Happy birthday our dear teacher. Congratulations to the teacher on his birthday in his own words

beautiful, sincere congratulations in verse or in your own words for your favorite teacher's birthday is not always easy to pick up. If people of another profession may not notice mistakes and lack of rhymes, then good teacher immediately notice all the flaws. Therefore, it is worth choosing a beautiful congratulation for a class teacher or beloved teacher carefully, taking into account the character traits of the birthday man and his subject. For example, an English teacher will be pleasantly surprised good congratulations using English vocabulary, a mathematics teacher will be flattered to hear numbers and calculations in his congratulations, and congratulations in Ukrainian will be a real gift to the teacher Ukrainian language. Therefore, show maximum ingenuity and prepare worthy congratulations your favorite teacher, and we will help you with this.

Happy birthday greetings to the class teacher in verse

Being a class teacher is both difficult and honorable,

It is impossible to be near students only fleetingly!

We'll have to find time both on holidays and on weekdays,

To educate disciples and people came out of them!

You did everything perfectly, you are a master in your field,

Although it was not easy, you were at the limit,

Thank you for your great work, for your kindness and care,

We wish you success in life and work!

Beautiful birthday greetings to a primary school teacher from students

On a wonderful, clear day,

You are good as always

And we, a whole class of first graders,

We are in a hurry to congratulate you!

Today is your birthday

Congratulations to the whole class!

Great happiness, love, inspiration,

And we wish you all the best!

You are the sweetest, kindest,

They taught us everything in a year,

They were a teacher and a mother,

Kindness, warmth gave us.

Thank you for your concern

who were always friendly,

We wish you good weather!

With love to you. Your children.

Warm birthday greetings to the teacher from former students

Beloved teacher!

On your bright clear day

I am invisible,

Like a fairy shadow.

I want to congratulate you

With love, from the heart,

Leave a verse in memory

For you to read in silence.

I dream of school years

And the desk, and the bench,

And the sound of a bell

And school friends

I often dream of you

Like a fairy, you were kind

And the tenderness of your bright eyes,

Blue blue.

Thank you for the warmth

For wisdom and patience

For femininity and beauty,


Let your life flow like a river

And new pages

Bring only the good.

With love, student.

In this good bright moment

your birth

You want a student

Happiness and luck!

So that you have enough strength

For any feat

Your spirit soared high

To noble goals!

Sincere congratulations to the first teacher on her birthday in prose and in verse

Our dear teacher! On my birthday, I would like to thank you for your hard work and angelic patience. Thank you for maternal care, for warmth, kindness, wisdom in relation to us. For the fact that you always helped and supported, encouraged and gave wise advice beloved, but sometimes negligent students. We wish you great health and prosperity, happiness and love, success in everything!

Dear first teacher! It seems that quite recently we brought our silly children to you in the first class. We trusted your good heart and caring hands the most valuable thing we had - our children. Thank you for multiplying all the good sprouts in our children and giving them your love and attention! We wish you good, warmth, prosperity, prosperity and eternal youth!

teacher first,

I won't forget you!

Let me not be exemplary

And I will never

But I will remember all the words

And wise advice

(Though the head turns gray)

Like ancient testaments.

And on this day, and at this hour

bright birthday

Let the shine of your beautiful eyes

Outshine the luminous glow!

I wish you great joy

And oceans of happiness

Let peace live in the soul,

And all plans will come true!

Original birthday greetings to the teacher from parents

happy birthday today

We want to congratulate you

Give a bouquet of flowers

And glorify in verse!

Wish with all my heart

Happiness and health,

And attention from men

Joy with love!

You rise with the sun

Never get tired

Good as a rose of May!

We wish you a heavenly life,

mood, inspiration,

Happy Birthday!

Sincere birthday greetings to the teacher in your own words

Dear teacher! We heartily congratulate you on your birthday! We wish you clear skies, sunny weather, fresh ideas, a lot of strength and health, inspiration and patience. To be respected by colleagues, appreciated by relatives, loved by children and spouse. May all your dreams come true, and all failures fly away, like birds, high and far!

