Exercises for perseverance for a second-grader child. How to teach a child perseverance - advice to parents of restless kids. Lessons in between

Many in our time complain about restlessness ... However, it is important to understand that perseverance is not an end in itself, but a means! And all efforts to improve it should be taken on the basis of this.
Therefore, the first principle of increasing perseverance is an interest in what you are doing. The more interesting the process or its result is for you, the less effort will be required for perseverance. Therefore, imagine as clearly as possible the result of your actions and the benefits that you will receive from it. Or visualize the harm it will cause if you don't achieve your intended goal. For many people, negative motivation (“from the contrary”) works better than positive.

The second principle is to set achievable goals. Nothing undermines the willingness to work like failure and the initial certainty of failure. And to increase your self-confidence, put in front of you only real goals that you can actually achieve. Time after time achieving your goal, you will believe in yourself and will be able to achieve more and more daring and bold goals.

The third key principle is to get yourself a daily routine and stick to it as much as possible. So your body and especially the brain will themselves tune in to the fact that at a certain time of the day they need to devote such and such time to this or that work.

The fourth principle is to start with small continuous periods of time and gradually increase their duration. If you force yourself "right off the bat" to sit on the same thing for a long time, you will nullify all motivation. And next time it will be harder to force yourself to work. Small periods of time will help you get used to this business, show that there is nothing to be afraid of.

The fifth principle is to follow the rhythm of activity that is comfortable for you. It is convenient for some people to do work in frequent small periods of time. It is easier for others to get down to business once, but for a long time. Find your rhythm and follow it. Violence against oneself this case will only be harmful.

Whatever your rhythm, remember that any work must be alternated at regular intervals with pauses for rest. As a rule, it is recommended to rest 10-15 minutes after every 45-50 minutes of work. But you can work out another, more suitable regimen for yourself.
These are simple yet very important principles will help you overcome your restlessness, and you will be able to cope with your tasks easier and more efficiently. And it doesn't matter in what area you will achieve your goals. Even if this activity is almost invisible to anyone. But thanks to perseverance, you will begin to cope with things better, faster and easier. So, you will get more satisfaction from them!

Sincerely, Anna Bychko
consultant on the development of speed reading, memory and attention

Parents are often interested in the question of how to teach a child to be assiduous and attentive. Some children already at the age of two can play with their favorite toys for a long time, while others cannot wait until their mother makes a cake in the sandbox, and they are already running to play with the car.

To understand how to help a child learn to manage their own attention, you need to know and take into account age features children. Often parents are faced with the problem of restlessness in a child in the senior preschool and junior school age. In the article we will look at how to deal with a similar problem in children of different ages.

Being born, the child for the first time cannot fix his gaze on the object. Gradually, he develops an attachment to his mother, who takes care of him. It is on the face of the mother, as a rule, that the gaze of the baby is focused for the first time.

Growing up, the child learns to follow moving objects and people, pick up things, examine them for a long time. This is how the attention of the child develops. It becomes interesting for him to interact with the world, especially when it becomes possible to crawl and walk on his own.

The child is already interested in balls, toys that can be pushed, rolled in front of him, monitor the result of his actions with them (roly-poly, musical toys). Peculiarity children's attention- in its instability.

The child is very easy to distract, switch to something else. The attention of the child is attracted by bright, sounding toys, as well as toys that give various tactile sensations.

For small child this is a normal situation - quickly switch from one activity to another, easy to start new game. So children learn the diversity of the world, get acquainted with objects, people, sensations. But the task of parents is gently and unobtrusively, in game form to form in the child perseverance, the ability to bring the work or game started to the end, to be careful in their actions.

After all, so often first-graders face a problem that yesterday they played carelessly, but today they cannot concentrate and sit long lesson. It is in the power of each parent to help their child develop perseverance and attentiveness to school age, while not overloading the child and giving him the opportunity to enjoy the game.

What is needed for this?

First of all, it is important personal example parents. You need to be consistent in your words and actions, bring what you started to the end, keep promises. After all, a parent for a child is the first and most important role model.

It is very important to form and observe the daily routine, performing the same actions in certain time. The child should feel that the main points of the regimen are not subject to doubt and discussion (time to get up in the morning, daytime sleep, time for eating, playing, walking, going to bed in the evening).

It is necessary to develop a regimen that will be convenient for parents and the baby, and will allow all family members to feel comfortable. The child, thus, will know in advance what awaits him during the day, and his energy will go through the right way without spending on unnecessary whims and disputes with parents.

To teach a child to be diligent, you need to talk a lot with him from the very beginning. early childhood. Children who understand adult speech well understand the purpose of any action better, and their attention is easier to direct. If you notice that it is difficult for a child to even a short time focus on the game, you need to tell him before the game what you want to do. For example, feed a bear.

