The harm of piercing - why is it dangerous. Piercing disrupts vital processes in the body. Consequences of body piercing

Piercing is quite common these days. Thus, people who are fond of this phenomenon are trying to express themselves, to show that they are not like everyone else. That's just the piercing is fraught with many dangers. An unsuccessfully made puncture can lead to horrific consequences.

Piercings are called pierced ears, nose, tongue, navel, intimate parts of the body and eyebrows. As a rule, young people are fond of piercing. Piercing is often done by young people who want to somehow stand out from the crowd and show their uniqueness.

After the earring in the nose or navel gets tired, it is simply removed. The puncture site will heal, but the scar will remain for life. Therefore, before making yourself a place for an earring, you must definitely weigh the pros and cons and make sure that trying to stand out from the crowd can not only harm your health, but also leave yourself not quite beautiful scars for life.

Top Piercing Sites

  1. The first place is, of course, the good old piercing in the ears. This type of piercing is the most common, as it has gained popularity for a very long time and our mothers, grandmothers, and great-grandmothers wear earrings in their ears.
  2. Next in line is the navel. It so happened that if a girl has a beautiful flat stomach, then why not draw attention to it with a barbell earring.
  3. Special lovers make holes in the tongue and eyebrows.
  4. In the last place of our top is the piercing of intimate parts of the body.

According to the studies of the Health Protection Agency, the least complications after themselves are pierced ears (in 10% of cases), and a navel puncture (in 15% of cases). The most painful in this sense is the tongue, it heals for a very long time due to permanent moisture in the mouth and from food.

For several centuries, people have been piercing, and those complications after a puncture can be very easily avoided. It is especially important in this situation that the puncture be done by a specialist. Otherwise, there is a risk of large blood loss due to puncture of the blood vessel. Daily hygiene is also important for the wound.

For the most part, doctors are against piercing as such. They explain this by saying that the very phenomenon of violation human skin for fun is unnatural. In this case, a person can catch any infection. This is hepatitis, tetanus and others - and this serious illness far from a joke.

Again, the puncture specialist will use disposable instruments. If suddenly you decide to remove the earring and let the skin heal, then it is possible that you have a keloid scar, which is quite difficult to get rid of. V best case unevenness will be corrected by a simple shot with cortisol, at worst, it will be necessary to operate. And even after the operation, such a scar may appear again.

Allergy from piercing

Often, at the site where the puncture was made, there may be a reaction to the metal of the earring, which is in contact with a fresh wound. However, in this case, do not rush to buy gold, you may also be allergic to it. There is a small percentage of people who suffer from "gold allergy".

To get rid of allergies, you can try to choose an earring or bar from a different metal than it was before. In many ways, the quality of an earring is determined by its composition. For example, nickel is added to many jewelry, and it quite often causes an allergic reaction, if there is more nickel in the composition, then the risk of irritation is correspondingly greater.

What metal should the earring be made of?

In order to avoid unpleasant surprises after a skin puncture, you need to know from which better than metal it is better to choose an earring or a barbell.

Gold. Here the quality depends on the sample that is on the product. The higher it is, the higher the quality of the product, and the less various impurities. But with the help of impurities, gold is made more durable and harder, so experts recommend using gold with a low breakdown. Naturally, after the wound has completely healed.

Silver. Silver lovers are strongly advised to pay attention to a more reliable metal, as silver is prone to scratches, deformation and cracks. In addition, with prolonged wear, the metal oxidizes and as a result can cause allergies.

Stainless surgical steel. This metal is subjected to vacuum melting, which makes it the safest for piercing. If you have chosen an earring made of such a metal, then with it you are unlikely to know what irritation is. Unless you have a rare allergy to all metals without exception.

Niobium. Hypoallergenic (does not cause allergies), metal is quite popular in piercing. He has a balanced concept of price and quality, and a product made of niobium can be put on immediately after a puncture.