Our dear teacher! On your birthday, we wish you success in your work, an easy life and a lot of joy. Let all good things multiply, and let life bring only pleasant surprises and gifts. We wish the fruits of your labor to be worthy, and all efforts bring the maximum positive result!

Beautiful congratulations on the anniversary of the teacher of Russian language and literature, English, music, mathematics

All words are forgotten

And around the head

Numbers and calculations

Every day counting

Worse than acrobatics

Math lessons!

If our teacher

We were not taken for boarding,

We would drown in numbers,

As if surrounded by darkness!

But there is it, luck,

And with it inspiration

When the teacher is just a magician,

Show you the right step!

Thanks for teaching

Accept congratulations

On your good, bright anniversary,

We wish you to live without zeros!

To have prosperity in everything,

Houses, cars with a dozen!

Smart, beautiful, elegant,

And speaks in a foreign

Our teacher

No you are nicer and more beautiful!

To be like you

Ready to learn English!

And on your birthday

Verbal luggage

I'll spend on poetry

Let there be sins in them,

But I write with love

Success and health

I wish you a birthday

And a lot of inspiration!

There is no more important subject at school,

We know this from an early age!

And we learn, we learn the basics.

After all, Russian is a difficult language!

Thank you for being really

Talked for a very long time

Rules and exceptions!

Teacher! Happy Birthday!

The music teacher is great

And in the world of sounds ace and master,

And familiar with musical notation,

And he knows the law of music.

And taught us everything that he knew,

And he spared no effort!

For this, bow to you,

We wish that in unison

Always disciples of the heart

Knocked, from your face

So that smart eyes are not taken away,

You were adored and appreciated!

A strict and fair, demanding and wise, feminine and charming beloved teacher will like touching and sincere congratulations on her birthday from both former and real students, and from grateful parents. It is not easy to win the love of children, but it is possible - with kindness, sensitivity, wisdom and good knowledge subject. If you are lucky with such a first grade teacher or any school subject tell her about it on her birthday in uniform original wishes in beautiful and kind verses, in touching prose or in your own words. Every school day good teachers not only teach, but also give children their attention, love, care. Let everything return a hundredfold on their birthday!

Congratulations sound
Happy birthday for you!
There is no better teacher
Respect and better!

you for your students
Not just a teacher, goddess!
Pray for an item ready
I'm even on par with others!

I wish you a birthday
Successful teaching.
And I also promise myself
What a use for education!

Congratulations on the holiday hour
Only for you for one sound!
And the most beautiful teacher
You can only wish happiness!

Happy birthday wishes
We'll give you all our respect.
Thank you for teaching!
And may fate be beautiful.

Pedagogy is hard work.
The student is not always obedient...
But do it with heart
And I'm ready to listen to you.

I give you congratulations
As an excellent teacher.
Thanks for the science...
Let everything be just perfect!

I wish you, my teacher,
Don't be upset with your class.
Though sometimes we are unbearable,
But still, we love you!

We wish you this birthday
So that the positive does not dry out ...
You lead the subject with inspiration,
Everyone, looking, would take an example!

You are an excellent teacher
And the psychologist is amazing!
On your birthday, I confess
That I admire you!

In class at any time
You own the item.
Good with themselves.
Apparently you have secrets!

We will write without errors
Congratulations for you:
Peace, joy, smiles,
Let everything in life be class!

Accept congratulations
Because of the birthday!
For your work and knowledge
Our humble wishes:

Let the deputies raise
Your average salary
Long days, welcome colleagues
And obedient students!

On your birthday instead of wishes
We give you homework:
Become the most joyful and happy
And stay cute and beautiful!

You are not an easy teacher from God,
You are our senior comrade and friend.
May there be many flowers today
And goodness blooms around.

We want to congratulate you sincerely,
Wish you great accomplishments
And patience at work, of course.
Happy birthday to you from the bottom of my heart!

