Why does a child often get sick when visiting the garden. Why do children often get sick in kindergarten? What to do if the child is often sick? New bacteria: their role in the development of immune defense

Do children get sick often? kindergarten? AT modern world almost all children attend preschool which helps the child to develop. In kindergarten, children acquire the skills to communicate with peers, interact with adults, and also accumulate knowledge and skills. It is not uncommon for a child to start going to kindergarten, he often gets sick. It is believed that if a kindergarten pupil is sick more than six times a year, then such a child is called a “frequently ill child”. In many countries, it is common for a kindergarten student to be sick more than ten times a year. Why do children often get sick in kindergarten? What should parents do so that their children do not get sick so often?

The child often gets sick in kindergarten: reasons

As statistics show, children who attend a preschool institution get sick 13% more often than children who are raised by parents on their own. Every year, the percentage of sick children decreases, after a few years, kindergarten students develop immunity to various diseases.

Problems with immunity

The immune system is formed in the womb. As you know, the fetus in the womb is protected by the placenta, so from the moment of birth, immunity begins to actively develop. It is worth distinguishing between such concepts as general and local immunity.

It is important to understand that general immunity begins to resist when microbes enter the tissue of the body. Local immunity constantly has to protect the body from viruses that penetrate the skin and mucous membranes.

Therefore, if the child is often sick, but the disease recedes quickly, then this indicates that the baby’s general immunity is good, and the local immunity is weak.

Big team

Children often get sick in kindergarten due to large team. When a child first comes to a preschool, the body meets with a new flora, so it must take time to adapt. The body is vulnerable to exposure to many microorganisms. The sources of microbes are primarily children, since the child has to contact peers throughout the day, play, share toys. Currently, there is a shortage of places in preschools, so groups in kindergartens have to huddle in small visits.

Despite the fact that if there is no child in the group who is sick, then a beginner can catch the virus in a day. This will be the reaction of the body to unfamiliar microorganisms.

There is a constant renewal of the microflora in the children's team. Several years must pass so that the children's organisms can adapt not only to the flora surrounding them, but to each other's flora.

Do not exclude the fact that in kindergarten there is such a thing as an oversight. Often the teacher physically does not have time to make sure that all the pupils of the group have put on their scarves.

Imperfections in the kindergarten system

Often, parents themselves are to blame for the fact that children often get sick in kindergarten. Various life circumstances push parents to take a child who is sick to a preschool institution, referring to the fact that there is no one to leave him with, and there is no other way out. Within its competence, the educator must send the child home, but, alas, so

does not always happen. Therefore, the risk increases that one of the guys in the group will pick up a viral bacterium and get sick.

Indoor microclimate

Do children often get sick in kindergarten because of the microclimate? Yes! A huge number of preschool institutions are located in old buildings that need overhaul. Wooden windows in such buildings create drafts, the floor is cold. Therefore, not in such conditions, children often get sick in kindergarten, they constantly pick up infections and viruses.

It is important to know that the microclimate of the premises greatly affects the incidence of children in kindergarten.

When the heating season comes, it can be noted that the perfect air does not meet the standards and norms. Air temperature and humidity are far from the standard level, so the immune system is vulnerable to diseases and viruses. As a rule, the premises of the kindergarten are not ventilated, and thus the reproduction of microorganisms occurs.


Frequent illnesses of a child in kindergarten can hide psychosomatic reason. Children have to adapt to new unfamiliar conditions, to a new routine, to peers, to new foreign adults and educators. This, in turn, cannot but affect the condition and health of the child. Against the background of such changes, there is a sharp weakening of local immunity.

As you know, stress negatively affects the human body, especially if it is a child. Therefore, parents have a colossal responsibility for the health of their baby, they must know how to help their child adapt faster without harm to health.

After the child falls ill, the parents by all means try to fulfill any whim of their child. This is what lies strategic mistake. During the period of illness, being at home, the child gets used to permissiveness and this leads to the fact that when the illness passes, and the baby goes back to kindergarten, there is a second quick illness, as the child is used to being at home under careful supervision and guardianship.

