An original compliment to a girl about her beauty. Compliments for your girlfriend are the most beautiful. The best compliments to a girl about her beauty

What drives your lover crazy? Here 50 beautiful compliments the girl, the most beautiful, gentle, pleasant, affectionate words and phrases that will make your beloved happy and make your cheeks burn with a bright flame of love.

Making an impression on a girl and pursuing (in the sense of courting) her is the first and most faithful, time-tested way to charm, conquer a girl and be with her.

But the relationship of a man and a woman is somewhat more than a simple pursuit, the Predator's pursuit of the Prey.

And what more love in the relationship of a guy and a girl, the more valuable are the most minimal signs of attention from lovers to each other.

N cutlery, beautiful words, pleasant and affectionate compliments to your girlfriend just need to be said from time to time.

Isn't it flattering for you to hear sometimes a well-deserved compliment about your intelligence, strength, beauty, caring? Isn't it nice to hear a high assessment of your abilities and talents, especially from the lips of a dear, dear person?

So your girlfriend, too, sometimes just needs to HEAR that she is super, that she is the most beautiful of all, the most attractive, the most charming, the most delightful.

And even more so when it comes to girls, romantic gestures and heroic deeds, sweet, cute, kind words, meaningful quotes about love, but, most importantly, real deeds and Attentive attitude, which again and again prove the love of a guy for a girl.

After all, we do not waste time on those whom we do not love, who are indifferent to us. We do not compliment a casual passer-by for no particular reason. But the girl you love is not random and not any.

It is necessary to invest in it not only with strength and time, money and energy, but also with words, a high assessment of its achievements - so that it wants to become better for you.

How to make a girl a nice compliment? It's very simple. Pay attention to what she is most proud of in herself - and praise it, be it talent, looks, or a special wardrobe.

And do not forget about the 50 beautiful compliments to the girl, which I publish below - they will help to say gentle and affectionate words at the very first stage of mastering a difficult science.

50 beautiful words to a girl, gentle and pleasant compliments to your beloved woman

These compliments will make your girlfriend feel special. These compliments to beloved girls really work - and work for "Excellent".

But, before using them as a weapon to raise the mood of the beloved lady of the heart, consider the series important points- otherwise they won't work.

How to compliment a girl

  • Please select right moment- when she is not in a hurry, not in a hurry, not busy with anything, does not crave loneliness at any cost.
  • Be truthful and do not lie: only say what you really have in your heart. Lying or making fun of romantic feelings will be perceived as a mockery and hurt your girlfriend to the core - especially if the first part of the compliment was true.
  • You can speak these beautiful words and compliments to a girl eye to eye, hugging her, or you can send her by SMS, e-mail and other modern methods.
  • The most important thing - FEEL IT FIRST, THEN SPEAK.

