How to look at home attractive. Desperate housewives: how to look beautiful and stylish at home? How to be a beautiful home? Underwear - Important Moses

Remove heels I. strict suit and get into comfortable home clothing. That's just as home clothes, some people choose at all those things. So how do you need to dress at home?

How to dress at home

Old ripped things that still feel sorry to throw out, many are stored for cottages or used as home clothing. But, if suddenly you call the door a pretty young man who was mistaken apartment, then your view in a stretched T-shirt will be not very impressive. Where a short galaxy or shorts with a tight t-shirt looks sexier.

At home, too, it is necessary to look attractive and stylish. Do not walk in the stirable things. Pay attention to the choice of home clothing as well as the choice of any other clothing. After all, yours appearance - This is primarily related to yourself.

Of course, you should not wear at home evening dresses and walk on heels. Your clothes, first of all, should be comfortable to comfortably and get out, and relax with your favorite on the sofa.

Some wonder: Is it worth wearing a bra at home? Of course, he supports the chest and visually increases it, but sometimes still stands from him. In addition, the incorrectly chosen bra, can harm health.

How beautiful to dress at home

Several options for "outfits" for home:

Bathrobe is the most popular view of home clothing. You can choose a bathrobe on buttons or lightning, short or long. Bathrobe It will help to warm up if the apartment is cool. Cotton will allow the skin to breathe in hot weather. Silk robe is very gentle to the touch. It is nice to throw it on the shoulders immediately after awakening.

A sports suit is also very common not only for sports, but also for use at home. It is convenient and home how to do and climb with your feet in a chair. Costumes are made from different materials. Logs can be chosen to your taste.

Pajama is considered to be clothes for sleep, but it is not quite so. In stores provided big choice Pajamas different flowers With a large variety of drawings. It may be a shirt with shorts, and Breeches with a T-shirt. The fabric is also provided in different versions. Everyone will easily pick up something like that.

Tunic or sundress is also one of the options for home clothing. It looks very beautiful, and the correctly selected style will help hide the flaws of the figure.

If you are not trying to hide your figure, then buy shorts with T-shirt. Summer is very suitable option. Besides, your loved one will be delighted.

In addition to clothes, it is necessary to pick up and comfortable. Some prefer to walk through the house barefoot, but still not everyone has heated floors. Cute slippers, sneakers or ballet shoes are suitable for the house. Just do not forget that the skin should breathe. Therefore, choose fine tissue shoes and with a thin sole.

Get some options for clothes and shoes for home so that you can diversify your home life and please your beloved. Just do not forget to follow the cleanliness of your home wardrobe.

Hello everyone! What are you going at home? Rather, what clothes choose? Bathrobes, old fucking things or beautiful and comfortable clothes? Many women, for some reason, do not think about home wardrobe, as an important thing about. Well, dressed old T-shirt Or a shapeless bathrobe, well, that here is this, no one else sees me, I'm at home. And relatives who live with you blind? Do you think they are nice to look at a kind of misunderstanding? Yes, I do not argue, it happens that there is not enough time for yourself, but this is not a way out. You do not go out or on the street in what got? No, of course, after all, people will look at your oblique, and wonder your slopes, and at home there is a completely different matter. So, you need to drastically change the situation and be able to look decent, carefully and beautiful is not dependent on the place of your stay.

As a rule, working women look more better than a housewife. Unfortunately it's true. But on weekends, many relax and turn into a gray mouse again. This article is designed not only to young mothers, housewives, but also those who want to rejoice at the mirror always and everywhere.

Imagine how the husband will be glad if you meet it not only with a delicious dinner, but in all its glory and with good mood. It is necessary to learn to be a woman, and not to regret yourself. You work on yourself, and then everything will turn out.

Maybe someone will seem that I express very rude and I do not understand what I'm talking about. I used to talk directly and express my thoughts clearly. I have two young children. I know what to sit at home and lead householdAt the same time to look and care for children. I know how sometimes it's not sweet to young mothers and how disastrously they lack time not only for themselves, but also sorry, go to the toilet. I know what I'm talking about, but I repeat once again, it is not to mean that you must lower your arms and spit on your face. Remember, you are a woman and should always remain it.

What looks beautiful at home?

Answer one, pick up yourself good wardrobe. Roll into all the rags with holes, scuffs, all shapeless things in the garbage and forever forget that you once dressed. Let you have 2-3 sets of home clothes, but you will look at all 100.

