Should I teach my child to roll over? Special set of exercises. Exercises to teach your baby to roll over from back to tummy

Babies up to a year make a lot of movements and rollovers, all of which have a positive effect on the physical and general development child. This suggests that it is important to know how to teach a child to roll over from his stomach to his back and vice versa.

When children move a lot, including turning over, they become more developed, active, enjoy, eat well. In the presence of physical activity the child is more active digestive system. Every day your child will gain more and more physical strength and learn new moves.

Usually, by three to six months, children already know how to independently roll over from their back to their stomach and back, they sometimes spend quite a lot of time lying on their stomach. But still, in some cases, the child may need help. Parents should help him strengthen his muscles, and for this, take part in his daily activities, in the correct physical development of the child. To teach your baby to roll over, you should put him on his stomach for a short time before feeding and a few more times between feedings during wakefulness.

It should be noted that not every baby will be able to roll over on his own, sometimes he may need the help of parents.

Where to start when teaching a child to roll over from his stomach to his back?

The movements of the flip from back to stomach are good for the child, it prepares him for crawling and just the movements bring joy. Each child is individual, for each his own age, when to start standing, sitting and walking.

The stages of physical activity depend on the height and weight of the child, his character and physiological data. It is worth noting that active children always develop faster, and calm ones - slowly and gradually.

If your baby already knows how to raise and hold his head in a prone position, lean on his forearms, this means that he is already ready for coups. Usually it is enough for a child to show how to roll over a couple of times, and then he will do it himself.

Pediatricians have a graph showing the process physical development children. There are indicators of height and weight, as well as the time in which the baby should already be able to hold his head, crawl, respond to the voice, reach for the toy. But there can be no universal terms for all children. Although the attention of parents, their help and support will help the baby develop more actively.

According to all known graphs, the ability to roll over is one of the most important skills of children under one year old. At 4 months, the child should already roll over from back to side, at 5 months the baby independently rolls over from back to stomach, and after another month, the skill of turning back from stomach to back appears.

A healthy child can learn all these skills on his own, without outside help, he just needs the attention of parents and favorable conditions.

The second step is to teach your child to roll over from back to side.

The first step in the rollover is the rollover from back to side. To do this, just put the child on a hard surface. Prepare a special place, on the floor or in the arena. Lay down a blanket or blanket to keep your baby soft and comfortable. At 3-4 months, the child is already interested in toys.

Put bright object or a toy to the right of the baby, it will attract attention and the child will stretch first with the handle, and then with the whole body. This will be his first coup. Change toys from time to time to keep your child's attention.

If the surface is too soft, it will be more difficult for a child to roll over, even if he wants to get a toy and makes numerous attempts to roll over. Do not use a bed, mattress or sofa for class.

The first lessons with the baby will bring pleasure to both him and you. For him, any movement is a game. Exploring the possibilities of their body bring children pleasure.

How to teach a child to roll over from back to stomach?

When a baby is five months old, parents worry that the baby is still not rolling over from its back to its stomach. It is not necessary to force a child to do this. A curious child learns to roll over on his own when he reaches for an interesting toy.

Pediatricians recommend doing massage, swimming, gymnastics and hardening with your child. These measures help to harden the child and strengthen his health. The conditions conducive to mastering new skills should be left the same: a hard and even surface, bright toys as an incentive to move.

There is no single rule for teaching a child to roll over. All children develop in their own way. The same movement can be taught in different ways: someone will need to pull the handle, and someone will need to help roll over and throw the leg.

Watch your baby to see how to help him roll over. If the baby does not know what to do with the legs correctly, show how to turn the body and throw the leg.

A couple of such simple tricks are enough for the baby to understand the essence of the exercise and repeat it himself. Do not forget to do all exercises and coups in both directions an equal number of times.

Are you looking for information about children's speech development? early age? Then this one is for you.

The most difficult stage is the coup from the stomach to the back

The final and most difficult stage of learning coups will be to teach the child to roll over on his own from his stomach to his back. A child can learn this on his own when, during the game, he reaches for a toy while lying on his stomach and leaning on his forearms, loses his balance and falls sharply on his side. And now the baby is lying on its back again. Over time, the child will learn to perform this movement softer and more smoothly.

Do not rush things, your child will learn everything.

Just help him with some movements. When musculoskeletal system will be ready, the child will make a coup.

And finally, watch the video.

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Many mothers believe that children do not need to be taught to roll over, the time will come and they will learn everything themselves. Others go to the other extreme - they rush things, look up to the children of relatives and friends and panic when their child is a month behind the standards. But in fact, both approaches are wrong. Parents can and should help natural development baby. Carefully and with love, in no case do not pass on your stress and anxiety to the crumbs.