The most beautiful compliments to girls are affectionate and the best

  1. Thanks to you, I believed that there really are kindred spirits.
  2. You gave my life a meaning - you are now the meaning of my life.
  3. I can't imagine life without you.
  4. How do you always manage to look so beautiful, amazing?
  5. When I'm next to you, I feel lucky. All my friends envy me because of you.
  6. You always know how to surprise me and please me. You just read in my heart like in a book.
  7. You are the reason why I consider my life to be perfect.
  8. You look so cool when you laugh.
  9. You light up my day every time I see you.
  10. I dreamed of you all last night.
  11. I thought of you and kissed my pillow before I woke up. Can you imagine?
  12. I can look at you forever. And I always have the feeling that I miss you all the time. You are never enough for me. I can't get enough of you.
  13. I love the scent of your body.
  14. I feel so happy when next to you, and when you are not there - my heart hurts.
  15. Spending time with you is mine favorite hobby... At work, I only live with the hope that I will see you later.
  16. You dance so cool! So you move organically.
  17. You understand me so well - you directly read in my soul, as if from a book. Even I don’t know myself so well and don’t understand how you do me.
  18. I can't wait for our wedding - so I want to spend the rest of my life with you.
  19. I'm happy just because I have you.
  20. You are my best friend.
  21. Thanks to your beautiful smile, all my stresses, troubles and problems disappear. You are like the morning dawn, like the sun that drives away the darkness.
  22. No, you're not fat at all. You are perfect - just as complex as I love. There is something to take, it's nice to hold on.
  23. You could have gotten any guy in this world, but you chose me - and I am grateful to you for that.
  24. When I see you, I feel an incomprehensible trembling in my knees and an irresistible desire to touch you, hug, caress ...
  25. When I'm with you, I want time to stop. But, alas, it flies too fast.
  26. I regret not having met you much earlier, that I wasted so many years.
  27. Just hearing your voice in the morning, I get a huge boost of energy and vivacity for the whole day.
  28. From your smile I melt, fly away, and ...
  29. When we part and you look at me at parting, my heart literally stops and I don't want to go anywhere ...
  30. You made all my dreams come true perfect girl- and beautiful, and smart, and strong, and self-confident.
  31. I've never met this before wonderful person, how are you.
  32. I love you so much that I can't even explain it to you, although I tried many times. I love you stronger than any the strongest love!
  33. You are the most beautiful girl I have ever met.
  34. I really like to touch your delicate skin with my hands - my hands enjoy giving you a massage.
  35. I want to spend the rest of my life trying to make you happy.
  36. Never change - I love you just the way you are.
  37. Thanks to you, I feel like a little joyful child in an extreme park. You are my adrenaline.
  38. It really hurts me to see you sad.
  39. You have such expressive eyes and an amazingly deep, wise look ... I adore you, and I love your eyes.
  40. Because of you, I want to become better, change into better side- so I want to be worthy of your love.
  41. Butterflies flutter in my stomach when your hands touch my face.
  42. You look so gorgeous and luxurious, and at the same time childishly naive that I am afraid to touch you - you seem so airy and fragile.
  43. I think that no other girl is anywhere near as perfect as you.
  44. You are exactly the person for whom I want to thank my fate.
  45. I love you.
  46. I like the way you tell me " Goodnight honey ”and kiss my cheek on the phone.
  47. I love it when your hair touches my fingers.
  48. I love it when you hug me and stroke me with your hands.
  49. I want to kiss every inch of your body.
  50. I got up in the morning with the thought of you and go to bed with the dream of you.
  51. I love you so much that I simply cannot imagine life without you.

Do you want to check these 50 affectionate and pleasant, beautiful compliments to your girlfriend in practice? Just tell the girl tender words from the bottom of my heart, from the bottom of my heart right now - and share the result!

100 compliments for a girl:
Try to pick up a compliment for a girl:
1.beautiful(You are so beautiful today!) are my clever one!)
3. caring(You are so caring for me!)
4.attractive(You are the most attractive!) are very sexy!)
6.kind(You are the most kind soul in the world!)
7. gentle(You are very gentle ...)
8.dear(The cutest!)
9. charming(Very adorable!)
10. charming(You are the most charming girl in the world!)
11.unique(You are unique!)
12.sincere(And you are sincere!)
13.unforgettable(You're just unforgettable!)
14. irresistible(You are an irresistible beauty!)
15.Gorgeous(You are a very gorgeous lady!)
16.blazing(Your dazzling smile!)
17.passionate(You are very passionate today!)
18.fantastic(Fantastic girl!)
19. divine(Divine beauty!)
20.bewitching(Fascinating appearance!)
21. angelic(Angel girl!)
22. beaming(Radiant smile!)
23. unbeatable(Unmatched by anyone!)
24.Bright(You are a very bright girl!)
25. responsive(You are responsive as always!)
26. Awesome(The most awesome girl!)
27.(Stunning beauty!)
28.Slender(Slim figure!)
29. seductive(And you are seductive!)
30. Sociable(You are very sociable!)
31.Sophisticated(The most refined nature!)
32. Graceful(Graceful girl)
33. Cheerful(Merry like no other!)
34.(So ​​energetic!)
35. creative(Creative fashionista!)
36.Stylish(Stylish beauty!)
37.(Sociable lady!)
38. tactful(Tactful mods)
39. Wonderful(Your wonderful smile)
40. romantic(Mysterious and romantic girl)
41. versatile(Smart and versatile)
42. fabulous(Your fabulous beauty!)
43.(Good looks)
44.(You're just unimaginable!)
45. the only one(My only one!)
46.(Very very affectionate!)
47.Sweet(You are my sweetie!)
48.(Such a mind-blowing girl!)
49.(The most desirable in the world!)
50.Unpredictable(Very unpredictable!)
51.(Mysterious appearance)
52.(You're intriguing today!)
53.(Flawless as ever!)
54.(Harmonious with nature itself!)
55.(Oh, you are my sweetheart!)
56.(Perfect by nature!)
57. best(Best of the Best!)
58.(Quiet, gentle, modest!)
59.(Slightly sophisticated appearance!)
60.(And you are such a darling!)
61.(Natural beauty!)
62.(Sincere appearance)
63.(Friendly girl)
64.(Understanding others)
65.(Mysterious smile)
66.(Dreamy grin)
67. tempting(Alluring beauty!)
68.(Sparkling love!)
69.(The beauty that excites me!)
70.(Alluring grin!)
71.(You are an incomparable beauty!)
72.(A very unselfish soul!)
73.(Immediate appearance!)
74.(Seductive blouse!)
75.(Intoxicating freshness!)
76.(You are very cheerful!)
77.(Lovely smile!)
78.(Smiling appearance!)
79.(Shy as ever!)
80.(Incendiary, funny company!)
81. Honest(You are very honest to me)
82.(Exciting beauty!)
83.(Sincere love!)
84.(Playful, sly smile!)
85.(Olfactory girl)
86.(Enchanting lady!)
87.(Purposeful, persistent girl!)
88.(Beauty is what a marvelous!)
89. Feminine(Feminine breasts!)
90.(Blissful your smile!)
91.(Peerless kindness)
92.(Kind, charismatic appearance)
93.(Longing you are my beloved)
94.(I need it so much)
95.(Amazing looks!)
96.Splendid(Shiny girl)
97.(Touching meeting)
98.(Petite darling!)
99.(Enchanting beauty!)
Darling 100.(You are such a sweetheart!)

