How to fasten a car seat in the back seat. How to attach a child car seat in the car (photo, video). Why do we need special equipment

At first glance, the car may seem easy task... But in fact, sometimes it can seem annoying to install a child seat in the car. difficult task, even for those parents who think they know how to do it. Yes, of course, in any case, after several attempts to install the chair, sooner or later, anyone will be able to cope with this problem. For those who do not know how to install a child seat in the cabin, our website offers complete guide, and also answers a number of questions regarding the safety of the installation of child seats. And remember that transporting children in special chairs should become as important a part of your life for you as eating food and other things we cannot do without.

Before installation child seat you must make sure that yours is equipped with special anchoring devices to support child seats. Fortunately, most cars these days are equipped with such devices. As a reminder, since 1999, most vehicles have been equipped with mounts for the installation of child restraints (child seats).

Child seats help keep children safe while driving. Such devices hold and protect the child from injury in the event of a sudden stop or accident. Child car seats reduce the risk of a child being seriously injured.

Unfortunately, purchasing a child seat does not mean that you will protect your child while the vehicle is in motion. True, when purchasing a chair, you should also be guided by a number of rules that will help you choose exactly the device that, taking into account anatomical features your child, will protect him as much and effectively as possible. But an important detail of the safety of transporting children in the car is played by the correct installation and adjustment of the seat for your child. After all, the safety of your children depends on the correct installation of the car seat.

Installing the child seat facing the rear of the car

Babies have big heads and weak necks. Therefore, for very young children, it is recommended to install the child seat against the movement of the car (so that the child lies in the seat facing the back of the car). The position of the child seat must be adjusted so that the child is in a reclining position (at an angle).

The rear-facing seat and ideal positioning will provide maximum support for your child's neck and also provide maximum safety in the event of an accident.

If you decide to install a seat facing the rear of the car, then in no case install it in the front seat, since this position of the child is safer only in the rear seats, since in the front seat during an accident, a child can be injured from deployed airbags. security. Also, remember that the rear passenger seats are the safest place in the car for children under all circumstances.

There are three types of rear seat installation. It is worth noting that they are all safe and reliable. So you can choose any of the three options for installing a child seat that best suits you and your car. Also, before installing the seat, do not forget to carefully study the manual for your car and the instructions for the child seat. With this, you will get a lot of additional information.

Choose an option that provides the best setting child seat

Option 1: Isofix fastening system

This option for attaching a child seat is universal. At the moment, most cars are equipped with the Isofix rigid attachment system for child seats. it international standard fastening child seats. Thanks to the special attachments, mistakes in incorrect installation of the seat into the car can be avoided. Almost all car manufacturers equip all modern cars with special fasteners in the rear seats, to which any certified Isofix child seat can be attached.

In many vehicles, these fasteners are marked with a symbol. Usually the connectors for attaching child seats are located on the left and right of the rear seats. But there are exceptions. Therefore, if you do not know exactly where such seat mountings are located, refer to the manual of your car, in which the car manufacturer has in any case indicated the location of the child seat mountings.

Thanks to the "Isofix" system, in fact, the child seat is attached to the car body, which ensures reliable retention of the seat while driving, in case of a sudden stop or an accident.

Option 2: Securing the child seat with the seat belt

Use this option if your child seat does not have an Isofix fastening system, but has a built-in fastening function with car seat belts.

Check your car manual and car seat instructions for more details on how to secure the seat with seat belts.

Option 3: Belt + Retainer

Use this variant of the seat installation if it does not have an Isofix anchorage system and the seat belts do not have a locking and locking function.

In order to fix and secure the chair, use special grooves in the chair, which will securely hold the belt and will firmly hold the chair in the back seat. To do this, pull the entire belt out of the rear seat (full length). Then thread the seat belt through the grooves in the car seat. If the belt is too long, you can make a loop knot to shorten the belt a little.

  • According to Russian legislation(Clause 22.9) Children must be transported in vehicles only in child seats or other certified restraints.
  • Unfortunately, many car owners install child seats incorrectly, which naturally affects the level of safety and protection of the child while the car is moving. If you are not sure if you have installed the child seat correctly, then never put a child in it. It is best to first make sure 100 percent that the device is installed correctly. To do this, contact any store that sells chairs with a request to check if they are correctly installed in the car, or see how the chair is installed by your friends and acquaintances.
  • Do not leave loose objects in the car while driving, which in the event of an accident could damage your child.
  • When using the seat in winter time make sure that all straps and harnesses are snug against the child's body, as bulky winter clothing may cause the child not to be held securely in the seat.
  • Also, when changing seasons (for example, from winter to spring), check the tightness of the belts that hold the children in the seat. The fact is that after use winter clothes baby in spring or summer clothes may not be properly secured in the chair. Therefore, always check the tightness of the seat belts. If necessary, adjust the straps to fit your child snugly.

