Why get pregnant with a spiral. Is it possible to get pregnant with a spiral? Intrauterine device and its purpose

Among known methods contraception, the intrauterine device is considered the most reliable. Of course, it does not guarantee a 100% result, and pregnancy in some cases can still occur. This usually happens when the rules for its establishment or use are violated. Moreover, the development ectopic pregnancy which is dangerous for women.

Is it possible to save the onset of pregnancy with a spiral, what to do for this, what are the risks, signs, consequences for the baby and mother - we will talk about all this with you today on this page of the website www.site. First, let's find out what are the main types of spirals?

This is a female spiral from pregnancy (photo):

The main types of spirals

There are only two main types of these devices. These are copper-containing and hormone-containing. The composition of the first includes, among other things, silver and gold. The second is made from special plastic. And a capsule with the hormone progesterone is attached to the spiral itself.

Experts consider the second type of spirals to be the most reliable, since they not only mechanically prevent the onset of pregnancy, but also release small amounts of progesterone into the uterus. This makes the device even more reliable.

Unlike plastic, copper coils have only a mechanical, traumatic effect, preventing the implantation of a fertilized egg into the uterus. However, with the displacement of such a spiral, it is possible to fix the fetal egg and the onset of pregnancy.

How does a pregnancy with a spiral begin, are its symptoms different from the usual one?

Of course, these intrauterine systems are very reliable. However, crashes do happen. However, the probability of getting pregnant with a spiral is very small - it does not exceed 1-3%. If conception did happen, it is usually accompanied by the usual signs for this condition, the main of which is the absence of another menstruation, or the presence of meager spotting, which soon disappear.

There are others characteristics that should alert a woman:

pulling, aching pain in the lumbar region, as well as in the lower abdomen;
- nausea, possible vomiting;
- fatigue, feeling tired, daytime sleepiness.
- possible irritability, as well as nervousness or tearfulness;
- there is swelling of the mammary glands, their sensitivity increases;

Other symptoms include: the appearance of a special sensitivity to odors, changes in appetite, increased gas formation, diarrhea or, conversely, constipation.

All these signs are characteristic of the onset of pregnancy. However, it happens that a woman does not feel any symptoms at all, especially in the early stages. Therefore, it is worth visiting the gynecologist periodically with preventive purpose.

Pregnancy with a spiral - consequences for the baby and mother

One of the main negative consequences occurring during pregnancy with a helix is ​​a miscarriage. The fact is that the spiral, which is a foreign body, activates uterine contractions, provoking the removal of the fetus from its cavity. In addition, if the spiral is positioned so that it is in contact with the embryo, the risk of infection increases.

Another very dangerous consequence is the risk of ectopic pregnancy. Although this figure does not exceed 5%, the probability still exists. Therefore, if a woman, having become pregnant with a spiral, decided to leave the pregnancy and bear the child, you need to make sure that fertilized egg firmly established in the uterus and that the development of the embryo is normal.

What to do?

If, during the examination, the doctor confirmed the presence of a pregnancy with a spiral, there are only two ways out of this situation: abortion or childbirth. What is best for a woman this case, the doctor will also tell you. It can in some cases remove the helix. Pregnancy after the removal of the spiral will continue in the usual way. The spiral itself cannot bring harm to a small embryo. By the middle of the pregnancy, when the fetus grows up, he will be able to push it out. Such cases do occur. And this is good!

If earlier pregnancy that happened during the period of wearing the spiral was usually interrupted, then modern medicine gives the woman the opportunity to leave the pregnancy and give birth healthy baby. Doctors say that if the body itself "did not get rid" of a fertilized egg, then the birth healthy child quite possible. Even with spiral. And of course that's good too!

Experts also note that if there was no miscarriage in the first half of pregnancy, the fetus continues to develop normally, despite the presence of a contraceptive spiral in the uterus, then everything will be resolved safely. normal delivery. You need to know that half of pregnancy is a kind of decisive period.

Concluding our today's conversation about pregnancy with a spiral, its signs, decisions made about its continuation, it should be noted important point:

If a woman has suspicions, if there are the above signs of pregnancy, you should immediately contact a gynecologist and undergo an examination. In case of confirmation of pregnancy, it is necessary, together with the doctor, to decide on its termination or preservation. Be healthy!

