BPA free. Where is BPA contained. How to reduce harmful effects

This substance can be found in baby bottles and is also applied to inner surface cans (learn about here) and plastic bottles with drinks, it is also found in construction glue and is even included in car parts and CDs. Bisphenol A, today we will talk about it and about the danger that scientists have found in this substance.

Bisphenol A harm

Scientists around the world are seriously alarmed, the latest studies of the substance bisphenol A (recall that bisphenol is included in almost all packaging materials for products, as well as in plastic products ) allowed us to draw disappointing conclusions that this substance is not so safe for human health. A, when interacting with human saliva, this chemical artificial element not only quickly dissolves, but is also absorbed into the human bloodstream circulatory system, gets into the body and ... leads to dire consequences.

It is noteworthy that the hypothesis that this substance is not so safe did not appear today, and not yesterday. Over the past 50 years, scientists suspected that not everything was so smooth, but they could not find evidence and confirmation of their hypothesis about the dangers of bisphenol. But, already the most recent studies have proven that there is a direct and disappointing relationship between impaired brain function, impaired reproductive system and bisphenol. Also, today there are already official confirmations that it is this substance that can become a catalyst for the development of cancerous tumors in the body, malfunctions of cardio-vascular system and endocrine, and even become the cause of the second type of disease and the development of Down syndrome in the fetus.

Countries such as Canada, Japan, and several states of America have already officially announced the imposed full or partial ban on the use of this substance in the production of both food packaging and.

We will conduct our own personal research of bisphenol A and make sure that the excitement created around it is not fictional, but fraught with a real threat.

Bisphenol help

So, The encyclopedia tells us the following facts about bisphenol A:

  • chemical substance, granular structure, characteristic white,
  • Bisphenol A was first synthesized in 1891 by a Russian chemist named Alexander Dianin (it was he who became the "father" of this substance),
  • condensation of phenol and acetone, with the participation of auxiliary catalysts, including of hydrochloric acid- the official formula of bisphenol A,
  • bisphenol A belongs to the group of aromatic carbohydrates and, in addition to being used in the plastics industry, and in the manufacture paints and varnishes, used in veterinary medicine and medicine as an antiseptic,
  • in 1936 it was proved that bisphenol A is a synthetic analogue of the female hormone estrogen,
  • annually, around the world, close to 3 tons of this substance are produced.

While bisphenol A is in small amounts, its chances of harming our health are negligible (but there is still a risk). But, if not for its ability to accumulate in the human body, everything would not be so scary, moreover, not all manufacturers "remember" to indicate on the packaging the exact content of the amount of this substance, and such "forgetfulness" is fraught with consequences. After all, for example, a person with an average weight of 75 kilograms, who eats a can of canned food (vegetables, meat, fish) from exclusively proven products per day, already exceeds the permissible content of this substance in his body by 80 !!! once.

But, if bisphenol A is a time bomb, with already one hundred percent proven harm to human body, is it really impossible to just prohibit the release of this substance and its use in everyday life? Unfortunately, not everything is so simple modern technologies production facilities will not be able to manufacture any cans at an affordable price or plastic containers without the use of bisphenol... Perhaps in ten years, when science takes another step forward towards progress, we will be able to find a harmless analogue and substitute for bisphenol A in production. Although, already today there are manufacturers who draw the attention of consumers to the fact that their packaging is made without the use of bisphenol. But, to prove whether this is really so, only chemical analysis can ... In addition, one more criterion is whether it is contained poisonous substance in plastic packaging, will be its price. Safe packaging will cost several orders of magnitude more.

This substance is found in baby bottles, it is applied to the inner layer of canned food and beverage cans, it is found in building glue, car parts and CDs. Why is bisphenol dangerous and how to reduce its amount in your home?

Recently influential American consumer magazine, Consomer Report, is committed to protecting health and the environment, published an article on bisphenol A and its harmful effects on health.

We are talking about a chemical substance in the form of granules, white in color, which was first synthesized in 1891 by the Russian chemist Alexander Dianin. Bisphenol was obtained by condensation of phenol with acetone in the presence of various catalysts, in particular, hydrochloric acid (see Bisphenol A - Wikipedia).