Titanium. Probably the rarest piercing metal, in part because of its price. It is not cheap, but it does not cause allergies, is durable, does not fade and is of high quality.

Piercing Facts

According to the duration of healing unusual places for piercings, the tongue, ears, nose and eyebrows are in the first place - they heal for about two weeks. intimate piercing will heal a little more than two weeks, but the navel piercing does an average of 5-6 months.

  • Women are more interested in piercing than men.
  • Every fifth salon offering a piercing service does not have the appropriate permit.

Harm of piercing and what consequences it can lead to

At first, everything is simple, well, what's so difficult about it - to make a puncture with a needle. But here are the difficulties that can begin precisely after this procedure, due to which you can harm the body:

  • The tongue - while in the mouth, it is constantly in contact with a moist bacterial environment. In addition, the earring can damage tooth enamel and contribute to various chips and fractures in the teeth.
  • Ears - if an amateur makes a puncture, then there is a chance that the wound will become infected. As a result, loss of sensitivity of the earlobe and even deafness.
  • The navel - the cause of poor healing of this place is constant contact with clothes. The slightest non-observance of the sterility of the wound can lead to complications. Experts advise covering the wound with a band-aid for the coming months in order to protect it from damage.
  • Nipples - masters do not advise women to do this procedure. When punctured, the milk sinuses, through which milk runs during breastfeeding, can be damaged.
  • Lips - a careless puncture in the area of ​​​​the lips is fraught with a violation of the salivation in the mouth. Saliva will be released much more intensively than before. It is also possible to form a cyst.
  • Eyebrow - when punctured, the needle can touch the facial nerve, which in turn can lead to complete numbness of the facial muscles.
  • The nose is the most innocuous type of piercing in terms of safety. There is no moisture, no external irritants.
  • Perhaps the most dangerous can be considered a piercing on intimate parts body. Here as the consequences of infection, and inflammation urethra. People who want to increase sexual pleasure through piercing often achieve the opposite effect in the form of partial or total absence sensitivity.

Who should not get pierced

And finally, about contraindications. It is not advisable to do piercing for pregnant women, people who are allergic to metals, sick diabetes, hepatitis, blood diseases mental disorders. It is also contraindicated in patients with HIV infection.

And girls, remember. Although modern salons can pierce almost any part of your body, think again, do you need it? Most of my friends who got pierced took it off for a year or two, and then they also had operations to remove scars. The harm of piercing can be very diverse, ranging from various inflammations and allergic reactions to blood poisoning and various incurable diseases.

Beauty requires sacrifice, but will any man like a girl with "holes" in her face? Not everyone, remember that.

American dentists oppose tongue piercings. Scientists believe that when wearing a stud on the tongue, infections occur too often, teeth and gums suffer from harmful effects.

Where did fashion come from

Oral piercings are preferred among teenagers. V Lately this craze suddenly became popular in Israel - in this country, teenagers with tongue and lip piercings can be found twice as often as in America. Given these trends, Tel Aviv University officials deemed it necessary to conduct a massive survey, during which it was found that at least twenty percent of teenagers with piercings suffer from dental or gum disease. The diseases of Israeli army soldiers were studied in detail and it was found that even after the piercing was removed, many young people applied for medical care due to serious damage to the gums, diseases of the oral cavity, which in many cases led to the loss of teeth. In the future, they were forced to be treated for several years. Thus, a short-term tribute to fashion in youth has a negative impact on the health of a person of mature age.

The most frequent defeats

Dentists have encountered situations where, due to tongue piercing, teeth were damaged, located on the same level with the decoration. Often, chipped teeth occur due to piercings. And if a puncture is made with a non-sterile instrument, an infection of viral hepatitis enters the body. Experts sometimes cite as an example a girl who pierced her tongue. Not far from the puncture zone in the mouth appeared small size tubercle. This seal did not hurt or bother her, but gradually increased in size. During the inspection, it turned out that it had to deal with scar tissue. I had to prescribe a rinse using special means, hydrogen peroxide. The treatment lasted a long time, and it was quite unpleasant. So dentists are unanimous that you should not put yourself in danger and not risk piercing the tongue.

