What is the difference between a wise wife and a spider. Indian fairy tale

Throughout the history of Ireland - long, turbulent and wonderful - there was, I think, no woman equal in mind to the wife of Gob-an-Shor, except, perhaps, one, whose name is Sav, the wife of O Donnel himself.

Yes, she was an extraordinary woman.

I'll tell you about Gob's wife later, but don't forget.

O Donnell himself, Prince Donehollow, was also very intelligent in his own way. Once upon a time Easter week he received an eminent Spanish guest at his court, and suddenly there were not enough apples. He immediately sent a servant to the nearest abbey, but the stingy brethren replied that, alas, there was nothing left of the old stocks, and until the new harvest ripened, they would not have apples.

Then O Donnel ordered that a bunch of candles be sent to the monks as a gift. And the messenger who carried them returned with a basket of wonderful apples.

O Donnel immediately composed a witty couplet in Gaelic and sent it to the abbey expressing his gratitude, saying that he was shocked by the discovery that candles help apples ripen ahead of time.

Yes, we just started talking about his wife Sav, even smarter than he is. The story of how he found her, the daughter of a poor man among the poor, and was captivated by her wisdom, is already excellent in itself, and perhaps I will tell it to you when my heart is more cheerful. And now I want to tell you how Sav outwitted her beloved husband.

When he was first captivated by her clear mind and thought to surprise this barefoot girl with the news that he was going to marry her and make her the mistress of his heart and his home, he himself had to be surprised, since she flatly refused him. As soon as he calmed down, he asked her about the reason for such recklessness. And Sav answered:

- Blinded by love, you now do not notice either my position or my poverty. But the day will come when, if I dare to anger the great O Donnell, he will forget that I am as good as he, if not better, and plunge me back into the poverty from which he raised me.

O Donnell's vows that this would never happen did not sway her. He begged and begged and stalked her day after day, from Monday to Sunday, and again day after day, until finally Sav - like Sally Dunlavy when she agreed to marry the big and clumsy Manny McGrah to get rid of him - agreed to become his wife.

But she demanded an oath from O Donnel that if the day came - and he probably will come - when O Donnel regretted his stupidity, began to reproach her and ordered her to go back, she would be allowed to take from his castle everything that she herself chose and will be able to carry away on his back for three times.

The happy O Donnell laughed out loud as he agreed to her wonderful condition.

They got married and were happy. They already had a son, in whom both souls doted. And for three whole years, O Donnell restrained his violent temper and did not offend the one whom he dearly loved, although he was often tempted to do so when she managed, and very skillfully, to frustrate the treacherous plans of this autocrat.

But one day she went too far, and this allowed the royal courtiers to laugh at the former greatness of the king.

The king was having a reception. His wife sat beside him and watched with concern the fear he instilled in everyone, even as he granted the requests of one petitioner after another. Suddenly, a barefoot monk stepped boldly towards the king. Perhaps he should have behaved more modestly, but he was clearly offended.

- Who are you? What is your request? O Donnell swung his whip to put the slave in his place.

But this man was not shy, on the contrary, he answered even more boldly and defiantly:

“I am the Messenger of God, O Donnell! The Lord has sent me to demand that you make amends for all the evil you have done.

The queen held back the blow that O Donnell was about to unleash on the madman's head. She stopped her husband with her hand and very calmly answered the excited monk:

“We have heard many good things about your master. Tell him not to be afraid of anything and to come here himself. Let him humbly lay down his offense at our feet, and then he will know how kind and merciful the great O Donnell is.

On that day, riots broke out at the court.

Enraged, O Donnel immediately appeared in his wife's chambers and said:

- Oh, you whore! But so me, the fool, and it is necessary! What good could I expect by marrying a beggar woman, a beggar's daughter! Out of my castle and out of my sight! Forever!

“Fine,” Sav answered calmly. “But I will take with me the greatest treasures I want.

- Take whatever you want! he shouted. “Still, I got off of you cheaply!”

Yet he watched with pain as she collected all the rarest and most valuable ornaments that made his castle the object of universal envy. But in his pride he did not say a word. In complete silence, he and all his court watched as she carried her burden over the drawbridge and, folding it on the other side, returned back.

