How to write a letter to a guy in an original way. How to write a love letter for a guy and express your feelings. What to write in a romantic letter

Writing letters to loved ones is no longer such a common activity. Now more often they write sms or call. But think about it, what a romantic act to take and write a letter to your boyfriend, especially he is now far away from you. And perhaps, having read your message, this will serve as a reason for him to return back faster. Think about it, because you can put all your soul, your emotions, experiences and feelings into a letter.

For example, here is a small sample of such a letter. You can take it as a basis, and further add to your liking. It is filled with phrases, after reading which any man will feel warm in his soul and heart.

"Hello beloved. You left quite recently, but every minute without you lasts for me an eternity. Why is time taking so long. I often scold myself for letting you go so far. I often look at the map, calculate the distance that separates us at this moment. I often have a desire to quit everything and, having taken off from the spot, fly to you as if on wings. I love you very much, my dear, I love you with real hot and sizzling love. I know you feel it even when you are far away. I wrote a lot beautiful poems that are dedicated to you and my feelings.

I am ready for everything for you, ready to give you all of myself, my love, tenderness, my affection and attention. I know that you and I are like two halves of one whole, we cannot be separated for a long time. It's hard for me without you, it's hard for me to even just breathe. I go to bed and wake up thinking about you. In my head every time I scroll through all the minutes and moments that we spent with you together. I know you also remember everything and miss those times. I miss you very much and I'm waiting for you. Come back soon. Don't think that it's hard to wait for you, no, that's just the time, as if for evil, everything stretches and stretches. Come soon, my love."

And here is another example. "Hello my dear. It's so hot outside now, but it's cold in my soul. And all because you are not with me now. I haven't seen you since yesterday, but it seems to me as if whole year. I really want to see you as often as possible. After all, we are so good with you together. I really want that at the time when we are together, it stops, giving you and me, perhaps, to enjoy each other. In the meantime, it is treacherously only accelerating, and not having time to meet, we have to disperse. I can no longer imagine my life without you, without your hugs, kisses, our walks by the hand under the moon. You, you know, are the happiest in the world in those moments when you are next to me. I already miss you very much and count every minute until we meet.”

Everything happens in life, and sometimes not everything goes as smoothly as we would like. And so, if you had a fight, then with the help of a letter you can defuse the situation a little, and, possibly, smooth out the conflict. Here, for example: “Hello darling. It is very hard for me to think that we are now in a quarrel. I've already replayed everything in my head a thousand times, I know that I'm wrong. I understand perfectly well that it is not easy for you with me, maybe I have complex nature and it's hard to get along with me. Noah I admit all this, and I will definitely work on myself and change. I don’t even want to think that this quarrel can separate us from you. I am very afraid of this. If only I knew what was going on in my heart. And I still hope that you can forgive me and accept me.

I know that I am not a gift, but I sincerely love you, Lyubka, with every cell of my soul and body. I ask you to think, well, is it possible to destroy everything petty quarrel. Let's go through life together, overcoming all the obstacles in our path.

These examples can help a lot to collect all thoughts into a single whole and pour out your soul on paper. Just be sure to remember, do not write anything superfluous, control and think over your every word. Just don't be shy and don't think that you will be misunderstood. Take the first step so that later you don’t regret that you were very indecisive at that moment.

In this vain world, two halves meet one day - He and She. Each couple has their own scenario for the development of relationships: a love story begins, unfolds and, sadly, comes to an end.

There are many reasons for parting: misunderstanding, accumulated resentment, betrayal, and just a feeling that the relationship has reached an impasse.

Almost all stories beautiful start, however, not everyone is able to deliver beautiful point. It is difficult to gather my thoughts and say calmly: "I'm sorry, we need to leave." The voice may tremble treacherously, and tears will flow from the eyes.

If separation is unavoidable, try writing Farewell letter boyfriend or boyfriend.

Girls, of course, are subtle creatures, but often it is they who take the liberty and say the last goodbye. It's much easier to talk about a breakup in writing.

You can write a message in your own words or use the samples that we have prepared for you.

Farewell letter to boyfriend

For example, this:

“Hi, zaya. You will probably be surprised that I am writing you a letter. We are used to talking to you. True, in recent times All our conversations end in quarrels. I thought for a long time, understood myself, analyzed our relationship and realized: this cannot continue.

I already forgave you. And goodbye!"

who do you love

"Darling, good, beloved! I pulled myself together and decided to write you in a letter everything that I can’t put into words when we meet. Our love has turned into some kind of one-sided ugly entity. I see that my efforts to improve relations lead to nothing.

You rarely call, you perceive our meetings as a heavy duty. I'm not made of stone, and I feel it all.It hurts, it's hard, I won't pretend to be strong. I will cry, miss and worry about you.

