The story of Wednesdays holidays on June 12. Excursion to the recent past. Day of Russia in the modern state

Holiday Day of Russia. 12 June- one of the most important. "Russia Day”- this name was officially given to the holiday only in 2002.

Until that time, it was called a little differently, and here's why:

Republic since 1990 former union began to actively separate and secede from the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), as well as to accept and proclaim declarations of their sovereignty and independence. In connection with these already distant events, on June 12, 1990, the Congress of People's Deputies of the RSFSR was convened, at which they adopted
and proclaimed the Declaration of State Sovereignty of Russia. By the way, at the same congress, they decided to change the name of our country, and the former RSFSR acquired a different name - "Russian Federation" (Russia)

"The Day of the Declaration of the State Sovereignty of Russia" - this was the name of the holiday in 1994, thanks to the decree of the new president of Russia, Boris Yeltsin (for the first time elected by the people, by the way, also on June 12 in 1991), and was considered such until February 1, 2002.

For simplicity and understanding, the people gave the holiday the name "Independence Day of Russia", but it did not receive much popularity and understanding, and June 12 was perceived simply as another day off and a pleasant opportunity to relax and devote time to family, dacha or go about their business.

But since February 1, 2002, this holiday, "Day of Russia", has acquired a new meaning and to this day is considered a symbol of independence, freedom and strength of our great power. A holiday of peace and consent of all Russian residents, based on justice and legality. A new starting point in the development of our Motherland. This is the "Day of Russia"

And on this holiday, I would like to wish all Russians to find a spirit of unity and a sense of pride in their homeland, despite the fact that there are hard times in Russia. Our country is beautiful and unique. Always famous for people with a wide and good soul who knows how to love, understand and forgive.

Oddly enough, June 12, the Day of Russia, is the youngest holiday in our state. In fact, this is a holiday dedicated to the adoption of the Declaration of Sovereignty of Russia, which was signed on June 12, 1990.


We all know that in the early 1990s the collapse of the Soviet Union took place. That's what the thing was about. Already in the late 80s. it was clear that the Union could not be saved. The republics fled from the USSR, the Soviet Union lived out its last days.

significant day

Today the day of Russia is given great importance, but this was not always the case; until 1994, no one particularly remembered the holiday of June 12.

This day officially became a holiday only in 1994, when Boris Yeltsin signed a decree on the appointment of June 12 as the Day of the Declaration on Russia, at the same time this day became a day off. The name of the holiday - "Day of Russia" - did not take root right away. It should be noted that on June 12, 1991, Boris Yeltsin became the first popularly elected president, so he immortalized not only an important date in the history of the state, but also the memory of himself.

Events for Russia Day

The main joy of the Day of Russia for ordinary citizens of the country lies in the additional rest, because this day is the red day of the calendar. Although a few years ago, not all Russians knew on June 12 what holiday they were celebrating. Many people prefer to spend time in nature, especially if the weather favors it. If it was not possible to get out into nature, then you can take part in recreational activities, which are held every year on this day more and more.

Russia celebrates its own day on June 12th. What is a holiday without folk festivals? As for Moscow, this day traditionally hosts not only entertainment shows and concert programs, but also sports events. For example, on Pushkinskaya Square. Cultural events are held in centers of culture and art, museums, parks, for example, in Perovsky Park. Athletes, Russian pop stars, numerous folk groups take part in the holiday. On this day, the President of Russia conducts the awarding of state prizes of the Russian Federation. The action ends with grandiose fireworks on Vasilyevsky Spusk, in Izmailovsky Park, on Sparrow Hills and other places.

Popularity among the people

Despite the policy of popularizing the holiday, not all Russians know what holiday June 12 is. The Levada Center conducted a corresponding survey. The opinions of Russians about what is celebrated on June 12 in Russia are divided between acceptances. Some remember that the first Russian president was elected on this day. In general, less than half of Russians know that June 12 is the day of Russia.

Such data was obtained according to the Levada Center:

47% of respondents - chose correct option- Russia Day;

33% live back in the early 2000s and voted for Independence Day;

6% - remembered Boris Yeltsin;

8% - did not answer;

4% - said that this is not a holiday at all;

2% - suggested options that stand out from the general list.