Application area:

Today bisphenol A is widely used in the plastics industry. It is used to create a tough, polycarbonate plastic that is used to make great amount modern products such as: baby bottles, and drinks, food packaging containers. Bisphenol A and other bisphenols are widely used in the production of CDs, car parts, in the manufacture of various coatings, adhesives, materials that replace metal, glass and wood. Bisphenol A is also involved in the production of resins, paints and varnishes. Since it belongs to phenols (aromatic carbohydrates), it is used in medicine and veterinary medicine as an antiseptic.

Bisphenol A is included in the inner layer of cans, as well as cans with drinks.

As you can see, the scope of its application is huge, in every home there is at least one product containing bisphenol A. Approximately 2.8 million tons of this are produced in the world every year. chemical.

Why is bisphenol A dangerous?

Back in 1936, it turned out that the structure of bisphenol A is very similar to the female hormone "estrogen", that is, it is actually its synthetic analogue.

Over the nearly 100-year history of bisphenol A, there has been ample evidence of its harmful effects.

This substance leads to impaired reproductive function, accelerated sexual aging, negatively affects the brain, and also contributes to the development of certain cancers, increases the risk of developing Down syndrome in the fetus. But the biggest negative is that bisphenol in the human body accumulates on

the length of time it was used and thereafter.

Laboratory analysis:

As part of the research for the journal, laboratory analysis packages of canned food, canned soups and substitutes baby milk including such renowned manufacturers like Nestley, Starkist and Similak. Bisphenol A was found in packages in which it (judging by the assurances of the manufacturers) should not have been, and in some soups its level was considered simply dangerous. “A person weighing 75 kg, who eats a can of canned green beans every day from the products we tested, exceeds the permissible norm of bisphenol by 80 times,” says the Consumer Report article. At the same time, the norm adopted on the basis of experiments on animals (2.4 mg of bisphenol per 1 kg of body weight) is very liberal and, according to some doctors, is a thousand times higher than the concentration safe for human health.

Allowable norms:

Until now, experiments on the effects of bisphenol on health have been carried out only on animals. Everyone knows that the body of experimental animals reacts to some substances differently than the body of people, but you will not conduct such dangerous experiments on people! Is it possible to imagine that in some laboratory they studied the effects of bisphenol on one-year-old children, dividing them into groups, one of which receives food in harmful plastic bottles? Who would approve such a study? Personally, I am against inflicting unnecessary suffering on both people and animals. Wouldn't it be better to just give up the questionable substance?

The Starkist technologist said that "today it is impossible to make a tin can not coated with bisphenol varnish, maybe it will become a reality in ten years, but not today."

And today there is not even a generally accepted norm regarding the minimum permissible amount of bisphenol A, despite the fact that it is almost impossible to completely exclude its ingestion. Not a single ministry of health in the world has officially defined the minimum norm for bisphenol A and has not included it in the list of carcinogenic substances. Public attention to bisphenol was attracted by companies producing containers without this substance. In turn, manufacturers of traditional plastics in all ways, including funding research, are trying to downplay the danger of bisphenol.

Relation to bisphenol:

Some countries are very tough on bisphenol. The US Congress is considering several bills calling for its complete ban. For example, in the state of California, in the production of packaging for baby food, the use of bisphenol A has already been excluded. In Japan, manufacturers, on their own initiative, back in 1997 excluded bisphenol from the coating for cans. The most progressive state in this sense is Canada, where the Ministry of Health regularly checks the composition of the plastic for baby bottles. In addition, the local government is helping manufacturers find alternative safe materials. In 2008, Canada enacted a ban on the sale of bottled infant formula containing bisphenol A.

How can the situation be changed?

Environmentalists believe that if anyone can really make a difference, it is consumers.

A massive boycott of bisphenol-A products will force manufacturers to find alternatives. The same happened with laboratory equipment. When it was shown that plastic dishes containing bisphenol A, when heated, release estrogen into petri dishes and this affects laboratory results, a replacement was quickly found. It is necessary to convince the population with the help of disputes, press conferences with the participation of doctors, publications in the press. Important role special marking of goods in toxic containers would play. And then the manufacturers will find alternative solutions.

The only area where the population is showing conscience is everything related to baby food bottles. However, only 25% of Israeli parents buy food in safe packaging. These are the data presented director general Shilav chain is the only children's goods chain that has completely removed products containing bisphenol A from the shelves. The reason is simple: safe products are more expensive. Bisphenol A containers lead the category of low-cost products. Note that Philips-Avent admits on its website that it does not sell BPA bottles in the United States. On safe bottles in large letters the absence of this substance is reported.

