Breastfeeding newborns and infants. Features in the first days and months. How to properly feed a newborn baby - a few useful tips. Centuries of history of breastfeeding

Breast-feeding “on demand” differs from feeding according to the regimen in that the child himself determines the number and duration of feedings. Mom only needs to follow the desires of the baby and apply it to the breast every time he wants it.
Feeding “on demand” is recommended by the WHO.

While the baby sucks on the mother's breast, her body produces the hormones prolactin and oxytocin responsible for lactation. Thus, feeding “on demand” contributes to the self-regulation of milk production exactly in the volume that the baby needs. While regular feeding can reduce the amount of milk, as the breasts are not stimulated enough.
Frequent and complete emptying of the breast helps the mother avoid milk stagnation - lactostasis, which can lead to mastitis.

The need of the child in the mother's breast will be explained not only by hunger and satisfaction sucking reflex: for a newborn baby, this is a way to communicate and interact with mom, an opportunity to feel protected, calm down.

How often can a baby ask for a breast?

A newborn baby needs at least 8-12 feedings per day to maintain the body's water balance and receive nutrition.
The baby himself makes it clear when he wants to eat. It is better to focus not on a cry, but on everything that precedes it: smacking, sucking fists, “seeking” head turns (“search movements”). Offering the breast after the baby has started to cry can make it difficult proper attachment to the breast and worsen the outflow of milk.

Gradually developed individual mode feedings, the baby's needs become more predictable, for example, he suckles more often before bed and after sleep, and less often during wakefulness.

Breast milk is digested faster than artificial mixture. Breaks between feedings can be up to 40 minutes, while feeding according to the regimen is recommended every three hours. Do not be afraid to "overfeed" the baby. Regurgitation relieves the baby's stomach of excess milk.

It should be borne in mind that the child asks for a breast with any discomfort, and the problem is not always solved only by applying to the breast. For example, if the baby has a tummy ache, the next portion of milk will not solve, but only aggravate this problem, so massage of the abdomen can help in such a situation, vent pipe or empty. During the period when the child is teething, he wants to rub his gums all the time, and it is better to offer a special teether instead of the chest so as not to hurt the mother.

Is it necessary to limit the duration of feeding?

Milk is 87% water, and during feeding, the baby first receives "forward", more liquid milk, and then "hind", more fat. If the duration of feeding is regulated by the regimen, and the baby suckles slowly, he may not have time to get to the “hind” milk; and this can lead to the fact that the child will become less able to absorb milk, since his body will produce less of the enzyme that breaks down lactose. Newborn babies usually suck more slowly, intermittently, may fall asleep at the breast and wake up again to suck more; already from 1-1.5 months, a stronger child quickly sucks out the amount of milk he needs. Infrequent and short feedings can be the reason for slow weight gain, but you should not continue one feeding for more than an hour.

Should I feed my baby at night?

The absence of night breaks in feeding contributes to sufficient stimulation of the breast and milk production. The peak level of prolactin, which is responsible for the production of milk in the body, occurs in the early morning (5-8 hours), feeding at this time stimulates lactation.

Do I need to wake my child up to eat?

For a newborn baby, long (more than two hours) breaks between feedings can be dangerous with dehydration and a drop in blood sugar, especially if the baby is premature, weak, slowly gaining weight. For mom, this can be fraught with stagnation of milk and a decrease in its quantity. Children are able to suck almost without waking up, and it is not necessary to actively wake up the child in order to attach it to the breast: you can undress, stroke your hands and heels, do a light massage, perhaps during sucking the child will fall asleep again. "Sturdy guys" can not wake up even 3, 5 - 4 hours.

The birth of a child is not only boundless happiness, but also many questions, most of which relate to feeding. Most mothers try to avoid artificial feeding, intuitively knowing that it is better to breastfeed the baby - it is healthy and natural. But what exactly is the benefit? breastfeeding and can it have negative sides?

Of course, you can best learn about the characteristics of breastfeeding and its impact on mother and child from own experience. However, it would be useful to provide in advance big picture and understand what its benefits are, what pros and cons it can give.

Benefits for baby and mother

As you know, there are no accidents in nature. This also applies to the question of how and what to feed the child. Breast milk has many undeniable advantages over artificial counterparts.

