Educational hour on the topic: "Traditions in my family." Class hour "Family traditions. Family holidays". Traditions of the Near Abroad

Summary of the class hour on the topic "The roots of your kind"

An hour of communication in 6-7 grade on the topic "Family Traditions"

Goals: expand children's understanding of family traditions; expand horizons; develop curiosity; contribute to the education of interest in the history of your family, clan; encourage children to self-improvement, self-development; help children in socialization, in realizing themselves as a part of Russian history and culture.

The form: communication hour.

Preparatory work: 1-2 weeks before the school hour, invite the children to draw up their genealogy, prepare stories about family heirlooms, about wonderful people kind.


Expose family photos children where there are three generations of the family; album sheets with pedigrees;

Write on the board:

a) words for vocabulary work:





without clan and tribe;



from simple;

b) proverbs: Choose a cow by horns, and a girl by birth (by parents). Choose your wife not with your eyes, but with your ears (for good fame). As the father is, so are his children. White face, but thin father. From generation to generation - the same freak. What is the genus, so is the offspring. As the tree is, so is the apple. As is the root, so is the offspring. Not a fool, but by birth. Neither clan nor tribe. It is not wealth, but honor that paints the bride.

Classroom plan

I. Introductory conversation"Lost memory".

II. Dictionary work.

1. Guess the word.

2. Characteristics of a vagrant.

III. Conversation "Ivans who do not remember kinship."

IV. Children's stories: "My genealogy".

V. Game situation"Advice to the bride and groom."

Vi. Conversation "Parent's Day".

Vii. Closing remarks.

VIII. Summing up (reflection).

Class hour

I. Introductory conversation "Lost memory"

Classroom teacher. Guys, have you ever heard of people who have lost their memory? Such people, for example, are often talked about in the program "Wait for me".

The fates of all these people are similar - a person suddenly woke up in an unfamiliar area, without documents, without money and, most importantly, he absolutely cannot remember either his name or surname - everything related to the past has simply been erased from his memory.

Do you think the person who has lost their memory is doing well?

(Children speak up.)

Loss of memory can be the result of a disease, or it can be the result of some kind of criminal influence. People who have lost their memory are literally looking for themselves, turn to the program “Wait for me,” asking someone to recognize them.

Why do you think these people are looking for their loved ones? After all, you can start life from scratch?

(Children speak up.)

It is very important for a person to know his roots, to feel like a part of a family, clan, tribe. As a tree dies without roots, so a person cannot live without the memory of his ancestors. Each of us is connected by many threads with our relatives, with the Motherland, with friends.

Without this, a person loses his personality, loses himself.

The topic of our today's conversation: "The roots of your kind."

II. Vocabulary work

Classroom teacher. Before starting a conversation, we will do a little vocabulary work.

1. Guess the word

It is necessary to understand the meaning and meaning of some words and expressions. They are written on the board. I will read the interpretation of words, and you will determine which word is being discussed.

(The teacher reads the interpretations, the children guess the words.)

Belonging to an old family. (Well-born.)

A group of close relatives living together. (A family.)

Team blood relatives, leading descent from a common ancestor, bearing a common generic name. (Genus.)

A thing sacredly kept as a memory of the past. (Relic.)

The ancestor from which the genus originates. (The ancestor.)

Family history, genealogy. (Genealogy.)

2. Characteristics of a vagrant

Classroom teacher. Now let's look at words from another column:

Without clan and tribe;



Simple ones.

In tsarist times, such words were used to describe vagrants in police stations. All these words can be replaced with one word. How? (Innocent.)

What color do these words have? (Contemptuous.)

V tsarist Russia noble people made up genealogies, remembered their ancestors up to the tenth generation. The nobility of the clan was also determined by how deeply information about its ancestor goes into history.

Who is now called "rootless", "without clan and tribe"? (Those who do not know their ancestors.)

Raise your hands, who knows the names of their great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers.

And who knows their ancestors up to the seventh generation?

Can we be called "rootless", "artless"?

What needs to be done so that they don't talk about us like that?

(Children speak up.)

It is customary for many peoples to honor their ancestors, remember not only their names, but all their glorious deeds, for which they were famous. This obliges a person to think about how he will live so that his children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, studying the life of their ancestors, could be proud of him.

III. Conversation "Ivans who do not remember kinship"

Classroom teacher. In the Russian language there is such an expression: "Ivans who do not remember kinship." This was the name in the old days of fugitives from the tsarist penal servitude, serfs who fled from the landowner, deserters and other passportless vagrants. Once in the hands of the police, they carefully concealed their name and origin so that they would not be sent back. To all questions, they answered that they were called Ivans, but they did not remember their kinship (that is, their origin). This is how the expression "Ivans who do not remember kinship" was born.

Can the guests of the “Wait for Me” show be called Ivans who do not remember their kinship? What is the difference? (Some have lost their memory involuntarily, others have deliberately abandoned their roots.)

Who is called that now?

(Children speak up.)

The people began to call Ivan, who does not remember kinship, the one who renounces relatives, friends, ancestors, the traditions of his family and people.

What is needed in order not to turn into such Ivanov?

Examples of children's answers:

Collect family heirlooms.

Ask parents about their ancestors.

Compile a family tree.

Be proud of the achievements, exploits of family members, clan.

IV. Children's stories: "My genealogy"

Classroom teacher. For today's classroom hour, many of you have prepared your pedigrees. On the board you see whole forest"Trees". Who has the tallest and most branched


Let's listen to your stories about their kind, about family heirlooms.

(Children talk.)

Before genealogical people were called eminent people - nobles, boyars, nobles, and non-pedigrees - the rabble, commoners. Perhaps that is why A.S. Pushkin said: "Respect for the past is the trait that distinguishes education from savagery."

V. Game situation "Advice to the bride and groom"

Classroom teacher. There is a proverb in Russian: "Choose a cow by horns, and a girl by birth." How did you choose a bride in the old days? First, there was going to be a gathering in the groom's house. Parents and next of kin discussed financial situation the bride's parents, her behavior and health, pedigree - does she have a relationship with the groom, whether her family is hardworking, whether there were drunks or unlucky people in the family, they analyzed the bride's personal qualities, her thriftiness, and the ability to do needlework. Special attention gave such character traits as meekness, obedience, respectful attitude to the elders who depended on good relationship in family*. It was believed that if the mother of the bride has such qualities, then the daughter should have them.

Here we have a groom (representing one of the boys). Imagine that you are relatives of the groom and you need to give him advice on how to choose a bride.

Proverbs are written on the board. Choose the right ones and explain their meaning so that the groom makes the right choice.

(Children speak up.)

And what proverbs could the bride's parents take on board?

(Children speak up.)

Now it is clear why in the old days they took care of their good name, were afraid to disgrace their kind.

Vi. Conversation "Parent's Day"

Classroom teacher. Our ancestors were not Ivans who did not remember kinship. From deep antiquity comes the custom of commemorating the dead. In Orthodoxy, they are called the dead (asleep), because the human soul is immortal.

According to the customs of the Russians Orthodox people the departed should be remembered with prayer and the distribution of alms.

