What is a cell phone for? Pros and cons of the phone. Using a mobile phone: a description of the advantages and disadvantages. New features in Downie

Orgasm is not a luxury: a sexologist told how to get maximum pleasure in bed ...

Psychologist, sexologist, star consultant Valentin Denisov-Melnikov told how you can solve your intimate problems, learn to get real pleasure and enjoy sex one hundred percent. Nothing is impossible, you just want to.

“Every year people are more and more interested in sex and want to improve the quality of their intimate life... And since Since this sphere is thin and fragile, more than 80 percent of people face problems in sex. True, women want to improve the quality of their intimate life more than men. This does not mean that men are all right, it just suits them more often.

Women have more difficulty with orgasm. Men have fewer such problems. They have other problems - insufficient erection and premature ejaculation, but men usually experience orgasm. Maybe that's why they are more often satisfied with everything. And only the most reasonable and worthy (from the point of view of their partners) strive for new sexual heights. But female orgasm not so stable. 20-22% of women do not experience any orgasm at all. Many experience only a clitoral orgasm, and even then not always. It is with this question that women turn to sexologists.

Most of the 80% of women who don't always orgasm at all, according to one of my teachers, a candidate medical sciences and sexologist professor A.M. Poleev, psychologists-sexologists can and should help. All women who have pleasure from sex, attraction and desire, but no orgasm, and they justly want to get relaxation and improve quality sexual life, good, competent psychologists-sexologists can help.

There is, however, a very small percentage of girls and women who do not receive any pleasant sensations... They have insensitive genitals. There is no excitement or pre-orgasmic state. This, according to the definition of Professor Alexander Poleev, is the silent vagina syndrome. Such women already need a sexologist. But there are few of them. Less than 10%. Another thing is that in my practice I am faced with the fact that both men and women turn with the request: "How can I fix everything on my own?"

And here I must say that the desire to improve the quality of your sex life is certainly commendable, but you can hardly do it yourself. If only because the level of knowledge, beliefs and understanding that a specific person, have already led him to the fact that he is unhappy with his sex life, and wants to improve and fix it.

But how can he fix it himself, if he still has the same level of knowledge, the same beliefs and attitudes? I'm afraid it doesn't work that way. This is where a competent psychologist-sexologist is needed, who will help to understand the problem. And he will also tell you what to do not only with psychological restrictions that prevent you from receiving satisfaction, but also advise what to do in bed in order to activate the ability to have a vaginal orgasm.

Yes, you need someone to explain, guide, help. Almost all of us think we know everything about sex. And this is absolutely not the case. Even psychologists and doctors will not be able to help you in establishing your intimate life if they themselves do not have sexological training. Only after completing advanced training in sexology, it is possible to provide competent assistance to those who are not satisfied with their sex life. So hoping to fix everything on your own is somewhat naive. Even psychologists and doctors, after improving their qualifications in sexology, understand that they knew little about the sexual life of people and about the mechanisms of work of the sexual sphere.

Please note that you even learned to drive a car for many months under the guidance of instructors and teachers. We read books, took exams, gained experience. And then you want to understand in 10 minutes how to do everything yourself. Ask yourself the question, which is more difficult - driving a car or the structure and functioning of the psyche and sexual sphere ?! Now it becomes obvious that the desire to establish everything independently and the real improvement of intimate life are incompatible requests? Would you go far if the driving instructor told you where the pedals are and said you can drive ?! I think a 10 minute training would end with a very short trip. If you were to budge at all.

So yes, psychologists-sexologists are being approached more and more often, but so far 90% of appeals are a request for magic tip that will solve everything at once sexual problems accumulated for decades. But the understanding is gradually growing that this does not happen. And those who really want powerful and regular orgasms and a vibrant intimate life go to specialists. And the rest hope that everything will appear by itself. In vain. You are wasting your time. Learning to have an orgasm is easier at the age of 25-27. Well, at 30. Then everything is also possible, but it will take more time and sessions.

