How do I know if a person likes me. General body position. Psychologist's advice on how to understand that a man likes you

Doubts about personal sympathy do not arise from scratch. If you are so worried about the impression you made on a person, then you yourself are already not indifferent to him. Let this remain a little secret until he himself takes the first step towards you. It is not necessary to wait for the weather by the sea - you can gradually lead him to the idea of ​​approaching and starting a conversation. But how do you know if a person likes you or not? There is only one answer: carefully observe and by quite definite signs you will find out.

Become more open

For a person to show sincere feelings, you need to make your communication more direct. Sometimes it is enough to smile in response to a greeting to receive an invitation to dine together or an offer to accompany you after work / school. Men do not always show sympathy for a girl, especially if she seems inaccessible. As the saying goes, step off your pedestal to see true attitude people to yourself.

Flirt and test his reaction

In addition to the obligatory smile, learn to speak without words. Your eyes are a very handy tool for attracting people. Keep your eyes on it, carefully studying. If he likes you, he most likely will not look away, he will want to "drown" in yours. But if you start playing with a man, but he does not want to respond to your actions in any way, he is indifferent to you.

Watch how he behaves in your presence

A man in love always wants to be close to his beloved. At a party, you will always be in his field of vision, on the sly, he will watch you, admire, listen to your voice. Take a look at him from time to time. If he is a little absent-minded, and his eyes are fixed on you, then he is daydreaming about something. And most likely about the one he was looking at.

You communicate more than usual

Remember that a man will never text a woman just like that. If you regularly receive messages from him or phone calls, so he needs a reason to talk, and this is no accident. He definitely likes you. If you call him back, he is always in touch and always free to help you or just meet and chat. He often agrees with you and in every possible way shows that you have a lot in common. Did you say that you like to listen to Russian rock? He will definitely answer that at one time he was also fond of Nautilus, Alice or KiSh.

So, to understand whether a person likes you or not, you just need to understand a little psychology, quietly observe his behavior, and then analyze the frequency of your meetings and the general vector of relationships from the very first day of meeting to the present moment. Everything will become clear to you.

How to understand that a person likes you? As a child, parents often repeated to us: “Pulling pigtails means he loves!”. As you get older, it becomes more and more difficult to determine whether a guy or a girl you know likes you.

All polls have become infected with shyness, trying not to give themselves away. So how do you determine that a person likes you if he is silent about it?

Often people cover themselves with feigned indifference and create a kind of vigorous activity at the sight of an object they like. The reason for this is modesty, in itself and the fear of rejection.

Girls often build impregnable walls and bastions around themselves, confident that inaccessibility is the best incentive nascent relationships. In such a society, not that, but elementary affection is difficult to recognize!

You will be helped by body language, which is rarely followed by persons in love. In a conversation, the guy will be facing you, bending in your direction, turning his whole body. He will try to move closer, reducing the distance to extremely intimate.

Sooner or later, someone who feels sympathy will definitely want to touch you.. He will hug in a fit of general joy, kiss on the cheek on his birthday, straighten his hair or shake off a speck of dust from his clothes.

To determine if a guy likes you, "accidentally" stand so close to him that your backs or elbows touch. Nothing over-intimate, you can look into different sides and be in different companies! It's just "tight". A young man in love will not pull back his hand, but will stand, feeling your warmth, as if not noticing anything.

Look into his eyes and look for the answer to your question. See how his friends react to you. You pass by their company - and the fuss begins, jokes, pokes, chuckles? It is clear that they are "in the know" and make fun of the guy!

AT big company he periodically looks for the face of his beloved, monitors the reaction. If you are constantly feel his gaze on you and several times a night collide eyes, then without romantic feelings did not work here.

Notice if he hides his eyes when he meets yours? Or vice versa - he looks for a long time, brazenly, with interest and "straight into the soul." Both are evidence of sympathy.

You can understand if a guy likes you in a conversation. Let him set the tone for the conversation. He is nervous? Or does he talk a lot about his successes, praising his virtues in every possible way? Asks something about your life and listens carefully without interrupting? In all these cases, we can talk about his interest.

Although in adolescence(and much later too) all these signs of falling in love can be easily confused with high self-esteem, usual boastfulness, shyness and elementary politeness. You need to watch how he behaves in the company of other ladies.

The main sign that a person likes you is that he behaves, being around you, in a completely different way than with the rest. It doesn't matter what the differences are, what matters is that they exist.