In this case, it is better to give preference to a plastic decoration instead of a metal one. The fact is that there are more bacteria on a metal bar than on a bar made of other material, although plastic jewelry is far from perfect. Studies have been carried out involving a large number students whose tongues were pierced at least six months ago. Scientists have made an absolutely ambiguous conclusion that on plastic jewelry capable of depositing a smaller amount of biofilm from microorganisms than on products made of titanium or steel.

If at the mention of the word "piercing" only informal elements and punk citizens are presented to you, know that in reality a puncture various parts bodies have long been much more common and can now show up under a teacher's blouse and in the tongue of your high school son's friend. Strictly speaking, a banal ear piercing (which 90% of women and about 15% of men have) is also a piercing, fraught with the same problems as, say, a piercing in the navel. Let's see what forms the desire to decorate one's body most often takes, and what consequences the realization of this desire can turn into.

Learning about potential risks, first of all I want to say that piercing is irresponsible in relation to your own body, and also strongly advise not to pierce the skin in any places. But in fact, everyone must decide for himself whether he wants to endanger himself, given all the information. In the end, in Africa, entire tribes practice ritual piercing (10-50 punctures for each, made with a not very clean and not very even needle) - and nothing, death does not mow down these people in batches. Just weigh all the pros and cons - and make your choice.

Theoretically, in order to get pierced, you need a little - a special and sterile needle and the nimble hands of a piercing specialist. But this does not mean that it is worth getting pierced anywhere; the success of this procedure directly depends on the experience of the master and on compliance with all safety rules. In addition, some types of piercing require special skill to perform: for example, piercing of the genitals, nasal septum, eyebrows. Numerous rules that ensure the relative safety of the procedure itself and the healing process include the correct sterilization of the instrument, the choice of the puncture site, the use of matching jewelry, promoting healing, etc.

Types of piercing classified according to the puncture site:

- Ear piercing. This is a classic puncture that heals within about 2 weeks if the lobes have been pierced; if cartilage was punctured, then it will heal much longer - up to several months. A separate type of extreme piercing is the acquisition of "tunnels" in the earlobes.

- Belly button piercing. Mostly female type of piercing; the puncture heals in 3-4 months, during which the puncture must be treated as carefully as possible, you can not do fitness that affects the muscles of the press.

- Facial piercing. Nose and eyebrow piercing is a little less common: eyebrow piercing is too painful, and nose piercing is not very popular due to the fact that it often interferes with its owner. Facial piercing heals on average within 1-1.5 months.

- Oral piercing. Puncture of the lips and tongue heals in 1.5-2 months (depending on the puncture site and the success of healing), but it causes a lot of trouble for a person during this period. In the first two weeks, there may be problems with diction, but tongue piercing at first really interferes with eating and communicating fully.

- Genital piercing. Intimate piercing heals within 1-2 months, during this period sexual contact prohibited.

- nipple piercing. A sensitive and painful puncture heals in 1-3 months, depending on individual characteristics this part of the human body.
In addition, highly experienced piercers provide services for more exotic types of piercings; these include a puncture with the installation of implants under the skin (for example, “horns” on the forehead), multiple punctures, etc.

Harm of piercing

The greatest harm piercing can cause in the oral cavity, but the puncture of the body is fraught with not too pleasant consequences. Common for any piercing, regardless of location, harm:
Allergic reaction. Punctures on the body are by no means loyal to all jewelry materials: if the puncture does not like something, a serious one can develop (with swelling and redness of the body part, inflammation).
Infection. Most frequent complication: getting bacteria and viruses into a fresh puncture can cause both banal inflammation (which, nevertheless, can cause serious trouble), and hepatitis B and other terrible diseases.
Circulatory failure, tissue scarring. Punctures made in "strategic" places can turn into development dangerous diseases; for example, genital piercings can cause problems with childbearing and erectile function, and nipple piercings can cause scarring that prevents breastfeeding.
Endocarditis. There is a chance of bacteria entering the bloodstream and developing if a person already has some heart problems.
Injuries. Piercing is a potentially dangerous area, as it protrudes above the skin; to cling to an ornament - just spit, it can happen anywhere and any way. Ornaments in the navel and nipples stably cling to clothes and the belt of trousers, jewelry in the eyebrows and ears - to a comb, bracelets, etc.

