Statuses about love. Statuses I really need you, I need you

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are situations emergency care in fever, when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give children infancy? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

I want him to call and say: “In short, baby, I don’t care who you are with now and who your boyfriend is. Tell him that you are only mine and this is not discussed!

The worst thing in the world is to lose not even a loved one, but faith in a loved one ...

One day one very a wise man said: “Love can only be mutual. Everything that happens only on one side is a disease.

I just really need you, so dear, so beloved ...

You send him emoji with a smile, but he doesn't know with what sadness you do it...

Pillows faithfully share sadness with us, demanding nothing in return ...

We both know that we like each other, but we still continue to play friends.

Why does life happen, so that you love, but you do not.

Hope dies last - said "Love", killing "Faith".

"This status is for all those who once foolishly lost their other half and, due to pride, missed the moment when they could return it."

I beg you to get out of my life...

You can't be late when no one is waiting for you.

It is difficult to forget the person who gave hope.

Sometimes it hurts to look at couples holding hands, realizing that in your hand is just a package.

We all say: life has brought us together, life has connected us, we have one path .. And a couple of years will pass, we will meet on the street and not even say hello. Here is your life.

No, we are not strangers, no, not enemies! We just don't hear each other's footsteps. And these words smell of bitterness: "Fate bound us, Fate separated us!"

When I see you, my heart stops... How I love you, no one knows... How I can live in this world, I don't understand... While you're far away, I'm dying quietly...

How cold it is today... on this day he left... my Guardian Angel has a day off today...

They write on cigarettes: they cause lung cancer, on alcohol: it is harmful to health, why don’t they write on guys - dangerous for the nervous system?

Love is a very strange thing. First you're a bunny, then a bitch!

Tears cannot make someone who no longer loves you love you again...

When we were together, I had never been so happy, but I had never cried so much either.

There are moments in life when there are no tears in the eyes, and a whole sea in the heart.

You know, I'm not cool, your friends don't like me, I don't give up after the first date. But I can love. And there will never be another like me.

If you saw yourself through my eyes, you would understand how special you are to me...

Why do we do things after which people close to us begin to hate us?

I am so tired emotionally, physically, mentally and spiritually! I'm so tired of trying to be strong when all I want to do is scream and cry in sadness and pain.

What's happened female loneliness? When a man is sleeping next to him, but you don’t want to cuddle up to him ...

I remember a lot, which is why I get so damn sad sometimes...

How more girl forgives, the more resolutely and unexpectedly she will leave.

Do you know what the whole point of this life is? You are ready to give a person everything he wants... And he needs it all... Only from someone else...

Physical wounds sometimes heal much faster than mental wounds. Time seems to stop and you are shivering from inner pain...

I can forgive, forgive anything, but not forget. I am the kind of person who forgives quickly but never forgets.

I saw him sp. I was on her page. I saw his comment on her photo. I realized that he calls her the same as me once. I cried...

How painful it is to see photos where your loved one hugs another, and even more painful when he shows them himself.

There is no loneliness stronger than next to a person who does not see you point-blank...

Whoever loved, he cannot love, whoever burned down, you can’t set fire to.

Sadness and melancholy wanted to eat me... I choked, you bastard, from the first bite!

It’s sad, not because nothing happened, but because we know what could have been…

I don’t know what I will do when I see your eyes ... After all, the heart says: I love ... And the mind whispers: I hate!

The girl is easy to push away... Throwing a rude word after her... But then it will be difficult to return... When you call her again...

What is there to hide or be silent, I love this man, it's clear. This is a stone on my neck, I go to the bottom with it, but I love this stone and cannot live without it.

It's not that I can't forgive you for cheating, it's just that I can't trust you anymore.

Can't I love someone else?! So many years have passed, but my heart is still resentful ...

You have him as a friend, but you don't write to him, you don't draw on the wall. You just look at his ava and think: How much I love you!

And if you suddenly remember again and want to return - come back, I will accept you for the third, and for the thousandth time.

