Fat cats. What about kittens? Causes of overweight in cats and cats

Ask any owner of a plump cat if their cat is fat? What will you hear in response? Some will begin to explain the barrel-shaped appearance of a pet by breed, constitution and other reasons from those that are “in the hands of God”, others will recognize the fact, but they are unlikely to talk about it as a serious problem.

Meanwhile, veterinarians call obesity in cats and dogs an epidemic that threatens almost half of the pet population: according to recent studies, in different countries obesity affects from 22% to 40% of animals. Being overweight is not a cosmetic flaw, the difficulties of fat cats are not limited to being stuck in the cat's door.

Difficulties and problems of fat cats

Numerous studies have shown that obesity can be detrimental to the health and longevity of dogs and cats. That's just small list medical problems of fat cats, the connection of which with obesity has been scientifically proven:

  • orthopedic diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • lipid metabolism disorders;
  • heart disease;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • disorders of the urinary and reproductive systems;
  • cancerous tumors of the breast;
  • some types of transitional cell carcinoma;
  • dermatological diseases.

In addition, obese cats and dogs are at greater risk for anesthesia. As far as life expectancy is concerned, so far reliable studies have been conducted only in dogs and have shown a decrease in life expectancy with obesity by an average of 2 years.

Why is the cat fat?

Only a very small proportion of the causes of obesity is occupied by diseases (for example, hypothyroidism) or intake of medications(eg, glucocorticoids and anticonvulsants) that cause increased appetite. Sometimes genetic defects lead to obesity, in particular, those recorded in the populations of some dog breeds - in the Labrador Retriever, Cairn Terrier, Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Cocker Spaniel and others, as well as in some breeds of cats.

An important risk factor is the sterilization of animals, after which the metabolic rate decreases. However, studies show that if the main energy expenditure goes to muscle activity, then there is no difference between castrated and non-castrated animals - the metabolic rate will be the same.

A much greater role is played by the change in eating behavior after sterilization: the cat eats a lot, gets fat, and moves less.

Fat cat - owner stereotypes

However, the most main reason obesity is a man. Why is the cat fat? You are overfeeding him. Interestingly, the cause of overfeeding is different for dog and cat owners. In dogs, as in humans, food, the sharing of food, plays an important social role.

The animal always tries to be present at the family meal and, even if it is accustomed not to beg for pieces, the owner always, simply at the genetic level, has a desire to treat the dog. Everyone should eat!

In addition, many people like to watch a dog eat: expressive facial expressions allow these animals to demonstrate clear and great pleasure from the process. And this, in turn, pleases the owner. No wonder we are pleased to watch the meal of people and children with a good appetite.

In cats, food does not play any social function. But man is a social animal, so he unwittingly interprets animal signals incorrectly. The cat meows, asking for communication, and the person, especially if he is preparing or eating food at this time, thinks that she is asking for food. Well, how can you not give a piece! At the same time, the cat understands that the search for contact with a person leads to food reinforcement, and this forces her to initiate it as often as possible.

As for diet, scientists have not found any connection between obesity and feeding. natural food home cooking (not food from your table!) or industrial rations. But there is an important “but”: the cheaper, lower quality, both, the higher the risk of obesity.

A natural factor why the cat is fat is the owner’s overweight: a person who overeats himself and is not used to thinking about the volume and calorie content of the food he eats does not bother with this issue in relation to his animal.

How to determine obesity in cats?

Before you panic that the cat has become fat, you need to decide what is meant by the norm. An accurate, clinically proven method for determining obesity in relation to cats and dogs is not yet available. In the most common study, overweight animals are defined as over 15% of the optimal body weight, and obesity - over 30% of the same indicator. However, what is optimal weight body?

The article that we studied provides such a mathematical-morphological method for determining overweight bodies in cats. We measure the diameter with a centimeter chest(DGK) at the level of the ninth rib and the limb length index (IDK) - the distance between the patella and the calcaneus of the hind limbs. During measurements, the animal should stand straight and with its head up. Having written the data in centimeters, we make calculations according to the following formula:

Fat mass (%) = (DHA: 0.7067 - IDK: 0.9156) - IDK.

