What facilitates the care of the baby gadgets. “Smart Sock”: baby vitals controller. Baby Nail Clipper by Zo-li

Being a new parent is a big responsibility. Newly made mothers and fathers have many fears and fears for the life and health of the baby. If you have just started to go through this difficult path, then you need to learn a lot and do a lot of things. For parents who would like to have extra help- we offer an overview of the must-have things.

1. Mattress for bathing. Unusual way acceptance water procedures for the baby offers Blooming Baby Bather. Soft and gentle sink bed will turn bathing into a safe process.

2. Silicone bottle with a spoon for feeding. The silicone bottle with a spoon is very compact and easy to use.

3. Airplane travel hammock. In order not to keep the child constantly in your arms, especially during long flights, you can put him on a special hammock seat and enjoy the journey in comfort.

4. Children's travel bed. Belgian designers came up with such a bag-bed for a comfortable sleep on the road. Now the mother has nothing to be afraid that her child may accidentally “roll away” somewhere at night.

5. Stroller bag. You probably know how many little things mom or dad takes with them for a walk. Now you can attach the bag to the handles of the stroller, and enjoy a walk light.

6. Children's urinal (or bidet). Useful gadget for toilet training.

7. Feeding bottle. Parents often miss extra hands, after all, it is necessary to control the machine and feed the child. Now you can attach your food bottle to your car seat and drive safely. The kid can have a snack at any time.

8. Medicine bottle. Such a device will help to take medication without tantrums and tears. The potion is hidden in a colorful glass, and perhaps the child will not notice the substitution.

9. Bra reminder. Such a device is used in order not to forget from which breast the mother fed the last time. Young parents are so tired and exhausted that sometimes they forget about the most simple things. A little reminder does a big favor.

10. Portable ultrasound. If you are preparing to become a mother, and you want to watch your future baby, there is a home personal ultrasound machine. You can use it with your smartphone.

11. Support chair. Armchairs are different shapes and all sorts of colors. It is very convenient for the child and calm for the parents, because the baby will not crawl away anywhere.

12. Bath mat with pockets. Such a useful mat is suitable for parents with newborn children. Firstly, it is convenient for mothers to kneel while bathing the baby. Secondly - you can store everything in pockets necessary items for swimming.

Moms take note!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me, but I’ll write about it))) But I have nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too ...

13. Protective pacifier (Self-closing pacifier). This pacifier does not need to be washed after the child has dropped it on the floor, because it closes automatically during a fall.

14. Car seat cover. Case saves normal temperature armchairs when a steam room appears in the cabin in the summer.

15. Diaper in the form of a cocoon."Woombie" is an original and easy way to swaddle small children. With such a cocoon, diapers are not needed.

16. Bicycle carriage. For active parents there is nothing more pleasant than spending free time not within four walls, but on fresh air with a child, and at the same time keep yourself in good physical shape.

17. Radio babysitter. Now the iPhone can even be used to monitor the baby ().

18. Bath divider. In order not to waste a lot of water filling a full bathroom, use a separator. Now you do not need to buy a baby bath, because you can make it yourself in just one minute.

19. Kangaroo for mom and baby. AT cold weather both mother and child will be comfortable and warm to walk in such a kangaroo.

20. Body extension. All parents have learned by experience how fast little children grow and how often they need to buy bodysuits. Special extension cords will extend the service life of children's things.

21. Children's TV remote control. The colorful children's remote control will entice your child for a while. Apart from beautiful design, it can still be programmed for 5 possible children's channels. The child will learn to turn on cartoons for himself - and this is a small step towards independence.

22. Dummy thermometer. With such a pacifier, it is incredibly easy to change the child's temperature ().

In anticipation of the appearance of the baby, expectant mothers often think about whether they will be able to pay required amount time for their child, will they be able to cope not only with all household chores, but also with new responsibilities - mothers?

And if in past centuries young mothers could rely on their parents, numerous nannies and grandmothers, now this practice is no longer welcome. In order to somehow alleviate the fate of a young mother, manufacturers of modern household appliances took care of creating useful devices for mother and newborn baby.

Some of these household devices cannot be classified as exceptionally useful, since they have and negative points. But first things first. First, consider the most famous useful devices that both mother and newborn baby can use.