Beautiful compliments
with examples of use.

Free-form presentation is exactly what you need if you want to compliment your girlfriend in your own words. Poems may seem to her to be memorized beforehand, prose is the same. Well, if you just be eloquent and say a couple pleasant words then the girl will be able to feel truly special. She will be in the spotlight and feel a full range of the warmth and care that comes from you.

Compliments are not about what you say, but how you do it. No, of course, the content also matters, but the main thing is that you are able to convey with your intonation, with your eyes and gestures, the love and the admiration that you feel in relation to her. Any girl will notice and appreciate it. But if with yourself emotional attitude we can’t help you, then we will throw the ready-made ones.

Look at this page, and on it you will find those who can significantly raise your rating in the eyes of a girl you care about. Make her pleasant, give positive and good memories - read the compliments to the girl in your own words!

Sweetheart, kind, gentle and the most best girl in the world, I'm so glad that I have you. You can only dream of such a girl. Having met you, I realized that you are my soul mate. I will do everything, darling, if only you were happy. I adore you, breathe and live with you, my darling. Your smile gives me warmth, your kisses fascinate me. You are only worthy of admiration, my princess. May God grant you good luck and prosperity in everything. Let be cherished dream will definitely come true, and my love always protects you.

Congratulations on your mobile

Beloved and the only one, the best girl in the world. You entered my life and made a blooming paradise out of it. My love for you is so strong that it can overcome all obstacles on the way, no matter how large they are. Only with you next to me I am insanely happy, only you alone I need in the world. Next to you, I am light and warm. I love you, my sun, and I will try to make you the happiest in the world. You have become the most important in the world, and I am always looking forward to meeting you, my beloved.

Darling, I fall in love with you every time more and more. You fill my life with warmth and comfort. I need you like air, my love always follows you like a shadow. Honey, you found the key to my heart, you gave me happiness. I want to be with you all my life, to fulfill all your desires, just to love you, my joy. You deserve all the compliments and admiration. May you be lucky in everything, may luck never leave you, and may my love be a reliable amulet for you.

I am without you, like the sun without warmth, I am without you, like a waterless ocean, like a fish without water. I am without you just like without air. My love is so strong that it is ready to turn mountains. I completely disappeared into you, my beloved. You are the sweetest and most unique, I was just fabulously lucky with you. Every minute with you seems to me like paradise. Your boundless smile, your angelic character and your gentle voice inspire me. You are my treasure, my greatest joy on earth. I love you madly.

You are half of my heart, my destiny. I am so happy that I have you, my beautiful, gentle and affectionate one. Only with you I feel happy. I want so much long years to live with you, my joy, to love and be always loved. I offer an ocean, to my love, in which you can swim at any time of the year. I will do everything to make all your dreams come true. I love you more and more every day. You are my most important person in the world. May joy always shine in your eyes.

Darling, I fall in love with you every time more and more. You fill my life with comfort and warmth. My love for you is like space, without end and edge. You are just the charm itself. Your eyes, your smile, your sweet kisses make your heart beat faster. You like fairy fairy, with an angelic character. You are admirable, my desired and unique. I love you and I want to always be only with you, my sun. I only need you in this world, and I promise to make you the happiest.

