Scenario for a part-time job by Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. A script for congratulating Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. Games for children at home with Santa Claus

The arrival of Santa Claus is a traditional episode in the script of any new year holiday, that is why it is important to do it in an original and fun way, so that it would be interesting to the artist himself, the audience, and so that the appearance of Santa Claus does not turn into a boring, well-known action to everyone. And if this is even more so, you cannot spoil the New Year's fairy tale for children.

The proposed scenario of a game moment with Santa Claus suitable for family holiday, where many children gathered, for children's matinee (medium or senior group) or can be anyone. Here children will be able to make noise, and play, and dance an unusual round dance, and take part in an animation, and most importantly, receive long-awaited gifts,

D to organize a sceneyou will need:

- Large footprints, animal footprints drawn

- Large DM gauntlet for a surprise moment

- A bag with presents

- Musical accompaniment (attached)

Game moment "Santa Claus at a children's party"

Knocking with his staff, Santa Claus enters and, as it were, sings (recorded as plus)

Santa Claus:

Hello parents, caregivers and children!

I was in such a hurry, I was racing like the wind,

And I flew in, despite the weather,

On a Happy New Year!

Yes, how could I not have come here!

Here is a Christmas tree, laughter, streamer, confetti,

And the time is on the new calendar,

And if you want, I will give you

Luck and joy for a thousand days

And new fairy tales. And new friends

Then happiness will surely come

Celebrate together again New Year!

Santa Claus: I see, there are already smart guys who are already celebrating not the first New Year in their lives? And then tell me, when do we celebrate this holiday in winter or summer? (children answer) Does everyone love winter? Or maybe more summer? Now I will find out who loves winter more and who loves summer. I will talk about what happens in our nature, if you know that this happens only in summer - stomp your feet, if in winter - clap your hands. But first, I want to hear how you stomp? (kids stomp)How to clap? (clap) And now we stomp if it's a summer phenomenon, and we clap - only if it's winter, right? Let's start!

(It is better to do such a noisemaker or chanting chant at the beginning because it helps to activate the mood and attention of children)

Santa Claus Christmas noisemaker for children "Winter or Summer"

The rain is dripping in the morning (stomp)

Children are riding on a sled (clap)

Flowers bloomed all around (stomp)

Frosty pattern outside the window (clap)

We collect berries from grandmother in the garden (clap)

Circling in festive round dance (clap)

You can swim and sunbathe (stomp)

And collect mushrooms in the forest (stomp)

Grandfather Frost comes to us (clap)

Chills cheeks and nose (clap)

Santa Claus runs and gently pinches and tickles the kids.

Santa Claus: Oh, and out of breath while running and pinching. And I wanted to start a round dance, only our tree does not burn, here is such a turn. Can you count, well, at least one, two, three? And then we count, and then we shout to the Christmas tree: "Burn!"

So, we count together: "One, two, three, our Christmas tree -" Burn! "

Something the tree is not burning,

It means that someone is not screaming,

All the kids need to shout

And most importantly, loudly and amicably.

Let's try again.

One, two, three, our Christmas tree - "Burn!"

Children's New Year's animation "Santa Claus Dance"

Santa Claus: Now you can lead a round dance. Do you like to dance? Santa Claus also loves to dance. Then, standing in our places, we will dance a wonderful Dadmorozov dance. We knead the arms and legs a little more. Let's rehearse. I will show, and you repeat after me:

(to download - click the file)

Text (if done with a different musical accompaniment)

Raised the right handle up (raise and bend at the elbow)

Left handle raised up (also)

They patted their hands clapped (clapped)

Feet trampled, trampled (stomp)

Spun one way, spun the other way

And now to music together with adults.

Handles raised up (raise)how the trees shook (swing)

Neighbor's right ear was tugged (tugging)

The neighbor's left ear was tugged (tugging)

Above the handle, who is higher?

Well done! And now, my little people, join the round dance! But before we start dancing, let's play a couple of times.

Game for the New Year's round dance "I and I"

Santa Claus: I will now read the quatrains to myself, and I would like to know if you girls and boys agree with me. If you, kids, also do as I do or love the same thing, then shout: "Iya, and I," and if you do not agree, then shout together: "No, not me",

I like to dance around the Christmas tree on New Year's Eve ... (children answer: "I and I")

In the summer I hide in my cold, turning my fur coat out ... (children answer: "No, not me")

I love to play hide and seek with friends and, of course, chocolates ... (children answer: "I and I")

I also love all kinds of sweets and new year relay races. ... (children answer: "I and I")

Relay "Footprints"

Music from the cartoon "Masha and the Bear"

Santa Claus:Have you ever seen Bigfoot? (answer)I didn’t see either, but I managed to see his tracks, and I multiplied these tracks so that you can follow these tracks. And the footprints of animals, I think you have seen and even know who they belong to (poll on the trail).

