Summary: Reasonable alternation of work and rest. Big encyclopedia of oil and gas

It is necessary to organize educational activities in the classroom because of the inability of mentally retarded children to constantly mobilize their efforts to solve cognitive problems. Therefore, the teacher has to use the methods of dividing cognition into small parts in the lesson, and all educational activity into small portions. This is reflected in the structure of the lesson. The lesson consists of links. Each link contains the transmission and reception of information, verification of its assimilation and correction. The role of the media is the word, visualization, practical actions. The links of the lesson are also divided into verbal, visual and practical. The combination and temporal arrangement of these links constitute the structure of the lesson. Due to the alternation of different links, lessons differ in type.

Depending on the tasks, in some lessons of this type, the main place is occupied by the assimilation of the new, in others - by the reproduction of what has been learned, in the third - by repetition and systematization of what has been learned. A lesson-excursion is an exit to the place of the object of knowledge. Learning in this lesson is carried out in the form of observation, conversation, action. The tour is divided according to the content into thematic and complex and is conducted on different stages learning.

Any lesson, even the simplest in its structure, is a rather complex activity of a teacher and a student. Each element of the lesson has its own specific requirements. The activities of mentally retarded students in the classroom are very variable, their motivation and performance do not always correspond to the specific conditions of learning, and in this regard, the role of matching the methods of organizing a lesson for a mentally retarded student increases.

An important correctional value of this process is to identify and take into account the unrealized cognitive capabilities of students. Due to the uneven activity of students in the classroom great value for the teacher has knowledge health phases student. In a mentally retarded student, the phase of reduced efficiency is too long, and the phase of increased efficiency is greatly reduced. The phase of secondary decline in performance occurs prematurely.

3. When preparing for the lesson, remember:

1. The topic of the lesson.

2. Type of lesson.

3. The main goal of the lesson.

4. Tasks of the lesson (educational, correctional and developmental, educational).

5. How all stages of the lesson will work towards achieving main goal lesson.

6. Forms and methods of teaching.

7. Student assessment.

8. Analysis of the lesson.

Lesson types

The type of lesson is a set of essential features that are characteristic of a certain group of lessons, which are based on a clearly fixed temporal characteristic of both the media and their alternation in time, and also differ in their target orientation. In the practice of special schools of the 8th type, a propaedeutic lesson, a lesson in the formation of new knowledge, lessons in improving knowledge, correction, systematization and generalization, control, practical, combined lessons, as well as a study tour are distinguished.

1. Propaedeutic lesson.

Propaedeutic the lesson is used to prepare for the assimilation of new knowledge, to improve the level of cognitive abilities of children, to develop skills for learning activities(in the first grade), for the correction of thinking, perception and speech of a mentally retarded student. Lesson in the study of new knowledge: The low productivity of students of special schools of the 8th type when studying new material requires such corrective measures as reducing portions of new knowledge and a small amount of time for their presentation (in primary school up to 10 minutes, in older ones up to 25 minutes).

2. A lesson in learning new material.

Lessons in learning new material- the process is lengthy. Mastering reading and writing takes months. Due to inertia mental processes mentally retarded children are used and lessons - improving knowledge. They deepen and expand knowledge within the boundaries of the previously submitted volume. These lessons use exercises in the practical application of knowledge and training to build skills.

3. Lesson to consolidate knowledge.

4. Lesson of generalization and systematization of knowledge.

In order to prevent forgetting, lessons of generalization and systematization of knowledge. In these lessons, fragments of knowledge are combined into a single system, links between facts are restored. In the program of educational material, these types of lessons are used for repetition. In these lessons, the reduced level of distraction and generalization is corrected.

5. Lesson for checking and evaluating knowledge.

Knowledge testing and assessment lesson is used to understand the level of knowledge acquisition and the effectiveness of the teaching methods used. The lesson can be built in the form of a conversation, written work, practical tasks. Practical tasks aimed at involving students in solving a cognitive problem with practical actions. This type of lesson is realized by practical work in the class.

6. Corrective lesson.

Corrective lessons are used for the practical implementation of the correction of speech, concepts, coordination, actions, writing, etc. These lessons correct, clarify, restructure actions implemented in the observation of objects or phenomena, recognition, naming, comparison, classification, description, highlighting the main, generalization. At the same time, widely used outdoor games And physical exercise on the development of all analyzers.

6. Combined lesson.

In work practice special school 8th type is most commonly used combined a lesson that combines the types of work and tasks of several types of lessons. This type of lesson is very popular due to small portions of new knowledge, the availability of time to solve didactic problems, consolidate, repeat, clarify knowledge, and a variety of methods of the educational process.

Here is an approximate structure of a combined lesson, the outline of which will be given below:

- organizational moment and preparation for the lesson;

- organization of educational activities;

- examination homework;

- repetition of previously studied material;

- preparation for the perception of new material;

- learning new knowledge;

- correction in the process of obtaining new knowledge;

- consolidation of new material;

- summarizing;

- announcement of homework;

- conclusion from the lesson.

