If you donate blood as a donor. Is it possible to donate blood during menstruation

The question is whether it is possible to donate blood during menstruation, whether it is relevant to donate in two versions: in the case when a woman decided to become a donor, or if she is scheduled to take tests. In this case, it is necessary to take into account such factors: for what purpose the blood will be donated and what research method will be used in the blood test.

What should be considered when donating blood during menstruation?

There are no contraindications to this method of research during menstruation. But if a woman wants to become a donor, it is not recommended to donate blood during this period. Why? Because on critical days in the female body, total hemoglobin in the blood decreases, which means that the donor's well-being worsens. Donated blood is additional blood loss, which is undesirable.

During menstruation, first of all, the ESR index increases significantly. The doctor, not being aware of blood donation during menstruation, changes in blood parameters may perceive them as a reaction to inflammation occurring in the body.

It cannot be ignored that during this period the result of the analysis can be significantly distorted due to blood clotting during blood donation. In addition, in the first days of menstruation, the result general analysis blood can show elevated hemoglobin and erythrocytes, which then sharply decrease.

Due to illness, the doctor may prescribe tests. It is necessary to consult with a doctor whether it is worth doing this on critical days. If you did not do this, or if your period started on the very day you were scheduled for the test, remember the following. You can donate blood during this period. The results of the tests will be identical to those that would have been when donating blood on other days. You should not do tests only in cases where you are taking medication to alleviate the condition.

Explain the situation to the doctor and ask for a referral for another day.

You can test for infections in the same way as for hormones.

This is strictly prohibited in given period. The negative effect on the body is already the fact that during menstruation the level of hemoglobin in the blood decreases significantly. The body is under extreme stress. During blood donation, a woman can become ill, besides, this is fraught with severe bleeding, which means significant loss blood. Immediately after menstruation, you should also not rush to donate blood, because the body has not yet recovered.

When is the best time to donate blood?

Experts say that this can be done no less than three days after the end of menstruation, when all blood counts are normal. So is it possible to donate blood during menstruation?

But while the critical days last, you should not do this, because:

  • As already mentioned, during this period, due to natural blood loss, hemoglobin decreases, as a result of which blood clotting is activated. This affects its viscosity, which may lead to the unreliability of the results of biochemical analysis.
  • The content of platelets changes again due to the activation of the coagulation system. It's a kind of protection female body from excessive blood loss. As a result, the analysis will show a significantly underestimated concentration of platelets.

You must follow certain rules:

  • Donate blood five days after your period, not earlier.
  • 12 hours before the test, stop eating - the procedure must be done on an empty stomach.
  • To determine the level of hormones in the blood, the analysis must be taken in the morning.

Is it possible to donate blood during menstruation for tests?

When you visit a doctor for illness, you may be ordered tests to identify general condition your body. It is advisable to consult a specialist about whether it is worth taking or is it better to wait until they run out. If you forgot to do this, or if your period came on the very day when you have to go to the laboratory, then be guided by the following information. You can donate blood for tests during this period. The readings will be exactly the same what they might have been at another time. You should refrain from taking the test only if you are taking any medications to help alleviate your condition. At next visit explain the situation to the doctor and take a new referral for blood donation. Still not sure if you can donate blood during your period? Note that delivery is possible during menstruation in the same way as for hormones. But there is a slight difference. On a particular day monthly cycle take some tests Therefore, when the doctor writes you a referral for analysis, check with him when exactly it would be best to take it.

Can I donate blood?

The desire to help other people in need or just earn money is quite understandable and obvious. However, girls and women during menstruation are strictly prohibited from doing this. The fact is that during menstruation it significantly decreases in the blood, which already negatively affects the state of the body, which is experiencing severe stress due to everything that happens. In addition to the fact that a woman who donates blood for a donation may become ill, there is a risk heavy bleeding, which is fraught

blood loss. That's why it's worth giving up on this difficult period from donation. By the way, as soon as the menstruation is over, you do not need to immediately run to the donor center and donate blood, since the body has not yet fully recovered. It would be reasonable only after five days to finally hand over the liquid that is always needed. We hope you received all necessary information about whether it is possible to donate blood during menstruation, and be sure to take into account the recommendations that were given in this article. Any doctor and medical worker will confirm you that you do not need to risk your health even for the sake of helping other people or banal benefits. Of course, you can hide the fact that you are currently menstruating, but you will only make things worse for yourself. Therefore, take care of yourself and, if you wish, become blood donors, but not earlier than five days after your period ends.

Since doctors learned how to do transfusions, donated blood has saved many lives. And for those who take it, the procedure is useful not only for the opportunity to earn some money, get a free day, but also for the renewal of the body. According to statistics, most of them are women, the stronger sex prefers to avoid medical manipulations. Therefore, the question of whether donation is possible at the time is by no means an idle one.

