Causes of deformation of the nail plates. Permanent moisture on the hands

Now exists great amount varieties of nail polish, so creating a beautiful manicure is quite simple. But for this you need beautiful and healthy nails! If you have problems with your nails, it is difficult for you to achieve perfect image, because they can spoil your view as a whole. If your nails are constantly spoiling, you should find out what is the reason and how you can fix the situation. Following simple recommendations, you will return the beauty of your hands in the shortest possible time.

Nail biting habit

It's a rather repulsive habit. Moreover, it has a strong influence on appearance your hands. If you think that worst result- these are short and crooked nails, you are mistaken. Worst of all, this is how you transfer bacteria from under your nails to your mouth, which can cause serious illness. May appear on the fingers open wounds where infection can also develop. Do you want to give up a bad habit? Try a manicure. When your nails are beautiful and neat, you don't want to bite them and spoil the result of your work. Be sure to try!

Nail polish removal

If you are used to removing polish in small pieces, just tearing it off with your nails, it's time to unlearn this habit. Stop it immediately! This habit is very harmful to the nails. You are peeling off not only a layer of varnish, but also the top layer of the nail itself. It's like a very intense facial peel. Nobody needs the weakened and thin nails- Try to always remove the varnish with a special tool. Sometimes you need to remove polish on the go, and for such purposes, you can take special wipes with you. They exist at different brands, and they are enough just to throw in a bag so that you can always correct the situation with a manicure. It's convenient and easy, so you won't want to take off your nail polish again.

Cuticle cutting

Nobody wants a hard cuticle mess beautiful manicure. However, cutting or cutting it off is not an option. Set aside the tweezers if you don't want to damage the look of your nails. Do not cut the cuticle, just apply a special oil to it. It will soften the cuticle and make it supple so you can easily push it back. If you're unhappy with the result, try a cuticle remover. In combination with an orangewood stick, it will turn out neat and delicate: your cuticles will no longer be rough and untidy. Repeat the process as needed to keep your hands in perfect condition.

Poor nutrition

Stop snacking on salted pretzels, it's better to nibble on carrots. Nail nutrition comes from the blood circulation. If you are not all right inside, it will be noticeable outside. Everything you eat affects how your nails, skin and hair look. If you drink a lot of sugary sodas and alcohol, you can ruin your beautiful nails. Better try to eat leafy greens, the darker in color the better. Still don't get desired result? Try taking vitamins with magnesium, calcium, or biotin. Also, try to eat more regular drinking water. This is important not only for your appearance, but also for your well-being.

Gel or acrylic manicure

It cannot be denied that gel or acrylic nails look attractive, however, such a manicure greatly harms your hands. Before applying the gel or acrylic, the master cuts off the top layer of the nail. Constant filing makes the nail extremely thin and prone to cracking. If you shoot gel nails, you will understand how much your own suffered. In addition, in the process of removal, you will need to soak your hands in acetone. If you do not want to spoil the surface of the nails, refuse extensions.

Refusal of the base under the varnish

Wondering why your nails are the same color as the last polish you wore? All because you are not using a special base! There is a wide variety of base coats that can strengthen your nails or help you remove glitter polish with ease. If you don't use nail polish but your nails have changed color, you may have a health problem. For example, yellow nails usually indicate that you smoke, and this habit should be abandoned. If the nails turn black, you should consult a doctor. Maybe it's melanoma. Pay attention to the signals your body sends!

Permanent moisture on the hands

If you want your manicure to look its best, stay away from water: the liquid makes your nails swell. Of course, this does not mean that you should stop showering. Just try to wear rubber gloves when washing dishes. Exist various patterns, so even such an accessory can look interesting. If the nails are constantly exposed to water, they weaken. The thing is that the nail cells are quite weak, and the water forces them to expand and narrow again. If you have dry hands, apply jojoba oil to your nails and cuticles, this lovely way moisturize them. There are also special cuticle oils with pleasant fragrances. Oil takes longer to absorb into the nail bed, but acts in a much more positive way than water. If you want to quickly strengthen your nails, apply oil for two hours, and then wipe your hands and you can apply varnish. This will seriously improve the condition of your nails.

Using nails as tools

Not only do you need to avoid washing dishes without rubber gloves, but you should also try not to use your nails for domestic purposes. If you are trying to open tin can with sparkling water or zip up your jeans, use your fingers, not your nails. Nails bend and break easily. Try not to use them as tools so as not to damage them. Don't forget about it.

