What to give a child for the New Year? Tablet for drawing. Universal Gift Ideas

The birthday of a child is always a big and significant holiday in the family. Adults may not celebrate their birthdays, but most main holiday their children are a must. Parents need to take care of there will be a celebration, order artists, prepare treats, invite friends. But they understand that their child most of all expects a gift from their parents. And you can not neglect the choice of a gift.

The present must be liked by the child, be necessary and modern. Moreover, currently in stores the widest selection toys and other goods for both girls and boys.

Age features

A boy at the age of 2 years is a man already beginning to form. He is very energetic, confidently moves, sociable, shows big interest to the outside world, to electronic devices, learn to speak, draw, understands well the speech of adults. At the same time, kids, as a rule, are restless and cannot do one thing for a long time. When choosing a gift, all this must be taken into account.

The gift may be for physical activity child, for the development of speech, motor skills of hands, creative development, development of imagination, memory, logical thinking. In addition, they should be, above all, beautiful and bright, to please the eye of the child.

Helpful Hints when choosing a gift:

  • Parents you should choose a gift in advance- in the bustle it is very difficult to assess the quality and relevance of the gift, the risk of making an unsuccessful purchase increases.
  • Any the gift must be safe. A boy at 2 years old seems to be smart, but still, out of curiosity, he can put some small detail in his mouth, in his nose.
  • When choosing a gift must take into account the nature the temperament of the child, as well as to find out in advance what at this age causes him the greatest interest.
  • Necessary notify the seller children's store about the age of the child so that he can give the right advice. An age-inappropriate gift will either be too primitive or, conversely, complex. In both cases, the child will quickly lose interest in him.
  • Any children's goodsmust have a certificate of quality, confirming that the product contains no harmful substances.
  • It is necessary to focus not on fashionable expensive goods that can be a reason to brag to others, but on utility, the relevance of the thing to the child.

Top best educational toys for birthday

At the age of 2, boys are actively developing and at the same time love to spend time playing. Therefore, educational toys can be a good gift option:

  • Constructor. Any boy loves to build towers and houses. The designer for a two-year-old boy should consist only of large parts, simple in shape, be strong enough to make it impossible to break.
  • Insert frames. Designed to develop logical thinking for a child - he is invited to insert the appropriate image into the frame.
  • Puzzles. Also logical. The details should be very large and preferably not made of paper. AT recent times wooden puzzles are in demand.
  • Development centers. At the age of 2, the child develops hearing, and he is interested in everything that makes a sound. Various musical toys with buttons that sound letters, words, numbers, animals are a great gift for a boy.
  • Cubes. In addition to the fact that you can build houses from them, thanks to which the imagination develops, the cubes contribute to intellectual development, if they depict colors, numbers, animals, etc. Wood is considered the best, environmentally friendly material for cubes.
  • Books. Children love to look at pictures. Modern children's books are made from thick cardboard, many have toy elements embedded in the page, as well as music.
  • Interactive poster. His the main task- education. The theme can be the alphabet, numbers, animals, objects that are voiced. With repeated listening, the child will remember all the information.
  • Toy laptop, tablet. At the age of 2, boys show great interest in electronic devices. They still cannot be trusted with adult tablets and computers, but toy ones, on which you can press buttons and hear a lot of new information, you can.


Since boys at the age of 2 are very mobile, one of their favorite activities is riding on toy vehicles.

  • Wheelchair. You can sit on it and steer, as well as move around, pushing off with your feet. Due to its compact size, it can be used at home. Such a machine is equipped with light and sound elements. The structure is stable and cannot tip over.
  • Tricycle. At the age of 2, the boy is already quite independent, and he can drive this transport himself, without the help of his parents. Modern bicycle models are equipped with all sorts of accessories. On these bikes you can travel long distances.
  • Runbike. Great alternative bike. Only the child moves by pushing with his feet. This transport develops musculoskeletal system, teaches you to keep balance, while being safe, as the baby's legs reach the ground. The balance bike has thick wheels that allow you to ride on any roads.
  • Kick scooter. For a two-year-old boy, for safety reasons, it is better to buy tricycle scooter. Learning to ride it is not difficult for children. Modern models are equipped with musical, light and other elements, they are bright and colorful.