Never put sad statuses. After all, every beast wants to see how lousy you are.

I remember you gave me tears of happiness, but a hundred times more I experienced misfortunes with you ...

Well, why do we love those who do not love us ... And we destroy those who are in love with us?

The man has come, the man has gone. And he doesn't know how much he changed your life. He doesn't care at all. He left to ruin the lives of others. And he doesn't care.


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Love is sometimes not as sweet as it seems, but all because people sometimes elevate it above everything else in the world, while forgetting about their own interests and desires, elevating the other half to the rank of a “heavenly” creature and living life only for its sake . And after that, a person is driven by despondency, sad thoughts, he loses the taste of life, and does not know what the reason is. Have you ever thought that we sometimes lose the taste of life because we have changed our own destiny, serving another person? No, no, I do not call you to dislike and to your own egoism, I just want to say that a person should remain free, despite his relationship with another person! Love each other, help each other become better with every breath and every minute, give in, understand, but do not limit the freedom of each of you. After all, only then will the relationship become harmonious when you recognize that each of you is unique and goes his own way, and your soulmate is your life partner! The one who chose you out of a thousand, out of a million! Usually love does not pass without a trace, it is she who gives rise to a sense of ownership in relation to another person, and where there is this feeling, there is always an expectation of gratitude! But gratitude is not always there, so live freely, remember about love, love sincerely a person for what he is, that he is with you and respect him. Let sad statuses about love help you understand some meaning in problematic moments relations. Good luck.

In our modern world there is probably no longer a single person who would not use various social networks and communication services. That is why various short messages, for example, very sad statuses about love, have firmly entered our lives, with the help of them people express a whole range of their emotions.

I don’t complain about fate ... She was no more lucky with me ...

Perhaps I suffer so much, because of the fact that my soul is still warm. It would be better if she wasn't...

She is beautiful, talented and smart, but at the same time unhappy ... It would seem that there is everything, but in reality there is nothing ...

She does not forgive betrayal, hates betrayal, lies .... And if you leave once, then you will not return it again ....

Beloved girls are given flowers, not tears ...

It's stupid to be around a man who is actually nice, but always offends you.

It happened in life, it will be so, because for that we were born, whom we love, they don’t love us, who loves us, we don’t love

Willpower: for the second day I have not looked at his page.

You make a god out of a man and he leaves you. Another makes a beast out of him and he licks her hands

I can break up with you. This stage in my life is over. Let suffering, but I can do it ...

I'm still just a beginner magician. And the trick of how to forget you is still not working for me.

For the sake of fun, you can mourn. Too bad it doesn't get any more fun.

When you are alone, even getting SPAM is nice.

Lost the meaning of life. Help me get it back, I won't stand for a reward...

It is difficult to love those whom we do not respect at all, but it is even more difficult to love those whom we respect more than ourselves.

You may hate me for who I am, but not because I told you the truth.

Tears? No, it's rain. Hurt? No, everything is okay. Together? Alas, we are apart. Dreams? They are not clear to me. Memory? You won't erase it. Heart? Do not glue broken. Thoughts? They are all with you. Feelings? You can't change them...

Account closed. Not subject to public viewing!

I remember our quarrels and grievances, we had an idyll so rarely ... Perhaps we loved, but could not understand it ...

My life is like candy. You can’t call it sweet, but the wrapper is beautiful ...

How tired of being strong… If only for a moment, let yourself relax, if only for a second, be scared…

Cause half of our life mistakes in what we feel where we need to think. and think where you need to feel.

most of all it infuriates when they lie, they lie so clumsily that you want to punch in the face and say “more artistry, bitch, you look pathetic!

Sometimes only one person's life changes with a change of phone number. Someone who will never call again...

no love died a natural death. she was killed, is being killed and will be killed.

At some point, we still forget that person without whom we thought we could not live ...

It's a shame when a person whom you will never leave, whom you will always support, whom you will understand, does not appreciate this and hurts you!!!