7. Non-traditional lessons.

Lesson stages

The art of the teacher consists (on the basis of corrective measures) in changing the relationship between the levels of student performance and ensuring that the student is ready to perform cognitive tasks with optimal activity. Taking into account the dynamics of the working capacity of mentally retarded students, it is recommended to apply the following stages of organizing activities in the lesson:

- organizational and preparatory;

- basic;

- final.

1. Organizational and preparatory:

First the stage provides for the quick inclusion of children in the lesson and the prerequisites for productive work. In mentally retarded children, the creation of a pre-work environment is difficult due to difficulties in switching and inertia of nervous processes. The word of the teacher may not affect the setting for work, so verbal appeal should be supplemented with motor and sensory exercises aimed at activating attention, perception of thinking. These exercises last up to seven minutes, primarily in elementary grades, and should be related to the work ahead.

The second moment of the organization of the lesson is to develop the skills of the correct organization of one's actions in the lesson. This stage not only ensures the productivity of learning, but also teaches children to be organized in any activity. Main principle pedagogical organization lesson work consists in the constant control of the actions of mentally retarded children, up to their complete independence. This includes learning to enter the classroom in a timely manner, to sit at a desk without noise, preparing notebooks, books, pens for academic work etc.

The teacher must teach everything: how to sit down correctly, how to work with a textbook, how to place a textbook and a notebook on a desk. First, the action is shown, as these skills are formed, you can move on to verbal instructions. In the practice of senior classes, such an organization is carried out by creating a special situation for the independent preparation of students for educational activities.

Main stage.

On the mostly stage, the main tasks of the lesson are solved. At this stage, didactic and psychological preparation to solve the main task of the lesson, so that mentally retarded children correlate their actions with the questions of the cognitive task. This can be a message about the topic and purpose of the lesson with a motivated explanation of them. The teacher tells in detail what the children will do and why it is necessary. It is necessary to express the opinion that the children will cope with the task. Further, it is recommended to carry out special preparation for solving the cognitive tasks of the lesson. opening talk, or a frontal brief survey of previous material, or viewing tables, figures, living objects to create ideas when studying new material. After such preparations, one should start studying new material or repeat the previous one.

At this stage, the success of the students is assessed, the results of the work are summed up, jobs are put in order and an attitude to rest is created: games, songs, riddles, etc.

The main requirement in this link of the lesson is to provide students with the correct ideas and concepts. For complete perception and conscious assimilation of the educational task, several references to the same material are needed, during which knowledge and skills are refined, and incorrectly learned material is corrected.

As already mentioned, even when working in the most favorable conditions, if it continues for a very long time without a break, fatigue sets in after a while. Therefore, the productivity of both physical and mental labor can be high only if we take timely breaks from work.
Sometimes, being passionate about work, we do not notice fatigue and continue to work without a break. This threatens us with overwork, which will require a very long rest. Ultimately, such a work will not only adversely affect our health, but will give bad results.
Far from always best form rest is complete inactivity. A healthy person is usually no worse, and in many cases even better, the so-called active rest.

How long can a person perform certain physical work without rest? How does rest of varying duration affect the recovery of a tired person? To answer these questions, the famous Russian physiologist I. M. Sechenov made a series of experiments on himself.
The scientist used the device he designed to graphically record the work of muscles. This device is very similar to a conventional ergograph, with the only difference being that the whole hand takes part in the work of lifting the load, and not just one finger.
As the work was done in a certain rhythm, fatigue set in, and therefore the height of the load became less and less, and the lines reflecting the work of the hand became shorter.
In order to restore the working capacity of a tired hand, Sechenov gave it a complete rest, sometimes for a longer, sometimes for a shorter period of time, trying to find the most favorable ratio between the duration of the period of work and the duration of rest.
During one of these experiments, the right hand, tired after a long work, rested. At this time, Sechenov began to raise and lower the load with his left hand, which until now had not participated in the work. It turned out that with such a modification of experience, working capacity right hand recovered faster and more fully, and after a rest, Sechenov was able to resume lifting the load with this arm with greater strength. “To my considerable surprise,” he wrote, “the most real was not the temporary rest of the working hand, but its rest, even more short-term, associated with the work of the other hand.”
Sechenov set up a series of other experiments and proved that faster and full recovery the working capacity of a tired hand is also facilitated by the work of the legs or other untired organs. It can be explained like this. The work of the muscles of the right hand is accompanied by a process of excitation in a certain group of nerve cells in the cerebral cortex. Prolonged work of these muscles leads to a drop in the efficiency of these cells, and then the process of protective inhibition develops in them, during which their performance is restored. Protective inhibition in these cells will be deeper and their performance will be restored faster and more fully if a process of excitation occurs in other parts of the cerebral cortex. This is what happens if at this time the muscles of the other hand or other muscles work, which had not previously taken part in the work.
Sechenov's experiments clearly showed that for more effective fight with fatigue, it is necessary to give complete rest to the tired organ, and not to all organs. Under certain conditions, the active state of organs that have not previously participated in the work that led to fatigue will only be useful: it will help to eliminate fatigue more quickly and completely.
The results of Sechenov's experiments have great importance to choose the most effective forms recreation. They help us understand why, in most cases, when tired, our working capacity recovers faster not after complete inactivity, but after “active” rest, that is, after rest associated with a particular activity. It is only necessary that this activity differ as much as possible from the one that caused fatigue. That is why, for example, a person sitting at a desk all day should move as much as possible during rest.