Do not invent excuses. Yes, it is convenient, yes, it is a pity to throw it out, yes she is new. But ask yourself one is the only question: you would have come out on the street, drove to work or visit friends. If there is no answer, then boldly get rid of this rubbish.

Why is it very important to dress beautifully at home? First of all, you do it for yourself. A hundred percent cases, a woman who dresses is beautifully comfortable and fashionable, increases self-esteem. It is very important, especially for a housewife or mothers on maternity leave. The second plus of such a transformation is to preserve warm and love relationship between spouses. Who will like every day to see the mouse, if a man constantly observes beautiful and well-groomed women At work, on the street and so on.

Make a home wardrobe

Let's figure it out how to choose home clothes, and what criteria it must match.

  • First, the clothes that you wear at home must necessarily be neat, that is, without holes, rollers, sticking threads, clean. Its price does not matter, how do Chinese consumer goods like or brand brands? You are welcome! But the path she emphasizes your advantages, and do not open disadvantages. Nobody canceled beauty yet.
  • Another quality you do not need to neglect is convenience. Do not rape yourself, dressing a completely uncomfortable thing that you constantly need to correct, sweep away and so on.
  • Choose clothing from natural fabrics, which least allows, such as knitwear.
  • Now, benefit, in stores sell a huge amount different models Homewear. Prices also collapse. If you can not for a long time Make shopping, online shopping will come to the rescue. Pay attention and selection of home wardrobe at least time than clothing you dress up.

How to make a home wardrobe

I propose to do it for the purpose that every thing is haunted.

Sleep clothes. It is necessary to give preference only cotton, flares or silk. Your skin should breathe at any time of the day. Pajamas or shirt, peignoir or a T-shirt set with shorts, but not a bag.

Clothes for every day. Here, the flight of fantasy can throw you very far. Now sell fashionable and inexpensive home dresses, beautiful Stamps and colors, any length and width.

Sets with shorts will make you younger for years, and the husband does not reduce pier view With your legs.

Sports costumes can also be the subject of your home wardrobe. But they must need to decorate you, sit good and emphasize your advantages.

From the gowns I advise you to get rid of and leave only one, warm plush or terry. Which in the winter cold evening you will not only get warm, but also warm your warmth close man.

How to look at home beautifully we figured out, and what to do with hair and face? Of course, every day evening hairstyles do not. But you can take on weapons a couple fast stackingwho do not take a lot of time. Makeup home also do not necessarily, just tinkering the cilia, and you are already a beauty.

Dear my girls and women! Love yourself, raise yourself self-esteem, look beautiful and tidy, you - beautiful half Humanity! Do not lower your hands, believe in good and everything will be fine. I hurt everyone and hug!

Everyone has an idea how to dress to work, which outfit is suitable for evening exit or romantic dateBut not everyone knows how to dress at home. Someone prefers to walk in old jeans and ragged T-shirts, and someone likes to walk in a grandmother's bathrobe. But being at home, many women and men believe that homemade clothing should be beautiful, comfortable and new.


Light industry offers a rather diverse selection of home clothing. Who will suit?

  1. For example, women with lush formsThe preference is worth paying free cut T-shirts in combination with comfortable jeans. In such a dress, they will be able to feel more confident.
  2. Sports people can safely wear a sports suit. It is advisable to choose clothes from natural fabrics. For example, soft knitwear, terry fabric.
  3. For those who have ideal figure, you can wear and short shorts With the top. In this outfit and the floor will be able to wash, and a husband from work to meet.
  4. It can be a bathrobe on lightning or buttons. The material can be both cotton and silk. The silk option is of course more suitable for a romantic evening.
  5. Now Turkish clothes are considered very fashionable, so you can wear for the house wide pants on a rubber band on top and bottom.
  6. A good option can be free dresses From light fabrics. See photo.

If you are tormented by a thought how beautiful to dress at home, you need to familiarize yourself with some subtleties that will be for you as a chopstick.

  1. Choosing clothes, you must be prepared for the arrival of sudden guests. Therefore, it should be at least clean and tidy and of course in size, and not from the grandmother's shoulder.
  2. You should feel very comfortable and cozy in it.
  3. In addition to practicality, it should have aesthetic appearance.