(to download - click the file)

And now we will form 2 equal teams and find out whose team will go faster in the footsteps of Bigfoot. The condition is that the first team members follow only the tracks, they return back already running not in the tracks and pass the baton to the second team members, etc., until everyone has passed. Clear? Then they started.

(game is being played)

New Year's children's animation "If it's fun at the Christmas tree"

(to download - click the file)

(everyone is dancing)

Santa Claus: Guys, where are my mittens? While I was dancing with you, I lost my mittens, let's all look for them together, help Santa Claus (one children will be able to find, and the second (large) - Santa Claus brings from another room or specially hides it in the hall in advance and finds it himself)

Now I am in mittens. (Tries to put on a mitten.)

Don't put my mitten on. Well, thick inside.

It’s not easy: There are gifts, look!

(Gives out to children small gifts, the rest of the gifts he takes out of the bag)

Santa Claus: Well, friends, you need to say goodbye

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart

Let NG meet amicably

Both adults and kids!

So that hopes are fulfilled

All cherished desires

So that again, as before,

Parting has become a meeting

For a year to pass like an hour

Let's say goodbye now.

Wait - next year

I'll come here again

To see your faces

The holiday will be repeated again.

Let's become a round dance again.

Goodbye! Happy New Year!

Ends game moment merry round dance.

(to download - click the file)

30 minutes at home program:

С - 1. Song. The release of the Snow Maiden Song of the Snow Maiden 1.38

I came from a wondrous fairy tale

Snowy aunt of winter

And of course without a clue

You all recognized me!

S. - Hello! Did you find out who came to visit you? Are you waiting for Santa Claus? He is old, a little behind,

Let's all loudly shout Santa Claus!

D.M. 2. Song. Musical Santa Claus

D.M. - Hello! What are your guys name? Correctly. I received letters from you. Here I came to see you, brought gifts. First, I want to know how you behaved all year? How did you study? (by age questions)

What a beautiful Christmas tree you have! The herringbone is elegant.

Snegurochka, let's play, dance, otherwise it's probably cold next to me.

D.M. shows the movements of the Muses.

dance of little ducks.

D.M. Eh! I'll freeze you a little!

The Snow Maiden tells the rules: Do not run away from the circle, hide your handles behind your back only when Santa Claus comes up (Santa Claus can freeze by the cheeks)

4.Muse. I will freeze

frozen Snow Maiden collects near her.

S. What have you done, Grandpa. This is not good! Come on, do it immediately! Who will I play with?

D.M. Here's another! My job is to freeze. Give better grandpa sit down. What an angry granddaughter you are, not that Zimushka gave me ice cream. (takes it out and sort of unfolds it and eats - there are props).

S. Oh! Do not eat. She will not treat you well! She also loves to freeze children. Competitor you mean to her.

S. Ay-yay-yay. Guys, what did I say! The ice cream turned out to be enchanted. Grandpa fell asleep!

Let me defrost you all and get warm!

I will quickly teach you how to keep warm in winter! We will dance now! Who can't see the Snow Maiden - look at each other

  1. Music Ice ceiling - 1 verse is possible. You can invite everyone and adults to dance too - a flash mob (you can accompany the movements with words: Remove the curtains - Wipe the windows with each hand - erase the curtains - and now with three and turn around - and now - we hang on the window ... and now everyone first remembers? .. first ….).

S. Well, I kind of defrosted everyone.

Ta-a-ak! and what are we to do with our wretch! I ate magic ice cream, forgot everything in the world, and even fell asleep!

Let's all wake him up together! Well, shout as loud as possible: "Santa Claus!"

No ... we shout weakly,

Well, all together, guys!

Let's call him seriously

Let's shout: "Grandfather Frost!"

D.M. Well, why are you making noise? Don't let the old man sleep!

S. Get up, take time to sleep! Kids are waiting for Gifts!

D.M. I have gifts!

I'll just check the guys.

Winder game, strongman

  1. Game from the Snow Maiden We are funny monkeys

We are funny monkeys!

We play too loud!

We all clap our hands!

We stamp all our feet!

Inflate your cheeks!