The main advantages include:

  1. Ideal composition. Breast milk is very useful for the baby, because it has an optimal ratio of nutrients and minerals. It fully satisfies the needs of the child in vitamins and trace elements (provided that the mother leads healthy lifestyle life) and perfectly fills the need for water. In addition, it is easily digestible, always sterile and has optimal temperature.
  2. Formation of immunity. It is known that natural feeding increases the child's ability to resist viruses. Starting with the first drops of colostrum, breastfeeding provides the baby with maternal antibodies, helping to cope with diseases.
  3. Harmonious development of the child's psyche. It is useful for a child to be at the mother's breast, it is at this moment that a sense of security appears, confidence in oneself and in the world around is formed.
  4. Strong emotional connection. Breastfeeding contributes to the closeness of mother and child, awakening maternal instinct teaches you to understand your child better.
  5. Rapid recovery of the mother's body after childbirth. Stimulation of the breast promotes contractions of the uterus and its reduction. The sooner you start breastfeeding, the faster uterus takes on normal size.
  6. Convenience. It is easier to breastfeed a baby, because. no time wasted cleaning and sterilizing bottles and nipples, and preparing formula.

    Olga, 26 years old: I knew from the very beginning of my pregnancy that I would breastfeed my daughter. And you know, it was one of the most right decisions in life. It turned out to be so convenient! No bottles, no formulas. To feed the baby at night, I just had to take her to my bed.

  7. Increased metabolism. Breastfeeding requires a lot of energy, and therefore the body spends an average of about 500 calories daily to maintain lactation. It is with this that the fact that many women begin to lose weight during breastfeeding is connected.
  8. Economic benefit. The cost of high-quality mixtures for artificial feeding is quite high. On average, the price for a jar ranges from 200 to 800 rubles, while breastfeeding is absolutely free. Of course, some mothers have to purchase various means to stimulate lactation, but these costs are not comparable to spending on infant formula.

Pitfalls of breastfeeding

For all considered positive aspects It seems incredible that breastfeeding can have any downsides, but there are some.

Breastfeeding can result in the following surprises:

How to make a decision

As you can see, the cons are very conditional, and they are not so difficult to overcome. Exceptions are cases such as deep postpartum depression, nervous breakdowns or serious problems with health, requiring treatment with drugs that are strictly prohibited during breastfeeding. The rest of the problems are always solved over time.

Lactation adjusts to the needs of the child, and the baby is slowly growing. His nervous system is improving, and he is less and less worried for no reason. Of course, teething is still ahead, but here breastfeeding will be your main assistant, able to quickly calm the baby and reduce his discomfort, and in the future its advantages will become more and more obvious.

When deciding whether to breastfeed or not, the main thing is to remain objective. And be guided common sense and the needs of the child, and not momentary desires.

The desire to breastfeed a child after a year is natural for a loving mother, but often it is this desire that causes doubt and anxiety. The basis of the contradictions is disinformation and the opinion of others. Negative social pressure on breastfeeding originated in the 20th century, with the advent of equality, a woman's duty was determined not so much by motherhood as work experience. But if we delve into history, we remember that before children received mother's milk until 2-3 years old, they grew up strong and healthy.

And now let's dwell on this in more detail.

A modern view of specialists on breastfeeding after a year

Not only young and already experienced moms began to think about the benefits of long-term breastfeeding. This topic has interested scientists all over the world. The World Health Organization, together with UNICEF, has undertaken a major scientific work on breastfeeding issues.

Numerous studies have dealt with the composition of breast milk, its changes after a year, the impact on the health and development of the child. The results showed that the lack of breast milk leads to physical and psychological retardation.

Modern scientists reject false theories calling for the end of breastfeeding after a year. It is possible and even necessary to breastfeed a child for two years.

Features of breastfeeding a child after a year

Starting the second year of his life, the baby is actively interested in outside world, his attention is increasingly attracted by toys, nature, strangers. At this point, it is very important to build right relationship. Breast milk at this age is a source of nourishment, but not consolation.

A child may ask for a breast from a lack of impressions or from boredom. It is much more important to provide him with impressions, otherwise long feeding will really cause retarded development.