When to start training?

The timing of the development of each child is individual and depends on many various factors, such as, for example, heredity, health status, and many others. The starting age for learning to flip is three to four months. Usually, by this time, the necessary muscles are already sufficiently formed and developed in the child. However, if the baby does not succeed and he does not show interest in such activities, then the mother should not be upset. After all, everything is individual, and the baby may begin to roll over much later. Up to six months you can be calm about this, but if the child does not show initiative even at six months and does not even try to roll over, then in this case you should consult a doctor.

What should a child be able to do before training starts?

The first independent turning in most cases occurs at the age of 4 months. It was by this time that psychoneurological and physiological development allows the child to consciously do this complex action like a coup. Before starting training, the child should be able to raise his head while lying down and confidently lean on his forearms. His musculature should be sufficiently developed for his age. Gymnastics and light massage will help him prepare to learn how to roll over on his side and on his tummy on his own.

Preparation for the first independent movements begins from the first days of a child's life.

Parents should pay due attention to the development of the baby. The actions that contribute to this are easy to perform and will not take much time:

Rule #1: Have regular sessions in the form of a game. Daily exercises will certainly interest the baby if, during its implementation, the mother uses thematic rhymes or songs.

Regular exercise has a beneficial effect on the physical development of the crumbs

Rule number 2: put the baby on the tummy several times a day. This exercise is recommended by all pediatricians. It strengthens the muscles, is a prevention umbilical hernia and colic.

Put the baby on the tummy - this exercise must be done several times a day

Rule number 3: massage. Light stroking movements will help relieve tension in the muscles. Such activities strengthen the psycho-emotional bond between the child and the parent.

All movements should be light. Massage is always carried out from the periphery to the center

How can I help my baby roll over?

In order for training to be effective and bring positive result, a number of conditions must be met:

  1. Before training, undress the baby so that the clothes do not restrict movement.
  2. Create comfortable temperature in room.
  3. The surface on which the classes are held must be hard. You can use the dining or changing table. For softness, lay a blanket. Do not practice on the couch or bed.
  4. The child must be in good mood and healthy.
  5. While exercising, talk and smile.

Learning to do coups from back to side

This stage is preparatory to a full-fledged coup. If the baby masters it, then it will be easier for him to perform more complex movements.

Exercise number 1. Lay the child on a flat surface. Carefully take the baby by the right arm and right leg and with a smooth movement, in no case pulling, turn him to the left side. Let him lie down a little in this position, then return him to his original position. We repeat this exercise on the other side, and so several times. The main thing is that it gives pleasure to the baby, and, of course, to you too. As soon as the child no longer likes what you are doing with him, we immediately stop the repetitions.

Do not pull the baby too hard. He should become interested himself and try to make the first movements.

Exercise number 2. The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise. We show the child lying on his back an interesting colored toy, it would be better if it also makes some sounds. We need the child to become interested and turn on his side, trying to get the toy. We show the toy from the left, then from right side repeatedly.

Motivate your child with a bright toy. It will serve good incentive to make a coup

Exercises from the back to the stomach

Exercise number 1. Starting position: the baby lies on a flat surface. We take the baby by the right arm and right leg and smoothly turn it to the left side, continue the movement, laying it on the tummy in this way. We help him to free the handle from under him if he cannot do it himself. Repeat the exercise several times through the left and through the right side.

When performing the exercise, do not pull the baby against his will. Let him want to turn over in the right direction

Exercise number 2. Lay the baby on your back. We take the left knee to the left until it touches the surface. By inertia, the baby will turn and try to roll over.

Pull your knee back until it touches the surface. By inertia, the baby will turn in the same direction

Exercise number 3. The child lies on his back. Place one palm on his heels, creating an emphasis. Offer the other hand to the baby to grab. Resting against your palm and holding on to your finger, it will be easier for him to roll over.

At the beginning of training, the baby will need help. Over time, he will be able to complete it without your support.

Exercise number 4. The kid lies on the barrel. You will position yourself behind him. Place a toy in front of the child. Interested in her, he will stretch and try to roll over.

Mom can lie down next to the baby and help him do the exercises

Exercise number 5. Lay the child on its side. With one hand, hold his shoulder, and with the other, holding the pelvis, lead in the direction of the coup. Change the order: hold the pelvis and pull on the shoulder.

All movements should be smooth, do not apply force. You should only guide the baby, not do all the work for him.