Let's jump on our toes!

And even to each other

We'll show you the languages!

Let's stick out our ears!

A ponytail on top of your head!

Let's bring your finger to your temple!

Let's jump to the ceiling!

Open your mouth wider!

And we will make all grimaces!

As I say the word "three"!

All with grimaces freeze.


Well, now it would not hurt me to knead the bones.

Come on, friendly people, get into a round dance.

The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree,

- S. Santa Claus, have you forgotten anything?

D, M, -No! I cheerful grandfather Frost,

Brought presents to everyone!

Unties the bag, takes out the items and comments, gives it to the Snow Maiden.

Here are the boots - runners (one toe).

- The Snow Maiden is surprised - why in the plural?

D.M. Here is the invisible hat

Here is a self-assembled tablecloth, however, it is already leaky. (leaky napkin)

The Snow Maiden with horror, peering into the hole in the napkin:

Grandfather! What are you! This is some kind of self-drunk!

Are they really gifts?

DM - What's with me? The old one, apparently, has become. Sorry,

guys. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - there will be miracles again!

Pulls out gifts.

S. - Grandfather Frost, these are gifts! Let me help you!

Guys, let's say "Thank you" together!

Well, it's time for me to leave, but in a year I can vouch, I promise to be again, and this is where I say goodbye!

C. So that later flipping through the album

And remember our holiday

I suggest today

Take a New Year's picture!


The presenter on stage pronounces following words, accompanying them with movements: The deer has a big house, He looks out of his window. The hare ran through the forest, knocked at his door. Tuk - tuk - tuk - deer, open it. There is an evil hunter in the forest. Hare, hare, run in, give your paw.

The facilitator learns words with the children and explains that each word is played up with appropriate hand movements. The pace is constantly increasing.

The deer has a big house,

He looks out his window.

The hare runs through the forest.

He knocks on his door:

"Knock, knock, open the door,

There is an evil hunter in the forest!

Open the doors quickly

Give me a paw. "
Ved. addresses the guys: In order for us to play one interesting game, you need to learn fishing and movement. Repeat after me. Ved. hums the following words: - The deer has a big house (raises his crossed arms above his head, depicting the antlers of a deer). - He looks out his window (imitates a window). - The hare runs across the field (depicts running on the spot). - Knocks on his door (knocks on an imaginary door). - Knock, knock, open the door (imitates a knock on the door and pulls the handle of an imaginary door). There is an evil hunter in the forest (shows thumb back, then simulates a gun). - Hare, hare, run in (they wave their hands above their head, depicting the ears of a hare, then make an inviting gesture). - Give me a paw (they clasp their hands in the lock). When children memorize words, they pronounce them and make movements at a faster pace.

Music in the app:

1 archive for home

Music 1-4 is suitable for a 20-minute program for both Snegurochka and Santa Claus, and for one Santa Claus (then a flash mob is not needed, instead, turn on games without music, or Deer, ducklings.

  1. Bells (just the beginning - in front of the door)
  2. The rivers have cooled down (for the game I will freeze 1 verse)
  3. Flash mob washing (the ceiling is ice - the Snow Maiden defrosts)
  4. Round dance.
  5. Dance of little ducks
  6. Little bears
  7. Monkeys
  8. Deer
  9. House 30 min. All together (with pauses according to the script)

Option 2 for a matinee in children's centers, circles

10 Snow Maiden's exit

11. Exit D.M.

12 Chimes

13 phonogram for circles

  1. distribution of gifts


Hello guys!

(children answer)


It sounds a little muffled so far ...

Come on again louder-

Hello guys!

(children answer)


Now your answer is not bad,

I almost went deaf from him!

How have you grown, become big!

Did everyone recognize me?

(children answer: Santa Claus)


I guys old grandfather, I am already five thousand years old!

In January and February I walk on the ground

As soon as I get out of bed - blizzards rise!

As I shake my sleeve - everything will be covered with snow!

But now I am very kind and I am friends with the guys,

I will not freeze anyone, I will not freeze anyone!

Now give me an answer - who is not on the tree with me?

(children answer: Snow Maidens)


Now I will call the Snow Maiden, and you will all help me!

(name is Snegurochka)

Snow Maiden:

Who is calling me, who is celebrating the New Year?

Hello my friends, I'm glad to see you all,

Both big and small, nimble and remote!

I see - you were not lazy and worked wonderfully well,

Nicely decorated a fragrant Christmas tree, here it is - smart, fluffy!

