After all, the feeling of taste begins to develop. Methods for the development of artistic taste. Study of fashion history

I know that for many it this problem - It seems that there are no normal things in the stores, and if there is, then "not on me" for a number of any reasons. And the old thing begins as the world of the song "There is nothing to buy in Omsk." Or, for example, things are there, but how interesting to be combined with each other - the task beyond the limit of possible. And we act on the principle "No experiments! Let it be boring, but it is clear." The most interesting thing is that it happens even with those who seem to know their colors, and styles, forms, silhouettes. So what's the deal? Let's deal with.

There is an opinion that the feeling of style in relation to clothing is either there, or it is not, and nothing can be done here. I dare to assure you, it is not. The taste can and need to be developed at any age, like a musical hearing, for example. By the way, my sense of style is far from childhood. It has been developed after 25 through the conscious goal. Therefore, as a person who has already passed this path, allow himself a few tips on how to develop a sense of style.

By and large individual style is the essence of a person, his inner "I" . Find your style - it means to find yourself, your point of view and be able to express it with clothes.

This is the purpose number 1. To achieve it, you need at least:

- Know and take its own source data: coloring, type of shape and its features;

- Have high level "Visual challenge".

Perhaps, in my opinion, one of the main criteria for the formation of a sense of style. That is, in order for our brain to give out on-mountain ready style solutionsIt needs to constantly sign visual information. We call it "feed your eyes." Those who in your opinion have natural talent to dress well, most likely, since childhood, had decent examples from childhood. There are a number of ways to increase "30 times".

1. Study of fashion history

First of all, it is worth referring to the history of the fashion of the twentieth century. More early periods The development of the costume you may not be useful, but the twentieth century should look. And it is precisely to see, and not just read, it is very important here. visual component. Sources Mass: Internet, books, movies, magazines, etc. What they are more, the better. As for movies, there are a number of paintings that illustrate the fashion of a specific decade:

Mute cinema with such actresses like Faith Cold, Gloria Svensen, Mary Picford (10th);

- "Great Gatsby" (20th);

- Ninochka and others. Films with Greta Garbo;

- "Blue Angel" and other films with Marlene Dietrich (30th);

- Casablanca (40th);

- "Stepford Wives", film release of 1975 and 2005, "Sabrina", "Breakfast at Tiffany", " Funny Mordashka"(50s.);

- "Boni and Clyde", "Murder in East Express", "Photology", "Steep Georgia", Musical "Hair" (60s.);

- "Day Beauty", "Cabaret", "Midnight in Paris", "Jia" (70s);

- "On Saturday", "Little Vera", the series "Dynasty", "Santa Barbara" and "Police Miami", (80s);

- "Pret-A-Port", Series "Friends" (90-00).

A book that systematizes your knowledge and impressions of the XX century fashion history, it may well become "Fashion and Fashion Designers" Palomo-Lovinski.

Studying the story of fashion, you may find style Point of Support - Just the style that reflects your inner world. Having gained it, it will be easier for you to expressly with the help of clothes. By the way, she may be not alone.

2. Monitoring the fashion of today's day

Despite the fact that you can be very stylish and at the same time do not follow fashion, observe the creations of great designers still worth it. It increases the level of challenges and inspires interesting decisions. For full view I usually use the sites and To study the trends at your disposal the entire Internet.

3. Visit museums, exhibitions

The laws of the composition are the same in painting, and sculpture, and in the design of the costume. Therefore, visiting museums and exhibitions is another way to feed our eyes qualitatively.

4. Presence in contests and exhibitions of young clothes designers

In this regard, we can say lucky. Despite the fact that we live far from the capital with its capabilities, in Omsk every year it takes one of best contests in Russia -

How I remember, people always fascinated me defined type. I calculated such a very simple - they wanted to consider and imitate, they always had something that distinguished from most. And with them magically be near. The appropriate combination of ugly and beautiful got into one way so harmoniously that you confessed to ourselves "I could not so."

Such individuals always have their own point of view that I wanted to know. And they know how to seek the integrity of the image in which all the details obeyed a single idea.

Over time, it became obvious that we are talking about people who possess a good taste. BUT life experience I confirmed that it was with such a pleasant to cooperate, consult, to contact them for help, to conduct common things and simply communicate, getting a tremendous pleasure. Because, all this process has always been accompanied by an amazing result, and the concept was accustomed to the bonus - it is easy and logical.