Video: coups from back to stomach

Mastering coups from the tummy to the back

The child learns to turn over from the stomach to the back a little later. In order for the baby to master the exercise, it is recommended to follow these recommendations:

Action #1. Lay the baby on your stomach. Supporting it from below, raise it above the surface. The baby should lean on the handles. This position will help to master the emphasis on the forelimbs, while the load on the joints will be minimal.

Hold the child by the shoulders above or below under the stomach and chest. This position is comfortable for the baby, so he will try to focus on the handles and flip

Action number 2. Starting position: the child lies on the tummy. Engage your baby with a bright rattle. Place it in front of the child's eyes, let him try to reach it with one hand. If he can’t do it on his own, gently push him, helping him roll over. Toddlers usually really like this exercise.

Motivation in the form of a bright toy in most cases works very well. In order to reach her, he will need to make efforts.

Video: personal experience in exercises with a baby

Additional measures

Pool. In water, the child does not feel weight own body and makes it easier for him to exercise.

Study under the guidance of an experienced mentor, this will help to avoid common mistakes

Fitball. Lessons on this subject will appeal to the baby. Combining business with pleasure, you will strengthen your muscles and spend many pleasant minutes with your baby.

Classes on a fitball are not only safe for the baby, but at the same time very useful for his physical development.

Finger massage. Designed to develop the thinking of the crumbs. Fine sensory is useful for both the smallest and older children.

Video: how to teach a child to roll over

All exercises with the baby should be done in a good mood, sing songs or read funny nursery rhymes. The child needs to smile and praise him for every small victory. In no case do not convey your anxiety to him, because he understands everything and perfectly feels your mood.

Every mother wants her child to learn new skills as quickly as possible. One of the very first skills that a baby acquires is the skill of turning over from the stomach to the back and vice versa.

New abilities enable the baby to develop further, as well as to learn the world from a different angle. In addition, the ability to roll over allows the little one to reach the object of interest to him.

There are certain norms that pediatricians rely on when assessing the development of a baby. So, it should roll over in both directions over the left and right shoulder. Meanwhile, all children develop differently, and not always all skills are acquired in a timely manner.

There can be quite a lot of reasons why a baby cannot roll over when, it would seem, there are already all the necessary prerequisites for this. Perhaps the crumbs have hypotonicity or hypertonicity of the muscles, as a result of which he cannot manage them well enough. Some babies were born premature, which means they may acquire some skills a little later than other children. In addition, sometimes parents simply do not participate in motor activity the baby, without giving him the opportunity to develop.

So that the child masters everything in a timely manner necessary skills, you need to participate in his activity, engage with him gymnastic exercises, strengthening the muscles, as well as showing how to do this or that action. In this article, we will tell you how to quickly and correctly teach a child to roll over from his stomach to his back, and when you can start classes.

Teaching a baby to roll over from his stomach to his back should take place in 3 stages - first, the baby learns to turn from his back to his side, then, and only then proceed to rolls from his stomach to his back. Usually, with sufficient physical activity, the child masters the first stage at 4 months, the second at 5, and the last, most difficult, about 6 months.

How to teach your baby to roll over from back to side?

To begin the exercises of the first stage, the baby must reach 3-4 months and begin to be actively interested in toys. The most important thing in training is to lay the child on a hard surface. Bed or sofa in this case won't fit. Do not put a mattress under the baby, use a small blanket or blanket. By choosing appropriate place, put your child's favorite toy to the left or right of him. Trying to reach the object of interest to him, the baby will soon enough turn on his side. Exercises must be repeated daily.

How to teach a child to roll over from back to stomach?

To help your baby master the second stage, you also need to stimulate coups with your favorite toy. It is useful to engage in massage, hardening and swimming with him. In addition, you can use the following gymnastic exercises:

How to teach a baby to roll over from his stomach to his back?

You can teach your baby to roll over from his stomach to his back, once the baby has mastered the first two stages. To do this, simply put the baby on your stomach, and place your favorite toy at a distance of about 50 cm. First, slowly move a bright object in different sides to get the baby's attention, and then place it on the side of the baby at a short distance. Most likely, the little one will reach for the toy and roll over. If not, help him a little.

A growing child is becoming more and more active. At 3 months, the baby does not want to lie in one position, the baby is interested in what is happening around.

The first attempts to roll over on the side are noticeable by 4 months, after 3-4 weeks the baby tries to lie on the tummy without outside help. Parents are interested in how to help the child roll over from his stomach to his back, what exercises will strengthen the muscles of the arms, legs, chest and neck.