How to lower bad influence:

It is very easy to reduce the potential harmful effects of bisphenol. Try not to heat up in microwave oven food in plastic containers, especially old and scratched ones. Renew baby feeding bottles regularly, at least once a year, and do not use damaged utensils. American experts recommend buying food in containers that do not contain BPA.

Microwave: use without fear:

When heating food in plastic wrap, BPA vapors can escape from micro-cracks in the plastic directly into the food. To prevent this from happening, it is best to heat food in a glass or ceramic dishes designed for microwaves. If, you have no way out, and you have to warm or defrost the food covered cling film, make sure that the distance between it and the film is at least 3 cm. And it is best to take the product out of the package, transfer it to a dish designed for a microwave oven and heat it up in it. Microwave popcorn bags are safe.

This substance is found in baby bottles, it is applied to the inner layer of canned food and beverage cans, it is found in building glue, car parts and CDs.
Why is bisphenol dangerous and how to reduce its amount in your home?

Recently, the influential American consumer magazine Consomer Report, which advocates for health and the environment, published an article on bisphenol A and its harmful effects on health.

We are talking about a chemical substance in the form of granules, white in color, which was first synthesized in 1891 by the Russian chemist Alexander Dianin. Bisphenol was obtained by condensation of phenol with acetone in the presence of various catalysts, in particular, hydrochloric acid (see Bisphenol A - Wikipedia).

Application area:

Today bisphenol A is widely used in the plastics industry. It is used in the creation of tough, polycarbonate plastic, from which a huge number of modern products are made, such as: baby bottles, bottles for water and drinks, containers for food packaging. Bisphenol A and other bisphenols are widely used in the production of CDs, car parts, in the manufacture of various coatings, adhesives, materials that replace metal, glass and wood. Bisphenol A is also involved in the production of resins, paints and varnishes. Since it belongs to phenols (aromatic carbohydrates), it is used in medicine and veterinary medicine as an antiseptic.

Bisphenol A is included in the inner layer of cans, as well as cans with drinks.

As you can see, the scope of its application is huge, in every home there is at least one product that contains bisphenol A. Approximately 2.8 million tons of this chemical are produced in the world every year.

Why is bisphenol A dangerous?

Back in 1936, it turned out that the structure of bisphenol A is very similar to the female hormone "estrogen", that is, it is actually its synthetic analogue.

Over the nearly 100-year history of bisphenol A, there has been ample evidence of its harmful effects.

This substance leads to impaired reproductive function, accelerated sexual aging, negatively affects the brain, and also contributes to the development of certain cancers, increases the risk of developing Down syndrome in the fetus. But the biggest negative is that bisphenol accumulates in the human body over the course of its use and after that.

Exposure to BISPHENOL A leads to male infertility. This is the conclusion reached by scientists at the California Research Center. For five years, they studied the relationship between the content of bisphenol A in the urine and blood of workers in Chinese factories with the quality of sperm. It turned out that the increased concentration of bisphenol A in the urine leads to an increased likelihood of low concentration, viability and motility of spermatozoa. The researchers also note that bisphenol A affects the female reproductive system causing Negative consequences such as cancer or metabolic disorders. Bottles and canned food containing this chemical contribute to the development of diseases such as cancer, obesity, heart disease, etc. According to scientists, as a precaution, you should avoid getting bisphenol A into the body as much as possible.

Bisphenol A is already banned in Canada and three states in America. Many baby bottle manufacturers have stopped using this chemical in their products.

Laboratory analysis:

As part of the study, a laboratory analysis of canned food packages, canned soups and baby milk substitutes was carried out for the magazine, including such well-known manufacturers as Nestley, Starkist and Similak. Bisphenol A was found in packages in which it (judging by the assurances of the manufacturers) should not have been, and in some soups its level was considered simply dangerous. “A person weighing 75 kg, who eats a can of canned green beans every day from the products we tested, exceeds the permissible norm of bisphenol by 80 times,” says the Consumer Report article. At the same time, the norm adopted on the basis of experiments on animals (2.4 mg of bisphenol per 1 kg of body weight) is very liberal and, according to some doctors, is a thousand times higher than the concentration safe for human health.