At the government level

Russians subconsciously draw an analogy between the day of Russia, calling it Independence Day, and Independence Day in the United States. This is fundamentally not true. If the United States gained independence at the same time, from the moment the Declaration was signed, then Russia has been independent for a very long time, and the date of the proclamation of Russia as a state cannot be specifically named.

However, not only ordinary people they don’t know what holiday June 12 is, they find it difficult to determine it even at the top. As a deputy rightly noted in 2007, the beginning of the Declaration of Sovereignty declares Russia to be part of the Soviet Union. The exact text reads as follows: "Parrying, Alexei Mitrofanov generally stated that with the same success, on a par with national holiday, June 12 can be considered the day of the Liberal Democratic Party, because on this day Zhirinovsky took 3rd place in the presidential election, which secured an influential place in politics. "This is such a mess.

history of the holiday

At the state level, this is, of course, today the most main holiday. This is the date from which the formation of a new statehood based on the principles of democracy began, civil law, federalism.

At first, the people were not up to the holidays. June 12 - what a holiday! Difficult situation in the country, default after default, crisis after crisis ... There is no time to delve into the essence of the political situation - to feed yourself and your family. At that time, polls were also conducted, and the results were not impressive - at the mention of Independence Day, people's eyes did not light up with patriotism, they did not understand the essence of the holiday. The only thing that pleased the Russians was an extra day off, which could be devoted to rest. The authorities, of course, sought to popularize the holiday, held rallies and demonstrations, but this was somehow held without enthusiasm.

All the same B. Yeltsin decided to change the meaning of the holiday by changing the name. In 1998, a proposal was made to rename it to the Day of Russia, however final decision was adopted only in 2002.

Today is the day of Russia is a symbol national unity, Motherland, freedom, peace and harmony. The patriotism of the people is growing, perhaps this happened due to the successful winter Olympics in Sochi, the annexation of Crimea. Although we have not yet fully realized the importance of this holiday, but, undoubtedly, we have begun to relate to it much better. Perhaps the whole reason is that life in the country has improved somewhat.

What happened before...

Celebrating the Day of Russia today, June 12, we must not forget about the centuries-old history and traditions of the state, because its formation did not take place in 1990, but much earlier. There were times when the glory of the state burned even brighter. And the fact that today we are independent is not the result of the signing of the Declaration of Sovereignty of Russia, but the centuries-old efforts of our ancestors, who earned this right at the cost of their blood and happiness.

There was an event in the history of Russia, which in its significance is comparable to the signing of the 1990 Declaration. This event is the election of Andrey Yurievich Bogolyubsky as Prince of Rostov and Suzdal. It happened on June 4, 1157. As a result, northeastern Russia became independent in relation to Kyiv, and Andrei Bogolyubsky became the first elected prince. This is where the parallels need to be drawn.

Later, the Grand Duchy of Vladimir, in which Andrei Bogolyubsky ruled, became the Grand Duchy of Moscow. And already it served as the basis for an independent Russian state. So broke up Kievan Rus so the Soviet Union collapsed. Thank God that we managed to preserve the foundations of statehood at that distant time and in our recent past.

As for the date, then, without delving into the intricacies of the difference in dating according to Julian and Gregorian calendars, it can be noted that the election of Andrei Bogolyubsky and Boris Yeltsin happened with a difference of one day. Therefore, on this day it is worth thinking about the historical origins of Russian statehood.

What else happened on June 12

Perhaps not everyone will remember today, but the holidays and events on June 12 are not limited to Russia Day. On the same day that the Declaration of Independence was adopted, another an important event- censorship was banned. From that day on, freedom of speech was allowed at the government level. Exactly one year later, in 1991, Leningrad was returned to its original name - St. Petersburg.

Of the most significant events on this day, it is worth mentioning the opening of a second front by agreement with England and the United States in 1942; the publication of the constitution of the USSR in 1936, called "Stalin's". In 1798, on this day, the Salt Riot was created and in 1648 broke out. Such is the history of this day.