Options for creativity

At the age of 2 years, boys actively begin to show their creative abilities. If you do not buy for them goods intended for this purpose, then they will do it on the walls and furniture, as well as in a plate of food.

  • easel, magnetic board, on which you can draw and write with a marker, chalk or a special pencil. You can wipe everything off with a sponge.
  • Modeling dough. It will allow not only to occupy the hands of the baby, but also to mold some characters from a fairy tale together with adults. Ordinary plasticine is not suitable for this - it is too hard. Besides, natural composition safe for the child even if swallowed. Also, the dough does not leave marks on the furniture.
  • Finger paints, felt-tip pens, pencils. Finger paints are designed for children who do not yet know how to hold pencils and brushes in their hands. They are made from salt, water, starch, flour and food coloring. You can complement such a gift with coloring pages and an album.
  • Toy musical instruments. AT two years old boys are very fond of making noise, including banging pot lids against each other. Children's drums, pianos, xylophones, pipes, harmonicas, tambourines contribute to the development of musical ear and memory.

Practical Presents

In some cases, parents and relatives, friends prefer to give children practical gifts. This happens, for example, when a child already has a lot of all sorts of toys and sets, or if the budget allows you to spend money only on necessary things.

  • Children's furniture. A new bed, a table with chairs in bright colors can please the baby no less than toys. Any boy should have his own corner where he can draw, sculpt, play.
  • Clothing and footwear. Such a gift is more often chosen by relatives and friends in order to help update the children's wardrobe, because children grow up quickly. The only difficulty is that you need to know the size that the child wears so that the gift is not small.
  • Cosmetics, hygiene products. Not one can do without them complete care for the child and good cosmetics also worth a lot of money.

Ideas for active leisure

Boys at the age of 2 years have irrepressible energy. They need to completely spend it in order to sleep peacefully later. To do this, children need to engage in outdoor games.

  • Football leather ball. Made of high quality material, it will last for years and will become best friend boy while learning to play football.

  • Tent. This is a kind of house for a boy, a place for personal space, here he can be alone or with friends. In addition, the tent often serves as a place to store toys.
  • Swing . All children love swings, and boys are no exception. They can be designed for a room or for the street, giving. It is necessary to choose the dimensions of the swing in accordance with the size of the space.
  • Trampoline. A wonderful surprise that will give the child a feeling of delight and joy. But trampolines can only be given if the room has the appropriate space. It is most convenient to use in the courtyard of a private house.
  • Sport complexes. Boys at the age of 2 are very fond of climbing stairs and slides. But it's not safe outside. sports complex can be placed at home, because under it there is always a soft mattress. In addition, the problem of what to do with the child when the weather is bad is solved.
  • Inflatable pool. An option for a summer residence or a country house, because children love splashing in the water so much, especially in hot weather.

Today's review will reveal a very pressing topic - what to give 2 summer child for the New Year. Present ideas are divided by gender, for boys and girls.

Gifts for a 2 year old child for the New Year.

First, you need to attach a bag of tangerines and sweets to the main present. If parents are against sweets in such young age, then you can replace chocolates with delicious sweets from fruit puree (marshmallow), as well as chopped nuts in a small bag, unpeeled seeds in a glass (sold in stores), various dried fruits (dates, dried bananas, persimmons, plums and pears) and a couple juice boxes. The child will definitely rejoice at such goodies, besides, they will be useful for raising immunity.

Secondly, it is desirable to present such a toy that could perform several functions at the same time, namely, it developed fine motor skills, coordination and auditory data in the child. But, of course, not even all toys will be able to fulfill all the above requirements, you should not be upset, one developing quality will be enough so that a two-year-old child can comfortably spend time with a presented present. And most importantly, despite the fact that the child has already grown quite a lot, he still pulls small items into the mouth, so when purchasing toys, make sure that they do not contain small parts.