Love decorates our life, makes it complete. It's so good when next to you there is a loved one for whom you live. Better and kinder than my girlfriend, there is no one in the world. I am simply elated with happiness, I am all dissolved in you, my treasure. You completely changed my life for the better. Now all thoughts are only about you, my dear. I enjoy your presence every minute. I love you, and I promise to carry my feelings throughout my life. You are the most precious thing in my life.

Fate gave me the most lovely girl... I am so happy with you, love. You have an open soul, and your character is simply angelic. Only about you I have always dreamed of, and since then I am head over heels in love with you. Your love warms me like the sun, shines with a guiding star. I want to always be with you, and feel protected. You're leaving today, and that's why I'm not in the mood at all. I will count the minutes until we meet, because I miss you so much, my joy. Always be loved and desired.

Girls love with their ears. Every man knows about it. But not everyone manages to easily attract the attention of the lady they like. Yes, so attract that she, too, responded with sympathy. The short one is what you need. All ladies love when their appearance is appreciated. But how to do it correctly so as not to look intrusive, rude or ill-mannered?

What you need to know before making a short compliment to a girl about her beauty?

An individual approach is the most important thing in any communication. But there are several universal points, without which a verbal message can cause a completely opposite reaction:

  • sincerity (the figure of a woman will not be entirely honest if she came on a date in a down jacket that hides all the charms);
  • the emotionality of the message (when a man expresses his feelings when speaking, this is much more important than the text of this statement itself);
  • praise for the girl's impeccable taste (so one statement can kill all birds with one stone - evaluate the ability to dress, paint, behave);
  • brevity ( short compliment a girl about her beauty will be much better perceived than a long tedious story in detail);
  • avoidance of ambiguity;
  • not everyone likes compliments in poetry (unless, of course, a man wants to show off his poetic talent);
  • without exaggeration (otherwise it can be perceived as a mockery).

Compliments to a girl about her beauty

Short statements can relate to appearance in general, individual features, as well as the feelings of a man that his companion evokes in him. In the arsenal of your general compliments, you can write:

  • "I am amazed at how intelligence and beauty are combined in you!"
  • "I admire you / your looks."
  • "I am proud that the dream of all men went to me."
  • "Only your / our daughter can be more beautiful than you."
  • "You are perfect itself."
  • "You are amazing / amazingly beautiful."
  • "You are a delight to my eyes."
  • "You are incomparable because you are the only one."
  • "I used to think that such pretty girls like you, soulless. Thank you for breaking my stereotype. "
  • "How do you manage to be blooming and bright even on the most cloudy day?"

Compliments to the details of the girl's appearance

A short about her beauty may concern individual moments- eyes, smiles, hair, figures and more. The main thing is to emphasize the feelings that they cause in a man.

  • "I'm drowning in your eyes".
  • "Such beautiful eyes can only be with a wonderful person. "
  • "You have an angelic look."
  • "Your perky eyes always cheer me up."
  • "The beauty and smell of your hair just bewitched me!"
  • "You have very bright facial expressions."
  • "I love the way you bite your lips. It's very exciting / sexy."
  • "There is nothing softer than your skin."
  • "Your hair sparkles like a waterfall in the sun."
  • "You have such fragile shoulders ... I want to protect you."

Compliments with humor

  • "Have you seen my head? I think I lost it from your beauty."
  • "Do you know how to keep secrets? I will reveal one for you. When you are around, all men envy me with black envy."
  • "Fire your photographer! You are a hundred times better in life!"
  • "You are so slim! Where does the soul fit?"
  • "When you got better, you became very slim."
  • “You don’t think that you are the most beautiful of all? After all, in fact, everything is worse than you.”
  • "If I was born a girl, it would only be as beautiful as you."
  • "Girl, you are so beautiful that I forgot the phrase to meet you."

It's hard to say which compliment you like best. specific girl... It all depends on her preferences and the level of relationship with her. Indeed, on the first date, it is not entirely appropriate to hint about a lady's sexuality (if there is a desire to meet again, of course). Even worse - phrases that are on everyone's lips, like "I got a call from heaven ...". Continuation of such "does your mother need a son-in-law?" - one disappointment of the companion.

Everything should be from the heart, especially compliments to a girl in prose about beauty. Short or long, awkward or graceful - they must first of all be individual and sincere.