After graduation at kindergarten a new and difficult stage begins in the life of a child - school time. The kid comes to the lesson for the first time, like a lost chick. For him, everything is new - the environment, the people, the daily routine.

Helping him to orient himself and join the team is the task of the first teacher. She becomes an indisputable authority for the baby for several years of study. Surely, even as adults, many remember her with warmth and love. In many ways, the success of subsequent years is her merit. In high school, the teacher becomes not so much a formidable mentor as an older friend. Now his task is not only to give knowledge in his subject, but also to teach how to apply them in later life.

A teacher for whom work is not just a way to earn money, and vocation is not so common. It is all the more valuable to meet such a teacher on your way. Parents are not afraid to entrust their child to him - they are sure that he is in good caring hands.

A great way to express gratitude for the attention to your child is to write happy birthday greetings to the teacher. We used to congratulate teachers once a year, on September 1st. In that autumn day teachers are given armfuls of flowers and boxes of chocolates.

But on other days they cannot boast of attention from their students and their parents. And absolutely in vain. soulful, beautiful words happy birthday greetings to a teacher can touch her to the core. It is best for parents to prepare in advance - to collect money from everyone for a gift for parent meeting, buy a luxurious bouquet of flowers and write warm and sincere wishes on a beautiful postcard.

It doesn’t matter how happy birthday greetings to the teacher will be written - in the form long text or a short poem. The main thing is that they are from the heart.

Happy birthday to you!

And I so want to say:
I respect your holy work
And I sincerely wish
You happiness, joy, Teacher!

May your dreams come true.
You are a teacher and soul builder,
I wish you a bright fate!
Smiles, joy, fun,
Around - love and beauty!

Brought you a bouquet of flowers
And prepared a lot of words.

My teacher, on your birthday
You need to be patient
And accept congratulations
And I will congratulate you.

I wish you health, strength,
I taught this verse for you.

Happy birthday to you
We sincerely want.
You are our teacher, we are your class,
We thank you.

May your dreams come true
We would like to wish you
Love, health, kindness,
Don't be discouraged at all.

I give you my soul to the bottom,
I will remember you until the last days,
Teacher You are my dear!
Without you, the world is drier, simpler, colder!

I feel good and just with you
Science to comprehend the essence of the foundations ...
My love cannot be expressed in words:
The teacher is a rank above other words!

Wherever the road in the future rushes
Me - on calm storms, on waves,
Thank you for being at the pier
Thank you for my knowledge!

Let failures not break you
There will be more gifts of fate.
We wish you to smile more often
And forget all your troubles.

Long years and success in work
All the children want to wish you
May good years
They fly with the birds of happiness!

Dear teacher, happy birthday!
We congratulate you today.
Let work bring pleasure
And every class will be greeted with a smile.

We wish you joy, happiness and health,
Good luck in your noble work.
Obedient children, attentive parents,
The authorities of the wise are always and everywhere.

Wise sower eternal,
The threshold of your school is open,
Bow to you, our first teacher,
May God love you and keep you!

During the days of celebrations and inconspicuous everyday life -
Who knows what year, in what region -
We kind word don't forget to remember
Your best teacher!

That, like chickens, she carefully counted us,
When I took under my "wing",
When in the autumn I greeted you warmly
And solemnly led into the walls of the school.

Thank you for the word, for science,
For the hard work of mastered basics,
For that call that foreshadowed separation,
For a bright moment and an eternal call of the heart! ..

Let it be so that in your bright, kind life
You were always surrounded by children, like flowers,
So that the school would be a reliable harbor for everyone -
Happy, bright, full of kindness!

Who is our most important teacher
For many years?
That is our class leader -
After all, he is responsible for us.

We sincerely want to congratulate you,
Wish you good health
Teacher! We want to glorify you!
We wish to live and prosper!

We congratulate you today
We wish you many years of life.
You are with us, as if in the underworld,
We want to thank you!

Thank you for your hard work,
For knowledge and kindness
You close friend, comrade, because
Take us to the top!

Opening the way to the stars
No offense to children...
We wish you a lot now -
Happy years, happy days!

