How to play the best girlfriend. Curly draws for the girl. Joke with newspaper sheet

April 1 is one of the funniest and fun days In the calendar. Many have not yet lost excitement and children's childhood, which are especially sharpened on this day. Even adults I. serious people Sometimes they love to swallow over your colleagues or arrange a surprise of your family.

History of the day of laughter

The holiday is worldwide, so in many modern countries People come up all day various methods Raffle. In some of the countries, you can only joke over others until 12 o'clock in the afternoon, those who are joking after the set time, is customary called "April Fools". Also there are the capitals of humor, where the grandiose festivals are held on the day of the fool, this city is Odessa in the CIS.

On this very day, you probably wondered about the school. Educational institution is an excellent platform for various draws. You can help not only classmates, but also teachers who will not be ahead of swirling over their pupils.

Draw: initial level

If you wondered about how to play friends at school on April 1, then first you need to decide on the scale of your leprosy. If you are bearing condemnation, possible punishment and other consequences that can stand in connection with your draw, then choose the easiest and harmless of them.

If on this day you have informatics, then you are very lucky. In the office, after classes at a computer begin, to distract your friend in any way. Maybe he wants to go to the toilet or will wait for a very important call, the main thing - wait for the moment when he leaves his workplace. As soon as the "victim" left the object, the mouse sensor should be stuck. When your friend returns, it will be very long to mess around with the "non-working" mouse, the whole class can connect to solving the problem, and only you will know what is the problem here.

Another way to play a friend in school, is all the same computer. The first part of this draw is fully copied from the first joke - the scene of the computer class, wait, when a friend leaves his workplace. After that, it is necessary to quickly make a screenshot of the desktop, then leave it open, placing full screen. So, when your friend returns, he will try to press one of the icons for a very long time, which will absolutely not respond to its actions.

Draw: Middle Level

Here you can already think about how to play friends and teachers at school. Before you make another joke, think if your "victim" has a sense of humor. This is especially true of teachers, there are those that with a smile will be reacted to a small dirtary, and others in turn can in the "joke" to carry out a very complicated control.

The oldest of the risks known to us is a board on which it is impossible to write. The actions algorithm is very simple: before the teacher goes into class, you need to abundantly lubricate the board with soap or kerosene. After this procedure, the teacher will no longer be able to write anything on the board, but no one has canceled the oral survey, so get ready.

Another draw with the board is the answer to the question of how to play friends at school, it represents a more humane option. Instead of painting the entire board, you can enclose it with self-adhesive colored paper or better multicolored stickers. This option is safe and most appropriate with harmful or not understanding jokes by teachers.

Draw: High Level

So smoothly we go to the draws high levelFor the preparation of which a lot of time and time can leave, but the result will be very much wondering. Before proceeding to perform high-level drawers, you must fully realize which responsibility for you is worth it, you will probably be punished or for a while close friend It can stop communicating with you because of the resentment and some shame.

Over how to play a friend at school, of course, everyone thought, but sometimes it is very difficult to find the necessary draw, which surrounding will be appreciated. Here is one of the most successful and large-scale risks in school Life. You will need to negotiate with teachers or with the director, if there is such an opportunity to call your friend during the lesson. Naturally, a friend will be surprised, in his head they will light up the millions of thoughts that he did not do and why he is called. In turn, the teacher will have to immediately warn the "guilty" that his documents are preparing and tomorrow he will leave this educational institution, and after you can already invent different reasonswhere he guessed. The shock of the student can only be described, at first it will visit him a real fear or the desire of justice, but when you will choose from the cabinet standing in the same room, and crying "from the first of April!", He will be shocked.


Before you big choice ways to play friends at school. Choose what you know perfectly, and that you can do yourself. Be sure the friend will be shocked or satisfied with your original joke.

Most suitable time For drawings - April 1. But some do not wait for this date, especially if there are good optionsHow to play a girlfriend. There are many ways to laugh at friends. To find a suitable draw, you need to climb into world Wide Webwhere people share their experiences among themselves.