Despite how often a child gets sick, it is much more important how the body is able to cope with the disease. If a baby goes on the amendment after a week and the intake of drugs was minimal, then you should not worry about the immunity of the baby is good. On the contrary, if the infection caused complications and pathologies and cope with the virus without taking medicines is no longer possible, it is necessary to look for reasons.

Prevention of diseases in babies

It is impossible to completely avoid the fact that the child does not get sick. However, it is likely that parents can reduce the incidence rate.

Choosing the Right Kindergarten

To start the prevention of morbidity in a child, you need to start with choosing a kindergarten. Parents should interact in the playground with other parents whose children are already in preschool. During the conversation, you can find out the opinions of mothers about teachers in kindergarten, about the size of groups. In addition, questions can be addressed to the pediatrician, who is assigned to a specific area. Children's doctor Can I ask a question, do children often get sick in kindergarten?

Before registering a child in kindergarten, you must first inspect the building, the room in which you will be most of the time.

Rooms should be well lit and spacious. Pay attention to temperature and humidity. It is very important that there is a nurse in the preschool who can help children when the need arises.


Children often get sick in kindergarten due to weak immunity. To strengthen immunity against colds and infectious diseases it is necessary to harden the body. With the help of hardening, the immune, nervous and endocrine systems are strengthened.

By tempering, we mean simple steps such as walking outdoors. Desirable regular physical exercise. It is necessary to constantly ventilate the premises so that infections and bacteria do not accumulate. It is important that parents always dress their children appropriately for the weather. The baby should feel comfortable, hypothermia or overheating should be avoided. It should be remembered that children who are active, athletic and love to splash in the river get sick less and have stronger immunity.

The diet should be balanced, include dairy, meat products, and you should not forget about fruits and vegetables. Several times a week it is important to include seafood in the diet.

The health of the child is affected by systematic exercise. With the help of charging, the work of the heart, the nervous system will improve, the appetite will increase and the mood of the child will rise. However, it is worth remembering the factors that Negative influence. For example, if a child is in a hearth where people smoke. Air pollution in the city is excessive, so any trip out of town or to the village will be useful for the immunity of not only the child, but the whole family as a whole.

Cleanliness is the key to health

Various microorganisms and bacteria are spread by airborne droplets, which settle on surrounding objects. Therefore, it is very important to carefully observe hygiene, be sure to wash your hands.

Children tend to behave like this when they touch their eyes with dirty hands, and also actively lick their fingers. On the hands is induced great amount bacteria that enter the body immediately. Therefore, it is important to accustom your child after walking,

wash hands after going to the toilet. Parents should explain to the child that it is impossible to pull surrounding objects into the mouth. Dirty hands often cause viral, bacterial infections. Children in kindergarten get sick often for this reason.

The state of the microclimate

Sanitary and hygiene rules it is important to adhere not only to kindergarten institutions. At home, you also need to maintain an optimal atmosphere. The temperature and humidity of the air should not deviate from the norm. Regularly it is important to carry out general and wet cleaning.

Parents should ensure that the mucous membrane does not dry out, because overdried mucous membranes are ideal for infection to develop there.


There are well-established myths in society about how to properly prevent diseases in children before entering kindergarten. Many sources recommend drinking a course of vitamins so that the immune system can strengthen. However, this is a delusion, no drug is able to increase the body's resistance to viruses and infections. In addition, it is strongly recommended to resort to the use of tablets extremely rarely. It is important to understand that the child's body must independently fight viruses and microbes.

If the baby has a fever, then do not rush to give the child antipyretic pills.

The body must fight the infection on its own. During the period of illness, a microclimate should be maintained, it is important plentiful drink. You need to bring down the temperature only if it rises to 38 degrees.

After the child recovers, it is impossible to immediately start attending a preschool institution. A short period of time must pass for the forces to recover. The duration of quarantine after SARS should be at least 3 days.