We came from good fairy tale, today there will be games, dances!

Join the round dance, together we will celebrate the New Year!

(we dance around the Christmas tree to the song)


We took the Christmas tree home from the forest.

Pink gingerbread, golden cones!

Have fun, have fun celebrating the New Year!

The little Christmas tree is cold in winter.

We took the Christmas tree home from the forest.

We took the Christmas tree home from the forest.

How many colored balls on the tree

Pink gingerbread, golden cones!

Pink gingerbread, golden cones!

Let's stand under the Christmas tree in a friendly round dance,

Have fun, have fun celebrating the New Year!

Have fun, have fun celebrating the New Year!

The little Christmas tree is cold in winter.

We took the Christmas tree home from the forest.

We took the Christmas tree home from the forest.

How many colored balls on the tree

Pink gingerbread, golden cones!

Pink gingerbread, golden cones!

Let's stand under the Christmas tree in a friendly round dance,

Have fun, have fun celebrating the New Year!

Have fun, have fun celebrating the New Year!

The little Christmas tree is cold in winter.

We took the Christmas tree home from the forest.

We took the Christmas tree home from the forest.

How many colored balls on the tree

Pink gingerbread, golden cones!

Pink gingerbread, golden cones!

Let's stand under the Christmas tree in a friendly round dance,

Have fun, have fun celebrating the New Year!

Have fun, have fun celebrating the New Year!

Snow Maiden:

Now let's play with you!


To play, you need 2 round sticks 25-30 cm long and a string 4-5 m long, to the middle of which tie a ribbon tied with a bow. Tie the ends of the string to the middle of the sticks, which are picked up by 2 players. They go to opposite ends of the room (corridor) so that the string is stretched. At the signal, the players, rotating the sticks away from themselves, try to wind the string around it as quickly as possible. In doing so, they move forward. Whoever winds his own half faster and gets to the ribbon first, won.

Then comes into play new pair or a new player meets the winner of the first duel.

To play, instead of sticks, you can take 2 regular penciltying to them regular thread with a label attached to the middle. Since pencils are thin, the fingers are particularly stressed.


FATHER FROST: Someone from the forest will come to our house for the New Year,

All fluffy, in needles, and they call that guest ... (Christmas tree)

Snow Maiden: Everyone is afraid of him in winter - he can bite painfully.

Hide your ears, cheeks, nose, because on the street ... (Frost)

FATHER FROST: It is snowing, streets and houses have disappeared under the white cotton wool.

All the guys are glad for the snow - it came to us again ... (Winter)

Snow Maiden: He goes first in the account, the New Year will begin with him.

Open the calendar soon, read it! Written by ... (January)

GRANDFATHER FROST: He comes to winter evening light candles on the tree.

He starts a round dance - this is a holiday ... (New Year)


We need a long string or ribbon and cotton balls - they will be snowballs. Children are divided into 2 teams - the team of Santa Claus and the team of the Snow Maiden. In the middle of the hall, we lay a rope or ribbon on the floor, dividing the room in half. Within 1 minute, we throw snowballs to the side of the enemy. On whose half after the allotted minute there will be fewer snowballs, he won.


Santa Claus and Snegurochka take turns asking questions, and the children answer "yes" or "no"

Snow Maiden: Is Santa Claus known to everyone?

GRANDFATHER FROST: Do I come at exactly seven?

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus is a good old man?

GRANDFATHER FROST: Do I wear a hat and galoshes?

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus came to you too?

GRANDFATHER FROST: Did I bring the Snow Maiden?

Snow Maiden: What grows on the tree - cones?

GRANDFATHER FROST: Tomatoes and gingerbread?

Snow Maiden: Is the view beautiful near our tree?

GRANDFATHER FROST: Are there red needles everywhere?

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus is afraid of the cold?

GRANDFATHER FROST: Did I freeze all the puddles?


(attention game - we played with our parents too)

Everyone is divided into two teams - Grandfather Frost and Sneugrochka. Grandfather Frost and Snegurochka take turns saying phrases: "A mighty hurricane caught everyone ..." and then we say a phrase, if it refers to the players, then they run across to the other side. The funniest thing here is that there may be joke commands to check attention: "A mighty hurricane picked up everyone who loves to eat frogs," "A mighty hurricane picked up everyone who doesn't wash," and so on. teams, and find themselves in a funny situation.