Birthday draw

For example, you can play a birthday girlfriend. For this festive day More funny and ridiculous situations will be suitable. Do not choose brutal jokes, because this is a holiday girlfriend. Therefore, the draw should only need to laugh, and not to upset or put in an awkward situation and force to blush.

Most often, such a scenario uses such a day: the whole day is to pretend, as if do not remember that today a special day, and communicate as usual, and in the evening, use the effect of surprise and congratulate her together with friends, give a cake, balloons and gifts. The girlfriend will first be a shame, but then she will be delighted with such a turn of events. You can organize a harmless abduction and deliver a friend to a restaurant, where they are cooked a surprise, as well as a chic banquet.

If a friend works in the office, then there you can arrange a scandal with its participation (in fact pre-colleagues or the sample of a fake actor). When a girlfriend will already "boil", you will go in an angel costume and say that allow all disputes, and also congratulate on the holiday.

Telephone draws

Now there are great popularity on the phone. There are even various special services for similar cases. You just need to choose how to play a friend by phone. For example, audio shots with various voices famous personalities (From the beloved singer to the president himself) will be sent to the phone number of the friend, and they come as a regular call. This is a harmless, but very pleasant draw. Imagine how the friend's face is stretched when she decides that her favorite actor calls her. It is advisable to be close to see the reaction of the girlfriend, then both will be fun. And if there is no desire to disclose, by whom the draw is organized, in your presence it will not suspect you. This can be done by ordering a specific time.

SMS-draws are no less popular, they allow you to send cool SMS Friend on the phone. The scheme is similar to the message of audio currency.

Draws on the phone can be in the form of congratulations, comic SMS or even call from the police or tax Inspection, as well as a false call to work. The success of the draw depends on the humor of the girlfriend and your imagination.

Ideas for the first of April

You can frighten a girlfriend a big bill for utilitiesBy printing a receipt on the printer. The computer and printer will make fake various documents that will be important to your girlfriend, and fix there some numbers, dates, names to plunge into the shock of girlfriend.

For example, you can say with a serious face that you know how to guess on a cigarette ash hand. You need to ask how to shook the ashes with a cigarette on the palm, rub it with a finger circular movements Once 20. After that, pretend to look at the lines on the palm and report that the ashtray from the girlfriend is no. Here is how you can play a girlfriend and laugh together!

The draw is not for nervous friends.
Learn which model of the phone from a friend who want to play. It is possible that it was more expensive, recently purchased and really liked the owner / hostess. Put the cheap Chinese panel of this model. Will there any pieces of metal and plastic, so that the weight matches the phone, Yes, and the effect will be brighter, ask a friend to call the phone, allegedly call, move away for a short distance, turn off the phone imperceptibly (so as not to call), hiding in my pocket, and in the hands we take the panel. We make a view that quarrel with someone, and when the victim looks at you ... break the phone about asphalt.eli, if you are in multi-storey house"Inadvertently dropping" down. The word "victim" saw this process. All do not pull, explain what's the matter, otherwise some particularly impressionable may have a blow! Friends who are present during the draw fell from laughter, because they originally knew everything

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Appeal to friends:
"We argue, none of you can repeat 3 simple phrases behind me?".
In response, friends are called.
Further throwing a challenge to society to say: "Well, let's try! It rains in the forest. Today is Friday" . Friends repeat it.
Further, the master says sharply: "And here you have lost."
Everyone in response is starting to be resent. And the presenter: "I said that you could not! That was the third phrase. "

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Draw for close friends.
AT big company You can play someone trusting, who is looked in search of a husband or wife. Play like this: We offer the victim to predict the name of the narrowed in the matches. We give it the boxes of matches, please choose an arbitrary number of matches and break the heads very carefully and accurately.
Then pickyly inspect and even pick up poorly broken matches. Please repeat the procedure. Then we ask the victim to insert the broken matches between the teeth, behind the ears, in the hair and other places at will. After that, we sum up the sacrifice to the mirror and declare: "And to whom you need such (such) a terrible need?!"
At this moment, hold on to the sacrifice at a distance of 1-1.5 meters, the reaction can be unpredictable.