Useful gadgets for mom and baby:

Air humidifiers, heaters, thermometers

Baby monitor and video baby monitor

Gadgets that will also be very useful for modern mom. Mom just physically can not be all the time with the baby. She needs to take some time for herself, to do some housework. To help mothers and were invented electronic systems for monitoring the baby at a time when mom is not in the nursery.

A baby monitor is a type of wireless device that allows the mother to monitor the baby and communicate with him even at a distance. The design of the baby monitor consists of two interconnected blocks that can be removed from each other in a closed space at a distance of up to 50 m. When using the device in open areas, the removal of blocks is allowed at a distance of up to 300 m. Communication between the blocks is carried out by radio waves.

In the immediate vicinity of the baby, a baby monitor is installed. This block is able to catch any sound that the baby makes. Now you can purchase an improved model of the baby monitor, in which the baby unit is additionally equipped with musical accompaniment or nightlight. The baby will not be bored falling asleep to quiet music, and a burning night light will save the baby from possible fears of the dark. The baby monitor for parents is an even more advanced design, which makes it possible to wear it on the arm in the form of a watch, or on a trouser belt. Many baby monitor parent units have a temperature and humidity control system in the children's room. Parents, thanks to the advanced functionality of the device, can hear not only what is happening in the baby’s room, but also assess the level of humidity and temperature regime in the room where the child sleeps.

An interesting point of baby monitor models is the possibility feedback with a baby. So, there are models in which parents can only hear what is happening with the baby in the nursery. But there are also varieties in which a mother can talk to a child. Such a baby monitor will be useful even after the baby is out of infancy, parents will be able to talk with the baby, staying at a remote distance. It is very important that the design of the baby monitor in time signaled a break in communication with the baby. A baby monitor system may have several structural options for transmitting and receiving a signal.

Based on this, digital and analog baby monitors are distinguished. Home distinctive feature such structures can be called the cost and functionality. Analog baby monitors are less reliable and are more susceptible to interference. Digital baby monitors are more secure and have high quality. If the baby monitor system is purchased with a two-way communication system, then it is imperative to select a digital type, since it will transmit the voice of the parents, addressed to the baby, with maximum naturalness.

The baby monitor system allows you to transmit not only the sound, but also the video signal of everything that happens in the children's room. The video baby monitor also has two units. One - for a child, is represented by a video camera with the possibility of sound recording. The second block - for parents, is represented by a screen with the ability to play video with sound. The signal transmission distance can be 90 meters or more. External recording devices can be connected to the baby monitor system, which greatly expands the functionality of the design. The baby monitor recorder can be connected to radios, computers, TVs, video players, tape recorders.

Parents can watch various programs and programs with the help of the design, listen to music. In this case, the connection with the baby will not be lost. The baby monitor system automatically switches whenever something happens in the baby's room.

Nursing pillows

Pillows facilitate the process of feeding the baby in the case when the mother is sitting. The nursing pillow can be used both during pregnancy (to reduce the load on the spine while future mother in a sitting position), and after childbirth, at the time of breastfeeding. When using a breastfeeding pillow, the mother may not hold the baby with both hands. The breastfeeding pillow gives mom the opportunity to put the baby to the breast under different angles. The pillow is equipped with special fixing straps, and this prevents it from moving or falling during feeding. The pillow allows the mother to fully control the process of feeding the baby. You can use such a pillow in the game process of the child, put it under the back of the baby when he tries to sit. The pillow can be used to feed the baby from birth until the end of the breastfeeding period.


Useful thing for new parents presented practical options clothes for wearing a baby at any time of the year. What is a sling? Sling - an additional element outerwear young mother. Can be detachable or sewn together with the jacket. Removable slings are more practical as they can be clipped onto the jacket while out and about with your baby. The rest of the time, when the child is not around, such a jacket can be worn as an independent top product. Sewn-in inserts on jackets make it possible to use outerwear only when walking with a child.

Ergo backpacks

A type of sling that allows you to carry the baby over long distances. An ergo backpack is very similar in structure to a regular kangaroo, but in comparison with it, it has great advantages. Thanks to ergo-backpacks, the weight of the baby is distributed evenly, carrying the baby does not cause overloads of the spine. There are many models of ergo backpacks - there are options for boys and girls, on various times year and age. There are ergo backpack models designed specifically for twins. Ergo-backpack not only correctly distributes the load, but also contributes to proper development hip joints baby.