Try to make the game attract the child, and with your participation develop the plot, come up with a story. Do not just feed the bear with a spoon, but go to the kitchen together, take some pasta, pour it into a bowl. “Cook” food, let the child do everything he already knows how to do. One action replaces another, not having time to bother the child. At the end of the game, ask your child to help put the toys away. Accompany any action with comments and explanations. Gradually, the child will learn to immerse himself in the game, it will become more difficult to distract him with foreign objects.

There are a few more tips that are important in order to instill perseverance in a child. During the game, you need to turn off the music and the TV, and there should not be too many toys. For very young children, these are 2 - 3 toys, for older children, a little more. The rest of the toys can be removed for a while, alternating and replacing them periodically. This makes it easier for the child to focus and less chance that he will be greatly distracted.

Even in a child of 4-5 years old, attention is still highly dependent on what he is interested in, easily switches from one to another. But, nevertheless, a child of this age can, as a rule, already play for a long time, including with other children, he is already captured by the very plot of the game. The task of parents at this age is to ensure the possibility of such a game for the child, carefully selecting toys, while paying attention to what is interesting to the child himself.

If it is very difficult for a preschooler or a first grader to concentrate on one lesson, to bring the matter to the end, you need to help him form such an ability. Various mosaics and puzzles, joint creativity with parents (embroidery and beadwork for girls, design and modeling for boys) develop perseverance very well.

For this purpose, coloring, modeling from clay and plasticine are suitable - any activity that requires concentration on the process of activity. It is very important that the child likes the lesson, you also need to make sure that he does not get tired and does not lose interest. It is better to break a big deal into many small stages, completing each of which, the child will see the result of his work, receive joy and satisfaction from what he has done. After the lesson, you need to teach the child to clean up his workplace, it disciplines and helps to become more organized.

If the child is restless at school, you should pay attention to whether he has developed a good relationship with the teacher, whether the training program is interesting to him, whether it is too difficult for the child. Parents need to form in the child an interest in the learning process, without focusing on grades. Discuss with your child more often what happened in the classroom, talk to him about what they are going through now. Perhaps inattention is caused by a misunderstanding of the material, and, accordingly, a lack of interest in this topic.

For the development of perseverance and patience, any help around the house is also useful, the main thing at the same time is to praise and thank the child for his help. It is important to reinforce and maintain in the child the desire to help an adult, to instill in him the ability to bring things to the end, gently correcting his mistakes, to show by example The right way actions.

Help develop perseverance board games, selected in accordance with the interests and age of the child. Bright design and exciting rules can attract the attention of any child, but also in board games the participation, help and advice of parents is important. This is necessary in order to help the child understand the process of the game, immerse himself in it, form right attitude to any new business that requires patience and care. Pay attention to the games "Kalaja Lux", "Tower", "Mikado".

Most importantly, praise your children more often for their successes. If something does not work out for them the first time, remind the child that it is important to be patient, that sometimes you need to practice in order to build, for example, a high tower of cubes. Point the child to his achievements, to any step forward, thus forming in him the desire and desire to play, act and learn further. Be sure that your child can become diligent and attentive, show him that you love him no matter what, and your confidence will be transferred to the child.

Daria Evstyushkina

Each of us sooner or later faces the problem of disobedience of a child, his. It happens that we want to read or lie down, watch an interesting program with him, but the child cannot sit still.

Perseverance in a child is every parent's dream. While they are small, restlessness does not cause much trouble. But the further, the more difficult. It seems that here he is sitting and playing with the designer, but another moment - and he is already with the typewriter. It's theirs special way know the world. Believe me, when he grows up a little, he will become more consistent, will be able to focus on one task.

Parents should remember that the child needs to be helped, supported. After all, without their help, he will never be able to become independent and disciplined. To do this, you should work with the child from childhood.

The most interesting and useful games

We should not forget that children love everything bright, something that attracts attention. When buying toys, be guided by toys of bright colors. Can you think of interesting story, and then invite the child to complete the task for her.

play nice, calm environment. TV and music should not distract the child from the game.

Psychologists say that finger games for children are one of the the most important activities. With their help, it develops fine motor skills improves brain function.

Feel free to show your emotions - joy and interest in the game. The child will definitely try to repeat your actions.

Praise the baby - this stimulates him to positive actions.

If the child is not interested in the activity, postpone the game for a while. Perhaps your child is simply not ready for such games. Find him something more interesting.

Remember that by developing the perseverance and attention of the baby, we teach him patience, that you should bring the matter to the end. We teach it by example - control of emotions, correct behavior. If several people participate in the game, then the child adapts to them, learns patience and determination.