Why so it turns out that it is possible with one people? And others in principle are not capable of it? Personal observations made it possible to explain this fact by the presence or lack of good taste.

When I began to explore the topic of a good taste in various sources, it turned out that this topic exists around art, creativity and design. But it is not mentioned when it comes to daily concerns. If you dial in the search engine phrase "how to develop good taste"The pages will be opened, where we are talking about clothes, elegance lessons, artworks, and so on.

And, if a person is directly interested in aesthetics, then this topic will quickly bother. I assume that the concept of good taste was too distinguished from reality, heightened into the cult of art and is perceived as something intactized for daily life. And in vain.

Good taste is selectivity. And what's not the ability to choose for yourself the best, can save from extra spending, empty loss of time and doubt. The feeling of wonderful greatly facilitates the choice and helps to make a decision in any situation - the choice of place of residence, spouse, clothes, car where to go on vacation and how to educate children. No wonder at all times, so much time was devoted to the study of beautiful through music, books, works of art.

Have a good taste not just nice, but also profitable! No matter how strange it sounds. And they should use every day, every minute, exposing him to guard their decisions. And now in order. Good taste is:

Own opinion as preferences

The ability to see features, allocate details and arguing about the subject, formulating your own opinion. Each of us can evaluate - like \\ not like. Subjectively, but evaluate. But not everyone is able to explain its position - what exactly like, why, what can I improve, add, remove? Such an opinion is formed in those who are able to translate the language of lines, shades, textures to words and transfer their vision to others. Argments your point of view and show a different look at the same thing.

When I got acquainted with the laws of forms and textures (stylistics), I liked to perform one wonderful exercise. I ordered a cup of coffee in the crowd mall And watched those who passed by. One of the tasks set is to explain to yourself, with the help of stylistics tools, why did I like this or that thing on a particular woman? Why does she fit her or not fit? And what exactly can you change? Such a quiet dialogue with yourself.

Ability to wait and choose the best

The things we surround themselves form our quality of life. Surrounding itself only by the fact that he truly pleases, inspires it allows respect to himself and its desires. I think it seems to allow yourself at least one thing "on the grow out." A little better than it can be afforded to this moment. It can be anything - floor lamp, shoes or travel, but 100% successful! Such single specimens help in the formation of a good taste and are a reminder that ideal things exist and you are worthy of possessing. But such masterpieces almost always have to wait and track down.

An example of quality expectation is the readiness of the client who plans the selection of a wardrobe with personal stylist. Most favorable moment It comes to change when the situation is abandoned and "hurts." Ideally, if she is in a sense, lined up. If you appeal earlier, the effect will not be that without the effect of "wow" and strong relief. In the state of fatigue, the client, more than ever, is ready for new changes. By yourself I know how it refreshes - when you get rid of the load of the old way in time in favor of the best.

The ability to create a holistic and finished

This is the same thing to bring the case to the result. Sign of good taste. One familiar sometimes asks for recommendations on the development of its business destination. Its activity is so multifaceted that many projects it begins with enthusiasm, but physically does not have time to bring them until completion. Always on her way there is a new temptation \\ offer \\ Activities in which she will gladly plunge, without bringing the previous result. Such here are repetitive layers. Every time we meet (and this happens more often for a business lunch in a cafe) - it orders dishes that are either tasteless, or not, or just did not like it.

The result is always one - the food on the plate remains unstilled. There was still no one once so that it makes it all to the end. And this habit applies to everything, including how it dresses - each of her image is unfinished and with reservations - here I wanted to dress another blouse, but it turned out in a dry cleaning. Here I thought to put on a bracelet, but he ran somewhere and there was no time to look for him. Such an eternal pun, which is clearly unfortunate.

Feeling measures or the same Golden Middle

People with a good taste is familiar with the concept of "enough". It is impossible to reconcile, convince discounts, enthusiastically get into the brightness, tag or events, the entrance to which everyone is available without exception. The inner feeling of measures will save them from the quantity, while maintaining the right to have quality. The feeling of wonderful comes from the internal dialogue with himself, such people are easily concentrated, find reliable solutions In silence, use internal resources. They are familiar with the principle of "ZRI to the root" and "analyzing it." The ability to concentrate helps focus on the situation and schedule a series of faithful actions.

These are people with exceptional taste.

