Characteristics of the female and male genital organs. Additional information about the structure of the genitals of men and women

Reproductive system represented by male and female genital organs. The main part of them are the sex glands: the testes (testes) in men and the ovaries in women. By location, the genitals are divided into external and internal.

The external male genital organs include the penis and scrotum. To the internal - testes with appendages, vas deferens, seminal vesicles and prostate gland and other glands. The urethra in men serves not only for the excretion of urine, but also for the passage of sperm that enter it from the ejaculatory ducts.

The ovary can be excreted by the cortex and nucleus. The crust is made up of 200,000 vesicles called primordial vesicles. These vesicles contain eggs. Primary vesicles grow to produce secondary vesicles that develop into maturing vesicles called Graaff's vesicles. The graph's bubbles burst, releasing an egg. The phase of the sexual cycle during which follicles break down is called ovulation or ovulation. This phase begins with luteinizing hormone, which is secreted by the pituitary gland. Yawning yawning ovulation ovulation - the release of the ovary in the female gametocyte, occurs after the swallowing follicle has burst.

Penis formed by two cavernous bodies and one spongy body, in which the urethra passes. The back part - the root of the penis - is attached to the pubic bones. The front part - the head of the penis - is thickened and rounded, there is an external opening on it urethra... Cavernous and spongy bodies have cavities communicating with each other - cells through which blood flows. When the cells are filled with blood, the bodies swell and become dense, and an erection of the penis occurs. Testicles (testes) paired sex gland. They perform two important functions in the body: male germ cells are formed in them - spermatozoa , as well as sex hormones , affecting the development of primary and secondary sexual characteristics. The testicles are located outside abdominal cavity in the fascial sac - scrotum. The vas deferens is a paired organ. Together with the vessels and nerves, the vas deferens forms the spermatic cord, which passes through the inguinal canal into the pelvic cavity. Near the bottom Bladder it connects with the excretory duct of the seminal vesicle (also a paired organ) and forms the ejaculatory duct. This duct opens into the initial section of the urethra. Glands of the male reproductive system located on the pathways of sperm (sperm) from the place of their formation in the testicles to excretion from the male genital tract. These glands are the prostate gland and the bulbourethral glands. Prostate(unpaired, glandular-muscular organ) resembles a chestnut in shape and size. It is located under the bladder. The initial part of the urethra and both ejaculatory ducts pass through it.

The biological dictionary is preceded by a vesicular phase controlled by follicular hormone, also secreted by the pituitary gland, during which the growth and development of Graaf's follicles occurs. Elevated level luteinizing hormone secreted during ovulation is a signal for complete bubble formation. The bubble graph turns into corpus luteum which produces progesterone. In the third phase of the sexual cycle, the corpus luteum gradually disappears with a decrease in the level of hormones. This leads to changes in the lining of the uterus, resulting in several days of bleeding.

Female genital organs. The internal female genital organs include the ovaries, uterus, fallopian tubes and the vagina, which are also located in the pelvic cavity (Fig. 78). The external genital organs of a woman include the labia minora and labia minora and the clitoris.

The ovary is the female reproductive gland. This is a paired organ oval... Here female reproductive cells - eggs - develop and female sex hormones are synthesized. Fallopian tube (oviduct) - paired organ. Each tube opens into the peritoneal cavity with an expanded end - funnel, hanging over the ovaries. The opposite end of the fallopian tube opens into the uterine cavity. Uterus - unpaired hollow muscular organ located in the small pelvis between the bladder in front and the rectum in the back, and serves for bearing the fetus. Vagina It is a flattened tube that covers the cervix at the top and opens at the bottom in the vestibule of the vagina. External genital organs of a woman include: labia majora ( skin folds high in adipose tissue); the labia minora (thin skin folds located in the gap between the labia majora); clitoris, consisting of two cavernous bodies; vestibule, large and small glands of the vestibule, as well as vestibule bulbs, which are dense plexuses of veins on both sides of the vaginal opening.

If the egg is fertilized, the third phase of the cycle is interrupted and pregnancy begins. Maca is the only organ located in the pelvis. It is located between the rectum and the bladder. Its shape resembles a flattened pear. The uterine nucleus is called the upper, enlarged part, and the lower part is narrowed towards the cervix. Bottom part The uterus is located above the lower part of the uterus. At the bottom of the neck, it enters the vagina and can therefore be divided into vaginal and vaginal parts. As long as the uterus remains stationary, ligaments are attached to the pelvis.

The female is slightly bent and leans forward. The walls of the uterus and fallopian tubes are built Three Three Three symbolizes God, deity, holiness, trinity, sacrum, harmony, strength, sun, fruit, growth, development, meditation, happiness, consciousness. More Glossary of symbols of the literary layer. The outer layer is the serum, the middle layer is the muscle layer, and the inner layer is the mucous membrane. The mucous membrane periodically peels off, which is associated with the discussed sex. External manifestation exudation of the uterine lining - monthly bleeding.