For instance:

A mighty hurricane caught all ... girls

A mighty hurricane caught all ... boys

A mighty hurricane caught everyone ... who does not wash

A mighty hurricane caught up all ... adults

A mighty hurricane picked up all ... kids

A mighty hurricane caught everyone ... who beat dogs

A mighty hurricane caught everyone ... who obey their parents

A mighty hurricane caught everyone ... who are in a dress

A mighty hurricane caught everyone ... who love ice cream

A mighty hurricane caught everyone ... who eats snow

A mighty hurricane caught everyone ... who love cats

Snow Maiden:

Well, you did a wonderful job with all our tasks and deserve delicious sweets.

(The Snow Maiden is looking for sweets in the bag, turns upset to Santa Claus)

Snow Maiden:

Grandpa, we forgot the sweets!


Oh oh oh! Well, don't worry, granddaughter, I'll cook the sweets myself - delicious, magical! Get out our magic cauldron!


We need a magic cauldron - we glue an ordinary plastic bucket with something shiny, decorate it with tinsel, glue the inscription “magic cauldron”, and we also need ingredients: 2 small bags with foam inside and the inscriptions “salt” and “sugar”, some transparent pebbles - it will be ice, cotton balls - this is snow, tinsel, a card in the form of a snowflake or a ready-made snowflake. You need to make a double bottom at the boiler, put real sweets down, close with the second bottom, on which we will lay the ingredients.

SANTA CLAUS (pledging ingredients):

Salt, sugar, ice cubes

A little snow, tinsel,

I'll add a snowflake too, one minute, friends.

We need to mix all this, magic words to tell

(Santa Claus interferes with his staff, and the Snow Maiden turns over the second bottom, putting sweets on top)


Snow, snow, snow,

Ice, ice, ice,

Miracles for the New Year

Staff, staff, mix it all up

And turn it into candy!

Snow Maiden:

Oh, well, Grandpa, well, and a wizard, and really candy turned out!

(shows that there are already sweets in the cauldron and treats the kids)

Snow Maiden:

And now let's all make a wish and tie our magic ribbons on your beautiful Christmas tree, then your wishes will definitely come true!

(The Snow Maiden distributes multi-colored ribbons, which everyone in turn tied on the Christmas treey)

Snow Maiden:

Now is the time for what, Grandpa?


For what, granddaughter?

Snow Maiden:

Well, how is it for what?

(addresses the guys)

Snow Maiden:

Tell me, did Santa Claus play with us?

(children answer: played!)

Snow Maiden:

Danced near the Christmas tree?

(children answer: danced!)

Snow Maiden:

Did he make the kids laugh?

(children answer: amused!)

Snow Maiden:

What else has he forgotten?

(children answer: gifts!)

Snow Maiden:

Where is your bag, Grandpa?


Eh, I'm old, a head with a hole! I forgot where I left my sack! Well, nothing, I have a magic ball, which will lead us to gifts. All you need to do is say the magic words together:


A magic ball of wonderful yarn,

Roll along the path you only know

Run quickly, find gifts

Bring us to the sack of Santa Claus!

(after that, Grandpa lays the ball on the floor and strikes with his staff, rolls it around the room, so that at the end he ends up at front door... Finds a bag, carries it to the room)


Thank you, ball!

Well, now tell us some rhymes!

(children recite rhymes, after which Grandfather Frost gives gifts)

Snow Maiden:

Today kind grandfather frost brought you a bag of joy,

Another bag of laughter, and the third one with success!

(for this we need 3 bags with the words “joy”, “laugh”, “success.” We put a toy in the bag with “laugh”, which laughs when we opened this bag, pressed the toy, and the bag started laughing, for children it is I like it very much. Put cotton balls in each bag different colors, one color - in one bag, another - in the second, third color - in the third bag. Santa Claus sprinkles children, you can also adults with these balls, so that in the new year everyone will be accompanied by laughter, success and joy)

GRANDFATHER FROST AND THE SNOW Maiden say goodbye and leave

FROM pricey new year greetings for Santa Claus and Snegurochka, who were invited to wish the child a Happy New Year at home, is designed for 15 minutes. Of course, the implementation of the child's congratulations will largely depend on the artistry of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, but in this scenario, the main points are taken into account. The performance time can be increased by playing with the child and songs, as well as fun tasks for parents who celebrate the New Year with their children.

Parents and child open the door to Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.

D. Moroz: - Hello, does the future artist live here? (athlete, singer - depending on the child's hobby)

Parents : - Yes!