I will be happy to tell you about your style in clothes and pick up the wardrobe. Sign up on free consultationBy calling +7 985 532 5511

"Beamless has limits,

only good taste is infinite "/ Coco Chanel /

Every woman, however,, like a man, is interested in the question - how to dress with taste daily, elegant and fashionable. A man with a good taste always exists and feels itself to the place and by time, because she strives for harmony between the external and inner world. But, agree, quite not just (especially for material) Follow the latest fashion trends.

The taste is the art of being in harmony with the outside world; This is a quality that does not appear in a person with his birth, but inhibits and raised since birth, and in the future it is the work of man himself.

If a person is from early age Getting acquainted with the beauty and perternal canons of the beautiful, it is much easier for him to work out good taste. Constantly expanding your horizons and opening a new one, we improve our taste. Good taste is often associated with a sense of style, although it is two completely different conceptslike fashion and art.

The taste in clothes and a sense of style are closely related, first of all, with the environment in which you are in which they brought up. Develop a good taste, like a good musical rumor, you can. Best of all, of course, in childhood, when the psyche absorbs everything "like a sponge". In adulthood, it becomes harder, but perhaps - with sustainable interest and - without it, it is regularly engaged in. That is, learn, learn and learn again!

Do not chase in quantity. No wonder the quality and number are considered two opposite categories. It is better to buy some high-quality shoes that will serve you for several years than each year to acquire a cheap couple, which barely managed to convey, as the noses by the end of the season are already beginning to "ask porridge."

Quality is above all. Very young girls can afford to wear cheap things, as youth and beauty - best decorationYes, and they themselves are like that, probably do not earn their wardrobe. But adult woman It should always look excellently, preferring qualitatively made things from natural materials.

No need to blindly follow the fashion. Fashionable trends - on the ways and the trees to fly through the streets and alleys today, and tomorrow disappear without a trace. Not everything fashion clothes Suitable to any people. What compromises are you ready to go to follow fashion? First of all, you need to remember that the most important thing in clothes is how she is sitting. And if she frankly does not go to you or even urged, it does not matter, in which designer house it was invented. Woman wears clothes, and not the opposite. Do not forget about it!

Learning to dress with taste is needed from studying your type of figure. Even the most beautiful and stylish thing It will look untreated if it is wrong and bad on you sits. Clothes should emphasize the advantages of the shape and hide its disadvantages. For example, if you have far model appearance, should not emphasize it short skirts, tight jeans and t-shirts. It is better to emphasize on the beauty of the breast with the help of a raising bureaner and a deep neckline.

Buy several glossy magazines in stores and kiosks. They publish articles containing tips on how to dress with taste, you can also find sections dedicated to fashion trends. Blindly follow the fashion is not worth it, but to choose from there several you liked the ideas suitable for you in style, it does not hurt. Look at the TV transfer, showing the reincarnation of people, there are those in television large quantities. There professional stylists Give advice to women of different ages, Growth and a set of what will go, and what is not.

Such tips can also be found on the Internet, articles dedicated to fashion, tips of stylists, interviews with designers of clothing is there, on special sites. You will only stay to agree on the proposed ideas with personal preferences.

Disassemble your wardrobe. Inappropriate for the type of shape, the old things throw away, and the rest decompose on the combinations of colors and styles. Try not to wear clothes at the same time different styles and incomprehensible colors. In advance, make up a few suitable combinations of existing wardrobe items. It is possible that the old long ago forgotten thing Will the new paints in combination with other things supplemented with stylish accessories.

Classic for all times. If in some case you do not know what to wear, then wear something classic. This is a way that will not allow you to fall into the dirt face or stumble on slipping track Fashion.

Color. Very often you can meet people, on which poorly combining clothes of the most diverse colors. More like they gathered to disguise among tropical birds, but even they, famous for their bright coloring, and are more detained. If not confident in your taste, choose color combinationsTime proven.

Pick up the suitable colors. The wardrobe should harmonize with a shade of hair, eyes and skin. Moreover, dark colors They will help hide fullness, and bright will attract attention to the advantages of the figure.

Come wisely to buying clothes. It is better to buy several sets that can be combined with each other than dozens of different things, some of which you never wear. Find a suitable combination of price and quality for you. The high cost of things is sometimes due to the quality of tissue and production, and sometimes - only an eminent brand. Most people will not pay attention to what company you have clothes. But if she is small or not decorating you at all non-ideal figure, it is not good! So do not become fashion victims.