It's time to change the wardrobe

There are several points that will tell you that it's time to change your home wardrobe.

  1. You began to feel wrong with a holistic personality and your inner world, stopped matching appearance.
  2. Members of the family began to make fun.
  3. When looking at himself in the mirror, your self-esteem falls below the plinth.
  4. Your mood is changing when you wear home clothes.
  5. It becomes uncomfortable for your appearance when neighbors or girlfriends come to you.

If at least one of the listed moments you have become noticed for yourself, then this is not a reason to panic. But on the contrary, you need to get together with thoughts and revise your home wardrobe.

What you need to change

To like her husband and herself, you need to reconsider all things from home wardrobe. To begin with, it is necessary to completely get rid of stretched, shapeless and polished things. We also get rid of those you put on a few years ago.

Should not use home wardrobe streetwear. Because it is not hygienic and uncomfortable, but a set of home wardrobe must be as comfortable as possible.

Bathrobes are better to use for a hike in the bathroom, especially from machirovaya fabric. Therefore, if you want to impress your husband, then you can do it with the help of a beautiful silk coat.

Do not forget to use home only comfortable shoes, it can be leather slippers, light flippers. In general, the footwear from natural materials is suitable for the home.

Home Clothes for Men

How to dress a man at home? We select images.

  1. Most optimal option - these are light shorts from cotton fabric in combination with knitted T-shirt. Especially this image is relevant in the hot season.
  2. If in the yard of winter, then good option A sports suit can become. For this incident, it is better to buy yourself new suitwhich will be intended for home socks.
  3. For men who love spacious and comfortable things, a good stylish velvet bathrobe can be approached, which will not be designed for bath use.

On the notes of women

Despite the fact that bathrobes have their special purpose, in the wardrobe of any woman, must be present several different models. For example, for the bathroom, romantic peignoir.

Do not walk around the house with hair curlers on your head, it can make your image inestic. And it is also not recommended when cooking food, staying near the plate with loose hair, otherwise there is a possibility that your hair will swim in the soup. To do this, it is better to use special hats or scarves.

It is not worthwhile throughout the week, walking in the same clothes, otherwise it will look sad and dreary. And your favorite man is unlikely to make you pleasant compliment. It is better to change clothes every two days, in this case she does not acquire the kind of slaughtered things.

As women dress at home, you can see interesting videos:

Good day to you, dear readers! What do you usually go at home? What are the requirements for home clothing? In this article, I will share my experience and my gaze on this question.

Three years ago, when I just started reading Articles Olga Valyaeva and think about the development of femininity in myself ... I had no idea what to wear at home. Before that, I went to the coats. I used to the fact that homemade clothing is robes. In addition, it is quite convenient to feed the breasts ...

And then I learned that the woman is very important to stay beautiful even at home. Especially if her husband sees her! I learned that at home you need to look even better than on the street. After all, after the birth of the kid, we spend the largest part of the whole of our time!

I do not think that on the street it is necessary to walk in a black cape. But you see, the spouse should see you beautiful as much as possible! Usually after the birth of a child, women rarely come out with her husband "in the light", rarely lead themselves in full order. And the man begins to forget that their spouse is. Moreover - beautiful, elegant woman!

Of course, it's not so easy to be chic. And do not go crazy because of this. You can not curl your hair and do not think about enchanting laying. But to wear beautiful clothes - It is very easy and fast.

The first step towards beautiful home clothes

Three years ago, I first heard how favorably. And I decided to immediately try to implement it in practice! I had only one such skirt, accidentally faded in my wardrobe.

I could not walk in it due to lack convenient footwear... so I continued to walk in the priests and jeans on the street. But at home ... why not?

And I immediately encountered such obstacles:

  • an hour later, the daughter jumped the surplus of milk, leaving a noticeable stain on the skirt;
  • in a long skirt, it's very uncomfortable to get up from a sofa from a lying position, legs are confused. And I preferred to feed lying;
  • then I went to dinner (with the baby in my arms) - and twisted again;
  • when I vacuumed, soap floors and leanted / squatted with domestic affairs - I fell on my hem;
  • plus, the spouse did not approve this outfit, stating that I looked in it "not homely." And in general, he did not like "Maxi".

