On which fingers can married people wear rings. How to wear rings: useful tips. What metal is best to wear a ring

From ancient times to this day, the ring has been a symbol of eternal love, power and might.

The meaning of fingers in Chinese philosophy

According to the norms of Chinese philosophy, the entire Universe, including people, consists of five primary elements: earth, fire, metal, wood and water. Their balance is responsible for the harmony of the physical, psychological and spiritual state of a person. The fingers on the hand symbolically represent these elements.

In psycho-spiritual and palmistry practices, the importance of the right and left parts of the body is distinguished. One hand in a person is dominant (right for a right-hander, left for a left-hander), and the other is passive. Even in battle, a warrior fights with one hand and carries a shield with the other. Therefore, the rings on the active hand will stimulate certain life processes, and on the inactive hand, they will protect against external negative influences and weaken their own energy flows.

Little finger

The first element is water. It is identified with the flow of fertile energy and prosperity. She is represented by the little finger.

He is responsible for the communicative gift: the ability to listen carefully and speak convincingly. Negotiating talent and intuition when making deals bring wealth, which depends on his energy. And even such important aspects in a person's life, as a relationship with the opposite sex, sensuality, feelings of love and happiness, are associated with the energy of the smallest of the "five brothers".

To strengthen the beneficial flow will allow a ring of pure gold on the little finger of the right hand. Silver with gilding and a small green stone will make this flow intermittent, and will make it possible to alternate periods of business and leisure. And on the left hand, it is better to leave the little finger without decorations, otherwise there is a real possibility of narrowing the circle of contacts, limiting sources of income and problems on the personal front.


Symbolizes the primary element - a tree. personifies vitality activity, growth and self-development.

The thumb serves as a source of replenishment of the energy of the remaining fingers of the hand and absorbs its excess, thus supporting energy balance.

Associated with logic and decision making. To enhance pragmatism and the ability to reason sensibly, it is recommended to wear on this finger Golden ring with a stone of yellow, orange or red color. If necessary, loosen your mind control, trust your intuition, and use spiritual potential you should wear a silver ring with stones of cold shades.


Corresponds to the fire element. It is a carrier of powerful energy. In esotericism, it is believed that it is better to communicate with the Universe by raising this particular finger without any decorations.

The pointing finger symbolizes pride and the lust for power. Rings and seals made of gold on the dominant hand are a positive sign of a strong-willed person who strives to keep everything and always under control, who knows how to lead people. The "ring of power" on the passive hand may indicate pride, arrogance and megalomania of its owner.

According to the spiritual teachings of the East, putting on a strong metal jewelry on the index finger, a woman can activate qualities that contradict her natural principle. The strength of a woman lies in her weakness, therefore, in order to achieve happiness and harmony in her personal life, it is better to leave a proud disposition and leadership functions to men.


Represents the element of earth. The middle finger is considered karmic. You should choose jewelry for it very carefully. Gold can strengthen, and silver can not only weaken, but also delay the action of karma.

Graceful rings with stones of yellow, terracotta, cream colors on the right (acting) hand of a person testify to his decency and reliability. On the left (inactive) - about excessive suspicion and suspiciousness. Fancy, extravagant jewelry on the middle finger betrays a narcissistic personality who considers himself "irresistible."


It symbolizes the fifth element in Chinese philosophy - metal, and the sixth chakra - ajna (third eye) - in Indian. The energy of the metal brings prosperity, abundance and the power of the universe into a person's life. And the third eye gives the wisdom to refuse categorical assessments, and allows you to see the world in which the existence of "yes" and "no" at the same time is possible. In ancient Egypt, it was believed that in both men and women, the "artery of love" begins in the ring finger, going straight to the heart.

A gold wedding ring enhances mutual understanding and love of spouses and stimulates the energy of self-realization and success.

V Lately almost forgotten traditions of matchmaking and engagement are being revived. A young man presents his chosen one with a ring on her ring finger. And if she accepts it, then the engagement is considered valid. Only after that, young people become a bride and groom.

It is not advisable to give jewelry made of silver and with a blue or green stone. Such a gift will become an energy obstacle to the fulfillment of the cherished desire to marry. Postponement option available wedding celebration or its cancellation.

The engagement ring is worn on the right hand before marriage (regardless of which hand the girl has is dominant). After the wedding, you can continue to wear it on one finger with a wedding band, put it on the ring finger of your left hand, or put it in a jewelry box.

How to wear rings for widows and widowers?

There is a kind of unspoken tradition to wear a wedding ring after the death of a spouse on the ring finger of the left hand. But this rule is not a canon that requires mandatory execution. The ring can be left on the right hand or removed altogether.

In esotericism, it is believed that gold jewelry tends to accumulate the negative energy of its owner. In this regard, it is not advisable to give the ring of the deceased to children or pass it on by inheritance without prior energy cleansing. Keeping the memory of dead husbands, widows can wear their rings on the same hand as their own, or on the other, or hang them on their chests like a pendant on a chain.

As life shows, male widowers are rarely prone to fetishism. Besides women's jewelry unlikely suitable for a man in style and size. Possible variant save the memory of the deceased spouse - melt wedding rings into a stylish signet with the initials of the once beloved woman.

If the joint life did not work out, and parting followed, then it is better to return the ring ex-spouse or spouse or put it on your left hand. Even forgotten and abandoned in old box, it stores the energy of an already dissolved marriage, and divorced people will have difficulty in building new relationships.

Gold is a very strong metal, so that its power is turned to suppress the energy of a broken union, the ring must be on the left hand.

Phalanges of fingers

It would seem that, in addition to classic rings, jewelers can offer to decorate fingers. Of course, you can experiment with the shape, with the combination of metals, with the color and size of the stones. But to come up with something new, different and at the same time comfortable and beautiful is almost impossible. Often fashion designers and designers turn to the past when creating their masterpieces. This is how the long-forgotten rings on the phalanges of the fingers came into fashion.