Believe it is better to buy one designer thingthan ten masses with a famous logo. No one will believe that real Armani or Burberry costs $ 10. And when the whole city literally put the same things, it seems that their owners raised in the incubator.

Linen. Purchase only really high-quality and beautiful underwear. Even if it is not visible under clothes, you know about him yourself. It is impossible to feel the queen when under the trousers are put on a holey tights.

Only good shoes. Sometimes you can save a little on clothes, but shoes should always be high quality. It is for it that most people form an opinion about the image of a person, and it is the shoes that are given some people the least attention. It is not necessary to spend crap on it, high-quality shoes You can buy very inexpensive if you do not chase brands.

Aroma. Perfume is an indication that the woman is serious about their style. You can prefer a certain aroma all your life or change it depending on the mood, but it is very important to have your perfume. They must be real, and not fake.

Everything should be harmonious. Pick clothes according to where you are heading. To come in sneakers to the theater or pacing on ten-grant meters on fresh grass - this is not just inappropriate, but sometimes even is attempting.

Do not try to be someone else. Pick clothes so that it emphasize your advantages, has become a continuation of your character. Then the integrity of the image and the wardrobe drawn up with taste will allow you to really look great.

If you want to develop your taste and a sense of style, you regularly give time and some internal resources to:

- admire the nature in the richness of its paints and phenomena, noting thin nuances colors, game of light and shadow, textures, variability of its states (clouds are running across the sky, green kidneys are revealed, twilight descend ...)

- look at works of art: the canvas of artists, sculptures, architectural creations, etc., paying attention to details and, of course, what strings they affect (which, roughly speaking, you "clings" and why)

- Develop the ability to contemplate- enjoy the beauty of the world, absorbing it into yourself, seeing beautiful in everything: in every moment, man: notice, inspired.

look at beautiful people, interested in the story of fashion, stylish and interesting, from your point of view, personality climbing and present, borrow what I liked;

- Learn to distinguish between colors, fabric textures, clothing styles, types of croes, human body proportions;

- to make up with your nature; Take and love what is given to you from birth: your body, color and features of the skin, hair, eye and other traits, including character, tendency;

- learn to understand your natural data: figure, features of your color flavor, in other words, determine your type of figure and find out what is better for it for him, to find out your color, to decide which lines in your face and body dominate: soft or Clear what you would like to allocate, and what, on the contrary, disguise; What do you have "raisins".

And yet - clothes should be relevant. On a picnic - jeans, shirt and sneakers, in the theater - dress, shoes and clutch, office - strict suit. If you do not comply with these simple rulesthen fashion and style will become yours swung enemiesAnd you will be pursued not exclamations of admiration, but sympathetic views.

If you are bright personality with clear ideas about what beauty and style is, then no fashion trends You do not need. You are by yourself the mode of fashion. And they are equal to others. In the end, many simply do not care what people think about them. And there is something in it.

Be a Fashion Colleague, not her slave. Develop a good taste and dress always appropriate and beautiful.

Old-fashioned you or not? If your wardrobe is full of boring, old things, it's time for small changes to improve your style and give him piquant. Find out 5. simple ways Detect your sense of style to produce every day to surround an unforgettable impression.

In everyday communication, in social Life Our appearance plays one of the main roles; Even the smallest details matter. Fashionable things are capable of making you a stylish, sophisticated woman, thanks to what in any circumstances you will feel confident.

Style in clothing not only affects the opinion of those around us, but also equally important for our communication and work. At the same time, the style and good taste do not depend on money or social status.

On the style in which we dress and as we select things, has an influence of many factors, first of all, public opinion And expectations around. But not least here is important here and own feeling Style. Find out several techniques with which it can be improved to pick out outfits in which you will always look flawless.

If we talk about clothes, the style here is even more important than fashion. The key to success is your own behavior. And most chief Secret - Always be confident in yourself and your outfit. Try to experiment with new things to find exactly those that are perfect for you and your style.

Experimenting, you can easily figure out which models and colors you are most, because to be stylish - does not mean wearing clothes fashionable brands. To be stylish means to wear things that are perfectly sitting on the figure and emphasize your advantages.

Mouse over your wardrobe, postpone things that came out of fashion or do not go. Get rid of that clothes in which you feel uncertain or uncomfortable. Free the cabinet for new stylish outfitsThat you definitely buy, let and gradually.