Believer Orthodox Christian commemorates the dead at morning prayer in the church during the liturgy. The dead are also commemorated during a special memorial service - requiem.

For the commemoration of the departed in the Orthodox Church installed special days: ecumenical parental Saturdays, when all of the departed Orthodox Christians are commemorated.

One of these days is called Radonitsa, it falls on the eighth day after Easter, Tuesday. On this day, after serving a panikhida, believers come to the graves of their relatives and friends with good news about the Resurrection of Christ. Therefore, the very day of remembrance is called Radonitsa (or Radunitsa). In the cemetery, you cannot have meals with wine and plentiful food... All that needs to be done at the grave of a loved one is to light a candle, read a prayer. It is believed that the souls of those who are remembered rejoice at our prayers.

How do deceased relatives commemorate in your families?

How do they behave in the cemetery?

(Teachers and students of other faiths can discuss how the deceased is remembered in their faiths.)

Vii. Final word

Classroom teacher. Today we talked about memory, about communication with distant ancestors, about our roots. We learned that educated people they try to learn as much as possible about their ancestors, are proud of their achievements, remember them, value the honor of their kind.

And the savages do not attach any importance to this and remain Ivans who do not remember kinship.

Who you are is up to you.

VIII. Summing up (reflection)

Classroom teacher. Did our conversation interest you today? Aren't you afraid to become Ivans who do not remember kinship?

(Children speak up.)

Additional material

Days of universal commemoration of the departed

On certain days of the year, the Church commemorates all of the departed Orthodox Christians from time immemorial. V church calendar these days do not have a constant date, but are associated with the passing Great Easter cycle.

1. Meatless parental Saturday - 8 days before Lent, before the Sunday called "The Last Judgment Week."

2. Parental Saturdays - 2nd, 3rd and 4th weeks of Great Lent.

3. Trinity parental Saturday - before the feast of the Holy Trinity. In the evening on the eve of parental Saturdays, parastases are performed in churches - funeral all-night vigils, and after the liturgy there are ecumenical requiems with repeated commemoration of the names of the deceased indicated in the memorial notes.

The Russian Orthodox Church, in addition, has established several more Days of Prayer for the dead.

4. Radonitsa (Radunitsa) - Tuesday, 8th day after Easter.

5. Demetrius parental Saturday - Saturday closest to November 8, the day of memory of the great martyr Demetrius of Thessaloniki. Initially, on this day, the Church performed a prayer for the soldiers who fell on the Kulikovo field, later the day acquired the status of a universal memorial.

6. Finally, by the decision of the Council of Bishops of the Russian Orthodox Church 1994 Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War(May 9) became the Day of a special annual commemoration of the deceased soldiers, who laid down their lives for the faith, the Fatherland and the people, and all who died in suffering during the Great Patriotic War.

Educational hour " Family traditions"

Purpose of the event:

Fostering a sense of love for your family, respect for your parents, pride in your family;

Developing interest in your family history, family traditions, holidays;

Development creativity students;

Formation of interest in the joint creativity of children and parents.


"Family Traditions" poster;

Photo exhibition "Look into the Family Album";

Exhibition "Family Heirlooms";

Exhibition of students' handicrafts "Do it yourself";

Exhibition of parents' handicrafts "Mom's hands are golden!";

Exhibition of treats "Mom's Secrets";

Phonograms of songs Parental home", "Family album".

Event progress

The song "Parents' House" is playing


Good afternoon, dear guys! Today we will talk about family traditions and holidays, get lessons family love and kindness. We prepared for this meeting for a very long time: we wrote essays about our family and filled out questionnaires, looked for old family things, asked parents about their great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers, made crafts, learned dances.

2. "Family archive".

There is a wonderful family tradition - to keep the memory of your ancestors.

3. "Mom's hands are golden!"

There is nothing holier than words"Mother". Mom is the first teacher and friend, the closest and most faithful.

And what wonderful words you guys have found to tell about your mothers in the essays "My mother - Mary the artisan" (children's stories about their mothers)

Reading poetry by children.

My mother's hands -

A pair of white swans:

So tender and so beautiful

There is so much love and strength in them!

They fly all day

They don't know as if tired.

They will bring comfort in the house,

They will sew a new dress,

Caress, warm -

Mom's hands can do everything!

Be also you guys, be attentive and kind to mothers, love them dearly, respect, take care of them!

Musical number.

4. “Who am I? What am I? "

I think that you sincerely admired your relatives, wrote about your love for them, that you are proud of them and help them.

But how your parents see you, they wrote about this in their miniatures - sketches. Can you guess which of you we are talking about?

Reading thumbnails - sketches.

5. "With your own hands."

A story about the exhibition of children's handicrafts "Do it yourself".

Musical number.

6. "Let's talk about dynasties."

Since ancient times, there has been a tradition in Russia: representatives of one family were engaged in one type of activity. So dynasties were born. In our class, there are also families where dynasties were formed. In one family - a dynasty of doctors, in the other - teachers. There are not only professional but also musical dynasties. We learned about this from the essay "Muses in our home" (reading excerpts from the writings of children).

7. Family vacation.

You wrote about others interesting traditions in your families, for example, how you spend the holidays.

Children's speeches about their favorite family holidays.

In many families, the favorite form of recreation is outdoor recreation.

The pantomime "How we once rested" (performed by children).

Many have written about taking care of elderly loved ones. This is also one of the traditions in our families.

Scene "Grandmothers and Grandchildren" performed by children.

8. "Look into the family album" (the song "Family Album" sounds).

For our holiday, we have prepared a photo exhibition, which presents photographs from your family albums. What tradition do you think is associated with it?

Yes, you need to collect and store family photos, because they leave the memory of dear people for a long time, oh important events v family life.

Competition for the most interesting photo.

9. "Riddles of Grandma's Chest".

What makes a home a home different from other homes? (Things)

A person lives, uses things that are dear to him. Some things last for years, even decades, become family heirlooms... We searched antique items... Tell about them (children's stories).

These things are not only antiques, they are the memory of relatives and friends.

10. "Family signature dish".

There is also a good tradition - hospitality, food.

Culinary traditions in Russia were not in the last place. Previously, cabbage soup, porridge, turnip, fish, game were held in high esteem. From berries - cranberries, cloudberries, soaked lingonberries. From drinks - kvass. Time goes by- tastes change. Other dishes are becoming traditional.

Name one by one traditional dish in your family.

Competition "Family signature dish".

11. Closing remarks.

Today we talked a lot about different family traditions. What do you think, and what are they for?

Yes, it is very important to follow family traditions, honor them, preserve them, pass them down from generation to generation. The main thing is that they are needed for the family to be strong and friendly.

Purpose of the event

  • Fostering feelings, love and pride for your family, respect for parents, developing interest in the history of your family.
  • Formation positive attitude, respect for the families of classmates.
  • Formation of ideas about the life ideal of the family.
  • Cohesion of the class team, the team of students and parents, family cohesion.
  • Acquaintance with the most common traditions of the Russian people.