Buckle your child's harness

Remember that the straps of the child seat must fit snugly against the child's body. Only in this way will your child be reliably protected in case of an accident. If the straps holding the child in the seat are loosened, they will not be able to securely hold the child in the event of a sudden stop or accident.

Here's what you should look out for first:


Make sure between top the child's head and the top of the child seat have enough free space. Remember that all chairs differ depending on the type of construction, brand and price category... To find out the exact distance that should be between the child's head and top edge chair, read the instructions for the car seat, where there should be similar data.


Make sure the shoulder straps are snug against your child's shoulders. To check the fit of the straps, insert your finger under the strap near the collarbone and pull your finger up (out). If you lift your finger up, you can pinch with your index and thumb hand strap, this will mean that the strap needs to be tightened, as it does not provide a secure hold of the child in the chair.

Make sure your baby's chest is also securely supported by the straps.

Make sure the lower straps of the seat are securely holding your child's lower back and hips

Installing the child seat facing the front of the car

Many car owners often look for answers on the Internet, to the question of when it is possible to install the chair in the rear seat in the direction of travel (so that the child's face is turned to the side windshield).

Take your time to move the chair to the other side. Until the child is older, do not turn the seat over to the driver's side. Firstly, each child seat is designed strictly for a certain age... As a rule, if the child has grown out of the chair, you have to acquire a new one.

But in most cases, many car seats can be used even after the child has grown up. True, for this it is necessary that its weight is no more than those values ​​that are indicated in the instructions for the car seat. Otherwise, you will have to purchase a chair for a different age.

If the child's weight is not critical, but it has grown noticeably, then you will have to turn the seat over to the driver's side. In this case, the child's legs will hang behind the front seat. To prevent the child from getting in the way of the front seat, you can move it slightly forward.

When do you need to replace the child car seat?

  • Car child seats have an expiration date. So make sure you are not using child restraints that have expired.
  • If your car has been in an accident, then immediately after that you must replace the child seat with a new one. Attention! You must do this even if the chair was empty at the time of the accident. The reason for the replacement is that the child seat at the moment of impact could be damaged (microcracks in the body, microdamage to the retaining belts, etc.).
  • If you see that the child seat is torn or the belts have minor damage, then carefully study the instructions for the car seat to find out in which cases the manufacturer recommends replacing the seat with a new one.

How to fasten a child with seat belts?

In-ne vvyh, take your time. Try to transport children in child seats or on special devices as long as possible. It all depends on the height and weight of your child. You yourself understand that at 12 years old, a child can look like 15 summer teenager as well as an 8 year old child.

Therefore, if your child is already 12 years old, this does not mean that he should immediately be put on a regular car seat.

But if the time has come to remove the child seat from the passenger compartment, you should know how to properly fasten children who sit in regular seats.

Shoulder strap

The harness must be on the child's shoulder and never on the neck or arm. Also, the belt should not go behind the child's back or arm.

Lumbar seat belt

The lumbar harness should fit snugly around your child's thighs, not over your belly. Remember that if the belt sticks to the stomach, injury may be caused as a result of an accident. internal organs child.

How can you tell if your child can be fastened with a regular seat belt?

Your child should sit in the passenger seat with an upright support against the back of the seat. Your child's legs should hang down and reach the floor without creating a slouch. Your child wearing a seat belt should not slide down under the belt, as a result of which the lumbar part of the belt can move into the abdominal area. That is, the belt should ideally hold the child in one position.

Correct position of the child in the passenger seat


Straight and completely flat against the seat back


Incorrect position of the child in the passenger seat


The back is not straight and does not completely rest against the seat back. This is dangerous. In this case, the use of a car seat is mandatory.


Shoulder strap

The seat belt should not be on the child's shoulder. This is dangerous.

Lumbar strap

The seat belt should not be on your stomach. This is dangerous.

A child car seat is the main element that is able to take care of the safety of the child while driving on the road during sudden braking, cornering and in case of an accident. The presence of such a device in the car will reliably protect the baby from possible injuries, and the parent from paying a fine. But many parents do not know how to fasten a child seat, what to be guided by when buying, and how to position the baby inside.

Penalty for not having a child seat

According to the existing legislation (Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, article 12.23, part 3), a fine of 3 thousand rubles is imposed for transporting children in a car without a seat.

When paying in the first twenty days, a 50% discount is also applied to the fine for driving without a child seat

At the same time, in paragraph 22.9 of the SDA it is indicated that the transportation of children under 7 years old should be carried out only with the use of a special restraint device corresponding to the age and weight category of the baby. For children from 7 to 12 years old (inclusive), it is allowed to use ordinary seat belts if the baby is in one of the rear seats. For the carriage of children 7-12 years old in front of the driver's right, only a child seat is used.