In May 2010, the first project of this kind was completed in Russia to assess the levels of BPA in packaging materials... The Association was involved in its implementation. medical professionals Chapaevsk ", Laboratory of Analytical Ecotoxicology of the AN Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Center" Eco-Accord ".

As a result of the project:

1. A method for the determination of BPA in beverages and food products has been developed, which meets the requirements for the sensitivity and accuracy of determination.

1. Determination of the BPA content in various food products from different regions Russia.

2. BPA was found in most of the samples analyzed.

3. BPA levels are found in a number of foods and beverages by 2.5-4 times

Exceeding European standards.

During the project, bisphenol A was found in following products baby food:

1 Rastishka. Strawberry Drinking Yogurt -<0,1 нг/г

2 "HiPP" Peach & Banana Fruit Puree - 0.66 ng / g

3 "Granny's basket", beef and zucchini Vegetable purees - 1.32 ng / g

4 "Granny's basket", peach Fruit puree 1.37 ng / g

5 Nutrilon Milk Powder 2.15 ng / g

6 Baby 1 Milk powder 3.42ng / g

7 NAN Milk powder 6.8 ng / g

8 Agusha, chicken and beef Meat puree 21.52 ng / g

9 "Tyoma", turkey puree Meat puree 24.0ng / g

10 "Tyoma", poultry puree Meat puree 35.22 ng / g

Definition limit -<0,1 нг/г

Bisphenol A is found in the following beverages:

1. Children's juice "Theme Type TOP" -<0,05нг/г

2. Pear lemonade -<0,05нг/г

3. Mineral water "Agusha" - 0.11ng / g

4. Pepsi drink - 1.3ng / g

5. Energy drink Red Bull - 2.81ng / g

Definition limit -<0,05 нг/г

Other goods:

Canned meat "Special beef stew" - 19.39ng / g

Canned Tomatoes "Green Giant" - 42.9ng / g

Definition limit -<0,1 нг/г

In the preface to this article, I want to draw your attention to the fact that any plastic box for food - harmful to the human body, primarily for children and adolescents, and not just harmful, but can carry irreversible pathologies for the human body, if it contains BPA(bisphenol A). Due to the fact that vending uses plastic cups, and also sells products from snacks in the form of various drinks in plastic containers, we focus on the harm of drinks in plastic packaging - this applies to any drinks in plastic bottles. Of course, for a manufacturer of bottled drinks - a plastic bottle, this is the simplest and cheapest packaging option, and therefore - on store shelves, we see what we see, and also worth paying attention to for coffee machines and think again about through cleaning filters.

Whenever possible, try to avoid beverages in plastic packaging, prefer drinks in glass or combination packaging and instant functional drinks, thus you will protect yourself and your children from health problems in the future. You should not believe the manufacturers who talk about the benefits of their drinks and at the same time sell them in plastic bottles and only for one of the reasons:

Countless studies have warned, over and over again, that the chemical compound bisphenol A ( BPA for short) is the cause of hormonal disorders and poses a huge threat to human health. Researchers from the University of Missouri have shown that BPA is the reason that male mice lose their "masculinity" and begin to show transcendental "femininity". In fact, female mice do not want to mate with BPA-exposed male mice. Scientists concluded that exposure to BPA during human development can also wreak havoc with hormonal balance, distorting and disrupting behavioral and cognitive instincts that are unique to each sex and are important in reproduction.

“The BPA-infected male mice in our study looked normal, visually unchanged, but clearly something was wrong with them,” says Sherrill Rosenfeld, associate professor of biomedical sciences at the Bond Life Sciences Center of Veterinary Medicine, in a statement to mass media. “Female mice do not want to mate with BPA-exposed male mice, which in turn lose the ability to locate and evaluate mates in the wild. This study provided the basis for BPA researchers and to study how BPA can differentially affect behavioral and cognitive patterns of relationships - Male-Female, ”added Rosenfeld.