– What will follow this? he asked bravely, standing next to his son who marveled at all this and holding his hand.

Turning her back to him, Sav said:

“Put our son on my shoulders!”

For a moment, O Donnell was dumbfounded. But he immediately remembered the famous fearlessness of all the O Donnells and, without batting an eyelid, tore off a particle of his heart - his son, putting him on the shoulders of this cruel one.

She carried her son across the bridge and put her on a bag of diamonds, gold and other valuables, and she herself returned again.

- Well, and now?

O Donnell was as hard as a rock, and as hard as granite was his question: "Well, now?" “And now,” this extraordinary woman answered, “the most valuable thing. Now you sit on my back, my heaviest burden!

In the old days they said:

Our Colm acted very wisely when, back in the sixth century, having founded his famous school and settlement of monks and scientists in Iona, he forbade taking a cow with him. “Where did you bring the cow,” said this a wise man, and the woman will follow her there. Wherever a woman has gone, trouble will follow.”

Once upon a time there was a merchant. And he had a son. One day a son came to his father and said:

Father, I don't want to get married. And if I marry, then only to a girl who will agree that I spank her five times every day with a shoe.
The merchant became thoughtful: where to find a girl who would agree to such a condition. He sent his people everywhere, but no one wanted to give his daughter to his son. In the end, after a long search, they managed to find one girl, the daughter of a village merchant.
The wedding was celebrated cheerfully. Music was playing, singing and dancing were everywhere, and so many lamps and lanterns were burning that no one could even tell whether it was day or night.
When the newlyweds arrived home, the stupid merchant's son took off his shoe and approached his young wife - he wanted to spank her. But she was resourceful and smart. She, as if nothing had happened to him, says:
“O my husband, I will allow you to hit me with your shoe five times, but only when things that you yourself have earned appear in this house. In the meantime, everything that is here does not belong to you, but to my father-in-law!
He had nothing to say in response. Indeed, all the property in the house belonged to the old merchant. The wife's words hit her husband not in the eyebrow, but in the eye. The merchant's son got angry, he wanted to rashly spank his wife without her consent. But he did not dare and left with nothing. The next day he came to his father and said: “Father! Give me money. I want to go trading in foreign lands.
He decided that he would make a lot of money by trading, and then his wife would be completely in his power.
The old merchant did not object. He was pleased that his son decided to engage in trade. He gave his son money and said goodbye to him.
And so the young merchant went on his way. He came to a village and stopped for the night. And not far from this place lived one thing. She learned about the arrival of the merchant, came to him and said:
— Respected merchant! Why are you staying here and not at my place? Perhaps in my hut!
Her merchant obeyed, gathered all his belongings and moved to her house. At night, as soon as the merchant fell asleep, the clothes took her silver bowl and hid it among the merchant's things.
As soon as morning came, a terrible noise arose in the house of the veshya.
Where is my silver bowl? she shouted. "Who took her?" Oh Ram! Where is my silver bowl?!
The people gathered. Veshya asked the young merchant if he had taken the cup.
Why do I need your kindness? I have a lot of mine too! he was surprised.
“Well, I’ll probably have to look for the loss myself!” Whoever I find it, let him give all his property.
The merchant agreed to this condition - he could not even think that the missing cup was in his bag.
Veshya began to inspect things and soon took out her cup from the merchant's bag. And the merchant, as agreed, had to give all the goods to the cheat.
The merchant went on. He now had very little money left, and he did not cease to lament that he had so stupidly lost his goods. He walked and walked and found himself in the forest. It got dark. Suddenly he sees: a lame man is walking towards him. When they came abreast, the lame man greeted him and said:
O venerable one, I gave my leg as a pledge to your father. Take my money and give me back my leg.
The young merchant sees that they want to fool him again, but he does not know what to do.
"I don't have your leg..." he began.
But the rogue did not let him finish. All his insists:
"You'll have to get my leg back!" The merchant was frightened and said:
“Here, take some money and that’s the end of the argument. So our merchant was left in the cold for the second time. He goes further. He meets another rogue - one-eyed. Walked up to him and said:
- O generous sir! My eye is pledged to your father. Take the money and return my eye as soon as possible!
The young merchant, no matter how sorry he was, had to give this rogue his last money. So he was fooled for the third time, and now he was naked as a falcon.
The merchant went on. About ten versts from there was a village. He went into it and lay down under a tree. All night, anxious thoughts kept him awake. When the day came, he decided that he needed to hire someone to work. "I'll save up some money," he thought, "and start trading."
He began to wander around the village and came to the buttermaker. He took him to his assistant. For days on end, the merchant sat near the press and squeezed oil from sesame seeds.
So many days passed. The merchant kept working for the buttermaker. Once he remembered his father and wrote him a letter:
“I bow down to you, father! I am satisfied with my fate. I have risen high, and great riches have accumulated in my hands.
Your son".
The old merchant received this letter and was very happy. He called his daughter-in-law and said to her:
“Look, daughter-in-law, what a smart son I have turned out to be. A lot of money is now passing through his hands. I was sure before that he would get rich.
The daughter-in-law took the letter from her father-in-law and re-read it herself. She realized that her husband did not get rich at all and everything that was written in the letter was just fiction.
