Beautiful belly. Jeans with a high waist either fit you well, or you look like an adult in diapers in them. Well, figs with her with the cover of Vogue and Sports Illustrated, but girls with flat bellies are bad at dancing the dance of this very belly. Well

The 90s for fashion are like the Middle Ages for history - complete devastation and horrible bad taste. Then all polls walked in short tops, exposing the navel. Jaded revealing outfits, fashion outlawed open belly for the next couple of decades. Until now, it was believed that this view is acceptable only for relaxing on the beach, however, the stars in recent times actively demonstrate the revival of the fashion for a bare belly, proving personal example that at correct selection clothes, a vulgar outfit can be transformed into a noble, elegant and sophisticated sexy image. Socialite and Hollywood stars will give some style lessons on how and what to wear with bustiers, crop tops and cropped jumpers.

TO ailey jenner made a bet on classic combination black and white. The half-sister of Kim Kardashian has proven that she knows how to play risky things so that the image as a whole looks stylish.

H aryad Miranda Kerr would be completely boring and expressionless, if not for the strip of naked belly peeking out from under a short white top. This detail gives a rather banal combination of a laconic top and lace skirt, calf-length, piquant zest.

NS Loi Kardashian breaks stereotypes - it turns out horizontal stripes and an open belly can not only afford "size zero" models. The star of one of the popular American reality shows knows how to present his figure in favorable light: it is enough to choose a high-waisted skirt for a short top, so that only a very small area of ​​skin is visible between them, and effectively crossed legs will help to visually build a silhouette " hourglass". Ideal for a photo!

AND Irish TV presenter Laura Whitmore is sure that the luxurious Evening Dress can be successfully replaced with a spectacular outfit with open belly.

T op-model from Germany Toni Garrn focused on lace, which draws the eye to the part of the outfit where you can see the naked belly.

D Isneevskaya actress Bella Thorne demonstrated that even strict black dress can look creative if there is such a detail as a curly neckline in the waist area.

TO Sheyt Mara, who recently became a blonde, is the standard of taste. The actress of the mega-popular series "House of Cards" chose a spectacular monochrome outfit, which, despite vintage style does not give the impression of an outdated dress from grandma's chest, thanks to the naked belly.

D Django Unchained star Kerry Washington chose a pretty bold combination fluffy skirt maxi and cropped pullover. A very memorable outfit in the spirit of the latest fashion trends.

NS example not very a good combination of things. The expression on the face of British pop singer Eliza Doolittle suggests that she herself is not sure if her outfit is so good. Indeed, even the sexual pose does not save the matter - the image turned out to be overloaded and unnecessarily aggressive.

V Anessa Hudgens created an incredibly stylish and elegant look by wearing a monochrome black outfit, leaving only part of the waist exposed.

A American actress and model Zoe Kravitz is a maximalist in everything. She also used the trend of a naked belly to the maximum in her image - there is nowhere to be naked further ...

M The dress Eliza Sednaoui has well learned the main rule of combining things with an open belly - no flashy prints and complex details, only pure colors and extremely simple cut. Pairing a cropped white blouse with an elegant maxi skirt and platform boots is enough to stand out from the crowd without looking vulgar.

V crocheted short top, wide-leg flared trousers with a bright print and a straw chest bag - perfect option for summer. Model Jessica Hart created a hippie vibe with sandals on flat sole and casually letting her hair down.

H The real art is to show the body without exposing the belly too much and in no way exposing the navel. Actress Anna-Lynn McCord seems to have mastered the art to perfection. A long flared skirt with a high waist, paired with a bustier top and a flirty hat on one side, is a noble and feminine ensemble in the style of the 50s with a subtle hint of the trendy trend.

TO These Perries are not distinguished by their chic taste and sense of style, her clothes for the carpet are always a little weird. However, this time the pop singer got to the point - a set with a psychedelic print, consisting of a tight-fitting skirt just below the knee and a micro bustier, favorably emphasizes an appetizing figure and corresponds to fashion trends.

B Ritanian model Daisy Lowe is another example of sophisticated taste. Knowing that things that expose the belly are already attracting attention, she chose a monochrome bow in black and refused accessories. Great idea for everyday outfit in casual style.

Have Rooney Mara's tendency to turn the most ordinary and nondescript at first glance things into an elegant and trendy outfit is amazing. Girls with non-standard appearance it is worth taking an example from the American actress, who is equally talented in her profession and in the field of fashion.

D Iana Kruger is rightfully considered a Hollywood style icon. The actress confirmed her title by demonstrating an outfit that combines two fashion trends at once - red leather skirt high-waisted and short white blouse exposing the belly.