It is more difficult with dogs, since in many breeds the morphology is very much changed by humans, therefore, their own way of calculating excess body weight has been developed for them.

Fat cats: treatment

Nothing new has yet been invented in the treatment of obesity. For people, the diet is physical exercise, psychotherapeutic help, drug therapy and surgical methods. Not all of these methods are applicable to animals. So, there are still no special certified drugs that help cats and dogs lose weight, and surgical methods are not used for ethical reasons. What remains?


This method should be selected individually, taking into account the age, scale of the problem, and the state of health of the animal. But general principles are. Although fasting leads to rapid weight loss, it is unacceptable, because along with fat, muscle mass is also catastrophically lost. Therefore, for weight loss, diets are used that are low in fat and calories, but with enough protein, vitamins and minerals.

Availability high level squirrel in diet food especially important to maintain muscle mass, and the additional addition of vitamins and microelements makes it possible to compensate for the poverty of the food composition.

L-carnitine is recognized as an additional substance that promotes weight loss. We will not explain in detail the mechanism of the effect of this substance on the body, but the fact that it contributes to weight loss has been clinically proven in experimental animals.

As for another common element - linoleic acid, here the studies are contradictory, which means that it is impossible to say for sure that adding it to the diet contributes to weight loss. The same goes for fiber. Coarse fibers are often used in satiety diets. However, some studies show a decrease in appetite when eating foods with coarse fibers, others do not.

Physical activity of dogs and cats

This is required condition for successful weight loss in both dogs and cats. Dog owners have more choices, of course. by the most in a simple way are long walks. It is walking, not standing in the yard. Keep in mind that even if you walk, an obese animal will most likely just barely move its legs after you, striving to sit down, or even lie down.

Therefore, you need to take the dog on a leash and walk with it at a brisk pace, forcing it to adapt to your pace. Do not set records - increase the distance and pace gradually. You can buy a treadmill for dogs - some people love this simulator very much. Also beautiful way reduce weight is swimming.

It remains for cat owners to be advised to play with the pet with toys - try to find those that will interest the animal.

Very important for success in your struggle for the health of your pet is not only strict adherence to the prescribed veterinarian diet, but also monitoring the nutrition of the animal after the result is achieved. Weight, as you know, returns, and each time it becomes more and more difficult to lose it.

Larisa Solodovnikova

Well-fed cats seem to him funny and very cute. At the same time, we do not think about the fact that being overweight can cause a number of diseases. What to do so that your murka is always slim and healthy?

Basic Formula excess weight is simple: if a cat consumes more calories than it expends, it gets better.

You may think that a couple of extra pounds is not worth worrying about, but they can soon lead to real problems. Obese cats are more at risk of acquiring ailments such as diabetes, arthritis and shortness of breath. It even becomes difficult for them to care for their own hair, which is why tangles appear.

note: The average adult cat weighs about 4-5 kg. The weight big cats can reach 5.5 kg. To determine ideal weight your pet, contact your veterinarian.


When a cat begins to gain weight, it first becomes noticeable in the ribs, back and tummy. Although you may not realize this until the heavier purr finds it difficult to jump up to his favorite chair or climb through the cat's door, spayed animals are more at risk of getting fat. Older cats can also suffer from excess weight, as they move less.

The best way to prevent the problem is to monitor your cat's weight regularly. Work with your veterinarian to determine your pet's ideal weight and weigh them monthly.

The simplest method is to weigh the empty carrier, then the cat carrier, and subtract the first result from the second.

Wild or stray cats rarely get fat. Usually they eat 10-20 tiny portions of food a day, searching for which they spend a lot of time and effort. By the way, by recreating such conditions for domestic cats, it is possible to prevent its obesity.

Instead of just feeding your pet, hide food in boxes or specially designed puzzle feeders to keep her busy, or throw dry food for her to chase. If the cat is older and not very active, try laying out a path of food for her, which she will gradually eat throughout the day. Make her explore the garden and play with her a little every day.

Finally, if you feel like you're not spending enough time with your beloved pet (for example, because you work too hard), try not to make up for this lack of attention with food. Instead, set aside at least half an hour each day to play with your cat, stimulating her to an active lifestyle.

