Organ structure in men. The structure of the penis and other organs of the male reproductive system. External male genital organs

The structure of the male reproductive system

Male reproductive system, in particular the genitals, can be divided into:

    1) Internal organs, These include:
  • vas deferens;
  • prostate;
  • testicles;
  • epididymis;
  • seminal vesicles.
    2) external organs, these include:
  • scrotum;
  • penis.

From a functional point of view, the genitals are directly related to the male reproductive system, as well as the performance of sexual intercourse. In the genital area outside, there are erogenous zones men.

Well, one of the most obvious answers is they look different. Well, men have a penis on the outside and women don't, right? And while this is true, there is a little more to this answer. Sure, men and women are different on the outside, but what about on the inside? In this lesson, you will learn what internal structures make a man different from a woman. Why do males have testes and other structures that are not present in females?

Internal genital organs include

Well, one of the instinctive urges of all kinds is to reproduce - to pass on their genes to future generations. They do this by producing cells called gametes - haploid germ cells of males and females. Gametes are produced during meiosis and contain half of the parent chromosome. Now each sex will produce its own gamete with only half of its genetic material. In females they are called eggs, and in males they are called sperm.

External genital organs

The penis, also called the phallus, the penis, is the external genital organ that serves directly for copulation, and as a result of the delivery of seminal fluid, for further fertilization of the egg, in the woman's vagina. Also, the penis is needed in order to expel the urine that forms in the bladder.

In this tutorial, we will focus on the male and the structures used to produce his gamete, sperm, ready to reproduce. The sperm of the male is produced and transported in structures completely different from those found in the female. Well, first of all we have testicles or testicles. Testes are paired structures in the male whose function is to receive sperm. Inside each testicle, there are many tubular structures in which sperm are produced. Once ready, the sperm is transported to the ducts at the top of the testes, which connect to the next structure, called the epididymis.

The member has in its structure a base, a trunk and a head. The trunk is formed from two bodies (spongy and cavernous), which have a sufficient depression, which can be easily filled with blood. The spongy body, located at the edge of the phallus, has a conical thickening and is called the head of the penis. The edge of the head covers the edges of the cavernous bodies and, growing together with them, forms a corolla around the circumference, behind which there is a groove. On the head of the penis there is a rather delicate skin, it is also called the foreskin, there are a large number of glands on it that can produce seminal fluid.

Internal muzhsik genitals

Now sperm production is only the first step - the sperm that comes out of the testicles is not yet fully mature. They are almost there, but not completely. This is the function of the next structure called the epididymis. The epididymis is located on top of each testicle and has two main functions: to store and produce sperm. Surprisingly, the epididymis is a coiled tubule that, if unwound, will measure about 23 feet! This 23 feet of coiled tubing can be divided into 3 parts: head, body and tail.

The head of the epididymis is closest to the top of the testes and receives immature sperm leaving the testes. Once inside the epididymis, the sperm maturation process begins. This process takes about 2 weeks as sperm travels from the head, down the body and into the tail, where they are stored until needed.

The phallus head has a lot of nerve endings, due to which it has incredible sensitivity to touch. But, it also has a fairly high sensitivity and the trunk of the phallus, especially in the lower zone, which is 2 cm from the head. During stimulation of the phallus, its arousal increases. In the uppermost region of the head of the phallus there is a crack (outlet of the urethra), through which both urine and semen are excreted.

Sperm cords and duct diffractors

Now when you look at the epididymis, you will notice that both the testes and the epididymis lie outside the male's main body cavity. Therefore, they need some way to stay in touch with the body. This is where our next structure is. Each epididimid connects to a larger tube called a duct permeability, also known as the vas deferens, which moves from the epididymis into the male's body. Now, along with the ducts of the ducts, there are arteries and veins, and together they make up paired structures called seminal canals.

The type of phallus is very individual. A straight phallus is very rare, in most cases, it has a straight shape in a calm state, but during an erection it becomes curved.

At rest, the size of the phallus is predominantly an average of 7.5 cm. In a state of excitement, 15 cm, which corresponds to the average size of the vagina in a woman. Often, during the onset of arousal, the short phallus in an unexcited state tends to increase more than the long one. A large penis is considered to be up to 18 cm in an erection state. More than 18 cm. The excited phallus belongs to a giant one. The diameter is also individual, but in most cases it ranges from 3 to 4 cm.

It is these cords that connect the testes and epididymis to the body. Without these connections, there would be no flow of blood, semen, and other fluids to and from the testes. In addition to connecting the epididymis to the body, the tubule stores and stores and transports sperm from the epididymis to the ejaculatory canal, which you will learn about later. This is similar to the slope of the trail - it connects the epididymis to the ejaculatory canal, which in turn merges with the urethra, providing a passageway for sperm to exit the body.