We note right away that today intrauterine contraception has become very popular, although it cannot give a woman 100% guarantees of protection against extreme unwanted pregnancy. Besides this method contraception has whole line contraindications and even disadvantages. And, nevertheless, women put a spiral quite often, because this method is quite profitable. Indeed, unlike, for example, the constant use of fairly expensive condoms, this is not expensive, but unlike existing oral contraceptives, which usually require organization and responsibility from the woman herself, because they always need to be taken strictly on time and instructions, it is also more convenient.

As you understand, the most reliable method of contraception is complete absence sexual life, but all other methods, although very rare, can allow certain "failures". And the spiral in this case, of course, is no exception, and it’s quite possible to accidentally get pregnant with it, believe me. Doctors say that for every 100 women with an existing IUD (or intrauterine device), there are exactly two pregnancies. But it’s a lot or a little - you must admit it doesn’t matter at all, much more important is the question of what to do with such an unplanned pregnancy and how, in the end, it can end for you.

And in order to understand for yourself why pregnancy is possible with a spiral, you need to try to figure out exactly how this particular contraceptive works, to clearly understand the basic principle of its action.

How does the intrauterine device work?

Let's start with the fact that today there are two main types of IUDs: these are copper-containing spirals (however, silver or even gold may also be included in their composition) and the so-called hormone-containing ones (in them, a certain capsule with a hormone called progesterone is attached to the usual T-shaped spiral, made of plastic). The latter are considered more reliable in terms of contraception, since progesterone almost completely prevents the possibility of unscheduled fertilization of the egg, constantly being released exclusively in the uterine cavity, and in small and almost equal doses.

But copper spirals are not able to influence the body's production of sex hormones, and the ovulation process as a whole, since they act in a completely different way.


  • Firstly, this is the constant presence in the uterine cavity of a kind foreign body, which has an almost constant traumatic effect directly on its walls, and as a result, the implantation of an already fertilized egg is really complicated.
  • Secondly, as any foreign body (such a spiral) really enhances the contractile activity of the uterus itself, that is why the fetal egg is simply “expelled” by the woman’s body even in the very early lines.
  • Thirdly, the spiral at the same time is able to strengthen and possible cuts fallopian tubes, in fact, that is why they significantly accelerate the passage of an already fertilized egg through them directly into the uterine cavity, and the uterus itself simply does not have time to “ripen” before the necessary implantation.
  • Fourthly, the same active contractility of the uterus itself and the fallopian tubes can actually impede the advancement of spermatozoa that have entered the vagina, which is why fertilization may not occur at all.
  • And the last, those metals from which the spiral is usually made, also have an extremely detrimental effect on incoming spermatozoa, or rather, these metals also have a spermatotoxic effect.

It is quite understandable that almost always there are some deviations from accepted norm, and then it is quite realistic that an already fertilized egg may be stronger than such a foreign body and still be able to attach to the walls of the uterus, after which it will begin its full normal development. And most often this happens precisely in the case when the spiral, for some reason, has shifted somewhat or has completely fallen out completely unnoticed by the woman herself. Then it turns out that a woman quite calmly hopes for her contraceptive, and at the same time, under her heart, a new little life is already being born and is actively developing.

How to suspect the onset of pregnancy with a spiral?

So, firstly, if you decide to put yourself a VM spiral, then you will definitely have to visit your gynecologist regularly, who will actually monitor exactly how your wonderful spiral “lives”. And secondly, you will need to carefully monitor your menstrual cycle and literally any deviations from the norm in the cycle should immediately alert you. Thirdly, try to always remember that the probability of pregnancy in this case, although minimal, nevertheless really exists, and therefore always listen to the signals of your body.

Quite often, an already fertilized egg, which the intrauterine device prevents from attaching normally to the walls of the uterine cavity, tries to find a completely different place for itself. In this case, options may occur in the presence of a spiral. Since it is very, very difficult for a woman herself to suspect such a pregnancy, it often happens that the consequences of such a situation become very, very sad. Physicians know many cases when suddenly frozen could come to light a few months after its real onset, and accompanied by a whole bunch of extremely dangerous infectious sores.