Event plan:
I. Introduction.
1.Performance of the song "Under the roof of your house" (Yu. Antonov)
2. Pupils 'performance of the song "Parents' House".
II. What is a family, a home?
1. Speech class teacher.
2. The verse "In the family circle."
3. Stages of preparation for a class event.
4. Verse "How did the word" family "appear?"
5. "What is a family?" - opinions of students in essays and questionnaires - generalization.
III. Family traditions.
1. The verse "Yesterday, the past year."
2. Family tree
a) the definition of the concept " genealogical tree».
b) analysis of the compiled genealogical trees of students
c) interviews with students "how was the family tree compiled and what happened?"
d) "is it necessary - is it necessary to draw up a family tree?" and advice and
V. “Who can I be proud of in my family?” - student speech
with excerpts from his writings.
1. "My great-grandfather."
2. "Dad is everything to me."
3. "My grandfather and grandmother."
4. "My mom"
5. Mini-essays by parents about their children.
6. Family dynasties.
7. "Our names".
8. "Look at the family album."
a) verse e "a person's life is only a moment."
b) history of tradition
9. Exhibition and story about old family items, photographs.
10. The tradition of spending free time in the family.
a) verse "House"
b) “warmth of the family hearth”.
c) Students' presentations with stories from their essays about spending free time in families.
11. Culinary traditions
a) Student speeches - essay stories
b) verse-e "House"
12. Family holidays
a) student stories.
IV Conclusions
1. What are family holidays, family traditions for?
2. Results of the survey.
3. Our class is a family
a) our traditions and holidays.
b) hospitality
c) what are family holidays for?
d) circus act

V. Conclusion
1. Proverbs and sayings about family, home, parents, collected by students.
2. "Building a house by brick" ("What is the house made of?")
Vi. Application:
1. Questions of the questionnaire, the results of the questionnaire.
2. Proverbs and sayings about family, home, parents.
3. "Building a house by brick."
4. "Domostroy"
5. "The words of the great Confucius."
6. Preparatory work for the event.
Vii. List of used literature.


Date: November 17, 2006
Venue: MOU Secondary School No. 7
Participants: students of grade 7 "a".

List of used literature:

1. Aloeva M.A. "Classroom hours in grades 5-7", Rostov-on-Don, "Phoenix", 2003.
2. Derekleeva N.I. " Parents' meetings", Moscow" VAKO "2005
3. Didenko T.I. "Collection of class hours and parenting meetings", Rostov-on-Don "Phoenix", 2003.
4. Kovaleva N.V. "Parents' meetings in grades 5-7", Rostov-on-Don, "Phoenix" 2003.
5. Lunina E.I., Shepureva N.S. " Desk book class teacher 5,6,7,8 classes "Rostov-on-Don," Phoenix ", 2002.
6. Shin S.A. "Scenarios school holidays, contests, quizzes for 8th grade students, Rostov-on-Don, "Phoenix" 2002.

Preparatory work for the event:
1. Sayings about the family, proverbs, sayings.
2. Learning the song "Parent's House", music accompaniment.
3. Poems about home, family.
4. Conducting a questionnaire among students "Your relationship in the family."
5. Questioning the parents, will give birth. collection, mini-compositions of parents about their children.
6. Essays studying about family traditions; holidays, about the main and beloved people in the family, "Who could you be proud of in the family?" "Family dynasties", "Free time in the family", "Culinary traditions".
7. Design of the newspaper with photos, comments: "Look in the Family Album."
8. Drawing up the pedigree of your family.
9. Handmade family things - exhibition.
10. Confectionery.
11. Collecting proverbs and sayings by students in the class.
12. Exhibition of old family photographs, things, letters.
13. "Bricks of a family home."
14. Diplomas of the class.
15. Table, music. accompaniment for musical number (circus number)
16. Phonogram of the song "Under the roof of your house" (Yu. Antonov)

Family holidays. Family traditions.
Sayings: (on the board)
“Parents bring up, and children are brought up by the kind of family life that develops intentionally or unintentionally. The life of a family is strong because its impressions are constant, everyday, that it acts imperceptibly, strengthens or poisons the human spirit, like the air that we live by. "
(A. N. Ostrogorsky)

"The family is a material and spiritual unit for raising children, for marital happiness and joy."

“Only at happy parents happy children grow up. "
(A.S. Makarenko)
"The family is the natural and fundamental unit of society and has the right to protection from society and the state."
(Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Article 16-3)

Treat your parents the way you would like your own children to treat you. (Socrates)

"Nature, having created people as they are, gave them great consolation from many evils, endowing them with family and homeland." (W. Foscalo)

"A person only then finds peace in his soul, if he gives himself to the service of his neighbors."

"The family is the place where the victorious forces of man come to rest."
A. S. Makarenko
“If you think a year ahead, plant a seed.
If you think a decade ahead, plant a tree.
If you think forever ahead, it will educate a person. " (Eastern period)

5. "What is a family?" - opinions of students in essays and questionnaires.
Guys, as you wrote in your essays, questionnaires, family are those who are dear to you more than anything else. If you feel bad, if it is difficult, if you have been offended, who will caress you, love you, understand and comfort you? Of course, your family and friends are yours.
a family. And I agree with your answers that family is the most important thing in life for a person, and what happiness you have, as you wrote in your essays and questionnaires, wonderful families, there is a parent house - beginning of all beginnings. " But all families are different, they differ in their habits, way of life, customs, atmosphere, traditions. Tradition is something that is passed down from generation to generation. A person is born into the world, grows up, thinks: Who am I? Where am I from? Where are my roots from?

III. Family traditions.
1. Yesterday, past year
Does not die in a person.
The past century is in our century
Still ringing, still singing.
High decrees live
The mind and heart of the old years,
Longstanding involvement, excitement
They also cast light.

2. Family tree.
a) It has long been one of the traditions in Russian families to learn about their ancestors, to compose their own genealogy, family tree. This tradition is returning to families. “Memory, without it a person cannot live. Plants, a stone that has preserved the prints of prehistoric animals have memory. Man has a genealogical memory. Memory is what connects us to our roots. "
And so you and I tried to make up our own genealogies. Of course, we do not have 5,000 historical names in them, as in the pedigree of A.S. Pushkin. Someone has 9, 12, 16 or more leaves on the tree. And the most luxurious tree or most of all relatives could write Sasha E. 29, a little less 22 - Sasha Ts. And 21 - Katya K.
c) Interview.
And today not only we, but also the correspondent of the newspaper "Lenskie Vesti" wants to ask Sasha E. a few questions.
Cor .: Sasha, I heard that you have the largest pedigree in your class, and, of course, I
wondering how many names does your family tree include?
Sasha: 29 names.
Cor .: How long have you been working on it?
Sasha: Several hours.
Cor .: You couldn't cope alone, who helped you?
Sasha: My mom.
Cor .: How did you manage it?
Sasha: We interviewed our relatives by phone all day, even from others
Cor .: I wonder what this job gave you?
Sasha: It was the most interesting, and other relatives were interested.
Cor .: Great. Thanks. I will also try to draw up my pedigree and be sure to
I'll tell you about you in our newspaper.
Sasha Ts .: “And I have 22 names. I had to (constantly) question my mother and
dad to find out about their relatives. At the same time I learned a lot of interesting things
about them".
Katya K .: “I have 21 names. Unfortunately, we could not remember any more, but I would like
all the same, to know more relatives, because they are native people. "

d) Tips and conclusions.
I think that everyone was interested, but answer the question: "Who has already drawn up a pedigree before?" Nobody! My advice: do not throw away your works, keep them for your future children, for your family, replenish your tree, learn about your relatives, pass on documents from generation to generation (and maybe a tradition will arise in your family). And let this be your good family tradition.