Perhaps he even deliberately avoids your company. Silences in your presence. Hides his eyes or leaves the room. Answers questions rudely or completely ignores. Take a sober look: if there is nothing from Edward Cullen in appearance, and there are no other signs of vampirism, then, most likely, he is simply embarrassed and afraid to betray his feelings.

If a guy likes you, he wants to show himself "on his board". Will be interested in the same things as you. For example, you tell him that you are crazy about the new season of Game of Thrones or House. In a week, he will be so savvy that he can discuss each episode with you in detail.

The same goes for music and books. The lover strives to be in everything closer to the object of the senses.

Some people continue to use techniques familiar with kindergarten. Yes, we are talking about the same pigtails and kicks. A guy can systematically sting, make fun of a girl if he likes her.

A woman who feels mutual sympathy will scold him and make a fool of him. Don't be surprised, all people own rules reference love game. The main thing is that these games end well.

Dilated pupils indicate increased interest. If a person sees you and his pupils involuntarily dilate, then this indicates that he really, really likes you. Of course, sometimes this is not so easy to notice, but if you learn to catch this non-verbal signal, then you will be pleasantly surprised by your ability to look at sympathy where you have not seen it before. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that in light-eyed people it is much easier to see dilated pupils than in dark-eyed people.

By the way, Queen Cleopatra used a tincture of belladonna to dilate her pupils artificially and look more sensual.

Eye contact

As a rule, people like to look into the eyes of those they like. Eye contact has always been considered one of the best non-verbal signals, which allowed us to declare that we are friendly and not at all aggressive. If a person looks at you for no more than a second, and then smiles a little and looks away, then you can be sure that the person likes you.

At the same time, by the way, a long and intent look is usually interpreted as a sign of aggression. This is if we are talking about stare on the unfamiliar person. Indeed, sometimes long glances speak of the frenzied strength of feelings: for example, lovers can continuously look at each other for a very long time.

head tilt

More than once, a study has been conducted that showed such a thing: if a person tilts his head to the left or right during a conversation, then he seems more attractive to the interlocutor. Another person always tilts his head towards the one who is attractive to him.

Why is the tilt of the head considered almost a "sacred" gesture? Everything is very simple: by tilting our head, we open the carotid arteries, which are located on the side of our neck. And the carotid artery is one of the most important channels circulatory system. If the carotid artery is torn even for a few minutes, then the person dies. That is why the “exposing” of the carotid artery is considered a sign of friendliness. So, rest assured, if the interlocutor tilts his head, then he likes you.

Raised eyebrows

If you stand long enough in the arrivals hall of an airport or train station and watch those people who, after separation, meet with loved ones, you will see an interesting thing.

When two people who are in a pretty mood see each other, they automatically raise their eyebrows for a short while. This gesture lasts only one-sixth of a second, but it is a fact nonetheless. A slight eyebrow raise is a great indicator that a person likes you.


And, of course, one cannot but say about Her Majesty Smile. Perhaps this is the most international symbol of sympathy. But there is a "but" here. How can you tell if a smile is fake or genuine? Very simple.

A sincere smile is characterized by raised corners of the lips, upward movement of the cheekbones and the appearance of wrinkles around the eyes. If the cheekbones hardly move, and wrinkles do not appear around the eyes, then most likely the smile is strained, fake.

For more on how to please people, read the book "Turn on the charm according to the methods of the special services."

How to understand that you like a guy or a man? Many girls ask themselves this question. It seems that the answer lies on the surface: at the mere glance of the boyfriend, the girl's cheeks begin to burn, and her hands sweat. But sometimes not everything is so clear.

In adolescents whose emotional sphere very changeable, thoughts often appear on the topic “How to understand that you like a boy and do you really like him? ". Although there is an urge to certain person, and the desire to see him every day, but later it may turn out that this tendency is deceptive.

So the first step is to pass a simple test. If the boy has known each other for a long time, it is necessary to determine how well the girl knows his daily routine, what hobbies he has. With real feelings for a person, the one who has these feelings for him usually learns himself or from third hands everything that concerns the life of his beloved. Then the girl keeps track of the places where the object of her sigh appears most often, and tries to go there as often as possible. Moreover, at a meeting, she will blush, be embarrassed and be silent, afraid to say or do something wrong. A girl can also get carried away with the same hobby as the guy she likes, and then discuss with him various nuances this hobby.