Even in the pre-Christian era in Egypt, rings were popular that covered almost the entire finger. Under the guise of jewelry, a deadly surprise was hidden - a miniature container filled with poison.

V medieval Europe there were gold wedding rings and the tradition of putting them on the wedding day. But the brides were then very young (12-15 years old). Over the years, thin teenage girls turned into gorgeous women With magnificent forms and here is the size wedding rings didn't change. Gold was expensive.

Married matrons were forced to bear evidence of their fidelity on the phalanx of the finger where they could squeeze it. And, as often happens in history, the forced measure first became commonplace, and then in the Renaissance, thanks to jewelers, it turned into a fashion trend - thin, elegant gold jewelry on the middle phalanx of the finger.

In the 20th century, phalanx rings became widespread among punks and rockers. Like all the stylistic paraphernalia of these informal subcultures, they were "heavy", made of shiny steel and silver in the form of a human skull, spider or animal head.

In the 21st century, unusual accessories first entered the haute couture, having received the name "midi rings". It happened thanks to the extraordinary Jean-Paul Gaultier, French fashion designer and "fashion bully". He introduced decorations that are worn on the upper phalanges of the fingers and imitate the nail plate.

Currently, midi rings have become a real hit. Their assortment is great: gold, silver, made of various alloys, decorated with a relief stamped pattern, decorated with precious, semi precious stones or rhinestones.

Most midi jewelry rings can be called very conditionally. Most often they do not have a closed shape.

hoop rings

Flat strips of metal, narrow or wide, tightly wrapped around one of the phalanges of the finger. They have an undoubted advantage - they do not need to be selected by size. The open shape allows you to wear this jewelry on almost any finger, which makes it possible to combine several rims on different phalanges of all five fingers.

Spring rings

Outwardly, they resemble a spring, they wrap around the phalanges of the fingers with several turns (from two or more). A favorite form of many designers is a decoration in the form of a golden or silver snake.

Ring nails

They are worn only on the upper phalanges and are decorated with overlays in the form nail plates. Zirconium metal rings look great in silver color with white or golden hue. Onlays can be trimmed with zircon - semi-precious artificial stone, which because of its beauty and brilliance is called " younger brother diamond." Such an accessory is cheaper than gold jewelry with diamonds, and looks just as impeccable and gorgeous.

Rings for two phalanxes

They consist of two links (for example, two rims or a rim and a spring) connected by a chain. Links can be of the same type (for example, made of the same metal and without stones), or they can be dissimilar (made of different metals, or one link is made of metal, and the second is decorated with stones).

The style of wearing this accessory depends on the length of the connecting chain. If the chain is short, then both links are put on one finger: wide on the phalanx from below, and narrow - from above. If the length of the chain allows, then the links can be put on different fingers(more often these are middle-ring or ring-little finger pairs).

Long ring (long ring)

Covers the entire finger like a little armor. It consists of several links that make up a single ensemble and create the illusion of integrity. In fact, they are connected by inconspicuous hinges to give the finger mobility.


The tradition of decorating the feet came from hot India, where the feet have been an object of worship since ancient times: they are washed as a sign of respect, they are sung as a symbol of sexuality and eroticism, many rituals are associated with them. Not even a wedding ring indian women worn on the second toe of the left foot.

In countries with cold climates, the time to wear open shoes not so much. Summer period- most right time demonstrate the beauty of the feet.

Types of rings on the legs are not so diverse, but no less beautiful and original.

  • Classic thin rings. Difficulties may arise when putting on such jewelry, because top part fingers are usually wider than the base.
  • Open rings and serpentine rings (in one unfinished turn). The best and convenient option accessories on the legs, especially if they are made of non-oxidizing metal: gold, silver or zirconium.
  • silicone rings. The resin rim can be fitted with a dramatic top with a small stone pattern overlay to hide the not-so-sleek silicone base. In addition to decorative, they perform a hygienic function, protecting the interdigital space from rubbing.
  • Chain rings. The most unusual and elegant jewelry that makes a woman's leg more elegant. The chain connects the ring on the middle finger and the bracelet on the ankle. It is important that both accessories are made in the same style.

How to wear a charm ring?

The circle is a figure that has been credited with magical properties since antiquity. A closed line without beginning or end is a sign of eternity. It provides protection on the physical and astral levels. The space inside this line is closed to the penetration of foreign negative energy. Perhaps that is why magic items were often made in the form of a ring.

The functions of the amulet are clear from the name, it keeps and protects its owner from evil forces and negative external influences. Each amulet is created to perform a specific task: from the evil eye, from poverty, from illness. In order for the action of the protective object to be effective, it must be in contact with the human body.

The ring is the optimal form for maintaining well-being and harmony in life. Wearing an amulet ring on your finger is advised to those who may be threatened evil envy ill-wishers, capable of destroying not only material well-being and psychological comfort, but also physical health.


The appeal to the Almighty "Save and save", printed on the rim, is powerful protection for the true Christian. By strength energy impact a consecrated ring is comparable to an icon or a pectoral cross. It is recommended to wear such a charm on one of the three fingers of the three fingers of the right hand.


It is put on the ring finger of the right hand and only after the wedding ceremony. Other jewelry from this finger must be removed. wedding ring is a more powerful amulet family happiness than engagement.

Orthodox ring

With a relief image of Christian shrines, guardian angels or saints. A prayer is engraved on the wide rim. Despite the jewelry beauty, you should not wear a guard ring as a simple decoration.