Draw friends
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So I played my friend who looked at the "glass" of tea.
For this draw, you need 2 cell phone and scotch. One phone with scotch, you need to attach the back of the microwave, put a loud connection and call another phone. Wait a victim ...
When the victim puts into the microwave (know in advance!) Well, let's say the soup, say on the phone: "ATTENTION !!! A cockroach was found in the soup!", Or "Self-destruction of the microwave is launched! 10 9 8, etc.". When the playback opens the microwave - "the door is close, the fool blows !!!" My surprise was changed to laughter, after removal cell phone From the microwave and flight to the window.

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I came up with me new draw And I thought, as it were, it would be more humbered, and it turned out! ...
I stand in the subway and waiting for the train. Fits my friend to the nearby machine to put money on the phone. Selects the operator, dials the number - on the screen it is huge numbers output and shoves into the machine 500r. At this time I will pull out the phone and for the last money I send the following SMS to this number:
"Thank you for throwing us on beer. Five hundred rubles received. Admins Beeline :)"
Would you see his face ... When I went to him, he was powdered like a shoemaker, threatening to break the machine

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Play friends in such a way can be infinite, but the main "victim" of the draw,
must be not knowing his man.
Selects the "victim", which is invited to determine to the touch with closed eyes Any part of the body. In advance, tomato cradled in half should be prepared. Take one half (flat face to the face of "victim"), send forefinger Directly in the middle of the tomato and shout: "Tykay!" As soon as the "victim" stifles his finger in the tomato, your assistant who is not far from you, starts wild, yell: "Oh, you ... you squeezed me!" You understand what the reaction from the "victim" ... And the company is lying on the floor, as a rule on the floor, from laughter.

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Performing 100% draw, is taken with pleasure.
Any gullible comrade and two matches takes. Comrade is aware of explanatory work that only those who are very well developed by the Mimic are taken to the artists. Such artists become pets of the public, enhance a bunch of money ... And when Comrade will donate, he is invited to pass the "theatrical exam". The exam is the following. The list of the subject "sticks" (simply mentioned, strongly pressed) the match and it is proposed to reset it without help, i.e. Only facial female. Well, if you yourself try to spend such an operation on yourself, then notice that the match drops after 3-4 seconds and there is nothing difficult in it. This is at first glance. See the condition of the task. If you read carefully, you can see that there is written "two matches". Now they guessed? If not, I will explain. Comrade shows both matches and declare that both will be glued to the forehead. And actually glued alone! Which through the same 3-4 seconds fall off! The most important thing is not to split in advance and all the time to encourage the comrade, talking to him a bunch of compliments about his developed facial expressions, etc. You can torment it up to 5 minutes, under the general laughter of those present.

Draw friends
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Friends who fall for the first time on our party we always check for courage. Corn and funny draw with blindfolded eyes: a man with a bandage in his eyes put on a chair, offering to hold for the assistant's head, after which the chair is raised by several centimeters, but due to the that the assistant is squatting, the participant seems that the chair raised the meter on one and a half. The leading offers him for the corresponding remuneration to make a risky jump from a high height. Many risk do not want to risk, so the laughter of the whole company is provided.

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Funny draw, famous in the circle of my friends called
"Keep reins!". Characters: "Sacrifice" - a man who fell asleep after a rapid fun or simply "filled" from fatigue, and even better if he tends to often talk in a dream and in general in every way "Lunatit", 1-2 playing and how old spectators. The painting is as follows: Forgetting deep and, perhaps, a restless man is selected by insidious intruders. In the hands of one of them, it is necessary to have any belt, belt, rope, towels, or something similar to the reins. Different sleeping is necessary immediately, in one sharp push or scream like "Get up!", And while he does not think about him, suck him "reins" and the voice of the Commissioner of the Great October revolution Order: "Hold reins!". Experience shows that approximately 80% of the "victims" cling to the "reins" by the dead grip of a second for three, until they come to themselves, while the expression of the face is the most picturesque. The subsequent reaction is unpredictable, but more often complacent, since "everything is ridiculous, then I am fun." The Sorry from this competition is 100% in all viewers.