After a year to feed a child breast milk should be 2-3 times a day, not counting night reception food.

Pros and Cons of Long Feeding

The main advantage of long-term feeding is the naturalness of the product. Mother's milk does not lose its value after a year, it is balanced and vitamin nutrition. In the second year of life, the child, along with mother's milk, receives 43% protein, 94% vitamin B2, 75% vitamin A, 60% vitamin C, 36% calcium from daily allowance, as well as enough sodium, potassium, iron, .

The disadvantages of breastfeeding after a year are more likely to lie in emotional sensations women:

It is possible and even necessary to breastfeed a child for two years.

But these shortcomings are petty compared to the benefits of breastfeeding after a year for the baby and his mother.

Benefits of long feeding for baby

Benefit prolonged feeding breastfeeding for a child is obvious. Most important advantage- providing strong immunity, mother's milk protects the baby from viruses, bacteria, all kinds of diseases. Milk contains a high content of immunoglobulins, antibodies, lysozyme, lactoferrin, this composition strengthens immune system baby.

Other benefits of breastfeeding after a year:

  1. Oral health. Feeding mother's milk and holding the breast solves the problem of malocclusion, and also significantly reduces the risk of developing caries. Teething becomes less painful.
  2. Developed speech apparatus. Correct bite contributes to normal development speech apparatus. Babies who were given milk by their mothers before the age of 2-3 years begin to speak faster and better.
  3. High intelligence and sociability. Long-term feeding has a positive effect on the intelligence of the child. Children who have been fed mother's milk for more than a year develop faster, adapt in society, they are more calm and not capricious.
  4. Allergy Protection. Women's milk protects the child from allergies, its composition creates a protective film on the intestinal walls and does not let allergens into the blood.
  5. emotional connection. Although after a year it is better to regard breast milk only as a source of nutrition, nevertheless, the emotional connection between the child and the mother is very important, in these moments the baby receives support, tenderness, love and care.

Children who are breastfed for more than a year are less likely to catch colds, suffer from otitis, SARS. They are less susceptible intestinal infections as well as orthodontic and speech therapy problems.

For mother

Although in emotionally breastfeeding does not always give a woman pleasure, this does not mean that her body suffers from a deficiency of vitamins and minerals. The main supply of nutrients is consumed during pregnancy, while lactation, on the contrary, serves to accumulate them. But there is one condition - proper nutrition. should be avoided.

The lactation period and prolonged breastfeeding have a positive effect on a woman's health:

  • Rest reproductive system . During breastfeeding, there is no ovulation in each of three women, this The best way contraception and rest of the entire reproductive system.
  • Cancer Prevention. Long-term breastfeeding reduces the risk of developing malignant tumors in the breast by 55%, is the prevention of ovarian cancer.
  • Weight loss. Long feeding reduces the weight gained during pregnancy. Milk production consumes up to 500 calories daily.
  • Prevention of osteoporosis. Prolonged milk production prevents the development of osteoporosis.
  • Preservation beautiful breasts . If weaning after prolonged feeding occurs at the stage of involution (at 2-3 years), it is possible to save nice shape chest. This is due to the fact that the glandular tissue is gradually replaced by adipose tissue without letting your breasts sag.

Watch a video in which a mother who nursed her daughter after a year shares her experience of long-term feeding:

Medicine has stepped far forward and moved away from the stereotypes of the last century, because the health of children is far more important than status in society and career. Breastfeeding a baby after a year is useful for both him and his mother, which we have seen.

Lyudmila Sergeevna Sokolova

Reading time: 4 minutes


The question of the duration of the period of feeding a child with breast milk sooner or later confronts every nursing woman. This is almost a rhetorical question, which, although it is asked, does not require a loud and precise answer. There are dozens of different answers and recommendations for both continued breastfeeding and earlier weaning. Each mother must decide this issue for herself.

But in order not to be mistaken in solving such an important issue, the mother must responsibly weigh all the nuances of prolonged breastfeeding, evaluate the objective and subjective prerequisites for continuing breastfeeding or rejection of it, and also just trust your feelings. After all, who, if not loving mother can understand and decide what is best for her child.