She sent people to find out what was happening in the surrounding villages, and then one day she came to her father-in-law and said:
I want to go visit my husband. I'll see how he's doing.
The old merchant agreed, and soon everything was ready for departure. The bride dressed up in men's suit, hung a sword from her belt and set off on horseback with several servants. On the way, she did not stop anywhere and after a while arrived at the village where her husband worked for the buttermaker. She came to the owner and said: - You have an assistant. Give it to me, you can take whatever you want in return.
The greedy buttermaker, as soon as he heard about the money, immediately agreed to give up his worker, and for this he received as much gold as he wanted.
The young merchant did not recognize his wife in a man's attire and went to serve her. She led him to her tents pitched near the village. Her servants were all new, and none of them recognized her husband. Therefore, without suspecting anything, he began to fulfill everything that the new owner demanded of him.
So several days passed.
Once the wife of the merchants prepared very tasty cookies and salty dishes and said to the servants:
- Eat as much as you want, but don't you dare drink. Whoever disobeys, I will punish him.
The merchant's son had not eaten such delicious food for a long time. He did not hesitate and ate to satiety. And he wanted to drink. But he remembered the threat of the owner and decided to wait for the right opportunity.
Night has come. The merchant's wife lay down and placed a jug of water next to her bed. The merchant's son was dressed up to guard the good, and he only thought about how to drink. "When the owner is sound asleep," he thought, "I'll get close to the jug and get drunk."
The merchant's wife lay with eyes closed and snored loudly for wine. As soon as the merchant's son saw that his master was sound asleep, he grabbed a jug and began to drink greedily. But his wife was just waiting for this: she jumped out of bed, looked angrily at him and said that if he violated the order, he would be immediately punished. Immediately she called the rest of the servants and ordered: Quickly go to the village and bring two lit pipes!
The servants brought smoking pipes and, on the order of the mistress, put them on the merchant's back - they put two brands on him. The merchant's son writhed in pain, but he was afraid to scream. After that, she allowed him to drink water, gave him a lot of money and ordered him to go to sleep peacefully. So the merchant did not guess anything.
Many days have passed. One day, the merchant's wife ordered to break camp, and everyone set off on their way back. On the way, she shot a deer and told the servants to take one deer leg and eye with them.
They rode a little further and met that one-eyed rogue who demanded his eye. He started up the old song. Then the woman says to him:
“Many people have pledged their eyes to us. Well, take out and weigh your eye, and then we will select an equal weight to it.
Here the rogue was confused. “Well,” he thinks, “I have long lost one eye, and now I have to risk the second one? Don't be like this!"
And says aloud:
“O venerable one, I don’t need any eye! He said so and went away.
They went further. Towards them hobbles the second rogue - lame. The woman gave him the same answer: they say, tear off and weigh your leg first, then you will get exactly the same.
“Eh, yes, this is obviously an experienced rogue,” the lame man thought, “you need to stay away from him, otherwise you will lose your other leg.”
The riders moved on. On the way, night caught them, and they stopped in a house near the same thing where the merchant's son had once spent the night. This time too, Veshya treated the travelers as usual: she took her silver bowl and hid the merchant's wife in disguise among the things, while she herself went to bed. But she did not close her eyes. As soon as the rogue Veshya fell asleep, she took out the bowl and put it back in its original place.
In the morning the veshya made a fuss. They began to look for the cup and found it not with travelers, but in the belongings of the hostess herself. Therefore, as agreed in advance, the merchant's wife received all the goods and left this village.
When they arrived at their native village, they pitched their tents again. The merchant's wife gathered the servants and said:
“Look after everything well, and I need to go to the village for a while on business.
She came home, changed into her usual dress, and went to her father-in-law.
He saw her and impatiently asks:
__ And where is my son, daughter-in-law?
__ He ​​will return home soon, was the answer.
Meanwhile, the young merchant, seeing that the owner was not returning for a long time, decided to take advantage of this and see his parents. He says to the other servants:
“Brothers, I am running away to this village—my mother and father live there. I want to see them. If I'm not back by nightfall, then figure out what to tell the owner about me.
The young merchant came home. The father rushed to his son, hugging him. He only regrets that his son returned as a servant. Well, what happened is gone. The young merchant washed himself, put on a new dress and went to his wife. Yes, it is clear that he has learned little mind-reason. Came to her and said:
— I visited distant countries brought great wealth. Now I can treat you with shoes.
But she, hearing his boasting, only laughed. The husband was surprised by this, even more important. And his wife says to him:
“First, tell me who put the brand on your back?” Who bought you and brought you home? After all, all the money that you took from home is gone. What kind of riches have you obtained that you boast so much?
It was only then that the merchant realized how stupid he had acted. He remembered everything that happened to him during this time. He became very ashamed. He fell on his knees, asking his wife for forgiveness.
And the wife picked it up and said:
“Get up, there’s no good from stubbornness.” The one who succeeds in life is the one who acts wisely, and does not waste his strength in vain. And you never need to boast of what is earned not by you, but by others.
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We will tell you the story of the wise wife. Well, if the parable is about a smart wife, then she should also have a husband ...