Types of car seats for a child

There are several main groups into which all chairs can be divided according to height, as well as weight and age categories children:

  1. Group "0". This chair is called car cradle... It is designed for children whose age is from 0 to 1 year, and the weight is no more than 10 kg. On such a device, the baby can be positioned horizontally (then the child is secured lying down with a special belt that crosses his belly), or in a folded position (fixation occurs with a three-point internal belt).
  2. Group "0+". This chair is designed for children under 1.5 years old who weigh less than 13 kg. The device can be installed both with your face and with your back to the windshield of the car. The child in it is comfortable in a reclining position.
  3. Group "1". The chair is allowed to be used for children from 1 to 4 years old, while their weight should be between 9 and 18 kg. The seat is secured with internal five-point belts, and the child is placed in it facing the windshield.
  4. Group "2". Such a chair is used for children from 3 to 7 years old, whose weight is not less than 15 and not more than 25 kg. The chair has a backrest that can be freely adjusted in height as the child grows up. The baby is secured on the seat using a standard seat belt.
  5. Group "3". The chair is allowed to be used for children from 7 to 12 years old, whose weight is between 22 and 36 kg. The chair looks like a kind of "booster" or a seat without a back. It acts as a limiter for the upper strap of a conventional seat belt.

The European classification of child seats divides them into 5 main categories: 0, 0+, 1, 2, 3

How to choose a child seat

After determining the group, it is necessary to decide which type of fastening is better to choose. Remember that almost all isofix models can be fastened using normal seat belts.

When choosing a specific model, be guided by the following recommendations:

  1. Do not be lazy to search the Internet suitable models and find out the points they received on crash tests. It is better to check not only the ADAC indicators (they are carried out in Germany), but also checks of other states in order to obtain more detailed data. Remember that every seat that is ECE or ISO certified complies with established standards safety for the child.
  2. If it is not possible to view the information on the Internet, look for the necessary markings on the product packaging. If the symbols ECE 44 or ECE 129 (i-Size) are indicated there, then the model has successfully passed all the tests carried out and is safe for the child.
  3. When choosing, take note of how many hours a day the baby will spend in the car. If the child is very small, and you are counting only on rare meek trips, it is better to give the choice to the chair of group 0+. They can be either quite narrow or very spacious, it depends on the company and the manufacturer's model. Some of them have the ability to attach the chassis and transport the baby outside the car.
  4. If you are planning long trips, it is better to choose a class 0 seat (or a combined 0/0 +, 0/0 + / 1 option) so that you can transport the baby in a supine position. Otherwise, it is better to refrain from long journeys until he is at least 6 months old, otherwise the baby's fragile neck could be injured.
  5. The seats of group 0 (and combined groups) from the inside may have soft straps with overlays, as well as additional protection around the head. Otherwise, at quick stop or twist may suffer Bottom part abdomen or neck. Make sure that the fastenings on the belts are strong, and the baby cannot unfasten them on his own.
  6. Many children under 3 years old often sleep in the car, so it is advisable to make sure that the seat has the ability to adjust the backrest tilt.

If your child is one year old and is about to get acquainted with a car seat for the first time, you should carefully prepare it for purchase. If this is not done, he may start to panic and act up, not wanting to use the chair. Boys usually love everything about cars and racing, so you can tell them in secret that you want to buy a special racing seat. For a girl, it would be logical to suggest the association of a chair with a ride in a magic carriage. In addition, children themselves may be interested in a new purchase if you offer them to personally choose the color of the material or design.

Three main pillars when choosing a car seat: safety, comfort and practicality

You should also invite the child to sit in the chosen model in advance. Inside, he must feel comfort and coziness, otherwise the trip will be associated with stress. He will start to be capricious and cry even before the car starts to move.

Before making a purchase, ask a consultant about the possibility of trying on a chair right in the car. Although most models are considered universal, the seat belt may be too short or the shape of the seats will be uncomfortable to fit on. foreign objects... Most often, the technical passport of a chair contains a list of car models suitable for this chair. Make sure your car is there. Also, inspect the interior of the car in advance for the availability of the necessary equipment: many models are sold without isofix mounts.

The easier the principle of attaching the chair is, the higher the likelihood that all household members will be able to cope with its installation without any problems. Therefore, during the purchase process, be sure to ask the seller to show you how to do it correctly. Also ask what the upholstery is made of, whether it can be removed for washing. It will not be superfluous to take care of additional accessories: sun blinds, cover for the front seat, so that the child does not smear it with dirt from his shoes.

It is important! It is highly discouraged to purchase used armchairs by hand from strangers, because you can never know for sure whether they have been in accidents. Even a slight accident can lead to deformation of some parts of the chair, due to which it cannot be safe for the child. Do not save on your baby's health!

