Everything you need for newborn gadgets. Itzbeen baby timer. Useful gadgets for newborns


In the world, a rich variety of all kinds of devices have been invented and invented, which, if they do not save us from an exhausting household routine, then greatly simplify life, allowing us to save at least a little precious time. We offer you the top 10 useful gadgets that can be useful to young mothers. We are sure that you will like them so much that you will want to give birth again.

Baby silicone bottle with spoon attachment

A bottle convenient for feeding the baby will facilitate mother's chores and worries about his nutrition. It is much more convenient to feed a child with such a spoon-bottle than with a regular spoon. It can be used for cereals, kefir, fruit, vegetable and meat purees. It is also convenient to take a bottle-spoon with you on walks. It retains heat well and is firmly closed with a lid.

Wearable children's gadgets, or mobile security solutions for children

There is a growing demand for wearable child safety monitors in the global product market. The devices are sewn into the clothes of babies, and smart socks and bracelets allow not only to track how the child sleeps, but also to record important parameters of the baby: his temperature, heartbeat and breathing.

Baby Nail Clipper by Zo-li

The car from Zo-li is designed to be easy and safe haircut little baby nails. Such a device does not cut the nails, but grinds them down with the help of four "pads". Two are for toddlers, the other two are for older children. The machine itself is battery operated.

Itzbeen Baby Timer

In the first time after the birth of a child, parents have to work, caring for him, as they say, to wear and tear. And the main thing in caring for a baby is to clearly calculate the time and sequence with which you need to feed the baby, change his diaper, put him to bed, etc. The timer from Itzbeen is designed to help young parents not forget anything and be in time everywhere. The device can be programmed for four actions: feeding, sleeping, walking and changing a diaper. At the appointed time, the device will start emitting disturbing sounds, reminding you of a particular duty.

Baby crying translator Why Cry

An unusual gadget can determine one of the five causes of children's crying: stress, hunger, drowsiness, pain, boredom. It is enough to bring the device to the baby for 10-20 seconds, and a smiley face with the answer to the question of interest will be displayed on the screen. The accuracy of such a gadget is 98 percent, so it will become an indispensable gift for a young mother until her parental instinct develops.

A night lamp that will lull the baby to sleep

Night lamp not only glows soothingly green light, but also makes sounds soothing the baby, so you do not have to jump up to the cradle every time because of crying. The lamp is activated by rapid breathing and whimpering and is almost certain to help even the most restless baby fall asleep. With such a gadget, mom will definitely get enough sleep at night.

Electric bottle sterilizer

Such a device sterilizes not only bottles, but also breast pumps, baby plates, forks and knives. The savings will be significant if you purchase a device for six bottles. This electric appliance cleans everything very simply and easily and does not take up much space in the kitchen.

Disposer for diapers

When we hear the word "utilizer" we think of some modern high-tech gadget that miraculously disposes of diapers, splitting them into atoms at home. However, in reality, everything is much simpler.
A diaper recycler is just a regular trash can with a sealed lid that you can throw used diapers into, wrapped in bags to keep the smell inside.

Infrared thermometer

Thermometer - important tool, and especially in the early stages of your baby's life. You will have to take your baby's temperature twice a day. And not always the child will lie quietly with a thermometer under his arm. Thanks to the infrared meter, this process becomes super-fast: it will determine the temperature of your child in one second.

Electronic storyteller

It happens that parents are so tired that they cannot even read a fairy tale to their baby. Then on help will come In Your Own Voice Storyteller device. It is a small, pen-like instrument for recording voices. With its help, parents will be able to tell a fairy tale in advance, after which the gadget will repeat it again and again.

Babies do not change: they always want to take their hands, eat, sleep and listen to their mother's voice. But the world around them is changing! Every year more and more amazing things appear in stores that are designed to make life easier for young parents. Yu-mom went to intelligence and talks about the most curious devices for caring for babies in the first year of life.

To tell the truth, the baby can easily do without a baby monitor, an electronic wristband and other gadgets. But, you see, it is worth keeping abreast of the latest inventions for babies, because they can become excellent helpers in their mother's household! And baby gadgets are also able to establish communication between people: for example, when a dad or older brother installs an application on a smartphone to control the baby’s breathing and body temperature. Therefore, we included various electronic devices in our report, as well as several “warm lamp” gizmos.

1. “Smart Sock”: baby vitals controller

Many adults wear “fitness bracelets” on their wrists that measure heart rate, breathing rate, and walking speed. The same devices are made for newborns, only they are attached to the baby's leg or to his clothes. The device monitors the baby's body temperature, heart rate, blood oxygen levels, body position during sleep. Measurement accuracy is not as high as in professional medical equipment, but it is quite enough to monitor all important vital signs.