It is good that people are beginning to gradually ask for real, serious help. In this case, as a rule, it is possible to significantly improve the quality of sex and the level of pleasure received. And yes, I know from experience that improvements come after the very first sessions of working with a client. The main thing is to understand that the "Do it yourself" principle does not work in the intimate sphere. So, do not hesitate to contact a psychologist-sexologist. It is better to move gradually, step by step to success, orgasm and pleasure, than to quickly, lightning fast and independently mark time ", - summed up

Mobile phones and smartphones are experiencing a peak in popularity today. To modern man it is difficult to imagine your daily life without these smart devices that allow you to get in touch with the right person... But ordinary mobile phones are gradually giving way to smartphones. Let's figure it out who needs a smartphone and why and what is it Unlike mobile phone .

So, a smartphone is essentially a smart phone that, in addition to calls and SMS, has a number of additional functions... Unlike phones, smartphones have an operating system that allows them to perform tasks that are not available on regular mobile phones.

However, many today use a smartphone not as a multifunctional device that makes life much easier and solving urgent tasks, but as a certain attribute of the image indicating the status of the owner.

What is a smartphone for?

So, why buy a smartphone and what functionality is offered modern models these smart devices?

Calls and SMS

Like mobile phones, smartphones make calls on GSM networks and send SMS. Today, this is their main difference from netbooks, tablets and other portable devices.

Play music and video files

Perhaps this is the most significant the difference between smartphones and simple mobile phones.

We all remember the first multimedia models from Samsung, Nokia, which supported audio files and videos in the ".3gp" format. Today, the limitations and minimalism of these models have already pushed them to the background in the popularity rating. Modern smartphone models support almost any audio and video format. High resolution screens, large diagonal of the latest smartphones - perfect option to watch the video. As far as listening to music is concerned, the owners of smartphones are not limited, as before, to 500 megabytes of memory cards. Some modern smartphones can store up to 64 gigabytes of different media files.

Photo and video filming

The resolution of photo and video cameras, which was once used by old models of cell phones, today can only be found on the front camera of smartphones used for video communication. Modern smartphones allow you to shoot more quality video and take photos than camcorders and cameras. In addition, smartphones have an undeniable advantage: they are almost always at hand. This means that you can capture the best moments of both business and friendly meetings.

Internet access

For what exactly need a smartphone business people is the ability to connect to the Internet via Wi-Fi or mobile communication.

Regardless of the operating system installed, each smartphone model is equipped with a mobile browser that allows you to connect to the Internet.

In terms of ease of use, new models of smartphones are not inferior to personal computers. In addition, their portability and mobility, the lack of attachment to a specific location make these smart devices just a godsend for a business person.

Smartphone for business

Let's take a closer look at the Internet toolkit that turns a smartphone into a reliable assistant for a business person.


Using a smartphone, you can send letters, documents, photos to business partners, colleagues or just friends. To do this, you only need mobile Internet or Wi-Fi.

Video communication

Skype, FaceTime, Google Talk and many other services are designed for easy communication with partners not only through voice communication and text messages, but also with the use of a front-facing video camera, which allows you to see the interlocutor, and the interlocutor - to see you.

Messengers for business

For quick communication with business partners you can use instant messaging services ICQ, Jabber, IRC. But in the first place in terms of ease of use and popularity is the mobile messenger WhatsApp.

All types of instant messengers and video calls are completely free. You will only need to pay for using the internet. Considering the cost of calls and SMS made through the channels of mobile operators, this is great option cost savings.

Use of social media

Today it is impossible to imagine business promotion without social networks... With smartphones, social networks can be used both through a mobile browser and with the help of client applications specially developed for these purposes, in which the functionality of social networks is perfectly optimized for mobile devices with a touch screen.

Mobile applications for smartphones

Apps are special mini-programs designed for mobile operating systems that provide truly unlimited possibilities. These are various databases, organizers, navigators, guides, games, programs. They can be downloaded and installed using app stores - special internet services for smartphone operating systems. Almost all popular applications are free or distributed at minimal prices.

With the release of the next generation of mobile devices, the line separating smartphones from ordinary mobile phones is becoming less and less noticeable. Sometimes it's just impossible to figure it out on your own, what is the difference between a smartphone and a phone... And yet, let's try to do it.