Well, let's get down to the study of gifts. Below are gift ideas for boys and girls, make yourself comfortable in your chairs and proceed to further study the review from the Confetti.ru website.

What to give a two-year-old boy for the New Year.

1. Bowling set.

On sale you can find all-plastic copies of the skittle and bowling ball, as well as comfortable soft objects of this game. In the case of soft pins, the child will definitely not injure himself, and will not injure others. Also available in stores electronic game"Bowling", which is a platform with pins installed, as well as a ball with holes for fingers, when the child knocks down the pins, unobtrusive music sounds, but when the kid puts the pin back on the platform, the toy calls it serial number. It turns out during the game, the child will be able to master the numbers, as well as enjoy various sound signals.

2. Tablet for drawing.

At this age, babies show interest in various creative pursuits, with a portable board tablet, the boy will be able to draw, as well as independently erase what he painted so diligently. We recommend purchasing a board made of durable plastic, with a carrying handle, as well as a magnetic pen attached by a string, so it will not be lost among other children's toys.

3. A book with the boy's favorite characters.

Babies love to look bright pictures, so the boy will definitely like the colorful book. You can even buy talking books, when you press the special buttons, they will make characteristic sounds. The book can be created based on a favorite cartoon of a 2-year-old boy, or it can be a learning material (with animal sounds, numbers and alphabet).

4. Night light with projection.

In stores, you can find projectors in the form of toys, for example, a penguin or a turtle, which, when you press a special button, begin to glow in the dark, projecting stars or planets in the sky. There are also musical projectors that parents turn on at night, and under their measured melodies, the child falls asleep calmly.

5. Machine with sound and light signals.

Well, how about without a toy machine gun or a pistol. Buy a copy made from quality plastic, equipped with a rope for comfortable wearing, as well as making sounds when the trigger is pulled. Also, the kid will appreciate if the toy is supplemented with a luminous laser sight, then the child will be able to learn to focus strictly on a specific object, trying to hit it with the help of the sight.

6. Interactive dog.

Wonderful toy in the form of a moving dog, the boy will definitely like it. It can be soft to the touch or completely plastic, as long as the dog barks and moves. You can even offer the boy to come up with a nickname for her, for example, give him some of his own options, and he himself will choose the right one.

7. A set of floating fish for the bathroom.

Many children love to splash in the water, if your two-year-old boy is one of those, then you can give him floating bath toys, most often you can find fish, turtles, penguins and seals on sale. When buying, make sure that all connecting bolts are closed with silicone plugs, otherwise they will rust literally after the first immersion in water.

8. Bathrobe with the image of cartoons.

Your own terry dressing gown with the image of your favorite cartoon can produce positive impression on a child. He will compare himself with adult mom and dad who also have such bathrobes, only much larger in size.

9. A singing bear cub.

In fact, the boy will be pleased with any musical toy, but still a soft bear cub, cheerfully singing funny songs will be much more appropriate. Kids love teddy bears - that's a fact!

10. Train or locomotive on batteries.

You can buy a Thomas engine or an Arcadia Engine. The main thing is that the toy makes sounds and moves around the room itself. It is also desirable that when an obstacle appears, the toy itself turns around and rolls in the other direction. The child will have fun watching the manipulation of the train.

11. Large constructor with instructions.

At this age, it is still impossible to give a child a constructor with small details, but it is already possible to give a constructor with instructions, according to which parents can demonstrate to their child what intricate objects can be built.

12. Dancing robot.

Such a toy will definitely be able to attract the attention of a boy, because the robot will be funny to move to cool groovy music. Perhaps this will even encourage the baby to show interest in modern dance.

13. The machine on the control panel.

At this age, the child does not yet fully understand how to specifically operate the machine, but already understands which levers to press to move it. Present not a simple car, but let's say stylized as your favorite boyish character - Lightning McQueen.

14. Plasticine with molds.

The more various molds in the kit, the more interesting to the child will be sculpting. You can be sure that he will like plasticine.