Then I decided to make a compromise. The main thing is to look beautiful? I bought myself two beautiful bathrobes. One was something like a short dress and really liked the spouse. In such clothes I went about a year. Here is one of these bathrobes:

Transition to dresses

A year later, the girlfriend gave me two bright short dresses. Mild natural fabric. The spouse was delighted. He believed that beautiful legs It is impossible to hide. Therefore, my idea to climb into the skirt to the floor he did not like.

You can explain the man why "mini" badly wearing on the street. To do this, it is enough to tell how other men are watching you, how you are rolled out on the street, and how it annoys it all. But why not go to "mini" at home?

So I made my home clothes short dresses. The spouse "approved" them as a home, he really liked him. And I walked another year ... It was beautiful and comfortable. The only minus - they often looked up. But I did not worry: he played in them with her daughter on the floor, sat in any pose, leaning ... It's only a spouse! And that, not always ... I looked like this:

The next step

A year later I gave birth to a son. And I needed clothes in which you can constantly feed the breast. So I acquired several special dresses for feeding. Short and comfortable. And then suddenly decided completely ...

Since then, I do not wear jeans, in winter and in the summer I walk in a long skirt. The spouse used to see me in such clothes. Gradually, "Maxi" became more and more. Yes, and I myself began to feel more confident in something long. And a year later, when I became less likely to breastfeed, I started to wear "Maxi" at home.

Not always, only occasionally. But when I dress so much, I heard compliments from my husband. He said that he liked this style on me, like long skirts ... And then I refused the mini dresses. No, I did not throw them out. Perhaps sometimes, when there is a mood, put them on the arrival of her husband. But the new style of clothes had its advantages:

  1. Still, that do not say, but in a long skirt you feel differently. Feel softer, calmer, feminine. This is unmatched! Especially if you can wear it.
  2. A long skirt does not go. It is even more convenient to crawl with children by sex, sit among toys.
  3. If someone comes to visit - you calmly open the door without feeling naked.
  4. You do not tease once again Her husband naked legs. At the same time, if necessary, you can wear any frank outfitAnd he perceives sharper than before. After all, before you have always been almost naked, and it did not happen in the eyes ...
  5. Children get used to such a woman's image. Get used to that mom walks in a beautiful long skirt. That's important for me.

Now my appearance is something like this:

How to change your home wardrobe?

If you want to go to more feminine home clothes, soberly appreciate your strength. I left for three years! And only now I am absolutely comfortable at home in the magnificent "Maxi". I do not step on the hem, I'm not confused, I do not fall, I do not get dirty ... Three years ago I did not know how to walk in a long one!

Perhaps you are better to go to short dresses. Or on beautiful bathrobes. Or find your own option. After all, it is very important that the clothes were comfortable.

And if you still attract long skirts, then here are my advice: how to choose the most comfortable home clothes?

  • In my opinion, to long dresses It's easier to get used to the street. Where we do not sit down on the floor, do not do homework, and in general we are only a few hours;
  • Do not choose for the house "in the floor". First you need to learn how to walk in skirts until the middle of the caviar or a little longer ... My favorite home skirt is almost to the floor. But if you have hard to walk in such models - do not torment yourself;
  • It is important for the house to pick up clothes from good material. A sufficiently dense, soft, pleasant. Especially if you have little children. You should not be afraid that the kid will bloom your wonderful outfit;
  • This clothing should be easily stitched. And ideally - do not require ironing. I wear these. Dresses out tight fabric It is enough to sufficiently dry - and immediately put on. Otherwise dirty stain will be the tragedy for you.
  • Find a comfortable style for yourself. For me perfectly "half-gravel." It is easier to get up from the floor (not too narrow), it is easier to squat ... and it is not too wide. But perhaps you are more comfortable in something else;
  • Actively wonder the opinion of the spouse! After all, we need to do everything to like your husband;
  • But no less important to like yourself. You must be delighted with reflection in the mirror! Then it will make sense. And then you can accept many inconveniences ...

Is it possible to find such a skirt? Which does not mind, does not break and like everyone? Yes, but you have to look good. I know it on my own experience. Only recently gave one beautiful "maxi" ... She answered all the requirements, except for one thing: it was easy to break. True, it was also easy to sew ... But I picked up every time the children pulled me for the hem. So, we leave this model only for the street.

Other mine long skirt did not rush. But after washing demanded ironing. And I have almost no time for it. Therefore, such a skirt lies in the closet, waiting for "his day".