Happy birthday to you! I want to wish you real, great happiness in your destiny and joyful moments every day! Let the students appreciate you and justify your expectations, and let your relatives love and support you. I wish you success and inspiration. May your wishes come true!

Happy birthday to the kindest, most faithful Teacher. Let new working days will be holidays, let the meeting with students be a joy, let health come with each new grateful smile, let only good people meet, and colleagues are loyal and friendly.

You are trusted with the most valuable thing - children, you love them and teach them necessary knowledge. Your profession is not easy, but your whole life and happiness is in it. Thank you for being our teacher. Good luck and much happiness to you. Happy Birthday!

We wish wisdom, kindness, generosity. So that health does not fail. So that the mood is always on top. Let the family be warm and cozy.
Success, luck, luck.

Happy Birthday! FROM Best wishes in that holiday. Good luck, health, joy and happiness! Let good luck accompany in all matters and in life there will be many interesting and delightful events!

On this wonderful holiday day, sincere wishes happiness, joy, health! Unchanging well-being, an endless stream of abundance, for long years life full of joyful moments!

Dear teacher, I congratulate you on your birthday! I wish you all the best. May your life always be filled with joy, good laughter and love! Be infinitely happy every minute of your life! I wish you always achieve the highest results in everything and never know disappointment!

We wish you so much health that is enough for all the students. We wish you a golden pointer that grants wishes instead of magic wand. We wish you a fabulous globe: where you pointed your finger, you got there. We wish you a recorder journal: what you write down will come true. We wish you students who are as good, smart, cheerful and modest as we are.

Teacher... How much wisdom, patience, tenderness and love in this word. The teacher is the second person after the parents who is directly involved in the upbringing of a new person. On this festive day, we want to thank you for your work, dedication and sincerity. We wish you many years of good health and good mood.

You gave us knowledge - we give you love. You took care of us, protected us from mistakes - our respect is a gift to you. You taught us to live without malice and envy - we bow our heads before your kindness and wisdom. You are a wonderful mentor, our teacher. All you can wish for is to remain yourself all your life: a sensitive, sympathetic, sincere, honest and wise person.

Our beloved teacher! How can we thank you for all the knowledge, scientific and life, that you gave us completely disinterestedly, without demanding anything in return? Thank you! We wish mutual understanding with the students and the team, enjoy and return from doing what you love. Patience to you, happiness, health, and let love live in your heart!

Every day we see you at school. And it never occurred to us to express gratitude for your concern. But on the day of your holiday, we solemnly promise to improve. For you, we will become the most the best students. We promise to always listen to you and heed your advice. This is our common birthday present for our beloved teacher.

So many wishes have accumulated for you. After all, you deserve only best words thanks. Our dear teacher, accept as a sign of respect the bouquet of heartfelt congratulations collected by the guys from our class. May this wonderful day be the beginning of a happy and comfortable life, full of sunshine and joy.

What does a teacher need on his birthday? Like everyone else, health and joy, happiness and love, prosperity and peace. But you are a teacher, you do not know peace. You have a full class of noisy boys and girls who can't sit in class. We wish you great inhuman strength so that you can cope with all the complexities of a difficult teacher's work.

We wish you a magic pointer: waved your hand - the wish came true. We wish you a huge fabulous globe: where you poke your finger, you are transported there. We wish you a recorder journal: what you write down will certainly come true. We wish you a crystal bell to ring when you want. We wish you more such sweet, kind, smart and modest students like us.

Somewhere in the fairy world there is a bright school in which obedient children they sit quietly in the classroom, do not play pranks, do not smoke trouble. This is the school of your dreams, our invaluable teacher. And today, on your birthday, we want to make you small gift: make this dream come true, even for an hour! Congratulations, today we will be what you always wanted to see us.

We thank God for creating man. We thank the builders for building this school. We thank our mothers and fathers for the fact that many years ago you were born on this day. Thank you for choosing to become a teacher. Thank you for accepting us and raising us like your own children. Congratulations, our classroom teacher, happy Birthday!