Then you can imagine that your loved one has not been in sight for more than a week, and think about what has changed in life without him. If some stories with his participation are constantly being invented, and the girl literally “hovers in the clouds”, then this is a sign that she really is not indifferent to the guy.

If the guy is completely unfamiliar, then how to understand that you like him? Just. You really like a person when you want to follow his gestures, movements, gait, hear his laughter, smile when you accidentally collide on the street or somewhere else, all this indicates that you have at least sympathy for the guy. It is also possible to determine whether a young person likes or dislikes by analyzing own emotions at the time of its appearance. Hands trembling with excitement, a blush on his face, a smile, and a barely restrained impulse to rush towards him indicate that the guy took a place in girlish heart seriously and forever.

Unfortunately, often in adolescence, one passion is replaced by another. Therefore, you should not blindly trust your heart and always think before throwing yourself into the pool with your head.

Girls who have already stepped over the age of majority approach the question “How to understand if you like a man? more balanced and rational. With the object of their adoration, they want to find a family, children and confidence in the future.

Sign language says a lot about sympathy for a man. If a girl, during a conversation, fiddles with a lock of hair or a sleeve of a sweater, an earring in her ear, this is a sign that she is not indifferent to her interlocutor. She also looks at him carefully, not looking away and not lowering them. listening to speech young man, leans in closer to hear everything he says. The number of touches plays at least important role: if a girl perceives a man not only as a friend, she touches his arm, shoulder or back much more often.

You can determine whether a man likes, and on the girl's lips. Their frequent licking during a conversation is usually regarded as a signal that the girl wants to kiss.

How else to determine whether a guy likes or not, using non-verbal language gestures? By the tilt of the girl's head: if she slightly tilts her to one side and looks at the man with a playful squint, she thereby shows her interest in further meetings and relationships with the young man.

Dreams with a lover leading role. Psychologists and esotericists argue that dreams are a reflection of reality in the subconscious. Often dreams of a loved one - sure sign the fact that the girl dreams of him, wants to see him in reality as soon as possible. And it also symbolizes that the lover also thinks about the girl and wants to see her as soon as possible.

Almost all the same can be applied to the males. They listen carefully to the girl they like, constantly fiddling with a tie or a cufflink on a shirt, they are embarrassed when they meet and see dreams in which they are together with their beloved. True, they will rarely tell their friends about the girl they are truly in love with. But from this the strength of male feelings does not become less at all.

To really understand what emotions and feelings appear when you are next to a person you like, you don’t need to know much. An analysis of one’s behavior, gestures, actions and words is what helps to decide how much a boy, guy or adult man likes. The same can be done by a man who wants to please a girl and arouse her sympathy for himself.

The language of gestures, words, body - this is all that makes it clear that a woman has feelings for a man. Therefore, you need to carefully study what a certain gesture or body movement means in order to understand your own feelings for a partner.

Trying to figure out if you like a guy or not can be a complicated and confusing process. Once you figure out what your real feelings are for him, be honest with yourself. Devote time to introspection: take into account your feelings, actions and reactions. Ask for advice from those who know you best!


Part 1

Analysis of your feelings

    Stay honest with yourself. Take time to put things in order in your life. Consider if your feelings for this guy are sincere or if it's just a distraction. Ask yourself uncomfortable questions and answer them honestly.

    • Have you noticed that you dream about him?
    • Have you imagined situations where you “accidentally” run into him on the street or at school?
    • All your friends are in a relationship and you feel left out?
    • Do your feelings only show up in certain time, for example, before a disco or a month before Valentine's Day?
  1. Keep a diary. While you're trying to figure out if you like a guy or not, keep a diary. Write about your relationship with him. Describe how you feel when you see it. Notice if these feelings persist throughout the day or disappear shortly after you've broken up. Take note of any thoughts and dreams you have about him, and see if you have any hopes for your future with him. At the end of each week, review your notes to evaluate your feelings.

    Talk to your best friend. Contact your best friend as the person who knows you best, for advice. Discuss your feelings with her. Share why you are not sure that you like this guy. After you speak, listen. Let a friend give her assessment of the situation. Perhaps her reaction will upset you, cause disagreement, or confirm the sincerity of your feelings. Take time to analyze her opinion.

Part 3

Assessing your relationship

    Study your reaction to it. Your reaction to his presence, touch and voice can tell a lot! If you are overjoyed when meeting him, if you have a strong reaction to his physical presence, and if we can talk with him about nothing for hours on end, chances are that you like him! If you experience a feeling of indifference to his presence, most likely you do not like him!