“Researchers looked for obvious BPA-induced differences, such as DNA mutations that could overlook behavioral differences, ultimately leading to long-term and adverse outcomes, including loss of male sex characteristics of male behavior with decreased reproductive fitness. ... For the new study, scientists fed female and male mice with BPA for two weeks before mating and during lactation. Female mice received doses equivalent to those in the United States that are the highest for food and drug packaging and are considered non-toxic for pregnant women if ingested. After 25 days, the offspring of male mice were deprived of breastfeeding, and they were fed with non-BPA supplemented food. Then, when the offspring became adults, their behavior was examined for their ability to navigate the maze. Male mice usually have improved spatial navigation abilities. This is important because it allows them to find females that are dispersed in the environment. But when researchers at the University of Missouri studied the navigation skills of male mice that were exposed to BPA early in their development, they found that something terrible was happening to them. Each male mouse had the opportunity, for seven days, twice a day, for five minutes, to try to find a way to the home cage using one of several holes located along the edge of the maze. Moreover, the labyrinth was marked with a set of visible navigation cues to help the animals. Nevertheless, many of them could not find a way out. On the other hand, all male mice that were not exposed to BPA found the right outlet very quickly - on the very first day. This fact adds strong evidence that BPA has dramatically altered the ability of male mice to orientate correctly. The scientists found that BPA-exposed mice quickly navigated to find the most direct route, while BPA-exposed male mice roamed the maze in confusion in search of a way out. Female mice were isolated from potential mates who had been exposed to BPA. In a mate selection experiment, the researchers investigated the level of interest of females in males by observing interesting and specific behaviors such as nose-to-nose sniffing and the amount of time the female spent checking out her potential mate. According to Dr. Rosenfeld, male mice exposed to BPA were not successful with females and were rejected by them, preferring male mice not exposed to BPA.

“These findings have far-reaching implications for other animal species, including humans, where there are similar innate differences between males and females in cognitive and behavioral patterns. By and large, such behavioral deficits, in the long term, undermine the ability of species to reproduce offspring. Whether this is a threat to humans remains unclear, but there is already an understanding that this is a serious problem, ”says Dr. Rosenfeld.

This study, which is published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, is the latest in a mosaic of killer studies showing the dangers of BPA. For example, it has been widely reported in the past that BPA is the cause of precancerous conditions, kidney disease, and other developmental problems in animals. A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) showed that humans can become time bombs due to the consumption of BPA, which is found in virtually all plastic food packaging. Back in 2008, JAMA reported a study that the chemical BPA is also linked to an increase in cardiovascular disease, diabetes, precancerous conditions, and kidney disease. But back to females and males. BPA mimics estrogen, one of the sex hormones. Too much estrogen disrupts hormonal balance. In this condition, women usually experience menopause, while men "lose strength." In men, low testosterone levels are usually caused by an increase in estrogen levels. Many breast cancer victims can be attributed to hormonal imbalances. Men who show high estrogen levels age faster. Accumulation of belly fat is an indicator of elevated estrogen levels. Prostate problems, including prostate cancer, are associated with an imbalance in sex hormones. For both men and women, the danger of estrogen dominance includes bone loss and mental instability, which can subsequently lead to permanent depression and dementia. Lowered immunity and emotional depression are becoming more common.

In November 2010, Canada became the first country in the world to declare BPA, a toxic substance that poses risks to human health and the environment, and plans to eliminate BPA in food and beverage packaging within 5 years. In January of this year, the FDA (USA) finally made an admission, for the first time, that "this is of some concern," after studies have found that BPA is found in the urine of 93% of Americans and 90% of all newborns. who participated in large-scale research.

For reference: Bisphenol A has been used for 50 years as a hardener in the manufacture of plastics and plastic-based products. It is one of the key monomers in the production of epoxy resins and the most common form in polycarbonate plastics. A range of products are made from polycarbonate plastic, such as water and beverage bottles and other packaging.

We will continue to follow the news and research in this area directly related to BPA and plastic packaging and publish such studies and their results. In the meantime, think about how much you value your health and the health of your children when you buy drinks in plastic bottles.

Hello everyone! Today I propose to pay attention to plastic objects in our life, namely, to their composition. And, to be absolutely precise, for bisphenol a.

This chemical compound was invented by our compatriot Alexander Dianin in 1891. In its usual form, it looks like white granules. Bisphenol a has gained particular popularity in the last 50 years. It is used as a hardener for plastics.

Where is bisphenol A used

The presence of this substance can be found in almost all plastic products: bottles for water and other drinks, baby bottles, containers for storing food. It is also treated with the inner layer of cans. It is used in the manufacture of CDs, adhesives, household appliances, car parts, paints and varnishes. They also make sports equipment and even fillings for teeth. As well as medical devices, eyeglass lenses, thermal paper and much more.

