What to say if not going to work. Finding suitable reasons to get away from work early. Cause of the failure - what to say

Each of us had a day when you get out of the blanket and drag our mortal body to work, I just didn't want to die. Sometimes this desire to strive to walk to overcome, and we force themselves to enter the working rhythm; But sometimes laziness and traditional "Avos" still make us call the chief and a weak voice to affect the sick.

However, the disease is far from the only "respectful" reason, which can be asked to the ran away. British sociologists interviewed several thousand employers and their employees and found out what forces people to lie to the bosses and lean from work and how exactly they justify their absence. As it turned out, it is not possible to take up because of the disease - this is already, so to speak, not in fashion, and many horses make up much more ingenious prepositions for extra weekends.

Among the most original explanations, the surveyed employers called the following examples:

The man was so killed by grief about the imaginary death of the Father, which was absent at work during the week. And six days later, she tried to pop up for a day to get to the hard funeral.

The girl told the boss touching story About what surveyed miscarriage and cannot appear to work. As a woman, the senior manager entered the position and closed his eyes to the walk ... But then he learned that the employee was not pregnant and did not even consist in any respect.

An employee of the count center called the boss and honestly admitted, then he did not sink until at least an approximate state of working capacity.

Manager middle Hand I was justified by the fact that I tried to get a bootier from the hair with my little daughter.

An IT service officer stated that on the way to work his car for unknown reasons ... exploded. He himself cocam miraculously It remained unharmed, but at this particular point is observing how the firefighters extinguish its vehicle.

An elderly woman called the boss from the bus on which I supposedly went to veterinary clinic. In the morning, her dog swallowed the keys from the car, and there are no chances to get to work.

According to the authors of the study, just such unusual fictions are usually issued by their authors. Especially if the lazy employee is trying to "continue the legend," heats new details on it or wants to use for the second time. On average, about 10% of lgunov come across, after which the reprimand, penalty or other sanctions from the authorities.

However, most of the lenges act cunning and prefer more trivial excuses. For example, the most popular reason for the absenteeism, the British called a breakdown of a personal car. Apparently, for advanced Europe, the absence of steering wheel and wheels means the complete impossibility of movement is such a warehouse of the English mind. But in Russia, this clearly did not pass: no car - sit down on the subway or other no less wonderful public transport.

The following is such excuses as the "patient belly" (30% of respondents), "Cold" and " headache" (twenty%). About 15% of respondents admitted that they were the same about the illness of the child, and the same as much as the death of someone from loved ones. On average, similar tricks help employees walking about 3 days a year, found out researchers, but some are taken out of the round and 5-7 days.

Interestingly, real reasons There was a lot less at work than their "official versions". About 30% of the strollers just planned something on working time And they did not want to give up the plans, 20% were placed in bed and decided to relax, another 20% said that they got drunk on the eve of the evening, and about 15% were suppressed by the weather and decided not to turn the nose for the threshold.

Sociologists found out and how deceivers prefer to report their absence. It turned out that traditional phone calls prefer to avoid more than a half Employees - In order not to run on extra questions and accidentally do not pierce. More than 30% send the authorities of SMS, 25% write emailsAnd 14% of the most advanced reported on their "illness" through the Twitter online portal. However, those who are beddown and still calls the boss, in 44% of cases talking and lowered tones or a whisper in order to portray the disease and weakness is concerned. 5% of the deceivers told that they even cried in the phone to "beat certainly".

At the same time, more than 30% of those who have chosen on an imaginary reason are promised to work out their absence later, and 19% are offered to work at home, "despite the disease."

The chephs are different, and if any of them look through the fingers to the lateness of representatives labor team, Some people may not forgive a minute late and make a statement.

Often, late for workplacePeople come up with ridiculous excuses, something like a "cat gave birth", "Hamster died" and so on. So, how to be late so that you are not suspected of anything, and the reasons sounded quite truthfully - consider in the article.

General rules

After being late, do not wait for the moment that you will be called "on the carpet." It is best to appear to the boss personally and talk to him about it.

1. Interest confidently, remember that you are not a walk, but only the victim of dysfunctional circumstances. Do not hurt. If the head humiliated your human dignity and insulted, then you always have the right to argue.