R Ita Ora has found a balance between the elegance of the classics and sexuality fashion trend... The risky length of the top, which exposes too much of the body, balances out an elegant black satin suit. White platform sandals add some frivolity to the image, however, they do not make it cheaper at all.

WITH The lifestyle change benefited Nicole Ricci, who recently became a mom. The former party girl now does not miss a single fashion show, thanks to which she has learned to masterfully combine things. Her choices are a cropped top, asymmetrical flowy skirt and vintage lace-up boots. A simple yet effective look.

Z star of the movie saga "Twilight", which until recently so ineptly combined a short top with ridiculous pants and sports jacket, matured and changed her image. In this outfit, Kristen Stewart looks completely different - elegant and sexy. Classic pants, pumps and an original bustier top accentuate the actress's femininity.

V Anessa Hudgens again shows off a stunning set in milky-cream tones - a delicate lace top and a boho-style flying skirt, complemented by pastel pink open-toed shoes, evoke a spring mood.

NS Popular among teenagers, singer and actress Selena Gomez presented her version of the outfit with an open belly. Juicy color high-waisted skirts and Hawaiian print bustier top perfectly complemented the pumps flesh tone... A technically competent image from a fashion point of view.

Hip-hop performer Rihanna opted for a boyfriend-style bully look, proving that an open belly can look not only sexy and obliging, but also quite at ease.

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On the eve of summer, many girls want to look perfect. But sometimes, despite regular training and proper nutrition, the tummy does not go anywhere.

site listened to James Duigan (star trainer, among his clients Elle MacPherson and Rosie Huntington-Whiteley) and figured out the appearance of unwanted volumes in the waist area.


Distinctive feature:

  • Rollers on the sides

Reasons for the appearance:

  • Passive lifestyle
  • Sweet love
  • Addiction to alcohol
  • The diet is high in sugar and refined carbohydrates (cookies, cakes and white bread), starchy carbohydrates (pasta and rice)

How to fix:

  1. Reduce the amount of alcohol. Drinking several glasses of wine 3-4 times a week will lead to a "wine waist" - fat belly and sides. Avoid alcohol for 2 weeks and then watch out for moderate alcohol consumption.
  2. Review your diet. Avoid dietary and low fat foods. Give preference to eggs, lean meats, vegetables. And good fats like avocados, nuts, and fatty fish.
  3. Take time for physical exercise. You don't have to go to gym, long walks are fine, and at home you can do lunges, squats, and reverse push-ups.

Special instructions:

  • Exercise and proper nutrition are enough. With training and a new diet, you will see that you are one step closer to the tummy of your dreams, and it will give you new strength.

Stress tummy

Distinctive feature:

  • Fat is concentrated in the navel, while the belly is firm, not loose

Reason for appearance:

  • Chronic stress ( high level cortisol)
  • Skip meals often
  • High consumption of caffeine
  • Irritable bowel syndrome
  • Junk food in the diet (salted nuts, potato chips, etc.)

How to fix:

  1. Go to bed early. Women who are stressed tend to sleep little and poorly, which disrupts the production of leptin, a hormone that helps regulate appetite and metabolism.
  2. Relaxation before bed. It can be breathing exercises, long bath or meditation. These healthy habits will help you fall asleep and limit your coffee intake at night (and allow yourself no more than 2 cups during the day).
  3. Don't exhaust yourself with exercise. Excessive cardio will only increase cortisol levels. Do yoga, long walks, even a workout at the gym will calm you down nervous system... The main thing is without fanaticism!
  4. Include magnesium in your diet. Magnesium is a “soothing” mineral. Dark green vegetables, nuts, and wheat bran are high in magnesium.

Special instructions:

  • Before bedtime do yoga, stretching and drink chamomile tea It will lower your cortisol levels and help your body calm down.

Low tummy

Distinctive feature:

  • You are slim, but your lower abdomen stands out

Reason for appearance:

  • Recent motherhood
  • Monotonous and excessive workouts in the gym (do a lot of crunches, use a roller for the press)
  • Monotonous diet
  • Rachiocampsis

How to fix:

  1. Good nutrition and plenty of fiber. Green leafy vegetables, bran bread, and other natural sources of fiber.
  2. Avoid squats. Perhaps your squatting technique is impaired, which increases the load on lower part back, exacerbates the curvature of the spine and enhances the visibility of the abdomen. Replace this exercise with a plank.
  3. Uniform load distribution. Do not overload physical activity any one part of the body. Try a circuit workout, in this case, you will work each muscle group separately.