So let's take a moment to follow his path. The running duct begins here in the tail of the epididymis. Then it moves up to abdominal cavity, wraps around the bladder and then steps back to start descending behind Bladder... When it begins its descent, it expands to a part called the ampoule. The ampoule is part of the duct germ, and this is where most of the sperm will be stored until needed.

At the time of birth average length the phallus of a baby is on average 3.5 cm. During puberty, at the very end of 6 cm, and then until the age of 17, the male phallus grows quite quickly, but after 25, the growth activity decreases.

During arousal, the phallus becomes quite dense and up to 8 times larger in volume. Due to the contraction of special muscles (located at the root of the penis) and the maintenance of excitement, a decrease in venous outflow occurs. When the excitement ends, the blood flows out, and the muscles become significantly relaxed, because of this, it becomes much softer and smaller in size. During an erection, the head becomes more elastic and less elastic in comparison with its trunk, this helps to prevent vaginal injuries during copulation.

External genital organs include

Now, you may be asking why is there a need to store sperm? Why not just make them when you need them? Well, you can see that this sperm creation and maturation process actually takes a while, about 2-3 months. So it would be impractical to make sperm as needed, right? Therefore, men have created spaces along their reproductive tract to store the sperm that is ready. This is where our next set of structures comes in.

Signs of puberty in boys

The ampulla connects to the ducts from the first sets of accessory glands to create. Now remember that the sperm are stored in the ampoule, so they do not enter the ejaculatory canal until the man participates in sexual activity... Both the ejaculatory canal and the urethra are traversed by three additional glands. Each gland secretes fluids that will nourish and protect sperm as it travels through the male reproductive tract.

The foreskin is located in front of the phallus and creates a fold of skin that tends to cover. The foreskin can be easily pushed back, exposing the head. On the back of the penis, the head is connected and foreskin that forms a bridle. By the age of two, the final formation of this area takes place. Sperm accumulate in the slit sac. Over the years, more and more visible hairy bulbs are formed on the skin of the phallus body, from which hairs subsequently grow.

You can see here that compared to duct pressure ulcers, the ejaculation canal is relatively short. This is because as soon as it passes the first set of accessory glands and enters the second gland, it fuses with the urethra. The urethra then passes through a third accessory gland and continues with the opening of the urethra, which opens at the tip of the penis to the outside of the body. Like our other structures, the urethra also has two functions. The first is not reproductive, but this is the transfer of urine from the bladder, the second is reproductive - this is the transport of sperm and fluids from additional glands, which are collectively called sperm.

The preputial lubricant (smegma) is the secretion of the glands of the foreskin, which accumulates in the coronal groove of the penis. Fats and micro-components are the main components. They stand out, being white, and then acquire yellow and greenish shades... This lubricant is designed to coat the head to reduce friction. The active release of lubricant occurs at the age of 18 - 25 years, and, often, is absent in old age.

The structure of the male reproductive system

So there you have it - the internal reproductive anatomy of a male. The testes pass through the immature sperm to the epididymis. Epididymis matures the sperm and transfers it to the duct. The ejaculatory canal drains into the urethra, which extends to the tip of the penis. Together, these structures produce, store and transport sperm from the testicles to the outside of the body. To demonstrate how important these structures are, think about what happens if the testicles are damaged? Both of these would affect sperm production.

Diseases associated with the male phallus can occur due to the stagnation of lubricant, and in the absence of sufficient intimate hygiene... In order to avoid all kinds of diseases, it is necessary with early childhood carry out the necessary hygiene measures, while removing smegma (lubricant) from the penis. It is imperative to perform daily lavage of the penis. Even in men who have undergone circumcision, there is the possibility of smegma formation on the penis.

After watching this tutorial, you will be able to. Distinguish between male structures reproductive system including aunts, epididymis, seminal grooves, proton passages, ejaculatory canal and urethra. Break the paths through each of the structures to transport sperm from the testicles to outer surface body. Identify gametes and explain why they are necessary for reproduction. ... The aromatization of androgens is a key step in estrogen production, and it regulates the delicate balance between estrogens and androgens in the gonads and sex steroid target tissues.

Usually a large cluster teens who are careless about personal hygiene are prone to lubrication. An even more negligent attitude of growing young men to their hygiene, the removal of this lubricant with dirty hands, after it has hardened. V adolescence due to violation of basic hygiene rules, most infectious diseases develop. If you take care of smegma according to the rules, then it will absolutely not bring any harm to health.