If the disease was severe, then it may take at least two weeks for the child's body to recover. An unhealthy child must be isolated from other children to exclude the possibility of catching another infection. It is forbidden to take the baby to kindergarten.


Vaccination is one way to protect against diseases. The vaccine is about 80% effective, the vaccinated organism copes with the infection much more quickly. Vaccination must be done every year. The most optimal period for vaccination is September-October.

Optimal age

Most optimal age 3-4 years are considered to start attending a preschool institution. It is at this age the immune system starts to get stronger. In addition, at this age, children already have self-service skills.

Attention and care

If your child went to the garden and is often sick, then it is necessary to protect him from family conflicts and quarrels. It is very important to show maximum care and love to the baby during the period of illness.

Parents are often advised to compose for their child individual plan visits. For example, take another extra day off in the middle of the week for your little one.

However, you should proceed carefully. Often the child begins to go to some tricks and seeks to get sick again.

If there is a situation where your child gets sick again and again, then it may be worth considering postponing admission to preschool until the next year.

In this article, we considered such questions: “how often do they get sick in kindergarten?”, What to do if a child goes to kindergarten and starts to get sick”? and “why do children often get sick in kindergarten?” We managed to reveal the main questions and give a detailed answer to each of them.

Many parents complain that babies and children before school age practically do not get out of the sores. In most cases, such a weakening of the body's defenses is the result of not proper nutrition, lack of daily routine and not enough sleep. If a child often gets sick with colds after visiting crowded places and groups (for example, a kindergarten), this is a signal from the body that he has reduced immunity.

Who are frequently ill children?

The problem when the baby spends more time at home, and not in a children's institution, is known to many parents. The main thing in this case is not to start panicking and do everything preventive measures straightaway. Such a condition in the vast majority of situations is a temporary phenomenon that does not require special treatment for the child. This does not apply to situations where the baby's immunity is so low that the slightest acute respiratory disease can cause serious and dangerous bacterial complications that are difficult to treat.

Depending on the age and frequency of diseases, specialists have identified several groups of FIC (frequently ill children):

  • children under 12 months old who get colds more often 4 times a year;
  • children aged 1-3 years who are ill 6 or more times in 12 months;
  • preschoolers ( age group 3-5 years), suffering from colds more than 5 times a year;
  • school-age children who get sick more than 4 times a year;
  • small patients in whom the duration of treatment for a cold is more than 2 weeks.

Why does the child often get sick

There are several reasons why babies often get colds. As pediatricians insist, fast decision most of them depend on the parents themselves. Adults can influence the mode of life, and it depends on their actions how strong and immune to infections children's immunity will become. In the organisms of some children there are active foci of infection that negatively affect protective functions. With enlarged adenoids, persistent cough or runny nose need to do bacterial culture to determine the nature of the pathogen.

In some cases, a decrease in the child's immunity is caused by several factors at once:

  • wrong image life is the absence correct mode day, sleep daytime, walks, poor nutrition, lack of hardening procedures, walks in the fresh air;
  • decrease in the body's defenses due to thoughtless self-administration antibiotics, immunomodulating or antiviral drugs;
  • poor hygiene;
  • decrease in protective forces after an illness (pneumonia, tonsillitis, bronchitis);
  • not suitable temperature regime, air parameters ( low level humidity);
  • infection from sick babies and adults in the children's team;
  • failure motor activity, passive lifestyle.

A child under one year often suffers from colds

At this age, the child does not yet have frequent contact with peers, so this is not the main reason for the decrease in immunity. predisposition to frequent illnesses a cold may have another cause - congenital infection of the infant or prematurity. Great importance for proper development the protective forces of the baby's body has a way of feeding - babies on breastfeeding, as a rule, get sick much less often and easier than "artists". In the presence of dysbacteriosis or hypovitaminosis, the likelihood of a decrease in immunity increases.