Most The best way work out perseverance in a child- it's work. Almost all kids love to help adults with the housework. Don't drive them away, let them help you. This will only increase their desire and desire to help you.

Do not forget to ask the child before the game what exactly he wants to play.

Games for the development of attention and perseverance of the child.

We bring to your attention several games that will help develop attention and perseverance in a child.


In the original, this game is played with a ball, but let's improve it a bit. Use words familiar to your child to play with. For example, bread, stone, water, toy. As a ball, use the same word objects. Imagine that it is in your hands. Let the child pinch off a piece of an imaginary bun, and put the stone on the floor.

Find differences!

Show your child two similar toys or pictures. Let him try to find the differences between them. It is worth starting with easy pictures, gradually complicating the task.

What was stolen?

Take some toys and look at them with your baby. Then ask him to close his eyes and hide one of the toys. Let the child try to understand what was stolen.

A few more options

To develop perseverance in a child, you can also use activities such as modeling with plasticine, assembling puzzles and mosaics, and also drawing or applique.

Having a rich imagination, you can come up with many more games that will help diversify your pastime with your child.

Excessive activity in the early childhood can cause poor academic performance and constant conflicts with peers. Psychologists advise to cultivate perseverance from early childhood!

Many adults are moved by looking at active kids. Such children always know what to do, they are always on the move and fall asleep at night without any problems. But sometimes such activity causes restlessness in a child, which prevents parents from planning their day and becomes the main factor that they rush to show the baby to a specialist. If mom and dad are striving to ensure that their baby develops fully and later easily adapts to school, they should know how to teach a child perseverance.

Causes of children's restlessness

Hyperactivity in children is manifested from the very early age. Usually these babies start crawling, walking, talking early. Parents cannot get enough of their child, for the first few years they are proud of the success of the child, but closer to 3 years they begin to grab their heads and do not know how to make the baby sit still.

The main disadvantage of a hyperactive person is that he cannot stay in one place for more than 15 minutes. First of all, mothers suffer from this, since they spend most of the time with the child. For women who work from home, constant noise in the home can lead to missed orders and nervous breakdown. The activity of the child interferes and does not leave time for preparing dinner.

You should start teaching the crumbs of perseverance from the moment he turns one year old. By this age, the child already understands the speech of the parents. Mom and dad should tell the baby something interesting while walking, so that he is as distracted as possible, trying to concentrate on the speech of adults.

Older children should be spoken to in a serious tone. If you talk in a playful tone, then the baby will decide that you want to play with him, so he will not be able to adequately perceive the speech. When trying to start reading new book or play unfamiliar games, the mother should explain to the baby the purpose of the classes, and what benefits he can derive from this knowledge and skills.

In the event that the child begins to be distracted by extraneous sounds or objects, he should be given time to rest, for example, drink tea from his own preparation with the baby. In this way, you will ensure that the baby gets the rest he needs, after which you can start the lesson again.

Exercises to cultivate perseverance

Here are a few practical advice parents who do not know how to develop perseverance in a child:

  1. If the child has reached two years of age, then it is worth transferring his attention from the passive mode to an arbitrary one. Read fairy tales to your baby, and then ask him to retell you the story he just heard. Do not be lazy to discuss pictures, cartoons, games with your baby. Start playing games that require you to classify objects by color, as well as categorize those things that he often uses.
  2. 3-4 months after birth, the baby can focus on a certain subject for 3-4 minutes. For this reason, it is important for parents to try these first months to develop mindfulness in their child. Get a mobile for a crib, take care of a developing rug, and also give preference to rattles. Another important point is the contact between the child and the parent. The baby can look at the face of an adult for 20 minutes, as he likes to watch the facial expressions of mom and dad.
  3. Most parents do not know how to instill perseverance in a child in one year old, because this period is marked excessive activity the baby, his attempts to take the first steps. If you offer your baby a toy, then do not just give it to him, but make it so that the baby wants to explore it. Tell us where the cat's ears are, what the wheels of the car are for, why the doll has such a fluffy dress.
  4. Actively participate in the learning process of the little man big world. Do not forget the importance of not only providing the toys at the disposal of the baby, but also explaining the functions that they perform. Try to have the child play with a small amount toys, it is best to stop at three. If there are more toys, then the baby will not be able to focus on them, his attention will be scattered.

As soon as the baby is one and a half years old, parents need to purchase educational toys. It is advisable to buy large soft puzzles that have a beneficial effect on the development and attention of the crumbs. At first, adults will have to help suna or daughter collect from small pieces the whole picture, but over time he will learn to do it himself. If the little one already knows how to hold a pencil in his hand, then get him a coloring book or learn new ones.