Special instructions:

  • Drink more water and prefer digestible foods (green vegetables) and light proteins (fish and chicken).

Mom's tummy

Distinctive feature:

  • After giving birth (if a year or more has passed), the tummy looks like "pregnant"

Reason for appearance:

  • Little time for yourself. After childbirth, the uterus sinks, and it is much harder to achieve results than it was before pregnancy. It will take at least 6 weeks to return to its normal size.
  • We started training too early. After giving birth, it is recommended to rest for 2-3 months before starting workouts.
  • Weak pelvic muscles.

How to fix:

  1. Include fish oil in your diet.
  2. Try to eat the right fats every day: nuts, oil and olives. They help fight fatigue - a big plus for moms.
  3. Do a pelvic workout(Kegel exercises) mandatory. These exercises act as a natural corset for the body. Squeeze and then relax your muscles pelvic floor 15-20 times, repeat the exercise 5 times a day.
  4. Draw in your stomach. This is very good habit which will tone your muscles back without fatigue.
  5. Avoid squats and crunches. This is the worst thing you can do for your body after giving birth. You must allow your body to recover.

Special instructions:

  • Daytime sleep and stretching before bed. Draw curtains and allow yourself to sleep during the day - sleep hormones will increase fat burning.

Swollen tummy

Distinctive feature:

  • A flat tummy in the morning, but swells throughout the day (regardless of whether you are overweight)

Reason for appearance:

  • Food allergy
  • Sluggish bowel
  • Unbalanced intestinal flora

How to fix:

  1. Eliminate foods that are not suitable for your body. The most common intolerable foods are gluten (bread, pasta, confectionery), alcohol, yeast (muffins, beer) and processed dairy products (cheese, milk, butter).
  2. Focus on a diet high in fresh vegetables, meats, chicken, and fish. Try eliminating gluten for 2 weeks to see if bloating decreases.
  3. Don't skip breakfast. Make breakfast your biggest meal of the day as digestion is at its peak in the morning, and don't eat late at night - this will lead to bloating. Chew food thoroughly and drink plenty of water.
  4. Bloating may be a sign of an imbalanced intestinal flora. Prebiotic and probiotic supplements are the most in a simple way... They are found in sour cream and in some fruits and vegetables, including cabbage, garlic, and onions. A healthy gut = a flat stomach.

Special instructions:

  • Breath... Do this exercise every morning: while lying on your back, completely relax and inhale and exhale deeply 10 times. After eating, a walk is recommended.

Modern fashion has decided that the neckline and mini skirts are somehow not enough. Now it's time for the girls to bare their bellies. For many centuries, a woman's belly has been hidden under clothing, and now it's time to show it. A delicate outline of the navel, a slight roundness or beautifully expressed muscles in the form of cubes - all this carries femininity and sexuality. Therefore, the taller the top and the lower the jeans, the more exciting you look. So, as you probably already guessed, our topic today bears the name: "Beautiful women's bellies", let's find out which tummy is considered to be the most attractive.

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Photo gallery: Beautiful female bellies

Beauty and its features.

Oddly enough, it is in India that a beautiful female belly is considered to be a dignity, an object of admiration and even a part of culture. Indian girls cover their beautiful bellies with a translucent strip of saris and it makes their belly even sexier. Most likely, this attraction lies in the famous belly dance, which is revered in Eastern countries... In other words, women's bellies are the main element of the culture of many countries of the world.

But in Europe, flat female bellies, like models, are appreciated. In the same countries of the East, rounded bellies are valued. But in Japan, three things are not appreciated in girls: thick legs, strong voluminous hips and a noticeable belly. In the Slavic countries, girls are valued “in the body”. But, despite this, thin ladies with flat tummies are still in fashion. Therefore, many women simply exhaust themselves with diets and vigorous training in order to achieve desired result and show off your perfect and flat tummy.

Tummy or belly?

The most ideal and beautiful belly is his complete absence... This opinion is inherent in most of the fair sex. But, oddly enough, they are deeply mistaken. After all, it is a flat stomach with a relief of muscles that is a purely male prerogative. But women's tummies should not be flat at all. So simply conceived by nature and is explained by the fact that women have subcutaneous layer fat, about two centimeters more than male. Here's an entertaining paradox. By the way, an interesting fact, but thanks to these centimeters, we, on cancellation from men, are much easier to tolerate the cold and even stressful situations.

So after all, which is better: a flat tummy or a rounded abdomen? What can I say, everyone has a stomach, but the abdomen is a very individual structure. In other words, this is a unique detail. appearance... By the way, it is also necessary to grow the abdomen itself correctly and skillfully. It would not be superfluous to say that in the personal view of men, the abdomen gives them a solid look, but for women this structure of the abdomen always prescribes sexuality.