2. Never call the death of a relative, if it is not true. Remember that you should not joke about this.

Consider the basic options for desemination and excuses that will help not look silly before the bosses and not be dismissed or offended in the intentional absenteeism.

Cause No. 1 buse breakdown, trolleybus, traffic jams, accidents

This reason is a purely objective and can become a chopstick, but will come to the aid only if the late is not more than 30 minutes. This is the waiting time of the next transport or a taxi call. As for the accidents, too, the joke is unsuccessful, you do not need to bore those phenomena that is not.

Cause # 2 Poor well-being

We can say that waking up in the morning, you felt badly. The most common I. good reasonFrom which, by the way, no one is insured is a stomach disorder. Colleagues and the head will surely understand you: they also faced such a situation and understand that it is difficult to work when every half hour has to be left.

Cause №3 Problems with relatives, children

Again - no need to lie that someone died. It will be enough to say that the house of your aunt fell asleep with snow. Or that the nanny of the child was late, and you had no one to leave him. Or say something about kindergarten.

Cause №4 Faulty Elevator

The excuse is not always the most successful, because speaking of the problem, you attract it, but for persons suffering from claustrophobic, this option is not the best. Nevertheless, if you are late for an hour, then the reason can write off on a broken elevator, which has long been "Barrahlyl", and it was you who became a victim of circumstances.

Cause No. 5 Loss of Keys

You can say the same thing not only about the keys, but also about mobile phone, money. We can say that they did not lose, but left at home, and you had to return to get to your workplace. We can say that you forgot about the fact that I left the iron turned on, and I had to go home so that it was not burned.

Cause №6 Reception of drugs

If you are late for half an hour or more, you can tell you that you forgot the medicine at home, and you cannot miss his reception. Otherwise, the treatment will be ineffective, and the money spent - thrown into the wind. Plus this method is that you do not have to say details about your illness, because you have not traditionally about this topic.

Cause No. 7 Workload

If you are responsible for the welfare of the company, it can be said that you were very downloaded by work, so you did not have time to make it in the office, I had to sit until late at night. Actually, so you slept. It is worth talking only if the authorities have every reason to trust you.

Cause # 8 You slept

Probably, this reason is the true, and it takes place in all cases. Nevertheless, there is only a small chance that the authorities will forgive such behavior, and that will take it as a valid reason for finding a job.

Cause No. 9 Toothpache

This reason is the most unpleasant of all, but, nevertheless, "working". You can say that you still had a tooth from the evening, and I had to sleep all night, and in the morning you could no longer tolerate and went to the dentist. The reason is effective, but remember that joking, you are attaching a disease to yourself.

Cause №10

Abundant and painful critical days. This reason It is quite justified and plausible. You can say that you ran for an anesthetic medicine, waited for a pharmacy or what they simply could not quickly move because of severe pain.

Thus, there are many reasons that will allow a little late to work and at the same time not to receive a reprimand from your boss. But in order not to go to ingenuity, it is best to get up in time and not to wake up a working day, then the reasons to invent, and you don't have to lie.

Where we spend at least eight hours a day, almost always come friends. You can communicate with them. Only not all themes. Recall what taboo is in conversations with friends-colleagues?

This is obvious - you still discuss absolutely any topics with a new open friend. The effect is reinforced by the mentality: in our country, kitchen conversations are a mandatory part of any friendship. And everyone seems to do not care, this kitchen is located or at work, and from where, in fact, friend - with a school bench or from the neighboring department.

Here, all these conversations on Samotek are not worth it (no matter how much it wanted), because if ordinary friendship is nothing more than friendship, then the friendship is an office - this is also your career. Want to visual example? Yes please!

Only not money!

I came to work in the company about a year ago. And somehow immediately "sat" with a colleague - your soul mate I found it. Excellent, no burdensive communication: hiking in the dining room, in a smoking room, in the trainings together, sitting together, were shared by the links. In the end, I began to consider it hardly best girlfriend. One day I found out how much she gets. We had absolutely the same positions and duties, the same level of work, just her experience was more mine - for 7 months. And the difference in salary - almost twice. In principle, I know that the salary is to be measured - the last thing, but I once recited something in me. At first, I began to ask for an increase at the bosses, and when I received a refusal, I began to refer to a girlfriend - they say why she can get so much, but I do not? Relationships with that girl somehow immediately "frown". I know that I was wrong, but I couldn't do anything with me - apparently, I have an exacerbated sense of justice. Well, or envy.