15. A set of children's tools (like dad's).

Such a kit may contain: a hard hat, a carpenter's saw, toy screwdrivers, a hammer, a chisel, bolts and nuts, clamps, wrenches, etc. You can even buy a set of tools with eyes, like in the cartoon Handy Manny.

16. Large coloring book and a set of pencils (paints, felt-tip pens).

It's time for the child to learn the technique of coloring, which means that he will like coloring with paints or pencils.

17. Puzzle with large elements.

Of course, the kid himself will not yet be able to assemble the whole puzzle, but through training he will soon achieve this, but for now, mom and dad will help him. Buy simple puzzles, with the minimum amount of the depicted elements, as well as with large-sized details.

18. Masquerade costume.

On the eve of the New Year, the boy can be presented with a beautiful fancy dress, it can be a musketeer, a cowboy, Iron Man, Spiderman or a ninja turtle. The choice is yours.

19. Talking poster.

Such interactive posters develop memory and attentiveness in children, they easily remember which animals make certain sounds, as well as where the sounded number and letter are located. Posters come in various themes, for example, “In the village with my grandmother” (with pets), “At the zoo”, “Alphabet”, “Learning numbers”, “Cities”, etc.

20. A set of road signs.

With the help of such toy signs, you can clearly explain to the child what each of them means. They can be placed on the floor and the boy will play with them and cars.

21. Books with reusable stickers.

The child himself will be able to peel off the stickers and stick them in another place on the pages of the book. The activity is actually very entertaining.

22. Snow scooter.

Great gift for the New Year! The child will definitely like the snow scooter. When buying, pay attention to the quality of the skids, the softness of the seat, as well as the convenience of the steering wheel.

23. Teaching steering wheel.

Such a steering wheel can make various sounds, as well as teach the rules traffic. In addition, the baby will be able to imitate his parents, deftly taxiing in his car.

24. Hat and scarf.

Such soft gifts In this cold season will be very useful, but before buying, check with your parents what color overalls the child will wear this winter. Based on the color of the clothes, buy knitted items. We recommend that you look at the caps with ties, as well as a soft lining on the inside.

25. Musical children's player.

Such players include a set of short children's songs that the baby can listen to endlessly. Look for players with a serious set of songs, let's say fifteen or twenty, so he won't get bored of the toy quickly.

What to give a 2 year old girl for the New Year.

1. Grocery cart.

Children love to imitate their parents, and also constantly pull them to the store for shopping. Caring and thoughtful parents can create a “shop” with various toy products at home, and the child will be able to buy and put them in a cart. Such role-playing childhood very useful, they develop imagination and act favorably on the psyche of the child.

2. Cash register.

This toy is also useful for store themed games. Such a device should emit various sound signals, and also be highlighted when the buttons are pressed.

3. Vacuum cleaner or broom and dustpan.

The baby will be able to help her mother with cleaning the house or apartment. In addition, such toys will help the mother to calmly put the house in order, the child will do her cleaning, and the mother will do hers.

4. A set of children's dishes.

Well, how about without dishes, because it's time to treat the dolls with tea and plastic treats. Get a large set, with many items: mugs, saucers, teaspoons, as well as a kettle, frying pan and pot.

5. Doctor's suitcase.

Children at this age begin to learn professions, so the baby will be happy with the doctor's suitcase, like the heroine of the cartoon "Doctor Plusheva". This case can contain a toy syringe, a stethoscope, vitamins, brilliant green, a band-aid, a pressure measuring device and a throat spatula.

6. Ball jumper.

Don't buy too much big ball, it is better to purchase medium in size. And on the end of the jumper, the girl's favorite cartoon character can be depicted.

7. Interactive books.

By pressing the buttons, the girl can listen to the sounds made by the book, and the colorful pictures will definitely attract her attention. You can buy a book with fairy tales for girls or an edition with cartoon songs.

8. Plush backpack.

The baby can forget her handbag somewhere, but the backpack worn on her back will definitely remain with her. On sale you can find funny plush animal heads, as well as princess faces.

9. Doll.

Give the girl an interactive doll with long hair, she will make incredible hairstyles for her, as well as listen to sayings and fairy tales told by her.