Remember, any pregnancy in any case, and especially one that really managed to “defeat” the intrauterine device, will let you know about itself. The main signs of pregnancy, even with the existing spiral, can differ little from the normal pregnancy. Moreover, even to the point that such signs of pregnancy, as well as without a spiral, may not even exist at all. And yet, drawing pains or cramps felt in the lower abdomen, complete or partial cessation of menstrual timely bleeding, abruptly fatigue or drowsiness, as well as nausea or frequent dizziness, loss or appearance increased appetite should be your reason to see your doctor.

What should a woman do if the pregnancy has already been confirmed?

To refute or confirm the onset of pregnancy with a spiral can only experienced doctor. He will actually offer you two simple options solutions to get out similar situation: and this, as you understand, is either an abortion or childbirth. Previously, such an "unexpected" and unwanted pregnancy was almost always a real indication for its artificial termination. However, today this is not at all a reason to decide to kill your baby. But is it really possible to subsequently bear a baby and, accordingly, give birth to him healthy with a spiral, this is of course a question? The experience of foreign medicine shows us that if female body did not “reject” an already fertilized egg, then in fact, even with a spiral, absolutely healthy and strong babies can be born.

Our doctors also recommend that women in cases where the onset of pregnancy is confirmed, simply take the usual wait-and-see attitude. A somewhat displaced spiral is unlikely to injure the embryo, and soon, when the fetus is somewhat stronger, it will be able to push out the spiral itself. It often happens that in the middle of the pregnancy, the spiral itself falls out.

And at the same time, many doctors strongly recommend removing such a spiral when pregnancy occurs, in the event that, of course, the freely hanging threads of the spiral itself are clearly visible to physicians. Actually, in this case, it is much easier to remove the spiral itself, and without the slightest harm to the unborn fetus. Doctors explain this, first of all, by the fact that these same threads can be, as they say, an open gate for various kinds of infections, which can be much more difficult for a woman’s already “pregnant” body to cope with.

But the women themselves, who have already experienced pregnancy in the presence of a spiral, are divided, as a rule, only positive impressions. TO great happiness, most often, even in such conditions, embryos develop, and babies are born absolutely healthy and strong.

But be that as it may, but pregnancy and the intrauterine device is a very difficult combination and, of course, none of the women will be able to cope with the course on their own similar pregnancy. Understand, only truly experienced specialist will be able to advise you exactly what will be acceptable for your specific body. And yet, rely only on modern medicine in our dangerous time no one will ever want to, and more and more women are trying to listen to their own intuition, perhaps they are doing the right thing. If the news about the onset of pregnancy could become for you, although not quite expected, but very pleasant surprise, then it’s definitely not worth just discarding such a gift of fate like that.

Believe in yourself and you will definitely succeed!

Intrauterine contraception is one of the preferred methods of contraception today. But even with this, it would seem reliable way incidents may arise. Pregnancy with a spiral is observed in 2% of patients who have chosen similar way contraception. At the same time, choosing a method of protection, women ask the gynecologist why the spiral is better than other means, whether it is possible to get pregnant with the spiral, how dangerous it is for the fetus, whether it is possible to give birth in such a situation. It should be looked into in more detail.

The IUD is a small gynecological device that is mostly made of plastic. Its purpose is to prevent a woman from becoming pregnant by preventing the female cell from attaching to uterine endometrium. Similar designs are various forms: S- or T-shaped, ring-shaped, loop-shaped, spiral-shaped, umbrella-shaped, etc.

According to the assurances of gynecologists and manufacturers, the effectiveness protective properties The IUD reaches 98%, while you do not need to take any hormonal pills and you can live a full life sex life. Usually, contraception is set for 3, 5 or 7 years, after which it must be changed. There are cases when, with prolonged wearing of the IUD, it grew into the tissues of the uterus, so you can not wear it for longer due date.

Varieties of the Navy

Today, there are several varieties of intrauterine contraception:

What are the spirals, we found out. It is difficult to say which type and form of the IUD is preferable, because only a gynecologist can determine this, knowing the anatomical uterine features of the patient.