What can be said about love when so much has been said about it? Yes, they have been talking about love since ancient times, knights fought for it on the battlefield, people died and were born. And we still talk about love with no less feelings and awe. We want to love and be loved, no matter how much effort we put into it. If a person truly loves, then it does not matter to him how he dresses, where he is from and how much money he has.
Everyone probably remembers their first love, how you wanted to approach or that they would approach you and invite you on a date. It's so clean and no foolish thoughts. Over the years, everything passes, you don’t trust so much anymore, you don’t want it so much anymore. Especially when I've already burned myself a thousand times on this. If there are such problems, then read our sad statuses about love, some may not help in your life situation, but they will tell you how to endure, how to find strength in yourself, how to fall in love again, childishly, like for the first time, remember?

Look into my soul - there is emptiness ... Open my heart - you are not there ... Pick up all the pieces of our bitter love ... You can't glue anything ... Take it ... Leave ...

I closed the door to my heart and wrote - NO ENTRANCE! But love came and said simply: "I can't read..."

Selling my heart. Not expensive. Used, broken, useless to anyone. The "love" function is broken by a previous user...

I know what loneliness is: A bitten piece of chocolate, a cup of strong coffee, music that already hurts your ears, an unbearable emptiness in the depths of your soul and tears

Unrequited love hurts so much ... It hurts when the person you love, who you need, simply scores on you =((

It always happens like this: you want to be proud, but you crawl on your knees ...

I wrote on a cigarette your name to smoke you out and erase you from my memory, but after taking a drag, I realized that I was breathing you. ...

Love cannot be used - everyone chooses for himself where to put a comma ...

Nothing kills tenderness in a loving heart like hurtful words thrown in the heat of the moment by those you love...

Now she kisses your lips, strokes your hair, and with a smile I remember your "I won't give you up"

You don't need me, I know it and you don't have to prove that I don't understand anything...

How hard it is to look at lips that you can never kiss...

You understand that alcohol is not tasty without you, cigarettes are not soothing, and the heart is not glued together.

I was told that it is impossible to love and hate at the same time, but I proved the opposite, I love and hate him ..

You deleted me from VKontakte friends... From friends in my world... Deleted my phone number.

You know, someday I'll burst into tears in front of your eyes, stop pretending to be strong, and you'll see what you've done to a cheerful little girl.

Love is just a drug.

It is better to love quietly than to hang around your neck impudently.

I would like to call you and tell you how good everything is with me ... That I get enough sleep and am finally happy ... That it is already July on the street, and spring is in my soul. I wish you would believe it... But I won't call, I still love you...

I began to love the rain even more, because I know you are at home in the rain...

Yes, I love strong coffee, white chocolate, I love my friends, I love the scent of my perfume, I love the sound of rain, but....but.... I don't believe in love...

Again in the morning she hates the sun, because it takes away the dream in which she, in which he is so much in love with her ...

Everyone goes crazy in their own way.... Someone chokes with tears in hysterics.... And someone like me - silently, holding everything in himself and without showing it, slowly crumbles into pieces from the inside...

People leave my life... People invade my life... And I just put on my glasses and plug in my headphones, turn on the music, drink coffee and live on... And what is important - I breathe evenly... Without failures with the label LOVE ... Without fail with label YOU...

And couples pass by, holding hands tightly, as if on purpose to emphasize my loneliness ....

Everywhere I look, I see everywhere that he is not around .....

When we cannot be close to those we truly love, strangers appear in our bed ... It seems to us that this way, at least for a while, we can overcome longing.

Every morning I wake up with hope, and go to bed with another disappointment ...

Since I left you, I began to live on the machine, morning afternoon evening, every day the same thing. but I still found the strength in myself, talking with you to smile and say that everything is cool

He left without saying anything without cries of rubbish and lies, he left and disappeared as if he had never been in my life, and I might have believed it, but somewhere in the depths of my soul there was a memory of the minutes spent with you

I'm lost in this world and I don't know where to find a person who will give me a hand and say, don't be afraid, come with me.