Cats are very skilled at begging for food - and many owners indulge them, unable to listen to the cat's cry. However, eating strictly on schedule will bring your murka much more benefit than random feeding at her first request.

10 weight loss tips for cats

1 Stop rewarding your cat with food and replace it with praise, attention, and toys. If your pet still demands a treat as a reward, make it part of her daily allowance.

4 Feed your cat three to four small meals a day (not twice large!), without increasing the total amount of food.

5 When the murka starts begging for food, divert her attention with your favorite toys or games.

6 If you put a cat on a diet, inform all members of your family about it. Then they will not give her extra treats and will not nullify your efforts.

7 Don't leave food in the bowl all day. Only add it when it's feeding time and remove the bowl when your cat has eaten her portion.

8 Devote some of your time to games that will make the purr move. Attract her attention with a variety of moving toys.

9 If there are other cats in the house who are not on a diet, feed them in a separate room and always remove the bowls after they finish eating so that your losing weight pet does not eat more than it should.

10 Does your cat have a habit of wandering into neighbors' houses in search of food? Then by all means warn them that he is on a diet. You can even buy him a medallion with the words "Don't feed me, I'm on a diet" and attach it to his collar.

Cats are cute, playful creatures that need human care. Sometimes worries become too much, it manifests itself in in large numbers stern. Who doesn't love tasty treats? Most cats don't know when to stop and can't resist a treat. As a rule, such gluttony leads to terrible consequences, sometimes it can adversely affect the health of the pet. If timely contact veterinary clinic, experts will help you get your cat back former forms. We present to your attention the top 10 fattest cats, which will not hurt to lose a couple of extra pounds.

Fat cat Merlin

Merlin lives in a small Russian town. He loves to bask in the sun and recently celebrated his 10th birthday. Merlin weighs 13 kilograms, but this does not prevent him from moving calmly and leading active image life. He is a cheerful tabby cat who loves to eat delicious food.

Spongebob Cat from New York

Funny red cat Spongebob lives in New York and weighs 15 kilograms. The ginger is located in a shelter where they take care of him, they even gave him the largest aviary. The cat, without much desire, can slowly move around. When it's time for dinner, he immediately becomes active and walks towards the bowl with food in a good mood.

Cat Otto

Otto lives in New Jersey and weighs 16 kilograms. Heart disease forced Otto to go on a diet and dilute his life with physical activity. After four months of treatment, he was able to get in shape and lose four kilograms.

Cat Meatball from Phoenix, USA

Meatball - domestic cat and it weighs as much as 17 kilograms. He weighs a little more than a three-year-old child. Now the furry friend is in an animal shelter. It is difficult for a fat man to find worthy owners who will give him a lot of attention. Meatball has too little physical activity, he requires permanent care which includes regular exercise and proper nutrition. The reason for such a large mass is improper care the previous owner, who fed the pet with what was on his table.

Xiong Yourong from Province of China

Xiong Yourong weighs 17.5 kilograms and lives in China Province. The cat is not too active and prefers to relax on the couch all day, watching the commotion. Xiong Yurong eats at least one kilogram of fresh meat every day.

Fat man named Garfield

The cat got its nickname Garfield because of its exotic forms. The cat itself is quite large, plus it weighs 18 kilograms. Against the background of his mistress, he seems simply huge. Feed such pet not easy, but the owners are trying to deal with Garfield's overweight, they have chosen a course of therapy and the right diet.

Fat American Cat Meow

In New Mexico lived the most fat cat USA. This glorious "small" weighed 19 kilograms. He loved to eat and gained a little weight, then a little more. In the end, the owner had to take him to an animal shelter, her pet demanded too much care and food. The woman was already 87 years old, and she is not able to feed such a big hungry beast. Unfortunately, the cat died at the age of two years, without completing the course of therapy aimed at weight loss.

Black and white cat Tulle

Tulle lives in Denmark, his weight reached 20 kilograms at the age of six. The owners are proud that their feline friend is special. They believe that this body weight is normal, and the cat feels great. When Tulle is lounging on the couch in front of the TV, he can easily be mistaken for a small fluffy pillow.

