Negro gigolos. He will always be looking for the best. How to get rid of Alphonse

In our time, women began to perform many functions that were previously taken on exclusively by men. We need to take care of career growth to receive decent salary, make responsible decisions, understand technology, and sometimes be able to hammer a nail. Next to such women, men feel relaxed and instead of relieving her of half of her worries, they try on a more comfortable other role of a freeloader. Therefore, we will tell you how to recognize the gigolo, so that you don’t endure him for a second, but instantly drive him in the neck.

Personal care. Alphonse often look attractive, because they devote their appearance a lot of time. Of course, if you do not spend it on the hard climb up the career ladder, they will have plenty of time. Clothes fit well on such men, their hair is styled, and they do not forget about perfume. Well, what did you want, because they need to like the woman who will support them. Having become accustomed to an imposing companion, she herself will begin to give him money so that he looks as good as before.

Feeling of pity. Often gigolos play their favorite play called "I'm sorry, everyone in this world has abandoned me." Many women, one has only to show them the sad side of a person’s fate, are immediately ready to lend their shoulder, and sometimes their wallet. Probably wakes up in us maternal instinct which men are well aware of. They will say that they cannot find a job yet, their friend kicked them out of the apartment, and this situation is just a temporary stage, so they will live with you for some time.

Do what you like. Some men go even further by capturing female desire to take care about SMB. Then they begin to do everything that a woman would like to see. For example, giving flowers, singing verbal ballads about how wonderful she is, and he was just incredibly lucky to find her. Then the woman, inspired and happy, automatically turns on the “care” program, which includes cooking delicious dinner, washing his things and other chores. If she suddenly came to her senses and made a claim, they say, I do everything for you, and what are you for me, then he just shrugged. Well, honey, you like to take care of others, and I gave you such an opportunity.

AT modern world Men, alas, do not always act like men. Some of them try to use the material and spiritual resources of a woman to the maximum, after which they beautifully leave her. In order to prevent such a situation, the editors of will talk about how to recognize a gigolo.

5 5 1 The popular British edition of the Independent published the results of an interesting study by scientists, which finally helped to determine what kind of women men like. It turned out that most men are guided by the principle "the simpler the better."

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In our time, women began to perform many functions that were previously taken on exclusively by men. We need to take care of career growth in order to receive a decent salary, make responsible decisions, understand technology, and sometimes be able to hammer a nail. Next to such women, men feel relaxed and instead of relieving her of half of her worries, they try on a more comfortable other role of a freeloader. Therefore, we will tell you how to recognize the gigolo, so that you don’t endure him for a second, but instantly drive him in the neck.

Personal care. Alphonse often look attractive, because they devote a lot of time to their appearance. Of course, if you do not spend it on the hard climb up the career ladder, they will have plenty of time. Clothes fit well on such men, their hair is styled, and they do not forget about perfume. Well, what did you want, because they need to like the woman who will support them. Having become accustomed to an imposing companion, she herself will begin to give him money so that he looks as good as before.

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Feeling of pity. Often gigolos play their favorite play called "I'm sorry, everyone in this world has abandoned me." Many women, one has only to show them the sad side of a person’s fate, are immediately ready to lend their shoulder, and sometimes their wallet. Probably, the maternal instinct wakes up in us, which men are well aware of. They will say that they cannot find a job yet, their friend kicked them out of the apartment, and this situation is just a temporary stage, so they will live with you for some time.

Do what you like. Some men go even further, capturing a woman's desire to take care of someone. Then they begin to do everything that a woman would like to see. For example, giving flowers, singing verbal ballads about how wonderful she is, and he was just incredibly lucky to find her. Then the woman, inspired and happy, automatically turns on the “care” program, which includes preparing a delicious dinner, washing his clothes and other chores. If she suddenly came to her senses and made a claim, they say, I do everything for you, and what are you for me, then he just shrugged. Well, honey, you like to take care of others, and I gave you such an opportunity.

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baby boom. As a rule, gigolos are very well versed in female psychology. After observing the object they have their eye on, these men notice their desires. And then they appear in the bright guise of love to give the woman what she so lacked. And not infrequently this desire becomes a thirst to finally have a baby. Then the man manipulates this idea, completely using the woman, but at the same time they say something like “let's wait a bit, now we are using protection, but very soon we will start working on the appearance of a child.” However, he does not really think about any child.

Photo source: depositphotos

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5 5 1 The popular British edition of the Independent published the results of an interesting study by scientists, which finally helped to determine what kind of women men like. It turned out that most men are guided by the principle "the simpler the better."

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Alphonse man is one of those very male types with whom under no circumstances can you build a serious relationship.

Unless, of course, you dream of a "healthy" relationship in which there is no place for manipulation and use of each other by partners.

How to recognize a gigolo in a man? Everything is simple. If he “burdens” you with his problems, not shying away from accepting help from a woman, this is most likely a gigolo. If he is constantly pursued by failures, and something constantly prevents him from going to work or doing business, this is most likely a gigolo. If he ignores stories about your problems and difficulties, because he is basically not interested in you, this is most likely a gigolo.

Did you recognize something similar in a new acquaintance? Hit the neck!

But what to do when your instincts misfired, and under the influx of feelings you still managed to let the gigolo into your life? Getting rid of such a "sucker" is not so easy. Take and put with things in the entrance? Well, perhaps. But hardly any of us once again I want to wag my nerves with a scandal. Therefore, we will look for ways of a civilized break in relations with such a man.