With runes and esoteric signs

Wearing any accessory with an unknown pattern, you can not only avert good luck, but also attract all sorts of misfortunes into your life. It is better to purchase such amulets in specialized esoteric shops, where you can get expert advice. And before you put it on, you should spend energy cleansing four elements: hold candles over the fire (fire), clean with salt (earth), rinse in running water (water) and smoke with incense (air).

There is an opinion that an incorrectly selected attribute affects health. For example, gold excites nervous system, while silver soothes her. There are no single strict rules regarding the wearing of rings, but there are still some recommendations. Let's consider them in order.

Wearing rings by type of character

Little finger
Wearing rings on this finger is recommended for people who do not have pronounced signs of eloquence, dexterity, and a flexible mind. The little finger is called the finger of Mercury, it patronizes doctors, diplomats, great orators, analytical and political figures.

If you need support in these areas, you should wear a ring on little finger. Such a move will help to establish connections in the business area, to establish contacts with people who have a complex character by nature.

Also, a ring worn on the little finger helps gamblers and Casanovas (men) who go after different women. The accessory suppresses the listed qualities, returning the person to the true path.

Wearing a ring on this finger is suitable for people who have a passion for wealth, both spiritual and material. In addition, the accessory is recommended for use by men and women who are looking for pleasure in life and love.

The ring emphasizes the passion for everything beautiful and living, suitable for people who want to gain power and glory. If wearing golden decoration, you can soon become famous and rich.

A person who is not in a relationship should wear a ring on his left hand. Such a move will tell the future soulmate that a man or woman is open to new acquaintances. On the right hand, the ring is worn by people who are married.

The carriers of the rings on the middle finger are considered unlucky people who are accompanied by failures everywhere. Also, the accessory is worn in the case of jewelry that was inherited (family ring).

Man wearing an accessory middle finger will be able to go through life calmly and overcome all difficulties. V difficult situations decisions will be made much easier.

In addition to all of the above, the accessory is suitable for people who learn the art of self-knowledge and those who meditate. To open yourself to the fullest, you should give preference to attributes made of bronze or iron.

Palmists and astrologers claim that this finger represents the power and patronage of Jupiter. Wearing a ring on index finger suitable for closed, insecure and overly shy personalities. Decoration helps to increase self-esteem, makes a person eloquent and spiritually strong.

Such a move will help a person expand horizons in various areas of life, believe in their own strengths, and also become insightful and more passionate.

People who by nature have an ardent temperament, expressiveness, high emotionality and an inexhaustible supply of energy are recommended to wear a ring on this particular finger. Moreover, the decoration should be made of copper or red gold.

According to astrologers and palmists, the thumb represents the power of Mars. The planet is responsible for the partial suppression of unwanted (evil or greedy) emotions, restrains irritability, calms the nervous system, helps the wearer become kinder and find harmony with his own "I".

In most cases, people with a ring on thumb have a high degree of stubbornness. They do their best to assert themselves at the expense of others, as well as increase their libido (in the case of men). Women find thousands of ways to please their partner in bed.

Little finger
As mentioned earlier, the finger is responsible for business relationship and connections with "useful" people. Often a ring on the little finger improves speech and mental abilities.

Opt for gemstone jewelry yellowish color. These include amber, citrine, carnelian, topaz. Green samples like emerald, chrysoprase (inserted in a silver frame), chrysolite are also suitable.

You can also wear a silver or gold jade ring on business meeting. It will help to turn grandiose projects into reality, as well as improve the activity of the kidneys, tell you how to find a solution in a difficult situation.

The finger is a symbol of love, so it is advisable to give preference to jewelry with red stones. These include ruby, garnet, jasper, tourmaline, lal, carnelian. The listed specimens strengthen the heart muscle and vision, and also bring happiness in love.

It is allowed to wear rings with stones yellow color(amber, carnelian, citrine, chrysolite, topaz, etc.). To strengthen the bonds of marriage, it is worth putting a ring with pearls on the finger of your right hand.

People who are registered family relationships, it is strongly not recommended to wear a silver ring. A similar aspect is associated with the power of the alloy, it calms and makes a person invulnerable to love and feelings in general. No wonder people wear "Save and Save" on the ring finger of their right hand.

Jewelry worn on this finger is responsible for the human ego. The stone inserted into the ring plays important role in political, business and family ties. The ring propels the wearer into upper world, elite, noble society.

It is advisable to give preference to stones of black, dark blue, purple hue. In this case, the element must be enclosed in platinum, white gold or silver. Palmists recommend wearing rings occasionally, for example, for an important interview that should be successful.

To maintain the harmony of heart and mind, put on the middle finger of your left hand an amethyst or obsidian cut with silver. To convince your opponent of the seriousness of the idea, get a moonstone.

Do not decorate the middle fingers with gold items. Jewelry of this kind overshadows its owner, making him uninteresting to society. The gold alloy in which the stone of a red hue is enclosed has a detrimental effect on personal life and sexual relations.


The finger is the manifestation of the will of Jupiter. It shows a person the way, reveals talents, raises purposefulness and increases interest in life. Incorrectly selected decoration can be the result of ruin and lack of spiritual values.

To become successful, wear items with sapphires, turquoise, lapis lazuli, aquamarine and other blue stones, as well as blue and turquoise shades. Give preference to gold-cut products.

If you enclose a coral in gold, you can quickly eliminate negativity, prolonged depression, and stress. Men need to wear jewelry on their right hand, and girls on their left.
In no case should you wear silver rings, otherwise such a sock will contribute to the destruction of hopes and dreams.

It is desirable to decorate the finger with rings with pebbles of green, blue-green or saturated of blue color. Such a move will increase the vitality and confidence of its owner, put the psycho-emotional background in order, and cure absent-mindedness.

You can also wear yellow stones, but you should refuse blue specimens. If you wear a ring with a blue-green stone, a person will feel comfortable, no matter the situation. The "correct" stones include aquamarine, lapis lazuli, turquoise, amazonite.