The convenience of the presented device is that while the baby is wearing his legs are in a widely divorced state, which eliminates the possibility improper development joints. An ergo backpack is much easier to put on than regular slings. Backpack for toddlers is better to use in winter time, but in summer such designs can be uncomfortable for kids, it will be hot for a child in such vestments.

Most ergo backpack models are designed to carry a child from 4 months of age. Choose a backpack model for more early age difficult. There are, of course, models in which the baby is in the fetal position. But here you need to carefully monitor the correct position of the baby.


Devices for babies, designed to brighten up the leisure time of infants. Mobiles are called ordinary musical carousels, which are located above the crib, attract the attention of the baby with a variety of sounds, signals, color and light design. The carousel is mobile, so all the attention of the baby will be occupied by studying the properties of the mobile. Thanks to this functionality, the device in the form of a mobile provides control over the development of the baby from birth. The mobile helps to activate the baby's interest in the world around him and all the events taking place around him.

The mobile is selected for the child according to age. So, the first two months after birth, the child will not pay attention to the mobile. This design will only create background music, serve as a decoration for the children's room. Starting from two months, babies actively explore everything that surrounds them.

Mobile is a means for a more complete knowledge of the world. The child learns to focus on moving figures from the age of two months. At the age of three months, the baby is already fully familiar with the device and functions of the mobile, therefore, he is happy to follow the changes in the position of the figures, tries to say something, shows positive emotions and smiles. At four months, the child moves from the role of a passive observer of the mobile to an active position. The kid is trying to grab the figures with his hands, and now he is actively developing fine motor skills handles, the baby learns to coordinate his movements. At six months, the child is already actively moving in the arena, so he can sit down and grab the mobile structure, thereby creating a dangerous situation for himself. The design can collapse, injure the baby. For this reason, mobiles, when a child reaches six months of age, must be removed to a safer distance.

Mobile models are different, they allow you to dismantle toys and leave only a musical case with lights or a night light. In the future, the child can use the mobile as an entertaining toy.

Children's deck chair

A variant of a children's device, similar in shape child seat. Chaise lounge can be installed anywhere in the house or in the apartment. With the help of a baby lounger, mom will be able to free her hands and do other household chores while the baby is relaxing nearby on a deck chair. Often, sun loungers for babies are made in the form of a rocking chair, so when the child moves, the chair begins to sway to the beat. For a child, such a device will be instead of a swing. The chaise longue for children is compact and convenient, it makes it possible to control the actions of the baby, observe him and at the same time perform some of his household chores. The deck chair must necessarily combine stability, the presence of safety straps, the ability to create a fixed fixation, and the absence of a sliding effect.


Essential item for cooking baby food. Newborn babies can't chew thoroughly yet solid food Therefore, it is recommended to feed babies with soft purees. For high-quality grinding of products into puree, parents will need a blender. This gadget is usually represented by two types: an immersion blender and stationary structures with bowls. It is better to pick up an immersion blender for cooking for small children, since babies eat little. If the blender is purchased with the prospect of long-term use, then you can immediately buy a three-in-one model, where there will be an immersion blender, a mixer and a blender with a bowl. Children's blender is an excellent household appliance for making vegetable and fruit purees.

Steamers, sterilizers and multicookers in baby food

Such kitchen appliances are used for preparing healthy and varied baby food, heating baby food mixtures in glass bottles. The steamer can be used to heat baby food quickly and evenly. The sterilizer makes it possible to disinfect several baby bottles and nipples at once. A multicooker is a multifunctional device used for cooking and heating baby food.

Washing machine

Just an indispensable household appliance in a house where there is a newborn baby. The clothes of a newborn baby should be not only clean, but also soft, so as not to cause irritation on the delicate skin of the baby. Therefore, it is advisable to use washing machine with the regime delicate wash designed specifically for washing children's clothes.


Another useful device for young mothers. A newborn baby requires a lot of attention, so many household chores are often postponed until later. To make it easier for mom, there is a special household appliance - a dishwasher. This appliance will automatically wash all the dirty dishes that have been previously loaded into the dishwasher. Disinfection and cleaning of utensils in this case runs efficiently. In addition to the main purpose, the dishwasher can be used for effective cleaning and disinfection of children's toys that are not afraid of moisture and high temperatures.