The correct convex abdomen of a girl should have correct lines, outlines and not have any folds of fat. Such girls look like defenseless children, and the guy next to such a beauty feels like her real guardian and protector.

It is these abdomens that can be decorated with various modern decorative things: beautiful and original tattoo or navel piercing. By the way, the latter is very fashion trend v modern society... But do not say, or how not to decorate the belly, if it is beautiful, then it really is. Its beauty can only be slightly emphasized with low-rise jeans and a high-top sweatshirt. Such an outfit will certainly decorate and express beautiful women's tummies. And you will certainly catch amazed men's eyes on yourself.

Stomach problems.

Most often, with noticeable problems related to the abdomen, many women are found after giving birth. Of course, if before giving birth, a woman was engaged in special complex exercises for the abdominal muscles, this means that the stomach will "pass" over time. But many cannot boast of this at all. By the way, expensive creams in this case are not at all able to help. The best way regain old form- is to buy special panties that have the function of the so-called bandage.

Overeating is another enemy of the belly. By the way, all the extra calories are reflected in our tummy. In this situation, there are two ways out: eat less or move more. But before you start to vigorously lose weight, remember that there should be a measure everywhere.

The most effective ways get rid of the very noticeable belly are considered to be running, jumping and, of course, exercises aimed at swinging the press. Fitness experts recommend two ways to get rid of excess fat. The first is an exercise in which you need to lift your torso while lying on the floor, and the second is to raise your legs while in the same position. By the way, these two exercises can be easily combined into one. But how many times to do it depends on your physiology and state of health.

By the way, one more exercise can also be attributed here - the retraction of the abdomen. This exercise is universal in that it can be done wherever you are, be it public transport or shop. Also, laugh as much as possible. It is laughter that can also strengthen the abdominal muscles and tighten it. So, laugh at your health, in every sense of the word.

Protect your belly.

An interesting fact stands out that many men noticeably admire the prominent female bellies and classify them as "beautiful". So if you don't have time for constant training or attending fitness classes, think about it, maybe you don't need it at all. Indeed, in any situation you can find your "pluses". And maybe tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, you can conquer male heart precisely with his sexy belly. After all, fashion is changing, and it is not a fact that the future belongs to women “in the body”.

By the way, in the Middle Ages, it was the visible tummy that was the most fashionable, and its owners won more than one male heart. So, if you have acquired a belly for one reason or another, be proud of it and do not exhaust yourself with diets and sports. Remember, this is your uniqueness, be proud of it and fall in love with yourself. Good luck to you!

30 pieces very familiar to girls with a hanging tummy

Well, figs with her with the cover of Vogue and Sports Illustrated, but girls with flat bellies are bad at dancing the dance of this very belly. Well, okay, maybe your lifeless girlfriend is doing it well. Let be. But, in general, without abdominal fat how to live? He is so sweet, dear, a real airbag.


Only thanks to your belly pantyhose hold on to you. After all, they are not sewn individually. And so - tucked in a fold, another and forward


True, a deep neckline is not yours at all. Fact


Especially if the treacherous elastic band from panties or tights has slipped under the belly and only covers the tail, but do you understand the neckline to the umbilical region


You don't need to worry about the shape and beauty of your belly button at all. Most likely, he is drowned in your cute salami and is not visible at all. But you know - he is


I put on a skirt, and a "balcony" probably hung over the belt. And if you sit down?


Red stripe across the body when I sat in tight jeans all day


When you are lying on the couch, it is very pleasant to fold your hands on your stomach. Or put a plate. Very comfortably


A sweaty stomach is very unpleasant


It sways so much when you do squats. Like a wave straight


And this unpleasant sensation when you slouch without a bra and your chest rests on your protruding belly. Horror


You have to pull up your jeans every time you sit. Literally everyone


Jeans with a high waist either fit you well, or you look like an adult in diapers in them


And if you are lying on your back, you are like a washboard. Belly, dear, just no


... and as soon as you turn over on one side - it is right there, rolls out like a watermelon to the surface


But lying on it is soft, warm and pleasant. An irreplaceable thing if you have a bad mattress


It also protects you from all obstacles. Let's say it didn't fit into the doorknob, but he saved you. But a bruised elbow would make you howl for a good five minutes.


And as soon as you put on a loose dress, they begin to ask you: "When do you give birth?"