Since ancient times, wearing rings symbolizes the individuality, charisma and taste of its owner. The accessory can be used by men and women, each person needs a certain stone according to the type of character.

Video: how to wear rings with natural stones

The ring is an elegant accessory. It not only emphasizes tenderness female hands but also carries a symbolic meaning. The meaning of the rings on the fingers can affect fate or discover hidden talents. Jewelry on the right hand is designed to activate the capabilities and qualities of the individual. On the left - protect from negativity and pacify internal disagreements.

From the history of the rings

The ring is one of the most ancient human ornaments. Already in the Paleolithic era, bone jewelry was worn on the fingers. In the Bronze Age, the first metal rings appeared. Later they became a symbol social status. Yes, in Ancient Rome the prerogative of horsemen and senators were gold rings.

Features of the profession contributed to functional features rings. Archers put on 3 rings at once in order to prevent cuts with a bowstring. And shoemakers wore special thimble rings that prevented needle pricks.

There were seal rings engraved with the family coat of arms. Thanks to them, it was possible to leave an imprint on wax, sealing an important document or letter.

Rings with a secret were created according to a special design. They opened top cover. Under it was a cavity in which poison could be hidden.

Wedding rings appeared in the 1st century BC. They were exchanged as a sign of love and fidelity. Later, rings appeared that were given as a sign of engagement.

The meaning of the rings on the fingers carries a certain semantic load. In psychology, jewelry reveals how a person positions himself in society. In palmistry, each finger has its own name and meaning.

Palmistry and rings

The science of palmistry has been around for a long time. People have always been interested in what kind of lines are drawn on the palms, how they affect fate. Thanks to the shape of the hand and fingers, you can determine the character of a person. The interpretation of the lines in the palm of your hand will allow you to know the past and the future.

In palmistry, each finger has a hidden meaning and affects the qualities of a person. Therefore, in order to achieve success in a particular area, palmists are advised to wear rings on the corresponding fingers. The entire palm is divided into 9 zones, which are named after the ancient gods.

The meanings of the rings on the fingers will allow you to develop necessary qualities personality.

Finger of Mars (Venus)

Need to know when hidden meaning certain wearing rings on the fingers. Their value should be taken into account only if the jewelry was chosen specifically for this finger. The interpretation will lose its validity if the ring is worn depending on its size.

The thumb is named after Mars, in some cases Venus. The thing is that the thumb has a base at the hill of Venus. But next to the hill, in the center of the palm, is the zone of Mars. Therefore, the name of the thumb in palmists is twofold.

The ring will help develop logical thinking. Worn on the thumb, it expresses the desire to assert itself. emotionality, internal energy describes such a woman. At the same time, the ring will help to pacify aggressiveness, curb outbursts of anger. It will help to control oneself, make harmonious relations with people around.

indicates hidden potential. The finger of Mars and the decoration on it symbolize sexuality, the desire to dominate. The ring will help you realize your attractiveness in the eyes of the male.

Finger of Jupiter

The meaning of the rings on the fingers of women gives a hint, a clue to the character. The index finger originates from the hill of Jupiter. The ring on this finger indicates pride and a thirst for power. It will add self-confidence, help to achieve success. Develop intuition and insight. Of great importance is the hand on which the jewelry is worn.

Ring on the index finger of the right hand means prudence, a tendency to think. Identification of a causal relationship. It symbolizes the ruler's wisdom and leadership qualities.

Ring on the index finger of the left hand confirms a tendency to hysterical outbursts, unbalanced emotionality. In rare cases, it means megalomania.

The meaning of the rings on the fingers of Jupiter of both hands indicates the desire for a goal. A woman is able to sweep away all obstacles, will stop at nothing to achieve what she wants. Rings on the index fingers of both hands are a symbol of ambition, disregard for the laws of human morality.

Finger of Saturn

The middle one is the finger of Saturn. Palmists recommend wearing a ring on this finger to unlucky women. For those who do not have a career or family life. The ring on the middle finger will help to overcome all adversity, cope with difficulties, achieve success.

The meaning of the rings on the fingers demonstrates personality traits. The decoration on the middle finger indicates the irresistibility of a woman, her spiritual wealth and desire to please others.

It is usually worn with birth rings. They help smooth out the fate of fate. The strength of the ancestors pacifies the negative impact on life. Stabilizes wealth and gives strength.

Finger of Apollo (Sun)

The nameless one is the finger of Apollo. He is ruled by the Sun. It gives an attraction to exquisite things. The desire for comfort, fame, wealth can symbolize in this case the wearing of rings on the fingers. The value and influence on a woman's life also depends on the type of jewelry. His small size gives peace and balance. A large and bright ring will add emotionality.

Jewelry on the ring finger indicates satisfaction with life and oneself. Committed to fun and diversity. Wedding rings are also worn on Apollo's finger. If one more piece of jewelry is put on over the wedding, it means that the woman values ​​family ties.

The energy of the Sun endows the owners of the rings on the ring finger with honor and success. Promotes career advancement, gives creative energy.

Finger of Mercury

The little finger is the finger of Mercury. The ring on the little finger indicates the inconstancy, variability, instability of nature. Sophistication of thinking, a tendency to intrigue. Important information can be gleaned based on which finger the rings are worn on. The meaning of jewelry on the little finger is coquetry, narcissism, excitement.

The ring on the finger of Mercury indicates the creative abilities of a woman. Acting, the desire to be in the spotlight, the ability to attract viewers in an unconventional way. These are bright interesting women who have the gift of words and inner magnetism. They are independent and able to achieve their goal by any means.