With such a device, parents can listen to every breath of the crumbs even at a distance, because the data is transmitted to an iPhone or smartphone via special application. When the status changes abruptly, the device sends a notification to the parents' phone.

2. Apparatus for preparing infant formula

If you are not breastfeeding, then formula preparation becomes a regular activity. Of course, manufacturers of children's devices could not miss this moment, and a device for preparing the mixture appeared on the market! You put the mixture into the device and clean water(after that they are safely stored in the device), set the dosage - and relax. Now a bottle of warmed formula can be prepared in a few seconds by pressing one button. And no lumps.

It is estimated that such a device can save parents a full 15 days a year. It can be placed next to the baby's bed, and the issue of night feedings will be resolved in your favor.

3. Self-heating bottles

Now you can have a fashionable bottle that will heat milk itself. Scientists have developed a heating mechanism based on salt and water, and worldwide famous designer Karim Rashid created a bottle shell - and it turned out useful device. If the bottle is shaken, a chemical reaction starts, which heats the milk to 36-37 degrees in 4 minutes.

For active parents, this development will help feed the baby in the field or while traveling. At home, there is also a use for a bottle: we express milk into it, store it in the refrigerator and shake it before feeding. Replaceable heating cartridges are attached to the bottle - after all, the salt mechanism “gets tired” from prolonged operation and starts to work worse.

4. Disposer of diapers

At first, scientific and technological progress saved parents from gauze diapers, now he proposes to technologically get rid of used “diapers”. It's no secret that a diaper removed from a baby smells bad, and the smell is felt in the house until garbage bag with "diapers" will not be thrown away. But a special diaper disposer can help. It looks like a bucket and does not take up much space. The used diaper should be lowered into this bucket, then using a special lever, wrap it inside and - voila! - the diaper is completely wrapped in an antibacterial film that protects the house from odors and microbial penetration.

Packaged "treasures" can be thrown away at your convenience. The utilizer is equipped with a cassette with a film for packing diapers, one cassette is enough for three dozen diapers. The “bucket” can be placed in the room where you swaddle your baby, it is cute in appearance, does not smell, and is easy to clean. And although grandmothers will throw up their hands from such excesses, many mothers write that life has become easier with the advent of the utilizer.

5. White noise generator

Babies fall asleep perfectly to the sound of a vacuum cleaner, hair dryer or washing machine. Probably, this “music” reminds them of life before birth: you are lying in your mother’s warm tummy, listening to the rhythmic beating of the heart, the rumbling of the intestines, here the lungs are filled with air, blood is running through the umbilical cord and veins ... And through this sound background comes the mother’s voice and sounds of the outside world.

The buzzing of electrical appliances is scientifically called “white noise”. But turning them on just for the sake of noise and peaceful sleep of the baby is not always convenient and economical. Therefore, manufacturers have brought a white noise generator to the market. Who would have thought that they would pay money for a typewriter that just makes “buzz”? But what won't you do for restful sleep! The generator is compact, consumes little energy, can be carried from room to room, and some models are equipped with a battery, and they can be taken for a walk.

6. Non-contact thermometer

It is necessary to measure the body temperature of the crumbs in the first year of life quite often. Electronic thermometers give the result with an error, mercury thermometers you need to keep the baby in the fold of the body for a long time, it's scary to break them. In addition, small children are quite mobile, parents have to go to tricks to measure the temperature.

All these difficulties are removed by a non-contact thermometer. Point the device at the baby's forehead, and in a few seconds you will know the temperature of his body. In a non-contact thermometer, temperature sensors are replaced by infrared receivers that measure the power of the object's thermal radiation. So with this thermometer you can measure the temperature of water for bathing, food in a plate and just about anything.

7. Video baby monitor with access to a mobile phone

Today you can buy a video baby monitor that allows you to monitor your baby from anywhere using an application on your smartphone or iPhone. This video baby monitor is equipped with an excellent camera with zoom and microphones, it transmits data on the air temperature near the child, humidity in the room and sounds near him to the phone.

Through such a baby monitor, mom or dad can sing a lullaby to the baby or chat with him if the baby is upset. The advantage is that you do not need to carry additional devices with you - only your familiar phone. And then you can safely go to drink tea in the kitchen or go outside the house in the country. Well, if the baby wakes up and cries, then mom will talk to him until she reaches the bed.