After being born, a little newborn man needs only his mother, who carefully carried and waited for him for 9 months, and now she also gently cares for him, warms, feeds and loves him. And the best and most reliable means of comforting and calming a newborn in the first months of life is a warm mother's breast.

Breast milk emotionally and physically holds the unbreakable thread of unity between mother and child. Breastfeeding your long-awaited baby is the most magical time for all mothers on earth.

Experts have long and tirelessly repeated that mother's milk is the most perfect product for a newborn - it is completely digested without problems in a small stomach, absorbed by a tiny organism, strengthens and stimulates the child to grow, and also has a constant optimum temperature and is almost always ready for a hungry baby to eat. And it is also the most economical way feeding a child.

According to pediatricians, breastfeeding is the first and indispensable immunization of a newborn, necessary for effective protection child from many infectious and gastric diseases.

Breast milk, containing all the necessary complex of vitamins and microelements, perfectly stimulates normal development brain, cardiovascular and nervous system baby, as well as the correct formation of all other systems of the child's body.

Statistics medical research on breastfeeding shows that in the current period, only about 12% of newborns under three months receive breast milk, other children use artificial milk formulas.

In summary, breast milk is the main building material for babies, fully meeting the needs of the growing human body in vitamins, carbohydrates, protein, calcium, protective antibacterial elements and other useful components.

Scientific and non-fiction literature published by authors and medical staff World Organization on the topic until what age should a child be breastfed, often argues that the most optimal period for breastfeeding reaches two years of age child. And the minimum duration of breastfeeding a newborn must be at least six months. The period of breastfeeding after six months is also useful for the child, but requires the introduction of certain complementary foods, since simply mother's milk can no longer fully satisfy all the biological needs of the child. After 12 months, the child's diet is usually already significantly varied, and from this age, breast milk can be fed to the child 1-2 times a day. It is best to feed in the evening or at night.

Mother's milk, for all its uniqueness, has another remarkable feature. With each month of growth and development of a newborn, milk contains precisely those biologically important components that the child needs during this period of life.

Immunity of a breastfed child

Breastfeeding gives the baby the necessary and strong immunity. According to experts, a newborn child up to about 5-6 months is protected by maternal immunity, which he received from the moment of birth. And it is believed that until this age, mother's milk plays a purely nutritious, but not protective role.

After six months, production mother's milk gradually moves to a more priority direction - nutrition goes by the wayside after receiving the much-needed children's immunity. This also applies to the production of antibodies to chicken pox, rubella and other viral pathogens.

But in fairness, it should be noted that the immunity of a nursing woman with prolonged breastfeeding weakens a little and the functioning of her body is depleted. This is due to the fact that lactation and feeding is the primary task of a nursing woman. And if during this period the mother eats poorly, her diet is not balanced, or the baby drinks a lot of milk, the woman's body begins to use and burn its own resources, which leads to loss of health.

There may be cases of hair loss and deterioration, weight loss, brittle nails and dry skin. Therefore, every nursing mother who has similar signs should carefully and responsibly decide whether she needs to breastfeed her baby for a long time to the detriment of her immunity and health. After all, a mother's health is very important for both herself and her child.

If the mother's immunity does not undergo any changes, then long breastfeeding carries certain advantages for the female body:

  • the risk of oncological diseases of the mammary glands and female ovaries decreases several times;
  • during the period of regular breastfeeding, a woman does not ovulate;
  • long lactation and natural feeding helps to reduce the weight of the mother, since the production of breast milk requires about 500 kilocalories from the woman's body.

Of course, lactation cannot last forever. Mammologists say that after 2.5-3 years from the start of milk production, the body of a nursing woman is programmed for involution (reverse development), that is, the breast gradually stops lactation and returns to its original pre-lactation state.

Key Statistical Stages of Breastfeeding a Baby

  • until the age of 6 months, breastfeeding is mandatory;
  • it is recommended to start the first baby foods after six months (plus or minus one month);
  • after 8 months, the child begins to receive various purees, cereals, infant formula and kefir, without ceasing to eat mother's milk if possible;
  • after the age of 12 months, the diet of the child is very diverse, and partly similar to the diet of an adult, but this circumstance is not a signal for a woman to stop breastfeeding.