D. Moroz: - Does he live here young amateur animals (flowers)?
- Yes.

D. Moroz: - This is where the best assistant (s) of dad (mom) lives in the garage (in the kitchen)?
- Yes!

D. Moroz: - So we came to congratulate three children at once?

Snow Maiden: No, grandfather, it's all one child, and his name is (name)! (brings the child to D. Moroz)

D. Moroz: - So you are so talented here? With pleasure I will look at your skills! (pass, examine the drawings and

etc., praise the child)

Snow Maiden:
- We know, everyone is surprised
You learned a poem.
Loudly, clearly, from the heart,
Please, tell us! (child recites a verse)

D. Moroz:
- New Year is coming,
Let's start a round dance!
We will stand together in a circle,
Sing us a song, my friend!
(everyone, including parents, dance around the Christmas tree, the child sings his beloved new year song, everyone picks up)

Snow Maiden:
- In the New Year, both there and here
Children are waiting for a miracle again
We are in a hurry to visit grandfather
To the smallest and the largest!
We carry gifts with us
Let the holiday be bright!

Santa Claus (gives the child a gift):
- Be kind and do not hurt,
Protect the weak, pity
Eat good for breakfast,
Do not spoil your mother and listen!

D. Moroz : - Tell me, (name), do you have a friendly family? I really want to see how friendly you are, and I have a task for you. Can you handle it?

Santa Claus spends mini-game "Ice Age", In which all family members and the Snow Maiden take part.
The goal of the game is to save the family during Global Warming. A large sheet of paper is laid out on the floor of the room. This is an ice floe. The floor around is water. The warmer - the more water, and less ice. All participants move slowly around the room - "floundering in the water." At the command of Santa Claus "Global warming!" everyone should climb onto the ice while he counts to five. And with each next time the ice floe melts more and more (the sheet folds in half, etc.).

Snow Maiden conducts the game "Snowball", involved: family and Santa Claus.
Participants lead a round dance. The Snow Maiden gives the commands "Jump" or "We go on tiptoe", "Goose step" ... As soon as she unexpectedly commands "Snowball-2", the participants should form groups of 2 people and freeze, hugging tightly. At the command "Snowball-1" everyone freezes, wrapping their arms around their shoulders. Etc. before maximum number hugged participants.

D. Moroz:
- Well it's time to say goodbye


But let's not be upset -
I will come again and again
And today my order:
Everyone to play and have fun
And don't be lazy to laugh
It's fun to celebrate the holiday
Do not be sad or bored!

Snow Maiden:
- New Year at the door
He will enter the house as a good friend,
Take a look around quickly -
How everything shines around!

D. Moroz:
- They will come to the family in the coming year
Luck, happiness and success,
And the year will certainly be the best
Wonderful, joyful for everyone!

Thanks to the possibilities of the Internet, it is not difficult to assemble, but if a show is started in the House of Culture or themed evening rest in a cafe or restaurant, the help of professionals will be very useful.

We offer scenario new year party in naval style called "Frigate" New Year ", which was written by a real master of his craft Sergei Lukashin. Completely the script with all the author's recommendations for lighting, design, music and staging is presented in a separate document, for illustration there is an excerpt - the Block of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, as the most popular and important for those who would like to "refresh" the repertoire or simply organize at their holiday this game moment is new and interesting.

New Year's party in naval style "Frigate" NEW YEAR ". Block of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden

Participants: Santa Claus, Snow Maiden and the captain of the frigate "New Year"

1. Game episode "Ay, yes, Grandfather!"

Incendiary music sounds

Santa Claus and Snow Maiden energetically enter, performing a remake of the famous hit "Twist Agane"

Santa Claus:(in rhythm, recitative) What kind of holiday is coming, who will answer everyone forward?

Snow Maiden:Open your mouth, breathe in oxygen

And together we say together:

New Year!


Santa Claus:Wizard New Year!

Took possession of the planet

Snow Maiden:Wizard New Year!

Spun the country

Santa Claus:Wizard New Year!

Adults and children

Snow Maiden:Wizard New Year!

Everyone is glad to him


Snow Maiden:We don't hear! .. (Yes!)

Santa Claus:Wizard New Year

Both: Everything is subject to him

Snow Maiden:Wizard New Year

Both: Wave his wand

Santa Claus:Wizard New Year

Both: Will give us happiness

Snow Maiden:Wizard New Year

Both: Joy will bring

And we, and we, and we are so glad to him!

And you, and you, and you, are you glad of him?

Snow Maiden:We don't hear! .. (Yes!)