3. "Who can I be proud of in my family?" - student speeches with excerpts from their own essays.
One of the traditions was that people were proud of their famous ancestors. 219 living descendants (Pushkin's) are proud of their great ancestor A.S. Pushkin.
And even if your ancestors were not famous historical figures, but were simply good people who you can be proud of in your family. You wrote about your relatives in your essays and now share your thoughts with us.
Julia F. (great-grandfather)
1. “I can be proud of many in our family. But I am especially proud of my great-grandfather, grandmother and brother. My grandfather Vasily was in the war. He destroyed many enemies and fell heroically in battle. Great-grandfather was awarded the medal "For Bravery", which is kept in the museum. From the age of 6 I realized how much he benefited the Motherland. "
2. Natasha S. (dad)
“I am very proud of our family. Especially dad! Despite the fact that we are all harmful
and naughty, he knows how to hold us in his arms. Although we have very big family: three
brother, two sisters and the most beloved member of the family, a dog - Tsoi, we all live together and
3. Alyosha K. (grandfather, grandmother)
“My grandfather worked for 46 years at a metalwork plant. And in 88, he acquired a neglected plot of land and began to develop it. So - as it is very warm there, because not far from the sea, he planted fruit trees, berries, vegetables. Now he is 73 years old, and he does not like a soul in his hacienda. My grandmother worked in the atelier for over forty years. She exceeded the plan twice. She was awarded with badges of honor and a medal for the centenary of Lenin. "
3. Sasha E .:
“I, like many of my family, love my mother the most. I share with her my secrets, secrets. She always supports me in everything. I know her favorite city, even her favorite sweets. We visit many cities with my mother. When we go for a walk together, we can ride down the hill, eat ice cream. She is my most best mom in the world".

4. Mini-essays by parents about their children.
I think that you guys sincerely admired your relatives, wrote about your love for them, that you are proud of them, but, unfortunately, no one here said, but how do you care about them, how you help them, how it manifests itself your love. I think that out of modesty you kept silent about this, and your parents wrote the following about you in small essays, and maybe you can guess who it is about. I asked my parents to write both good and bad about you.
1.V.B.A .:
“My daughter is purposeful, if she wants, she will achieve everything she wants. Sometimes it will light up with some idea or deed, will do it and cool down just as quickly. But, what is positive and what I am proud of is that it brings the matter to the end. Then he takes up another matter, and absolutely the opposite of the previous one. But I think that, having matured a little, she will nevertheless decide on one thing. "

2. A. N.G .:
“My son is not always attentive, he has to talk 10 times, he forgets to change after school and does not like to clean up after the Viska cat, but he helps around the house, takes out the trash, loves to clean up, often goes to his grandmother to the pharmacy for medicines, gets up in the morning and prepares breakfast for himself and dad. Helps in the country, mainly plants and digs potatoes. "
3. Ts.M.A .:
“My daughter does not always maintain order in her room; I have to remind a lot several times. But I can trust her little sister... And also a good helper in the kitchen, in the summer at the dacha. "
4. K.E.K .:
“My son, in my opinion, is too lazy. Doesn't really want to do something around the house. He should play at the computer and watch TV. But on the other hand, he is very (for me, in any case) affectionate, when he meets, he will kiss, ask how the day went, tell about his problems. "
5. A. O.L .:
“My daughter was surprised at the age of 5, the eldest was 7 years old. Arriving in the evening from work, and working in shifts, they baked bread, tk. the time was tough with the WTO salary. And in the future they are constantly surprised. "
6.F.I.N .:
“My son does not study very well, he is very shy. As a mother, I would very much like him to improve in his studies. I know he has the ability, but he is lazy. But he good helper and me and my father. Whatever is asked, he does everything without wrangling. Together with his brother, he helps his father - they dig potatoes, build greenhouses, in winter - snow removal is their duty, they feed the chickens, they clean the barn. "
7. B. T. N. (Gulyashova Yu):
“Although my daughter does not behave the way I would like, but she will always advise me, something will help me when I feel myself, she is my little pillow, I feel comfortable and warm with her and she sometimes surprises me with her masterpieces in baking. I am very pleased with that. Thank you, my dear titmouse, for having you with me! "
8.M. V.D .:
“My son began to behave a little badly in the classroom, began to study badly. This makes me very sad. But at home he helps me a lot. I work 2 jobs and sometimes I just don't have time to do something at home. He will clean everything for me at home, wash the dishes, wipe the dust. Once, even before my arrival, I prepared a meal myself. I read how to cook potato pancakes in a cookbook. It was delicious. Thanks to him".
9.S.M.A .:
“My son is a little stubborn, he cannot be praised a lot, he often picks up on his older brother and a fight starts. But if you ask him for something, he will gladly help you, go to the store, clear the table, help in the garden. He is hardworking and loves to do something, does not like to sit around idle. He's done for us !!! "
10.K. L.W .:
“My daughter is an ordinary child, but a little active, sometimes she does not react to my comments. She has to press, but at the same time she is attentive to her parents, helps around the house, gives great attention when unwell, he tries to do some small gifts, surprises for the holidays, to please parents. "
11.K.I.B .:
“My son is stubborn, persistent, if he has a goal in front of him, which interests him. May be lazy, but it helps to do homework, especially if you need to scroll something in a meat grinder. Helps me to make dumplings. Cleans the apartment, but without pleasure. In general, he is affectionate. "
12.Z.E.I .:
“My daughter happens, she surprises me with better side, then a little bad, but still for me it is the best and always pleases. "
13.C.G.F .:
“My son is a kind and affectionate person. But sometimes he disappoints me, because he is too lazy to study. If I hadn't been lazy, I would have studied at "4" and "5". He is a good housekeeper, all male work took over. Where the switch will be repaired, where the screw will be screwed. V difficult moment will always help. In general, I am happy with my son, he is my hope and support ”.
14. Sh. T.N. (Svetlolobov):
“My son is not always obedient, but he can cook something tasty (salad, knows how to bake pancakes), can clean the apartment, even if you don't ask him, but there is a suspicion that something is wrong at school - or "2" or "bad" behavior. My son is my household helper. "
15. Sh.O.I .:
“My son, in general, does not like to work. He must be forced. But when I hurt my leg and it was difficult for me to get up, he baked pancakes himself and brought them to my bed on a chair. I was happy that he tried to take over all the homework, because in the summer my dad lives in the country. "
16.D.A.I .:
“My son saddens me with his knowledge and behavior. But he himself can repair the garlands, conduct a light in his room, albeit not neatly, repair the tape recorder and at the same time he plays with him, make an outlet. Also, according to his mood, he can bake waffles, biscuits. He's practically not a bad kid. "
17. S. N. (educator):
“She is hardworking, participates in all events, a helper in the family, a needlewoman. In teaching, it does not always have good grades, but diligent, worried about her studies. Deals well with younger children. She is very responsible, she brings everything to the end. From the family he is a member of the children's council. "
18.E. V.M .:
“I upset me with my grades for a quarter, my attitude to studies. But at home she is my first assistant, she does everything: she cleans up, prepares food. And this time I was most surprised. I was not going to celebrate my birthday, I came home from work, as always late, tired, and my daughter set the table and prepared salads. I was delighted.
19.S.A.A .:
“My daughter is an active, nimble and very capable girl. She studies at school and at the same time finishes muses. school, plays basketball, volleyball. Likes to participate in school competitions, Olympiads. She is Scorpio, and Scorpios are touchy and impudent people. Despite his young age, she is a good helper in everything. "
5. Family dynasties.
Well, now I wanted to talk about the next tradition. Since ancient times, there has been a tradition in Russia: representatives of one family were engaged in one type of activity. So dynasties of potters, tailors, bakers, shoemakers, military men, builders, artists, teachers were born. In our class there are also families where dynasties were formed.
So, for example, in the F. family, two dynasties of teachers and firefighters developed:
“My grandmother worked as a history teacher. Her lessons were so interesting that even idlers were eager to learn history. One summer she worked with me, gave a quiz, asked riddles and told me in a way that attracted my attention like a magnet. Since then, I have had an interest in history.
My other grandmother works the same way teacher-educator in a family orphanage, where both my mother and my dear sister, who is studying to be a teacher, work. My older brother Valera also linked his life with history and is studying at one of the most prestigious institutes in the country as a lawyer. I am not only proud of him, but also try to be equal to him. "
The Stepa Sh family also has a dynasty:
“Our family has a mom, dad and an older brother, railroad workers.”
A .: "And here my mother and grandmother work in the same specialty - an accountant."
Ap .: "Our mother's brother followed in the footsteps of his grandfather and became a military man."