So, once upon a time a husband and wife lived somewhere. Although they were not rich, they lived well and well, they did not say a rude word to each other.

The husband worked in the field from morning to evening, and the wife spent all this time spinning, weaving, and taking care of the housework.

All the inhabitants of their village admired the woman's modesty and intelligence. And the fame of her mind soon spread far beyond their village.

Once the wife of the governor of the province heard about this woman, and almost burst with envy: “How is she better than me, that everyone cannot praise her? I’ll die, but I’ll go and look at her.” Once the governor went away for a few days on business.

His wife changed into old clothes, and went to that village to look for a smart woman. She pretended to be a beggar, knocked on the door, and asked for alms.

The kind woman filed a beggar and continued to work. The governor's wife looked into the yard and saw that the woman was sitting in the very sun and spinning wool. Nearby lies a piece of stale bread and water in a ladle heated under the sun.

- Sister, why are you sitting in the sun, and not in the shade of trees? the governor's wife asked.

- My husband at this very time in the field under the burning sun mows wheat, - the woman answered, - he has nowhere to hide in the shade. Yes, and eat besides stale bread, and drink, except warm water, he has nothing. Why am I better than him? Like him, so do I, otherwise, I will not understand how we get a piece of bread, and what my husband feels. And my husband, seeing my devotion, repays me with love.

The governor's wife, in order to test the prudence of a woman, asked:

- Tell me, sister, how can I make my husband love me more?

“If you bring me some lion hairs from your mustache, I can teach you,” the woman replied.

From that day on, the governor's wife began to look for the lion, and finally found it in the menagerie of the padishah. He sees terrible lions sitting in cages, at one glance at them, the hamstrings are shaking. She thought and wondered for a long time and decided to feed the biggest lion herself every day. She began to bring meat to the lion two or three times a day, changed the water in the drinking bowl, and at the same time affectionately said:

- How smart you are, how good and kind you are.