Age after 11-12 months is different intensive growth, the formation of the physical and mental development baby, in connection with which it is possible and necessary to feed the child with mother's milk, if there is such a wonderful and useful opportunity.

In this regard, it is interesting and informative to learn the following fact from the life of mammals from the animal world. Many mammalian species can nurse their young 5-6 times longer than their pregnancy lasts. If we draw a parallel with human body, then such a period should last up to 4.5 years.

Unfortunately there are certain reasons that force a mother to stop breastfeeding her baby. This happens:

How does weaning a baby

Nursing mothers who are concerned about the question of up to what age to breastfeed their baby should firmly understand that breastfeeding should in no case be associated with calendar age crumbs. And also you can not focus on any indicators of statistics and the advice of girlfriends and grandmothers. All small children and nursing mothers are individual, and you should only listen to your feelings and feelings with which you feed the child, and act only in the interests and needs of the baby. If you are tired of breastfeeding, being tied to the time of feeding, and this process does not give you any pleasure and satisfaction, it is better to stop feeding.

And if you do not want to stop this intimate and emotional process unity and warmth, you definitely need to feed further. mother's presence and tactile contact with her are very important for the baby. And if at the same time he also receives all balanced useful elements For full growth and development, the answer to the question until what age should a child be breastfed is obvious - the longer the better. You should not tear off the crumbs from the chest before he himself comes to this.

But how to understand that breastfeeding is no longer necessary for the child and it is losing its importance and relevance for him?

Firstly, from this age the child is already breastfed once or twice a day, and sometimes just for the purpose of own comfort and not for the purpose of eating. But the baby does not want to completely drop the breast. In order not to upset the baby, you need to pay more attention and affection to him, hug and press him to you. It is not worth it, having felt freedom from breastfeeding, to shift the care of the baby onto the shoulders of a grandmother or a nanny. In no case! It is desirable that at such a time it is the mother who dresses, bathes and walks with the child, and he feels comfortable and easy.

Secondly, putting the child in daytime gradually occurs without breastfeeding. He calmly falls asleep even in the presence of his father or grandmother.

Third, than older child the better he understands that there are other equivalents of consolation and relaxation than mother's breast.

No need to stop breastfeeding if the baby is sick. Especially if the disease is associated with gastrointestinal disorders. Mom's milk in such a period will be for him the best medicine. If the child has already lost the habit of breastfeeding during the daytime, milk must be expressed and be sure to give it to the child.

Also, you do not need to stop breastfeeding during the period preventive vaccinations because at this time children's body most susceptible to all sorts of infections and unpredictable reactions, which will help the use of balanced and healthy mother's milk.

To understand if a mother is ready to stop breastfeeding e need to do a little experiment. Leave your child for 7-10 hours, leaving him in the care of relatives. If the mother does not have a painful feeling from bursting and filling the breast with milk, then this may confirm the fact that the woman is also gradually preparing to stop breastfeeding.

After stopping breastfeeding, a woman may still have a clear liquid similar to colostrum for some time. This normal process which will end in time. Also, many mothers during such a period may experience psychological discomfort - she wants to cry, constantly keep the child near her. Don't worry, this hormonal changes after weaning the baby from the breast, they will also pass over time.

The time of weaning always comes by itself, there is no need to somehow speed it up and rush it. Many mothers, desperate that her one and a half year old baby is “hanging” on her chest, are sure that she will have to feed him before school. Do not worry, just everyone has their own individual laws of development and formation. All mother-baby couples arrive at weaning time. But there is still a lot of everything affectionate and beloved!

Every mother wants to see her child healthy and from the first days of his life begins to give him everything he needs. It is breast milk that has useful substances and trace elements necessary for the growth and strengthening of the child's body.

However, in addition to the feeding process itself, other factors are important - proper care at the breast, ease of position, pumping, the need for supplementary feeding, etc.

Find out all the nuances from our article: how to properly feed a newborn baby, the rules for breast milk and formula feeding, nutritional features with mixed feeding, how often and after what period of time to feed the baby (schedule and rate of food intake for the baby).

natural feeding

In the first year, breast milk is vital for the baby. important food. In order for this period to bring only joy to the baby and mother, you should know about the basic rules of feeding.