Cut the "feed base"

the most obvious and effective way get rid of Alphonse. Estimate exactly what resources he pulls from you (it can be not only money) and block the source.

Watch for reactions. If this only upsets him a little, and the situation does not affect your relationship in any way, perhaps this is not quite a “purebred” gigolo, but an ordinary loser who takes advantage of the opportunities that have turned up, but has sincere feelings for you.

If your "bunny" changes dramatically in mood and attitude towards you, you the right way. Keep the defense, and sooner or later his patience will run out. Most likely, you will find a theatrical performance in the spirit of "sorry, but we will not succeed."

Limit your help

If in the past you have repeatedly offered your participation in solving his problems, just stop doing it. Without accusations, reproaches and clarification of the relationship. Let it roll itself out. Pay off a loan? Negotiate a postponement? Take your mom to a sanatorium? Yes, yes, uh-huh, it flew in one ear, flew out the other.

Alphonse will feel that you cannot cook with your porridge, and will begin to look for a new source of his comfort and well-being. Just be patient.

Complain back

A win-win tactic. He gives you a word, you answer him - two. What are you talking about, getting fired? Horrible. And I have, imagine, the report was returned. I will be left without a bonus, but I so wanted us to go to the sea in July ... Sprained my ligaments? Need good doctor? Well, I don’t know ... It’s also time for me to see a specialist with the kidneys, yesterday it was enough, so enough, I drank all the no-shpu. Do you think it's something serious?

With this "ping-pong" you knock the trump cards out of his hands. Indeed, how can you ask for anything when you yourself have some business. The main thing is to stick to your line and not give up. He will only feel that his problem has become more important for you than your own, that's it, write it down ...

Create a problem

Doesn't respond to minor issues? Ok, let's create a bigger one. How about a real estate agency scam suddenly open that will lead you to a legal battle over a newly purchased apartment? You, of course, are sure that you are right, but now you need to urgently get a tidy sum somewhere.

Look into his eyes and ask the question: “You can help, right?”. He fidgeted, averts his eyes, changes the subject of conversation - excellent. It means that he is nervous and is already considering ways to escape. To “squeeze”, offer to borrow this amount from friends, because the money is needed so urgently, otherwise you can be left without an apartment. And you will also have to deny yourself everything, because a good lawyer is not a cheap pleasure. So that new tablet, a Japanese fishing rod or cool winter tires for his car are carried over until better times.

Most likely, in a couple of days you will be announced your complete incompatibility or another reason for the inevitable break.

Put a question straight

Don't want to play games? Ok, ask the question directly. Like, all this, of course, is good, but when are you going to go to work (earn money, pay off debts)? Difficult periods Everyone has them, I supported you as best I could, but are you a man or what?

Such directness is not easy for everyone, which is why we left this method “for a snack”. If nothing helps at all, it's time to dot the i's.

Do not let yourself be persuaded, pity and accept the next empty promises. Demand specific numbers and deadlines. If a man values ​​you, he will do everything possible to ensure that such a humiliating conversation will never happen again. If he is an ordinary gigolo, he will only have to collect his things.

Nothing deprives a woman of her mind like words about love.

Well, okay, another 80% discount on Underwear and White light refrigerator in a dark kitchen. Otherwise, women, as exceptionally sublime beings, are extremely greedy for the speeches of vicious handsome men.

Meeting a gigolo is like getting mumps at a respectable age.

Theoretically, this could happen, but somehow such an absurdity never even crossed my mind. And each of you, dear ones, is sure: “Can't I tell a normal guy from a greedy mean guy?! Yes, spit!”.
Still on, at least for chewed mimosa, instead normal colors. But in reality, everything is not so simple. Professional gigolos are superbly disguised.

Manipulation, dust in the eyes - their direct specialization. Do you seriously think you can compete with a professional?

And do not blame yourself if such a comrade managed to crawl into your heart. If you have exposed him, getting rid of the gigolo is very easy.

Just say, "Bye, dear!" And then pack his stuff in a holey bag and send it back to Mom.

How to understand that Alphonse is next to you?

They have several distinguishing features. If you found one thing in your man, this is not an indicator. If there are more than one coincidence, next to you is a gigolo.

He does not work

But if you are unhappy, such bait does not really save you.

Okay, I broke it. How to get rid of it?

You can, of course, have fun. Pretend to be a dowry, complain in response to his whining, arrange checks and scandals. But why? You will be wasting your time.

Openly, seriously talk to him and lay out everything you think. To be honest. One serious conversation is enough. If a man values ​​you, he will do everything so that this humiliation does not happen again.

If nothing has changed or has changed for a short time, give him the way to an open and hospitable world. Let him go to conquer new female hearts and wallets.

Even if you love. You will suffer for a while, but for the rest of your life you will save yourself from the role of a draft horse. And feelings - they will pass.

Look into the eyes of your demons

Watch his back as he leaves. Look and think. Why did you attract him? What attracted you to it? Why was it so hard to let go? What weakness was he hiding?

Perhaps - recognition, admiration, warmth. Or maybe he was closing the black hole of your insecurities.

Think seriously. If you solve the riddle, this story will never happen again. And most importantly, you will forget it much sooner. Even before he turns the corner.