The child is constantly sick in kindergarten

Institutions for children preschool age in most cases, they cause fear and panic in the parents of the baby, because often in the initial period of adaptation to kindergarten, the child gets sick every month. This is indeed the case, as children's team is a breeding ground for infections. As soon as the baby begins to visit playground or a garden group, snot and cough become frequent occurrences in life, and if these symptoms do not cause complications, in special therapy such a state is not needed.

What to do if the child is often sick

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to find out the reason for the frequent deterioration in the child's health:

  • foci of infection in the nasopharynx;
  • adenoiditis;
  • birth injury, encephalopathy;
  • problems with the endocrine gland;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • stressful state;
  • consequence long-term use medicines;
  • ecological situation.

How to strengthen immunity

Off-season is the best treacherous time of the year. During this period, due to the weakening of natural immunity, revelry begins. respiratory infections. If in autumn or winter the child is constantly ill with colds (SARS, flu), accompanied by high temperature, sore throat and runny nose, you should think about ways to improve the body's defenses. The formation of immunity is a process that begins immediately after the birth of a child and never ends. If the child is very often sick with a cold, it's time to take care of the health of the whole family.


Since up to 70% of immune cells are located in gastrointestinal tract, the diet has great value for good health. It must contain required amount proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins. It is believed that babies artificial feeding immunity is lower than in babies who eat breast milk, that's why Special attention should be given to the selection of products during complementary feeding. They need to be introduced gradually and carefully. A menu consisting of the same type of dishes is the enemy child health.

In the diet of all children should be cereals, vegetables, fruits and meat. For older children (from 3 years old), to improve immunity, doctors recommend including daily menu such products:

  • garlic and onions;
  • sour milk (kefir, yogurt, curdled milk)
  • nuts;
  • lemon;
  • freshly squeezed juices from fruits and vegetables;
  • healing herbal teas and berries;
  • fish fat.


Often sick baby requires special care including preventive measures. Hardening is one of the most popular methods of increasing the body's resistance. various infections. Many parents start by taking long walks with their kids in the fresh air every day, often airing the nursery. But such a rhythm of life quickly gets boring and everything returns to the usual pastime behind the TV screen or tablet. This is the most main mistake, because hardening is not a set of procedures, but healthy lifestyle the lives of all family members.

In the process of improving the health of children, follow these tips:

  • You should not over-wrap the baby, although thermoregulation is not yet fully developed, this does not mean that he is cold all the time.
  • The temperature in the room should not exceed 22 degrees, the air should not be too humid (up to 45%) or dry.
  • Don't forget your daily walks active games outdoors, in any weather, children should spend at least 2 hours outside.
  • Regular ventilation is also very important for health.
  • If parents decide to supplement the daily regimen with hardening procedures, they should be carried out daily, at the same time, and only with the absolute health of the baby.

Water procedures

For some reason, many parents think that water procedures- this is bathing a baby in a cold, ice water, similar to winter swimming. Although by themselves bathing, wiping and dousing with water with a gradually decreasing temperature is an excellent method of strengthening health and immunity. Experts recommend starting procedures from 33 degrees, lowering the water temperature by 1 division weekly. Children often like this pastime very much, it improves their mood and appetite.

Air baths

Fresh air is a wonderful helper in the field of hardening. This procedure is completely safe and does not require special skills and great effort. To take air baths, it is necessary to undress the baby and leave naked for a certain period of time. With the help of these simple manipulations, you can "wake up" the body's immunity and accelerate the development of the thermoregulation system, which will help the baby get sick less and less often. The most important thing is that such a procedure can be carried out from the first days of the baby.

The most common ways of taking air baths:

  • airing in the room (3-4 times a day, 15 minutes each);
  • being naked in a ventilated room;
  • walks on the street, sleep and active games.