The main differences between a smartphone and a mobile phone

Operating system availability. Smartphones have a processor so that you can install an operating system on these devices. Today the most popular operating systems for smartphones are Android, iOS, PalmOS, Bada, SymbianOS, Windows Mobile. Many people mistakenly consider the ability to download Java applications to the phone as having an operating system, which is not true. Java technology is not an operating system, but a virtual machine that runs the operating system of a phone. In almost all cases, it is closed (that is, it is impossible to make changes to it).

Multifunctionality. The set of functions that cell phones are equipped with, as a rule, include ordinary voice conversations, the ability to send SMS messages, the use of photo and video cameras and playing music tracks. For the sake of fairness, it should be noted that in modern models of cell phones the functionality is significantly expanded. So, you can watch videos, play different games, connect to the Internet, including using Wi-Fi.

All of these functions are available in smartphones, but the capabilities of these devices are significantly expanded by the presence of a file manager, organizer, archiver, programs for reading and editing files of any format, a GPS module, the ability to download programs from other developers and a number of other functions.

Important the difference between a smartphone and a mobile phone is multitasking, or the ability to use multiple programs at the same time. In ordinary cell phones, they are launched one after the other.

Why do you need a smartphone for business? The answer to the question is obvious: this is a real personal computer in your pocket.

External characteristics. Dimensions are usually the main parameter, distinguishing a smartphone from a mobile phone... As a rule, smartphones are always larger than mobile phones. However, the rapid development of technology has contributed to the fact that the difference between these devices in this parameter is becoming less obvious.

Smartphones have a large display, and modern models almost always have a touchscreen. The dimensions of the screen make it very convenient to work from the point of view of the clarity of the displayed information.

Working with documents, searching or chatting on the Internet, watching videos and listening to audio files - everything becomes much more convenient with a high-quality screen with a large diagonal.

Operational reliability. How more smartphone differs from phone? Less operational reliability. This is perhaps the only parameter by which ordinary mobile phones are clearly superior to smartphones. If you drop your cell phone on the floor or flood it with water, it will not stop working. As for smartphones, they can deteriorate even from the slightest physical impact. Plus, repairing a smartphone is much more expensive than repairing a mobile phone. Therefore, acquiring smartphone for business or just for personal use, keep in mind: they need to be handled very carefully.

People are starting to ask the question more and more often how is it programming on the phone? Is it convenient or not? Probably every novice programmer who strives for knowledge and wants to program everywhere and always asked himself all these questions. Of course, this was influenced and so fast development technologies. In a short period of time, typewriters have been replaced by laptops and PCs, which are capable of solving very complex problems.

If we look at the development of phones in general, they also started to develop very quickly. First touch phones they did not take it as it should, and now such a smartphone is an integral part of every person. This is the answer to the question: “ Programming on the phone - where do people get such questions and thoughts from?“. Almost every person who is at least somehow familiar with programming will say that programming on Android or Apple smartphones is extremely inconvenient and unnecessary. They will be partly right, but it is still possible and let's figure out how and why?

Programming on the phone - shall we figure it out?

Programming on the phone is a long and complicated process, which does not bring as much fun and inspiration as with the same programming on a PC or laptop. However, it often happens that there is no way to take a laptop with you, but the task must be completed or you just want to program. In such cases, the phone can help out.

Like this? Programming on the phone using various services and software.

There are many services out there that help you program on anything. The main thing is access to the Internet and a display with an input device. One of these services is the very popular Ideone.

Ideone is an online compiler and debugging tool that allows you to compile from source and run it online in over 60 programming languages.

Such online services allows you to compile the code without any problems, which you can write in the same place. The choice of programming languages ​​is usually extensive and constantly updated. At least new versions of programming languages ​​are being added.

Also, there are highly specialized programs such as Java Compiler, etc. They can be downloaded to your smartphone without any problems. Phone programming and consists in such programs and services, since it will be extremely inconvenient to do this in the terminal. One of the best terminals on Android is.

Why program on the phone. Convenience and final answer.