For workers in production and in institutions, a break is arranged in the middle of the working day for eating and resting. This break should be calm environment providing the opportunity for complete relaxation.
It is desirable that workers rest not at their workplaces, but in cool, silent, well-ventilated rooms specially designated for rest. This is especially necessary for those workers who are exposed to harmful chemical substances, noise, vibration or other adverse factors.
Work in "hot" workshops is associated with an increase in skin and body temperature, a change in heat transfer from the skin surface, as well as with profuse sweating. Therefore, workers in "hot" shops should rest during a break in a room in which the temperature is maintained at about 19 °. In some industries, special rooms with cooled walls are assigned for rest of workers.
In addition to the lunch break, at enterprises and institutions it is desirable to introduce several very short breaks - 2-5 minutes each. These so-called micro-pauses are best used for active recreation in the form of light exercise.
Such exercises are especially necessary for monotonous work. For example, those who work sitting at the conveyor and those who sit at the table all day during the micropause are recommended to get up, walk for 2-3 minutes and do some physical exercises involving mainly the muscles of the legs, back and neck - turning the neck and torso, several squats, arching the lower back forward, etc.
IN Lately this type of active recreation began to be widely used in Soviet factories and factories, as well as in institutions, in certain hour workers and employees under the guidance of physical education instructors perform specially selected exercises. When choosing exercises, the nature of work at a given enterprise is taken into account, striving to ensure that during exercises the load falls mainly on those muscle groups that are inactive during work. Experience has shown that physical education pauses help to increase the efficiency and improve the health of workers and employees.

In your country, all workers have access to the most various forms recreation: playing sports and visiting sports, walking, visiting exhibitions, museums, theaters, concerts, cinemas, cultural parks, amateur performance and other cultural entertainment home environment, in the family circle, devoting their leisure time to raising children, expanding their horizons by reading, etc.
Everyone chooses the most suitable form of recreation for himself, corresponding to his inclinations and tastes, as well as the state of health in everyday conditions. Some people like to relax in solitude, in peace and quiet, others prefer to have fun in the company of friends and acquaintances. As N. G. Chernyshevsky said, “rest is the most personal matter ... the character of a person is expressed most of all in what kind of rest is easier and more pleasant for him.”
So, everyone rests in their own way. Therefore, we will limit ourselves here to only a few general guidelines that help you make better use of your free time for recreation. These indications are based mainly on those facts and regularities that have already been stated above.
For healthy people it is more useful not to spend most of the time free from work in complete inactivity, but to use one or another form of active recreation. At the same time, our activities during the holidays should be different from the activities associated with the main work. For example, knowledge workers who spend most of the day at the table are recommended to do light physical work in the garden, vegetable garden, etc.
Perhaps most of your free time should be spent outdoors. This is especially necessary for those who work indoors. If they live not very far from their place of work, it is advisable to walk all the way from home to work and back, or at least part of this way.
Finally, it is also important to note that the most complete will be rest, saturated positive emotions. In this regard, of course, one must also take into account, first of all, the tastes of the vacationer. For some, such a vacation will be a country walk full of fun and laughter with friends, for others - a visit to a football match, for others - hunting, fishing, etc.
Whatever form of rest you use during the day off, it is advisable to always follow one rule: the day off is entirely devoted to rest.

According to Soviet laws, every worker and employee is granted annual leave with wages. The numerous network of rest houses and sanatoriums in resorts and in all regions of the USSR is constantly filled with workers, collective farmers and employees; the most favorable conditions for good rest and health promotion are created here, and in sanatoriums, in addition, everything is provided necessary methods treatment for those who need it.
It is only necessary to warn those who, at all costs, strive to get to the most popular southern Soviet resorts, that it is much more useful for many of them to rest and be treated in local sanatoriums, where the body does not have to adapt to unusual conditions for it. climatic conditions. Therefore, before going to the resort, it is necessary to consult a doctor, otherwise this trip may turn out to be not only useless, but even harmful to health.
You can have a good rest, of course, not only in the rest house and sanatorium. Healthy people can spend their holidays interestingly and with health benefits in hiking, climbing and other sports. City residents are encouraged to go to the countryside or to the country, and those who stay in the city during their holidays should spend as much time as possible outdoors - in parks and gardens, take part in country walks, etc.
You can have a good vacation not only in summer time but also in winter. Skiing, skating and other winter sports, being in the frosty air, winter landscapes of nature that have their own charm - all this contributes to good rest and improves health.
Whatever time of the year you choose to relax and wherever you are at this time, it is very desirable to spend your vacation in a different environment than the one in which the whole year passes. A change of scenery makes the rest more interesting and more rewarding.