The use of varnishes with a harmful composition

Do not be afraid of chemicals, however, some ingredients in nail polish are quite unpleasant. For example, many contain formaldehyde. Look for brands that do not use such components. They do their best to refuse unpleasant and harmful ingredients. If you follow this, you will protect your nails from serious damage.

Continuous use of acetone

Sometimes it can be tempting to get a manicure daily. If you use nail polish that is free of harmful chemicals, it will do you absolutely no harm. The only problem is that you use acetone to remove the varnish. Nail polish remover damages nails. They use strong solvents that dry out the surface of the nail, which greatly harms the beauty of the hands. Apply similar remedy less often.

Take care of the health of your nails

So, you should understand that the health and beauty of nails require certain behavior from you. You should remember that cuticle oil is very useful product and that they should be used regularly. All of these tips are pretty simple: don't use chemicals, don't open jars with your nails, don't make your nails out of gel or acrylic, and try to eat right. If you can follow all the recommendations, you will instantly notice amazing improvements in the appearance of your hands. This will immediately justify all the efforts you put in, because a beautiful manicure fills you with self-confidence.

From the blow bad manicure, tight shoes toenails deteriorate and require treatment, and people do not always find time to pay attention to their problems. This often causes them various diseases that bring discomfort and psychological problems. Sick toenails indicate not only insufficient care for them, but often also the presence of serious illnesses in a person.

Nail diseases

Diseases of the toenails develop in different ages. Brittle and thick, uneven and curved, colorless and layered nails are all signs of disease. Sometimes diseased nails fall off, after which new ones do not grow for a long time. With age, such problems can become even more, as blood circulation deteriorates due to aging.

The most common diseases of the toenails:

  • dyschromia, which manifests itself in a change in the color of the nail;
  • fungal diseases and bacterial infections;
  • thickening and rejection of the nail plate;
  • delamination;
  • injury to the nail;
  • ingrown nails into the skin.

Nail diseases are caused by negative impacts on the keratin that makes up the nail plate. The condition of the nails is negatively affected by infections, acids, alkalis and various external factors that cause their disease.

Problems with toenails occur different reasons. When a person walks, his legs are constantly under tension. From tight shoes, fingers are often injured, and nails are deformed. When visiting a bath or pool, a fungal infection can affect the nail. Chemicals that are in varnishes and soaps can provoke a delamination of the nail.

Often the cause of leg diseases lies in the daily stress that accompanies modern man. Bad habits, such as smoking, lead to.

Fungal infections

The nail affected by the fungus is weakened, may crack or coarsen, change color (as in the photo), exfoliate or crumble. Bumps or bumps appear on the surface.

Fungal infections contribute to the accumulation of fluid under the nail plate, a bruise may appear on its surface, and the nail itself is deformed and becomes an unnatural color. This happens especially often with the plate of the big toe. The fungus very quickly moves from damaged to healthy areas and neighboring fingers.

Fungal infections can affect the nails due to improper care behind your feet. People who regularly use saunas, swimming pools and other crowded places can become infected with a fungus. Among the factors that increase the risk of developing a fungus, there are also flat feet, poor quality shoes, increased sweating legs, diaper rash.

On early stage foot fungus is treated with external agents with antimycotic properties that act on the pathogen at the site of its localization. These funds are available in the form of a spray, gel, ointment or varnish and give the desired effect only with small manifestations of fungal infections.

Launched fungal infections that struck more than a half a nail or several nails, it will not work to cure only with external ointments. In this case, their complex treatment is used, which consists of medicinal ointments and tablets.

One of the diseases that most often affects the toenails is a fungus. Fungal infections can have different pathogens, but are expressed by similar symptoms.

Ingrown nail

Another common foot disease is ingrown toenails. Ingrown occurs when it is cut incorrectly and untimely. When cutting off the corners of the nail, people leave pointed ends that can dig into the skin and create small wounds on it. These areas are easily infected. After that, redness occurs in the area of ​​​​the ingrown nail, it swells and hurts (example in the photo). The inflamed area oozes a yellowish liquid.

Ingrown toenails most often occur on thumb legs. In-growing should be treated using several methods:

  • Shoes should be comfortable and wide, without heels, matched to the size of the foot. Pointed and square shoes encourage chafing and ingrown toenails. Feet should rest from shoes as often as possible.
  • Foot care should be timely and correct. Be sure to wash your feet regularly warm water. Soap should be chosen simple, without harmful dyes that can cause allergies.
  • It is necessary to make foot baths with the addition of soothing medicinal herbs.