The safest place to install

The traffic police rules allow you to transport a child in a car seat anywhere. And here is the exact answer to the question "where is it safer?" does not exist. Each location has its own advantages and disadvantages.

In the front seat next to the driver

This position is equally convenient for children and parents. Kids get a chance to feel like adults and have a wide view of the road, and this way it is much easier for parents to follow the child's behavior. If you get stuck in a traffic jam, you can easily feed the child, or play with him a little.

Where to install the chair is up to you

However, according to statistics, rear-seat passengers are 2.4-3.2 times more likely to survive a serious car accident. But with fast braking and light accidents, the position of the cradle chair (it is suitable only for babies) with its back to the side of movement is considered the safest: it is almost impossible to damage the baby's spine with it.

If you put a child over 3 years old in a regular child seat, then it will not work with his back to the movement, so this option can put the baby in great danger. Firstly, if the child is less than 140 cm tall, it can be crushed by the opened pillow. Secondly, in the accident statistics, this place is the most dangerous for people of any age.

In the back seat on the right

This place is considered the most prestigious according to the rules of business etiquette, and also almost the safest for left-hand drive cars. It is located in the opposite corner from the oncoming lane, therefore it receives the least damage in an accident.

For parents, the right-hand seat is especially comfortable because it allows the child to sit on the sidewalk without putting him at risk from the road. It is even more convenient if the child is already big enough and is able to sit down and buckle up on his own.

The only drawback is that the driver practically does not see the child in the mirror. But if necessary, it is possible to buy and hang an additional mirror.

Behind the driver

The main disadvantages can be considered a dangerous landing of the child from the side of the roadway, as well as more likely collision with a car from the oncoming traffic. However, some studies show that this is the safest place because in the event of a collision, the driver instinctively twists the steering wheel to protect himself from the impact.

According to official statistics, the seat behind the driver is considered the safest for an adult, but it is better to sit the baby in the middle.

Back in the middle

This place is considered to be the safest place for a child. Therefore, if the design of the cabin in your car allows it, be sure to place a child seat there. Safety is determined by the fact that regardless of the position of the steering wheel, as well as the side and direction of the impact in a collision, there is enough room in the middle of the rear seat to prevent injury. In addition, in this place, the child cannot be injured by the deployed airbag. The probability for a child to be injured is high only in the event of a frontal impact.

How to fasten a child seat

A child seat can only protect it from danger if it is properly secured in the passenger compartment. When purchasing a device, please pay Special attention on the installation methods in the car.

With a seat belt

The seats that are placed in the passenger compartment with belts are called universal. They are suitable for almost every car model.

This option is suitable for a family in which there are several cars, or a car of domestic production. Most Lada models are sold without fasteners for child seats, and some of them do not even have seat belts. At the same time, themselves seats exist, but it is forbidden to install belts on them yourself; it is better to turn to a specialized service for this purpose.

One of the ways to fasten a child seat with seat belts

It is also forbidden to independently increase the length. existing belts if it is not enough to secure the chair. No matter how strong the connecting tape is, with a sharp jerk during an accident, the joint seams will instantly disperse due to an increase in the load on them.

In addition, universal chairs will be useful for people who do not own their own car, but often take the child by taxi or in friends' cars. After all, it is not always possible to quickly find such a device for the safe transportation of small passengers.

The main disadvantage universal chair the fact that it is quite difficult to install it correctly, and therefore make it reliable to protect the child. In addition, modern manufacturers are increasingly using special fasteners. And the more old model you choose, the less secure and easy to use it will be.

This mount appeared thanks to Volkswagen back in 1987. It gained popularity very quickly due to its reliability and simplicity, therefore it is now used everywhere.

The system consists of two U-shaped steel hinges, which are located at a distance of 28 cm from each other and are tightly fixed on the power frame of the machine under the backs of each seat. And on the child's car seat there are two locks corresponding in size. The dimensions and strength parameters of the fasteners are clearly regulated by European legislation.

Installation example with isofix mount

To secure the chair, you need to find the brackets on the back of the seat and attach the two brackets to them, which are located on the back of the device. If everything went well, you will hear a click. To pull out the chair, you have to unlock the locks and move it.

In the most modern models a third anchorage point (top tether) is used for added security. It is usually made in the form of a crochet arch, which is located at the top of the back of the chair. The hook can be used to snag on the brace at the top or bottom of the luggage compartment. The third point helps to relieve the main bindings and reduce the whiplash effect during hard braking.

For greater efficiency, children over 7 years old are recommended to additionally fasten their seat belts

If a chair is used that is installed against the direction of the machine, then a special stop on the floor is used as the third attachment point. It does not require additional brackets in the machine for its application. In some models of seats with the isofix system, there is the possibility of fastening using standard seat belts.