Consider other people's rubles and kopecks - the case is ungrateful, unprofitable and ugly. Friendship friendship, and wallets apart. So it is better not to try to find out who whatever financial affairs - you will sleep strong! The same story concerns mortgages, loans and debts - your colleagues at all are not necessarily (even undesirable) to know who and how much you should. Discussion of this topic can put everyone in an awkward position.

Only not rumors!

Rumors are always a lot, and for their account too easy to decrease fame - bad, of course. Even if you trust a colleague with which share your phenomenal news, this does not mean that the colleague is not rapidly all the other interested. Trust in the office, alas, it is not worth anyone. Your reputation suffers from this and, accordingly, a career. Similarly, the discussion should be shredded.

And one more small remark: if the boss congratulated you with a rise in office, this is also not a reason to ride to share news with colleagues. That's why:

Once the head caused me to his office. The reason was very unexpected: he said that he had to go to another company, and I would now work in his position - with an increase in salary, with obtaining certain powers and so on. I, of course, told about this pair of colleagues with whom I was friends. By the way, the boss did not ask me to keep information secret and even gave me a trial task in which I was already the head. In short, I started to "lead". For some reason, the friends who were friends with me are immediately offended - apparently, I didn't have enough experience to do it competently, or they were simply angry that they were not appointed. And after a couple of weeks, it turned out that the head had changed his mind, and I remain in my position. Unpleasant situation It turned out. And the relationship is spoiled, and not added.

In general, know: before you boast the appointment and addition, sign the documents. And then - do not brag, but report.

Only not a position!

Discuss the working status of colleagues is taboo. Who has risen whom who was awarded the sign of honor and whose photo was posted in the red corner of the office - the topic is slippery. You can gladly be happy if he really is worth it. Or silent (option - to leave, smiling) if you stick to other opinions.

The Young Deputy Director of the Sales Department Lidia received his position, showing the future boss by no means a diploma. This is sure all her colleagues. Only some were ready to challenge the justice of this merit, and others were prudently silent in a rag. Lydia remained a long time for a long time and, believe me, I personally knew everyone who was not agreed with her appointment. And not to say that at that time it was very lucky at work ...

Not only personal questions!

The events of your life are definitely worthy of at least newspaper editorial and regular news releases on central television. So you think. But most colleagues are still not very interested in the hundredth time to listen to the details of your family happiness.

From year to year I made the same mistake: too climbed with my colleagues. Complained to her husband, swore to mother-in-law, boasted a child. Sometimes it reached the fact that even health discussed. In general, over time I realized that all this was on my part error. Friendship at work most often does not happen, but here to tell about yourself too much - this is please. I chatted until I realized that people do not want to go with me for lunch. Since then, much has changed, but I am correct to the new principle: only duty topics can be discussed at work!

Remember the scene from the Fors Major series, or simply suits, in which Rachel removed from work, suspecting the secretions of the company "Pearson & Hardman" in disclosure? The accusation was unfair, and the heroine Megan Marcha, which, by the way, was one of the best employees The firms were offended and decided to quit, successfully passing the interview from competitors.

Fortunately, the true traitor has revealed, and we again got the opportunity to plunge into love affair at work (or still not?) Between Rachel and Mike. But! Suggest that in real life There was such a Heppi-end, you can hardly. And competitors usually do not hire people, especially lawyers whose name is at least somehow stained, and it is not easy to go back to work without shown with your finger. Or is it possible if you try to try well? How to bypass underwater stones when leaving work, with a clean conscience to go to a new one, not to become the object of discontent of the authorities and not be preventively dismissed under the article, "Finding for lunch" to the heroes of the film "I would be in the sky"?

Want to resign from work? Two weeks before the hour IK write a statement about termination labor contract. We come to your head and declare the news. The head is adequate and understanding. Of course, he smiles sadly, but in any case you support you. Everything that remains is to work 14 days, and you are free! Forward to new horizons!

More like a fairy tale than reality, right? After all, everything is not so simple in life. And no matter how dismissed - trying to do everything tactfully or leaving in English, smiling sorry or referring to the laws, avoid conflict or strong stress not easy. So, all the advantages and disadvantages weighed, you are determined to leave - what to do next?