10. Carriage for a doll.

In a folding stroller, the baby will be able to carry her favorite dolls not only around the house, but also on the street. It is better not to take plastic strollers, they break very quickly, especially after the girl wants to sit in it without fail, so it is better to look at products on a metal frame.

11. Interactive kitten.

With such a cute, active fluffy, the girl will be able to play various games. In toy stores, you can find models of kittens standing on their hind legs, blinking their eyes, and also merrily hunting mice.

12. A set of children's cosmetics.

Naturally, the girl will repeat after her mother, watching how she puts on makeup. So why not give her a makeup kit for young princesses. Such sets traditionally include hygienic lipstick, shampoo, soap and children's perfume.

13. A set of combs and hair bands.

Buy a set with a wide variety of combs, soft brushes, combs, etc. And also buy a set of cute hair bands. The girl will comb her hair not only for herself, but also for her dolls.

14. Hat, scarf and mittens.

It is better to buy these things in a knitted version and with a soft lining on the inside. The set should be matched to the color of the baby's jacket or overalls.

15. Sledge.

Great option for a Christmas present. Now on sale you can find sleds with warm covers, as well as cozy mittens for mom, fixed on the handle.

16. Carnival costume.

Get a fancy dress for the girl in the style of Princess Sofia, an outfit for Strawberry from Berry Town, a Tinker Bell fairy or a costume in the style Minnie Mouse.

17. Handbag in the style of a beauty salon.

Such a bag may contain a toy curling iron, a hair dryer, a couple of combs, a hand-held safety mirror, a couple of curlers, and scissors.

18. Jewelry for the princess.

You can give the girl a toy diadem, a necklace and a bracelet on her hand. Believe me, the girl will be happy with such a wonderful present.

19. Educational tablet.

Such educational tablets will allow the child to learn the alphabet, learn numbers and learn to recognize animals by the sounds they make.

20. Home slippers.

Give the girl cute, soft house slippers. They can be made in the form of animals or cartoons, for example, with a Minnie Mouse muzzle.

21. Water washable nail polish (safe).

Such varnishes are based on herbs, they are absolutely safe and wash off. plain water. That is, the child will be able to paint his nails, like a mother, and then easily rinse off with plain water.

22. Apron and sleeves for creative work.

Such a present will be very useful during creative games, for example, while painting with paints.

23. Mass for modeling with molds.

Children are very fond of messing with such masses, they do not stick to their hands, do not stain their clothes. Well, various molds will help diversify the game.

24. Musical mirror.

Such a gift can serve as a mirror, but at the same time its surface is safe, that is, it cannot break and injure the baby. In addition, it is equipped with a mass of buttons, when pressed, melodic sounds are made.

25. Karaoke microphone.

You can purchase a microphone with recorded short songs, as well as a copy with recorded music, under which the girl can sing songs.

You can elegantly pack your gift in a beautiful package suitable for a child, as well as complement the main present with dried fruits in beautiful home-made boxes, a box in the form of a boy will suit, and a box in the form of a girl will like it.

Packing a children's New Year's gift (video):

In this review, the site "Confetti.ru" presented to your attention the top 50 perfect gifts for two year olds. We hope that after studying this article, the question of what to give a 2-year-old child for the New Year will stop bothering you, you will easily and simply decide on the perfect present.

New Year- the time of miracles. And most of all, his children are waiting for him, they just want to wake up as early as possible in the morning to find a wonderful gift under the tree. Nice memories about the celebration of the New Year warm the soul of children who have already grown up, and help them create holidays already in their new family. Therefore, parents need to be especially responsible for organizing and celebrating such a wonderful holiday. And today we will tell you what to give a child for the New Year - a boy from 2 to 12 years old.

New Year's gifts for children boys 2 - 12 years old

What to give a child of two or three years for the New Year?