Spice cat from Connecticut

Spice is located in Connecticut and weighs 21 kilograms. Its dimensions are impressive. He is a lazy fat cat who doesn't like to catch mice and hunt birds. Spice loves to eat and bask in the sun.

Himmy the cat

Himmi the cat weighed almost 22 kilograms and she beats all previous records. It is impossible to register this “achievement” in the Guinness Book of Records. Otherwise, people will simply feed their pets in order to become famous. Himmy died of respiratory arrest and total absence physical activity at the age of 11.

The fattest cats in the world - TOP 10. The Guinness Book no longer records such records in order to avoid the death of animals in the name of the moment of glory of their owners! Now you will understand why.

The beginning of the list of such records was headed by the cat of Himmiya in 1968 and was very popular in his time. Glory is contagious. And many pet owners have chosen to become famous at their expense by overfeeding their pets and turning them into broiler cats!

By the way, in August 2015, the Guinness Book of Records celebrated its 60th anniversary!

Himmy cat from Australia - weight 21,300 kg

Himmi died at the age of 10 and weighed 21.3 kg. Due to his size, and his waist circumference was 84 cm, he could not move independently, so he was taken in a special cart.

At one time, Thomas (the owner of the poor cat) claimed that the cat gained such weight only because of excessive appetite. And he did not specifically feed him.

But in 2006, an examination was carried out, which proved that the cat was given hormonal agents, which are used in pig breeding, for fattening pigs!

And so it turned out that for the sake of fame, the owner of Hammy turned out to be not only a swindler, but also mocked the unfortunate animal!

Now read and see photos of new record holders.

Cathy from the Urals - weight 23 kg

This fat woman lives in the city of Asbest. At 5 years old, her weight was 23 kg. Her mode is like in a cartoon about Thumbelina - “Well, we ate, now you can sleep. Well, sleep - now you can eat. She also has an excellent appetite.

The owner claims that the cause of excess weight is the use of the drug Contrasex. But they are not going to put her on a diet, because she cannot starve her pussy.

Cat Prince Chang from America - weight 19 kg 950 gr.

2008 This cat was picked up from the street when his owner, by the will of fate, ended up behind bars. The vagrant was taken in and taken care of very diligently. So the prince quickly gained his weight.

Cat Tulle from Denmark - weight 19 kg

This red cat managed to get into the Guinness Book of Records at the age of 6 years. His 12-year-old mistress claims that he got overweight only because of great laziness.

The cat is so lazy that he even stopped walking! He began to roll from side to side, mimicking walking. Far perishing Oblomov before him.

In the family, nevertheless, it was decided to enroll their pet in courses for losing weight cats. And there he will be taught to walk again, since walking exercise is a mandatory program.

Kylie cat (Minnesota) - weight 18.5 kg

Despite its weight, this pussy is very mobile and tries to lead an active lifestyle. She can both play and climb up the stairs.

Cat from China - weight 18 kg

Cat Mau New Mexico - 18 kg

This cat became famous for its size when photos of it appeared in the press. The pictures were posted by a shelter in which he was placed by a retired former owner, who was no longer able to care for such a cat.

In addition, the cat had breathing problems due to being overweight. Mau did not live long in the shelter. It was not possible to save him.

Cat Garfield - over 18 kg

He was obviously overfed by the owner. For this reason, animal advocates took him to a shelter and put him on a diet. But this is a completely healthy cat and is looking for new owners.

Sassy cat from Canada - 18 kg

On the Internet, she was given the nickname "Cat-MONSTER". She got overweight after sterilization and she gained it very quickly for short term. The cat has died.

Cat Orazio from Italy - weight 16 kg

This red-haired fat man loves to eat high-calorie foods - heavy cream, biscuits and other sweets. And the hostess encourages his gluttony, and knowing that cats are strictly forbidden to eat sweets. Here is a clear overfeeding of the animal, for the sake of momentary success!

Red Cat Spongebob from America - weight 15.5 kg

He entered the shelter at the age of nine, when his former owner, a pensioner, was assigned to a nursing home. At that time, this cat weighed as much as a four-year-old child.

He was examined. No health problems were found, except for obesity of course, and placed in the largest enclosure so that he could move freely. Of course, they put me on a diet and prescribed daily physical activity.