But, so be it, I let you go free swimming. Fly towards your happiness. Unfortunately, I failed to make you happy. Let everything work out for you with another girl. Maybe you already have someone, but you're afraid to say. Fly, my dear, fly!

I release you. Forever and ever. Goodbye!"

who offended

"Hi baby. I am writing you a farewell message in prose. Not enough for poems and rhymes mental strength. My strength is gone along with the tears that I with great difficulty stopped to put an end to our history.

We began to quarrel often, talking to each other hurtful words. We became strangers and incomprehensible to each other. Hands have ceased to be affectionate, there are no former big hugs and ... nothing at all.

Let's confess to each other that our love has turned into nothing, we have destroyed it with our efforts. My resentment is too great to continue the relationship.

We're breaking up. Sorry and goodbye!"

who changed

"My dear! How difficult it is for me to collect my thoughts and tell you everything. Even in a letter when you don't see my tear-stained face. I know that you betrayed me. No not like this. You betrayed our love, our beautiful days and nights. Your act showed that I mean absolutely nothing to you.

Apparently I've become your habit. You call out of habit, come out of habit, and even apologize out of habit. Somehow insensitive and insincere you get it. Why do we unnecessary problems? We both need to change something in our lives. You already started.

Happy travels, dear! I forgive you and let go. Forever and ever."


"Hi Hi! I don't even know how to address you now. The heart is beating and shouting to you “beloved”, “native”, “only”, and the mind is sobering and says “former” about you. Yes, you were a wonderful, wonderful moment in my life. Now it seems like it was all a dream. Morning came and our love dissolved.

After our separation, days and nights ceased to exist for me. I lived as if in some kind of impenetrable fog. But the heavenly forces have mercy, the fog is slowly dissolving, I see the outlines of the horizon. This means that I again live and breathe deeply.

Even though you are no longer in my reality, no one will rip you out of my heart. Memories of our meetings will always warm and encourage me. Forgive me for all. Remember us. There was love. Goodbye!"

Beloved husband

"My dear, native person. Life decreed that you and I turned from two halves into two loneliness. I think about you every minute, my heart lives only with you. How did it happen that we broke up?

Do you remember our first meeting - our burning eyes, excitement and unquenchable desire to be together. Do you remember our days and nights? Do you remember how we missed each other?
Is love doomed to death, like all living things in this world? If I love, how can you not love? Somehow this is wrong, unfair. Feelings must be mutual.

Maybe so many problems have piled on you that you stopped hearing the voice of your heart? I will pray to heaven that your heart freed from captivity so that love will rise in your soul. I wish you good, light, warmth and, of course, love!

I'm sorry. And goodbye!"

Video: Letter to a loved one

To a married man

“Good, not my man. How difficult it is to write a letter to a still loved one! I had no right to fall in love with you, but I could not resist the surging feelings. It's amazing that you couldn't resist.

I don’t know what to call our relationship, but it was wonderful, like a dream. As sad as it is, the time has come for both of us to wake up, look into each other's eyes for the last time, embrace each other for the last time and part.

You are married, return to your family, gather your strength and solve all the problems that have fallen on you like a man. At first, it will certainly be difficult, you will rush back, but this is the path to nowhere. A beautiful dream dissolved in the rays of a clear sun, it is time to face reality.

Be happy with the one you lawful wife. After all, you loved her once. I wish you reunion, understanding, warmth and light. I no longer want to be the cause of your quarrels and pain.

Forgive me and let me go"

who threw

"My favorite! I'm sorry, I can't call you anything else, because I love and will always love. It hurts me, it hurts me to tears. Burning tears - that's what warms me in last days and weeks. And before, your hands and lips warmed me.

My heart rejoiced and did not believe in my happiness. It beat like a free bird, ready to break out of chest. And now it beats muffled and doomed, as if imprisoned forever in a dungeon.

Why did you go away? He did not explain anything, did not say goodbye, did not hug. He just disappeared from my life and that's it. Can't believe that Life is going, and you are not around, and there will be no more. I believe in a miracle that you will come to your senses and want to return. Know, my dear, that I will always open my arms to meet you. I will be faithful to you until the end of my days.

Remember this. And be happy!

who you don't love

"Dear friend! I'm glad I met you on life path. You are wonderful, sincere, interesting person. You know how to love and care beautifully. I'm sorry I can't reciprocate. My heart does not respond to the call of your heart. You are probably aware of this yourself.

I can no longer date you and continue this deception. Thank you for the love and warmth that you generously give, but believe me, I'm not the one who will reciprocate your love. Let's part as friends before our relationship reaches an impasse. Keep this farewell letter and remember that I was honest with you.