What is celebrated on June 12 besides Russia Day? Many cities celebrate City Day. As for the global practice, June 12 became the World Day against Child Labor in the UN countries, the purpose of which is to draw attention to the problems of exploitation child labor working children. The decision to celebrate this date was made in 1997.

Until 2002, this day was called "The Day of the Declaration of the State Sovereignty of Russia". Since then, the name has been greatly simplified, but this has not added clarity. Why do many people not know the history of the "Day of Russia" on June 12? The fact is that this is one of the newest public holidays in the country, and not everyone is still used to this date.

It was on June 12, 1990 that the first Congress of People's Deputies of the RSFSR adopted the Declaration on the State Sovereignty of Russia, according to which the supremacy of our Constitution was proclaimed. The republics of the USSR at that time, one after another, declared their sovereignty, and our country acquired the new name "Russian Federation" or simply "Russia".

June 12 is also significant because on this day the first president appeared in the country. In 1991, the first nationwide presidential election in the history of the state was held, which was won by Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin.

The holiday itself acquired the status of a state holiday in 1994, when, by decree of Boris Yeltsin, it turned into a day off and became known as "The Day of the Declaration of the State Sovereignty of Russia" or briefly "Independence Day". Surveys of the population showed that the majority of the country's residents do not understand the essence of the holiday. Then in 1998, Yeltsin carried out a kind of rebranding and instead of the "Independence Day" proposed to celebrate the "Day of Russia". New official name entered into force in 2002.

Here is what Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin said about this significant day and about the Declaration on State Sovereignty in 2001 at a speech in the Kremlin:

“With this document, the countdown of our new history. Stories of a democratic state based on civil liberties and the rule of law. And his main point is the success, prosperity and well-being of citizens.

That's the whole story of the "Day of Russia", which the country annually celebrates on June 12. This is a holiday of freedom, peace, harmony, national unity and patriotism. On this day, every city plans festivities, holiday concerts, fireworks and various entertainment activities for the whole family. Be sure to look at the poster to feel your involvement in the holiday common to the whole country!

June 12 - Day of Russia. Why did this date become the main holiday of the country? What historical events took place on this day? And why did these events become the basis for declaring June 12 a holiday? We will try to answer these questions in this article.

Excursion to the recent past

Yes, close. Because June 12 has become historical important date just in the recent past. In 1990 (on the eve of the collapse of the USSR) they adopted the Declaration of State Sovereignty. This meant that Russian laws more important than allies. The RSFSR no longer wants to obey the all-Union authorities.

The main principles of the new (for that time) Declaration:

  • The RSFSR is a sovereign state with stable territorial boundaries; only by the will of the people (through a referendum) can the territory of the country be changed;
  • every citizen has the right to decent life(international human rights were recognized);
  • the norms of democracy were approved (everyone had the right to participate in government; the national wealth of Russia belongs only to the people of Russia);
  • expanded the rights of the regions of the country (the principle of federalism);
  • divided spheres of influence between the legislative, executive and judicial powers.

The Constitution and Laws of the RSFSR became a priority. The declaration, as it were, stated: “This is our country. Now we will be in charge here, we will defend our territory and our citizens.”

On June 12, the First Congress of People's Deputies of the RSFSR took place. And in 1991, the first national elections were held, as a result of which Boris Yeltsin took the post of President of the country.

As part of the USSR, Russia occupied a vast territory, represented the greatest economic and military potential. The authorities of the USSR were located in Moscow. In the same place as the ruling elite of the RSFSR. But the latter was perceived as secondary. Until June 12, 1990. From this date, the countdown for the Union began.

history of the holiday

Since the ninety-first year, June 12 has been a non-working day. In the ninety-second it was declared a holiday. The official name is “The Day of the Declaration of Sovereignty Russian Federation". In the same year, the holiday is fixed in Labor Code(then it was the Labor Code). And since 2002, June 12 began to celebrate the Day of Russia.

Attitudes towards this holiday are different. Some consider June 12 as a bright moment of liberation. Finally! Gained independence! And someone considers this date black in the history of the USSR. The adoption of the Declaration hastened the collapse of a great country. Very sorry! In principle, such an ambivalent attitude towards the collapse of the USSR is observed in all countries of the post-Soviet space.

