experts began to adjust its nutrition and tried to return to the animal normal performance... Meow has become the star of several pet food guidelines shows and TV shows. A strict diet helped him get rid of several kilograms and soon there were people who wanted to take home a popular cat, but the consequences of obesity made themselves felt: Meow died at the shelter at the age of two due to pulmonary failure.

Spongebob square .... belly

The fourth position belongs to another inhabitant of America - a fat ginger cat named SpongeBob. The weight of this nine-year-old pet is 15.5 kg. Unlike previous heavyweights, medical checkup showed that all indicators of his health are in perfect condition. But in order to avoid possible problems in the future, experts recommended adjusting the diet and putting a fat cat on a diet, since overweight can cause pathologies of joints, muscles, etc.


Elvis the cat, which, alas, is not included in the Guinness Book of Records, since this category in 2015 it was banned due to the risk to the life of pets, the owners of which deliberately feed their animals. This fat man is German and lives in Germany. On this moment Elvis has reached a weight of 17.5 kg, which exceeds all permissible norms. Because of the extra pounds, he has a whole bunch of diseases - from diabetes to muscle tissue atrophy. It moves from hard work, has problems with breathing and heart, so the owners intend to seriously take up his nutrition and gradually achieve weight loss, which will prolong the years of Elvis's life. A special advisory group of four veterinarians has been set up to monitor his health and his rate of weight loss.

Despite the fact that fat cats and cats look very funny and make us feel touched, many animal rights organizations warn that the task caring owner- keep your weight under control pet because obesity can lead to many diseases and, as a result, to early death.

Fat cats from the Internet

The appearance of fluffy fat men on the Internet never goes unnoticed. People are ready to look at them every day, so their photos and videos are always in the top. Some in a matter of days gain thousands and sometimes millions of views and become real celebrities. Often, when looking at such photos, you urgently want to go on a diet yourself. Sometimes fat cats try to get lost among the interior or merge with the environment.

On the Internet, you can find photos where fat bellys get stuck in different holes - that's really where it's time to think about an urgent diet!

But still, most of them, at any weight, feel like the most beautiful and graceful creatures that have entered our lives, so that we constantly admire them, regardless of whether they are fat or not.

In addition to photographs, owners of fat cats are constantly striving to capture their pets on video, so we can enjoy watching furry fat men who have fun, funny ask for food or indulge like little children.