Parents of toddlers of this age should take a closer look at:

A variety of cars (small and large, groovy and ordinary plastic) -
- houses-garages for cars;
- building blocks;
- to the designer;
- home sandbox with kinetic sand;
- bright and cheerful books with short poems and stories;
- paints, brushes, plasticine;
- musical toys;
- a drawing board on the wall;
- a variety of pyramids and educational games.

A gift for children from three to four years old for the New Year

Children of this age may be interested in:

Simple board games, like "pick up a picture" or "pick up an object";
- mosaic;
- trolley, as in a supermarket;
- dishes, stove, kitchen (such toys help boys to develop);
- soldiers, pistol or saber;
- an ambulance, fire or police, a crane would also be an excellent choice;
- vegetables and fruits that can be cut;
- games for development fine motor skills(like "tie-untie");
- games for the development of accuracy (like "ring throw" or "bowling alley");
- airplanes;
- a toy phone.

What to give a boy of four or five years for the New Year?

A wonderful gift for a boy of this age will be something that will help develop his strength and accuracy:

Skis or skates;
- sports wall or crossbar;
- punching bag;
- children's darts, etc.

Another boy will be happy with all kinds of "boyish" toys:

Ships for playing in the bathroom;
- a large machine on the management;
- garage or parking;
- sets of cars and attributes for story game with them (policemen, firefighters, ambulances, etc.).

Boys of four or five years old can also be given:

Board game-walker;
- mathematical games;
- items for role-playing activities ("cook", "conductor", "driver", "sailor");
- creator's Kit;
- musical instruments, etc.

What to give a child of five - six years?

Children of this age may also be interested in:

Constructors with a variety of screws and nuts;
- board games, checkers, lotto, "erudite", etc.;
- table football or hockey;
- a ring and a ball for home basketball;
- children's watch;
- burning apparatus;
- New Year's piggy bank etc.

Gifts for children six or seven years old?

Children at this age already usually attend school, so they may be interested in all sorts of teaching aids:

Books about the world around, all kinds of encyclopedias, books for independent reading;
- globe, bright wall map.

The kids will love:

Fencing set;
- cars on management;
- railway, autotrack or motorcycle track.

In addition, a good gift can be:

Chess or backgammon;
- camera;
- punching bag, etc.

What to give a child of eight or nine years old for the New Year?

Many junior schoolchildren no longer believe in Santa Claus, but parents can give them small miracle. A wonderful find for a child of this age can be:

Set for home experiments in chemistry or physics;
- a board game like "monopoly";
- designer with small details;
- a difficult track with racing cars;
- constructor for physical experiments, like "expert";
- dance mat
- ant farm;
- music center in the form of a typewriter;
- robot toy, etc.

What to give a child of ten or eleven years old for the New Year?

A child of ten or eleven years old may have different interests. And, of course, readers of "Popular about Health" need to choose a gift, taking into account them. So, a football player can be happy with a new cool ball or boots, and young artist- a luxurious set of paints and brushes. But there is also universal gifts that can delight almost every child:

Radio controlled object: car, flying saucer, quadrocopter, etc.;
- weapons, for example, an air gun, a crossbow, a real bow and arrow, a snow gun;
- table hockey or football.

The boy may also be glad:

Magnetic set for modeling;
- a set for physical or chemical experiments;
- skating or skiing;
- models for self-assembly from small volumetric parts;
- puzzle (including 3D);
- various digital devices (phone, camera, tablet, flash memory, headphones, optical mouse, e-book etc.).

Gifts for boys 12 years old for the New Year

At this age, it is not easy for parents to choose a good and interesting gift grown child. A good option might be:

Wristwatches, including modern LED models;
- quality perfumes;
- a toy on the control panel;
- funny alarm clock, for example, in the form of a ball, which can only be turned off by hitting it well against the wall;
- electrical constructor;
- board games related to the development of business ideas that will help the child become more advanced in modern life, for example, "Monopoly", "Management", "Business", "Economist" or "Strategy".

Of course, the older the child becomes, the more difficult it is for him to choose good gift. But thanks to our advice, parents may come up with new ideas that will delight children.