Forgive me a hundred thousand times and let me go once. Goodbye!"

SMS message

Modern girls can end relationships by sending their ex boyfriend farewell text message.

Here are some examples:

"Baby, it's over between us. Goodbye!"
“It can’t go on like this anymore, love has passed, the tomatoes have withered!”
"I'm sorry, it's over, we're not together anymore. Goodbye"

Remember that sending the "last" SMS is dangerous. There is a high probability of receiving a lot of bewildered or even offensive text messages in response. A beautiful one-way farewell letter on paper will indicate the seriousness of your intentions.

The choice, of course, is yours. Perhaps you, like Tatyana Larina, would like to rhyme your last message.

touching poems

Everything in this world is not forever
Everything in the world has an end in sight.
I will hug you by the shoulders
And I whisper: "I'm sorry, goodbye."
No need for extra explanation
No need for tears and insults.
Let there be no love between us
Let's be friends.

It is difficult to decide and send a farewell letter to a guy, even if it has already been written. In any case, it is better to throw out your pain and resentment on paper than in the face of a loved one.

Who knows, suddenly this message will bring your relationship to new level, will help resolve the accumulated misunderstandings and improve shaky relationships. Be happy!

Sometimes it's hard to put your feelings into words. And then the best solution- write them in a note. Very often, expressing feelings on paper is much easier than saying them to a person in person. If you like a boy but are afraid to confess to him, don't worry! Just write your feelings on a piece of paper and give him the note!


Part 1

Come up with a text

    Be honest with yourself. If you really really like this boy, tell him about it! Think about what you want to achieve with this note. Do you want him to leave you his number so you can write to him? Then ask for it in a note! Do you want to hang out with him after school? Then invite him over to watch a movie. Think about what you want to achieve with your note and write about it - it will be much easier.

    • Also, be honest with yourself. No need to write that everything is in order if your sympathy is unrequited, and that you can only be friends. Don't write about it if it's not true. Everything that you wrote in your note must be true, otherwise you will start communicating with a lie.
    • You can write that you just don't know what to say. You can write: "I don't know how to tell you this, but I really really like you." It will be cute, and the boy will be flattered that you had the courage to do it.
  1. Design your note like a poem. There is no single right way confess your feelings, so you can always be creative. To tell the boy about your sympathy, you can write a poem.

    • The note doesn't have to be in rhyme if you don't want to. There are many poetic styles, you can experiment and see which one works best for you.
    • If you didn't like all the other rhymes, go back to the classics. You will definitely not go wrong if you write something like: “Everyone is smiling, rejoicing in spring. I'm not a poet, but I like you."
  2. Remember the quote. If you can't find words to express your feelings, use quotes. For example, you can quote from your favorite movie or book, you can remember a quote from a song that you associate with this boy. It doesn't really matter how you say it, the main thing is that he understands the idea.

    Give him a compliment. With the help of a note, you can express feelings that you would be embarrassed to say to a person in person. You can make a compliment, praise the boy's hairstyle or clothes, talk about his character, about why he seems attractive to you. If he is not interested in you, he will still appreciate the compliment.

    Add a touch of humor. If you are already Good friends most likely you have a common joke. Try to include this joke in your note. In a relationship, such details are unique and play a special role, so the guy will appreciate that you remembered this.

  3. Give a small gift. Your sympathy should be manifested not only in words. If you're too shy to confess your feelings in person, try explaining your feelings through a song. Take a disc and write down some songs that you associate with it. If you creative person, draw a picture, depict yourself and him together.

    • Whatever you decide to give him, it is important to attach a note to this gift. You don't want the boy you like wondering where such a wonderful gift came from.
    • The note and gift do not have to be signed in detail. For example, you can simply write: "Dima from Lena." Your gift will speak for itself, so the note that comes with it can be quite discreet.
  4. Decorate the note with stickers or drawings. If you are going to put the note in an envelope, you can decorate it too. You can write the recipient's name on a sticker or using a stencil. If you want to add a touch of humor, try cutting out the letters of your favorite boy's name from magazines. Then stick them on the envelope. Then it will look like a ransom note.

    • Keep in mind that a guy may not like it if you put on too many stickers and stickers. Usually, less is more, as long as you don't want the note to look silly.
    • If you are writing a note and want your letter to be taken seriously, it is best to stick to simple design: write the name of the recipient on the envelope in even, beautiful letters.
  5. You can paint the envelope with watercolors. To make the envelope brighter and more beautiful, add colors. All you need for this is paints and brushes. Just draw some wavy lines with different colors.

    • When painting an envelope with a note, the brush should be held at an angle, slowly moving it over the entire surface of the envelope.
    • Wait for the envelope to dry, then put the note in there.