Males also have small or rudimentary accessory gonads with abnormal morphology; prominent prostatic uterus with squamous epithelial metaplasia and edema in the ejaculatory ducts and vas deferens. In addition, the abdominal wall of the muscle is thin and the adrenal glands are enlarged with cortical hyperplasia. Some of the abnormalities, such as undescended testes and undeveloped prostate, resemble those seen in animals exposed perinatally high levels exogenous estrogen, which indicates that increased aromatase activity leads to overexposure to estrogen early stages development.

Semen, also called semen, is a mixture that is excreted from the testicles, prostate, urethra, and epididymis at the time of ejaculation. Semen consists of seminal plasma, which has the property of being produced in the secretion of the prostate gland and spermatozoa (ferment elements).

The semen contains:

This indicates the direct role of estrogen in genitourinary systems in men. Therefore, the data show an important, direct or indirect role for estrogen in male reproductive functions... However, extragonadal tissues do not have the ability to synthesize androgenic precursors, and estrogen production depends on these precursors produced in the gonads. This suggests that there is a delicate balance between the action of estrogen and androgen in the male reproductive organs.

Most importantly, several studies in both humans and rodents indicate that prenatal or early postnatal exposure to exogenous estrogens causes major permanent changes in the structure and function of male reproductive organs such as atrophic and small testes, epididymal cysts, and ovarian abnormalities. Therefore, in this mouse model, an increased conversion of androgens to estrogens is observed at all stages of egg androgen production, in perinatal life, during puberty and in adults.

  • - fluid leaving the seminal vesicles (65%);
  • - fluid leaving the prostate (30%);
  • - sperm (5%).
  • Sperm is a slimy and extraordinary liquid that has an opaque hue with a characteristic odor. The semen taste is sweet-salty and slightly bitter or sour. In the case of frequent ejaculation, the taste of semen becomes less and less sweet, and in most cases, even bitter. After half an hour, the seminal fluid liquefies, after which it has a more uniform consistency, while it becomes rather viscous with an acquired grayish tint. The amount of semen when discharged from the urethra is a purely individual quality of the physiology of each man, but the average is 10 ml. Age and lifestyle have a direct bearing on the amount of sperm excreted. And also, directly, the frequency of sperm eruptions. The more often a man implements sexual intercourse or masturbation, the less sperm is released each time. Also, if there was ejaculation and the amount of sperm is large enough, this does not indicate its good ability to fertilize. If ejaculation occurs 1 time in 3 days. That is the approximate statistical volume of semen - 4 ml.

    Thus, the developed mouse lines represent new model to study the physiological consequences of male estrogenization on different stages their lives. Histological examination additionally confirmed small seminal vesicles and prostate glands with undifferentiated stratified epithelium and uncanalized buto-shaped formations surrounded by dense fibromuscular stroma. In addition, pronounced expansion of extracellular spaces in the stromal layer of the ejaculatory ducts was often observed in two or unilateral order.

    Sperm, and in particular its ability to fertilize, is affected by the number of living cells in it. The normal number is 1 ml. you need to have an average of 100 million sperm. An important condition is their mobility, which must be about 70% (minimum - 20 million)

    The scrotum is a musculocutaneous organ. The appendages are located directly in it. Also in the scrotum are the testicles and the actual initial section of the spermatic cord, which separates the septum, which looks from the outside, often like a suture. The visibility or invisibility of the seam depends on individual characteristics and this feature has absolutely no effect on the state of health.

    Transverse section through the prostatic urethra, dorsolateral prostate, posterior collecting ducts, prostatic utricle and ejaculatory ducts. The original magnifications are × 25, × 100, × 200 and × 400. However, it is still unknown whether these abnormalities are caused by hormonal or toxic effects of these compounds, and the created mouse model can be used to distinguish between the two components. The mouse breast tumor virus is active in male reproductive tissues as well as in the mammary gland.

    Male genitals are those parts of the body or organs that are involved in reproduction. The genitals may include only those external, visible parts, such as the penis or scrotum, or they may also include internal reproductive structures and organs, such as the testes, prostate, and urethra. The male genitals are made up of those organs and tissues that function to produce sperm and transport it so that it can come into contact with the female egg. Their successful union is what allows humans to reproduce.

    The skin located in the area of ​​the scrotum is covered with hairs and is sufficiently pigmented. It also contains the sebaceous and sweat glands. Discharge from these glands has a rather special smell. Due to the fact that the testicles have their location in the scrotum, this significantly allows them to create more low temperature, depending on the overall body temperature. For them, the acceptable temperature is about 34.3 degrees. The maintenance of temperature occurs due to the fact that during the onset of cold temperatures, the scrotum, directly, is pulled closer to the body, and during warm temperatures, on the contrary, it descends. The scrotum also belongs to the erogenous zone.