Healthy rinse

If the child is sick in the kindergarten every week, then it is necessary to enter the time for rinsing into the mode. This is a wonderful prevention of ailments, especially if the baby has a sore throat, tonsillitis and other diseases of the nasopharynx. Getting used to the frequent regular action of cool water hardens the throat and nasopharynx, it begins to react less and becomes less likely to hurt. For children under the age of 3 years, use for the procedure boiled water room temperature. For older children and teenagers, to enhance the effect, you can prepare a garlic solution.


Many parents are faced with the problem of pain in their children. Especially after the child is given to institutions. Why in kindergarten This is a very common question.

If you read women's forums and listen to what friends say, then a very definite picture emerges: before kindergarten, the child was almost healthy and only occasionally got sick, but now he does not go to kindergarten as much as he sits at home on sick leave.

This prospect is especially frightening for working mothers, for whom sending a child to an institution is not just a concern for his socialization, but also an urgent need. After all, not every boss is able to calmly endure the constant absences and sick leave of his employee. That is why the questions: “Why in kindergarten and what precautions to take?” - are always up to date.

General information

The point is that at home education the child is in contact only with those bacteria that he has at home. And he gets sick only if he is given slack. It can happen by different reasons. Today the question is: “Why do children often get sick in kindergarten?” - remains open. And the problem is often not in the kindergartens themselves.

In kindergartens, the viral environment is much more aggressive and harsh than at home. In addition, varieties of bacteria and viruses are updated regularly. New children come, and those who were before have been somewhere and brought new bacteria with them.

However, it must be said that children who are ill with something serious, most likely, will not be able to come to kindergarten. Therefore, only respiratory diseases remain. These are the ones your child can pick up during regular communication with peers in a preschool educational institution.

When should socialization begin?

In the last century, it was a widespread practice to send children to kindergarten in three months old. Mothers returned to their jobs almost immediately after giving birth. Today, of course, hardly anyone agrees to this. But similar practice was not meaningless.

What to do if in kindergarten if the difference between the bacterial environment home And the kindergarten is very big? The answer is quite simple: the child should be sent to kindergarten in certain age. Either after he reaches three months, when he is not yet sufficiently accustomed to the home environment and can successfully resist any other, or after four years, when the immunity is well enough formed, and the child can cope with the aggressive environment that has fallen on him.

When should parents start worrying?

If you are wondering if your child is in the category of children who are constantly sick, then you need to know: if the baby gets sick more than twelve times a year, this can be considered dangerous symptom. Also, if you notice that a child often gets sick in kindergarten, then you need to carefully monitor the course of his illness.

With constant exacerbation viral infections and colds, the period of recovery of the child increases. If a earlier kid recovered in seven days, now he needs fourteen days or more to fully recover. In addition, the constant use of antibiotics can affect the body's immune system and overall health.

The danger of this situation also lies in the fact that the child may develop a number of complications or chronic diseases. In particular, chronic bronchitis.

Psychological reasons

In kindergarten, which can be called vulnerable. After all, the state of the immune system to a large extent depends on emotional mood child. People who are most stressed are more likely to get sick. A constantly frustrated child cannot properly defend itself against diseases and becomes an excellent bait for viruses and microbes.

If for your kids going to kindergarten and parting with you is torture and torment, then you should not be surprised that your children often get sick in kindergarten. Psychosomatics may be involved here. This teaching, which stands on the verge of psychology and medicine, should not be taken lightly. It is in this direction that one sometimes needs to look for answers to the question: “Why do children often get sick in kindergarten and how to prevent their frequent illness?”

Beware, worms

Hence the answer to the question of why a child often gets sick in kindergarten. Worms can not only poison the body with the products of their own vital activity, but also directly harm the integrity internal organs person.

What to do?

After it became clear why a child often gets sick in kindergarten, "What to do?" - the question is quite simple.

The easiest way to avoid frequent ailments is to monitor the health of your child. Wrap him in wadded blankets and in every possible way to protect from any drafts is completely contraindicated. In this way, you will not strengthen your child's immune system, but quite the opposite. Turning a child into a "houseplant", you risk achieving the opposite effect - any "sneeze" will knock him down on the spot.