When communicating with ladies, you should pay attention to which finger the rings are worn on. The value of the jewelry carries information about what properties a woman wants to develop in herself. The ring on the little finger will help you find a common language with different people to establish business contacts. Teaches diplomacy and flexibility of mind.

Metal for the ring

The ring is a beautiful accessory and a mystical talisman that helps to acquire or pacify personality traits. It is necessary to take into account the interpretation of palmistry about which finger the ring is on. The value of metals will help you choose the right jewelry.

Gold has solar energy, patronizes generous and generous people. Gives strength and power to whole individuals. Harms the faint-hearted, soulless people.

Silver attracts lunar, mystical energy. It can protect against negative information release. If you put silver in water, it will become healing.

Platinum able to smooth out the negative manifestations of stones. For example, pearls, the stone of tears, will lose their negative meaning if set in platinum.

Iron will give strength and courage. This metal is suitable for timid, indecisive people. Iron best conducts the energy of the stone to the mental body of a person.

Copper should be worn loose. Even the ring should not be vicious circle. Copper prolongs life, has a positive effect on the heart, stimulates sexual energy.

The ring is one of the main decorations not only for women, but also for men. Someone uses it as a talisman and amulet, others - as a fashionable and stylish decoration, others try to indicate their social status. Few people think that it is important to know about the influence on the fate of a person of which finger adorns the ring. This is closely related to the energy and aura of a person. When choosing an accessory, one should take into account not only gender, but also age, the purpose of the purchase, the combination of different stones on the rings, the shape of the brush.

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    The symbolism of the finger on which a person wears a ring

    When a person puts a ring on his finger, he launches a program that affects his fate. This happens due to the fact that on each finger of a person accumulates certain kind energy. The worn ring collects in this place all the energy, for the area of ​​\u200b\u200blife of which the finger is responsible.

    If a person is right-handed, then he should wear jewelry on his left hand, as it is more passive. This will serve as a kind of protection from negative energy and the harmful effects of ill-wishers. Lefties are better off focusing on the right hand. This will help to balance the life zones of the body.

    Each finger is named after the planet:

    • Large (finger of Venus) - is responsible for diligence, activity, purposefulness, energy.
    • Index (finger of Jupiter) - responsible for intellectual abilities, wisdom, prudence.
    • Middle (finger of Saturn) - responsible for the mind, self-confidence, responsibility for one's actions.
    • Nameless (finger of Apollo, Sun) - responsible for sincerity, loyalty, inspiration, creative abilities.
    • Little finger (finger of Mercury) - responsible for artistic abilities, passion, emotionality, sociability.

    Finger Meaning:

    finger name

    Meaning, impact on life

    A person who wears a ring on his thumb is a bright leader in life. This is a purposeful, quick-tempered, aggressive personality, a warrior who is used to achieving any desired price. These are very stubborn people with whom there is no point in arguing. They do not listen to advice, but often they themselves give other people endless recommendations. They like to be the center of attention, ambitious. Often they realize that they are wrong, so they subconsciously try to muffle their temperament.

    Wearing a ring on this finger should be for those who want to calm their temper and temper, learn to control their anger. Women should not wear jewelry on their thumbs, as this is considered a sign of grief for lost love.


    If a person wears a ring on his index finger, then this indicates that he is strong-willed and strong-willed. Such people are prone to tantrums, proud, conceited, arrogant. At the same time, they have wisdom, high intellectual abilities and prestige among others.

    If a person wears jewelry on this finger, then this characterizes him as a proud person, for whom his own interests are above all. Such people are very purposeful and do not stop at any difficulties.

    Wearing jewelry on the index finger should be done if its owner is a modest and shy person. This will increase self-esteem, give confidence in yourself and your abilities.

    If a person wears a ring on the middle finger, then this characterizes him as charismatic, extraordinary, independent and bright personality. Such people are always confident in their rightness and irresistibility.

    Wearing jewelry on this finger is recommended for those who want to stop the black streak in their lives, solve old problems related to their personal life or career. The ring on the middle finger helps to make the right decisions in difficult situations. A person becomes wise and reasonable.

    It is undesirable to move the ring from the ring finger to the middle finger just because the decoration has become large. In such a situation, you should give it for tightening. It will be the right decision


    Jewelry on the ring finger is a symbol of love, fidelity and family status of a person. If a person who is not married prefers to wear rings on this finger, then this indicates his creative thinking and creative abilities. These people love art and luxury. They are romantic, confident, calm, dreamy. Such people always have their own outlook on life, are satisfied with what they have. They like fun bright emotions. They often have mood swings, but this does not prevent them from enjoying life.

    Some people, after a divorce, continue to wear a ring on the ring finger of their right hand. This is not entirely true. In this case, the jewelry can be worn on this finger, but only on the left hand.

    Unmarried girls are allowed to wear rings on any finger except the ring finger, as this promises separation and loneliness.

    The ring on the little finger indicates that its owner is a person prone to adventurism. These people are extraordinary, flirtatious, love flirting in any of its manifestations. They like to communicate and meet new friends. A person who wears a pinky ring loves increased attention to your personality. Often these are narcissistic personalities with a changeable character. They like intrigues, risks, gambling, they have an inner magnetism.

    Wearing a ring on the little finger is for someone who lacks the eloquence and diplomacy to learn how to conduct a casual conversation.

    Girls should wear an ornament in the form of a thin snake on this finger. The ring on the girl's little finger means that her heart is free and she is not yet ready to marry.

    It is important to remember that girls should not wear jewelry on their little fingers for a long time, as this causes loneliness.

    How to wear multiple jewelry on both hands

    Often women are interested in the question of how to wear rings not on one, but on both hands. It really depends on the rings. In the case when there is a set of several thin rings on one finger, then they are perceived as one. A safe amount is no more than 3 rings on both hands.

    A woman should try so that the jewelry on different hands does not look very bright. Otherwise, it will look ridiculous and tasteless.