Thin belts and drawstrings are simply sucked into your tummy


Law: if jeans have a button, then it will definitely end up in your navel

And woe to you if he (navel) is pierced


And your partner grabbed your belly more than once or twice. Yes, yes, you also call your sides "the arms of love"


Sometimes unexpected things, materials, remnants of something tasty are found in the folds

Sandals over tights, ultra short men's shorts- what you can not see on passers-by in the summer in the city. What things should be thrown out of your wardrobe once and for all, told designer Oksana Tkacheva.

Taboo for her

1. Transparent clothing

First of all, if we are talking about dresses or sundresses - they are suitable exclusively for a beach holiday, you can wear a transparent dress over a swimsuit or over shorts like a tunic, but in no case should you wear it to work in the office or, for example, to the theater ... Otherwise gazes colleagues (at least), and even a reprimand from your superiors are provided for you. In addition, these outfits are not suitable for all women, because in order to wear transparent clothes, you must have an ideal figure.

But there are exceptions to all the rules. For example, a black transparent blouse with 3/4 sleeves, under which you can easily choose a beautiful underwear, will be a great find for going out to dinner at a restaurant if you wear it with blue jeans or a strict pencil skirt. The strict "bottom" compensates for the frivolous "top".

Photo: / Iancu Cristian

2. Blouses and T-shirts without bra

First of all, let's define what it means not to wear underwear (under a T-shirt or a blouse)? This means that the girl is 100% confident, I think everyone agrees with that. It also means that you have perfect shape breasts, and this is also difficult to disagree with. And, of course, let's not forget about age: as a rule, young girls 18-25 years old can wear T-shirts without a bra, but there are exceptions here. On vacation, almost every woman can afford such a luxury, but not in any way. public place, especially when it comes to work or a business meeting.

3. Bare belly

If you are fond of sports, watch your diet - then, of course, you can afford to wear tops with an open belly, but only if it is a form in the gym, a beach holiday far outside the city or a country house / summer cottage. It's beautiful when you have beautiful body, in all other cases, you will look ridiculous.

Photo: / Vadim Georgiev

4. Too bright colors in clothes

20-25 years ago, when all the girls wanted yellow, pink or purple leggings, bright colors were in trend. People wanted a holiday, bold colors, unexpected decisions, so before that there was practically nothing in the country: dullness, monotony and boredom. But now the situation is different. The stores have absolutely everything, all colors, sizes and textures. For changing bright colors which year have been coming pastel shades in clothes: mint, delicate peach, pale pink, blue. Designers emphasize femininity and sophistication, which is why it is better to choose neutral shades than something bright, striking. But if you want to stand out, an accessory can be flashy. For example, a bag, belt, shoes, or nail polish.

5. Tights with sandals

Try not to wear tights and stockings in summer time... It looks especially ridiculous when a woman puts on open sandals with tights. Firstly, it is not hygienic - in the heat, the legs must breathe. Secondly, summer months- it's time to show the pedicure. It can be classic red, innocent and timeless. French pedicure... Agree, when else can you shine with your well-groomed legs? And why hide them by wearing tights?

Photo: / stefanolunardi

For him

1. High socks

High socks can only be worn under trousers or jeans. But if you do decide to put on shorts, it is best if you have sneakers or moccasins with short socks or even without them.

Photo: / dreamerve

2. Shoes and shorts

In no case should you wear strict classic shoes with shorts, it's about the same as going into a fast food and demanding a gourmet meal from the waiter. One cannot be combined with the other.

3. Clothes are not your size

Choose shirts and T-shirts for summer by size: if last year you wore an L, and this year you gained 5-8 kg in weight, you should change your wardrobe. You may already have XL. It is unlikely that others will like to watch your bare belly constantly peeking out from under your shirt.

4. A shirt with a "Hawaiian" print, a mesh T-shirt and a T-shirt with deep neckline

It is better for men to exclude from their summer wardrobe bright Hawaiian shirts, such a print has not been relevant for 5 years already. I would recommend opting for a monochromatic model, it can be a bright, but not "flashy" color. Also on the list of things to say goodbye to are T-shirts with a deep neckline (from which you can often see hair sticking out) and T-shirts in "mesh". The latter, as a rule, are sewn from synthetic material, which should be avoided in the summer. On store shelves, you can now find a lot of alternatives, and from natural materials: polo in lightweight jersey or cotton, T-shirts with a classic neckline, cotton shirts short-sleeve.

Photo: / Stocked House Studio

5. Ultrashort shorts

Men's shorts don't have to be extremely short. Otherwise, your photo may accidentally end up in someone's album with the inscription “How You Can't Dress in Summer. Clearly. " I would recommend classic version shorts just above the knee, 5-10 cm; or elongated shorts, below the knee, which our men have become so fond of lately.