Consider corporate culture

The first step - we take into account the corporate culture of the company on the rituals of dismissal. You need to learn all the vowels and sustainable ruleswho are accepted in the company. Somewhere formally need to be warned in two weeks, and somewhere the leaders are asked to inform the intention to leave the company for the month and even for two. For example, when you perform a complex and prolonged project. First, the company should have time to find a replacement, secondly, you must have time to teach a new person and transfer all things. Consider all these factors and prepare the soil.

When you warn about leaving?

Here are two short storiesshowing how important it is to analyze the norms and rules adopted in the company and take into account the professional nature of the Boss itself.

The story is the first.Nadezhda worked as a sales manager. She was suggested new jobBut it was possible to go to her in two months. As an honest worker, she immediately warned his head that she was working for the last two months. And here it began ... "Not in service, and in friendship, help here with this project", "today it is necessary to stay after work", "to replace any more, so I will ask you, Nadia, go for Irina on weekends", "Oleg I got sick, you need to take his customers "... and it was impossible to refuse, because the manager began to gently hint at the dismissal already on the article ...

History Second. Olga worked in large company At the prestigious position of project manager. A friend spoke about a new vacancy in a foreign company, where for a similar post offered a salary three times higher. Olga passed the interview, and they took it. Come the next day to work, she wrote a statement and reported that the law works for two weeks. The head was in rabies: "What two weeks? We have a serious project! Timing! Who will finish it? Where will I find a manager in two weeks? ". But no arguments of the head at Olga did not act. What was surprise (to put it mildly) Olga, when the next day she was called from a new job and refused (Offer was not signed). It turned out that the leader called this company and improved the unavailable employee. Well, and the Western Company is a project manager that so easily throws its projects, of course, not needed.

These two are uncomplicated but absolutely real stories It is shown that the moment of informing about the care depends on the corporate culture of the company or the specifics of the activity in which you work.

We are looking for a new place neatly

Read more

Great, if you already know where you go to work further. Well, for example, you are "scaming" and offered a more promising place. But what to do if there are no offers? Most of us begins to look for a new job by placing a resume on specialized sites. And here there are two options, again based on accepted norms and corporate culture. First: You immediately warn the manager and calmly place a resume. The second: notify your boss, when the new job has already found. The second case is dangerous, because if the head detects your questionnaire earlier than you were told about her, or rumors will reach it - conflict or resentment cannot be avoided. Just remember that on most sites when filling in the resume, you can put a ban backing your questionnaire with certain companies. But consider that now the competent HR services of companies create several accounts. And if you set a ban on watching "your company", do not be surprised that the questionnaire can see "your company-2" represented by your head or director of personnel.

Do I need to talk about colleagues?

It all depends on the relationship in the team. If you have close and trusting relationship In the team, then say, of course, worth it. But in practice, especially in women's teams, the secrets for seven seals from this will never work, and rumors instantly reach the head. Exodus is understood. Therefore, if you are not 100% sure of colleagues, tell me the news and immediately go to the manager. And it is better to first leader, and then colleagues. After all, the situation when the head recognizes the news not from you, overshadow the process of dismissal by unnecessary claims, resentment and even procedural obstacles.

We speak with the head

It is clear that any leader, having learned that he would lose a valuable worker, will be upset and will not be very pleased. Therefore, it is necessary to immediately tune in to the "difficult" conversation. At the same time, it is important to speak not apologizing intonation, but to be confident and constructive. Do not hysterically throw an application on the table, it is worth explaining the causes of care and promise that you have time to finish all urgent projects and transfer all things. There is a high probability that the head, seeing in you an invaluable employee, will offer the conditions from which you just can not refuse. True, this rolling only once.

Compliment and thanks

During the conversation with the boss, it is not necessary to call everything true reasons Your care (no destructive criticism, no complaints, no detailed comparisons with a new job). The main thing - be grateful. Tell me that you have received invaluable experience, learned a lot, but the circumstances have developed in such a way that it is necessary to move on or change something in your life. Tell me that from the company, the department and leader you have left the warmest impressions that you will share and on at a new job place. Promise to work on the company's image and in the future. Gratitude and unbelievable sincere compliments Reduce the degree of conflict and conversation tension.