Most people in their Everyday life there is a definite, more or less permanent daily routine. Approximately at the same hours they get up and go to bed, at the same hours they work and rest, have breakfast, lunch, dinner, etc. A certain sequence of these actions is associated with a certain sequence of nervous processes in the brain, which from day to day a day is stereotypically repeated. As a result, a dynamic stereotype is developed. Therefore, a constant daily routine creates the most favorable conditions for both work and leisure.
However, the very name "dynamic stereotype" emphasizes that it can change, be rebuilt. You can, of course, change the daily routine, and in some cases it is even necessary - whether because they have changed significantly living conditions or working conditions, whether because the old, familiar daily routine turned out to be unhealthy. However, it is undesirable to change the daily routine very often, as this is primarily associated with a large load. nervous system which has to develop a new dynamic stereotype, and it is completely unacceptable to do this every day, that is, in fact, to not adhere to any order at all and not have certain hours either for work and rest, or for eating and sleeping. Such a hectic lifestyle is very bad for health and performance.
That is why, although deviations from the regular daily routine are unavoidable under certain conditions, one must always strive to ensure that these deviations are made as few as possible and that they are as small as possible. It is especially difficult for older people to endure sudden changes in the mode of work and rest.
When compiling the daily routine, it is necessary to provide for the correct alternation of work and rest, alternation different forms activities. Sufficient time must be given to rest, being outdoors, sleeping; There should not be too long breaks between meals. We must also take into account the fact that usually more favorable conditions for work are available in the morning and afternoon, and for rest and sleep - in the evening and at night.
At different hours of the day, metabolism, the frequency and depth of breathing, blood circulation and the work of a number of other organs change. This is facilitated, in particular, by the fact that during the day the body is usually exposed to a significantly larger number of "irritants" than at night, and these "irritants" are different. When working on a night shift, bright "day" lighting in the workshop, the usual noise of machines, the usual pace of work of one's own and the entire team - all this brings the night environment closer to the daytime environment of labor activity. Therefore, many people constantly work in the night shift without harm to health, but on the condition that during the day they have the opportunity to have a good rest and sleep in a calm environment.
From this, however, one cannot conclude that everyone can, when he pleases, change his daily rhythm of work, rest and sleep, can turn night into day, stay up at work or reading until morning in order to sleep off during the day. Such a disorderly disruption of the daily rhythm of work and rest usually has an extremely negative effect on both health and work productivity.

During sleep, the activity of many organs becomes less intense. Muscles relax, breathing becomes more rare, heart rate decreases, arterial blood pressure drops slightly, the organ of vision completely stops its work. The metabolism also changes, and the processes of assimilation prevail over the processes of decay. All this makes it possible to "rest" the organs of our body. But sleep is especially important for rest and recovery of the higher parts of the central nervous system.
We have already noted that the work of the brain is associated not only with mental, but also with physical labor. Moreover, the brain is in an active state even when we seem to be visible work we do not produce, for example: we always keep our body in a position of balance, in our body breathing and blood circulation do not stop for a minute, the digestive organs work almost all the time, metabolism occurs all the time, heat is formed and given out. All these processes take place with the participation of the brain.
The sense organs, especially the organs of vision and hearing, as well as the sensitive nerve endings in the skin, are constantly exposed to a huge amount of “irritations” from the outside world. As a result, excitation occurs in the sense organs, in the nerve endings, and numerous streams of impulses (excitation waves) are sent to the central nervous system, thanks to the continuous activity of which we catch the most insignificant changes in lighting, see the objects surrounding the pass, determine their size and position in space, we evaluate (as pleasant or unpleasant) combinations of colors in nature and in the paintings of artists. Numerous nerves send "signals" from the sense organs about changes in the external environment. All these "signals" are concentrated in the central nervous system, which, having received them, sends impulses to certain "working" organs.
So, when we are awake, our brain is constantly working. Hence the need for rest. But the rest of the higher parts of the brain can be most complete only in sleep.
Even when we are awake, separate groups of nerve cells on a short time are in a state of inhibition. During deep sleep, the process of inhibition extends to most of the cerebral hemispheres, and sometimes to the underlying parts of the brain. This makes it possible to restore normal chemical composition and performance of nerve cells. So after sound sleep without dreams, a person feels alert and has a desire to start work. As I. P. Pavlov said, sleep is the “rescue” of the body from rapid overwork and rapid wear.