Purchase several eternal, classic things that are perfectly combined with any outfits and are suitable for any occasion. The possibility of combining is a key condition when choosing new clothes. Try to consider the wardrobe as a kind of investment; It should be as many things as possible " must Have"- i.e. Mandatory for each woman.

Make sure that there are several outfits in your wardrobe that can be worn in any season, regardless of actual tendencies. Classic little black dress, a couple of classic black trousers, a cardigan, a classic trunkcot of neutral shades, a pair of jeans on a figure, a dress with a smell, an elegant skirt or a white silk blouse - here are almost all the basic things that are simply obliged to hang in your closet.

These outfits are a great choice for stylish womanbecause they can be combined with things relevant this season, or supplement fashion accessories. Even simple earrings Or the necklace will decorate you and give styles.

If you want to develop your sense of style, always dress as if you go out in people, even if you sit at home. Daily attention to their outfits will change your behavior and give confidence. Such a slight effort really helps to develop a sense of style.

To dress stylishly, it is very important to know your body and be able to emphasize the advantages and hide disadvantages. Pick clothes that corrects your shape, aligns the proportions and gives you a sophisticated, feminine appearance.

Special attention should be paid to the acting tummy, big chest or wide thrasherswhich can be hidden using properly selected clothes.

Having learned to visually adjust its proportions, you will feel confident, stylishly dressed a woman, which will definitely be seen surrounding.

Summer has come - best time for elementary transformations and creation new personality. Get rid of old, uncomfortable things and experiment with different styles and flowers to choose those outfits that effectively emphasize your advantages. Imprieve friends and colleagues with your new, stunning appearance!

About style and fashion. The meaning of the concept of "style feeling" and the factors that have an impact on it. What is the style of how can you raise it in yourself.

Style against fashion, mass and templates

The style is not identical for fashion at all, and in some cases these two concepts are even capable of conflicting. Fashion, in fact, is a kind of seasonal art. Style is a way of reflection inner world A person, his unique individuality, expressed in clothing, accessories and other attributes of the external form.

A sense of style inherent to man help him competently beat his image. Fashionable things easily lose their charm if they are chosen without taking into account the principle of combination. Clothes should be harmonized with the peculiarities of the appearance of their owner. This is the feeling of harmony and the ability to select things, taking into account their advantages and disadvantages and are called a sense of style.

Style as ability to present yourself in the best light

Style is the ability to virtually hide disadvantages and make accents on best features and features own appearance, emphasizing their clothes, sharing the corresponding case with make-up and hair styling. Do not immediately remember the image. This concept is also not identical to style, like fashion. The image of a person depends on its taste and the presence of a sense of style. As a rule, a sense of style man is endowed with birth. However, it can be brought up in itself, studying the laws of style, the rules of the selection of the wardrobe, the art of the visa. If you are not able to completely trust yourself in matters of style, you can seek advice to the stylist.

The style of clothing of people is determined by their personal addies, floors, age, social Regulations, professional affiliation and other features. Man-chosen style is able to tell a lot about him around him, report his character, habits, kind of activity.

Style as subtle understanding His "I"

Style begins with an understanding of his own personality and critical attitude towards templates and mass. The sense of style of the most non-standard natur is manifested in confidence in its own instincts, and not a generally recognized rules invented for all. The real person is not afraid to stand out from the crowd with an unusuality. external view. However, in this freedom of choice it is impossible to forget about the sense of measure. Clothes is only a background that emphasizes your individuality, so unnecessary bright colors You can turn this background into a real screen, which will make you invisible for clothes, distracting all the attention of those surrounding on the form, and not for the content.

The base of the style is to accurately understand what stamps and cover clothes are suitable for you, giving the sophistication of the figure and hiding small defects.

Style depends on the age of a person. Usually in 20 years, people are inclined to experiment more, change images and therefore look less stylish than in more adulthood. At 30-40 years, usually an understanding of what is suitable for you and is formed by a competent trend of compliance with the selected line.

The style is manifested in every detail of the image, ranging from the degree of smoothness of things and ending with the quality of selected accessories. By the way, correctly selected accessories play in stylish imageperhaps a big role than the clothes itself. Not everyone can play accessories, but those who have got such talent will always be at the height. After all, it is with the help of small things and you can create a unique entourage, which will demonstrate the world the harmony of your taste and the ability to turn even in everyday things into exclusive outfits.