(recitative, playing with the audience)

Santa Claus:What kind of holiday is coming

Who will answer faster? .. (New Year)

Snow Maiden:If all the people are having fun,

What holiday is it? .. (New Year)

Santa Claus:A round dance of snowflakes is spinning -

Does this mean soon? .. (New Year)

Snow Maiden:Or maybe quite the opposite -

Mid summer? .. (New Year)


Santa Claus:Wizard New Year

Both:Visited us again!

Snow Maiden:Wizard New Year

Both:Happy guys!

Santa Claus:Wizard New Year,

Both:We are always ready

Snow Maiden:Wizard New Year,

Both:Meet you!

Santa Claus:Wizard New Year

Both:Meet you!

2. Game episode " Magic bags Santa Claus"

Fabulous music sounds

Santa Claus:Hello kids! Boys and girls! And grown up - how! Matured! .. (to a respectable one) Oh boy! I remember you: you were in a bunny suit, 40 years ago, you jumped, jumped so hard that you almost knocked the Christmas tree down (to the lady) And I remember you, girl! .. You were still reading poetry on a stool. A goby is walking, swinging ... Do you remember? .. Well, how next? .. (the lady adds) Well done, girl! I just forgot what to call you? .. Masha? ... Applaud, Masha guys! She gets a lollipop! (gives) And I remember this boy! And this girl ...

Snow Maiden:(done kindly) Grandfather! (hissing, pointing to the clock) Regulations! Tundra! Tundra! (and again affectionately) You better tell me why you have 2 bags?

Santa Claus:Oh, it is not simple pouches, granddaughter. They perform innermost desires... The blue one performs - for boys, and the pink one - for girls.

Snow Maiden:Oh, how interesting!

Santa Claus:Yes. Let's say I walk up to this boy (suitable),and he has already made a wish, but so far he has not told anyone. Isn't it true, boy? .. And then I say to the bag:

All this boy wants

Guess my bag

Guess Guess

Give it to my hands!

Come on, come on, let's check (takes out a hundred-gram gift bottle of vodka from the bag) Here. Correct, you have a wish, boy. Because a real man should always have a stock. Happy Holidays! (to another)Or this boy. Come on, come on, a bag! .. Guess, guess, give it to my hands (takes another bottle out of the bag) Applause, boy, for his prudent desires!

Captain:Something you, grandfather, suspiciously the same desires. Not all men are like that!

Santa Claus:Right. Not all. Come on come here (presenter approaches)

All this uncle wants

Guess my bag

Guess Guess

Give it to my hands!

Let's check your desire. Yeah, here it is. (gets out beautiful packaging condoms) Have you guessed?

Captain:Guess nothing!

Santa Claus:Guessed, guessed! .. Take it!

Captain:I don't need anything! Disgrace, you know! (leaves)

Snow Maiden:Grandpa, that's not fair! And the girls?

Santa Claus:And the girls will guess. For example, this lovely young lady (approaches the younger one)

Come on, pink bag

Anything a girl wants

Guess Guess

Give it to my hands!

(pulls out a pretty babe)

Oh what good wish! That's right, girl! We must carry out the presidential program to increase the birth rate! ..

3. Game episode "Bulgarian kisses"

Snow Maiden:And your bag will never guess my wish

Santa Claus:And what is there to guess? .. You, as soon as you entered, with your eyes on the boys - zyrk-zyrk! You just have to kiss. In general, the desire is good. I was here in Bulgaria, so they, while the chimes strike, turn off the light and kiss. Who wants with whom. Oh, weakly ado!

Music shrill love theme

Snow Maiden:Grandpa, let's play like this!

Santa Claus:Well, it's a good thing. Unless, of course, boys and girls don't mind? .. Do you mind? .. Then (to DJ) maestro, do you have chimes? .. Can you put out the light? .. Well, put it out!

The light goes out

It is difficult to write down what is happening here, but when the light comes on, Santa Claus stands naked to the waist and, closing his eyes, continues to hum the theme of love.

There are several huge marks on his torso and shoulders, as if from female kisses (red tape)

Kaftan, with a shirt front lying next to

Slow, measured chimes, superimposed on the theme of love served at full power

Snow Maiden:However, grandfather!

Santa Claus:What am I? .. They themselves

Snow Maiden:They are at least dressed!

Santa Claus:(coming to my senses) Priests - lights! Sorry, sorry (getting dressed)That's the company! Y-yes.

