Bolus contrast gain. What is MRI with bolus contrast

This is one of the main methods for the diagnosis of a variety of human diseases. Compared to other MRI surveys have best ratio Informativeness / Security. In fact, the only drawback of such a diagnosis that restrains the ubiquitous use of MR tomography to examine patients, is a high cost of a service determined by the high cost of equipment (tomograph).

Since it doesn't use X-rays and other harmful to human impacts to obtain MR images in tomographs. there are no restrictions on the volume of examination and multiplicity of procedures.

For one survey, you can examine several large areas or the entire body of the patient if there is a need. You can complete the second survey in an hour after the first, if there are serious readings for this. To control the dynamics of the process, to obtain information about the state of a particular organ or system of organs, if the health condition is not critical, it is not necessary to pass MRI more often 1 time per month.

MRI with contrast gain

Many patients who wish to undergo a survey on their own initiative, noted the fact that without the direction of the doctor, to fulfill MP tomography with contrast it is impossible. This is due to the fact that the use of contrast preparations has its own characteristics, restrictions and side effects. In this regard, to determine the testimony and contraindications for the use of a contrast preparation, as well as only a doctor can determine the permissibility of re-examination.

Contrasting drugs for MRI are introduced into the blood intravenously insertion or drip, circulate into the blood of a short time, practically do not accumulate in tissues and are removed by the kidneys unchanged. Healthy kidneys cope with such a load without any adverse consequences. If the patient has chronic renal failure (CPN), the use of contrasting drugs for MRI on the basis of gadolinium can lead to the development of a serious complication - the systemic fibrosis of the kidneys. In a patient with healthy kidneys, there is no risk of system fibrosis. However, you should not forget that a gradual, increasing violation of the kidney function can not be diagnosed on time due to the lack of characteristic complaints and symptoms. Therefore, before conducting an MRI with a contrast gain, it will be necessary to hold additional testsTo exclude CPN.

Patients with violation excretory function MRI kidneys is carried out without the use of contrast preparations.

There is no introduction of contrasting drugs to pregnant women.

Nursing women will have to during the day after a survey with a contrast enhancement of grinding and pouring breast milkSince the contrasting drug impurities contained in milk can harm the child.

MRI under anesthesia

Typically conduct a survey under anesthesia to children under 5 years. Limit the quantity and multiplicity of MRI procedures this case There will be a need to use drugs for anesthesia. Decide on the feasibility of holding a re-procedure should a doctor of the Cabinet MRI shared with a anesthesiologist.

What is "artifacts" in the pictures of MRI?

Artifacts (from lat. Artefactum) are the errors made by a person in the process of research. Artifacts significantly worsen image quality. There is an extensive group of physiological (in other words related to human behavior) artifacts: motor, respiratory, artifacts from swallowing, blinking, random unmanaged movements (tremor, hypertonus). All artifacts associated with the human factor are easily overcome if a person in the process of research is completely relaxed, breathing smoothly and freely, without deep swallowing movements and frequent blinks. However, in medical practice there are cases light use Drugs.

How old can I do MRI to children?

Magnetic resonance tomography has no age limitationsTherefore, it can be held for children from birth. But in view of the fact that during the MRI procedure, immobility must be observed, the surveys of small children are carried out under anesthesiological manual (surface anesthesia). In our center, research under anesthesia is not carried out, so we will examine children exclusively from the age of seven.

What are there contraindications to MRI?

All contraindications to the conduct of MRI can be divided into absolute and relative.
The following patient features are absolute contraindications: the presence of a pacemaker (the driver of the heart rhythm) and other implanted electronic devices, the presence of ferrimagnetic (iron-containing) and electric prostheses (after reconstructive operations on the middle ear), hemostatic clips after operations on the head vessels brain abdominal cavity or lightweight, metal fragments in the field of the eye, large fragments, fractions or bullets near the vascular-nerve beams and vital organs, as well as pregnancy up to three months.
Relative contraindications include: claustrophobia (fear of closed space), the presence of massive non-ferrimagnetic metal structures and prostheses in the body, the presence of the Navy ( intrauterine spiral). In addition, all patients with magnetosuppite (non-ferrimagnetic) metal structures can be examined only after a month after the operational intervention.

Does it be necessary to have directions from the doctor to pass MRI?

Direction of a doctor - an optional condition for visiting the center of MRI. We are important to your health care, consent to the survey, as well as the absence of contraindications for MRI.

I get headaches often. MRI of what area needs to be done?