Sea salt relieves inflammation and redness well. The affected area should be washed with a disinfectant solution of potassium permanganate or furacilin. The ingrown area should be wiped with hydrogen peroxide. Be sure to show the problem to a dermatologist. The doctor will prescribe medications to facilitate the healing process or, in severe cases, refer you to a surgeon.

If you do not respond to an ingrown nail, the wound will fill with pus. If left untreated, over time, the ingrown can turn into an abscess that will have to be operated on.

Hematoma formation

Nail diseases also develop due to mechanical damage fingers. An injury can be caused by a blow with a heavy object, resulting in bleeding and hematoma formation. The nail acquires a blue tint, which indicates bursting blood vessels. A light hematoma, or simply a bruise, quickly resolves on its own. White spots may also occur on the plate from trauma. These spots are a kind of wounds and signal that dystrophy processes occur in the body due to a lack of calcium.

If the nail swells, the area around it is reddened and it hurts a lot, you need to health care. Also, the help of a doctor will be needed if, after an injury, the nail began to exfoliate or there are purulent discharge from under the nail plate. With complete detachment, the nail will need to be removed.

Which occurs when it is injured, provokes the development of dyschromia. It drastically changes its color, becomes almost black. Dystrophy causes a feeling of rejection of the nail, it begins to gradually atrophy.

Injury to the nail plate and subsequent dystrophy can also manifest itself in excessive flexibility of the nail. On the damaged area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe nail plate, growths in the form of a tubercle often form.

Hematomas can appear on the nail from long-term use antibiotics. Such hematomas contribute to the development of more serious diseases - dermatosis, psoriasis and eczema. It is necessary to treat hematoma and associated dystrophy under the guidance of a doctor who will correctly determine the degree of damage and the course of treatment.

Bundle of nails

A popular reason for stratification of the nail is a lack of vitamins and minerals necessary for its nutrition. useful substances. People who follow a strict diet may be the first to face the problem of stratification. You can protect yourself from this disease by balanced nutrition. The diet must include enough a protein used by the body to build cells. Therefore, it is necessary to eat fish, chicken, eggs.

Fragility and weakening of the nail plate causes a lack of magnesium in the body. It can be obtained from seaweed, mustard, buckwheat porridge, oatmeal and nuts. Magnesium contributes rapid growth cells. The same essential element for nails is calcium. Its reserves can be replenished by eating dairy products, as well as beans, peas and garlic.

Delamination of the nail plate can have both external and internal causes. The structure of the nail deteriorates if poor quality is constantly used. cosmetic products. Cheap pedicure polish made from harmful components, can quickly ruin the plate, after which medical intervention is required.

In print and online publications, it is constantly found: “hands - business card women", "men, first of all, pay attention to female hands"," a woman's hands should be well-groomed. Whether you like it or not, you have to comply with beauty standards - do manicures, take care of the skin of your hands. But not always the measures taken help to achieve healthy, strong and well-groomed nails. What is the matter if a woman pays attention to the care of her hands and nails, in particular? Habits that spoil nails every day interfere, nullifying all efforts.

Doing housework without gloves

Not everyone cleans the house and does the dishes with gloves on. The hostesses note the inconvenience, they say that the lack of full-fledged tactile sensations damages the quality of washing dishes, detergent remains on cups and plates, dishes slip out of the hands, as it becomes difficult to hold them due to the thick material of the gloves. However, there are many more advantages to using gloves:

  • They protect hands from getting too hot and too cold water, and such temperature changes harm the nails. Under influence high temperature nail plates expand. This is completely invisible to the eye, but after returning to its original state, microcracks form on the nails. As a result, the structure of the nails is gradually broken, their tips begin to exfoliate, and they themselves become brittle. Growing long nails in such conditions is a problem.
  • From hot water the nail plates are steamed, in this state they are easily damaged.
  • Since dishes are usually washed with special means, dissolving fat, it penetrates the structure of the softened nail. No aloe extract and vitamin E will cancel the very fact of penetration of surfactants deep into the plate. After washing the dishes, the chemistry is sealed inside and continues its destructive effect, destroying the nail.

Coloring nails with varnish

Experts advise not to wear nail polish for too long. Ideally, 50% of the time you can walk with a manicure, and 50% without a manicure, i.e. without varnish. Nails need rest. Varnish is the same chemistry that, to one degree or another, negatively affects the nail. Everything that is applied to the nail plate is absorbed into it.