8. Baby bed

Parents often rack their brains: they need co-sleeping with a baby? Or is it better to put the son or daughter separately? Turns out you can do both! For this, the family will need an extra bed. Such a bed does not have one wall, and the bottom is easily adjustable in height. The crib is attached to the parent's bed, and the crumbs have their own warm and clean place next to you. And parents do not have to crowd and be afraid to crush the baby in a dream.

Side cribs are usually smaller than traditional high-sided cribs. In the attached cradle, the baby is placed up to a year and a half. And then it's time to buy him a separate bed - like a big one.

8. Bodysuit extension

Soft knitted bodysuits have long supplanted "grandmother's" vests and blouses with buttons. The bodysuits are so comfortable - but the kids grow out of them just quickly! Indeed, in the first few months, the torso lengthens very quickly, and now you can no longer fasten your favorite bodysuit under the diaper. And going to the store for new clothes for the baby is a whole adventure that a mother can not afford every day.

Bodysuits are often worn like T-shirts, but there is a way to make them last longer without sacrificing comfort. A tiny little thing with buttons - a bodysuit extension - will extend the life of your favorite clothes and save you from unnecessary expenses. This extension is attached between the legs and does not interfere with the baby at all.

10. Nibbler for safe chewing

Nibbler is an old song on new way. Even our great-great-grandmothers wrapped a piece of bread or an apple in several layers of gauze and gave it to the children who were teething. The kid chewed this bag, felt the taste of adult food, but could not choke on a bitten off piece. So the child was able to instill the first skills self-administration food and relieve itching during teething.

Modern chewing gums are made from a silicone mesh that is inserted into comfortable handle. Mom can easily remove the mesh, wash and boil it, put berries or pieces of vegetables and fruits inside. Then he will attach a mesh with a treat to the handle of the nibbler, and the baby will have a new interesting activity.

Life does not stand still, and in our homes there are new amazing tools and devices for caring for a baby. Some of them get the trust of mothers, while others are unnecessary and are quickly discontinued. What new devices and gadgets have helped you take care of your baby? Tell in the comments! :)

They say, best gadget for any parent, this is a grandmother))) And she will put her to bed, and tell a fairy tale, and feed her heartily. But, unfortunately, grandmothers cannot be with the baby around the clock. Therefore, it makes sense to acquire the "miracles of science and technology", modern gadgets to help you take care of your baby. Here, as in any business, the main thing is not to overdo it! Otherwise, the whole house will be littered with nipples glowing in the dark, singing pots and flying bottles.

O self-heating bottles probably heard by many. Two years ago, this novelty appeared in the world. She liked it, mostly dads. small bottle iimamo Go independently heats 170 ml of milk in 4 minutes to the pediatrician-recommended feeding temperature of 37 °C. Replacement cartridge iiamo warm is a heating element. The secret of heating is the reaction of salt and water during the activation of the cartridge in the feeding bottle.
Issue price: from 1300 rubles.

Children are very active and often hyperactive beings. Before you blink, they are already out of your sight. However, there is a great solution - you need to wear Mother and Child bracelets parents and the child - they will show you in which direction the child ran away.
Issue price: from $25

With the introduction of new complementary foods, the child also needs new dishes. Company Nuby issued special thermal spoons. Everything is very simple: if the spoon has changed color, the food is hot (above 43°C).
Issue price: from 250 rubles.

Another gadget will help expectant mothers sleep better at night and rest longer during the day. If the child wakes up and whimpers, then with his whimper he will be able to activate Munchkin Voice Activated Crib Light, which will not only begin to glow, but will make sounds that soothe the baby.
Issue price: from $11

Those who drive a car cannot do without Car Baby Monitor. Thanks to this device, the parent-driver will be able to see and control (without turning around and without looking back !!!) what the child is doing on back seat car.
Issue price: from $100

rocking lolaloo- a compact and lightweight device that is attached to the handle of a baby stroller using two Velcro fasteners. Thanks to the built-in battery, lolaloo can rock the stroller or crib from side to side. The speed and strength of the “swings” is chosen by the parent!
Issue price: from 8000 rubles.