What determines the amount of milk a mother has

The amount of milk can be affected by:

  • transferred stresses;
  • insufficient sleep;
  • mother's dietary habits;
  • insufficient physical activity;
  • fatigue
  • hereditary predisposition;
  • lack of rest.

Breast size does not affect the amount of milk. Neither the shape of the nipple nor the type of milk matters.

Read on our website! Let's talk about the manufacturer and the composition of the product, how it differs from other infant formulas.

Breastfeeding rules and breast care

When feeding, there is only one rule - feeding should be carried out in a separate room where there is no one but mother and baby.

It does not matter what position will be taken during feeding - sitting, lying, standing; the main thing is complete relaxation and comfort.

Separately, you need to talk about pumping and breast massage. These procedures should be carried out in the first 3-4 weeks after childbirth. Then the flow of milk is normalized.

Before expressing and massaging, hands and breasts should be washed with soap and water. Alcohol-based products should not be used.

Normal baby soap- excellent antiseptic. It is also necessary to follow up detergent did not remain on the chest after washing procedures.

It is not recommended to use soap before each feeding.. The tool is able to remove the fatty film that protects the mammary glands from external influences.

That's why wash your breasts only once a day. If necessary, warm running water is sufficient.

The massage itself is not difficult.. However, make sure that the glands are of the same density. When seals are detected, massage is carried out in this area more intensively.

The chest is supported by one hand from below. The second with the help of 4 fingers you need to massage the mammary gland in a circular motion starting at the ribs and moving towards the nipple. The hand that supports the chest from below should not be inactive - the technique is similar.

At the site of compaction, movements do not increase, only the duration of the massage increases.

Pumping - milestone for a nursing mother. If left unattended, an excess amount of milk will lead to the development of mastitis.

So, only two fingers should be involved in pumping - index and thumb. It is important to press not on the nipple, but on the tissue of the gland. by the most effective method pumping - using a breast pump.

The many difficulties associated with breastfeeding consist in the appearance of cracks and abrasions on the nipples. These phenomena occur due to:

  • child's activity;
  • characteristics of the mother's skin;
  • inadequate hygiene.

Preventive measures must be followed. This includes:

  • the nipple after feeding should always be dry (for this, it is blotted with sterile gauze);
  • cleanliness of the chest;
  • a nursing mother should not wear underwear containing synthetics - only cotton;
  • the child should capture the areola (halo), and not the nipple;
  • if a crack is found, treatment is started immediately;
  • mother's nails should be short (so as not to be scratched during pumping);
  • do not keep the baby near the chest for more than 20 minutes;
  • you can not bring the baby to such a degree of hunger that he pounces on the chest;
  • perform massage and pumping;
  • Keep your chest open as much as possible.

For the treatment of abrasions and cracks, vitamin A is used on an oily basis (sold in pharmacies), Bepanten, sea ​​buckthorn oil, special aerosols (without antibiotic content).

In case of suppuration, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Catering by the hour or on demand

After how many hours should a newborn baby be breastfed?

Two options are being considered breastfeeding – feeding by the hour and on demand. Both options are equally relevant and acceptable.

Feeding by the hour is carried out strictly in certain time every 3 hours. At night there is a break - 6 hours.

This mode lasts up to 2 months. Then the interval between feedings increases to 3.5 hours, and at night - up to 7 hours.

The advantage of the method is teaching the child to discipline from the early childhood. Otherwise, this method is a radical choice on the part of the mother, since not all children agree with the regimen.

Feeding on demand is the most popular choice among modern parents.

After birth, the child experiences severe stress, and the only effective method get rid of him - bodily contact with mom. That's why it is so important to put the baby to the breast when he wants it. After all, sucking is not only the process of getting food, but also an effective method of calming the baby.

This method is a highly effective means of maintaining lactation.

but frequent feeding won't let mom do household chores, therefore, the baby should not be applied to the chest at the first signs of anxiety, smacking lips, grunting, sniffing, but when the baby really needs food - 1 time in 2 hours with a 20-minute feeding duration.