The child needs to be tempered, often play with him in the fresh air and engage in exercise. The aspect of proper nutrition is also very important for improving immunity. If the child does not receive his dose of vitamins and microelements, then what healthy immunity can talk?

Also, teach your baby about personal hygiene. Tell him what is the danger of worms for his body and that children who do not follow the basic rules often get sick in kindergarten. Explain what is needed:

  • Wash your hands before eating.
  • Wash your hands after using the toilet.
  • Wash vegetables and fruits before eating.
  • Use only your own personal towel.

hardening methods

In kindergarten, children who are not prepared to stay in an aggressive bacterial environment often get sick. As mentioned above, this may be the result of a lack of hardening and an unfavorable emotional background.

The essence of hardening is that when performing procedures, an alternate expansion and contraction of blood vessels occurs. These exercises keep in shape not only the vessels themselves, but also the natural mechanisms responsible for the flow of these processes.

The influence of factors such as cold and hot water, fresh air and Sun rays, promotes hardening child's body. If you often get sick children in kindergarten, then at home you need to constantly deal with them.

Proper hardening occurs gradually, continuously and systematically. Only with continuous maintenance of all body systems in good shape, we can talk about any positive effect. If you abandon the procedures, then the body will no longer be as strong as during hardening. "In reserve", unfortunately, it is impossible to improve your health.

The gradual increase in the action of irritating factors enhances the beneficial effect produced by hardening.

The list of basic procedures that can be carried out with a child of almost any age includes the following activities:

  • Air baths.
  • Sunbathing.
  • water procedures.
  • Proper nutrition.
  • Balanced physical activity.

It should be noted that if you follow all the hardening rules, you will very soon forget that you used to complain that children often get sick in kindergarten. The need for a constant supply fresh air This is explained by the fact that young children have twice the need for oxygen than adults. This is due to the fact that the body of the child is not fully formed. Consequently, the blood runs through the full circle of blood circulation much faster, the oxygen exchange in the tissues is also accelerated. That is, the amount of oxygen consumed is much higher.

If a child is often sick in kindergarten, pay attention to his emotional condition. It does not happen that a child is upset because he is ill. It happens just the opposite: the baby got sick because he was upset, and his immune system weakened.

Very often, the reason why children often get sick in kindergarten lies in the fact that they simply do not want to go there and be separated from their parents for a long time. It is important to identify such a simulation in time and stop it in the bud. See if your child is with all the guys in the garden a good relationship whether he gets along with educators and nannies, whether there are any emotional frictions in the team as a whole.


Knowing and observing all the basic rules and recommendations of children's specialists, parents will forget about the problem and will be able to fully enjoy the success of their children. After all, it is very useful for a child to be in a team, in the company of his peers. There they get to know the world, learn to communicate and get the first and invaluable experience that will definitely come in handy in adulthood.

Are you tired of the fact that the child gets sick so often in kindergarten? 2 days in kindergarten = 2 weeks on sick leave? Do you want to end your suffering and the suffering of a child?)

In this article, I would like to talk in detail about why children get sick in kindergarten.

Many people believe that diseases in the garden are the result of children "exchanging bacilli" with each other. Here, of course, there is some truth, but no sore to a child with strong immunities won't come. Especially when you consider that the main diseases in the garden are ordinary colds.

So why do children get sick in kindergarten?

It's all about the fact that on the ground nervous tension the immune system is weakened. If a child constantly cries, does not let his parents go, and then gets sick, then often the parents themselves understand that this is due to nerves.

But the child may like to go to the kindergarten, he calmly lets his mother go, but he still gets sick in the garden.

There are many children who make noise all the time, some kind of activity is constantly in full swing there, even if it is interesting, but no less tiring for this. And as a result, from constant overexcitation, the child's body turns on a protective mechanism, and the child becomes ill.

This effect can be minimized. To do this, the time of attending kindergarten should be increased gradually. Or there is another option: at first, give the child a day off in the middle or at the end of the week.