When a person is very tired and has not slept for a long time, he sometimes falls asleep in any conditions. There are known, for example, cases when, during a very long transition The soldiers fell asleep without stopping walking. The famous polar traveler Nansen and his companions, moving on skis, sometimes fell asleep while continuing their journey. But, of course, such a dream cannot be complete, and in our daily life we ​​always try to create certain conditions conducive to rapid offensive deeper sleep, after which we wake up better rested.
These conditions include, first of all, a constant sleep rhythm. If we get used to going to bed at the same hours every night, then sleep usually comes quickly. Just as important is the same environment in which we sleep, which is why it is sometimes difficult to fall asleep in a new place.
Before going to bed, avoid anything that can cause strong arousal in the nervous system, 1-11/2 hours before bedtime, work that requires a lot of stress should be stopped, schoolchildren should not prepare lessons before going to bed, etc. It is very useful to take a short (about half an hour) untiring walk in the fresh air before going to bed.
Dinner should be no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime, and dinner should not be too plentiful and should not include spicy and fatty foods. Before going to bed, you can not drink strong tea and coffee. In order for sleep to come faster and be deeper, it is necessary, as far as possible, to reduce the influx of external stimuli that prevent the spread of inhibition in the brain. Bright light should not fall on the sleeper, there should be no noise around him - the radio and TV should be turned off or at least muffled.
We must take care of the purity of the air in the room where we sleep. Before going to bed, it must be well ventilated. In the not very cold season, it is useful to sleep with the window open, and in the summer with the window open.
A comfortable and not too warm bed contributes to a faster onset of sleep and deeper sleep. The body of a person sleeping under a blanket gradually warms the layer of air located between the blanket and the mattress, and the person, falling asleep, is, as it were, immersed in an air bath of pleasant soothing temperature. Skin vessels on the surface of the body dilate evenly, blood from overflowing vessels during wakefulness during internal organs and the brain rushes to the peripheral leg vessels, a calm refreshing sleep occurs.
Bedding should be made of fabrics that allow air and water vapor to pass through well enough. The bed should not be too soft, but elastic. It is recommended to sleep on a spring mattress or on a bed with a metal mesh. Pillows should be moderately soft, not overstuffed, with double inner pillowcases.
Bedding should be kept clean, pillows, blankets and mattresses should be systematically freed from dust with a vacuum cleaner or knocked out in designated areas.

The alternation of labor and outdoor activities is set depending on the change in the human performance curve.

The need to alternate work and rest during different time periods (shift, week, month, year) has a physiological justification. Labor activity of a person is associated with the expenditure of physical and nervous energy which leads to changes in the body. Before certain period time, these costs do not lead to irreversible changes in the body, which restores its original state during a short rest period.

Labor productivity depends on the rational alternation of work and rest.

The second task - determining the optimal alternation of work and rest - is related to the first. In a number of universities in the country, an attempt is being made to reduce the lecture to 30 minutes, but to use this time with the greatest stress. Industrial gymnastics has been introduced at factories at those workplaces where people work without changing their posture. The same problem needs to be solved for students who work sitting all day long.

Experience of psychophysiological research effectively: various forms alternation of work.

At the VC it ​​is possible to allocate following modes work: shift, which determines the alternation of work and rest during the working day.

The work and rest of employees is regulated by the work schedule, which reflects the length of the working day, the number of work shifts per day, the alternation of work and rest. It ensures compliance with the number of working hours per month established by law, uniform distribution of working time and rest time during the month, correct alternation of morning, evening and night shifts for each worker, transition from one shift to another after days of rest, permanent assignment of teams or individual workers for equipment and work space.

Work and rest of workers are regulated by the work schedule, which reflects the length of the working day, the number of work shifts per day, the alternation of work and rest. He must ensure compliance with the monthly number of working hours established by law, uniform distribution of working time and rest time during the month, correct alternation of morning, evening and night shifts for each worker, transition from one shift to another after a day of rest, permanent assignment of teams or individual workers for equipment and work space.

It is also important for the manager to assimilate the following provisions: nervous loads are compensated by the timely introduction of a sufficient duration of rest, compliance with the principles of alternation of work and rest, organization motor activity and learning self-regulation skills.

The characteristics of his actions are taken as objective indicators of the intensity of the operator's mental work: observation, record keeping, reading instrument readings, calculations, communication with other personnel, duration of work, alternation of work and rest.

This takes into account cycles: annual with annual leave, weekly with days off and daily with a non-working E belt. The alternation of work and rest also takes place within the working day.

The usurer is vile in the eyes of God and man, primarily because there is no other sin that would never rest: adulterers, lechers, murderers, false witnesses, blasphemers get tired of their sins, while the usurer continues to profit unceasingly. By his activity, he denies the normal alternation of work and rest. Usury destroys the connection between the individual and his practice, for even when the usurer himself eats, sleeps, or listens to a sermon, the interest continues to rise. The Lord commanded man to get his daily bread by the sweat of his brow, while the usurer makes money without working hard.

It is useful to know that the system of working drunkenly for several hours in a row, and then the same drunken rest is a harmful and ridiculous habit. There should be a certain rhythm with the alternation of work and rest. It is rhythmic, measured work that leads to success. In the work it is necessary to take into account the biorhythms of life. Even an ordinary work week has its own cycle. Monday is the day of entry into the working rhythm. On Monday (if there is a possibility of transfer), you should not start important things.