In addition to really useful devices for mom and baby, there are a number of gadgets that you can use, but not necessarily.


You can use this design to warm up baby food, however, how useful will such food be for a child? Many mothers believe that cooking and heating baby food in the microwave is acceptable. Warm up in the microwave for kids drinking water, ready mixes baby food, can cook vegetables. Do not heat food for children in the microwave without first removing the airtight lid. And yet, despite the widespread use of the microwave for preparing baby food, you should not get too carried away with this device. Yet in microwave oven there are harmful waves that can negatively affect the baby's body in the future.


it special device for the little ones. Protects the child from falls and injuries, has been used for a long time and is quite popular. But is a playpen really necessary for your baby? Playpen designs will be useful for a short time, immediately after the birth of the baby. When a child reaches six months of age, physical activity increases and the arena becomes not a protection, but a restriction for the baby. Therefore, you can replace the playpen with a large bed or sofa, creating cushions on them and laying a hard board. The board is needed to ensure right conditions for the development of the spine and musculoskeletal system child.

Developing mats

They are used for the versatile development of the baby from a certain age. The development mat can be used from an early age. childhood, this device is necessary for the versatile development of the child. The kid will understand the differences between colors, sounds, understand the difference in tactile sensations. Developing mats can be represented by a variety of brands and models, but they are usually based on a standard set of toys. Typically, developmental rugs can vary in shape, color and pictures. For the smallest, it is better to choose a rug with sides - in this case, the baby will not get injured. There are developing mats double-sided or for twins. There are options for a developing mat in the form of a puzzle - for active children.

Breast pumps

Devices to help you pump mother's milk. The breast pump can be electric or manual, a modern type of breast pump is sold complete with a helium cooler and a container for further storage breast milk. All elements of the breast pump system are placed in a special refrigerated case; expressed milk can be stored there for half a day.


They belong to a dubious invention to make life easier for a young mother and small child. This design is usually represented by a base on wheels, a practical case with buttons and musical accompaniment. In some models of walkers, you can see the fastening straps.

There are different opinions about this device. Some young parents believe that such an invention is necessary so that the baby learns to walk faster. In fact, the essence of the creation of walkers is as follows: the gadget is necessary to limit the movements of the baby. Together with the walker, the child is given the illusion of freedom, and the mother, while the baby is in the walker, will be able to do everyday activities.

Walkers may only be used in certain age preferably closer to 10 months of age. During this period, the baby is already trying to stand on his own legs, so the walker will help him. If you use this design for babies at the age of six months, then the baby, after a short stay in them, will lean on its side. In this case, posture will be disturbed. According to experts, walkers can be used to support babies who are already completely ready to walk on legs.


Devices for lighting a room with a small brightness. The night light will not interfere with the child's sleep, and the mother will help to better navigate in the children's room in the evening and at night. Nightlights modern type sold with many additional features. In addition to lighting the room, these designs have an automatic shutdown timer, they can have sound and light sensors. If the baby suddenly woke up, moved or cried, then the night light will immediately turn on. The lighting produced by the night lamp can be additionally accompanied by quiet and soothing music.

Electric dryer for children's clothes

A device that will be useful to young parents after the appearance of a long-awaited baby. Small child in the house is the constant washing of contaminated things. Children's little things often do not have time to dry, so you have to buy drying for them.

Children's mobile dryer - great option for quick drying of large quantities baby clothes. The dryer can be compact in size, or have large dimensions with many shelves for several sets of baby clothes.

Ekaterina Morozova - mother of many children, editor of the "Children" column in Colady magazine


The birth of a child is a very responsible and important process for the family. The choice of strollers, toys, clothes for the baby worries every mom and dad. But no less important is the topic of "helpers" for mothers - the topic of modern gadgets that will help simplify the care of the child, for themselves and diversify leisure.

Smart Shopper - every mom's personal secretary

The Smart Shopper shopping list maker is in the lead as it fits not only to mothers, but also to women who have no time to go shopping .