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As a rule, play a friend is only part of the festive event program. Here is one old simple draw. Returning to the company home after a party (preferably in a crowded street), a dispute is started - which is the most sober company members. The chosen victim of the draw is invited to do flat (it is necessary to emphasize that even) swallow (I hope that this figure is understandable). After the victim diligently makes something that you need to declare that he (she) is absolutely drunk. In response to the inadvertent exclamations of the victim, explain that a sober person will never make such a goal place. I myself spent this draw many times, there was always fun, noisy, cool. The way the wishes are many, everyone wants to determine their degree of intoxication and prove that he is sober than others.

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April 1 - a great reason to arrange a real test for loved ones, playing them as hard and more fun. On this day there are no prohibitions! Jokes may be on the verge (the main thing is that the sacrifice did not grab a heart attack), humor of the bunny, and the holiday itself - tear-off. Especially for lovers of extreme, extraordinary, memorable drawing, we prepared this selection.

Play a friend: a mixture of humor, fun and fright

The coolest draw is the one that is generally impossible to guess. It should have a peppercorn, raisin, some kind of novelty and originality, which does not allow the victim to understand what they are jumped over it. So let's go!

Option 1st. For those who are in the subway

Amazingly simple and at the same time, the spectacular draw, for which one accomplice will be required and finding the peak in the subway. We go through, we pretend that you press the connection button with the driver and loudly please: "Please, a cup of coffee and cheeseburger into such a car." On the next stop You are already waiting for an accomplice (doginate the car number in advance)which gives "ordered". Of course, passengers are in bewilderment. But indignation will be mixed with it, when, by moving a dialogue with the driver, you will say: "Okay, now to the end station without stopping, I am in a hurry!".

Option 2nd. Risky

Excellent, spectacular drawing for the company, gathered to spend a fool's day in nature. Prepare a bank of the bank or eggplant caviar in advance. While friends will "cover the Polyana", go to the side. Immediately pour props on the ground, pour to the toilet paper for the entourage. Now it's all about artistism. Doing that they accidentally discovered this unambiguous handheld, catch a spoon and with the cries "Opa, fresh!" eat. Believe me, the day will begin very cool!

Option 3rd. Simple but tasteful

Everything is extremely simple. Choose a sacrifice of jokes and its suitable nature, a funny, a humorous postcard (such now is sold a huge set). Now you need to make it possible: print the official envelope on behalf of, for example, the tax, court, military registration and enlistment office and so on. It is important that the letter looks seriously and representative, and did not cause questions. Inside put the acquired postcard. Believe me, the victim will be puzzled, and frightened, and then wounded.

Option 4th. With gold fish

Work perfectly with fans of aquariums. If the friend has fish houses, arrange a very hard performance. Pre-cut fish silhouette from carrot, hide it in hand. Having come to a friend to visit, unceremoniously launch the hand in the aquarium, take it there (lovers of water fauna, it can only arise from this breakdown!) , then - one flick, and demonstrately catching in the air carrot blank, lower it in the mouth! Moreover, as best as possible and with replicas of type: "Here is the freshest fish!", "MMMM, the most delicious view! ". Be prepared for a very stormy reaction.

Option 5th. With a cup

Props simple - a plastic cupBut the effect will produce a stunning. Especially if you arrange a draw in the office, audience or class, with big cluster of people. We start with the fact that the whole day complain about the pain in the neck, they say, lomit, no power. It is better to do it that in a couple of hours everyone knew about your problem. Now, so far no one sees, we put a cup on your hand and bring it to the neck. We approach the chosen sacrifice, tip my head with a suffering point, pressing the cup. Wild crunch is heard. All around in shock!

Option 6th. Voice card

Again, simple, but very effective method Make for the chosen sacrifice unforgettable. On the Internet there is a service « voice cards » For such a request, any search engine will give some cool sites. We select the appropriate text, for example: "You are worried about the police. We received a message that you have pornography on your computer. In connection with the new law on banning illegal download and storage porn for private viewing, we must withdraw your hard disk to explore it. After 10-15 minutes, police will come to you. Prepare the disk and warranty card on it. This is all before the meeting. " AT specified field We enter the number of the subscriber to which the call will receive. Impressions are guaranteed to everyone.