The most important factor recovery is compliance correct mode, that is, the alternation of periods of work and rest.
The performance curve during the day undergoes great changes. Let's consider two examples. Over a four-hour period during muscular work, productivity reaches a maximum in the first hour (29 sawn logs); in the second hour it drops sharply (21 logs), in the third hour the decline continues, 19 logs have been sawn; during the last, fourth hour, there is a “final impulse” - 24 logs.
A different picture is observed during mental work, for example, when memorizing foreign words: 25 pairs of words were mastered in the first hour; on the second - the period of development continues (27 pairs of words); during the third hour, performance drops sharply (up to 15 pairs of words); and even more noticeable decrease at the fourth hour (only 9 pairs of words). Fatigue in this case covers the final effort of will.
The above examples emphasize the need to create work and rest regimes depending on the specific conditions and nature of work. So, in our example, physical work, obviously, after the first working hour it is advisable to take a rather long (15-20 min) break. Passive and active rest - exercises to relax the muscles of the limbs and self-massage. In the second case, rest is required after two hours from the start of work, and then after the third hour. Both breaks should be active, because the work proceeded in a sitting posture, without significant movement and with minimal energy expenditure. Under these conditions, there is a relative stagnation of blood, especially in lower limbs and pelvic organs. Mobility slows down chest which reduces the supply of oxygen to the body. Leisure should include exercises for the limbs, especially the legs - walking and running (you can do it on the spot), breathing movements with an emphasis on intensified inhalation with a slight breath hold, tilts and rotations of the torso, arms, legs, jumps. Exercises end with calm walking, deep, even breathing and relaxation (“shaking”) of the limbs.
To improve workability, it is necessary to have a good preliminary rest. It is believed that total time work and rest (passive and active) should be correlated as 1:2, that is, with an 8-hour working day, rest can be 16 hours. This includes sleep. And different kinds activities; self-service, self-training (reading special literature, completing educational tasks), free time(reading fiction, visiting theaters, cinemas, etc.), outdoor activities [outdoor games, sports sections, independent general physical training, walks, etc.).
The simplest way to prevent the increase in fatigue during work is rest breaks, including such types of industrial gymnastics as physical education breaks for 5-10 minutes and physical education minutes.
Production gymnastics is useful not only for those who have a sedentary job, but also for people of physical labor. If in the first case gymnastics is carried out, designed to exercise all groups of muscles and joints, such as, for example, daily broadcast on the first radio program, then in the second case it is necessary to load those muscles that were inactive during work operations. And here breathing exercises necessary in both cases, Special attention it is necessary to pay attention to breathing through the nose. In addition, during hard work, you need to do exercises to relax the muscles that were most fully involved in the work.
Both passive and active micropauses have a good effect: several breathing movements, exercises to relax working muscles or rub them. These micro-pauses, depending on the conditions, are periodically repeated during work, taking only 10-15 s.
It is very important to properly organize rest outside of work: this is a daily after-work time, two days off a week and an annual vacation.
When determining the time and content of the daily post-work rest, labor physiologists proceed from the curve for the restoration of physiological functions and the curve for the restoration of energy expenditure. At the same time, it is believed that the duration of rest can be equated to the duration of the period of energy recovery. Here, according to the famous naturalist E. Muller, there are two ways to determine the most effective duration and number of pauses during hard work.
One technique is associated with the determination of energy expenditure required for muscle work. The energy required for this is obtained by both direct oxidation of the corresponding products in the body (aerobic process) and oxygen-free (anaerobic) release of energy from muscle reserves. Normally, these reserves are very significant and amount to about 24 kilocalories per minute, and during oxidation, only 4 kcal can be released per minute. Energy consumption by oxidation can last for hours without attracting reserves. The moment of transition to non-anaerobic metabolic processes is called the endurance limit, for a long-distance runner this will be the moment of the “second wind” appearance. If the work performed requires the use of reserves, then additional rest is required for recovery.
Another way is based on determining the pulse rate as an indicator of the adequacy of the blood and oxygen supply to the working muscles. When working below the endurance limit, the pulse is set at a constant level, proportional to the amount of energy expenditure. When labor is above the limit of endurance, the pulse continuously rises, and at some point exhaustion sets in. energy reserves. This is also reflected in the course of recovery processes: after work with a steady pulse recovery period short, and with increasing frequency - long.
Regardless of time energy recovery in the post-work period, four successive stages are observed in the muscles: recovery, over-initial, final, and the stage of reduced excitability. For the resumption of labor efforts, the third stage is most beneficial, characterized by the most economical waste of energy products and high reactivity of the body. This optimal excitability of the muscle is the positive stimulus that accelerates the increase in efficiency at the very beginning. The period of development can be shortened by a strong-willed attitude, that is, a purposeful, conscious attitude to work, a certain interest in it.
Now let's dwell on the nature of rest - passive and active. Passive includes all types of recreation, when a person does not produce any noticeable muscular and mental work. First of all, it is sleep, soothing, refreshing and healing. After a sleepless night, a person feels "broken", works with difficulty. During sleep, the brain, muscles rest, the heart, stomach and other organs work less intensively.
For the most complete rest and recovery of the vulture, it is important to observe certain hygiene rules, among which one of the main ones is constant time going to sleep. It is equally important to get up at the same time every day. The habit of falling asleep and waking up at a certain hour develops a conditioned reflex for time, which helps a person to rest.
An indispensable condition for sleep hygiene is a comfortable bed and a clean, Fresh air in the room. To do this, you need to open a window or window in any weather, regardless of the time of year.
The norm is 7-8 hours of sleep. However, this is on average. There are people for whom 5 hours of sleep is enough, and for others, even 10 hours may not be enough. Australian scientists examined three people who felt great after just 2 hours of sleep.
Based on your individuality and the characteristics of work, you need to establish the most rational mode sleep. It is not necessary to sleep all 8 hours at night, you can transfer 1-2 hours to daytime.
Passive rest is vital, but it should not be abused. It is known, for example, that with a sedentary lifestyle, with too long lying down, a person becomes less resilient to physical activity, rather gets tired, becomes not only weak, but also grows decrepit Even the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle said: “Nothing exhausts and destroys a person like prolonged physical inactivity.”
Rest, according to N. E. Vvedensky, “does not necessarily imply complete inaction on the part of a person, it can be achieved by a simple change of business - the transfer of attention and new sphere activities". When tired from a long monotonous work, you need to switch to another type of activity. In this case, impulses from various nerve receptors, including muscle, visual, auditory or skin, are transferred from one group of nerve cells to others, which until now were in a state of relative rest. This is the source of the enormous reserve forces of the body, which, if necessary, can be brought into action.
When a person after labor day he takes a walk or plays football, rides a bicycle, does crafts with enthusiasm, other muscle groups are put into action, other functions that differ from ordinary professional ones, and, consequently, a different impulse from nerve receptors goes to the central nervous system.
For the first time, the role of outdoor activities in the prevention of fatigue was noticed by the “father of Russian physiology” I. M. Sechenov. In 1903, he conducted an experiment to study the performance of the muscles of both hands when lifting a load. A device of its own design - an ergograph, which registers muscle strength, showed that the performance of a tired right hand is restored faster and more fully with rhythmic contractions of the left hand.
The physiological mechanisms of active recreation became clear after the work of IP Pavlov and his collaborators. In the laboratory led by Academician L. A. Orbeli, an interesting physiological phenomenon was discovered, showing that muscle activity increased, and their fatigue decreased when sympathetic nerve trunks were stimulated by electric current (Orbeli-Ginetsinsky phenomenon). This means that fatigue can be eliminated by various influences, which either themselves are active in nature, or lead to the activation of the central nervous system.
The phenomenon of I. M. Sechenov also underlies the proposal made by the Yugoslav psychologist B. Petz to work on a conveyor belt with a changing speed. So, recovery processes increase sharply with a decrease in the speed of movement by one third. After that, working capacity increases and the working mood is maintained, which, as a rule, decreases with complete, that is, passive, rest.
To active rest during work, first of all, it is necessary to include such types of industrial gymnastics as physical education pauses and physical education minutes. Gymnastic exercises during the working day, they not only improve the activity of the central nervous system in accordance with the Sechenov phenomenon, but also revitalize, normalize all physiological processes, raise the emotional tone, thereby contributing to high performance. In order to increase the excitability of the nervous system and relieve fatigue, it is necessary to set new tasks for it, requiring new neuro-reflex responses.