The uniqueness of Smart Shopper is in saving the information spoken by voice and printing complete list necessary products. The gadget is easy to use, it can be hung on the wall so as not to constantly get it out of the box.

To get started, just press one button, after which the Smart Shopper will start automatically create and organize an electronic shopping list . The gadget already contains 2,500 different products, the electronic library can also be replenished at the request of the user.

The cost of the Smart Shopper gadget is $149.95.

Squirt Baby Food Dispensing Spoon to Help Mom Feed Baby

Convenient spoon-syringe combines food bowl and spoon . And complete with a protective cover, you can use it on walks or on the road. Easy to clean, food grade silicone.

Recommended for feeding a child after 4 months.

The cost of a spoonful of Squirt Baby Food Dispensing Spoon— 9.99 c.u.

Donut maker from Clatronic - for delicious breakfasts from mom

From of stainless steel, at the same time can cook up to 6 donuts. Baking dish with non-stick coating, indicators of heating and protection against overheating make this product more attractive.

This brand also creates crepes and waffle makers.

The cost of a donut maker is $40.

Baby monitor Philips Avent SCD 505/00 - for calm children's dreams and mother's rest

Worried when the baby is in the crib or want to keep the baby under control? Then this gadget is just for you.

No interference and data encryption ensures that only you will hear the baby . The gadget allows you to set lullabies to play before bed.

2-way radio equipment helps your baby hear your voice .

  • Battery life: 24 hours
  • Power supply: 220-240V
  • Charging time: 8 hours

The cost of a baby monitor Philips Avent- 150 USD

For reference:
For Iphone/Ipad owners, it is enough to download the Best Baby Monitor or AirBeam application with similar functions in the AppStore and save by spending $5 and $3. respectively.

The Multiquick blender will help mom prepare delicious meals for her baby

Multiquick cordless immersion blender with revolutionary Smart Speed ​​control function — convenient and powerful assistant in the preparation of children's meals.

Milkshakes and "homemade" baby purees will no longer be a problem for you. A variety of puree soups will please both moms and dads.

The cost of a blender is 80 USD, depending on the model

Philips electronic steam sterilizer helps mom sterilize baby dishes

Works fast keeping the bottle sterile for 24 hours . Easy to use, with it you can be sure that you will always have a sterile bottle at hand.

The cost of the sterilizer is 150 USD.

The All-in-One Timer Itzbeen helps mom take care of her newborn baby

This pocket "nanny" keeps an eye on latest changes in your child's mode: feeding, bedtime, swaddling, medication, bathing, and even exercise .

He can work like a flashlight reproduce soothing sounds baby, and also to be alarm clock with gentle sounds.

Backlit display provides visibility in the dark.

The cost of the timer is 24.99 USD .

We have presented you a list of the most necessary and popular gadgets for moms.

Even before the birth of a child, parents begin to actively engage in shopping. What is not included in this list: bottles, nipples, clothes, diapers, hygiene products and much, much more. And with the advent of crumbs, this list is only expanding. But in the century modern technologies it is no longer enough to focus only on the “standard set”, there are many gadgets for children that are designed to make life much easier for parents in caring for a newborn. Let's take a look at 5 of the most popular ones today.

Every woman at the time of preparation for the birth of a child and after it faces the problem of weight control, her physical condition, activity, and pedometers, activity trackers, calorie counters, sports bracelets, for example, Jawbone Up24, FitBit Flex, Fitbit Force, are simply indispensable in this.

From the moment a woman learned the great news about her future motherhood, she has to take care of two (or maybe three ...), and what could be better and more useful hiking? A sports bracelet will always tell you how much you have walked, how effective your walk was, how many calories you have burned.

Thanks to the applications, you can control your nutrition and its benefits. All this will help make childbirth easier and not gain “extra”, to the delight of yourself and your husband, and if after childbirth they remain overweight, sports bracelets, Fitbit Flex or Fitbit Force will help you get rid of them very quickly.

A young modern mother needs to take daily walks with her baby, take your bracelet with you and combine business with pleasure, return former forms and improve them.

Highly useful feature intelligent alarm clock, will wake you up with a slight vibration and at the same time will not disturb either the baby or the spouse who is thirsty for sleep. By the way, this function will also come in handy for him when he needs to wake up on time for work and not disturb his family.