15.Overview of the structure of the arterial system.

Arterial system consists of arteries. Arteries are the vessels through which blood flows from the heart to the organs. According to their location and branching, they distinguish extraorgan and intraorganic arteries, and in the body cavities - parietal and visceral.. The walls of the arteries consist of three layers, or membranes: the inner (endothelium) consists of a layer of endothelial cells located on the connecting layer; medium (elastic elastic tissue and smooth muscle fibers; and external - adventitia (consists of connective tissue). The walls of the arteries are distinguished by considerable thickness and elasticity, since they have to withstand high blood pressure. Thanks to the elastic and muscular elements, the arteries are able to hold the walls in a state tension, can be strongly contracted and then relaxed, providing a uniform blood flow. also arteriole-venular anastomosis.

Female intercourse - vagina. It is a flexible, muscular canal that dilates the uterus and goes out. The vagina terminates outside the vaginal opening, which is part of the vulva. At the bottom, the vaginal light is narrowest, gradually expanding upward. The vagina receives the penis during mating and sperm is injected into it. It is also an outlet for the fetus. Withdrawal from the vagina from the body to the outside of the body.

The vagina is the Mueller wires. The human vagina is located in the medial plane of the body, almost completely filling the lower pelvis. Diaphragm Diaphragm The diaphragm is the muscle that separates the chest from the abdomen. Rhythmic contractions of the diaphragm are involved in the breathing mechanism. The diaphragm occurs only in mammals. Continue reading Urogenital Biological Dictionary pierced by the short, terminal segment of the vagina, and therefore the vagina is divided into intramural and diaphragmatic sections. There is a bladder in front of the vagina.

16.Classification and function of the vascular system.

Anatomically the cardiovascular system performs three main functions:

1) transportation nutrients, gases, hormones and metabolic products to and from cells;

2) regulation of body temperature;

3) protection against invading microorganisms and foreign cells.

Between these organs are the ureters, which pass into the urethra. Between the urethra and the anterior part of the vagina, there is a vaginal tubular septum that fills the vaginal and vaginal cavity. Top part the vagina, displaced to the back, is covered by the peritoneum. The peritoneal peritoneal membrane lines the inner walls of the abdominal cavity and pelvis and closes the organs there. More Biological gloss also covers the rectal bladder, forming the lower part of the rectal-uterine cavity. The rectal-uterine cavity is a slit-like space.

Among the vessels circulatory system distinguish arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules, veins and arterio-venous anastomoses; vessels of the microvasculature system carry out the relationship between arteries and veins. Vessels different types differ not only in their thickness, but also in tissue composition and functional features.

If certain organs, such as the intestines, intestinal tract the gastrointestinal tract, starting with the gastric pyloric and ending with the anus. There are two parts: the small intestine and the large intestine. More Biological thin or incorrectly positioned ovaries penetrate this gap. The rectal and vaginal spaces below are filled with connective tissue. The top of the fabric is flabby, down into the fabric of the bottom. This tissue forms the anovaginal septum.

There is a venous vaginal lining on the side of the vagina. The vagina is surrounded by an aneurysm, but has not budged. The vagina attaches to the urogenital membrane, which penetrates into it. It is surrounded by fibers of the sphincter of the external urethra. At the bottom, the vagina pivots towards the front, entering the vestibule. The presentation of the vagina comes from the transformation of the bay of the bay into some of the bones of the skull. The bays are filled with air and connected to the nasal cavity, for example, the frontal sinus, jaw. Continue reading The Genetic Urological Dictionary that results from the splitting of a steak.

· Arteries - the vessels through which blood moves from the heart. Arteries have thick walls, which contain muscle fibers, as well as collagen and elastic fibers. They are very elastic and can shrink or expand depending on how much blood the heart is pumping.

· Arterioles - small arteries that immediately precede the capillaries in the bloodstream. In their vascular wall dominated by smooth muscle fibers, due to which arterioles can change the size of their lumen and, thus, resistance.

In contrast, the rectum is the straight end of the large intestine, strongly muscular, with an anus that secretes fecal excretion. More The Biological Dictionary folds back so that the rectal and vaginal spaces expand. The lower part of the vagina resembles a flattened cylinder shape. This flattening runs along the ridge of the abdomen, so you can distinguish between the front and back of the vagina.

The vaginal part of the cervix grips the upper end of the vagina. As a result, vaulted vaults are formed, where it is possible to distinguish between anterior, posterior and right and left side... The back wall is the deepest. During intercourse, semen is collected there. From there, the sperm itself travels to the uterus, and from there to the fallopian tubes, where it can be fertilized.

· Capillaries are the smallest blood vessels so thin that substances can freely penetrate through their wall. Through the wall of the capillaries, nutrients and oxygen are released from the blood into the cells and the transition of carbon dioxide and other waste products from the cells into the blood.

Venules - small blood vessels that provide big circle outflow of oxygen-depleted blood saturated with waste products from the capillaries into the veins.