As you might have guessed, programming on the phone- this is extremely inconvenient due to the small screen and the lack of a full-fledged keyboard. Sure, you can connect the keyboard via OTG, but why? Why not take a laptop in this case, because the keyboard you have with you?! Another factor that speaks against programming in Android phones and Apple is the lack of professional software. There are only highly specialized compilers or online IDEs. As you can imagine, they can never replace normal software for a programmer.

My opinion is that programming on a smartphone does not make sense, as it takes a lot of time and concentration. This is certainly possible and may even be useful to someone. However, I believe that it is better to study material that can help you in development, since a smartphone is very suitable for this. On the way somewhere or lying on the couch, you can always watch a video course or read a book. Use your gadgets correctly, and I hope I was able to give you an answer to this, albeit an easy, but very popular question.

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Currently, it is difficult to find such a person who would not use mobile services. Even the smallest representatives of our society already have a functional gadget connected to world wide web called the Internet. Let's try to understand the pros and cons of mobile phones.

What is a mobile phone?

A cell or mobile phone is a device designed to transmit voice information over a distance. This process is carried out due to the provision of communication services by cellular operators. Their towers synchronize the devices with each other.

The transmission of voice information is only one of the functions that can be in a mobile phone. The device itself has small size, involves the installation of a SIM card, thanks to which the ability to use communication appears.

Mobile phone use in daily life

The telephone in our life serves not only for the transmission of voice messages. This unit can send short messages, go online and synchronize with GPS stations to determine coordinates.

Nowadays it is difficult to imagine life without a cell phone. Numerous applications that are installed on the device thanks to operating systems make our life much easier. A modern mobile phone combines several devices at once, which we use all the time.

The phone can function as an alarm clock, computer, personal nutritionist or fitness trainer. Thanks to applications, we can control our locomotor activity, it becomes possible to monitor the power supply and enter all the data into a special program.

Advantages and disadvantages of a push-button telephone

Some conservative people still use the most primitive communication devices. This is convenient if the phone is needed only for communication. Let's list the main pros and cons

  • simple and accessible interface;
  • mechanical buttons for dialing a number or message;
  • the battery holds a charge for a long time;
  • devices are strong and hardy;
  • older models had strong antennas for communication.
  • limited functionality;
  • there is no way to take a photo or video good quality;
  • using the Internet is very inconvenient;
  • small and dim display;
  • there is no way to expand the functionality with additional applications;
  • some models are not designed for new three-pin SIM cards;
  • there is no possibility of synchronization with some modern accessories.

Only the most basic disadvantages of push-button telephones are listed. From the above you can do next output: if you are an active and modern user of devices, then a push-button phone as the main device of use will not suit you. And for older people, a phone with buttons is a great option to always stay in touch.

Advantages and disadvantages of a smartphone

Most common on this moment phones. A smartphone is a phone that has an operating system that allows you to install various software on it. Here are 5 pros and 5 cons of phones with an operating system.

  1. It is possible to install applications from any area of ​​interest.
  2. The camera is built into the device, as a rule, of good enough quality. This function allows you to use your smartphone as a full-fledged camera, camcorder or video recorder.
  3. The smartphone can replace the game console. On devices with good characteristics you can play even the most modern games.
  4. Big screen.
  5. Touch control. The displays respond to multiple simultaneous presses, which allows you to zoom in or out, and also allows for comfortable control in games.
  1. Electromagnetic radiation.
  2. Formation of addiction to social networks or games.
  3. Live communication comes to naught.
  4. Not everywhere catches the network.
  5. Weak batteries.

Undoubtedly, the smartphone provides us endless possibilities in the field of communications. The most important thing is to skillfully use this functionality.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Shockproof Phone

There is a whole line of super-stable models of devices that are designed for active people... Consider the pros and cons of using a mobile phone that has multiple levels of protection.

  1. Durable body made of shockproof material.
  2. Moisture proof or waterproof.
  3. Durable tempered glass display.
  1. Design.
  2. Limited functionality.
  3. Bulky dimensions.

They are able to maintain their working condition even after falling down from a multi-storey building, but in terms of design and functionality, they are clearly inferior.

Pros and cons of cellular

Mobile phones that have become a part of our life are constantly next to us. Is this good or bad? Consider the pros and cons of cellular communications.