6. "Our names"
A person is born, gets a name. It is given either according to the calendar - church books in honor of some saint, whose holiday is celebrated in the month when the child was born, or fashionable in this period, or in honor of one of the family members. Raise your hand. Who was named after relatives.
Kesha B .: - Kesha, Innokenty, in whose honor you were named?
- In honor of my grandfather.
Tolya D .: - And you Tolya?
- Also in honor of my father's grandfather.
Styopa Sh.: - And me in honor of Stepan's grandfather.
Denis A .: - Our uncle Borya was named after his grandmother's uncle. And mine
name in honor of St. Denis.
Sasha Ts.: - My name Alexander coincided with the name of my grandfather Alexander.
Sasha F.: - My sister Dasha was named after my grandmother on my father's side.
Anton S .: - I was named after best friend dads.
К .: - My older sister Ira was named after my grandmother.
K.: - My mother was named after my mother's aunt Irina, and my brother Yura
named after my mother's grandfather.
A.G .: - My older sister Irina was named after my mother's grandmother.
K.: - I was named in honor of my mother's brother Vladimir, my sister Nadia in honor of

7. "Look at the family album."
Guys, here we have a photo exhibition "Look into the Family Album". Why do you think she is here? What is the tradition associated with? (Answer: with a tradition of collecting and storing family photos)
a) “Human life is only a moment
In the endless time of the universe
And only in the memory of the living
She becomes incorruptible. "
“And our spirit, continuing to live,
It will join the grandchildren, great-grandchildren.
And it will never end
The connecting thread of centuries ”.
b) Since 1829, when the French artist and designer Daguerre invented photography, the tradition of composing and storing family albums has firmly entered our lives. In every family there are photographs, which for a long time leave the memory of dear people, about events in family life.
This tradition is very important. No wonder during the war or in other situations when people were forced to leave their homes, they took with them only the most valuable things and among them photographs dear people... “To remember what we were like, take a look at the family album” - is sung in one of the songs. Here in our exhibition are photos from your family albums. We held a competition for the most interesting family photo.

8. Exhibition and story about old family items, photographs.
Guys, what makes a house a house that is not like other houses, what surrounds you in an apartment? (answer: objects, things)
A person lives, uses any things that are dear to him, associated with any events in his life. And now the person is gone, but the thing remains. We continue to store it. At every house: in the garage, in the closet, in the attic of the grandmother, in the country - it is stored
a lot of old things. So you and I conducted a reconnaissance of our antique items, brought them here to show them to everyone, and put them all in grandmother's chest.

9. The tradition of spending free time in the family.
There are other interesting traditions: how to conduct free time, vacation, how to take care of elderly relatives.
a) Listen to the poem of the poetess L. Suslova.
And a house filled with good is not yet a house.
And even the chandelier above the table is not a home yet.
And on the window with a living flower is not a house yet.
And even with a teapot sideways - not yet home.
When the evening darkness deepens
Then this truth is clear and simple -
That from the palms to the window the house is full
Your warmth.
b) What kind of Heat are we talking about? What is this Truth, which should be simple and understandable?

Of course, in your young hearts a feeling arises from childhood and grows stronger over the years, which lies in the depths of everyone's soul - this is love for your Home. The birth of this love is a great mystery and requires thought. Therefore, one can only touch it and prefer the path of leisurely reflections and questions. It is a great thing when questions are born in the soul. And this is already the work of the Soul. How to create the Warmth of our House? And this is most often helped by dinners with the family, spending free time with the whole family, trips, hiking, holidays that rally and unite all family members. About this guys, you wrote in your essays, questionnaires and your parents too.

c) This is how the guys wrote in their essays about their free time in the family.
Sasha M .:
“In the summer we go on vacation to my grandmother in Ukraine. It is very warm there, apples, pears, plums and other fruits grow. I help my grandparents take care of their household. After that, my grandfather and I go fishing. And we also go to the sea to Odessa ”.
Pasha G .:
“There is always mutual understanding in our family. Weekends and holidays we often go out into nature. There we grill kebabs and bake potatoes. Sometimes my dad and I go fishing. On cold winter evenings, we also do not get bored, we play chess, checkers, collect puzzles. "
Vova K .:
“We love to travel and relax in different cities and countries. I was with my family in Irkutsk, Baku, Rostov, Kansk, Moscow, Novosibirsk and in China - in Beijing, from where I brought a lot of beautiful souvenirs "

10. Culinary traditions.
One of the widespread Russian traditions was a feast. Per common table guests gathered, sang, the hosts regaled them with some kind of food.
Culinary traditions were not in the last place in Russia. Previously, cabbage soup, porridge, turnip, radish, game, fish were held in high esteem. From berries - cranberries, cloudberries, soaked lingonberries. From drinks - beer, kvass.
Everything flows, everything changes the tastes of people, and other dishes appear on our tables, are set traditional. What is one traditional meal in your family each?
a) Sasha Ts.:
“By tradition, we make dumplings every Saturday, almost always with potatoes. The whole family takes part in sculpting dumplings: mom, dad, me and younger sister... I love baking, so on Sunday I cook everyone's famous honey cake. ”
Sasha D .:
“And we traditionally prepare salad“ Olivier ”every Sunday. Our family loves this salad. Mom is the best cook. Recently, my mother brought another dish to our family. These are "Roses" cookies.
Nastya V .:
“Our family's favorite dish is fish pie. Dad prepares this dish. He cooks it on weekends or when guests arrive. "
Natasha S .:
“And in our family she loves to cook and cook my older sister Luda. Best for her is Birthday Cake and Mommy Cake.
b) “Home is where you will be understood,
Where they hope and wait
Where will you forget about the bad
This is your home "