You will not be able to play hide and seek with this gadget))) Brickhouse Child Locator System determines exactly where the child is within a radius of 200 meters. To do this, you just need to attach the sensor to the baby and turn on the device. The sensor operates on batteries for 90 days.
Issue price: from $20

Usually parents read fairy tales to children, but it happens that they may not be around, and the baby wants to listen fascinating story some fairy tale hero. A device called AnyBook. This device only needs to be book page(of course, it will be necessary to buy special books) and it will read the text itself and reproduce it.
Issue price: from $85

Why is the baby crying? Sometimes parents, seeing the tears of their baby, do not understand what the matter is and what the baby is trying to convey to them. Scientists from Spain have found a way out! The result of their work was a clear and easy-to-use electronic translator of crying Why Cry. The author of the invention, together with medical specialists, identified 5 groups of causes of crying: hunger, boredom, pain, drowsiness, stress.
The basis of the device Why Cry the technology of analysis of the amplitude-frequency characteristics of the sounds of children's crying is laid. Frozen guys, right?)))
Issue price: from 3500 rubles.

Even when they are sick, children do not sit in one place, so it is always very difficult for them to take their temperature. It is for such restless kids and invented thermometer, which can measure the temperature even in motion, because it is attached to the forehead.
Issue price: from 800 rubles.

Can't or don't like to sing? Don't know any lullabies? A device can do this job for you. white noise- it will sing a song to the child. And if suddenly the baby wakes up at night, the gadget will rock him with beautiful music.
Issue price: from $100

Timer Itzbeen baby care timer costs nothing. And he is ready for this money to become a personal secretary to novice parents. At first, he will always show the interval after which the baby needs to be swaddled or a diaper changed, when it is time to feed or put to bed. Setting the timer is very simple - a minimum of buttons and excellent functionality. The timer gives signals for all time intervals programmed by you. However, replace maternal instinct He certainly can't!
Issue price: from $20

At first glance, this gadget Buzz B may seem silly and completely unnecessary. But for parents who are afraid of hurting their child while trimming their nails, the device will serve safe alternative. The device is powered by batteries, and it does not cut nails, but grinds them off. The gadget comes with four nozzles, two are used for nails infants, the other two are for older children (beginners to walk)
Issue price: from $30

And finally - the dream of all parents! Child control panel))) This gadget would become an indisputable hit for many generations of moms and dads. You just need to press the button, and the baby himself will remove the scattered toys or stop being capricious. Miracles - and more!

Everyone is used to the fact that gadgets are designed to simplify a person's life, and accompany him everywhere. But not everyone knows about the existence of gadgets useful for parents, even a newborn child. Such devices not only free up a lot of time, but also simplify babysitting.

Non-contact thermometer

Young children are especially mobile, so getting them to take the temperature with a conventional thermometer is often extremely difficult. This problem remains relevant for older children, but a non-contact thermometer completely eliminates it.

Its feature is the replacement of temperature sensors with infrared receivers that measure the power of the object's thermal radiation. So for exact definition It is enough to point the thermometer at the child's forehead for a few seconds to measure the child's body temperature. It should also be noted the versatility of non-contact thermometers, thanks to which it is possible to measure the temperature of any object with their help - be it food or bathing water. These thermometers are usually powered by batteries or accumulators.

Stroller rocker Lolaloo

Most couples with small children are well aware that in order for a child to fall asleep in a stroller, it is necessary not only to put him in it, but also to rock him constantly. Especially this problem relevant in nature, where there is a constant noise background, because of which the child can wake up. This problem was solved with the invention of the vibrating device for the Lolaloo stroller.

This device is attached to the handle of the stroller using simple Velcro, inside it there is a load that, when moving, causes the stroller to sway. Lolaluu ​​is powered by a battery that lasts for 4 hours of continuous operation. In addition, the device supports different modes motion sickness of the child, thanks to which parents have the opportunity to customize it individually for their baby.

Mimo Baby Monitoring System

This system was designed to replace baby monitors. But unlike them, it transmits not only the sound that comes from the child, but also its physiological data. The sensor with the information transmission unit is sewn into cotton children's clothing in such a way that its compactness does not create any inconvenience to the child. Sensor data is transmitted via wi-fi to the parent application, available for Android and iOS. This application shows the temperature of the child, the monitor of his breathing, as well as conditional sleep graphs.

Thus, even without turning on the sound, you can easily monitor whether the child is sleeping. This is due to the fact that during sleep, the breathing graph shows a relatively ideal sinusoid, and when the child wakes up, drastic changes in the graph can be observed.

Beluvv Guardian Movement Control Bracelet

Such a bracelet works on a principle similar to a monitoring system, but unlike it, data from the bracelet is transmitted via Internet channels, that is, access to the Internet is required to work with the Bell Guardian.

This bracelet determines the distance between the parent device (the phone on which the application is installed) and the child. In the event that such a distance exceeds the established limits, a corresponding notification is sent to the phone of the parents. One bracelet can work simultaneously with many subscribers, which is especially convenient if the child goes to visit friends or relatives. This bracelet is waterproof and powered by batteries.