Even I cry at night... Even it hurts me, hiding the pain under the guise of indifference and indifference, I go through life laughing...

I hate tears... They betray my weakness... I hate those... Who pretend they need me... I hate questions... to which I don't know the answers...

How painful it is to be a friend with someone you love...

We choose our own life)) Here, in my life, someone obviously knocked over a glass of paint)) Everything went bad, but it turned out brightly)).

We always wait for only one person on the network, right? :) ... And it's different for everyone...

Only now she realized how dear he is to her... How she misses his affection... kisses... those minutes that they were together... Only now she realized that she really LOVES him...

Almost always we realize that we love when we already lose a person ...

No one makes the first move because everyone thinks it's not mutual.

Be silent... And don't scream... Never beg anyone for anything... Just straighten your shoulders and go into silence... And the one who loves you will not leave you alone..

If a girl gave you a key to her heart, do not rush to rejoice, tomorrow she can change the lock.

I know for certain that love will pass when two hearts are separated by the sea.

How scary it is when you say: “I love you”, and on the other end of the telephone line they shout back to you: “What?”

It only takes a second for a person to meet a special person. It will take a minute to get to know him. A day to love. But sometimes life is not enough to forget him ...

And just at one moment you realize that it will never be the same as before ...

It always becomes easier when you write poetry with tears. It's easier to forget...

How painful it is to look at the sun... But it's even worse to look at the lips... You look, but you can't kiss...

Here I sit and tears hail ... Everything is gone, and you can’t return it back !!!

If you confess to him, and he did not reciprocate, then everything later reminds you of this ... It hurts so much ...

Sometimes you need to survive a small nuclear explosion in yourself, crush your soul with a pillow, send everyone around you and be left alone with your grief ...
And all this, just to say in a flat, firm voice, “Goodbye.”

Unrequited love is just two people who don't need each other, only one of them doesn't understand it...

Unrequited love is when you dream that he sent a message. You wake up, rush to the computer, and there is nothing there ...

And you will come and say: Sorry, please take me back, but it will be too late, I forgot you, or maybe I never loved you???

Someday you'll learn to guess the fall of my tears by the sound of my heart's melody... Someday... when it's too late...

You saw everything: how I cry, you saw how I laugh! But, only, I did not see one thing: how I suffer without you, how I suffer !!!

Hiding a tear under a smile, I dream about you in a dream. I love, I scream, I cry... What do I mean in your life???

I have been getting enough sleep for a long time, smiling at my mother, calling my friends, walking in the evenings ..... Having been ill is also a feeling, a difficult but most sure salvation, it is like a cure for love, like breaking after a lack of a dose .... You are no longer in my thoughts, not in my life, now my heart is occupied by another... And it was not worth telling friends: "I was there for so long, but I noticed her only now"..... Now I'm next to the one who noticed me, even not knowing my name...

When people love each other, they are ready to take off and crash together! You took off with me ... but only I crashed, you chickened out ...

When someone tells you about love, it means that he loves you today. And tomorrow he might run away with your best friend.

Everyone passes by and sees a beautiful, self-confident girl in front of them, but they do not know that a little defenseless girl is sitting in her, who just wants to love ...


Live a century - learn a century ... And yet ... Wisdom does not come to everyone with age ... They don’t become wise, they are born wise ... It’s just that it is revealed later ...

Especially for our readers, we have selected 30 best quotes during the week.

1. Don't complain about life - someone dreams of the life you live.

2. The basic rule of life is not to let yourself be broken by either people or circumstances.

3. Never show a man how much you need him. You won't see anything good in return.

4. You can not expect from a person what is unusual for him. You don't squeeze a lemon to get tomato juice.

5. After the rain, a rainbow always comes, after tears - happiness.

6. One day you will accidentally find yourself in right time V right place, and millions of roads converge at one point.

7. What you believe in becomes your world.

8. A diamond that has fallen into the mud still remains a diamond, and dust that has risen to heaven remains dust.

9. They don’t call, they don’t write, they aren’t interested - that means they don’t need it. Everything is simple and there is nothing to invent here.