After a while, the lion began to recognize her. Emboldened, the governor's wife began stroking the lion's head. And then one day she managed to pull out three hairs from his mustache. Then she came to smart woman, and showed her lion hairs.

- How did you manage to cut off the mustache of such a predatory beast as a lion? the woman asked.

The governor's wife told how she handled the beast to pull out those hairs.

- Sister, treat your husband the way you treated a lion. Then he will love you more, - said the woman.

Since then, the governor's wife began to treat her husband the way the woman advised. The husband was very pleased with his wife. So the headman's wife was convinced that the woman was actually very smart.

By the way, the governor because of such good relationship his wife began to treat not only her better, but also all other people. But that's a completely different story.

Once upon a time there lived a husband and wife. They lived very friendly, they did not say a rude word to each other. The husband worked in the field from sunrise to sunset, while his wife spun, wove, and cleaned the house. The villagers admired the woman's modesty and intelligence. Everyone praised her, praised her. Days passed, months, years passed, and the rumor about the woman spread everywhere.

Once the wife of the village headman heard about this woman, almost burst with anger: "And why is she better than me, that everyone cannot praise her. I will die, but I will find and look at her." The elder's wife waited a long time for a chance to leave the house. Once the headman went to the city for a few days on business. Only the husband was outside the gate, the wife changed into rags and went in search of the woman. In one house, in another, finally, asking people, I found it. The headman's wife pretended to be a beggar, knocked on the gate and asked for alms.

The good woman served the beggar and continued to work, and the headman's wife looked into the yard and saw that the woman was sitting in the very sun, spinning wool, and next to her was a stale piece of bread and water heated under the sun in a ladle.

Sister, why are you sitting in the sun, and not in the shade of trees? asked the elder's wife.

My husband at this very time is mowing wheat in the field under the burning sun, - the woman answered. He has nowhere to hide in the shade. Yes, and to eat, except for stale bread, and to drink, except for warm water, he has nothing. Am I better than him? Like him, so do I. Otherwise, I won’t understand what my husband is like, what kind of work he has. And my husband, seeing my fidelity, repays me with love.

Advise, sister, what should I do so that my husband loves me more, - the headman's wife asked the woman. She wanted to test her sanity.

If you bring me some lion hairs, I can teach you,” the woman replied.

From that day on, the headman's wife began to look for the lion and finally found it in the menagerie of the padishah. He sees terrible lions in steel cages, at one glance at them the hamstrings are shaking. The headman's wife thought for a long time and decided to feed the lion herself every day. She began to come to the beast two or three times a day, overcame her fear, put food through the rods for him, changed the water in the drinking bowl, affectionately saying, stroking the tail and back. After some time, she grew bolder and stroked the lion's head. The lion began to recognize her. Once, while stroking the lion's head, she pulled out three hairs from his mustache. The elder's wife came to that woman and showed her the lion's hair.

How did you manage to cut off the mustache of such a predatory beast as a lion? the woman asked.

The headman's wife told the woman how she handled the beast in order to pull out those hairs.

Sister, go to your husband and treat him the way you treated a lion. Then he will not torment you, he will love you, - said the woman.

Since then, the headman's wife began to treat her husband the way the woman advised. The husband was very pleased with his wife. The headman's wife was convinced that the woman was actually very smart.

The golden rule of a wise wife: "Manage, but do not dominate!"

"Every woman wants to have good husband, good house, good children, some decorations and good food. This is neither good nor bad - it's just that they are created that way, say the Vedic sages. “But even if a woman gets all this, she cannot live without love, because without love she loses her inner radiance.”

wise wife

"A real wife is one who is pure, skillful, truthful and brings joy to her husband." Sage Chanakya Pandit

wise wife- does not mean smart! In the East, they believe that without love a woman will be unsatisfied, no matter how successful she may be in other areas of life. This is also confirmed by European sociological studies, according to which most women consider the most important thing in life to be love with a man and a happy marriage (not necessarily legally registered), where they could receive protection and care.

Husband is the owner, wife is the manager

Something like this can be "translated" into modern language the ancient Vedic laws of building relationships in the family.