The most important factor in the restoration of working capacity is the observance of the correct regime, that is, the alternation of periods of work and rest.

It is believed that the total time of work and rest should be related as 1:2, that is, with an 8-hour working day, rest can be 16 hours. There are passive and active rest.

Passive rest includes all types of rest when a person does not perform any noticeable muscular and mental work. First of all, it is sleep, soothing, refreshing and healing. After a sleepless night, a person feels "broken", works with difficulty. During sleep, the brain, muscles rest, the heart, stomach and other organs work less intensively. For the most complete rest and recovery of the vulture, it is important to follow certain hygiene rules, among which one of the main ones is a constant bedtime. It is equally important to get up at the same time every day. The habit of falling asleep and waking up at a certain hour develops conditioned reflex for a time that helps a person to rest. The norm is 7-8 hours of sleep. However, this is on average. There are people for whom 5 hours of sleep is enough, and for others, 10 hours may not be enough. It is not necessary, for example, to sleep all 8 hours at night, you can transfer 1-2 hours to daytime.

When tired from long monotonous work, it is often necessary to switch to another type of activity. In this case, impulses from various nerve receptors, including muscle, visual, auditory or skin, are transferred from one group of nerve cells to others, which until now were in a state of relative rest. This is the essence of active recreation. If the work proceeded in a sitting position, without significant movements and with a minimum expenditure of energy, then such a rest is simply necessary, because under these conditions there is a relative stagnation of blood, especially in the lower extremities and pelvic organs. The mobility of the chest slows down, which worsens the supply of oxygen to the body. Active rest should include exercises for the limbs, especially the legs - walking and running, breathing movements with an emphasis on increased inhalation with a slight breath hold, tilts and rotations of the torso, arms, legs, jumps.