The second option is a child who is sick in the garden due to difficult adaptation. With all the accompanying signs: he does not let his parents go, constantly asks about them, does not play with children, and the like.

So, again, exhaustion nervous system child, he gets sick.

Such illnesses are called psychosomatic. This is a child's defense mechanism.

See where I talk in more detail about the nature of such diseases:

During a child's illness, parents often make a big and fat mistake.

During the illness of a child, they are worn with him, as with a written bag. He is allowed to do whatever he wants. He watches cartoons for hours, plays with all the toys, in general, enjoys life.

And then he is again taken to the garden, where he has to adapt to the team, to the rules of behavior, where the teacher does not rush headlong to fulfill all his whims. And being sick at home is so good after all ....

And guess what happens to the child after a maximum of a week of visiting the garden?

Correctly. He falls ill again, he is again groomed and cherished. And if he also sits with his grandmother, then she usually pampers him so much that he definitely doesn’t want to go to kindergarten later.

How to get out of this vicious circle? After all, this can last a very long time, not only a couple of months, but a year, or even two.

It is necessary to make sure that it is “unprofitable” for the child to get sick. That is, to exclude all the benefits of disease. “Sick kids shouldn’t watch cartoons”, “Sick kids shouldn’t jump like a saiga around the apartment”, and so on down the list.

The child must be sick bored. And then a miraculous healing occurs, with a maximum of one or two relapses. And then the child stops getting sick.

Only here it is worth considering such a moment that “go into the disease” mainly children who have some difficulties in communication. These are usually modest and shy children. And, besides the fact that you take the child out of constant sores, do not forget to fix it social contacts.

Go on weekends with someone from the group for a walk or visit. After all, if a child has at least one friend in the group with whom he can play, then adaptation will go much faster.

Dear Parents, remember that diseases in the garden are a surmountable phenomenon. And if the child is often sick in the garden, then you should not give up.

P.S. Does your child get sick often? How did you fight? Share your experience with other parents!


Irina Terentyeva:
child psychologist, storyteller.

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Irina Terentyeva: “I help raise happy children!”

We often get sick in the kindergarten ... Why?

On any women's forum you will find many topics that begin that way. Almost everyone has this problem: while the baby was at home, he almost never got sick, and as soon as he went to the kindergarten, he was diagnosed with ARVI every 2 weeks ... Such endless illnesses can be called one of the main disadvantages of kindergarten! And there are several reasons for this phenomenon:

    adaptation period. Most childhood illnesses occur in the first year of visiting a kindergarten, and no matter how old the baby is - maybe at least 1.5 years, at least 6 years old, he will still get sick. For most parents, there is hope here that the adaptation period will pass, stress will decrease and constant sick leave will stop.

    Infection from other children. Not wanting to take sick leave, many parents continue to take children to the group with the first symptoms of a cold, when there is no temperature yet. A runny nose and a slight cough are constant companions of visitors children's institution. Children quickly infect each other and get sick more often. There is only one way out - do not drive the baby "with snot" and discuss the situation with the teacher and other parents.

    Inappropriate clothing and footwear. In the kindergarten, children are taken for walks every day, except for frosts. Make sure your child's clothes and shoes are weather-appropriate and comfortable. Shoes and a jacket should be waterproof and warm, but so that the baby does not sweat.

The child often gets sick in the kindergarten: what to do for prevention

If a child is often sick in kindergarten, the only option is to do everything possible to strengthen his immunity. Start gradual hardening, ventilate the room, enroll the child in the swimming section, watch quality food and let's vitamin complexes(after consulting with a pediatrician).

The ideal way to properly adapt to the garden is to accustom the child gradually. If possible, for the first 2-3 months, it is advisable for mother or grandmother not to work or work part-time so as not to leave the baby in the group for the whole day. Increase the time gradually to reduce stress levels.

And when the illness did happen, do not rush to leave the hospital as soon as possible and go back to the group. It is important to wait for a full recovery to avoid relapses or, even worse, complications.