Liana Raymanova

When a child reaches the age of 2 years, he begins to understand a little that the holiday is coming soon, which means that on New Year's Eve Santa Claus will knock on the door with a gift. For kids from 2 years old, choosing a gift is much easier than for one-year-olds - the choice is significantly expanding.

A 2-year-old child develops very rapidly: his motor coordination improves, he begins to walk well, his senses become sharper, the baby tastes and touches everything and rather wants to know the world around him.

New Year's gifts for children at 2 years old should be selected, taking into account several important features. Recommendations when choosing a gift two year old:

  • First, the gift must be safe., because a child at this age does not understand what can be taken and what is not. The toy should not contain small parts and sharp corners, be loosely bonded or filled with toxic materials. Be sure to read the instructions and show your child how to use the gift.

Be careful, because low-quality surprises can lead to a number of adverse consequences. Do not forget that toys should also be safe from a visual point of view: frightening surprises can harm the developing psyche of the child.

  • Secondly, for 2 years old, pick up realistic toys that affect the correct perception of the world by the baby. It doesn't have to be a green fox or a pink hare. Also make sure that the eyes of the toys are friendly and evoke only positive emotions.
  • Thirdly, buy toys by age. When a child is 2.5 years old, he hardly has a clear idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhat he would like to receive, so he will have to be based on the general preferences of children at this age. What to give a child of 2 years for the New Year?

What to give a girl 2 years old for the New Year?

A New Year's gift for a 2-year-old girl can be a colorfully designed book with thick pages that do not tear. To date, there are unusual books, where, by turning the picture, the depicted character makes a sound or becomes voluminous. And if there are also princesses, such a gift will delight the recipient.

By the New Year, you can choose books with illustrations of winter, a snowman, animals and Santa Claus

2-summer girl you can give a musical instrument: toy harmonicas, guitars, pianos or pipes. This contributes to the development of the baby's musical skills, broadens horizons and instills hearing.

A two-year-old girl can be presented with a set of toy vegetables and fruits. Mom will tell you what colors the proposed vegetables and fruits are, what tastes they have and what shape they are. With such an educational game, we expand children's ideas about the world.

Dolls are girls' favorite gift. They should be medium-sized dolls with rotating body parts so that she can stand and sit. To play out an interesting story, you can complement the gift with toy furniture: a kitchen or a bathroom that imitates a real interior.

What to give a boy 2 years old for the New Year?

As a New Year's gift, a 2-year-old boy can be given various cubes and constructors with large details. Having added Lego with little men or animals, the child will have an incentive to build something for the new tenant. From the designer, he will be able to build chairs and tables, roads and houses, and maybe a whole zoo.

When choosing cubes, pick up a set where there are oblong-shaped blocks, with their help you can expand the boundaries of creativity and make any craft

A boy at 2.5 years old for the New Year can be presented with a bicycle with three wheels. It will be interesting for him to travel on such transport, and such an activity, in turn, contributes to the development of the respiratory system and strengthens the muscles of the legs.

A two-year-old boy will also like a toy car that looks so much like his dad's car. Frame inserts are another alternative to choosing a gift. Buy a variety of themed sets dedicated to cars and trucks, animals or birds, your favorite cartoon characters or home decoration. This manual is designed to develop the intelligence of the baby and his logical abilities.

Photo of a gift for a boy at 2 years old for the New Year - a frame-liner with fruits

Universal gifts

Balloons in the form of favorite cartoon characters or bubble . The latter are well developed motor activity, cause admiration and amuse the child, establish contact between the parent and the baby. An interesting variation of such a gift can be bubbles that do not burst. Layer after layer, they are superimposed on each other, and from them you can make up a whole composition.

Plasticineindispensable assistant in creative development child. In modern sets, with the help of special molds, it is possible to mold food products from soft and non-sticky plasticine (cakes, ice cream, hamburgers and fries) or even feel like a dentist by putting toy fillings on your teeth. In the process of modeling, a child can learn numbers and letters, develop thinking and just deal with negative emotions. Choose environmentally friendly plasticine to be sure that the child is not in danger.