Both processes involve blood. To take it from the donor, you need special equipment, the manipulation itself is carried out from a vein. The flow of blood during menstruation is provided by natural mechanisms and has a natural character. However, donation and menstruation are united by the fact that the body loses blood. Menstruation every day deprives a woman of fluid. For transfusion, it is taken at least 200 ml. If you add this amount, the loss of blood will be significant. At healthy people its stock is replenished, there are all possibilities for this. But the donation that occurred during menstruation can seriously undermine health. Recovery takes some time and the resources of the body, which during menstruation are more limited than ever. Therefore, when taking blood, doctors are always interested in whether a woman has critical days now.

Why you should postpone donation

Considering how blood donation affects your periods, there are reasons not to donate this moment there are several blood for transfusion to those in need, they can be divided into groups:

  • During the critical days, most women feel worse than usual, feeling weak, depressed, wanting to sleep. The reason for this is a decrease in the amount of sex hormones. It is they who control most of the reactions of the body, as they are concentrated, including in the blood. It makes up a significant part of the secretions excreted from the genital tract. If a woman donated blood for donation during her period, her condition may worsen even more, up to fainting or prolonged loss of consciousness;
  • It is also significant that the composition of the blood during menstruation changes markedly. The number of such important component, how . This is due to a decrease in the volume of red blood cells carrying it. Hemoglobin delivers oxygen to tissues, providing vital processes. Hormonal changes contribute to a decrease in its amount during the menstrual period, worsening overall well-being. And blood donation during menstruation will further reduce this figure;
  • For the period of menstruation, a woman's immunity is suppressed. This is not only of momentary importance, when her health worsens and the risk of infection increases. In the future, with donation at this stage of the cycle, the possibilities for the restoration and renewal of the reproductive system are limited;
  • During menstruation, some women also change values. It may rise or fall, but in all cases the condition is not conducive to the manipulation of fluid intake. Menstruation and blood donation are additional stress that can negatively affect vascular tone;
  • The sensations that a woman experiences on critical days require the use of painkillers or antispasmodics. All of them inevitably get into the blood. When donating a biological fluid for transfusion, this is unacceptable, as it distorts its performance and degrades its quality.

When can I donate blood on critical days

The ban on blood donation during menstruation applies to the donor woman and is due to the impact on her well-being. But the biological fluid itself, although it has some deviations from the average values ​​for key indicators, is still suitable for transfusion if it does not contain drugs.

Given this, it is possible to donate blood for menstruation only in extreme cases, when this is the only way to save the patient. But it should be borne in mind that the quality of the biological fluid will still change due to a decrease in the number of leukocytes, platelets and erythrocytes.

Before critical days

Donation before menstruation is also not welcomed by doctors for the reasons already mentioned, if blood donation is expected immediately before critical days. Although her indicators are changed in the other direction: the number of erythrocytes is increased, and hemoglobin is also increased. But all this is intended to ensure the process of menstruation, more or less normal well-being these days.

To donate blood for donation on the eve of menstruation means to strengthen them external influence. And although the manipulation is carried out simply and rather quickly, it provokes excitement, which can delay their arrival. In addition, the biological fluid at this point has an increased viscosity, which makes it difficult to withdraw and increases the pain of the procedure. Therefore, already 5 days before critical blood, as a rule, do not donate.

The consequences of donation for critical days

The influence of donation on menstruation can be not only momentary, worsening the state of health at the moment, if both of these events coincide or are close in time. Even when a woman donates blood outside the menstrual period, she should be prepared for what will be found:

  • After donation, there is no monthly period. The reason for this is not so much the blood sampling, but the stress that the manipulation itself causes, especially if this is done for the first time. The anxiety associated with donating blood can cause hormonal disbalance, and already the deficiency of these substances will become the direct culprit of the delay. All this provided that the test proved the absence of pregnancy;
  • I got my period right after donation. This shift may be related to both procedure-induced stress and hormonal disorders to which blood donation is not involved. In the first case, everything should improve in the next cycle, since a woman can be a donor no more than 4 times a year. But menstrual flow after donating blood there are more than ever. The body saves resources for recovery.

Donating blood to save others, most likely not at all strangers, a necessary thing. But a donation that happens during menstruation will bring more trouble than good. Therefore, you should not deceive doctors in order to satisfy your noble impulse right now or get an extra day off. The loss of a noticeable amount of blood for the body will lead to the fact that instead of doing their direct duties, specialists will be forced to bring the donor woman to life. Perhaps, because of such a reaction during manipulation, she will be given a medical exemption for this lesson. And the woman herself will then have to recover much longer.