  1. You can always call your loved ones and ask your questions.
  2. Communication is possible even over very long distances.
  3. The Internet, which is available 24 hours a day, gives us required amount the information you need.
  1. Radio emission, which constantly affects the body, damages all vital systems.
  2. Communication is available only in the coverage area of ​​the cellular operator. In areas remote from settlements, you will not be able to use communication services.
  3. Some people become addicted to cell phones.

Experts recommend using cellular communication no more than 5-10 minutes / day. During this time, the dose of exposure to electromagnetic waves on the body is not critical. Now let's try to calculate how much time we spend per day on communication. The phone is always next to us, even during sleep. All this time, the body is affected by radio emission.

Pros and cons of Samsung phones

New modern models are constantly appearing in the lines of Samsung smartphones. The company makes sure its gadgets are responsive last word in development modern technologies... Let's consider the pros and cons of Samsung phones.

  1. Good build quality.
  2. Bright Energy Saving Amoled Display.
  3. Interesting new features: fingerprint detector, voice control, face recognition, etc.
  4. High level service.
  5. Differentiation of phones by rulers: budget, middle class, flagships.
  1. The high cost of devices.
  2. Costly repairs if replaced with original parts.
  3. Over time, Amoled displays burn out.
  4. Constantly released updates to the operating system become irrelevant over time for old devices, so you have to change the phone to a more modern one.

Pros and cons of devices on "Android"

Smartphones based on the Android operating system are currently the most popular. This is due to the ease of use of the platform and the simplicity of the interface. The following pros and cons of Android phones can be highlighted:

  1. Simple menu, convenient control.
  2. A large number of programs for any version of "Android".
  3. Customization. Any phone on "Android" can be "flashed" for yourself by making individual settings at the system level.
  4. System openness. For example, you can make the memory card act as an internal storage.
  5. Prevalence. You can always find the right model, affordable and functional in properties.
  1. Updates. The lineup changes very quickly, and new versions of the operating system may already be unstable on previous models.
  2. Malfunctions. Phones on "Android" are most often observed "freezing" when working. The download speed and overall dynamics of the system's functioning are at a rather low level, especially if we are not talking about flagship smartphones.

Despite the existing negative sides, smartphones based on the Android operating system are gaining more and more popularity among users.

Pros and cons of using phones by children

The communications and telephony industry has a particularly large impact on the younger generation. Even the smallest kids already know how to turn on their favorite game on their smartphone. Consider the positive and negative aspects of the impact of phones on children.

  1. The child always stays in touch.
  2. You can track the exact coordinates of the location of the child using a GPS receiver.
  3. A telephone with Internet access can become an assistant in the educational process.
  1. Electromagnetic radiation damages children developing organism.
  2. Entertainment apps and games distract from the classroom.
  3. Gambling addiction is formed, the child's isolation is observed.
  4. Interest in mobile and intellectual live games is lost.
  5. There is stress and hysteria when it is not possible to use the phone or the Internet.

Modern children have become so dependent on electronic devices and phones in particular that in some cases they project the digital world of games onto real conditions life. The cruelty and imbalance of some children in most cases is associated with gambling addiction.

Modern devices

Modern phones manufactured using innovative technologies, have wide functionality. It is very convenient and practical to use one device, which includes the functions of a dozen other devices. The compact size of a modern phone allows you to constantly carry it with you without any discomfort.

Some advanced users change several devices a year. This is due to the fact that new models are constantly being released that have minor differences from their predecessors. The most interesting functional novelties for last years presented in the list:

  • fingerprint detector;
  • face recognition;
  • voice control;
  • remote control other devices from the phone;

These are just some of the functions that are present in the functionality of a modern phone. WITH further development digital technology devices will be even more powerful and smarter.


Considering the pros and cons of cell phones, we can conclude that these devices give us many advantages in terms of communication, and also allow us to use advanced functionality in various fields of application.

, each of us hopes that it will last as long as possible.

However, making a number of serious mistakes in its operation, we are slowly killing even the best gadget.

But if you stick to simple rules, you can extend the life of your smartphone.