Easel or coloring book- such a wonderful present is usually complemented with a set of pencils or felt-tip pens. At 2 years old, of course, the child will decorate the album according to his own laws, driving over the contours and painting over the silhouettes over the lines, but give free rein to his imagination - this is a feature of this age.

There are also water colorings - this is a reusable gift, because when it dries, it turns white again, and the baby can color it again

Dry pool- a favorite of children. How they love to swim in a mass of colorful balls! This is not only fun, but also useful: it develops posture, finger motor skills and massages the tummy. In the format of the game, you can teach your child to distinguish colors.

Choose useful, high-quality and interesting toys. After all, such wonderful surprises will surely find a response in the soul of the kids!

December 31, 2017

Our New Year's wish-list is a list of gifts in 3 price categories :)

It's time to start preparing for the holidays. Prepare sleigh gifts in the summer :) Parents of kids often ask me what we will give to our Antosha (recently, and now the New Year with Hanukkah is just around the corner). We rarely buy toys. But if we buy, then with sense, with feeling ... Useful and high-quality. And that means long-term. Although from time to time I put away a batch of toys in the closet so that their owner has time to get bored. There are games that we get only for “occupations”: in free access to them, interest is quickly lost.

To choose gifts for a child I used the site of the toy store, where there is a picture, short description, price and age guidelines, as well as indicators of what can be developed with a particular toy: memory, motor skills, thinking, etc. Here is the first part of our wish list. For clarity, I provide links. It is important to grasp the idea(this is what parents often need and in general those who buy gifts - good and necessary)

Section 1. Cheap and cheerful

There is nowhere to accelerate - the offer is meager, but the little things are useful. I regularly watch the children in the garden, they really like this thing - string any beads on the laces. It is especially good if these beads are vegetables and fruits at the same time - we kill several fat hares at once. We not only collect beads, but also develop speech: we talk about apples and corn ... We have geometric beads the smallest are very popular because they are large and bright. And now it is time to form concepts about geometric shapes: triangles, cylinders and more.

Section 2. Middle class

The age of 2-3 years is the beginning of role-playing games and the time of active creative development. So we have already started to draw, tried different techniques:,. So let's keep creating. For this set of fashionable finger paints- that's it. Purple can draw eggplant, and orange is what you need for tangerine-orange motifs in New Year's cards. Here's to you topic " ".

Lego for kids- an indispensable thing in the development of motor skills, the formation spatial imagination. This construction set is able to seat a father and a child at the same table for a long time, pleasure is guaranteed. For my son's second birthday, we bought basic set Lego constructor (from a funny series for little ones under the promising name Duplo). And before that, our grandparents, under uncle's guidance, brought us Lego set "Winnie the Pooh with honey". As a result, we have whole stories for Misha: a house for Misha, a train for Misha, bridges and other joys - all from Lego. We have a serious love for Winnie the Pooh :) Fishing with a boat, fish and a tent will interest the baby - there is nothing to doubt. We have been “fishing” for a long time: we catch fish with magnets on a magnetic worm :)

And just started easy to remember animals and their cubs, so it's better to buy such a set - albeit not very large, but multifunctional.

And our child really likes the culinary theme: then he cooks “soup” for everyone and treats, then sets the table, then cuts the salad ... Therefore, we decided to winter holidays buy crockery. Do not be afraid that this is a gift "for girls." Here, in Israel, a cook is a very masculine profession. Yes, and all over the world, too, actually ...

Section 3. Expensive gift

Idea from previous section, but the scope is more serious. But not more than $100 (according to the Ukrainian exchange rate, even less than $50)

lego figures- you can actually do without it and start the numbers later, although we have known them for a long time and in Hebrew too. But here I want to establish a connection with the figure and its image. As a contribution to the development of the future mathematician - accepted!

I think that this is a useful thing for everyone who wants to join the host of giving gifts to the child, so as not to waste time and money. And don't break your head too much.

More books will be continued.

And what have you already decided to give to your children, nephews, godchildren and just loved ones? Exchange useful ideas comments are welcome! You give a piggy bank gift ideas, people!