Finish important cases

Complete all the cases started - required conditionIf we want to break up good and in good condition. Notify about your care not only colleagues from your department, but also the company's employees with whom you can contact the work anyway - they should also be aware and prepare for change in work. Inform customers and partners, leave your contacts. Not the fact that after dismissaling for you will be handled, but the impression of you about how about business and reliable person Already will be formed for life.

Tell your job

Be sure to speak with the boss your replacement. Who will replace you? Is it necessary to train a novice? Show your readiness to allocate required amount time to convey all things and train all nuances. Good tone - Suggest a suitable and really decent, from your point of view, candidate.

We arrange Sabantuy

On the last day - cake, sandwiches, candy, wine. It is important that the last day of your work is associated with colleagues with something positive, pleasant, wonderful (and what could be better than a small feast?). You can give small memorable souvenirs. During the buffet, sincerely and unpaffiatively thank your colleagues for working together. Tell me that you are very sorry to part with such a team. Perfect optionIf you are making address, personal, compliments to each of the employees. Pay attention not only to "top" positions, but also "simple" people in the company - secretaries, assistants, drivers. Often, in their opinion, there is a general train impression of an employee.

Each of us, at least once in life, I dreamed just to take and not go to work - not because of the disease, not because of some real difficult circumstances, but simply because of the laziness. But we all are afraid of bosses, we are afraid of losing this very work. Accordingly, we try to be obedient, and we fulfill all that we are told.

But there is certain situations In the life that can occur almost with any of us and the most inappropriate moment for this. And each such situation can serve as a closer to work (even if it is fetched). It is only extremely convincingly convincing and to warn his boss in time.

1. Turn off the water. Suppose you are in the morning in the soul. Suddenly all over the house turned off the water and you remained naked with a bathtone and head. It is clear that it is not possible to go somewhere in this form. Wash all this beauty without water. You will also fail. The main thing is to call the boss in time and tell you to say everything. Surely he will understand. In extreme cases, you will win a few hours to bring yourself to "order".

2. Problems with menstruation. This is a very delicate and intimate topic in which no one wants to dig deeply (especially the head-man). Just hint that you have certain complications that do not allow you to go out somewhere at all, especially for work. It is unlikely that the boss starts to get to get and force you through the power to go working. As a last resort, you can still go to work, demonstrating the boss to its extreme discontent. The problem with the monthly, for understandable reasons, will not suit the excuses of men.

3. The cat / dog ran away. Sometimes happens so that you a pet Running the door (on the staircase or once outside). It is clear that you need to return it back home, especially if it's cold outside. This will take some time. You can even periodically call the boss and inform him about the search for the Pet. So your lies will look much more believable.

4. Family circumstances. This is a fairly blurred cause of the nebid to work, but, nevertheless, it also takes place. When talking with the boss, it is very important to show a sad intonation in a voice. Your voice ideally should be quiet, inexpressive and a little sorrowful. It is advisable to use inexpensive in your replicas, for example, "I have ... family circumstances ...". Make long pauses, breathe hard. Surely the boss will think that you have seriously quarreled with your wife or divorce with her.

5. The garage door does not open. It often happens that the garage door simply clinics and you cannot drive out from there the car. The situation is significantly complicated in the case when you are already inside the garage. After all, here you will not be able to go out and go to work, for example, by bus. When talking with the head, the voice should be loud, clear and slightly aggressive (you are still stuck in our own garage).

6. You have symptoms of some infectious disease. Why is the infectious? Because if you just overtake your head or stomach, the boss with a large share of probability will still endure you (not deadly after all). If you have an infectious disease, the head or staff itself can be infected. And this is very dangerous. At least you will be given a day to clarify all the circumstances (do you really sick or not).

7. You have diarrhea. If you say simple language, then diarrhea. It is clear that in such a state it is impossible to go to work. You can discredit all the digging at once, for example, if you work with the population. Why your boss has such problems. Surely he will understand you and allow you to stay at home (at least for several hours).

8. I broke the key from the door lock. It is desirable that he "broke" right in the castle. The situation is extremely clear and concrete, very original and not always soluble. After all, to extract the key, find or make a duplicate, you will need some time (perhaps all day).

It is very important not to abuse the above excuses. Use them in exceptional cases - when there is simply no desire to work and sorry to use legitimate outgun. It is also important to be confident that the head will not personally arrive and will not check how much your situation is true. In some case, this happens.