Family life is above all cooperation. Therefore, first of all, you need to choose a suitable life partner who would be ready to cooperate. At the same time, it does not matter at all how handsome, rich and romantic he is. If it doesn't match your relationship setup, it's probably not your soul mate. Example: lovers get married, while he believes that "she owes me", she believes that "he owes me". There is no cooperation, everyone is unhappy, six months later - a divorce. And all because boys and girls do not know the "rules of the game": marriage was based only on sympathy, and not on a deep understanding of the purpose of living together.

Success in family life is 100 percent dependent on the woman! Moreover, it is precisely this state of affairs that corresponds to both the interests of the family and the interests of the woman. Think about it: if she takes full and thoughtful leadership of the relationship, no one (including her husband) can interfere with her! Therefore, every woman just needs to become a real professional in this “native” sphere for herself - the sphere of relationships. Actually this is the most important work which must be dealt with first. If you don't do it, no one will do it for you!

The purpose of the family is unity.

“It is very important for a wife to have trust and respect for her husband. He should have such a goal in life that you will not be ashamed to support, ”the Vedic sages say.

If the goal of a man is only to enjoy his wife, and the goal of the wife is to enjoy her husband, they will not succeed. It is impossible to satisfy each other all the time! Our feelings tend to get fed up, and if the goal is only pleasure, there is discontent in the family and in the end the spouses scatter. Without a purpose family life turns into a departing train.

What is the right goal family relations? Ancient scriptures say that spouses should strive for unity at all levels of being: material, subtle-material and spiritual. When all levels are balanced, spouses turn into a kind of wholeness. But if progress is only in material matters, and spiritual development missed, then the end is inevitable - complete disappointment: in her husband, in herself, in life.

But when there is complete harmony between the spouses, they experience amazing sensations: a sense of security, satisfaction, stability, self-confidence and ever-increasing love not only for their spouse, but also for other people. They feel the fullness of life and success - and this is transmitted to others.
Submission is not humiliation!

The spirit of competition, the desire for success and dominance in society and the family - distinctive features male psychology. The male "I" wants to be the "boss" - it requires respect for itself and approval! If he is gently pampered, everyone benefits. A woman in a subordinate, but not inferior position, accepts this natural order of things - and gently yields, thus awakening all the positive reactions of the husband.

But our contemporaries are accustomed to strive for male goals and achievements, competing with the stronger sex at work and at home. Under no circumstances should this be done! male ego, encountering opposition, becomes like an "elephant in the garden" and destroys everything in its path! And then all is lost. Most likely, you will be met with anger, stubbornness, irritability, "cold treatment", misunderstanding and even insults.

Women of Vedic times knew many different "secrets": with the help of subtle changes in clothing, tone of voice, home interior and a special combination of tastes in food, they easily controlled their husbands and achieved everything they wanted, while remaining affectionate and helpful.But this is "aerobatics", for contemporaries, perhaps, unattainable.

More interesting point, What wise wife does not use manipulation! The main work is on oneself (to be cleaner, brighter, to be faithful and love a husband), and then the space around itself changes into better side. This happens because women have a very powerful energy, it greatly affects the environment. Do not forget, a woman creates a cause, a man realizes it!

A Wise Wife and the Laws of a Happy Marriage:

* It is necessary to improve the relationship, not the man. Confusing these concepts is detrimental to marriage. You chose your husband yourself. It's up to you.
* A wife should be ready to follow her husband in everything and share all his aspirations and principles.
* The wife's duty is to accept whatever circumstances her husband finds himself in.
* A husband rarely changes just because a woman wants it - because all changes in a man are in the hands of a woman.
* With all my heart accept your husband as he is, - the best medicine which will support him and give him confidence in success.
* Consider him smart and significant and it will always give good fruit for you.
* If you have already made your choice and, as it seems to you, not too successful - do not despair! Make a list of good bad qualities husband. Close up with a sheet of paper negative qualities and look with great enthusiasm only at positive traits and forget the bad ones. Considering only good traits in your strong soul mate, you will noticeably improve the atmosphere in the family.

Tags: wise wife, Golden rules of girls, Laws happy marriage.