Optimal age to start classes

Some parents make a serious mistake: they push the baby to actions that are inaccessible to the child due to age. The weak muscles of the upper and lower parts of the body are not able to cope with an unbearable load.

Formation " muscle corset”, a strong skeleton actively occurs in the first six months of life. The right time to start classes is 3 months. Muscles and skeleton are sufficiently strengthened, the child reacts vividly to new toys, voice, looks around in search of interesting lesson. Simple exercises will help the baby quickly learn to roll over in different directions.

What time should a baby roll over from tummy to back?

Target 5 months old. By this time, the baby is so active that it freely rolls over on its side, then on its back. By the end of the fifth - the beginning of the sixth month, the “muscular corset” will become so strong that the child will slowly, and then more and more confidently, roll over from the tummy to the back.

The “coups” stage begins when two conditions are met:

  • the baby loves to lie on his tummy, confidently holds his head, rises and rests on his forearms for five to ten minutes;
  • in an upright position, the child fixes his head well, can independently raise it from the “lying on his back” position.

You cannot pass the next stage without mastering the previous one. Some parents teach a baby with a weak musculoskeletal system to sit. If the little man does not hold his head well, has not passed the “turning” stage, attempts to keep the child in the “sitting” position can harm weak bones and muscles.

Why can't a baby roll over?

Pediatricians draw the attention of parents that the development of each baby has individual characteristics. If at six months a son or daughter noticeably lags behind in physical development, does not show a desire to roll over, visit a pediatrician to find out the reasons. At 7 months, the baby should roll freely in all directions.

Remember: 5-6 months - the norm for successful "coups", if a seven-month-old baby cannot roll over on his back, then back is a cause for concern.

There are several reasons for poor physical development:

  • fetal injury during prenatal development(hypoxia);
  • birth trauma;
  • infections;
  • asphyxia during childbirth;
  • development of rickets;
  • insufficient attention to the physical development of the baby in the first months;
  • tight swaddling for a long period.

How to help a baby

Pay attention to the physical development of the crumbs from an early age. Be sure to take into account the condition of the muscles, the strength of the skeleton: too intense loads will be harmful.

How to proceed:

  • at 1 month lay the baby on the tummy. Gradually increase the time from 1 minute to 10. The exercise strengthens the muscles of the neck, the baby learns to hold the head;
  • To three months old, the child turns with pleasure to close people, turns his head, consciously moves his arms, legs, reaches for toys. This period is optimal time for classes, the introduction of new exercises;
  • by four months, help the baby roll over on the side, then on the back. Later baby master the most difficult action for this stage - a coup from the stomach to the back.

Advice! Support lightly little man when he makes attempts to roll over, give a finger so that the baby holds on to him, tries to change position. It is forbidden to pull, strongly pull by the hand, push the body so that the child quickly changes position. Careless actions sometimes lead to dislocations, sprains.

Simple exercises

Classes consist of two stages: preparatory and main. The more attention parents paid to the physical development of the newborn in the first months, the easier it will be to teach the little man to roll over from his tummy to his back and back.

The purpose of the lessons:

  • strengthen muscles;
  • unobtrusively "push" to coups;
  • interest in a new action;
  • create conditions for physical development.

The first stage is preparation

Complex for kids:

  • the first exercise is "bicycle". An easy strengthening exercise calf muscles. Bend, then unbend the legs in turn. The movements are like riding a bicycle. Act carefully, duration - 1-2 minutes;
  • second exercise. Offer the baby your fingers, let the baby grab them tightly. Spread the handles to the sides, then slowly connect them on the chest;
  • third exercise. An easy way to strengthen the muscles of the arms and chest. The baby lies on his back. Give the crumbs fingers, wait until the child grabs them tightly. Slowly pull the baby towards you. Act carefully without sudden movements. Start with the minimum angle of rise, gradually increase the separation of the head and back from the surface. After a few lessons, as the “muscle corset” strengthens, the baby will reach for his hands himself.

The second step is motivation

The child is ready for more varied movements when he holds his head confidently. Preparatory stage in combination with regular massage, it facilitates turning in different directions.


  • the starting position for the baby is lying on the stomach. Bend the left leg, gently move it behind the right. The movement will force the baby to stand up, leaning on the handles, and try to roll over from the stomach back. A little help, gently pull the handle. Make sure that the child does not hit his head during a sharp turn;
  • the baby lies on the tummy, the adult is behind. Take a bright sounding toy, show interesting thing high above the little man. Take the crumb by the right handle, pull it forward so that the child tries to take the object. Slowly move your hand over the child in left side: the baby will roll over on its back.