An interesting fact is that more than half of Russians call June 12 “Independence Day of Russia”. These are the results of a sociological survey.

The main celebrations on the Day of Russia take place, of course, on the main square of the country. In Moscow. In the Kremlin, the President of the Russian Federation presents State Prizes to distinguished figures from various political and political fields. public life. The celebration ends with magnificent fireworks on Red Square.

In several Russian cities, June 12 is a double cause for celebration. Veliky Novgorod, Izhevsk, Kemerovo, Krasnoyarsk, Ulyanovsk, Ufa, Tambov and other settlements celebrate City Day.

How is Russia Day celebrated in other parts of the world?

No way. But June 12 is celebrated in many countries. It's just that people walk around for a different reason. So, in Brazil, lovers are honored on June 12; in Paraguay - Peace Day; in the Philippine Islands - Independence Day; in Ukraine congratulate stock exchange workers. Orthodox world honors the holy prophet Isaac. AT Catholic tradition June 12 - name day of Ivan (John).

In the history of medicine, this day marked the first successful blood transfusion. America remembers this date because the first Declaration of Rights was issued (in Virginia, 1776). For the military, June 12 also turned out to be historically significant date: in 1849, a gas mask was patented, and in 1897, the famous Swiss army knife.

If you delve into history, you will definitely find information that someone famous was born, and someone discovered or learned something (for example, why silver turns black); somewhere a cathedral was illuminated or another invention was patented; discovered a deposit of something or went on the first flight on something.

There is a reason for the holiday even for those who regret the collapse of the USSR. By the way, in 2014 there will be four! day off. There has never been such a long idleness in connection with the celebration of the Day of Russia.

Russia Day is one of the “youngest” public holidays in the country. It has been celebrated since 1994. But for more than 15 years of its existence, a whole generation of Russians has grown up in the country who do not remember those times when June 12 was a regular working day of the calendar.

The Swedes celebrate Sweden Day, the French have July 14th, and the US celebrates Independence Day on July 4th. June 12 is Russia Day in our country. This is a celebration of freedom, civil peace and the consent of all people on the basis of law and justice.

And even though not everything turns out as planned (there are still poor and homeless people), however, every Russian wants to improve life and turn Russia into a rich and prosperous and democratic power again.

Our country has managed to overcome many difficulties and entered the new, third millennium as an equal partner with equally large and powerful states of the world. Russia is becoming more democratic and civilized. The opinion of the inhabitants of the renewed country and its leaders is listened to all over the world.

The Russian leadership, which is now headed by a president elected by all our people, is trying to maintain and improve friendly relations with neighbors. These are the inhabitants of the new, formed after the collapse Soviet Union, countries, and our former rivals are the rich countries of the West and East. All are united by the desire for peace and the desire to resist those forces that can threaten it.

You, little reader, have to build this new life. Soon you will become an adult and as a citizen of our Motherland you will be able to help your parents, all Russians to make it richer and stronger. Only by common efforts, including your exemplary study and conscientious work we can all make it happen. Centuries-old history Russia proves that our people have always found the strength to overcome difficulties, hardships and correct the mistakes made. Your contribution to these great achievements awaits new Russia. Be worthy of its glorious history, the history that all our people created, performing great feats in the name of protecting and prospering the Motherland.

President elected for the first time

I was in Russia that day.

Smiled as if they were alive

Stars in the blue sky.

A warm evening is coming

And the results are clear.

Democracy people

Met on the doorstep.

People from the electoral districts

They walked cheering and laughing.

There was a feeling of happiness

Finally the power has changed!

Remember the good deeds

Our reader is young!

Democracy has come

To our country in June

Do you know... What is democracy:

Let's see what we mean by democracy. The word "democracy" is of Greek origin and means "rule of the people". When we use this word now, we mean the participation of people in the work of the government, the influence on its activities. Political democracy emerged in two main forms. Government where people gather to discuss policy and choose officials to embody it. This is direct democracy. When people choose their representatives to express their desires, intentions in government, this is a representative democracy. Direct democracy is not possible large sizes when many people are involved and democracy is used mainly in its representative form.