11. Family holidays.
Family traditions include the tradition of celebrating family holidays. What holidays do you celebrate in your family?
a) Learning stories.
Julia G .:
“We always meet New Year together. My favorite pastime is walking with my dad into the forest for a Christmas tree. Then dad and I dress her up, and mom cooks festive dinner, consisting of the favorite dishes of all family members. Then I help my mother bake cakes and
do different salads. Then we decorate the table. Under the chimes, we make wishes and exchange gifts, and this makes our soul warm and joyful, as if you find yourself in some kind of fairy tale, where everything is good and beautiful. "
Nastya S .:
“We always prepare for the holiday in advance. We make colorful invitations, do it yourself funny gifts, souvenirs, delicious treats, funny ice cream cocktails. We recently spent in our Orphanage"Family day". When we woke up in the morning, we saw under the pillow each a note with good wishes... Then we had fun games. "
Zhenya K .:
“I especially like Birthday and New Year. On these holidays, the whole family gathers at home at the table, guests come. We come up with contests, congratulations and conduct them. Holidays are necessary for people, at the holiday a person rests, has fun, forgets about sadness, sorrow. The more people get together, communicate and have fun, the more united, kinder and friendlier it becomes. "
Yana A .:
“In our family, all the holidays are favorite, but especially the New Year and birthdays. The whole family gets together: dad, mom, sister, me and grandmother, and no one goes anywhere, and does not try to leave. Gathering together, we talk about different things, discuss some minor problems. "

IV. Conclusions:
1. We talked a lot about different family traditions. What are they for?
- To make it interesting, fun, so that the family is strong, friendly.
2. Results of the survey.
What are “Family Holidays” for ?:
The family needs holidays. The house is boring and uncomfortable, where the holiday is seen only on TV, where there is no need from time to time to get together for a festive dinner, dress up - not for guests, but for yourself, your own children, listen to your favorite music, please loved ones with gifts. A holiday by itself will not work. Will not come to the house Christmas tree... Delicious cake will not be baked. Gifts will not appear - surprises that are made with your own hands and protect their warmth. But aren’t the family
holidays of our efforts? After all, in return we get this joy is a feeling that we are needed and close to each other, that we are good together, that it will always be so!

3. a) Our class is also a family. And everything that happens in the classroom, it concerns and applies to each of you. And if something doesn't work out for us, it doesn't work out, then the whole class suffers. If we show ourselves from the good side somewhere, receive certificates, win places, then the whole class wins. And I want you to worry and root for your class as one big family... And since we are a family, then we have developed our own traditions. And one of them is tea drinking. And today we will not violate it. We are the hosts - these are our guests, we invite them and treat them.
b) Hospitality is also a good tradition (treating guests with cooked pastries)
Yes, it is very important to follow family traditions, honor them, preserve them, pass them on from generation to generation, most importantly they are needed to strengthen the family so that you have a home of your own.
c) Circus number (N. S. performs)
Katya K. received a task: to find proverbs and sayings about family, home, parents. And now she will present them to your attention. (Katya reads proverbs and sayings written on Whatman paper)
"Building a house by brick" - Students are building a "house" from pre-prepared "bricks" - see the appendix.

"DOMOSTROY" (Sylvester)
this book is dedicated to the Russian family. Every godly family is based on three hypostases: spiritual building, building relationships between family members, and economic building. If you do not pay attention to at least one of these pillars, the house (family) will "squint".
In the first chapter - "Advice from a father to his son."
Chapter 18 deals directly with the relationship between family members. " As the children of the father and mother to love and cherish, and obey them, and comfort them in everything. " What does the author of the book Silver call for? “Love your father and your mother, and obey them, and obey them in God in everything, and honor their old age, and bear their help and all sorrow with all your soul, and it will be good for you, and you will remain on earth for a long time, for then your sins will be forgiven, and God will have mercy on you, and people will glorify you, and your house will be blessed forever, and your sons will inherit your sons, and you will attain a venerable old age, having spent your days in prosperity. If someone condemns or insults his parents, or is cursed by people; the one who beats his father and mother - let him be excommunicated from the church and from all the shrines, and let him die a cruel death from civil execution ...
- So, in the first place is the spiritual life of the family. This is the priority of values. This inevitably left an imprint on other constituent "houses", on the relationship between family members, its economic life.

The words of the great Confitus:
“If you want to change the state, start with the province. If you want to change provinces, start with districts. If you want to change areas, start with cities. If you want to change cities, start with the streets. If you want to change streets, start with houses. If you want to change at home, start with your family. If you want to change your family, start with yourself. "

Questionnaire and survey results:
(25 students took part in the survey)
1. Do you consider the relationship in your family:
1) good - 13 3) normal - 4
2) excellent - 5 4) not very good - 3
2. Do you consider your family friendly?
1) yes - 23 2) not quite
3. What family traditions help strengthen your family?
1) holidays - 9 5) holidays and trips - 2
2) dinner with family - 4 6) don't know - 5
3) trips - 1 7) going out into nature, watching TV, dinner - 1
4) everything, much - 2
4. How often does your family get together?
1) daily - 12 4) when as - 1
2) often - 4 5) rarely - 4
3) how it turns out - 1 6) always - 3
5. What does your family do when they come together?
1) everyone does his own thing - 5 8) we watch TV programs - 3
2) everything (a little bit of everything, everything, a lot) - 5 9) we communicate - 2
3) discussing studies - 1 10) spending leisure time together - 2
4) we do work and go to the site in the summer - 1 11) we read - 1
5) watch TV, discuss life problems - 1 12) joke, laugh - 1
6) we do it as a family - household labor-1 13) rest - 1,
7) share our impressions - 1
6. Do you have quarrels, conflicts in your family?
1) rarely - 16 2) sometimes - 6 3) no - 3

Full text of the material Class hour"Family traditions. Family holidays" see the downloaded file.
The page shows a snippet.