    Internal genital organs

    Testes, also called testes. They are the paired male reproductive gland. The main function of the testicles is the production of sperm and the excretion of testosterone (a male hormone) into the bloodstream. The location of the testicles occurs in the middle of the scrotum, in most cases, at a different level. The left testicle is slightly lower from the right one, and there may also be a difference in size. The average size of the testicles can be attributed to the length - 5 cm, here the width is -3 cm.

    Close attention to hygiene intimate organs need to be given to the testicles. Acceptable for them is a temperature that is approximately 4 degrees less than body temperature. This is because enough high temperature significantly disrupts their ability to produce living cells. Even once immersed in a sufficiently hot water temperature, you can significantly disrupt their function in the next 6 months. Men who work predominantly in a seated position are mandatory should get up and walk a little, this is necessary so that the testicles temporarily move away from significantly hot temperature body.

    The vas deferens are the channels that carry sperm from the testicles. They refer to the extension of the canals of the epididymis. Such channels pass, mainly through the channel located in the groin area, and after that, connecting, they create a single stream of sperm ejection. The flow follows through the prostate, and then tends to open an opening in the posterior region urethra... The passage of sperm occurs in a wave-like contraction. During orgasm, the formed sperm flows through the ejaculatory stream into the urethra and then out.

    The seminal border is, like the testes, a paired organ that goes from the appendages to the area with the duct of the seminal vesicle. And the function of this organ is to supply blood to the testicles, as well as excretion of seminal fluid into the vas deferens.

    The prostate, also called the prostate gland, is a solitary organ that has the primary function of producing secretions that are part of the semen content. The urethra passes directly through the prostate organ.

    The size of the prostate directly depends on the age of the man. At the age of 17, the prostate is fully developed. Externally, the prostate has a connective tissue capsule covering. The glandular tissue is formed from the glands that open part of the urinary canal with the excretory ducts. Thanks to smooth muscles, secretions are removed from the prostate. A large excretion of such a secret is observed during the period of ejaculation.

    The secret of the prostate is a rather turbid, whitish liquid. This secret takes part in the dissolution of the semen, due to which the movement of living cells through the channels occurs. In the formation of an orgasm, he takes part to a large extent.

    The seminal vesicles are quite glandular formations that produce a secret. This secret is contained in the semen, and it consists of fluid white shade with a sufficient content in the composition of fructose, which is the basis of energy for living cells and gives them great resistance.

    The male genital organ performs the most important function in the life of every person. It is one of the organs of the reproductive system and one of the two components through which people are born. Anatomically, the external and internal genitals are referred to as: penis, scrotum, testes, epididymis, vas deferens, prostate gland and seminal vesicles.

    How does a man's penis work?

    It is known that the human genitals are divided into internal and external. Let's take a closer look at how a man's penis works.

    External genital organs include:

    The penis has two components: the base (root) and the body (trunk). The trunk is formed by cavernous and spongy bodies, the recesses of which are filled with blood. The head of the penis covered with delicate skin contains a large number of glands that produce sperm. The head is very sensitive due to the huge concentration of nerve endings on it, which in turn lead to an erection. The opening at the top of the head is called the urethral outlet and is used to drain urine and semen.

    The scrotum is a kind of storage facility of the testicles, which consists of muscles and pigmented skin, which is covered with a small amount of hair.

    External male genital organs include

    Internal genital organs include:

    Testicles perform the main role in one of the most important functions male body- the formation of sperm. They are distinguished by a special structure that provides ideal temperature necessary for the formation and maintenance of sperm. On average, a favorable temperature for them is 34 degrees, therefore, in order not to heat up from the body in the heat, the scrotum descends, and in the cold, on the contrary, it pulls up to it. remember, that heat testicles can lead to the fact that a man's ability to fertilize is weakened for up to six months.

    The vas deferens is a conduit through which, with the help of wave-like contractions during orgasm, sperm is excreted from the body through the inguinal canal and the prostate gland.

    Interesting! The movement of the sperm is betrayed by a special secret that is part of the sperm, which is produced by the prostate gland.

    One of the constituents of sperm is the secretion produced by the seminal vesicles, which contains fructose, which energizes the sperm and increases their resistance.

    What does a healthy member look like?

    As for the size of the penis, there is no general standard, the length and thickness of each person is individual. However, the average member is considered to be a member whose size at rest reaches ten centimeters. Due to the huge number of nerve endings located on it, it has the ability to grow in size and reaches 16 or more centimeters. This is called an erection.

    This is how the male genital organ looks "from the inside". It would seem rather simple and not intricate on the outside, it has a complex structure on the inside. And undoubtedly plays very important role in continuation human race.