What are the advantages of the spiral over other contraceptives

Intrauterine contraception has many advantages. Spiral designs are more effective than other contraceptives and are suitable for emergency cases when it is necessary to prevent pregnancy after sexual intercourse. Then the IUD is installed in the first 5 days after sex. Also, intrauterine devices are notable for their low cost. If you install an expensive spiral, then for 5-7 years you can forget about contraception, so you won’t have to spend money on appropriate drugs in these years.

It does not have a design and teratogenic effect, if a pregnancy with a spiral occurs, the woman decides to leave the baby, then the IUD as a whole will not have an effect on the child. Although given fact has a lot of contradictions, because in practice it turns out that it is not possible to save a child conceived with a spiral. The IUD also has other disadvantages, such as a mandatory examination before installation for the presence of STDs, cystic formations, uterine fibroids, and cervical pathologies, different kind anomalies in development, etc. In addition, the spiral cannot be installed in women who do not have a history of childbirth, that is, who have not given birth. Also, you can not put a spiral contraceptive in women who have several sexual partners.

What is important for women with a spiral to know

If the doctor recommends installing an intrauterine contraceptive, it must be borne in mind that the design in no way prevents infectious lesions that are transmitted from the sexual partner. She is not able to protect against ectopic pregnancy. In a way, the spiral even contributes to its occurrence. The spiral and ectopic pregnancy have a special relationship. After all, the egg after fertilization cannot pass through the barrier and is looking for another place to fix, outside the uterus. When the coil expires, it loses its contraceptive properties, so it must be removed.

It must be understood that the presence of silver and copper in the device does not protect against pregnancy. The action of the spiral is to terminate the pregnancy, that is, it has an abortive character. If the female cell is fixed on the tissue outside the uterine body, then the consequences are unpleasant, because an ectopic pregnancy begins to fully develop.

To exclude inflammatory or infectious lesions, it is recommended to undergo a complete gynecological examination. The installation should be carried out only by an experienced gynecologist, who will advise the most reliable type of spiral. Usually, the spiral is installed on the 2-3rd day of the cycle, when menstruation has not yet ended. Why? First, in given period there is probably no pregnancy, and secondly, during this period, the introduction of the spiral is the least painful.

Why does pregnancy occur with a spiral

There is a lot of controversy regarding how you can get pregnant with a spiral. According to statistics, about 2 women out of a hundred become pregnant with an intrauterine contraceptive installed. Experts explain similar phenomenon various reasons:

For prevention, a woman with an IUD must undergo a gynecological examination twice a year, which will protect against possible pregnancy and various gynecological pathologies.

Signs of pregnancy with IUD

The intrauterine structure after installation is not felt by the woman. All processes proceed in the same rhythm - and ovulation, and menstruation, and endometrial thickening. The design provides mechanical type protection, which weakens over time, so the possibility of conception is allowed. The main sign of pregnancy with an intrauterine device is a delay in menstruation, but for the final confirmation of the diagnosis, it is necessary to pass an hCG analysis.

Also, symptoms such as hyperthermia, an increase in the number of vaginal discharge, pull-cutting pain syndrome, periodic nausea, etc. But the main manifestation is the traditional delay in menstruation.

What to do

So, the probability of getting pregnant with a spiral is minimal, but what if you are among the “chosen ones”. First, decide whether to give birth or have an abortion. If it is decided to get rid of the fetus, then during the intervention, the doctor will also remove the IUD. If you still want a baby, albeit unplanned, then the obstetrician-gynecologist must assess the likely risks of pregnancy for the fetus and the degree of likely complications that may follow during and after childbirth. If there is a non-hormonal spiral, then it is generally not dangerous for the fetus. But progesterone-containing intrauterine structures secrete hormonal substances into the fetal body, which can complicate the process of removing the spiral by spontaneous abortion.

What to do if it is impossible to remove the structure safely for the child? The woman is constantly under medical supervision, regularly undergoes ultrasound monitoring, observes preventive measures for the prevention of miscarriage. The ultrasound shows when the spiral threatens the fetus, and when its location is safe. Gynecologists say that birth normal child it is quite possible, most importantly, to remove the spiral from the uterus as early as possible. Then the risk of miscarriage is 25%, while leaving the structure in place leads to spontaneous interruption pregnancy in half of the cases, i.e. reaches 50%.