    A man should wear one solid ring and nothing else. An exception would be a wedding ring.

    You can not wear jewelry made of different metals. It is important to consider that if the ring is with one large stone, then it will be enough.

    Which ring to choose according to the sign of the zodiac

    When choosing a decoration one of important points to which you should pay attention is the sign of the Zodiac of a person:

    Zodiac sign

    Suitable decoration

    For representatives of this sign, a laconic decoration made of white gold decorated with original engraving. The stone should be chosen transparent yellow or red

    Ring for Taurus must be made of expensive metals. It can be white gold, platinum. Stones must be green or blue.


    Representatives of this sign should opt for modern designer jewelry or avant-garde rings with large stones

    Jewelry for cancer should not be bright, transparent, have a cold sheen. Representatives of this sign prefer opaque minerals set in white gold.

    For Leo, you should choose bright stones with meaning. It can be diamonds, rubies, amber. Jewelry with a dedicatory inscription will be appreciated

    Jewelry for the Virgin should be modest, not conspicuous

    Since Libra is a paired sign, the jewelry should also consist of two parts with an even number of stones.


    The design of the decoration for Scorpio must be mobile, with the possibility of transformation. The stones must be rich color. Desirable use unusual look cutting

    Ring for Sagittarius should be wide with a stone blue tint, rimmed in paws

    Capricorn will appreciate the decoration of a simple and concise form with a large stone in a blank frame.

    Jewelry for Aquarius should be distinguished by its unusualness, originality and versatility, for example, a watch ring or a thermometer ring

    The ring should be elegant, made of white gold or silver with a sea-green stone.

    How to wear rings for men?

    There are no strict rules for a man to wear a signet. He himself can choose on which hand to wear jewelry. However, the finger on which the ring is located speaks of the character traits and mindset of a man:

    • Little finger. The man has a penchant for gambling and flirting. Most often these are people of creative professions.
    • Nameless. Means family status young man and beauty on display. The decoration on this finger should be original and stylish.
    • Average. If a guy wears a ring on this finger, then it helps him overcome difficulties and think soberly. Often, family heirlooms are worn on the middle finger.
    • Pointing. Considered a symbol of power. A man tries to be a leader in everything. A signet on the left hand leads to megalomania, and on the right - to prudence and sound thinking.
    • Big. It symbolizes sexual power and self-affirmation at any cost. The ring on this finger attracts the attention of the opposite sex.

    Magical and healing properties of rings depending on the metal

    Of great importance is the metal from which the jewelry is made. If the ring is made of a base metal, such as aluminum, then it practically does not affect the fate of a person and does not have any healing properties. Such jewelry is worn simply as an addition to a certain image.

    Noble metals subtly feel the energy of a person. Precious jewelry can protect its owner from the negative influence and envy of ill-wishers, give vitality, optimism, and relieve some ailments. Rings made of noble alloys help to gain self-confidence and get rid of negative character traits.

    Metal properties:


    Healing properties

    magical properties

    • Has bactericidal properties.
    • Used to diagnose and treat cancer.
    • golden threads in plastic surgery help keep skin youthful
    • Thanks to strong energy this metal is used in the creation of protective amulets. A gold amulet protects against various troubles and the negative impact of ill-wishers.
    • It is important to be careful if a person receives a gift made of gold, as such items can be charged with both positive and negative energy.
    • If you constantly wear a silver ring on the ring finger of your left hand, then this will help get rid of heart ailments.
    • A silver bracelet on the left hand will relieve the manifestations of a cold.
    • If you place a silver coin on the area between the eyebrows, it will relieve headaches, tension, discomfort in the eyes
    • This metal neutralizes even the most powerful negative impact on a person. If the silver has darkened, then this sure sign the fact that the jewelry absorbed all the harmful energy that was intended for the owner of the jewelry.
    • Silver products contribute to the purification of a person's aura, his spiritual growth.
    • The most favorable time for making a silver amulet, especially for women, is the full moon.
    • The main healing advantage of platinum is that it is the only metal that actively fights free radicals and leads to the normalization of the antioxidant status of the human body.
    • Metal helps in the fight against skin ailments
    • Platinum is the purest metal and is not capable of storing negative energy.
    • Platinum cannot be programmed, so protective amulets are not made from this metal.
    • Platinum can soften the effect of some stones. To do this, the minerals are placed in a platinum frame.
    • Platinum rings are recommended to be put on the finger of those who want to enrich themselves spiritually, turn to religion.
    • Metal cannot stand gossipers, liars, thieves.
    • chief magical property of this metal is its strength. If the newlyweds exchange platinum rings, then their marriage will be very strong, no one can separate them.
    • Tin is used to treat heart ailments, as well as diseases of the respiratory system.
    • The metal is used in the treatment of allergic reactions, skin diseases, cleanses the liver, and has a beneficial effect on the human nervous system.
    • If you put tin in water, then such water will help with insomnia and relieve stress.
    • Tin helps with weather sensitivity, protects against magnetic storms.
    • Metal removes excess fluid from the body, relieves swelling
    • This metal is used to attract good luck and luck, predictions, opening cash flows, protects its owner from negative energy.
    • Protective amulets, money amulets and good luck charms are made from tin.
    • Figurines of gods and holy ancient creatures that are in the house protect housing from fires and robbers.
    • Tin jewelry is recommended to be worn only by people with strong energy and social leaders. Metal has a depressing effect on other people. It will reinforce the negative direction of a person
    • Jewelry made of steel is applied to places of bone fractures, sprains, and relieves pain.
    • Steel helps if there are skin ailments and allergic reactions
    • Steel helps a person get rid of clots negative energy, which take vitality, cause the development of depression.
    • If a person wears a protective amulet made of steel, then he is not exposed to the negative effects of ill-wishers and envious people.
    • Steel restores the energy balance in the body. The person becomes more active, persistent
    • Copper contributes to the normalization of the human nervous system, relieves tension, stress, gives confidence, determination.
    • Jewelry made of copper has an analgesic effect, helps in the fight against arthritis, arthrosis, and skin ailments.
    • Copper has a strong energy, so jewelry made of this metal will be able to protect its owner from the negative effects of enemies.
    • If a person is afraid to go somewhere or does not dare to have a serious conversation, then he needs to put on a copper ring.
    • If you buy 2 copper rings and keep one for yourself, and give the other to the guy you like, then the fates of these people will definitely intertwine.