Child boarding rules

When placing a child in a chair, you should make sure that all belts tightly fix the baby's body, only in such a situation will he be completely safe. If the restraining belts are loosened, they will not be able to reliably hold the child at the time of a sudden stop or in an accident. Mainly focus on the following features:

  1. Head. Make sure that the distance from the top of the baby's head to the edge of the chair is large enough. In some types and brands of chairs, it may vary, so it is necessary to carefully read the user manual. It clearly describes all the required data.
  2. Shoulders. Shoulder straps are required to securely fix the child's body. To check how they are secured, slide your finger under the belt at collarbone level and pull it out. If after that you can great and forefinger to pinch the strap, then the belts are not fastened well. In this case, they should be tightened.
  3. Breast. In the same way, you need to check that rib cage secured securely.
  4. Small of the back. This area and the child's thighs should be secured with the lower harness. If there is free space, tighten the belts.

Under no circumstances should a child be transported in the chair from which he grew up. To determine if the size is correct, examine the following indicators:

  • for seats of group 1 and above, you should check whether the child's head protrudes higher than 1/3, and whether the seat belt attachment points are below shoulder level;
  • Before installing the purchased seat in the car, make sure that there are no defects on the fasteners. Also make sure the straps are not twisted or entangled. Take your time and follow all the instructions for installing the seat, which are described in the owner's manual, because this may affect the safety of your child on the road.

A driver cannot do without a child car seat if he plans to transport babies under the age of 12 in his car. For very young children, a category 0 car seat is purchased, which is then replaced by a seat in the next category as the baby grows. The car seat guarantees the safety of the baby when the car is moving, but only if the parents know exactly how to fasten the car seat and check the reliability of its fastening before each trip.

The chair should be selected based on its height and weight. It is also important to find out in advance how it is attached in the cabin. Today there are two most common methods: with the factory supplied three-point belts and with the Isofix system. All these methods and installation recommendations will be discussed below.

Methods for attaching a car seat for children in a car

There are several ways to attach a child seat to your car. These are the already mentioned three-point belts and Isofix, as well as some other options described below.

Fastening with straps

Fastening the infant car seat with seat belts is the simplest and most affordable option. The car seat is installed in the car interior, where the belts are threaded into special grooves and securely fix it in place. Since the design of each model of car seat is individual, it should be placed in strict accordance with the instructions, because a single the right way there is no way to fix the child seat. But this mount also has disadvantages:

  • it is rather unreliable compared to other options;
  • sometimes the belts are not long enough and you have to replace them with new ones.

It is important to know: do not lengthen the seat belts yourself if they are too short for a car seat. It is better to contact a car service, where they will be replaced with new ones.

There are special marks on the seat structure that show where the seat belt should go. If the driver intends to secure the car seat using three-point belts, it is necessary to check at the time of purchase that this method of fastening is suitable for a particular model.

Red marks indicate that the seat is in the direction of travel, and blue marks indicate that the seat is installed with your back forward.

If in armchairs for older children the child is secured by the car seat belt, then in models of categories 0, 0+ and 1, designed for babies, this function is taken over by the chair's own five-point belts. Therefore, it is important not to forget to fasten the baby with them, otherwise there will be no sense from the chair.

Isofix system

The principle of operation of the system consists in attaching a child car seat directly to the body of the car using special brackets, which are provided for by the design of the vehicle. The hinges are located between the cushion and the seat of the car seat, you just need to connect them to the fastening elements of the structure until they click. According to European legislation. All vehicles manufactured in Europe since 2011 must be equipped with ISOFIX brackets.

This method of fastening allows you to make the trip as safe as possible for the child. According to statistical studies, about 60% of car owners fasten child seats incorrectly using the car's seat belts. With ISOFIX, the likelihood of such a development is reduced to zero.

The ISOFIX anchorage locks snap off easily, allowing the carrycot to be pulled out as quickly as possible without disturbing the child.

Since the system only secures the bottom of the structure, it is necessary to additionally use an anchor strap, the hook of which is fixed with a loop behind the rear seat.

Some chairs have a retractable stand that rests against the floor in front of the seat to prevent it from tipping forward.

Important: after installing the seat, do not forget to hide the car seat belts from the baby, otherwise he may become entangled in them.

The main disadvantage of the system is that it can be used for babies weighing no more than 18 kg.

Other methods

In addition to the convenient and easy-to-use ISOFIX, there are also Latch and SuperLatch systems, which differ from it in the type of belt. These systems are popular in the USA, but they are not used in Russia and Europe.

For category 0+ car seats, there is another equally popular option for placing in the cabin - mounting on the base. A special platform is fixed in the cabin using Isofix, or with belts and remains inside the car at all times. And the carrycot is fixed on the platform when traveling.