Option 7th. Cosmetic

Cosmetics - chic material for different fun and simple draws. For example, you can at night a man make up nails bright varnish, And then transfer the alarm clock to waking up, he has almost been afraid of work or study. Your guy or husband will wake up and goes to people so beautiful. Another option is to draw purple bruises under the eyes. Such a joke will also make a sufficient effect when the victim sees itself in the mirror.

Option 8th. With scolded eyes

A cool joke, especially exquisite because of its simplicity. Buy a tennis ball, cut it in half, draw a pupil to each "eye". Tighten a fine rubber band. You put on an improvised mask on your eyes, over dark glasses. When an estimated victim is vanished, come and a beautiful gesture to remove the glasses, demonstrating wringing eyes. Will be very fun!

Option 9th. Scare a stranger

The draw, which will bring a lot of emotions as you and the chosen victim. The main task is to find a person whom she does not know. Invite the sacrifice to take a walk, put it on the bench, and you yourself will leave under some kind of pretext. Now turn your accomplice. He comes up to anyone unsuspecting friend, sits down next, with the most serious look pulls someone's photo, moving her to the involuntary participant joke and says quietly: "I want everything to look like an accident." Then the sharply rises and leaves. When you return, hear a lot of interesting things.

Option 10th. With ghost

On the beautiful day on April 1, preferably closer to the evening, send your friends with a simple text "Open the door, I came!" . They go, answer, and there is no one. It looks even somewhat urgent.

Option 11th. With vodka and car

Props simple - bottle of vodka, in which nanita ordinary water. You get into the car with friends and go somewhere on business. Discount Tighten the time, lead the car as carefully and slowly. When the irritation of passengers reaches his peak, pull out the bottle and with the words "okay, you yourself are to blame", salvo empty her about half. Now, with all the power, put on the gas.

Option 12th. With a mobile phone

Here you will have to work hard with the search for a suitable props. Need a mobile phone panel, exactly similar to that phone, which is used by the potential victim of the draw. Ask a cell phone, they say, yours was discharged, but you need to call urgently. Get down and imperceptibly replace your mobile phone on the purchased panel. Picture that the conversation goes into a quarrel, then with anger, throw the "phone" and for loyalty to hide it. The shock of the victim is guaranteed.

Option 13th. Very tough

In addition to the victim, you will also need an accomplice. Again with the object of the draw, that he will not be able to guess with tied eyes, which part of the body touches. The condition is one: you can only touch your fingers. Now make the victim of the eye and begin to joke. Let it say that she correctly gave part of the body of the accomplice, then dig two halves of the tomato. Naturally, played in bewilderment - what is it? And then the accomplice is wildly shouting that he has a fucking eyes ...

In this article, we will pay attention to how to play a girlfriend as of April 1st. On this day, every person who in the morning has already managed to look into the calendar, waiting for some fun surprise aimed at himself. Therefore, we offer exactly options for how you can play a girlfriend on this holiday laughter's day.

Of course, I immediately want to note the fact that the presence of the holiday of the day of laughter does not cancel information about the fact that all people are different and each of each different borders and face own feeling humor. So, you need to choose such draws, which you are sure, definitely do not insult your girlfriend or another close man. Surprise should not be a stumbling block in friendship or, especially since spoil the mood. Choosing one or another draw, you must definitely weigh everything "for" and "against".

Variants of harmless draws in April 1 for a friend

Paint soap

Next, in this article, options will also be considered how to play a girlfriend on April 1, SMS, but now I want to pay attention to the draws that are held in reality. The easiest and most accessible to each option, especially if you live or work with a friend will paint soap with colorless varnish.

Everything is easier than: on dry soap Varnish lacquer, then you need to give it to dry. When a girlfriend decides to wash your hands, it just will not be able to wash it. This is a completely harmless draw, which is accurate to have fun. Especially when all the subsidiad draw in front of the girlfriend will open.

With a computer

This version of the draw for a friend on April 1 is suitable for those who work together. It will be necessary to choose the most unsuccessful photograph of the girlfriend (here again you need to remember not to offend a person) and copy it to the site page in social network. Then using Photoshop insert the screenshot of the page on your friend's desktop. It is only important to hide all labels. When a girlfriend returns and starts unsuccessfully clicking on the screen, it will be laughter and fun. It is worth watching the process and when the nerves finally surrender, help a girlfriend and uncover all the cards.