In the case of a virgin vaginal opening, it surrounds the vaginal membrane. The first ratio usually breaks it down into many small fragments. Upon first delivery, these fragments shrink, resulting in a papillary constriction called virgin membranes. The virgin membrane is very delicate and can be broken even with a tampon.

The thickness of the vaginal wall is about 3 mm, but this value is subject to changes associated with the degree of vaginal relaxation. The vagina can stretch and contract widely due to the presence of numerous elastic and elastic fibers. During pregnancy, the muscles in the vagina relax and make it more elastic. This is important at birth. The vaginal wall has three layers. Outside - an outer membrane of connective tissue. In the upper part, it is flabby, gradually progressively into the clitoral tissue, which resembles the connective tissue that fills the rectal-vaginal and tubular-vaginal spaces.

· Veins are the vessels through which blood flows to the heart. The walls of the veins are less thick than the walls of the arteries and, accordingly, contain fewer muscle fibers and elastic elements.

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The outer shell that surrounds the vagina adheres to these spaces. The middle layer is composed of smooth muscle. They are densely packed with connective tissue fibers. The course of these fibers is longitudinal, but some of them form a round layer. The muscle layer at the top enters the muscle of the uterus. The lower part, however, penetrates the muscles that build the pelvic diaphragm. A portion of the muscle layer called the rectal and vaginal muscles enters the ventricle and the vaginal and vaginal septum. In the longitudinal muscle layer, which builds the anterior and back wall vagina, weave venules.

Our task is to create an atmosphere of positive, kindness and health on the site, which will cheer you up, heal and prevent, because information and thoughts are transformed into material events! ;-)

We strive to create a highly moral portal in which it will be pleasant to be the most to different people... This is facilitated by the fact that we control the actions of all users. At the same time, we want the site to be fairly objective, open and democratic. Here everyone has the right to express their personal opinion, to their own assessment and comment on any information. In addition, anyone can have an article, news or any other material in most sections of the site.

Their presence is associated with a small thickened, floating mucous membrane. In these places, the mucous membrane is wrinkled. When the venules fill with blood, the columns that form the follicles swell. There is no clear border separating the muscle membrane from the mucous membrane. The mucous membrane lining the vagina is grayish in color, which clearly shows the border between the vagina and the uterus, which is lined with a highly reddish mucous membrane. If the vagina does not stretch, the mucous membrane causes a series of transverse ridges called vaginal wrinkles.

The project "To health!" positioned as a portal about health, not medicine. In our opinion, medicine is the science of how to recover from a particular disease, and health is the result of a lifestyle in which you will not get sick. The more health you have, the less likely you are to get sick. Our body is conceived in such a way that when the right way life, we shouldn't be sick at all. Therefore, let's improve our health instead of studying diseases. There are quite a few sites about medicine, but in our opinion, they are intended rather for medical professionals than for ordinary people... We strive to talk with you about health. We do not want to write a lot about diseases and methods of their treatment - enough has already been written about this. Instead, we'll focus your attention on how to avoid getting sick.

They are most strongly developed in the lower vagina of women who have not yet been born. They form two longitudinal stripes anterior and posterior to the vagina, forming the anterior and posterior portions of the vagina. Pregnancy and age cause a gradual flattening of the vaginal wall.

The vaginal mucosa is two-layered. One of the layers is plaque, which consists of many fibrous fibers. It usually does not contain glands, although sometimes there are individual glands, similar to glands in the cervix. The right lamina produces numerous beads that penetrate the epithelium above the epithelium. The right layers contain numerous lymphocytes, which can form lymphoid clusters.

We are interested in healthy image life and we want to live happily ever after. We believe you, too, are not indifferent to the topic of healthy longevity. Therefore, if you wish to have an environment healthy people and those who strive for this, this site will help you solve this problem. Our plans include the creation of an active community of people leading a healthy lifestyle, and in this regard, we are pleased to offer you the following opportunities:

The aforementioned epithelial specific epithelium is stratified and squamous. In fact, this is a non-functioning epithelium, although sometimes there is a slight keratosis. Cells located in the deeper layers of the epithelium contain glycogen in the form of grains. The hormones secreted by the ovaries cause characteristic changes in the epithelium. Under the influence of estrogen, the surface of the epithelial layers is strongly smoothed. Cytoplasm The cytoplasm is the non-eukaryotic part of the protoplasm of the eukaryotic cell, which also includes the cell membrane.

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    It consists of an underlying cytoplasm called hyalaplasia and organelles suspended in it. More Biological Dictionary of epithelial cells is acquiring eosinophilic properties, and glycogenic grains are becoming more and more numerous. In addition, there are granules containing eledidine, which indicates a tendency to develop keratosis. More Biological Dictionary of estrogen through the ovaries not intensive cells are thicker, and their cytoplasm shows basophilic properties. These changes allow you to determine the moment of ovulation, which is important for some methods of contraception.

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