A few words about the breastfeeding regimen and how to properly feed a newborn baby with breast milk, Dr. Komarovsky will tell:

Which option to choose

Basic rule - healthy child he knows when he needs food. You should not wake him up just because, according to his mother, it is time for him to eat. Exceptions are such cases:

  • if the mother needs to leave urgently;
  • children who are underweight.

The optimal interval between feedings in children under 1 month is 2-3 hours. Further, the baby himself will gradually increase it as he grows and develops.

An important condition is attachment to only one breast during one feeding. This rule is irrelevant if the baby has not eaten enough or the mother has cracks on the nipples.

Make sure that the baby performs swallowing movements during attachment, and not sucking. If you don’t stop his desire to “hang” on his mother’s chest in time, then in the future it will be hard enough to wean him from his favorite thing.

Bottle feeding baby

Bottle feeding a baby is different from breastfeeding. In the latter case, he himself determines the volume of milk and the duration of the meal. Due to this, milk production adapts to the needs of the baby. and changes as it grows.

Breastfeeding a baby if the mother is not around can be done in different ways. This situation is justified due to the inability of the mother to put the baby to the breast ( strong pain, urgent departure, etc.).

Then it is allowed to feed from a bottle with a nipple. Today, this method is in demand for artificial and mixed feeding or in case the mother is not around.

Nipple advantage- the safest and natural process absorption of food.

However, sucking from the bottle and from the mother's breast have significant differences. In the first case, the baby makes less effort. Therefore, after meeting with the bottle, many babies refuse their mother's breasts.

The alternative is the choice of a special nipple.

  • When the bottle is tilted, no milk drops should come out of the nipple.
  • When pressing on a wide area of ​​the nipple, a trickle should go.

Remember to take care of your bottle. It is necessary to regularly rinse and rinse children's containers with boiling water.

Expressed breast milk can be frozen. This will save all the vitamins and useful trace elements, and the newborn will not remain hungry if the mother has left on business. Mixing milk after several pumpings is not recommended. The frozen liquid is stored no more than 2 months.

What to do if there is no lactation

What to feed a newborn baby if there is no milk? Often in medical practice there are cases when a mother does not have enough milk for good nutrition baby. Additional improvements can be made Taken measures agreed with the doctor.

  • Mom should drink at least 2 liters of water per day.
  • Apply crumbs in the first days of his life should be as often as possible.
  • Do not replace mother's milk with other fluids.
  • Night application is the main condition for good lactation.
  • Proper nutrition for the mother is also important.

10-15 minutes before feeding, the mother needs to drink a glass of warm sweet tea with milk or dried fruit compote.

No stress and worries: emotional disorders in women, lactation worsens.

Why not grapes while breastfeeding? You will find answers to questions about the nutrition of nursing mothers.

Introduction of formula into the infant's diet

If, despite all the efforts of the mother, there is still enough milk, then, willy-nilly, you will have to use extra food- Go to mixed feeding. In the case of a complete transfer to milk formulas, we can talk about artificial nutrition.

What to give

The baby should receive food that is as close as possible in composition to breast milk. These products are mixtures. All mixtures are divided into 3 groups:

  • partially adapted (children after a year);
  • less adapted (after 6 months);
  • maximally adapted (up to 6 months).

The best will be the mixture, on the packaging of which it is indicated:"Designed to feed children from birth to 1 year."

Don't change often children food, since the baby may develop unpleasant reactions in the form of diarrhea, frequent regurgitation, allergic rashes, etc.

It is necessary to switch to another mixture in case of:

  • if the baby is not gaining weight;
  • if he has frequent constipation.

It is unacceptable to give diluted cow's milk. This can lead to irreversible consequences.

The composition of the product does not contain those useful minerals and vitamins that are contained in adapted mixture or mother's milk.

Mixed feeding rules

  • Breastfeed first, then formula.
  • Only one feeding can be replaced with a mixture.

You need to introduce the product gradually, starting with a small amount. The temperature of the mixture should not exceed the temperature of the child's body. It is necessary to dilute the product only with boiled water.