Umbrella with surprise

Now such a spring that rain often happens. If the weather in the current year does not please, it can be used for your own joy and play a girlfriend using an umbrella. Such a joke accurately raises a man's mood. It will be necessary when a person comes out of the room, distract it, and then reveal the umbrella and pour confetti on it. Then close and put everything in place. When a friend will come out on the street and reveals an umbrella to defend himself from rain, it will get hundreds of multicolored confetti, which only their own external species Already configure on positive Lad. The mood, by the way, rises not only at the girlfriend, but also in all passersby.

Ordinary threads

A cheerful option, how to play a girlfriend on April 1, so that later in VC she posted photos of how having fun her on the day of laughter - it is wrapped everything on the desktop ordinary threads different color. You can do something like web. It looks impressive, though, then in the process of cleaning the workplace, the girlfriend will necessarily need help. As an option, you can not bother with threads, everything that is on the table, wrap the usual foil.

To have enough time

If your girlfriend lives in an ordinary high-rise building, you can consider the following options, how to play a friend on April 1. From the morning to call her and say that you want to give her to work and talk about something important on the way. Next to call another half an hour and say that entrance door Castle broke and need to go down to open the door of the intercom. The draw, in fact, is to make a girlfriend just go down and distract it from everyday morning. Here, of course, it is important to calculate everything to be enough time, and the girlfriend was not late for work.

Own car

Many modern young girls today lead a car. If your girlfriend is a happy owner of its own mobile phone, you can safely use the car in organizing your draw. For example, you can buy special stickers that will then easily remove, stick on a car. Funny faces, inscriptions or taxi checkers.

With toothpaste

Probably most classic optionHow to play a girlfriend on April 1, is the use of toothpaste. Instead of pasta in the tube, you will need to download mayonnaise. This draw is well done when your friends live together on one territory: then there will be no problems with his organization.

With slippers

If you live on one territory, it does not even make sense to look for a way to play a friend on April 1 Vkontakte. Need to act in real worldFor example, glue girlfriends slippers to the floor bilateral scotch. You can also just glue the computer mouse to the table.

With mouse

By the way, the computer mouse can safely be used for another version of the draw. It will be necessary at the moment when the girlfriend will not be indoors, together putting a toy in the form of this animal. To tie toys to tie a black lace and transfer through the table. To the lace, so that then the redemption of guilt was pleasant, tie a candy with a congratulation inscription in honor of the day of laughter.

Order congratulations

If the girlfriend often goes on the car and has a favorite radio station, then in honor of April 1, you can order congratulations there. But, it should be, of course, not standard option Congratulations, and cheerful and unusual. For example, you can pass the girlfriend that you congratulate it with the "Blonde Day". And within the framework of this draw, you can congratulate a girlfriend on behalf of another person. It is important to be traced here and to know exactly that at the hour congratulations, the girlfriend will definitely be able to hear it.

Balls with photos

You can prepare a surprise for home or in the workplace, which will definitely raise the mood. The first step is to order a lot of helium balls. Next to the ribbon of each ball to attach funny photos of the girlfriend, positive wishes. Now the balls will send up so that they attached to the ceiling. When a girlfriend goes to the room, she will definitely burn her eyes from joy when she carefully consider photos, then the mood will rise even more. Other options, .

With thread

You can wear all black and take a white thread coil. The tilt of the coil is out of the outward on the shoulder, and the threads themselves hide. Now that a friend will notice a thread, then ask her to remove the string. The girlfriend's surprise will not be a limit when the thread will be trampled forever.


At the beginning of the article we pointed out that interesting optionsHow to play a girlfriend on April 1 via SMS. We offer to send a message in which to write: "When you already open the door to me, I'm standing here."

Like these ones excellent options Enjoyable raishes for a friend on the day of laughter we offer to your consideration. Most options are harmless and only raise the mood on the holiday. We hope that you will have a friend who can make on April 1 a pleasant surprise and laugh.