How to fix a car seat according to its category

How the chair will be fixed depends on the age of the child, as well as the category of the purchased structure. The parent's ideas about the most safe way placement of the baby coincide with reality, so it is better not to experiment, but to follow simple rules... How to install the car seat correctly:

It should be remembered: car seats of category 0 + / 1 imply the location of the seat belt below the shoulder of a small passenger.

Installation rules for child car seats

The child's safety depends not only on the safety of the seat, but also on the correct installation. In order not to be mistaken in the fastening process, it is better to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • read the instructions carefully before installing the child seat. Even if you have already performed a similar action before and are familiar with the installation of chairs in practice, the design of a new model may have different installation requirements. An improperly secured seat will endanger the child;

It is important to know: the safest place in the cabin is the middle seat in the back. It is protected from side impacts when the side doors of the car are crushed, and also fragments that plentifully pour into the interior in a strong collision will not fly there.

  • so that nothing interferes with the installation, move the front seat as far forward as possible;
  • after installing the structure, it is necessary to stretch the mounting straps through the grooves, sparing no effort to pull them out, and also make sure that the shoulder strap is fastened;
  • the mating part of the belt cannot touch the car seat itself;
  • the guide must be adjusted so that the belt is not too high and close to the neck. Otherwise, when braking, the belt will squeeze the baby's throat;
  • after installing the car seat, you need to make sure that it is firmly fixed, only a slight backlash is allowed;
  • sit the baby in the infant car seat and fasten it with belts: the space between the baby and the shoulder straps should be no more than 2 fingers;
  • if you unfasten the chair after a trip, then you should set it as accurately as possible each time so that the fastening is reliable. But even if the seat remains in the car, checking before each ride will still not be superfluous.

Important: twisting and tangling of the belts should be avoided.

How to put a child in a chair

In addition to the correct installation of the structure, it is equally important to correctly place the child in it:

  • the baby should be tightly fixed: you should not pinch the limbs and the body, but you cannot leave a lot of space between the child and the belt;
  • head protection should be located as close to the shoulders as possible: it should be adjusted in height;
  • it is necessary to fasten your child even if you only need to drive a couple of minutes or you are moving around the parking lot. The kid should always be safe.

Summing up, it is worth repeating that a child car seat is the basis of a child's safety while moving in a car. To ensure a comfortable movement without risk to life and health, you need to install the car seat, strictly following the instructions, and check the reliability of the fastening before each trip.

When traveling with a child, do not forget to worry about the safety of his transportation in advance. To do this, you just need to know the answers to such questions: how to fix them in the car, how to choose them correctly, and how long are they allowed to be in them? At first glance, this is nothing complicated, but there are a number of nuances that are very important to consider.

Why are car seats needed?

So, first of all, you should decide not how to fix child seats in the car, but what they are needed for. Indeed, many parents, even in our time, do not see the need for them and prefer to transport babies in cradles from a stroller or on their knees. According to the data provided The World Organization health care, baby car seats actually save babies' lives in the event of an accident. For example, child mortality when using special chairs is reduced by 71 percent, and the likelihood of injury and injury by more than 90 percent. These numbers are truly impressive.

The need to install car seats is recognized in all advanced world countries, including Russia, at the legislative level. Do not think that you will be able to hold even a tiny baby in your arms during emergency braking. It has been scientifically proven that the speed at which a car is moving significantly increases the weight of all people in it. Even while observing speed mode the weight of the crumbs will be felt 30 times more.

Car seat classification

A child seat in a car is classified according to the child's age and weight. For the little ones, from the first days of life, special car seats have been developed. They can be used until it reaches 10 kilograms, this category is designated by the number 0. They are absolutely anatomical, used to transport an infant in a supine position, very often they are used as a portable carrier. Such a chair, as a rule, is placed in the back seat against the direction of travel, fixed with a seat belt, and the child inside with additional devices. In this category, there is also a special subgroup, +0, its main difference is that such a cradle can be placed both in the direction of travel and in the opposite direction.

Group 1 is intended for children weighing from 9 to 18 kilograms. It is customary to place such a chair in the direction of travel, special five-point belts are installed in it, and it itself is fastened using the car's standard seat belt. Group 2 is focused on the weight range from 15 to 25 kilograms, and category 3 - from 22 to 36 kilograms. Children with heavy weight up to the age of 12 enjoy special universal models adapted for several categories at once. They have a large number of functions; they can be adjusted in width, height, angle of inclination.

We buy correctly

The child seat for the car should be chosen correctly, a large number of models presented in children's stores do not comply with international norms and standards. To determine the quality of such products in our country and abroad, special crash tests are carried out that simulate various emergency situations on the road. Thanks to such activities for common use a list of the safest and most substandard seat models is available. It is quite simple to check the safety of the chair, you should give preference to proven models, and also require a certificate of conformity from the seller.