Well, here they are champions - the fattest domestic cats in the world. Their stories about how they managed to gain excess weight are almost the same. And everywhere one can trace the reluctance of their owners to fight obesity and put them on a diet.

Excess excess weight is increasingly observed not only in humans, but also in pets, in particular in cats. This is the plague of the 21st century.

The statistics claim that similar affliction now found in 40% of pets. And it's very big figure. Due to our busyness, we sometimes devote very little time to our pets.

We feed anything and go on about them bad habits. We don't do outdoor games with a lazy cat, because there is not enough time and patience to stir it up. And all this leads to obesity in cats.

Drops for weight loss for cats - HI NO SAPURI, so that your cat does not become the fattest cat in the world!

Video - the fattest cats in the world - top 10.

The most popular of pets, of course, are cats. Many consider their pets as friends and companions who are always there. When a kitten appears in the house, few people remain indifferent to a small fluffy lump. Over time, the kittens grow up, and after a few years a fat cat is already imposingly walking around the house, as in the photo and video in our article.

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The fattest cats

In the animal world, as well as in humans, there are some individuals with overweight. But not all our smaller brothers are worried about this and certainly do not complex. The fattest cats in the world are very fond of sleeping and basking in their favorite warm places. At the same time, they simply love to show off on camera, making both themselves and their owners popular, who do not have a soul in them, generously feed and literally wear them in their arms. That is why cats and cats sometimes amaze with their size and body weight.

1st place - Tulle

Perhaps the leader among fluffy domestic fatties can be safely called a cat named Tulle, who lives in Denmark. He is only 6 years old, but over the years, the red-haired fluffy has gained weight of 19.5 kg. His owners say that the fattest cat in the world is not able to serve himself. Also, he is not interested in cat courtship, and he has never caught mice, because he is simply not able to do it.

Most of all, Tulle likes to nap near the TV, and when he sleeps peacefully, he can be mistaken for a big fluffy ottoman or pillow. Surprisingly, the cat is absolutely healthy, not counting obesity, and he owes his big weight to his owners. They pamper him and do not refuse the constant desire to eat something tasty.

2nd place - Garfield

Next after Tulle, you can rightfully call handsome Garfield a fat man. The cat is very similar to a movie hero, but he probably weighs more, since his weight is 18 kg. Like the hero of the film of the same name, Garfield is an amateur tasty food, good night and lying on the couch. It was this lifestyle that led to the fact that the fat cat entered the front ranks of fluffy fat people.

3rd place - Xiong Yurong

Another fat cat named Xiong Yurong lives in one of the provinces of China. Its weight is about 17 kilograms. The owners are very fond of their fluffy fat man and fresh meat is always included in the diet of this glutton, the amount of which is never less than 1 kg per day. He is not interested in birds, or cats, or walking on rooftops. His most favourite hobby is to lie on the couch and watch everyone hustle around.

4th place - Otto

Cat Otto, who weighs 16 kilograms and lives in New Jersey, suffered from arthritis, and veterinarians had to treat him by cutting back on his diet. So after several months of treatment and special diet Otto has lost about 3 kilograms and feels great. He has a beautiful color - black with white.

5th place - Spongebob

Not so well-fed, but also a popular fat man, lives in New York in an animal shelter. His name is SpongeBob and this "baby" weighs 15.5 kg. The cat lives in the largest enclosure of the shelter, where he can always move around, which he does without much desire. And here good mood he is provided for when it comes time to eat, although the employees of the shelter take care of his health and the fat man keeps a diet. Interesting video about the largest pet can be seen below.

What about kittens?

When a kitten appears in the house, red, black or white, everyone is happy for him. His owners are ready to give him attention and care from the first days. They pamper him with treats, as a result of which the kitten turns into a real glutton and gradually gains weight. Such cute and funny fluffies, plump and calm, loved by their owners, certainly cheer up and give a lot of positive emotions.

However, do not chase the leaders of the presented rating. It is enough just to create full-fledged conditions for life and development for the animal, to give him your love and care. Even without excess weight, cats and cats will undoubtedly be happy.

Photo gallery

Video "Very funny fat red cat"

In the video, we invite you to see how the cat, despite its rather large size, does not lose mobility and playfulness.

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