Anyone familiar to any person headacheBut if she repeats suspiciously often, definitely, it cannot be ignored. We recommend the patient with strong headaches to pass MRI brain and its vessels. IN some cases This may not be enough, because it is not always the cause of headaches is related to the pathology of the brain. Headaches may be a consequence cervical osteochondrosis, so our specialists are additionally advised to pass MRI cervical department Spine and neck vessels.

How long does research on MRI last?

Medium duration One study in our center is from 10 to 20 minutes, however, it all depends on the identified changes: sometimes to clarify the disease, the radiologist can expand the research protocol and resort to the use of contrast gain. In such cases, the study time increases.

Bolus contrast reinforcement - One of the most common methods of contrast gain in computer tomography, through intravenous administration by automatic injector of a contrast preparation at a speed of 2 to 7 ml per second. For this purpose, they are used, as a rule, non-ionic iodine-containing drugs at the rate of 2 ml per 1 kg of mass of the surveyed. This method Allows you to evaluate the structure of vessels (CT angiography), identify and evaluate the defeat of parenchymal organs and more.

Bible contrast gain goals

Bible contrasting reinforcement is carried out to evaluate the vessels (CT angiography), to improve the differentiation of vessels from lymph nodes, detecting and characteristics of the destruction of parenchymal bodies, estimates of a cup-making system of kidneys and urinary tract, identifying inflammatory or tumor interstitial amplification, tissue perfusion analysis.

X-ray-contrast drugs for bolus contrast

For bolus contrast gain, X-ray-repeat preparations containing iodine are used, with which the availability of relative and absolute contraindications to the procedure, the need pre-training patients from contingent with risk of side reactions. The use of non-ionic contrast preparations reduces the frequency of adverse reactions; ion iodine-containing contrast drugs, despite moderately good tolerance, are not recommended for use in computer tomography In connection with increased risk Complications associated with a high rate of administration during bolus contrast.

Technical features

Bible contrasting reinforcement is a mechanically controlled injection of a contrast preparation by means of a powerful syringe-injector at a set point of administration (in most cases unchanged during the study). This nature of the introduction of a contrast preparation allows you to get optimal for different purposes of the contrast phase.

The contrast phases are directly related to the anatomy and the physiology of circles circles and blood supply to organs ( see man circulation circles). The delay time after the initiation of the contrast preparation before the start of the CT scan is chosen taking into account the body representing the purpose of study. Most organs have arterial blood supply. The exception is the liver and lungs (the liver is bloodshed not only from the system of the portal vein - 75-90%, but also from the liver artery; lungs get venous and blood arterial from small i. big Circles blood circulation, respectively). The organs having predominantly arterial perfusion are most well accumulated by a contrast preparation in 5-15 seconds after the peak of the contrast enhancement of the aorta. The liver is preferably scanned to the portal phase, which marks the contrasting of the organ and from the liver artery system, and from the system of a portal (portal) vein. To improve the quality of diagnostics, scanning into the portal phase of contrasting is better to prevent scanning to the arterial phase.

Cardiovascular Department Time (C)
Right atrium 6-12
Home Easy Artery 9-15
Left atrium 13-20
Aorta 15-24
Sleepy arteries 16-24
Renal arteries 18-27
Femoral artery 22-33
Bright veins 22-30
Renal Vienna 22-30
Supraren NPV 24-32
Infrared NPV 120-250
Searer Vienna 30-45
Mesenical Vienna 35-50
Liver veins 50-80
Femoral veins 120-250

Time to achieve a contrast drug department of cardio-vascular system After injection into the right elbow vein (by M. Prokop, A.J. Van Der Molen)

Complications and side reactions

The most common complication with a bolus contrast gain is the extravasation of a contrast preparation (admission to it in soft fabrics beyond the limits of the vascular bed at the place of administration). Most often, the extravolutionary volume does not exceed 10 ml, the large extravasation is able to cause serious damage to the skin and subcutaneous tissues. The risk factors of the extravolutionary development is nonconpture or weakening of patients, multiple punches of the same veins, injections on the rear of the brushes and foot. Extravasization is accompanied by local pain and edema. With the extravasation of a contrast drug, an elevated position of the limb is prescribed, cold. It is necessary to inform about the fact of extracting the attending physician, monitoring the patient within 2-4 hours. With an extravasation volume of an ion contrast agent, more than 30 ml or non-ionic contrast agent is more than 100 ml, the appearance of bubbles on the skin, the change in the perfusion of tissues or sensitivity in the brushes is advisable to consult the surgeon.