But fortunately, I have three more "maxi" ... which meet all the requirements. And you will definitely find. Only only time and active search.

What kind of choose shoes?

If you have comfortable homemade shoes - great! But I prefer to go home by barefoot. Why?

  1. It's more comfortable for me. And generally walk barefoot very nice.
  2. The legs do not get tired of shoes, no matter how comfortable it is.
  3. So I involuntarily improve the requirements for the purity of the floor.
  4. So I'm sure the floor is not cold. And children can calmly crawl / run naked.
  5. No need to think, whether your shoes are combined with your clothing.

How cool when you can wear dresses not only in summer in good weather... when you can feel my feminine round year!

Subscribe to new blog articles. I wish you to feel the queen! To new meetings!


Culture to wear beautiful and attractive home clothing in the countries of the East is common. Wise Eastern fashionista knew what to walk at home to like her husband. Perhaps the reason is that the chance to wear different outfits was available for a long time in restriction, and on the street was in obligatory Hijab. There is an indisputable plus in this - beautiful home clothing.

It does not hurt our girls to learn a little wisdom of the East. Instead of covered bathrobes and stretched sports costume Dressed stylish and beautiful. How beautiful to dress at home is not difficult, and it does not mean uncomfortable beautifully.

Transform or even change their image will help 7 important tips from the stylist:

  1. Clothing in which you need to sleep is not what wearing at home is appropriate. Whether it's pajamas or a nice barbecue. Clean and freshness of pajamas and bathroba is needed for healthy sleepThat is not just supported until the night if you walk around the house, wash, wash, cook in such a dress. Get out of the bathroom and lie down in bed or waking up to go to the shower - the role of a robe, peignuara and pajamas. Wake up and change clothes - it means to start a new day.

  2. Tip - Do not confuse clothes for the house with clothing for seduction

    Everything has its time and place. The proverb "Good does not happen much" "is not suitable in such a context. Beautiful moments romantic sets Unforgettable and valuable in their unpredictability. Many openwork, translucent clothing models are designed to turn any lady in the goddess of love. "Goddess", which flashes in front of his man from morning to night. In such an eloquent image will kill his interest already to dinner. So what to walk at home to like her husband - definitely not in lace trico or transparent cape. This option is for a specific case and point.

  3. Council - to hide the shortcomings and emphasize the advantages of the figure

    Determine what to walk at home can be given to the features of the physique. This will help look for feminine and attractively even in the household setting. Solve how to dress at home beautifully and conveniently by simply by the style of things. Someone will suit free tunics that successfully hide extra centimeters, textured knitted golfs And the cardigans on the contrary will add the required volume.

  4. Thinking how beautiful to dress at home need not to forget about possible harm and the benefit of touching clothes to the skin. Choose pleasant when tactile sensation Fabrics. From natural, or with a slight addition of synthetic fibers, you can choose:

    • cotton and knitwear;
    • silk and atlas;
    • viscose and polyester;
    • acrylic and wool.

    Beautiful and durable hypoallergenic materials that will give comfort, convenience and beauty. For example, knitwear from the fiorith manufacturer has proven well.

  5. Tip - decide what to wear at home will help and the temperature outside the window

    What time of year is such clothes. One set here is not to do. In winter and in the house you need to warm. Cozy sweaters woolen dresses from long sleeves, gheeters or leggings - what looks good in the house when the blizzard outside the window. And in the summer, cooling cotton or knitted sets, silk tunics, thin leggings or even skirts will be comfortable and beautiful in a hot day. Colors Determine, respectively, not only fashion trendBut also given the time of year. Snowflakes, Christmas trees under new Year They will raise the mood of the whole family, as well as bright hot colors or exotic prints in the summer.

  6. It is important in choosing home clothing while you need to spend at home. The profession and lifestyle affects. The question is what to walk at home for mom with a small child or for busy work lady will have different answers. Professions that allow you to work at home imply clothes comfortable and wear-resistant. For those who are only in the evening and on weekends, it is possible more options Decorative and original sometimes to the detriment of comfort.

  7. A good way to make perfect items will help. Properly selected home clothing transforms natural and light Makeup. And turn you out of Cinderella to Princess well-groomed hair. It is not necessary to spend a few hours to achieve beauty on your head. Homemade artistic disorder in her hair can look touching and charming.