It is very important to properly organize the rest not only during, but also outside of work: this is a daily after-work time, two days off a week and an annual vacation.

    Balanced diet.

Rational nutrition is the nutrition of a healthy person, built on scientific foundations, capable of quantitatively and qualitatively satisfying the body's need for energy.

Thus, from the foregoing, we can derive the basic rules of rational nutrition:

Do not overeat

diversify the diet, using greens, vegetables, fruits at any time of the year; limit the consumption of animal fats, including butter, salt, sugar, confectionery; consume less fried foods;

do not eat hot and spicy food;

Chew food thoroughly

Do not eat late at night

Eat at least 4-5 times a day in small portions, try to eat at the same time.

    Rejection of bad habits

Bad habits can even in an initially healthy person provoke problems with the heart and blood vessels and the development of diseases that reduce the quality of life and even lead to lethal outcome. We are talking about such well-known bad habits like alcoholism, dependence on nicotine products and drug addiction.

With long and regular consumption of nicotine products, the frequency of contractions of the heart muscle increases, and blood pressure also rises. When smoking, the load on the heart increases, and its need for oxygen, and at the same time, tobacco smoke releases substances that just reduce the amount of oxygen reaching the heart along with the blood. The walls of the arteries are also damaged, and fat-like substances that normally circulate in blood. As a result, the walls of the arteries are covered with scars, the gaps in them narrow, and even overlap completely. Degenerative changes in the coronary arteries in smokers occur much faster than in non-smokers.

A smoker is about 20% more likely than a person who does not consume nicotine products to develop cardiovascular disease. BUT smoking parents increase the risk of such diseases in their unborn child. However, if a person succeeds in completely giving up smoking, then after three to four years the risk of heart disease decreases to a normal level.

With regard to alcoholism, alcoholic beverages in large enough quantities have a negative effect on cardiovascular system. After taking alcohol, blood vessels - both skin and cerebral and venous - expand - but for a very short time, after which their spasm occurs. Increases permeability vascular walls. Alcohol disrupts the normal regulation of coronary circulation. Thus, alcoholic beverages, especially if consumed on an ongoing basis, provoke the development cardiovascular diseases in healthy people, and worsening of the course of any such diseases, if they already exist. For people with angina, for example, alcohol will lead to an acute myocardial infarction.

Influence narcotic substances on the human body in general, and on the cardiovascular system in particular, is different, depending on what kind of drug we are talking about. However, it is always negative and appears very quickly, and getting rid of drug addiction, as you know, is very difficult. So it's best to never touch drugs.

    Physical activity

Motor activity is understood as the sum of all movements made by a person in the course of his life activity. This effective remedy preservation and promotion of health, harmonious development of personality, disease prevention. An indispensable component of motor activity are regular classes physical culture and sports.

Motor activity has a beneficial effect on the formation and development of all functions of the central nervous system: strength, mobility and balance of nervous processes.

Systematic training makes the muscles stronger, and the body as a whole is more adapted to the conditions. external environment. Under the influence of muscle loads, the heart rate increases, the heart muscle contracts more strongly, increases arterial pressure. This leads to functional improvement of the circulatory system.

During muscular work, the respiratory rate increases, inhalation deepens, exhalation intensifies, and the ventilation capacity of the lungs improves. Intensive full expansion of the lungs eliminates congestion in them and serves as a prevention of possible diseases.

The ability to clearly, competently and economically perform movements allows the body to adapt well to any type of labor activity. Constant physical exercise helps to increase the mass of skeletal muscles, strengthen joints, ligaments, growth and development of bones. In a strong, hardened person, mental and physical performance and resistance to various diseases increase.

Any muscle work trains and endocrine system which contributes to a more harmonious and full development organism.

People who perform the required amount of physical activity look better, are mentally healthier, are less prone to stress and tension, sleep better, and have fewer health problems.

The physiological essence of human hardening lies in the fact that under the influence of temperature effects, with the help of natural factors, the body gradually becomes immune to colds and overheating.

The main hardening factors are air, sun and water. The same effect is exerted by showers, baths, saunas, quartz lamps. Hardening to heat and cold is carried out by various stimuli.

The most common hardening methods are water and air methods.

Air quenching can be carried out in the form air baths, changing the intensity of the load by gradual decline or increase in ambient temperature from season to season, duration of the procedure and the area of ​​exposed body surface.

Water procedures have on the body not only temperature, but also a mechanical effect, subdivided into hot (over 40 °), warm (40-36 °), indifferent (35-34 °), cool (33-20 °), cold - with water temperature below 20°C.

Hardening brings great benefits not only to healthy, but also to sick people.

A person has three ways to act reasonably: the first - the most noble - reflection; the second - the easiest - imitation; the third - the most bitter - experience" Aristotle