From the first month of a baby's life, each mother carefully monitors his anatomical and physiological parameters, especially weight. Children will help to make this process more comfortable. smart scales Withings Smart Kid Scale, which measures weight to the nearest 10 grams.

Thanks to the Baby Companion Withings application, you will be able to visually observe the baby’s development trends on the graphs, and the most convenient thing is that you can provide this data to your pediatrician at any time and for this you do not need to run to the clinic and stand in line.

Withings scales have removable carrycot and can be used for older children (up to 25 kg, up to about 8 years).

Often, if the child is sick, you have to measure the temperature several times a day, this is especially inconvenient at night when you have to disturb him. This issue becomes completely resolved when the Raiing Wireless Thermometer appears in the house. Tiresome night shifts are not required, set a temperature limit and when it is reached, the thermometer will let you know with an audible signal.

An important problem for many new parents is anxiety. Not many people know that such an increase in suspiciousness is inherent in nature itself. increased attention to the baby, the desire to make sure that the baby sleeps well, everything is in order with him, does not leave day or night. A few simple, effective and safe devices relieve anxiety and help you learn more about your baby's desires.

How could you ever do without a baby monitor! A small gadget video baby monitor Smart Baby Monitor from Withings was created with the participation of mothers of young children. It's not just a mobile device with a bunch of features. The video baby monitor will turn your smartphone into an observation point. You can hear and see your baby - enjoying excellent image quality, and at the same time have time to do important things.

This device is indispensable for parents who decide to go to work, but still want to see how their baby grows and personally observe his first successes!

To be closer to the baby, to better understand the causes of his anxiety, a baby monitor in an unusual format helps: a body baby monitor for a baby. If the baby often wakes up at night or is anxious during daytime sleep, a baby monitor - Mimo Baby Monitor Starter Kit - will help to take care of him. This funny turtle is completely safe for the child and very useful for parents.

She transmits important information, guarding his sleep. No need to get up to the crib or be afraid to disturb the sleep of the crumbs. The baby monitor monitors movements, temperature and more important indicators, transfers all data to smartphones. Caring for such an unusual piece of clothing is as easy as caring for all other children's things.

Every mother wants to make caring for a child more pleasant and joyful, for this you need quite a bit - to take new technologies into service! Thanks to gadgets, a modern mother has more time and energy for herself and her family.

A rich variety of all kinds of devices have been invented and invented in the world, which, if not relieve us of an exhausting household routine, then at least greatly simplify life, allowing us to save at least a little precious time. We offer you the top 10 useful gadgets which can be useful for new mothers. We are sure that young dads who respect smart devices will like these devices!


Great tool for quick and easy cooking! There are several cooking modes in the slow cooker: cereals, stews, baking, steamed food. In this case, you just need to throw food into a special saucepan and set the time. No need to be afraid that the food will burn. Another plus of this magic pot is that there is a heating and cooking mode with a time delay. For example, you have cooked soup and it stays hot for several hours. And even if you decide to linger on a walk, food ready for instant consumption will be waiting for you at home. You can set a timer so that you wake up in the morning and eat freshly cooked hot porridge!

But the most important thing is that everything useful material in products when cooking in a multicooker are stored, vegetable oil you can either not add at all, or put in minimal quantities. The slow cooker allows you to cook soups, cereals, and vegetable dishes, and meat, and pastries. Everyone will be satisfied, including the husband, who can be pampered with a fresh steak or that sacred borsch “like from the oven”.

baby monitor

Mom can not always be next to the baby due to some household chores. And so that you can more easily leave the baby alone in the room, a unique scream control tool was created - a baby monitor. There is also a video baby monitor, which, in addition to sounds, also transmits an image.

Such devices consist of two transmitter units, for children and adults, one of which is located next to the baby, and the second is taken by the parent. A radio or video baby monitor will come in handy if you live in a spacious apartment with several rooms, in a cottage or country house, or if you don’t have an assistant and you have to work on all fronts, combining pleasant (time baby sleep) with useful (washing dishes, for example).

You can leave the stroller with the baby outside if you live in a house, or on the balcony if you live in an apartment, and while he sleeps, follow the device for his awakening. Also, the gadget is useful if the baby sleeps at night separately from the parents, in the children's room. When the child grows up, the baby monitor can be used as a walkie-talkie.