How dangerous is pregnancy with a spiral and its consequences

When a woman is faced with pregnancy in the presence of an IUD, she involuntarily wonders if it is possible to give birth to a baby conceived in this way. More recently, gynecologists unequivocally stated that if this happened, then there is only one solution - an abortion. Today, the picture has changed somewhat and many women managed to give birth to healthy babies, although conception occurred with an IUD.

The final decision depends only on the pregnant woman, and the task of doctors is to accurately calculate possible risks and the degree of their likelihood that a woman could give birth to a healthy baby. If the child is saved, then the spiral must be removed. Sometimes with the growth of the fetus, it falls out on its own.

Is it possible to get pregnant with a spiral? Yes, albeit unlikely. To minimize the risk of unwanted conception, you need to undergo regular gynecological examinations, monitor the length of the antennae that are palpable in the vagina. When the life of the spiral ends, it must be replaced or simply removed. Usually, after the removal of the IUD, already in the first cycle, about 35% of patients become pregnant, and in the first 3-6 months, about 60%, i.e., the IUD does not affect fertility.

To date, the intrauterine device is quite popular and effective tool prevention of unwanted pregnancy. The effectiveness of the contraceptive is 98%. However, if you do not follow the rules for its use, then fertilization can still occur.

Often, doctors are faced with the fact that a woman has ectopic spiral and the pregnancy that has occurred is pathological, since the fetal egg is fixed outside the cavity reproductive organ. This condition is considered dangerous not only for health, but also for the life of the patient, since it can end lethal outcome. Let us consider in more detail what signs an ectopic pregnancy with a spiral has, and why it occurs.

There are several types of IUDs on the pharmacological market, but women give special preference to products that contain gold or silver, but installations with hormonal substances are also in demand. As for the level of contraception, in the latter species it is significantly higher.

This is because active ingredients do not allow fertilization to occur, since the process of ovulation is temporarily suspended and the germ cell does not mature. The substances themselves are daily excreted into the body in a certain dosage.

What do intrauterine devices look like? Source: gormonal.ru

The contraceptive has the following effects:

  1. The intrauterine device does not allow the egg to be implanted if it has come into contact with the sperm and it has been fertilized;
  2. The contractility of the reproductive organ increases, which contributes to the removal of the fetal egg outside during menstruation;
  3. The movement of spermatozoa along the female genital tract is difficult, since the spiral leads to their narrowing;
  4. The constituent components provide negative impact on male germ cells, making them less active and non-viable.

Immediately after the installation of the spiral, it begins to release active components into the body, which almost immediately have a contraceptive effect. After extracting it to short time there is a restoration of reproductive ability, so fertilization occurs in a short time.

If you wonder if there can be an ectopic pregnancy with a spiral, then doctors unequivocally say that this is possible, even despite all the advantages of the remedy. This situation develops under the condition of high viability of the fertilized egg, which is able to develop even if it is exposed to hormonal substances. However, the fetal egg is not always attached correctly, and pathological implantation cannot be ruled out.


An ectopic pregnancy with a spiral can occur if a woman does not follow the rules for using a contraceptive. For example, girls do not always follow the position of the Navy. And if it has been displaced, then the spermatozoa will be more likely to get to the egg and fertilize it. Therefore, it is recommended to regularly visit a gynecologist and control the location of the spiral.

It is also not uncommon for women to use the IUD for more than the prescribed period. On average, it ranges from 5 to 7 years. During this period, the level of contraception will be as high as possible, and after its expiration, the spiral must be removed, since it does not protect against unwanted pregnancy, and can also cause some complications.

Another common cause of unwanted fertilization is that the installation has fallen out of the uterine cavity. This can be prevented by constantly monitoring where the control threads are, especially after the completion of menstrual bleeding.


As mentioned earlier, the likelihood that fertilization will occur when using the IUD is extremely low, but it still exists. That is why doctors recommend that women not only regularly come for gynecological examinations, but also monitor the signals of their body, the stability of the menstrual cycle.