Speaking in numbers, 80% of the substances contained in varnishes are absorbed into the nails and carried by the bloodstream throughout the body. Toxic substances accumulate in the body, in particular in the nails themselves. And in the manufacture of varnishes add:

  • formaldehyde;
  • toluene;
  • dibutyl phosphate.

In Russian standards, the norms for the content of formaldehyde in varnishes are not fixed. In Europe, this is strictly monitored. Good safe varnishes are marked 3 free (bighthreefree) - this is a guarantee of the absence of these toxic substances in the composition. But health care will directly affect the price. High-quality varnish will not be affordable for everyone. Cheap varnishes from the "no name" series cannot be trusted: it is not known what they are involved in. Do not be surprised if, after a long use of varnish, the nails began to turn yellow, break, split - the reason is clear.

Along with regular nail polish, gel coats are popular. Gel polish stays on nails for up to three weeks. Experts say that such a coating strengthens the nails, due to its structure it prevents delamination. But they forget to mention that applying a gel coat involves filing your own nail plate, which becomes thinner and thinner after each procedure. It must also be remembered that unprofessional removal of the gel coating leads to nail deformation and brittleness.

Safety of using conventional varnish as an alternative gel coat, is questionable because it has to be updated much more frequently, which means more frequent use nail polish remover and applying a new portion of the coloring composition.

Removing nail polish with your own nails

When the nail polish begins to peel off the nail as a result of long wear, for some reason, some prefer to remove it in small pieces, instead of wiping it off with nail polish remover. This habit will not improve the appearance of nails. That's what happens to the nails at this moment. If a small area of ​​varnish has peeled off from the nail, this does not mean that the rest of the coating is also loosely adhered to it. The varnish is removed in this way along with top layer nail, as it has penetrated into the pores of the nail plate and still holds quite firmly.

These were the habits that spoil nails. You should get rid of them as soon as possible in order to create all the conditions for beautiful and healthy nails,

1. Lucky.

Whatever the technology, habits remain habits. Unfortunately, many women still paint their nails “dry” without using a base, and this adversely affects the structure of the nails. Firstly, clean varnishes give the nail plate a yellowish tint over time, and, secondly, make them brittle.

To prevent this from happening, always use a base under varnishes. Experts recommend buying not just clear varnishes, since this is the same as regular varnish, namely the base, with useful properties for nails. Some base contains vitamins, keratin, some, for example, perform the function of leveling the surface of the nails. There are very budget options, and therefore do not be lazy to use the base.

2. Detergents And a large number of water.

Water is life, but tap water is very hard and has the opposite effect - it dries out nails. She washes out everything useful from them. For the same reason from frequent washing hair becomes stiff and dry if you do not use products other than shampoo and conditioner.

The chemistry with which we wash the dishes also does not improve the condition of the nails at all, especially if they are weakened. If you grow your nails, if they are brittle and exfoliate, then you need to wash the dishes, the floor and clean the apartment only with gloves to protect the sore nails from even more damage.

It's even better if you use nail and cuticle oil regularly. This will moisturize the nails and give them shine, and after a while the gloves can be put aside.

3. Shellac, gel polishes.

Such a manicure lasts a very long time, which is why it is so popular. But this is also bad, since the gel polish sets to the top layer of the nail due to polymerization in the lamp. When you peel off the nail polish, aggressive means and not at all careful scraping of shellac from the nail further damages native nails, after which it is necessary to restore them.

Do not cover shellac too often, let your nails rest. Recovery does not take much time, but do everything in moderation.

It is enough to make a couple of baths with lemon juice or sea ​​salt and continue to rub in the oil.

4. Building.

Naturalness is in fashion now, but many girls are still partial to long nails, especially since it is very sexy, and when there is an opportunity to increase attractiveness, it is difficult to deny yourself. But building up is even more aggressive impact than shellac, since the native nail holds an alien weight on itself, and also on the stress zone - the smile line.

Recovery after extension is the same as after shellac.

5. Poor nutrition, lack of vitamins.

If you eat only pizza and sandwiches, the reaction of the body will not take long. ABOUT strong nails and hair will have to be forgotten. Vitamins are not enough, moreover, significantly.

Be sure to include fruits and vegetables in your diet and preferably without heat treatment. The best source of vitamins is vegetable salads in addition to the main dishes.

Main building material for nails is calcium, so pay attention to dairy products, and you can also buy calcium tablets. Suitable as a complex, and separately calcium in a simple paper packaging.

That's all for today. Take care of your nails and let them grow healthy and beautiful!