BillFet baby car monitor

Statistically, the cause of many car accidents is that the driver is distracted to look at the child sitting behind. To solve this problem, a special baby monitor was invented, which is installed at the bottom of the windshield in the car.

At the same time, a small webcam is attached to the side of the child seat, equipped with a night vision function, which transmits data to the monitor using wi-fi. So the driver can always watch the child without being distracted from the road. Even at night, just by switching the gadget to night mode.

iiamo self-heating bottle

Such a bottle, although not an electronic gadget, but still allows you to warm the temperature of the contents to 37 ° C by simply shaking. This is possible due to the chemical reactions of a special salt with water in the bottle cartridge.

Its volume is 380 ml, which is quite enough for small child, all materials are environmentally friendly, and the only drawback of such a bottle is the need for periodic replacement of cartridges.

Technology helps modern parents be mobile and make the daily care of the child easy and enjoyable. The Village found ten functional and beautiful appliances that everyone who has or plans to have children will want to have.

Robotic stroller 2 in 1 4moms Origami

buy for 80 thousand rubles

The stroller is suitable for ages from birth to four years. Well, or you can use it until the child wants to walk. The stroller folds and unfolds automatically at the push of a button. At the same time, a special sensor will not allow the stroller to fold if the child is inside. The battery that controls the mechanism and the headlights is charged when the wheels move. But if he suddenly fails and turns out to be discharged at the very wrong moment, the stroller can be folded manually.

Smart baby scales Withings Smart Kid Scale WS-40

buy for 12 thousand rubles

Maximum accurate scales especially necessary in the first months of a child's life, so that parents can monitor the amount of food the baby receives. These smart scales connect to a smartphone via Wi-Fi, and a special application keeps a diary of weights and builds graphs of weight changes. The device can be used from the moment the child is born and up to eight to ten years (can withstand a maximum of 25 kilograms). For babies, a special cradle is provided, which is then removed so that the child can stand on the scales as usual.

WhyCry 2G Cry Analyzer

buy for 3 800 rubles

Scientists identify five causes of baby crying: hunger, boredom, pain, desire to sleep and stress. As a rule, by two or three months of a child's life, even the most inexperienced parents can recognize what the baby wants by the tone of crying. But these three months also need to be lived somehow. The smart device quickly determines the cause and shows parents exactly what needs to be done quickly to calm the child. Manufacturers claim that the analyzer works with an accuracy of up to 98%.

Self-warming Go Baby Bottle

buy for 1,953 rubles

Disposable cartridges are inserted into the bottle (buy for 419 rubles), which heat the contents of the bottle to the optimum 37 degrees in four minutes. No additional devices or electricity are needed - it is very easy to warm up food for a child on the go with this gadget. It is expensive to use this device every time, but it is an irreplaceable thing when traveling. The device was designed by Karim Rashid.

Smart soother Pacif-i

buy for 4 400 rubles

Thermometer pacifiers are a common gadget, but because of the built-in temperature display, they are often heavy, making them reluctant for children to use. This smart pacifier is disguised as a normal one, and shows the temperature on the parent's smartphone. You can be in another room and not disturb the baby during sleep. The program generates temperature graphs and shows the effectiveness of antipyretic drugs, and also has an ergonomic shape and size suitable for children of all ages.

Stroller rocker Lolaloo

buy for 6 749 rubles

The gadget is attached with Velcro to the stroller handle (suitable for any model). Operates silently on a rechargeable battery. The amplitude of the swing can be adjusted depending on the preferences of the child.

Electronic rocking chair 4moms MamaRoo 3

buy for 24 500 rubles

Another gadget for motion sickness. The device will last only until the moment when the baby learns to roll over on its own, but it will save parents many minutes and nerve cells. Children calm down if they are rocked, smoothly changing the direction of movement, and the rocking chair imitates exactly this live motion sickness. The baby in the chair feels safe, like in the arms of his mother, and falls asleep faster. The chair has built-in speakers that play a few pleasant melodies and sounds of nature, and the toys above the rocking chair are selected by experts in children's vision. The chair can be controlled from a smartphone.

Home video surveillance system Withings Nome

buy for 15 990 rubles

The device is quite expensive, but it will last a long time. After all, this is not just a baby monitor, but a full-fledged home video surveillance system. The camera transmits image and sound to your smartphone: you can monitor the baby’s sleep from the next room or monitor your pet while you are not at home.