Here's another one interesting video with the participation of Evgeny Komarovsky, from which you will learn about the feeding regimen of a newborn, whether it is necessary to feed him at night and how many times this can be done:

Feeding hours and dosage

How to properly feed a newborn baby with a mixture and do I need to do it on time?

At artificial feeding in the first months of life, 6-7 meals a day are recommended with an interval of 3-3.5 hours.

At night, a 6-hour interval should be done. It is important to take into account the required volume, which is calculated depending on age and weight.

So, for the first six months of life, an infant needs 115 kcal per 1 kg, after 6 months - 110 kcal.

The daily amount of food needed by a baby with normal weight indicators is:

  • from 7 days to 2 months - 1/5 of body weight;
  • from 2 to 4 - 1/6 of body weight;
  • from 6 to 12 months - 1/8.

Enter new mix according to the following schedule:

  • 1 day - 10 ml 1 time per day;
  • 2 day - 10 ml 3 times a day;
  • Day 3 - 20 ml 3 times a day;
  • Day 4 - 50 ml 5 times a day;
  • Day 5 - 100 ml 4 times a day;
  • Day 6 - 150 ml 4 times a day.

Start of complementary foods

Learn to distinguish between "complementary foods" and "supplementary foods". In the first situation, the baby receives additional food to prepare for adulthood and food. In the second, it is supplemented in case of a lack of milk with mixtures.

Complementary foods are introduced at 6 months of age- with breastfeeding and 5 - with artificial nutrition. Until this period, except for mother's milk, formula and water, nothing can be given.

Start slowly and with caution. The first time you need to give half a teaspoon of complementary foods, and then supplement with milk or formula. A "test" is possible before the second feeding, at 9-11 am.

Assess the child's response to New Product . If rash, irritation, anxiety, constipation (diarrhea) is not found, then the next day you can give 2 times more.

In no case should you introduce an unfamiliar product during illness or after vaccination. If any reaction occurs, the start of complementary foods is delayed for 1-2 weeks.

Don't force your child to eat. Perhaps the baby is not yet ready for a new stage in life.

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And how to give the baby the drug Espumizan Baby? you will find out how effective this remedy is for stomach discomfort in the little ones!

Collected reviews about the dry mix Malyutka and the composition of this product.

Where to start feeding

It's best to start with vegetables. This is a zucchini cauliflower, broccoli. Any vegetable is thoroughly washed and boiled (in a double boiler or in a regular saucepan). Then grind with a blender.

On the first day - half a teaspoon. Then the dose is increased by 2 times every day and brought to normal.

If there are no extraneous reactions to a new product, after 4 days you can try another vegetable, and then mash from the previously proposed products. After 10 days, one intake of dairy food should be completely replaced.

For 7 months you can offer porridge. This should be done at the very last reception - before a night's sleep. To begin with, the baby should be introduced to buckwheat, rice and oatmeal, then gradually expand the diet.

Use special baby cereals intended for 7 months of age. giving semolina at this age is not recommended due to the presence of gluten in it.

At 8 months, two feedings are already being replaced. Now you can introduce your child to fermented milk products - kefir. On the 4th day, offer low-fat cottage cheese.

Fruits are introduced into complementary foods when the first tooth appears in the baby.. The first is an apple. It is not recommended to fully replace feeding with fruit. They are given in addition to the main food.

Meat is introduced at 9 months of age and fish at 10 months. You can add half the yolk and vegetable oil to the diet. From 10 months, soup is already being prepared on meat, fish broth, where bread crumb. Allowed introduction vegetable oil and cookies.

TO one year old all 5 feedings must be completely replaced. Although some mothers still put the baby to the breast at night.

Water must be included in the diet. Its temperature should correspond to the body temperature of the baby.

The most important thing while breastfeeding is to eat well.. Prohibited during this period:

  • consume alcoholic beverages;
  • eat spicy, salty, spicy food.


  • exclude cow's milk, peas, beans, white cabbage from the diet;
  • limit the use of caffeine, chocolate;
  • exclude fast food and convenience foods.

During the feeding period, stress should be avoided, sleep and rest should be adhered to.

You will learn a lot from this video tutorial useful information about poses for breastfeeding a newborn, how to properly feed a baby in a sitting position and lying on its side, in which position it will be best for you and your baby:

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