Where to place the chair?

Before attaching child seats in the car, you should determine the most safe places for this. So, the most preferable is the back seat of the car, in the center. It is also allowed to install the chair behind, on the sides, but this is already a less advantageous and safe position. With the airbag deactivated, and this required condition, the seat can be placed on the front seat, on the side of the driver.

Mounting methods

So how do you attach child seats to your car? There are two main options, namely:

  • Installation with standard seat belts. This chair is versatile, it can be installed in almost every car. When choosing a similar model, pay attention to the length of the belts, they should be enough to fasten the baby. If there are no such belts in the back seat, then they should not be installed on their own, but in a special service center. When buying a chair, check the instructions for it, and also ask the seller to show how it is installed. Please note that the belts must fit snugly and have no gaps;
  • A new solution for your child's safety - IsoFix. in a car in this way was first developed in 1987 with the participation of Romer and Volkswagen. The main criteria of this device were simplicity and reliability. According to European requirements, since 2011, all cars are equipped with such mounts.

More about IsoFix

It is necessary to dwell on the IsoFix system in a little more detail, this is a truly unique mount. Child seats in a car using such a system are installed quite easily, the main thing is to understand the basic algorithm of actions. IsoFix consists of steel hinges, together they form the Russian letter "P", and the distance between its ends is 280 mm. Loops are fixed in the car frame, between the backs of the selected seat, fastening with the car seat is carried out using locks. Find the special brackets in the back of the seat, match them with the brackets of the chair and click, the correct pattern will be confirmed by a characteristic sound. There is also an additional mount. Child seats in the car can be secured with a special anchor strap.

It should also be remembered that while driving, the baby should only be given Stuffed Toys and any heavy objects, including tablets, must be securely fastened.

It's hard to imagine life modern man without a car. It is also difficult to imagine her without children. It is becoming common for a car and children to coexist together. In this case, the parents have a natural question about how to safely transport the child. Our article is devoted to the features of fastening a child seat in a car.


Among the rich assortment of child seats for a car, it is quite difficult to find the "right" one, suitable option... This is due to the fact that all existing product modifications have a number of features. These are the nuances and characteristics that distinguish the seats. different categories and manufacturers from each other. They also allow you to determine the degree of safety of the structure. Among critical features car child seats, the following points should be highlighted:

  • device type;
  • types of fastening;
  • existing installation versions;
  • additional options.

Of course, it is necessary to describe these characteristics of the discussed device in as much detail as possible. After all, the choice, as well as the well-being, health and life of children and their parents, depends on the correct understanding of this issue. The above features are interconnected with each other. Among other things, they all flow from each other. So, the type of chair largely determines all the other criteria.

The type of the described product is currently determined based on two main criteria: the age and body weight of the child. It is these aspects that influence the choice of fastening method and shape, design features seat. They also determine the principle of attachment to the passenger compartment.

The modern industry has already managed to divide everything into categories current models this car accessory. Sellers distinguish several main groups.

  • Category "0". The smallest passengers are transported in these models. They allow you to ensure the maximum safety of the baby. The ability to transport the baby in a state of sleep is also important. These models are only used on the rear sofas. They are installed facing against the movement.
  • Category "0+". Suitable for toddlers from one to one and a half years old. These models should carry small passengers weighing up to thirteen kilograms. The set of such systems may include additional elements fasteners, special supports.

Category "0"

  • Category "1". Helps when transporting children from one to four years old with a weight of nine to twenty kilograms. Products of this type can be installed facing in the direction of travel.

  • Categories "2" and "3"... Designed for travel by older children. Their body weight should be in the range from eighteen to thirty-five kilograms.
  • Booster. This category of products can be used when transporting over-aged children. The design of the seat allows the existing safety elements to lie down correctly. It also provides a sufficient degree of comfort and freedom for the child. The idea behind this option is to raise the child to a level where it will be possible to use a standard safety system.

Categories "2" and "3"

The first two options are popularly called infant carriers. The name comes from the fact that these models provide a half-recumbent position of the body. The child is restrained with elastic straps and padded pads in a much more serious way than with alternative methods.

The rest of the variations are most often produced as transformers. In them, you can change the height of the back. It is also possible to make changes to other structural elements.

An excellent view for transporting children will be a universal model. This type of product has been used for many years in a child's life from early childhood and right up to growing up. The range of body weight in such models varies from nine to thirty-five kilograms. These versions are equipped with an extended system of regulation for the growth of the child. The choice of a particular chair model determines the degree of comfort and safety during the trip.