Part 3

Pass the note
  1. Give the boy the note in the hallway. If you often meet him in the hallways of the school, give him the note the next time you meet. You don't have much time before your next class, so you don't have to stand around nervously and say something.

    • If you are too nervous and afraid to pass the note yourself, ask a friend about it. Make this request only to the person you trust so that no one else reads your letter and does not tell others about it.
    • You can pass the note in class. Most likely, the boy will be surprised and will be too intrigued to do something else (of course, not counting educational process). The main thing is that the note does not fall into the wrong hands. You don't want a teacher to select it (or worse, read it aloud).

Confessing love is never easy. I want it to be beautiful. But the most important thing in such a case is sincerity, it is she who captivates the most. You can try expressing your feelings through writing.

Declaration of love to a guy in prose: examples

There can be many options for a declaration of love, it all depends on your command of the word, here are cheat sheets that you can use.

  • My dearest. I remember the time when I first saw you, heard a couple of phrases addressed to me as a stranger. I am sure that fate gave us a meeting. Now I can shout to the whole world: I am happy! I love you! And I certainly want to be with you always!
  • You are only mine! You drive me crazy, your voice and your smile make my heart beat faster... You are the dearest and most desired for me! Without you, I can not breathe, exist and live! You are my happiness!
  • I want to fall asleep and wake up next to you. Seeing your smile every day, hugging and kissing you, holding your hand, dreaming together ... And all because I love you very much ...
  • Hello. I am a very important message entrusted to convey to you the words of love from...
  • You are my sweetest, most kind, gentle and affectionate cat in the world! Love you madly!
  • You are a very dear person to me. I really want you to be happy, and I will be grateful to you if you allow me to take an active part in this.

We select beautiful words for a loved one:

  1. Expensive. Many who hear this word understand it as "priceless". To be priceless is a great rarity and privilege.
  2. Favorite. A shiver runs through the body when a man hears this. sincere word from the one he loves too.
  3. Sexy. This greatly increases male self-esteem.
  4. Affectionate. Pleasant, beautiful, sincere, albeit a simple word. But men want to hear it.
  5. Gentle. Even the strong want to be like that for their beloved, so do not be afraid to pronounce this word.
  6. Generous. This word basically encourages men to be even more generous than they are. You will see - get a new gift.
  7. Extraordinary. How nice to be like that!

How to write a letter about your feelings?

per century modern technologies write a letter on a piece of paper and mail it long forgotten business. But this is perhaps one of the most romantic ways to tell him about your feelings. Such a letter will not be forgotten, it can be saved and, bored, read again.

As for the content of the letter, you need to write about your feelings yourself. In no case do not use famous lyric poems or lyrics from songs, in general, forget about plagiarism!

Hello beloved!

I am writing this letter, and in front of me is your photograph. I never leave her day or night. I just can't live without you for a minute. When I think about you, it seems to me that you are near, I feel your exciting breath, the warmth of your body. Honey, you have no idea what you're doing to me! I live only for you! As long as you are on this earth, I am not afraid of anything, I will overcome everything. Every day I thank God for helping me find you among so many people, for our great tender love that will never end - I'm sure of it.

Today I had a dream. Believe it or not, you were in it. We walked with you wide field, golden ears parted around us, and in the distance - a large wooden door. At first I was scared: where did the door come from in the middle of the field, and how will we go further? Approaching her, we stopped in confusion. But some unknown force prompted us to bend down and start looking for something on the ground. After a while, our eyes fell on the key. We took it, opened the ill-fated door and walked on, holding hands... You know, it was good dream. The field is our life, big and interesting, the door is an obstacle that we will overcome together, because we will find a solution to this problem - the key. I sincerely believe in it.

You know, I have a dream. She is very kind, and therefore must come true. I want us to have a real a strong family so that we love each other not only during honeymoon, but the further, the stronger. Let the years only temper us and make us more tender to each other. I want us, my love, to have two children: a girl and a boy. Let them please us and be the meaning of our whole life. Agree, it's so wonderful to look at your children and never cease to be surprised that they are a part of you and me, merged together!

I hope that as you read this letter, you feel the same way about me that you miss me too. You have no idea how I want to run up to you, cling to your strong manly chest, smell your muscular body. My beloved, dear! Believe in the sincerity of my words, because before I could not tell anyone what I say to you. Why? Yes, because I have never loved anyone the way I love you! I am surprised by this, but I can not do anything. And I don't want to! You are the best, you are the most beloved, you are the dearest person for me, for whom I am both in fire and in water! Even to the end of the world!

At the end of my letter I want to wish the two of us see you soon I'm waiting for like nothing else. Hope it's mutual.

Goodbye My dear. Don't forget to write. I kiss you and love you very much! Your baby.