4. Game episode "Dance Roulette"

Santa Claus:There is a slight concern. And, however, everything is correct. Animals and birds form pairs in the spring. And people, at any time, after three or four glasses. Therefore, the main task the current moment, the formation of pairs and the election of the best pair of the outgoing year. But, as he said, the chief of all times and peoples is Vladimir Ilyich Lenin, before uniting one must separate.

Snow Maiden:In general, we are divided into boys and girls. Girls, all to me. Correct your hair, makeup.

Santa Claus:Boys, come to me. Pull up your ties, fasten your buttons. And now we form a round dance, facing the Christmas tree . (builds up)

Snow Maiden:And we, girls, also form a round dance, around the boys and with our backs to the Christmas tree (builds up)

Santa Claus: Now we are going to dance in circles. Boys one way and girls the other. And as soon as I say: Stop, music! - the round dances stop, turn around to face each other, and whoever is against whom is dancing with that. This is how the roulette turns out.

Snow Maiden:So three times. And at the end of this impromptu ball, we will choose best coupleof the outgoing year. Maestro, music!

The rhythmic introduction of "Little Christmas tree" sounds

Snow Maiden:

Santa Claus (sings)

We took a Christmas tree home from the forest

The beads were hung up, they were in a round dance

Have fun - have fun celebrating the New Year

And all together!

All:Fun, fun ...

Santa Claus:Stop - music! Dismantled pairs! Burning New Year's tango!

The given happens

Snow Maiden:New Year's tango!

We dance with you

And the fire of kisses

On your lips

Santa Claus:More passion! More desire!

Snow Maiden:You hugged me passionately

The heart senses danger

And it's time to confess

To you in love!

Santa Claus:Yes Yes! It is high time!

Snow Maiden:Admit it, honey! And immediately

You will hear me say: "Yes!"

Yes forever!

New Year's tango!

Give me recognition!

Awaken three wishes

And you will hear "Yes!"

Dad andyes - dadad and!

Santa Claus:Quickly, quickly we get up in round dances! Faces in different directions

Snow Maiden: One-two-three-four-five-six-seven ... Come on!

Santa Claus:(sings)

The little Christmas tree is cold in winter

She would have a takeaway glass from the pub

Here's a Christmas tree for you, a sandwich for a glass

And all together!

All:Fun, fun ...

Santa Claus:Stop - music! Stop - roulette! Dismantled pairs! New Year tour waltz!

The given happens

Snow Maiden: In the constellation New Years

Let's go today we

Fluffy snowflakes

Circling over the city

And the city sends greetings to us

Multi-colored lights

And circling over the planet

Beautiful winter waltz

Happy New Year! With new happiness!

This is our holiday with you

Full of light and love

He will warm us with warmth

Whatever it was in the beginning

He will satisfy all sorrows

Maybe it will become an engagement

This glorious winter waltz!

Maybe it will become an engagement

This glorious winter waltz!

And immediately the rhythmic introduction of the round dance sounds again

Santa Claus:Well done, boys! Well done, girls! And round dances again! Faces in different directions

Snow Maiden: One-two-three-four-five-six-seven ... The roulette goes!

Santa Claus(sings)

The little Christmas tree is cold again

Christmas tree - there is no one to hug the girl

We'll hang a scarf on her, a bot on top of her head

Let's celebrate the New Year with fun!

And all together!

All:Fun, fun ...

Santa Claus:Stop - music! Stop - roulette! Dismantled pairs! Lezginka!

Snow Maiden:Joy, music and songs are everywhere!

Both: It is beautiful in any weather

Happy New Year, people! Happy New Year!

Santa Claus:And with new happiness!

Snow Maiden:And with new joy!

Santa Claus:And with a new ye, ye-ye, ye-ye!

Santa Claus:New Year is like a blank page

Snow Maiden:Draw a dream - it will happen

Both:She doesn't care about storms and hardships

Happy New Year, people! Happy New Year!

Happy New Year, people! Happy New Year!

Santa Claus:And with new happiness!

Snow Maiden:And with new joy!

Santa Claus:And with a new ye, ye-ye, ye-ye!

Head to the center where they sing to the end

Santa Claus: New Year walks the planet

Snow Maiden:Moms, dads, grandmothers and children

Both: Round dances are held near the tree

Happy New Year, people! Happy New Year!

Happy New Year, people! Happy New Year!

Santa Claus:And with new happiness!

Snow Maiden:And with new joy!

Santa Claus:And with a new ye, ye-ye, ye-ye!

Snow Maiden:We were happy with you!

Santa Claus:Until next time!