    Properties of gems

    The value of jewelry on the fate of a person changes dramatically not only depending on the metal of the ring, but also on the stone. Each gem has a powerful biofield, which is combined with the human aura and has a certain effect on the owner of the ring.

    Most often, stones are used to decorate rings. In this they fundamental difference compared to other types of jewelry. You can wear a ring on any finger.

    Meaning of stones:

    A rock

    The main properties of the mineral

    Which finger to wear the ring onwith stone

    • Protects from the evil eye.
    • Brings good luck.
    • Charges with good mood.
    • Struggling with an inferiority complex.
    • Treats diabetes, urological, gynecological, venereal diseases.
    • Improves hearing.
    • Relieves depression.
    • Helps with difficult childbirth

    The stone is best worn on the middle finger of the left hand.

    You can't wear a broken ring

    • Improves memory and mental abilities.
    • It treats problems of the female genital area, pulmonary ailments.
    • Pearls are useful for heart, mental illness, vision problems.
    • Gives women charm and youth, men - sexual strength, improves married life relieves depression.
    • Not suitable for sedentary people

    Best worn on the little finger in a silver frame

    Blue sapphire

    • Protects against accidents, unforeseen dangers.
    • Gives longevity good health, well-being, family happiness.
    • Helps in the development of talents and creativity.
    • The stone calms its owner.
    • Helps with painful sensations in the joints.
    • Negatively affects insidious and evil people

    Should be worn on the middle finger in a silver frame

    yellow sapphire

    • Improves the material well-being of its owner.
    • Gives prosperity, success in society and in all matters related to finances.
    • Helps fight stress and depression.
    • Promotes recovery from gynecological ailments, diseases of the liver, gallbladder, stomach, diabetes.
    • Jewelry should be worn on the index finger in a gold frame

    The ring should be worn on the index finger in a gold setting.

    • Protects from enemies.
    • Gives power and high social status.
    • Surrounds the owner with an atmosphere of beauty and love.
    • Helps in the treatment of peptic ulcer, rheumatological problems, gout, psoriasis.
    • Relieves depression, insomnia

    The jewelry should be worn on the ring finger in a gold frame.

    A ruby ​​ring is a gift for 15th and 40th wedding anniversaries

    cat eye

    • Protects against secret enemies and unforeseen dangers, illnesses, poverty.
    • Promotes winning in gambling.
    • Eliminates physical weakness.
    • Helps in the fight against mental disorders

    The ring should be worn on the middle finger in a gold setting.

    • The best stone for improving financial well-being.
    • Helps you achieve your goals.
    • Promotes a happy marriage.
    • Destroys a failed marriage.
    • Treats pancreatitis, gastric ulcer.
    • Calms the nervous system, improves metabolism

    It is necessary to put on the ring on the index finger of the right hand in a gold frame.

    Hessonite (gomed)

    • Improves material well-being.
    • Gives peace of mind.
    • Helps to find real friends, restore a broken family.
    • Strengthens the body's defenses.
    • Treats stomach ulcers.
    • Suitable for all zodiac signs

    It is necessary to wear jewelry on the middle finger of the right hand in a silver ring

    red coral

    • It is considered a masculine stone, which gives self-confidence, promotes the development of leadership skills.
    • Gives rise to adventurism.
    • Women should wear white or pink coral.
    • Treats ailments thyroid gland, blood, heart, skin ailments.
    • Improves hearing and vision.
    • Helps with bronchial asthma

    Should be worn on the ring finger and framed in silver

    • Increases self-esteem, gives feeling dignity, increases the strength of the spirit.
    • Improves intellectual abilities.
    • Gives a good mood.
    • Rejuvenates, promotes the longevity of its owner

    Should be worn in a gold frame on the little finger

    Folk omens

    There are many signs and superstitions that are associated with jewelry. Rings are no exception. special treatment has always been for engagements.


    • With the help of a ring that a girl has worn for at least three years, you can see her betrothed. To do this, pour water into a saucer and look at the very center, trying not to blink. After a while, the girl should see the face of her future spouse.
    • Losing an engagement ring is a big nuisance. This sign means that the family will soon fall apart, as the protective amulet that protected the spouses from all hardships and troubles has been lost.
    • If the husband is about to leave the family, then you need to look at him through the wedding ring in the back. The man must return.
    • If you get sick Small child, then under his pillow you need to put a family talisman. The kid needs to get better.
    • If the ring has fallen, then in no case should it be picked up with bare hands. To do this, use a handkerchief or towel. After falling, the decoration must be placed in freezer for a day.
    • Dropping a piece of jewelry donated by another person is a bad sign. He says that this person thinks badly about the mistress of the ring. Such a sign portends an illness.
    • If a stone fell out of the engagement ring, then this is a warning sign of impending troubles in family life.
    • If the ring is bent, broken or fallen off, then this is a symbol that the jewelry has already absorbed all the negativity that was intended for its owner. It symbolizes the beginning of a new life stage In human life.
    • You can not buy a ring for a loved one, as this promises separation.
    • Find gold jewelry imminent marriage. You can wear such an ornament only after consecration in the church, purification with water and fire.
    • You can’t let someone try on your ring, especially an engagement ring. In this way, you can give away your luck and happiness.
    • To facilitate the process of childbirth, you must remove all jewelry, including rings.
    • If a dark streak appears on the skin under the ring, then this is a sign that the person was negatively affected, and the ring absorbed all the negative energy.