The duration of classes is no more than a quarter of an hour. Start with five minutes, gradually increase the duration of gymnastics. Watch how the baby reacts. Usually, children perform exercises with pleasure, quickly understand how to get a toy, remember the sequence of actions, and try to roll over themselves. The task of parents is to gently push them to new movements, to create conditions for active knowledge of the world.

  • select right moment. After feeding, at least an hour must pass so that there is no regurgitation in the children of the first months of life;
  • speak affectionately with the baby, watch the mood. When the baby is naughty, he is tormented by colic or other problems, reschedule classes for more right time. During exercises, the child should be calm and cheerful;
  • create maximum comfort for gymnastics: pleasant air temperature, comfortable clothes. In warm weather, practice naked: air baths plus physical activity- the optimal combination;
  • more suitable for practice hard surface, better - a changing table or a large table covered with a bedspread. The sofa or bed is too soft, it will be more difficult for the baby to roll over on the tummy, then back again;
  • praise the baby for success, smile, encourage actions with a word, a look, a soft guiding movement;
  • use bright, sounding toys so that the child decides to reach for them;
  • do not be nervous if the crumbs do not succeed at once or the baby shows less interest;
  • a good help for the physical development of young children is massage. Gently massage the arms, legs, stroke the back, chest, Special attention give to the feet and palms with a large number of biologically active points.

If the arms and legs hang limply during classes, the baby does not even try to reach for you, is indifferent to rattles, be sure to consult a pediatrician. You may need the help of a neurologist, additional examination baby. Timely diagnosis, early therapy neurological pathologies, elimination of problems with the musculoskeletal system give hope for a full recovery.

Joint activities with the baby is not only a responsibility and daily labor, but also more pleasant communication with a little man. Help the baby to actively develop, remember a set of simple exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back, chest, neck, arms and legs. Consider the recommendations of pediatricians, follow the advice, and you will certainly teach the baby to roll over from his tummy to his back.

Video - tips for parents on how to teach a child to roll over:

Teaching a child to roll over
If a child at three and a half months does not roll over and does not even make attempts to roll over, does not even lie on his side, even if you put him on his tummy, he seems to swear, he is not satisfied, he mostly lies on his back. So here is the very first nuance, what you need to understand, is there hypertonicity in the legs, in the legs in the back. Because the child makes coups at the expense of the back and at the expense of the legs. Hands they certainly participate, but as a rule not significantly. The legs and back are the larger muscle groups that are involved in the flip. You can cut yourself on your back and try to roll over, and you will understand that your hands are almost not involved in this process, and your back and legs help you roll over.

Hypertonicity in children under one year old how to determine

First you need to find out if the child has problems with tone. How is it determined? In principle, the main thing is that good specialist who faces this problem and generally works with children. That is, at the reception at his place, he will easily tell you that the child has hypertonicity in the arms, legs, that is, he will twist it and turn it and specifically tell you. Plus, you still need to make sure that everything is in order with the joints, go get an ultrasound hip joints, from a good, proven specialist. You will be given a detailed extract, where it is clearly written that there is no problem, or what exactly is wrong. This is very important because if you do not solve this problem, it will continue to haunt your child. That is, at first he will lag behind in development, since he will not be able to roll over, and then it will be difficult for him to crawl, then get up, and in the future there may be big problems with legs and joints, foot placement, posture setting and the child may not be flexible.
when you showed the child to several specialists, did an ultrasound scan, consulted about hypertonicity, hypotonicity in the legs, back, how hypertonicity leads to the fact that it prevents him from moving, and hypotonicity is not enough tension in the muscles, it turns out the child is lethargic, he cannot roll over.

Teaching a child to roll over from stomach to back

Each child is individual, but if all the experts told you that he is absolutely healthy, but he still does not roll over, then you need to do a massage with elements therapeutic gymnastics, again, a specialist, showed you how to do it, and said how many times.
after doing all the necessary procedures, the child does not roll over, when he reached for the toy and lay down on the barrel, pull him lightly by the leg to the side, so you will help him with the flip on the back. Either put it on an uneven surface, perhaps placing a pillow, or raise the sofa so that it would be easier for the child to roll over.

The child does not want to roll over on his tummy on his own

Why do some babies not want to roll over? Because for them these are not familiar movements, new ones, if they don’t need it, then they won’t do it, they need to be taught this (to roll from a hill, not a flat surface).
If a child, for example, rolls over to one side, but does not want to go the other, there is nothing to worry about. The main thing is that the child would lie down on the barrel and fall as far as possible.

Teaching a child to roll over from back to stomach video