Electric swing

What can you do with a baby when you urgently need two free hands? The answer is simple - children's electric swings! They are suitable even for newborns. The convenient special cradle allows to lull the baby right there. Moreover, they develop the vestibular apparatus and strengthen the muscles of the child. And older kids can spend there enough time.

Electric swings are very compact and can easily fit in the room. They have several swing speeds, and in some models the swing can be accompanied by music. There are also swings with timers so that mom can set a certain time interval for swinging or turn it off remotely using the control panel.


Another mom's helper in the kitchen is a blender! With it, it is easy to grind food or whip something without extra effort. Cooked food will need to be mashed, as the baby will not be able to chew food on its own at first. With the help of a blender, you can do all these operations very quickly by simply lowering the chopper into a bowl of food.


The air in the room where the baby lives should be humid so that the mucous membranes of the baby's respiratory tract do not dry out. This is especially important if the child has a runny nose. If in the summer you can ventilate the room more often, then in the cold or winter season this is problematic. To help mothers, special humidifiers have been invented. They do not make noise, while creating the necessary humidity in the child's room.

Digital Thermometer

Children under one year old very often have to measure the temperature (colds, the effects of vaccinations, the tummy). And try to hold a simple thermometer under the baby's armpit for five minutes! This is just unreal! The child cries, wriggles, does not sit still, or suddenly notices this new shiny little thing and demands to chew on it immediately. And again, everything leads to crying, because mom does not let him play with new toy! In order to easily and quickly measure the temperature, electronic thermometers were invented, which are enough to hold under the baby’s arm for just a few seconds. There is also a non-contact thermometer, the tip of which is enough to project on the forehead or ear of the child, and it instantly gives the result.

Bathing circle "Baby swimmer"

To bathe your baby was possible from birth without special efforts, not being afraid to drop the baby into the water, help will come bathing circle "Baby swimmer". He puts on and takes off quite easily, does not cause discomfort to the baby, and the child can splash around in the bath on his own for up to thirty minutes! On the inside of the circle there is a special insert for the baby's chin, which prevents the crumbs from slipping out of the circle. Mom can bathe and wash the baby on her own, without resorting to the help of someone else.

Robot vacuum cleaner

What mom doesn't want to cut down on cleaning time? Of course, it is better to spend precious moments with the baby while someone or something does the housework for you. This task can partly be done for you by a compact automatic robot vacuum cleaner, to turn on which is enough to press one button, and he will drive around the room and vacuum or wash the surface. Moreover, he will be able to cope with both carpet and linoleum, parquet or tile, without damaging and leaving no trace.


The kid manages to generate a never-ending stream of dirty clothes! It’s one thing to wash diapers and sliders, but it’s completely different to wait until they dry. Sometimes there is simply no time for this, and, perhaps, there is no place in the apartment. Or another situation - you were going to go out somewhere, and the kid dirty you favorite dress, or even worse - a jacket or coat? In these situations, the dryer will correct the situation and save a large number of time. It quickly dries all types of laundry with various drying programs, and with a certain program, it can also save mom from ironing clothes or diapers! You can also choose the program "under the iron" or "in the closet", in which the dried laundry can be removed immediately for storage.

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… we have a small request. The Matrona portal is actively developing, our audience is growing, but we do not have enough funds for the editorial work. Many topics that we would like to raise and that are of interest to you, our readers, remain uncovered due to financial constraints. Unlike many media, we deliberately do not make a paid subscription, because we want our materials to be available to everyone.

But. Matrons are daily articles, columns and interviews, translations of the best English-language articles about family and upbringing, these are editors, hosting and servers. So you can understand why we are asking for your help.

For example, is 50 rubles a month a lot or a little? A cup of coffee? For family budget- a little. For Matron - a lot.

If everyone who reads Matrons supports us with 50 rubles a month, they will make a huge contribution to the possibility of developing the publication and the emergence of new relevant and interesting materials about the life of a woman modern world, family, parenting, creative self-realization and spiritual meanings.

about the author

For about seven years she has been organizing children's parties for children from one year to adolescence as an organizer and animator. She was the editor of several children's and wedding websites. AT this moment I am raising my little miracle.