10. I know people are not saints. Sins are prescribed by fate. For me, it's better to be honestly evil than people with false kindness!

11. Be like a lotus, which is always pure and blooms even in troubled waters.

12. And God forbid everyone to be with those with whom the heart does not seek others.

13. No best place than a house, especially if there is a mother in it.

14. People are constantly inventing problems for themselves. Why not make yourself happy?

15. It hurts - this is when a child wants to go to mom and dad, but they are not. The rest can be experienced.

16. Happiness is near ... Do not invent ideals for yourself ... Appreciate what you have.

17. Never lie to someone who trusts you. Never trust someone who lied to you.

18. Mom, even if she is prickly, is still the best!

19. Distances should not be afraid. And far away you can love deeply, and near you can quickly part.

20. I always consider the last book I read to be the best until I take on something new.

21. We give children LIFE, and they give us MEANING!

22. Happy man- this is the one who does not regret the past, is not afraid of the future and does not climb into someone else's life.

23. Pain sometimes goes away, but thoughts remain.

24. How much wisdom is needed to never lose kindness!

25. After giving up on me once, don't interfere in my life again. Never.

26. Appreciate the one who cannot live without you. And do not chase those who are happy without you.

27. Remember: you attract what you believe in!

28. Only one thing you can regret in life - that you once never took a chance.

29. The most natural thing in this world is change. The living cannot be frozen.

30. A wise man was asked: “What should you do if you are out of love?”

"Take your soul and leave," he replied.

More recently, the statuses that many of us use in in social networks and when talking to friends. As a rule, statuses reflect the mood of a person, his dreams, desires, feelings and experiences, as well as what he is doing at a certain moment. By the way, the concept of "status" implies two definitions. According to the first, this is the position of a person in society, but another definition, which is considered the most popular today, consists in certain phrases or expressions that personify the state of a person.

Separation has one big plus, because only after parting with a person, you feel who he really is for you, and how much you need him.

Only with that person is worth being near, at the mere thought of which there is a happy gleam in the eyes and warmth in the soul. Everything else is a waste of time.

Every person is an angel with only one wing. Therefore, we can only fly by embracing our soul mate!

Everyone can love. But not everyone can be loved. If you want to become one, love the one who loves you.

You can go crazy with happiness when in the morning a person, thinking that you are sleeping, gently kisses, admiringly running his hand through your hair, and you just lie with eyes closed wishing that this happiness lasted as long as possible.

Do you think that happiness is looking like a glamorous bitch and gathering crowds of fans at your feet? No, happiness is being with one beloved guy who appreciates and adores you even without makeup and in home clothes just because you are you!

Appreciate those people who sincerely talk about their feelings, because they are the most courageous, loyal and reliable.

If I said “I love you”, then I will not betray my feelings, because life has taught me to be responsible for my words.

If you ask me to hug you as much as I love you, you risk being strangled!

Friendship is friendship, but I want to kiss.

I don't have butterflies fluttering in my stomach ... I have hippos dancing samba.

You meet love exactly when you least expect it and look for it.

A person who respects himself and his choice will never change!

I need you... - For what? - Just for happiness.

A loved one will always be perfect even with any of his shortcomings!

Love is the best antidepressant, weight loss agent, energy drink and drug in one bottle!

With just three words, you can give a person a desire to live by saying “I need you”, with three words you can lead to crying by saying “Let's be friends”, and with three words you can make your heart beat faster by confessing “I love you”. And what important three words are you ready to tell me?

Happy loving eyes decorate better than any makeup!

Between people destined for each other by fate, there is an invisible thread connecting them, which can get confused, stretched, but still in an unknown way will lead these people to each other.

If a girl constantly takes the first step, then sooner or later she will simply walk past.

I fly with happiness, goosebumps ... When, confessing “I love you”, I hear “Me too”.

Never talk about your love without feeling it inside, and do not be silent about it if you are sure of its existence. It is these two mistakes that prevent most people from being happy!