Pathological attachment of the embryo in ectopic pregnancy. Source: med-explorer.ru

An ectopic pregnancy with a spiral has the following symptoms:

  • Painful syndrome in the lower abdomen on the part of the localization of the embryo, cutting and pulling;
  • Rapid fatigue with standard daily stress;
  • Delayed menstrual bleeding for more than a week and positive test for pregnancy;
  • Constant drowsiness, irritability, increased basal temperature;
  • Change taste preferences, a vivid reaction to certain odors, the appearance of signs of toxicosis (nausea and vomiting).

As you can see, the described symptomatology does not allow to accurately determine whether, after fertilization, the embryo was attached to the uterine cavity, or whether it was implanted pathologically. Therefore, you should definitely go to the doctor.


If the fact of pregnancy with an installed spiral has been confirmed, then you should not rejoice at this, since such a condition may not always end favorably for both the mother and the child. If the implantation of the embryo is correct, and it is possible to extract the remedy without injury, then this will be the ideal outcome, however, in most clinical cases, there is a need for artificial interruption.

Laparoscopic removal of an ectopic pregnancy.

The intrauterine device is considered a fairly reliable means of protecting against unwanted pregnancy. Many women actively use this means of protection. But, is it true that you can get pregnant with a spiral? Let's find out if that's really the case.

Types of intrauterine devices

In order to answer the question: "Is it possible to get pregnant with a spiral?" First you need to figure out what it is. Currently, two types of spirals are used: first are established for five years and provide a sufficiently high degree of protection against unwanted pregnancy due to the release of a special substance that has the same properties as hormonal preparations.

Second type of spirals is set to more long term- up to seven years. Such IUDs (intrauterine devices) are composed of copper and silver and give a 98 percent guarantee of protection against pregnancy.

Popularity this tool contraception is explained quite a high degree protection, in addition, the IUD does not cause discomfort and does not interfere intimate life women.

Is it possible to get pregnant with a spiral?

The risk of pregnancy when using a spiral depends on numerous factors. It should be noted right away that this type contraception does not affect conception, the intrauterine device is responsible for the ability to attach a fertilized egg to the wall of the uterus, that is, in other words, the IUD terminates the pregnancy if it occurs, on early term. In addition, the intrauterine device does not protect a woman from an ectopic pregnancy.

There is also a certain risk of pregnancy with a spiral if this type of contraception is used without the supervision of a specialist, since the spiral can go beyond the uterus. That is why women who use a spiral as protection against unwanted pregnancy should regularly visit a gynecologist.

Also, do not forget that at the end of the service life the intrauterine device must be removed, as it loses its contraceptive properties, and, if necessary, a new one should be installed.

Note that for some diseases, women are not recommended to use a spiral, therefore, before installing an IUD, it is necessary to undergo a complete medical examination . The use of the spiral is also not recommended for women who have not given birth before, as this can cause certain complications when you decide to have a baby.

When can I get pregnant after removing the coil?

Another question that worries women who use intrauterine devices: "When can I get pregnant after the spiral?". In general, gynecologists say that conception is possible immediately after the extraction of this contraceptive.

But not always after using the spiral, conception occurs quickly. In fact, if you decide to remove the spiral in order to have a baby, then this should be done in advance, a few months before the intended conception.

After removal of the IUD, about 30% of women become pregnant in the first month, about 60% of women can become pregnant only three months after the coil is removed, and 10% try to conceive a child within 12 months.

Gynecologists advise wait about 4 months to conceive after removing the intrauterine device, so that the uterine mucosa can fully recover. The statement that childbirth after a spiral is not possible is a delusion. Women can become pregnant and give birth, but you should first undergo an examination and consult with a specialist.

What to do if a woman becomes pregnant with a spiral?

Despite the fact that the intrauterine device is considered a very effective means of protection against the onset of pregnancy, there are times when pregnancy does occur. That is why, in case a woman does not have another menstruation- this is an occasion to take a pregnancy test and visit a gynecologist. Note that late diagnosis of pregnancy in women using IUDs can lead to miscarriage.

In the event that a woman decides to keep the child, she needs to contact a specialist as soon as possible to extract this contraceptive. If the procedure for removing the IUD was successful, then in the future it will not affect the course of the pregnancy, but if the doctor has difficulty removing it, the woman will be recommended to terminate the pregnancy.