Safety regulations

The use of child seats is one of the rules for the safe operation of vehicles. The very first requirement is choice correct model armchairs. This rule assumes compliance with:

  • the age, body weight, height of the child;
  • car model.

Strict compliance with the current safety requirements will ensure the comfort of movement, save lives and health of people, money and time.

Mounting methods: pros and cons

General rule: fasten or fasten the car seat preferably in the middle of the rear seat, the child must sit facing forward (does not apply to models for newborns). Currently the lineup the product under discussion is quite extensive. The whole set of car seats differs not only in colors and sizes, but also in fastening methods. In this issue, a certain system of approaches and views has also developed. Currently, the methods of fastening are presented below.


The most popular child restraint system for transportation in private vehicles. This option is designed to fix the seat to the body at the rear of the vehicle. Fastening is done using special carabiners. In the manufacture of the product is used stainless steel... Direct connection with the body of the machine prevents rupture of structural elements and injury to the passenger. Also positive side this option is ease of operation. For installation, you just need to push the chair into the grooves until it stops. This option is highly reliable.

The lack of necessary elements fastenings in some vehicles. This means that such a chair cannot be installed in every car.

Latch or Super Latch

Seat belts

Universal method fastening. In this case, there must be special grooves on the child seat. Someone general requirement by design, there is no such device. So in this case, you should rely on the attached instructions for the accessory. A well-known negative feature of the belt model is the noticeable complexity of the installation process. There are also some differences in geometry. car seat and car seats. This can cause inconvenience to all vehicle occupants.

The above methods of fixing the seats are sufficient to ensure a standard level of safety. However, in addition to them, other options may be used. Most often it is an anchor belt or support.

Anchor strap

Special additional mount. It protects the structure from possible displacement during heavy braking. By the way, it is easiest to attach an anchor product to a car sofa. You can do it yourself in just a few movements.

With obvious positive aspects this type of attachment has a serious disadvantage. The body weight of the passenger must be no more than eighteen kilograms. If this rule is not followed, the system may not work!


Instead of a belt strap, a stand - support can be used. It rests on the floor of the car and does not allow the structure to move. The support can be described as a trustworthy method of fixing the chair. However, the need to install it may require additional material and time costs.

The choice of this or that type of fastening is determined potential opportunities passenger and vehicle.

How to arrange?

You have already purchased a car and a child seat. Now it remains only to understand where the purchase should be installed in the vehicle. There are several options in this matter, but research and long-term experience leads to the results described below. Active users of the discussed car devices know that to seat the child on front seat the passenger does not follow. However, the real arguments are slightly different from the generally accepted versions. The point is not at all that in this position a mass of fragments of the windshield will fly into the child. And not that the force of the blow will be excessive.

In fact, the airbag is to blame. She will save an adult passenger from certain death. The child can do a lot of harm. If the desire to be with the baby is great, then you can simply refuse to use the airbag. In this case, you should rely on the sturdy body and special sides of the child seat. The most common variation is to position the structure at the rear of the car on the passenger sofa. Experts agree on the need to install the device in the middle passenger seat. This will reduce negative impact on a child during a blow to the side of a car.

It is also a good alternative to secure the chair to the second row of seats on the right. In this position, the risk of being hit by shrapnel is reduced to a minimum. Also, the child will always be supervised, it will be easier to watch him. In this case, you can increase the usable space: you just need to move the front passenger seat. The danger in this case is contained by a closely located door and structural parts of the car.

Installation steps

From the above, it becomes clear that there are many types of seats. However, not everyone knows that each type has its own installation procedure. They should be talked about based on the above classification. During the installation of the infant car seat, follow these steps:

  • disable the airbag before installing the product on the front seat;
  • put the cradle with its back in the direction of travel;
  • transfer to a reclining position;
  • move the device away from the windshield;
  • check the reliability of all attachment points and the structure as a whole.

In the process of installing a full-fledged child seat in the rear of the car, the algorithm of actions will be slightly different:

  • first you should move the front seat;
  • after that you need to put the chair on the sofa;
  • now you can pull on the safety harnesses and tighten their straps tight;
  • at the end you need to check the correct position of the belts;
  • v mandatory check the structure for stability.

When using a chair with the Isofix fastening system, the algorithm of actions also has a number of features:

  • the first step is to make sure that there are special mounts in the car;
  • then you need to choose the most appropriate place for a child;
  • now you can fix the chair using special fasteners;
  • it may make sense to try to duplicate the fixation using simple belts to ensure the safety of passengers;
  • we must not forget about additional control of the reliability of the installed structure.

Nowadays, car enthusiasts often use classic version fastenings with fixation via the existing seat belts:

  • belts tighten tightly on the young traveler;
  • the owner of the car carefully checks the reliability of the fixing of the structure and the correctness of the fastening of the harnesses.