Scene "Grandmothers and Grandchildren" performed by students... 1 grandmother: Hello, my dear! Can't go out for a walk? 2 grandmother: What are you, I haven't done my homework yet ... 1 grandmother: What lessons? Have you fallen into childhood? You finished school for a hundred years! Grandma 2: Yes? And the grandchildren? Now it is very fashionable to do homework for grandchildren. 1 grandmother: Here I understand you. I, too, have been doing lessons for my grandchildren all my life. 2 grandmother: Really? Why are you spoiling them? 1 grandmother: I do not spoil. I am very strict with them. So I’ll do my homework, and they always rewrite them cleanly. 2 grandmother: Oh, really, strictly. 1 grandmother: That's it! If anything, ask me, I have a lot of experience. 2 grandmother: Well, if it's not difficult, check how I learned the poem. Hmm-hm ... By the side of the sea there is a green oak, Golden chain on that oak ... 1 grandmother: Okay. 2 grandmother: Both day and night, a scientist dog ... 1 grandmother: What kind of dog? 2 grandmother: Well, I don't know which one has his breed. 1 grandmother: Yes, not a dog, but a scientist cat! Understood? Cat! 2 grandma: Ah-ah-ah! Understood - understood! Then I first: At the seaside a green oak, A golden chain on that oak ... Both day and night a scientist cat ... 1 grandmother: Well? 2 grandmother: She goes to the grocery store with a string bag. Which grocery store? Where have you seen this? 2 grandmother: Oh, what are you picky! I still have so many lessons - so I got it all mixed up. 1 grandmother: What do you think, if you and I continue to study so hard, maybe they will name some unit in our honor? 2 grandmother: She has already been named. 1 grandmother: How? 2 grandma: Col! It is given to grandchildren, for whom grandmothers do their lessons. Leading... You can talk about grandmother for a very long time and a lot. I appeal to all boys and girls: love and appreciate your grandmothers, be kind, sensitive to them, do not hurt with your words and actions. They are worthy of respect and appreciation. After all, these people who gave life to our parents, endured hard trials on their shoulders and withstood them often say: “Do not forget me”, and in response they expect to hear: beloved, do not worry, we will never forget you, we will never leave you. 3. “Who am I? What am I? " I think that you sincerely admired your relatives, wrote about your love for them, that you are proud of them and help them. But how your parents see you, they wrote about this in their miniatures - sketches. Can you guess which of you we are talking about? Parents reading miniatures - sketches.

4. "Look into the family album" (the song "Family Album" sounds). Guys, here we have a photo exhibition "Look into the Family Album". Why do you think she is here? What is the tradition associated with? (Answer: with the tradition of collecting and keeping family photographs) a) "Human life is only a moment In the boundless time of the universe, And only in the memory of the living does it become incorruptible." “And our spirit, continuing to live, Will pour into our grandchildren, great-grandchildren. And the connecting thread for centuries will never break. " b) Since 1829, when the French artist and designer Daguerre invented photography, the tradition of composing and storing family albums has firmly entered our lives. Every family has photographs that leave a long memory of dear people, of events in family life. This tradition is very important. No wonder during the war or in other situations when people were forced to leave their homes, they took with them only the most valuable things and among them photographs of dear people. “To remember what we were like, take a look at the family album” - is sung in one of the songs. Here in our exhibit are photographs from your family albums. A story about photographs. A student talk. Song "Parent's House" 5. Family vacation. You have written about other interesting traditions in your families, for example, how you spend your holidays. What are Family Holidays for ?: A family needs holidays. The house is boring and uncomfortable, where the holiday is seen only on TV, where there is no need from time to time to get together for a festive dinner, dress up - not for guests, but for yourself, your own children, listen to your favorite music, please loved ones with gifts. A holiday by itself will not work. The Christmas tree will not come into the house. Delicious cake will not be baked. Gifts will not appear - surprises that are made with your own hands and protect their warmth. But aren't family holidays worth our efforts? After all, in return we get such joy - the feeling that we are needed and close to each other, that we feel good together, that it will always be like this! Students' speeches about their favorite family holidays. (Semenyako D., Skrebneva Ol.) In many families, the favorite type of recreation is outdoor recreation. - Hello! - How are you? - I was fishing. I took a fisherman's bit, Uncle Petya was an eccentric. Where is your fisherman? Got you? -No, the sly guy left! Lost.

6. "Riddles of Grandmother's Chest".- What makes a home a home different from other homes? (Things) A person lives, uses things that are dear to him. Some things last for years, even decades, become family heirlooms. We searched for antique items. Tell about them. Students' stories about awards, an old book, jewelry. These things are not only antiques, they are a memory of relatives and friends. 7. "Family signature dish". Host: "Happy is the one," Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy once wrote, "who is happy at home." Good house nice for pies. Many housewives are constantly mastering the secrets of the culinary business, And this is probably why in many families, sometimes the following happened: Scene: Mom says angrily to her son: -Misha, this morning there were two cakes in the buffet, and now there is one. How it happened. - I don’t know, Mommy, it was dark, and I just didn’t notice the second one. Culinary traditions in Russia were not in the last place. Previously, cabbage soup, porridge, turnip, fish, game were held in high esteem. From berries - cranberries, cloudberries, soaked lingonberries. From drinks - kvass. As time goes on, tastes change. Other dishes become traditional. - Name one traditional dish in your family. Family Signature Dish competition. 8. Closing remarks.IV. Conclusions: 1. We talked a lot about different family traditions. What are they for? - To make it interesting, fun, so that the family is strong, friendly. 2. Results of the survey.

3. a) Our class is also a family. And everything that happens in the classroom, it concerns and applies to each of you. And if something doesn't work out for us, it doesn't work out, then the whole class suffers. If we show ourselves from the good side somewhere, receive certificates, win places, then the whole class wins. And I want you to worry and root for your class as one big family. And since we are a family, then we must develop our own traditions. Let tea be one of them. We are the hosts - these are our guests, we invite them to the table.

Class hour: “Family. Family traditions»

Purpose of the

    Fostering feelings of love and pride for your family, respect for parents;

    Developing interest in your family history, family traditions;

    Formation of a positive attitude, respect for the families of classmates;

    Studying the families of the classroom;

    Acquaintance with the most common traditions of the Russian people.

Preliminary preparation for the class hour

Compilation of family trees by students;

Search for antiques, documents kept by families;

Design of the photo exhibition "Look into the Family Album";

Essays by students on the topics: "My family", "Dynasties", "Who can I be proud of in my family", "Our names".

Class hour

Classroom teacher

Hello dear guys, good afternoon, dear parents!

“The family is one of the masterpieces of nature,” said George Santayana. Folk wisdom reads: "Without roots, even wormwood does not grow."

Today we are talking about the family and the relationship in it, about family holidays and traditions. Our family is the closest people who will help in difficult times and will rejoice at your success more than anyone else in the world. If you feel bad, if it is difficult, if you have been offended, who will caress you, who will love you, who will console you? Of course, your mothers, fathers, relatives and people close to you, those who are dear to you more than anything else.

We have been preparing for this holiday for a long time. Who we just didn’t happen to be during this time!

We compiled our genealogies - we acted as historians, we were antique dealers and archaeologists, when we were looking for old family things, journalists and reporters, when we asked our parents about grandmothers and great-grandmothers, as writers, when we wrote essays about the family.

You have written in essays about your families. Families are all different. How do they differ? Of course, with their habits, way of life, customs, atmosphere, traditions. Traditions that have been passed down from generation to generation. A person is born into the world, grows up, thinks: Who am I? Where am I from? Where are my roots from?

It has long been one of the traditions in Russian families to learn about their ancestors, make up their own genealogy, family tree.