So I want to be with you,
And forget the past with you
To love and feel always reciprocity,
Understand, this is not a whim, but a necessity!

People sent to us by fate will never leave our lives, no matter what we do. And therefore, you should not worry if a person disappeared from your life, which means that it simply was not your person.

Love is like the sun and sex is like the moon. Without one, there can be no life, and the other simply gives charm and pleasure.

And no winter or autumn there will break me, will not chill my soul, I have an ocean of warmth inside. You are the only one I need.

I love you and only you ... Only you I need and no one else.

I don't intend to share you with anyone. You are either mine or you are free. I need someone with whom I will be in the lead roles. I didn't sign up for the crowd!

I need you as much as dynamite needs a wick.

I really need you...

How can I accept correct solution when you cloud my mind?

I love one and will love him all my life!

Do not run away from me in those moments when I really need you. Don't be silent when I want to listen to you...

You are mine, I am yours, together we are one soul!

Instead of "I love you" it's enough for me to hear "My little girl, I really need you ..."

I really need you... Rest!

Every day, every hour, every minute, every second I think about you, and I understand that I want to be near ...

I need you very much.

I need very strong man. Impeccably strong in every sense. And that he had the only weakness - me!

I just really need you. Just. I will not look for answers to the stupid "why?" I just want you to be near. Always..

I need you like the wind to the clouds... I need you like the moon at night... I need you like the sun is a ray in spring... I need you... I really need you!!!=)

I just really need you, so funny, so beloved, I just really need you, as no one has ever dreamed of.

You need to be with that person who can say, in the wildest quarrel, "I really need you."

I just really need you ... so funny, so beloved. I just really need you ... like no one has ever dreamed of, I just really need you so dear, beloved, the cutest ... I just really need you ...

I really need you, do you hear?? Thousands of people will read this status, someone will like it, someone will not.. The main thing for me is that you read and understand that I don’t see the meaning of life without you...

I need a very strong man. Impeccably strong in every sense. And that he had the only weakness - me.

I need to have a serious talk with you. - Only if it's very important. - It is very important. So imagine that you are a rhombus...

I need you just a little: just very much, too often and every day)

After all, a person does not need much, a person needs a person.

I just really need you.

(Name), I really need you!! it’s a pity that I can’t tell you this in person (I miss you and probably love you ... yours.

All I need now is one phrase: "Fool, don't invent! I love you!"

I just really need you, so dear, so beloved ...

How I want to scream: “I really need you !!!”, But the phrase “And you don’t exist anymore” thrown in response stops ...

I need you like the sun in the sky. I need you like the stars need the night. I need you like birds need air. I need you... I really need you!

- Darling, I really need you.
"And I need you too, sweetheart!" I love you!
-Mmm. Remember, you squeezed a pimple on my back? He jumped up there again and I can't reach him :(

I'm waiting?, counting the days on the calendar, and I just adore this life for that ...

Statuses I really need you, I need you

A lot of people use statuses in ICQ, in contact, in classmates. Someone puts only the main ones, such as "busy", "departed". And someone in the status line of the message writes both jokes and questions that torment at a particular moment. The status service allows you to add more personality to a user account. All statuses this is a reflection of the character and mood of those users who put them on themselves.

The status service has opened up more opportunities for the user. After all all statuses This is a mass alert feature. It doesn't matter what kind of information it is. Whether it's lyrics, important news, or just the user's personal thoughts. Information can be conveyed even when you are "offline". And this is one of the most important advantages.

The status service has become very useful to the user, and in some cases it is not even replaceable. If the status is humorous, then it will attract positive people in a good and cheerful mood. If the status is sad, then by itself it will turn out that people will be drawn to you, ready to mourn with you. If the status contains news about some event that happened in the world or your life, then those of your friends who are interested in it will write themselves. Thus it turns out that all statuses it is also a unique filter that is configured by you personally. And here you will find thousands of statuses, constantly updated and on completely different topics.