Read also:At what age should you give a smartphone to a child and should you do it at all?

Here are 11 mistakes in smartphone use that lead to it quick exit out of service.

How to extend the life of a smartphone

1. You never turn off your smartphone

You should completely turn off your phone at least once a week.

Otherwise, your smartphone battery will die sooner than you expect. According to experts, when the phone works non-stop, the battery drains many times faster than if the battery is given at least occasional rest.

Also, stop using the alarm clock on your phone. A regular alarm clock is best suited for these purposes. He will wake you up every morning.

This way you will extend the life of your smartphone.

If you still need to use the alarm clock on your phone, try to do it as little as possible, and then turn it off during the day.

2. Leave Bluetooth and Wi Fi on all the time

If you are not using any applications on your smartphone, then what is the point of leaving them enabled? For example, is it vital that the gadget supports WiFi and Bluetooth when you are walking around the city or chatting with friends?

Not? Then it is best to turn them off, and turn them on if necessary.

This will reduce the loss of charge and increase the performance of your smartphone.

By turning off unnecessary features, you save energy and extend the life of your phone.

How to extend the life of your phone

3. You use your phone outdoors in bad weather conditions

Your smartphone is not designed to withstand ultra-high or ultra-low temperatures, so use it under extreme conditions. temperature conditions Not recommended.

This can drain the battery or damage the device completely. Also, if your phone isn't waterproof, don't use it in rain or snow.

If you know in advance that you will find yourself in extreme weather conditions, try to at least keep your smartphone in your pocket and use it only when necessary.

Phone charging errors

4. Leave your phone to charge overnight

It may be very convenient to charge your smartphone at night while you sleep.

But, experts say, this is not a good idea.

If your phone is already fully charged, but is still on a charge, it can harm the battery over time, and it will start to drain quickly.

Please note that you do not need to charge your smartphone to 100 percent charge, as is commonly believed. Your phone battery will thank you if you remove it before it reaches 100 percent.

* Try removing your phone from charging when the battery is about 95-97 percent charged.

Try to charge it during the day rather than at night so you can turn it off when it's almost fully charged, or set a timer.

5. You wait for the phone to discharge to 0 percent and then charge to 100 percent

The lithium-ion batteries used in some smartphones perform best when charged between 50 and 80 percent.

So says Shane Broesky, founder of Farbe Technik, a manufacturer of charging accessories.

When the battery is completely discharged, the phone goes into a "deep discharge state". This makes the ions unable to hold charge.

Experts argue that partially recharging the phone gives the battery enough power to continuous work and battery protection.

In other words, recharging the battery is very similar to snacks between meals throughout the day.

6. Using "non-native" smartphone charger

Many people use a non-native charger for their smartphones. Very often, original cords wear out quickly, fray and tear. Therefore, we often have to buy new chargers.

However, they are the ones who can ruin the phone. This is especially true for iPhone chargers. The chargers of this brand are quite expensive, but they are well worth the investment.

Using other manufacturers' chargers may damage your phone.

It is also reported that fake chargers can also cause fires and even explosions.

Apple has called on people to return fake chargers and purchase only genuine products at a discount.

7. Never clean your smartphone

Your smartphone carries a huge amount of bacteria.

By comparison, toilet seats and pet food utensils contain fewer germs per square centimeter than your phone.

There are also devices with ultraviolet rays to disinfect your phone. Also, don't forget the phone charging port! This is where the most debris accumulates, which can cause the phone to malfunction.

Lint and various debris from pockets or wallets get stuck there and, accumulating, over time lead to serious connection failures.

Therefore, try to keep the port clean at all times.

Clean it with a toothpick, fine needle, or even back part earrings. However, try to do this as carefully as possible to avoid scratching or damaging your device.

8. When walking down the street, always hold the phone in your hands

The demand for stolen mobile devices on the black market is skyrocketing.

According to statistics, about 40 percent of all stolen smartphonesit falls on the Iphone. A person walking down the street with a phone in hand is a potential target for a thief.

Therefore, for your own safety, try to keep the phone away from prying eyes. Use your mobile device when you are away from home only when you need it.