Ignorance of one's ancestors was previously equated with a lack of education. Now everything has been simplified to such an extent that sometimes we do not know not only great-grandmothers, but even cousins and sisters, uncles, aunts, etc. It is known that one of the subjects of which A.S. Pushkin, there was a button from the uniform of his distant famous ancestor - Abram Hannibal. The poet ordered to insert a button into his favorite cane, which he almost never parted with, and proudly showed it to his friends.

Have you ever heard the word “genealogy” before? Translated from Greek, it means "genealogy". This means that this is a science that searches for the ancestors of people.

Man has always honored his ancestors. The origin determined the position in society - depending on it, the newborn was to become either a slave or a patrician. The ancient Romans had sculptural portraits of their ancestors in the house - the laras, whom they worshiped, brought gifts. They wrote out their ancestry on special scrolls, which they passed on to future generations.

You and I have tried to make up our own genealogies. Of course, we do not have 5000 historical names in them, as in the pedigree of A.S. Pushkin. Some have 16-20 leaves on a tree, some have more.

The student with the largest family tree talks about his or her family.

I think that until that time, few people had compiled a family tree. May it be preserved for your descendants. Make it a good tradition in your family.

One of the traditions was that people were proud of their famous ancestors.

219 living descendants of Pushkin are proud of their great ancestor.

And even if your ancestors were not historical figures, but were just good, respectable people, who could you be proud of in your family?

Students talk about their loved ones.

Since ancient times, there has been a tradition in Russia: representatives of one family were engaged in one type of activity.

This is how dynasties of potters, tailors, bakers, shoemakers, and military men were born. Builders, artists, teachers ... In our class there are also families where dynasties were formed.

Students talk about dynasties in their family.

There is a tradition to name children after one of the family members.

A person is born, gets a name. It is given either according to the calendar - church books in honor of someone - be it a saint, whose holiday is celebrated this month, when a child is born, or parents give a name that they like, or fashionable at a given period, or in honor of relatives.

Students named after a relative tell about them.

Many families have a tradition of spending vacations and free time.

Students talk about how they spend their free time with their family.

Take care of elderly parents Is one of the great traditions in our families.

There is a tradition to collect and store family photographs.

Students introduce each other to the photo exhibition "Look into the Family Album"

Since 1829, when the French artist and designer Daguerre invented photography, the tradition of composing and keeping family albums has become a part of our lives. Every family has photographs that leave a long memory of dear people, of events in family life.

This tradition is very important. No wonder during the war or in other situations, when people were forced to leave their homes, they took with them only the most valuable things and among them photographs of dear people "To remember what we were - look into the family album" - is sung in one of the songs ... The exhibition includes photographs from family albums.

Many of the houses keep bedding things. The person is no longer there, but we keep, and the things that belong to him live. We keep and protect them. These are also our traditions.

A competition for the most ancient thing is being held.

Why do we store these things? They are interesting to us from a historical point of view as objects of antiquity, culture, everyday life, but they are also dear as a memory of our relatives. We should not be "Ivans who do not remember kinship." The history of a thing is a history of a person, a history of a family, a history of a people, a history of the Fatherland. This is a wonderful tradition for many families.

One of the widespread Russian traditions is the tradition of a feast.

Guests gathered at a common table, sang, the owners regaled them with some kind of food.

Culinary traditions were not in the last place in Russia. Previously, cabbage soup, porridge, turnip, radish, game, fish were held in high esteem. From berries - cranberries, cloudberries, soaked lingonberries. From drinks - beer, kvass.

Everything flows, everything changes - people's tastes change, and other dishes appear on our tables, become traditional.

Parents name dishes that are traditional in their families.

Celebrating family holidays is the same tradition.

What holidays do your family celebrate?

Students share how their families celebrate the holidays.


1. Say in Latin “ a family». (Surname.)

2. Now say “ a family" in Italian. (Mafia.)

3.As you know, Greek goddess Athena was the goddess of wisdom, and an owl was considered her bird. But the goddess Hera, the wife of Zeus, was considered the patroness families in general and motherhood in particular. Guess which bird was considered "Hera's bird"?


4.How they say about those who divulge internal family troubles and quarrels?

(Wash dirty linen in public.)

5. Here is a Russian proverb: “To live for yourself is to smolder, for families“… (The verb is missing), but for the people - to shine”. What is the missing verb?


6.According to legend, Russia is guarded by three sisters: Faith, Hope and Love and their mother... What is the name of the mother of three sisters?

(Sophia, that is, Wisdom.)

7. The first, eldest child in the family is the firstborn. And what was the name of the third child in Russia in family? And the last one?

(Tretiak, scratched.)

8. How does the Russian "fruit" proverb sound about who inherited bad, unseemly behavior from father or mothers?

("The apple never falls far from the tree".)

9. What Russian toy is this quote from the encyclopedia about: “It embodies the idea of ​​a strong families, prosperity, procreation, carries the idea of ​​unity "?

(About matryoshka.)

10. At what age, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, you can join marriage without parental permission?

(From the age of eighteen.)

11. What is the name of the woman's surname before her marriages?



13. In which fairy tale Andersen violates the child's right: “Children have the right to live with their parents and no one is allowed to separate them ”?

The Snow Queen". From grandmother's house, the Snow Queen took little Kai to her ice palace.)

14. Name the most family geometric figure.

(Circle. Close family circle, in the family circle.)

15. Parental instruction in one word is ...


16. My father's child, not my brother. Who is this?

(My sister.)

17. What is the name of the home of a big hardworking bee families?

(Beehive, fight.)

18. Which plant represents both native and adopted relative?


19. There is a letter a family, in which, according to numerous verses, "thirty-three sisters." What is this a family?


20. What month is International Day celebrated families?

(Celebrated annually on May 15, since 1994. Proclaimed by the UN General Assembly.)


In the titles of famous works, insert the missing words that are the title family members.

 "..." M. Gorky.


 "... - robbers", A.S. Pushkin.

Brothers- robbers ".)

 "... The Karamazovs", F.M. Dostoevsky.

Brothers Karamazovs ".)

 "Three ...", A.P. Chekhov.

("Three sisters».)

 "... Vanya", A.P. Chekhov.

Uncle Vania".)

 "... Smear and hares", N.A. Nekrasov.

Grandfather Smear and hares. ")

 "Captain's ...", A.S. Pushkin.

("Captain's daughter».)

 "... shelf", V.P. Kataev.

A son shelf".)

 "... Captain Grant", J. Verne.

Children Captain Grant.)

 "... Fedor, the dog and the cat", E. Uspensky.

(Uncle Fedor, a dog and a cat ".)


    The most active student is awarded.

    The best participant in the "Family Album" nomination.

    The best participant in the nomination "Story of a Family Tradition".

    The best participant in the "Family Heirloom" nomination.

What could be more expensive for a family?
Warmly welcomes the father's house,
Here they are always waiting for you with love
And they see them off with kindness!

Father and mother and children together
They sit at the festive table
And together they are not at all bored,
And the five of us are interesting.

The kid for the elders is like a favorite,
Parents are wiser in everything
Beloved dad is a friend, breadwinner,