As you can see, its application is wide enough. They are added wherever possible. Just like palm oil. Cheap raw materials that manufacturers are trying to use everywhere for their own benefit and profit. But, as always, no one thinks about the safety of us, consumers.

To determine if the product you are buying is BPA-free, look at the legend on the package. This substance is present in grade 3 and 7 plastics. Classes are denoted by an arrow-shaped triangle with numbers written inside it. In our case, the numbers are 3 and 7, respectively.

And why is he dangerous?

The fact is that bisphenol a is very similar in structure to the female sex hormone estrogen. When it enters the body, it negatively affects the brain, causes a delay in its development, autism. It also promotes the development of cancers such as testicular, prostate, and breast cancer. It deforms the DNA in sperm, inhibits the reproductive function and the endocrine system. Promotes the development of diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular disease.

The list of diseases caused by this synthetic substance is quite large. But we get it every day with food. We're all used to storing food in plastic containers. For example, I have a whole set. This is, of course, very convenient. But, as it turned out now, it is dangerous. Must be replaced with glass containers. Fortunately, hardware stores have a large selection of all kinds of household utensils.

When we store food in a container or wrap it in a film or bag, BPA is gradually absorbed into the food. And when heated, it begins to evaporate from the dishes and even faster goes into food. Especially when we have been using these cups for several years. It turns out that they can be stored for no more than one year. Because over time, the surface is damaged, and bisphenol-a passes through these cracks faster.

This substance is contained in all filling materials. And when it enters the oral cavity through saliva, bisphenol a is very quickly absorbed into the body. Therefore, after you have placed the filling, you need to rinse your mouth with warm water for 30 seconds so that the dangerous substance comes out along with the water.

Unfortunately, our children did not stand aside. Feeding bottles are also made from this chemical compound in 70% of cases. Safe bottles are more expensive, but it's better not to save on the child's body. Inspect and read the packaging carefully. Make sure you don't harm your child before buying.

Bans on the use of bisphenol A

The first country to pay attention to the harm of bisphenol a was Canada. In 2008, she banned the use of the substance in baby bottles. And in 2010, she recognized this substance as dangerous to the human body and added it to the list of hazardous chemicals.

Research is also underway in the United States. Now the law banning bisphenol a is in Congress, and some states (Connecticut, Massachusetts, Washington, New York, Oregon) have already banned its use.

In the EU, the position of this substance is still unclear. Some sources report that a law is underway to ban bisphenol a. Nevertheless, in 2010, the EFSA (European Food Safety Authority) re-recognized that the use of bisphenol a in cookware is safe for humans. And despite this, in the same year, the European Commission banned the use of this compound in the manufacture of baby bottles. Unfortunately, this prohibition is not implemented by almost all manufacturers.

The FDA published an article last year. It said that the packaging contains a safe amount of bisphenol a. However, the safety assurance does not apply to food cooked or reheated in this container.

Of course, we should calm down after such assurances. But let's not forget that dangerous chemicals tend to build up in the body. Of course, no one will poison us overnight. But there is a gradual pollution of the human body. What kind of filth does not get into our body with food, through household chemicals, low-quality fabrics, exhaust gases and through plastic.

How to keep yourself safe

Environmentalists believe we can influence manufacturers. The most effective way to arrange a massive boycott of products with bisphenol a. We can buy only safe products, then the manufacturing companies will have no choice but to remove the hazardous substance from their products. When choosing products in the store, carefully read the packaging. If you see a class 3 or 7 plastics marking, do not purchase such a product. Think about your health and your loved ones.

Never use old and scratched plastic utensils. It is very easy for harmful substances to enter food through cracks. Baby bottles should be changed at least once a year. And you can heat food in the microwave only in glass or ceramic dishes. Never use plastic containers for this!

The safest thing to do is to exclude plastic from your environment as much as possible. Particular attention should be paid to those items that come into contact with food. It is better to use ceramic and glassware than later to be treated for serious illnesses. The best treatment is prevention, as you know.

Love yourself, your loved ones and nature. Natural organic materials are safe for our body. The achievements of civilization are not always useful and safe. Humanity is now really on the edge, and in order to save itself, you need to show awareness at every moment of time.

Safe and informed decisions for you!

(c) Jeanne Chedal

b / f "Flower of Life"

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