Especially dangerous and potentially harmful to health mouth piercing:
Tooth decay. More than half of the owners of lip and tongue piercings happen (chips, cracks and complete destruction of the tooth), which is not at all noticeable, given the direct contact of the metal jewelry and teeth.
Injuries and diseases of the gums, tongue. The jewelry used in piercing rubs all day long on the oral mucosa, on the tongue, gums, inner surface cheeks, etc., as a result of which all these surfaces are subjected to constant injury. Which is fraught with the development of gum disease and inflammation in the future.
elevated risk of infection, inflammation, injury. Oral cavity– the active zone, you only eat at least three times a day, as well as brush your teeth, talk, etc. The puncture site is constantly exposed and the likelihood of injury, infection, damage is extremely high.

Rings and some kind of metal spikes protrude from the chin, nostrils, brow ridges. Sometimes scars and scars, non-healing wounds form after porcols.

A tanned belly with a ring adorning the navel - this is how young and not very girls who consider themselves fashionable walk around on a hot day. However, they are not limited to the navel: rings and some kind of metal spines stick out of the chin, nostrils, superciliary arches. There is nothing to say about the ears - unlike mothers and grandmothers, each earlobe has at least three earrings. Do not lag behind and young men - equality of the sexes in action. And that's just the visible embellishments. There are also invisible ones: they pierce the nipples, genitals.

Piercing - piercing through soft tissues and threading through holes any objects - the old fun of mankind. V Ancient Egypt pharaoh's relatives and priestesses had the right to pierce navels. When power in Egypt began to wane, women of simple rank and slaves immediately acquired rings in their navels. To the rings threaded in the nipples, in Ancient Rome fixed the fabric that served as a cape. This was considered a sign of courage and bravery. In India married woman she wore a ring, but not on her finger, as in Europe, but in her nostril. V pre-revolutionary Russia an earring in the sailor's ear meant that he had crossed the equator. Twenty years ago homosexuals wore an earring in their ear.

In the 20th century, piercing in its current form originated in a homosexual environment. Then he crawled into the sphere of show business, where there are always a lot of gays. And when the navel was pierced by Madonna and Naomi Campbell, he entered the wide youth fashion. Well, he entered and entered, they don’t argue with fashion.

But the question is where and what to pierce. If the piercing is done by specialists in sterile conditions, this is still nothing, but if with the help of craftsmen, the matter can end in big trouble. And the specialist does not guarantee that there will be no complications. In the West, where, in fact, the fashion for piercing came from, piercing enthusiasts often turn to doctors with bleeding, inflammation, swelling, allergic reactions. Sometimes after punctures large scars and scars, non-healing wounds are formed.

Doctors in the United States and Europe have long been trying to explain how dangerous a tongue piercing is: swelling of the tongue can cause difficulty in breathing, infectious processes in the oral cavity, which can result in serious consequences up to infectious-toxic shock and sepsis. The British Dental Association has come out with strong objections to tongue piercings: patients come to them with diction defects, dental injuries from “decorations”, sometimes “decorations” get into the windpipe. Every fifth person who has had a piercing has some kind of problem.

Vice President of the German Society plastic surgery Hans Rudolf warns that the infection can be acute or chronic inflammatory process, can cause allergies and damage to the facial nerves. A person grows up, his tastes change, and fashion passes. German plastic surgeons were increasingly being asked to remove traces of "jewellery". But it is not always possible to completely get rid of scars, especially on the face.