    Ring "Save and save"

    The "Save and Save" ring is a powerful protection and a talisman against various life hardships. In order for the ring to serve as protection for a person, one must deeply believe in God. It should be worn according to certain church canons:

    • The decoration must be consecrated.
    • You have to buy it at the church.
    • Silver is the best metal for making rings.
    • Do not mix several different metals.
    • The ring must be worn at all times.
    • Care must be taken not to lose the decoration.

    You can not wear a ring if a person does not believe in God. You can not wear a ring when a person perceives it simply as an ornament or it was removed from another person who wore it for a long time.

    The jewelry should be worn on the right hand. It can be the thumb, index or middle finger. If a person is not married, then he can wear a ring on his ring finger, subject to all the commandments of a Christian.

    The location of the inscription “toward oneself” is considered more correct, as it helps to strengthen the spirit and protect oneself from evil people.

There are many various ways wearing a ring, depending on what size it is, where you are going to wear it and what you are wearing today. Our article will give you a number of basic recommendations on how to wear these jewelry.


Part 1

Choice of ring size

    Use the ring sizer to find the right size. The classifier is plastic sheet with many holes of various diameters, through which you can stick your finger and find out its size. Such classifiers are available in jewelry stores.

    • The ring should match the circumference of your finger. It should fit snugly enough and not fall off, but at the same time sit freely without causing you discomfort.
  1. Measure your fingers at the end of the day; while they should be warm. Finger size can change throughout the day depending on the weather, your activity, and the time of day. The circumference of the finger is shortest in the morning and in cold weather.

    • Try measuring your fingers different time days, which will help to accurately determine your size.
    • When determining the size of a finger, do not use tape or a centimeter. These measurements can be quite inaccurate and lead to incorrect ring selection.
  2. Find your size. The size is determined by the width of your finger: for example, size 17 means that the diameter of the finger is 17 mm. If you are using a classifier and cannot decide between two sizes, always choose the larger ring diameter. So the ring will sit more freely, and you will feel comfortable. The most common women's size is 16.5 and men's is 19. If you are buying a ring abroad or on a foreign website, please be aware that the sizing system will be different:

    • size 16 (Russia) - 5 1/2 (USA) - between 9 and 10 (China);
    • size 16.5 (Russia) - 6 (USA) - 12 (China);
    • size 17 (Russia) - 6 1/2 (USA) - 13 (China);
    • size 17.5 (Russia) - 7 1/4 (USA) - between 14 and 15 (China);
    • size 18 (Russia) - 7 3/4 (USA) - between 15 and 16 (China);
    • size 18.5 (Russia) - 8 1/2 (USA) - 17 (China);
    • size 19 (Russia) - 9 (USA) - 18 (China);
    • size 19.5 (Russia) - 9 1/2 (USA) - 19 (China);
    • size 20 (Russia) - 10 1/4 (USA) - 21 (China).
  3. You can change the size of the ring if it doesn't suit you. The diameter of most rings can be changed by referring to professional jeweler, for example, if over time it has become small for you. You may not have to pay extra for such a service if you bring the ring to the store where you bought it.

    • Rings in the "milgrain" technique (where the metal along the edge goes in the form small beads) and some varieties of tungsten rings cannot be remade.

    Part 2

    Finger selection
    1. Wear rings on both hands. Traditionally in Russia, engagement and wedding rings are worn on the right hand, although, for example, Catholics usually wear them on the right. Rings can be worn on different hands, and it just depends on your personal preference.

      Wear conspicuous pinky rings. In astrology and palmistry, the little finger is "responsible" for character and beliefs, but is also just a free finger, on which the ring looks very attractive. A pinky ring can look stylish and unexpected, especially if it is wide enough.

      Wear thinner rings on your middle finger. As a rule, rings are rarely worn on the middle finger due to the fact that this can interfere with daily work. If you want to wear a ring on the middle finger, it is better to choose a medium-sized and thin one.

      • Some people do not want to wear a ring on their middle finger, not wanting to draw too much attention to it, because it is usually used to show rude gestures.
    2. Wear your engagement and wedding ring on your ring finger. Wedding rings are worn on the ring finger of the right hand. If you enjoy wearing a ring on your ring finger but don't want to mislead people about your marital status, wear it on your left hand.

      Wear massive rings on your index or thumb. Surprisingly, the rings look great on the index or thumb. As a rule, rings and rings with large stones are worn on the index finger to attract attention. If you want to wear a bright, catchy ring, put it on this finger. In some cultures, it is considered a sign of wealth.

    Part 3

    How to wear rings

      Match the ring with your outfit. Rings should be in harmony with the color scheme and style of your clothes. In addition, you should combine the ring with a necklace, bracelet, earrings or your other jewelry pieces.

      • Refrain from wearing a gold ring if this moment you are going to wear silver chain and silver earrings.
      • Determine which rings will look appropriate based on how formal or informal you are, what other jewelry you wear, and whether you can pair multiple rings.
    1. Wear cocktail rings or rings with large stones on formal solemn events. Such rings are usually more catchy and larger than usual ones. They should be worn alone and not in combination with other rings.

      • Wedding and engagement rings often look formal, but most fashionistas find that they can be paired with other pieces of jewelry. Most gemstone rings are only worn on special occasions.
    2. Wear rings without stones and combine them with other accessories. Such rings can be worn both daily and for special occasions. They are very simple and always appropriate. You can wear several of them on one hand.